DriveSense mobile by Esurance

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3 years ago
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11.0 or later
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User Reviews for DriveSense mobile by Esurance

4.51 out of 5
14.2K Ratings
6 years ago, ZDamiani
Bad and unfair
App could be so much more. If you forget to turn off the tracking and you get in a car with someone else, and they speed or brake hard, you’ll get dinged for it. If you go back in and try to remove it, it’ll disappear from the DriveSense app but will always be on the main Esurance app as “Drives Logged”, which still hurts you and your discount. So unless you remember each and every time to turn it off, you’ll get penalized. I also drive early in the morning and late at night for work, which again gets dinged for being bad. If I choose to remove it as “Driving for work” it will stay on as a bad drive regardless. Coming from State Farm, they actually use a Bluetooth G-force sensor and can detect your cornering, braking, speeding, and time of day so much better. I think Esurance could follow in their footsteps. A grading system (A/B/C/D) is much more friendly than a Good/Bad scenario, and is something Esurance should utilize before they drive all of their customers away with this terrible DriveSense experience.
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6 years ago, RebeccaOrchard
False Reading
My daughter was riding with me and had forgotten to turn off her DriveSense app. At the end of the trip mine said keep up the great driving, hers said extreme braking. I just reviewed last week’s summary and it said I had five speeding occurrences. Here’s the issue, I use cruise control so as to maintain my speed and while on cruise control, my vehicle is set up to stay two car lengths away from driver in front of me. When I called to dispute this, was told there was nothing that could be done and that others were not having this issue with the app, and that I would lose discounts for deleting the app. My other daughter was logged as speeding for zero seconds. So, yes, there is definitely issues with this app. While making a complaint, I was told to check for updates to the app because sometimes if there are updates on the app and you haven’t yet updated, it will cause the app to act wonky. Well, there are no pending updates available for the DriveSense app. I was originally excited about the app because I am confident about my driving, now I’m just angry! I just called back and was told different phones track differently and that the Esurance employee was going less than 80 and the app showed him as going faster than 80. Esurance employee did send in complaint. Also told me that we all know that devices are not accurate 100% of the time and since DriveSense is new that they are still working on it.
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6 years ago, ChaseTheLion93
I’ve always had issues with this app ! At first I figured I was trippin, but then when the app started to say I was breaking too hard in traffic or one day it was RAINING and while in traffic it indicated to EASE UP FROM THE BREAKS ! I called in and I was told no issues were reported and they told me they didn’t see anything wrong. I called in again cause it kept telling me I was consistently speeding. They informed me that if I go past 80 it’s considered speeding. I was on cruise control on my trip set to 65 how could that be considered consistently speeding? The last time I called in, I was having trouble understanding this app not wanting to give me good credit when it was due ! It only applauded the “so called bad” events (that’s never occurred) They told me to check for updates, I work for a phone company I help fix phones (systems) Don’t you think I did that already ? Duhhh come again. They told me the app then goes off my device motion so if my phone is in my purse or in my phone holder in the car it may cause confusion. So I needed to keep my phone in a firm secured place where my device does not move at all in order for an accurate response. I thought that would work and ran with it but I got tired of all the glitches that weren’t being fixed I deleted the app. It’s pointless.
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6 years ago, Natasha370421
Nothing more than a joke.
I’m currently rated high risk based on 2.8% of my trips logged. 2 instances were ‘hard braking’ also known as easing to a stop for a red light. The problem being that in Pennsylvania the average yellow light is 3-6 seconds, well unless the speed limit in the road is 7-14 mph (which it NEVER is) it will be considered a hard brake due to deceleration of more than 7mph per 3 seconds.. And the 3rd was marked ‘excessive braking’ due to a car coming out of nowhere and blatantly running a red light cutting between myself and the car in front of me. When I called to see if it could be removed with evidence (video) from my dash cam that I was in fact not at fault for the instance, I was told no. That regardless or what I avoided, i could’ve caused a ‘7 car pileup by braking so fast’. I asked if in the future I should cause the ‘7 car pileup by simply hitting the car that ran the red light as opposed to avoiding the accident, and running every light that turns red that I don’t have enough time to decelerate at no more than 7 mph to ensure that I’m a low risk driver’ and sadly they didn’t have an answer for me... Needless to say I’m highly disgusted with what constitutes a low risk driver with this app and the simple facts that logic and simple math and physics isn’t at all taken into consideration what so ever.
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5 years ago, FurorGale
Not a fan and the app it has tracking issues
For starters the app has issues with tracking the right driver as it would track both me and my husband at the same time in the same car even if I’d tell the app I’m not the one driving at the time it would not stop tracking on my cell 3 out of 5 times it continues to track the tip... while he would get a positive trip I’d get a negative for driving at night even though it was tracking the same trip in the same car, the only conclusion for him getting a positive and me a negative is that I’m female which is pretty messed up. There was also a few times he had to do a hard break due to someone cutting us off when it was tracking use both at the same time and it would say it was a hard break for him but extreme breaking for me... I think they need to work on the systems ai if it’s rating a female driver worse then the male driver on the exact same trip in the same car there is definitely an issue there. They also need to work on the app stopping it’s tracking when it’s told your not the one driving as well. Sometimes I’d have to tell it up to 3 times that I’m not the one driving at times before it would stop. Even then it sometimes start up again after a few minutes...
