Fizz: What's Fizzin'?

Social Networking
4.6 (6.6K)
86.9 MB
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Current version
Fizz Social Corp.
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Fizz: What's Fizzin'?

4.64 out of 5
6.6K Ratings
1 year ago, lordgronk
Useful but broken
I am an avid user and early adopter of this app at my school, and I really enjoy it, it fixes so many things I dislike about social media and even when it’s stupid I still find useful info about what is happening on my campus faster than any other medium. However, it does have a major problem, and that is blocking. I have a stalker who was able to identify my posts, and even after I blocked my stalker comments were still viewable to them. I still get notifications when they call me out by name on comments or reFizzes and the only solution would be to irreversibly delete my account. While I can understand why this is a more difficult issue to fix than it seems this should be a development priority and until then I can only say: download this app, but post nothing
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11 months ago, taylorp04
I found this app about a week or so ago and i’ve grown to love it, but they updated posting amounts by making you “wait a FEW MINUTES” before making a post after you’ve posted 3 within like a half hour to an hour? 🤨 Sometimes I just have a lot on my mind and want to post so why am I being put in time out just leaving and reentering the app every few minutes to try to post again. I’m not exactly sure how long it makes you wait because usually I leave the app out of frustration because I can’t post on it (yasss user engagement!). I get spamming issues, but maybe there should be a cooldown for people flagged for spam by… MODERATORS? Why am I forced to be shut up by an app who spreads… community? Socialization? Also the way I can’t even use my handle anymore for ALL of my posts? 🤔 What was the point of this change? So now not only are my posts unable to be verifiably posted by ME, but I truly don’t understand the point? Can other people not just enter their pseudonym as my handle? I don’t know… but I do know that i’m getting frustrated with the updates 😩 Just let me post freely please!!!
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2 weeks ago, TotallyQuotable😍
There needs to be a way to get appealed from being banned. Fizz is banning me for days and weeks at a time for things that I didn’t even do and don’t break any of the community guidelines. It’s like walking on thin ice posting because I don’t know what’s going to trigger me getting automatically banned for three days to a week at a time for something I didn’t even do. I’m a moderator so I know what can and can’t be posted. And then when I try to submit an appeal application it doesn’t even go through on the google forum. There needs to be a better appeal system and the app needs to be made less sensitive or be more specific on what words or phrases may trigger the moderation system to ban you. But in certain cases it’s banning me for something completely irrelevant to what was posted, for example, even if I say my OWN NAME or my friends NAME, whether I’m giving them a compliment or resharing their posts, it will ban me automatically for 3 days. The last time it was a week. Now it’s 3 days and I JUST got unbanned. There has to be a better moderation system.
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3 years ago, slowninja5
Fun, exciting, relevant
At my school (Stanford), everyone I know is on Fizz. I use the app mostly for campus news and memes. It’s really fast paced because there’s literally a new post every minute but that’s what makes it good. The DMs are also pretty useful if you want to get advice from others while staying anonymous. A couple suggestions: allow people to send images in DMs, allow posting of videos
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5 months ago, Fmoszhjurcbnmxfoo
Terrible performance
I’d give negative points if possible for the deplorable use of AI to “auto detect breach of ToS”. The app could be so cool and useful if it weren’t for the fact that every little thing triggers the AI to suspending and muting my account. Mention the President of my schools last name informing others of how he’s financially crippling the school in a cordial manner? I’m putting “personal info” out there that could hurt him. Tell people he’s using campus resources for selfish projects that benefit no one but him when the schools struggling financially? I’m silenced because I put him in jeopardy. Say me and someone were sucking toes, I’m apparently harassing people. Your app is a dud, stop using AI to skim comments because it keeps giving false readings of what’s an actual offense and what’s legitimate content. I’ve gotten my comments and posts removed 5-10 times (whatever leads to a 24 hour mute) and each of them is because of a false reading.
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1 month ago, Bekah965
Do not get this app! I got it about a month ago, and it was already starting to negatively affect my mental health. The anonymity removes any consequence for what is posted; I have seen people take others photos without permission and post things that are clearly not permitted according to the app’s community guidelines. They claim to have regulations but frankly I don’t see those being enforced nearly enough for the app to be safe. It makes me feel paranoid that someone will take a photo of me without permission and post it if I do anything to stand out. I was way better off not knowing that students at my school were so toxic, and it’s hard for me to trust anyone I don’t already know. It honestly makes me wonder if they just made an extra step that says not to post inappropriate content but didn’t pay to have anyone moderate anything. For this app to be safe, the regulations it claims to have need to be enforced!!!
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1 year ago, C.f. FNAF
Lack of moderation
Fizz is fun and everything until you factor in the fact that it’s full of young adults that know no boundaries. Moderation is lacking and sometimes the mods flag things