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5 years ago, MickTXK
Worst App I’ve Ever Used
I used this crappy app for the entire first 6 months I was with Esurance. When using it with an iPhone 8, using any of three map apps and connected to my vehicle via Apple CarPlay it has NEVER reported the correct speed. But, neither does Waze...and I’ve found this app and Waze to be very close to the reported speed. For example, at 70mph DriveSense and Waze both report 81mph. At 75mph, they both report 90mph...and at 78mph they both report 94mph. And, when traveling a lot in Texas, where the speed limit is 75mph everywhere, DriveSense consistently reports every trip as “over 80mph”. And, due to the speed being over-reported in their app, it leads to a “hard” or “extreme” braking every time. Because it thinks you’re traveling at a much higher speed when you start to break, than you really are. It does get 0mph correct though, and when it misrepresents your actual speed as too high, you go from there to zero much quicker than you really do. I’ve emailed these people several times & sent them screenshots and videos of the errors. They’ve consistently said they were aware of the problem, and would be sending out upgrades to fix the issue. None of the upgrades they’ve ever pushed out has resolved the issue.
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6 years ago, GeminiLefty
Inconsistent Tracking
I’ve had this app for about 3 weeks & I’ve found it only randomly tracks my driving. There are many trips I’ve taken that are not tracked at all. I’ve had a couple of ‘hard braking’ responses & other than that I’ve gotten green ‘thumbs up’ & ‘way to go’ remarks. When I first spoke w/a rep from Esurance & was told about the app, she did say it’s in the early developmental stages & isn’t completely up to par. After several days of inconsistent & non existent tracking I called back & spoke w/a rep that reiterated that it is still in the early stages & offered me some trouble shooting tips which haven’t worked to correct the spotty tracking. I just got my first evaluation results that state I’m ‘high risk’. Huh?!?! It doesn’t track most of my trips & on the ones it has I’ve only gotten a couple of ‘hard braking’ remarks amongst all the other positive remarks. Esurance has always provided stellar customer service in my experience in the last 6+ years I’ve been w/them, but this app blows! It’s a shame they’re so late to the party on tracking driving habits compared to their competitors, & is hugely disappointing that this crappy app is all they’ve come up with so far.
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5 years ago, Alx McKnz
Could be better
I’m a 38 y/o male and everyone knows me to be a granny driver. The app is not accurate. I also have Kahu in both of my cars and my speed alert is set to 70. I constantly am told by the app that I’m speeding. There is no way I am speeding. I also don’t agree with how this app measures extreme braking. It doesn’t matter how defensive you are as a driver in Phoenix, you will be cut off by some jerk wad at least 10 times per day. Time of day is really stupid as well. I can see maybe night time driving between 1-5 AM, but being dinged for driving during normal work day commuting hours is ridiculous. How else are people supposed to get to work? Having said all this, my husband and I still get a 12% discount - even with him being a lead foot aggressive driver. I think maybe it has to do with the fact my commute is 20 miles each way and his is 1 mile each way. I have a could hints for other users: if you aren’t driving and you want to delete a trip, you must delete it in both screens. Make sure you have notifications on so that you will be reminded of the trip after it happens - this will alert you to go in and delete the trip.
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7 years ago, Kayleighalyse
Very big brothery
I work nights Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until 1am in a bedroom community and I get dinged for driving home those nights when there's no one else on the road, even when when I drive the speed limit exclusively at night because I'm cautious and aware of what I'm doing. I haven't had an accident in half a decade but my biggest risk factor is that I have a job? It's more dangerous to drive here in the afternoon when all of the idiots are out then it is to drive at 1am. Also the speed thing is kinda silly and arbitrary because if I do 80mph on the highway in Colorado where the speed limit is 75mph to keep up with the flow of traffic and avoid getting hit I get dinged for speeding but if I do 70mph in a 45mph zone I'm smooth sailing because I haven't gone over a 80mph. If people are being penalized for driving fast people should also be penalized for driving too slow, as slow and innatentive drivers are more likely to be the cause of the accident according to the NHTSA and several state run transportation departments, 29 states saw an immediate decline in death and injury rates when they increased their speed limits to a minimum of 70mph. I don't have a single hard brake, obviously I'm paying attention to what I'm doing.
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6 years ago, Jiggs2k2
Updated review!!! Constantly crashing!
Update: so it’s been a month and as the developer promised they updated the app. It has worked smoothly since the update and registered all my driving accurately. Now to wait for the discount and see if the constant data usage is worth it. Thanks! Sounds funny that an insurance app would constantly crash but that’s the case. I’ve downloaded it, activated it, and driven only to have it never read my drive. All setting needed were on. After a second drive, I check the app and it would just close before letting me even see if it registered the drive. Deleted app, re-downloaded to have newer version, NOPE, still crashes upon opening. I guess they feel that after the headaches of dealing with the app, we, the customer, will just give up on seeking the promised discount. Please fix. Thanks
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6 years ago, HugoSchnauzer
It a fair rating tool
I drive a two lane highway to work every day with a high speed limit and very short passing zones due to hills. To make the passes I have to accelerate and at the same time watch my speed. I spend more time watching my speed due to this stupid app which actually makes it MORE dangerous because I may not be able to pass the slow moving vehicle in a safe manner. I asked Esurance how they decided 80mph was the “speeding” determinant and they said statistically that was the dangerous speed. So I asked how do they adjust this in states like South Dakota where the interstate speed limit is 85? Or in west Texas where it is 80. I did not get a straight answer. So Esurance wants you to become an obstruction to traffic basically.... which is also dangerous. This app and by default the company does not take into account how driving behaviours must adapt to conditions. I feel like they believe all driving is done in the same conditions which are low speed east coast urban areas. This is inadequate. So who is really penalized here? I hate this app. In fact I hate all insurance companies at the moment. The current modes of measuring driver risk are not realistic or based on causal factors.
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4 years ago, Bee_rad44
Don’t trust the inconsistency...
Over the past 30 days, I have 0 speeding incidents and 0 braking once dents. However, my discount has dropped 3% for literally no reason at all. I’m aware that time of day and week can effect the score but a whole 3% for literally nothing, considering I barely drive at all, doesn’t seem fair at all. Update: So after paying more attention to my speeds and braking. And staying on top of changing myself to passenger the app is proven to be very inconsistent. Firstly, deleting trips (due to inaccuracies) or changing yourself to passenger seems to count against you, regardless. Secondly, everyone’s getting dinged for literally making a living( I.e driving to and from work the weekdays). The fact that a lot of people are getting tagged as poor drivers because they are merely going to and from work feels like a scam. Honestly, this app seems borderline fraudulent due to it changing my discount from a whopping 19% to 13% for literally no reason, no speeding nor braking since it dropped. Seems like Esurance is stacking all the cards in their favor. I will be looking for new insurance once this policy is up. Don’t waste your time on with this junk.
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6 years ago, manitarie
This app is horrible.
I had the plug in a few months ago until I traded in my vehicle and I have had amazing discounts with those. Now all of a sudden I have to use an app that needs access to my location at all times which I personally do not like, but of course you have to remember to turn your app on when you’re in your vehicle driving. Secondly, I have driven my husbands work truck once or twice that is not covered under Esurance and I couldn’t delete or ignore my trip and got flagged for the time in the evening I was driving. Oh, and very recently i visit my families ranch where there are deer everywhere in the area and did have to hit my breaks. So now I’m high risk. Oh and you get flagged for speeding if you ever pass a vehicle while on a 2 lane high way where you’re supposed to speed up while passing. This is a no win situation app. Oh, has anyone ever been flagged as going for a trip while on a walk/run? That was odd. This app has some serious flaws. Why not have the plug in that is blue tooth synced to the app to have the right speeds/accelerations and it can tell a true hard break and be able to dispute something like trying to avoid a dear.
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1 year ago, Winter Bagle
Inconsistent from the start
So I got this app to go along with my insurance like everyone else that has it. Now that it’s been in use for 2 years in my household all I can say is that it is hit or miss. At the beginning I had issues with it tracking at all, but the app kind of just started working properly? Fine whatever makes it work, right? Well the other issue that is huge that seems to be a common occurrence is when it records specific events within a trip. I, like many other people, frequently drive highways/freeways to get to work and home. The app quite literally gets confused sometimes when I pass by and exit and don’t take it and it gives me an extreme breaking event. The only thing I can think of is that the connection has problems with going under an overpass? Other than that it is pretty okay? But consistent problems that don’t appear to be fixed even after literal years of reviews saying the same issues show up is a pretty bad look on the company.
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4 years ago, brittmsw
Room for improvement.
I do feel like the app itself is a great concept, and it does track I’d say with about 70-75% accuracy. What I’d like to see greatly improved is the Time of Day and the Speed trackers. For the ToD, I see less traffic during the week than I do on weekends... just open it up. Most of us work everyday and can’t help but to be on the road. Not to mention emergency personnel or truck drivers... Just open it up to allow good drives for all travel. Next, the speed in many places on highways is MINIMUM 75mph. I think it’s inappropriate to drive too slow on highways like that. With this specification it doesn’t allow drivers to get a good score and not impede traffic, what example of driving are you trying to set here? Lastly, this app also does not sync with the esurance app. I’ve deleted and re downloaded, signed out and back in, my trips just don’t show up on the esurance app. I think with these items improved on, I could see myself improving my rating on this review.
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5 years ago, AMJam79
I was skeptical about the ability of this app to perform as stated from the beginning but given the both the level and pace of progress in AI/GPS systems, I genuinely shocked at how awful this App is. Might be a good time to bring in an entirely new group of engineers based on how poorly this App performs. Perhaps ensuring data was correctly gathered/interpreted wasn’t as important as bringing the App to market. Worse, Esurance seems to have taken the position that consumers are actually reassured by and enjoy reading a dizzying number of posts from developers about bugs, problems, fixes...I’m bored. Generally, most consumers accept and understand Apps are likely to encounter bugs/glitches from time to time. These inconveniences are usually minor, offset by the App’s value to the consumer and accepted. The same does not apply to an Esurance App that has failed to perform as advertised from Day 1. Actually, perhaps the Esurance App is working exactly as designed: more consumers are buying insurance policies with Esurance. Deceived into trusting in a scam? Consumers do not accept, nor forget.
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4 years ago, madst26
Horrible app.. come on Esurance!
I got into an accident and totaled my car over a year ago. After that, it was so hard for me to find insurance.. especially cheap insurance. I decided to go with Esurance as was recommended from a friend. While signing up, they asked me if I wanted to sign up for DriveSense and I was like heck yeah!! I don’t speed and break often so I figured it would be an awesome way to prove I am a safe, responsible driver. Shortly after using I noticed flaws... like saying I was “speeding” where in Wyoming the speed limit is 80 on the highways. Another thing I don’t like is that on Saturdays and Sunday’s are apparently the “safest times to drive”. Whereas during the weekdays you lose points because there’s more people traveling. I mean come on! Who’s going to plan when they drive around this app. Just ridiculous. I am so disappointed that I won’t be getting a discount. I live in a highly unpopulated area with barely any traffic. I find it upsetting it falsely says I’m speeding or breaking. What a JOKE!! Fix your app or don’t have one at all!
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6 years ago, Suresh Ramamoorthy
Step in the right direction, but...
This app has the potential to make better drivers out of humans. At the moment, however, there are teething issues. For instance, it logs trips if I am in a vehicle, regardless of whether I'm driving or not! Why am I shown as a risky driver when I'm in an uber car?! I had to turn off logging so it doesn't affect my discounts. Also, my request to this app team would be to drive during rush hour in any of the cities to see what constitutes extreme braking, and why. As several other reviewers have pointed out, it completely ignores the laws of physics and math, and if brakes aren't applied during rush hour, Esurance would get a lot more claims (unless that is the whole idea, IDK). So yeah, seems like the app wants drivers to be shown as risky drivers no matter what. Looking forward to seeing Allstate and Esurance convince us that it isn't the case.
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5 years ago, The guy from Nj
I do t know who thought this app based tracking was a good idea. Been using this for going on about two years and it’s completely useless. For example, it tracks both my wife and I at the same time, however only one of us can drive while in the same car. Example two, I fly all over the country for work and Uber/Taxi quite a bit and it tracks all those drives. Their response, just go in and delete it LOL like we all have time and/or remember to do this daily, so you get rated based on everyone’s driving but your own. In the end it’s useless and a “feel” good thing for the insurance to say you’re saving money when you’re really not. On top of that it tracks everything you do, it’s worse than the government or Russia. I see it now, you get into an accident and the other person’s insurance gets your Drive Sense records and shows you were going 1mph over the speed limit and you just lost a case that wasn’t even your fault. Horrible concept!
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5 years ago, MustLoveBread
Sometimes, it picks up hard braking that didn’t occur (i.e. your phone falls onto the floor while driving). This has only happened to me a few times, and you can usually delete mistakes. Make sure you disable it while another person is driving, especially if they drive recklessly. It will also pick up things like bike rides. More concerning, it takes off points for driving during the day. If you drive during commuter hours, like most people do, it will count against your discount. Customer service tells you that DriveSense only tracks late night driving, but that’s not true based on my experience. I’ve actually lost some of my discount due to otherwise safe daytime driving. I also find it really annoying that it notifies me about how often I drive, how long I should drive for, etc. For example, it will advise against doing errands during the week, which is a bit preachy, nannying, and irritating. I was just trying to take a nice bike ride during rush hour, jeeze. I don’t see how you could possibly score a 30% discount, as I couldn’t possibly drive more safely. If I can’t keep my initial 10% discount, I’m out. It’s really weird to know that your insurance company can data farm your driving habits.
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6 years ago, jharvey3177
Encourages people to run red lights.
The problem I have with this app is if you are on a road where the speed limit is 50 mph and If a light turns yellow as you approach, your only option is to hard brake or run a red light. I am a very safe driver but I have been flagged on the app 5 times out of 126 trips for hard braking and it is ONLY when I am slowing for a yellow light on roads with speed limits of 45 or 50 mph. Never flagged for speeding or anything else. It has reduced my discount from 15% to 11% just because I don’t want to run red lights. The app developers obviously need to learn basic math. There is absolutely no way to get to the white line before a light turns red and the app will flag you if you reduce your speed anymore than 7 mph/sec. If the threshold would be raised, there would be no problem with the app but this is a HUGE problem when an insurance company app calls you a safe driver for running red lights but removes a discount for following the law and driving safe.
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6 years ago, Cassie Glock
Evening driving.....pinged after 5pm
Firstly, I have a 40 minute commute home from work. I get off at 5pm, therefore every weekday I’m “risky” due to evening driving. Secondly, it’s recorded a few instances of “hard braking”. I live in a very rural area. Deer, fox, and the occasional cow are very common. I’ve already hit one deer in the last few months and have had numerous very close calls. I, personally, would rather brake hard to avoid hitting an animal on the road as opposed to slowly braking right into an animal. *insert eye-roll* The app and concept are a good idea in theory but it’s not for everyone. I suppose it is dependent on the kind of area you live in and what time you get off work. Granted, I know it is unable to determine whether you braked suddenly to avoid hitting an animal running across the road vs. riding someone’s rear. But when I was going 10mph on the interstate, it repeatedly told me “great job!” So I have that going for me at least!
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5 years ago, ChuckNorris1979
Good overall. Too many false readings.
I like the app overall. I definitely pay closer attention to my speed, braking, vehicle spacing etc than I used to. The interface is easy enough to use. However, like others have mentioned, I get false readings often enough for me to seriously question the accuracy of this app’s measurements. Example, I had my cruise set at 72 today on a freeway with a speed limit of 80 - so I was cruising at 8 UNDER in the right lane. The app logged 2 different incidents of speeding over 80. There is no way this is accurate. I could understand if I was cruising at 78-79, but 72? It has a margin of error of over 8 mph?? That needs to be fixed. As it is now, I just delete trips as “not driving” where these false positives are logged. I’d love for it to measure accurately though. That costs the app 2 stars on my rating.
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5 years ago, 361ad4738
Be wary
Overall I believe I am a safe driver. 32 and often with kids. I’ve used this app for almost a year and recently traded in my truck for a Jeep. I had a discount prior due to “great driving” as the app said. Now I get dinged for WAYY too many hard braking events. I drove on a 60mph 2 lane highway the other day for 39 miles each way and had over 15 yellow and red hard braking events each way. 10mph in 1 second is a bit I’ll-Defined as a hard braking event and 7-10mph is going to happen often. I can’t control that but it’ll sure take away discounts. The app considers me a high risk driver now. The highway has stop lights believe it or not and when the light turns yellow, slowing down from 60mph to zero at their “green” level would take me 12 seconds, which is road distance I don’t have. About to remove this.
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5 years ago, Bad Wolf09
I keep it because it provides a discount regardless but holy moly. This app is garbage! I drive sixteen miles to and from work, two days a week, with no highway driving, no speeding, and rarely a hard braking event, and I am still receiving a Low wellness score. It tracks any time I am in a moving vehicle and I’m beginning to suspect those trips where I’m a passenger are still counted, even though I delete them when I notice it. Ever since the latest big update, the app has often set for days trying to calculate a trip. I have some longer trips (about 50 miles either way) that have taken a week or more to calculate. It’s crashing constantly. It’s just an all around bad experience. I don’t know what the algorithm is looking for in driving but if my minimal trips with few to no “events” are considered high risk, I can only imagine what some people’s driving is considered...
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6 years ago, KweeferSutherland
Terribly inaccurate
I recently dropped esurance and switched companies in large part due to how bad and inaccurate this app is. I had several of the same issues others have mentioned. Recording hard or extreme breaking at regular red light stops, showing on and off speeding nearly every time I drove on the freeway, even with cruise control set, different readings for my wife and me in the same car at the same time, etc. The thing that really made me laugh was when it recorded driving trips on two separate occasions when I was flying. This was on a commercial airliner, not during take off or landing even, but for a few minutes in the middle of a flight, at full cruising altitude and speed, but yet it didn’t showed these were “good trips,” not speeding or anything. I switched to Root Insurance and don’t have any of these issues with their app. It gives me a nearly perfect driving score when this one called me high risk constantly.
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7 years ago, Chance 34886
App Crashes and Gives Unfair Risk Rating
I have 3 hard braking events in 50 trips and commute at normal 9-5 hours like most drivers. The app considers every part of weekdays to be a “risky” driving time, not just commuting hours but around lunchtime and also on the evenings as well! I was rated as low risk before the most recent update, now am very high risk with no explanation of the change. If I am a high risk driver with my OCD turn signaling, courteous driving and gentle gas pedal then I don’t know what a low risk rating entails... The app also doesn’t delete records of trips you may take on public transportation or while being driven in an Uber/Lift - the Esurance websites shows every single drive you take even if you notify the app that you were not driving. My wife and I are both on the app, and now Esurance contends that we drive twice as much as we really do anytime we take a drive together! Dissatisfied with lack of logic, transparency and communication.
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5 years ago, Juniricon
WARNING It’s a Scam
So here’s why me and my family use the same app one day we decided to head out to the beach all our phones stood on mind you it’s four of us I kept my speed at cruise control 75 mph literally following traffic I had about 6 state troopers pass me because I was going too slow actually I got pulled over that same day because the state trooper said I was driving slow when I was clearly going 75 mph cop let me go with a warning I found it strange how I was going slow for them when 75mph is pretty fast down the New Jersey Garden State ParkWay. I have cameras recording outside and inside my car so anyway after getting to my destination all our phones were checked one of us got speeding two of us got extreme breaking and the other said nice driving keep up the good work like what kind of scam is this insurance company trying to pull but I am warning everyone who uses this app stay away DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP
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4 years ago, Pente Crowe
Great idea but I get docked for things out of my immediate control
I’ll start off with saying the app is pretty good and it’s interesting to see my trip logs. It’s really neat and easy to use. Where my problems lie is in its discount calculation. I work 3rd shift so I’m basically nocturnal and this app isn’t kind about that. I understand that this doesn’t make the roads safer but a girls gotta work. Another problem I’m having is I live in a very busy suburb. I get docked for fast breaking if someone slams the breaks in front of me. I follow with a good distance between the next car and i but if someone stops suddenly I’m penalized for not slowing down slow enough....aka not wrecking into the car in front of me.
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6 years ago, CrashFahey
App inaccuracies abound
I don’t understand how 1 “hard” braking incident out of over 200 trips equals a high risk. Especially when there’s no context (I was in the turn lane entering a shopping center during the holiday season and someone cut over in front of me from the next lane with no signal). So it wasn’t a matter of me following too close or driving recklessly, and the fact is that my quick reflexes and “hard” braking saved me from an accident/claim, which should actually be a positive thing. Then looking on my Esurance app, there are at least two trips still listed with high risk events that I deleted because I was not driving. Again, why have an app running at all times and thusly allow the option to delete the trips when I’m not driving, since I don’t always remember to ignore the trip while I’m in someone else’s car and my phone is in my pocket, if those trips are still counted?
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6 years ago, BlackJackFor2NE1
Driving home from work is “high risk”
This app is meaningless. Thanks for the initial “15%” discount that is clearly not going to be applied during my next premium because I get up for work some days at 5 am or leave work around 5 pm. I find it ridiculous that me having to be some where on time means that I’m a bad driver. Currently at a 1% discount to my next policy because of the time of day I drive and a few “hard breaking” violations, which were mostly me coming to a stop at a red light or stop sign. Honestly laughable. I’ve never been in an accident nor received any major moving violations. Why not be like Allstate and actually look at our driving records. I will not allowed you guys to continue to access my gps and driving records next go around. Frankly you’re lucky that I bundle my home owners insurance with you as well or I would be searching for another provider already. Seriously lacking
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4 years ago, Padlynmadlyn
App doesn’t work right
This app dings me for hard breaking every time I go to wallmart and Costco and Costco gas station.. I look the Location above my map that’s how I know it doesn’t ding me for stopping at stop lights or anything else does Costco and Walmart it’s a stupid app and I’ve complained about it before nothings been done so I just quit worrying about it.. I even made a report to the people that are supposed to fix this kind of stuff it didn’t get fixed it’s a worthless app. Now the last thing I got a email saying they haven’t seen anybody driving for the last seven days and it’s funny I just went to Costco today and Walmart today and it all logs on my phone as driving but I guess it doesn’t give them a report and didn’t record the small trips either on their end but it did on my end I checked and it doesn’t need an update on the app so I don’t know.
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6 years ago, PassMorgan
This app is a joke
So, let’s start off with the time frames in which you get docked for.. if it’s anything but Saturday or Sunday during daylight hours you’re a risk.. guess having a job makes you a risk? Stupid. Anyways, the second point is the speed. Anything 80 and over is speeding. So you can go 79 in a 15mph zone and it’s fine. But if you try to go with the flow of traffic on the interstate, instead of driving slower than the rest of traffic which has been statistically proven to be more dangerous than keeping up, you get in trouble. Also, since the last update every time I’m on the interstate I’ve gotten dinged for speeding even though I had my cruise control set at 70. This app is ridiculous, not worth the hassle. Even if you drive perfect and only have “great trips” you still don’t get the full discount.. more like 2% instead of this 10% they talk about.
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6 years ago, Kyrasain
Seems to not be real
So this is a scam or something and is very upsetting I have had the discount at 18 for along time now even with it saying incorrect braking and speeding all the time I use cruise control and really my goal in life lately has been to make this app happy to see how much of a discount I will be getting with no problems for few weeks and then renew time it drops to 15 again and while I was watching it closely it was coming time for renew and the app started to throw out there ur braking and speeding randomly good thing I didn’t have a car for the last week or it was trying to hit me good for the rides I was taking this is just to charge ppl more and say we’ll ur a risky driver is why I also have over 6 year no ticket nothing on my driving record no speeding or nothing cause I do not I use cruise control and stay 2 car lengths behind other cars always
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6 years ago, Babygirl504
When I agreed to get the drive sense app I was told that anything over 70 was considered speeding, which is already an issue because I live in an area that requires highway use and most speed limits are 75. My discount was marked at such a small amount it made no sense to keep the app. I spoke to an agent at the company and they said that it doesn’t consider it speeding until 80 yet I never do 80 especially with the app. Last night on the way home I paid close attention to my speeds and the highest speed was 72, lowest 64, on a highway/bridge with cars passing me and blowing. When I stopped the app told me I need to ease off the gas and slow down. How can I possibly get anywhere if I must drive 45-50 mikes per hour to get a decent discount? I just deleted the app because I don’t have the time to creep to every destination... this is yet another ploy by insurance companies
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3 years ago, Stephenturco
Horrible App
This is the worst drivers tracking app I’ve ever used. If cell service cuts out and picks you up a mile down the road you get dinged for speeding. I had severally instances where my app stopped working mid-drive and when I checked it later it said I was speeding and then hard braking right in the middle of the highway before my trip ended. I got ahold of their customer support and get told “Oh just delete those trips that are inaccurate and they won’t count against you!” Nope, they still count against you even if you delete them. If you have Esurance and you want a discount, your best bet is to find a different insurance company. I’ve had this app a while now, and it’s definitely rigged to give you the lowest possible discount. It doesn’t rate your driving, it saves Esurance money at your expense.
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6 years ago, lulu107953
This app is a nightmare. I travel on planes very frequently. Even in Airplane Mode it registers as extreme braking and speeding. When u bring up the route taken, it shows NJ-FLA in 2 1/2 hours. Do they really think I’m driving? I live in NY/NJ area. 8 extreme braking incidents in 2 days. Subway and Taxis are to blame. Finding you can’t fight this system. Called several times. Their answer everytime, reinstall the app. No matter what, every trip u log is going to be used against you as an excuse to not get better insurance rates and berate you as a driver. How can this app really work when u live in a highly trafficked geographical area like NY/NJ? How is that even comparable to living in a rural area or an area that has very few stop signs, lights, traffic and people? Sounds good on paper.......but come on.....this is real life. It’s just a sham. Just another way for Big Government to keep tabs on us!! 👎👎👎
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6 years ago, Vikas batham
Not sure what is the right time to drive
Morning 8 AM driving is not safe , but i did great. Afternoon 12:00PM drive is not safe but i am doing great. Evening 6:00PM driving is not safe bt i am doing good. Night 10:00PM drive is not safe but i am doing good. Finally out of 33 drives i got only 2 hard brake and more than 30 nice trip but my risk is high.I live in area where there is very less traffic, so it looks like app is just collecting data not for giving discount but to check your driving habit. Moreover me and my wife both use the same car so sometime if we travel together result for us are not same , on one occurrence my phone detected a hard brake but her phone had a nice trip and we both had our phones on dashboard. Now it finally stopped counting my trips. Though it remind me to enable my location services so that it could start tracking my drive.
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5 years ago, Bionickkkkk
Used to be better
Not sure what you guys are doing to the app but you are making it worse and worse. You removed certain options for when removing trips for example “not driving” for when you are riding in someone else’s car is no longer an option, so what happens when I click “I just want to delete it”? Also, now it won’t let me remove trips (I have to remove a lot of trips daily because I drive a work vehicle all over town everyday) because they are stuck on “calculating trip” where before, I could remove the trip right away. Not sure what you guys are trying to do here but you should just stop and leave the app alone it was just fine before. Seems like you are trying too hard honestly... Just some feedback.
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6 years ago, Dbeam1985
My auto insurance has DriveSense as an option to save. I thought “why not?” So I followed all the steps. After the first 50 trips it calculates your discount as well as your risk rate. I showed a whopping 1% and I’m a high risk driver. I started looking. Very few speeding/braking events but I looked at the commentary for each trip. I’m basically being penalized for driving to and from work. Then I started watching the notifications closer and started seeing more “ease up on the brakes...” or “less acceleration=greater safety”. The thing is, I use cruise control without speeding. If someone comes over on me, how am I not supposed to hit my brakes hard? I drive the same each time I’m in my vehicle and each time I get a different notification. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s really worth the hassle.
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6 years ago, R_I_C_A_N
Harsh Rating System
I literally drive 1/4 mile to work 5 days a week (9-6 or 7pm) and back home in a small town. A full tank of gas lasts me 3 weeks. Somehow I’m a high risk driver and only get a 1% discount. I get on the interstate about twice a month to head out of town about an hour away or so. The app lets you know if you speed, brake hard, or brake extreme. To me, if you brake hard you probably avoided an accident because other people will cut you off... not because you’re not paying attention. Also, if you drive at night frequently, you’re at higher risk because they either think you’re drinking or others are so you’re more likely to wreck. I like the step in this direction but this, just like statefarm’s app, has been a big disappointment due to horrendous inaccuracies.
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3 years ago, awt2858
Fraudulent app
No matter what my individual trips get rated my discount is rated as 1%. There are several major issues at the core of this app. First, it causes phone to randomly go off even if it’s set to do not disturb. I’ve had unexpected vibrations while cruising down the interstate. These unwarranted and unnecessary distractions seem very counterintuitive for an app from an insurance company. Extreme braking events get logged when I use less than 1/4 brake pressure. I think the only time I don’t get penalized on braking is when I forget my phone at home or my car is parked. Acceleration gets flagged and causes my phone to start distractingly vibrating in normal daily traffic with rpm staying under 4,000. I drive an in-line four-cylinder Ford, completely stock powertrain. No. It’s not accelerating at a rate that should be able to flag as dangerous acceleration. I often ride a motorcycle which is a little quicker. When I previously went into the app post-ride to change rides logged to motorcycle trips it has no effect on my overall driving score at the end of the week, month, quarter or year. I would be surprised if this fraud doesn’t trigger a class action at some point.
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6 years ago, BMiller01
Gives a Slight Discount
The app works as intended and gives pretty good readings for how you drive as I can tell. The one issue and it is a major issue is the time of day you drive dictates more than anything. I commute 40 minutes one way (traffic is not bad at all even during rush hours). So I can leave whenever I need to be at work. My shift typically runs the normal 9-5 so I drive during “higher” risk times. I received 1 notion for hard braking and sped for 1 second (I believe this may have been a false reading, but it’s only 1 second) and I was considered high risk. The only reason this received stars is that it does save some money, but is it worth saving a few dollars a month? That’s up to you.
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4 years ago, hbanana345
Garbage and a total pain
It doesn’t calculate trips correctly, there’s a ton of discrepancies from one day to the next. It says “great drive” if you drive on weekends, during the day it will never say that, and god forbid you drive anywhere during rush hour because the app will ding you and tell you not to do that anymore. A lot of the time it won’t even register a trip. It will say “calculating...” and never update. Even weeks later. Every time you open the app it drags you to the near bottom of the list of your driving trips and you have to scroll all the way back up to do anything. And it will kill your data. It expects you to have it running in the background with location service at all times. Even for GREAT driving at non peak times the discount is a joke. Their updates just make everything worse.
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3 years ago, levi14621!
Very poor design
I’ve had the app a little over a week now started out with a great score then checked it today and it says poor and out of 40 trips I had 1 hard braking so I clicked on the score and it said driving during weekdays lowers your score which is stupid cause I travel a lot for work “in company vehicle” Monday through Thursday so it will literally be impossible to have a great score in theory I could go thro and put passenger Monday thro Thursday and I’d have a good score when I’m actually driving my vehicle on the weekends but that’s a lot of annoying work I really think they should adjust there method of scoring someone cause that’s just dumb shouldn’t be based on what day I drive and more on how well i drive that day besides that app seems to be pretty accurate on scoring drives
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6 years ago, lacylepp
So incredibly flawed
As someone who has used another app for months on end to score my driving and always having a perfect score, this app is ridiculous. Every single time I get on the interstate, which I live in a rural area and do so often, and set my cruise it will record me speeding for the exact same time and miles and then hard breaking for the exact same time and miles. This is while my cruise is on and there is rarely traffic on the road. It also loves to say I am speeding and hard breaking at the exact same time when coming into my town, which goes from 75 to 30 in about a half mile. I have honestly given up on it not saying I am speeding every 25 miles when I am on the highway and I just muted the notifications and ignore it. It’s a crap app that tracks however it wants regardless of reality.
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7 years ago, Niltiacacollins
Before the most recent update I had 60 trips and was low risk. A few instances of hard breaking and speeding but nothing that seemed crazy. The app updated suddenly I have 609 trips low and am very high risk. It doesn’t make any sense. And when I go to the dashboard it doesn’t delete the trips that I said was someone else driving and all of the times for my trips are way off. I agree with other reviews on here that the only way the app gives you a green thumbs up is for weekend driving. And most people I know drive for work during the week so that seems like an outrageous thing to penalize people for even if it’s “more dangerous” I’m worried this is going to cause my rates to go up. Will be interested to see if they do anything to resolve issues. It’s been crashing all weekend and hasn’t recorded a single drive.
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3 years ago, Cherryringpop
Doesn’t track trips anymore
It hasn’t tracked any trips in over a month. Everything says “trip calculating”. The only option is to contact through the DriveSense app which I tried to do but those are not going through. The app says I’m not connected to wifi so the message won’t go through but I am connected to wifi. I even tried to connect to a different WiFi and it still didn’t work. There’s literally no other way to contact anyone for app support and this app isn’t logging my trips. I get email notifications weekly telling me I haven’t logged a trip that week when I’ve been driving all week. If this app doesn’t work then I’m going to have to switch insurance companies. I can’t get the discounted rate if the app is useless
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6 years ago, this name is already taken
high risk (ha ha)
I had ONE “hard braking” event when some guy at rush hour slammed on his brakes in front of me, and I’m somehow high risk due to this because ???? I’ve taken over 50 LONG trips before and after this and they’ve all been notifications of “amazing trip, it’s so dangerous at this time!” I wish I could post a screenshot. I’m also not sure if it’s related to the fact that I delete a lot of trips (the lady on the phone when I signed up with Esurance said not to do it too much) because I take rideshares and public transit pretty frequently. I contacted DriveSense about an unrelated issue once and they literally sent me a pre-written generic email, “we are so sorry you are having this issue, and we want to make sure you have a great experience with DriveSense!” I think this app is just made to make sure you DONT get a discount on Esurance.
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6 years ago, ckucz
Terrible experience
Just not specific enough. If you cancel a trip it still shows up under the number of trips logged, so it isn’t really deleted. It tracks location but doesn’t use it to you advantage by linking to goggle traffic or some useful app. I’ve been told I’m risky because I drive on a weekend afternoon in the country of CT. I pass maybe three cars, maybe in a metropolitan area I could see it, but I shouldn’t get dinged for it. Also when you drive at night it makes a huge difference if you are leaving work (manage at a restaurant) or are leaving the bar and the app doesn’t care to know the difference. Also they advertise 30% but solely because of time of day driven I’m on track for closer to 10%. But in the end the got me by the balls to save that 10% and take all my info. Just not fair.
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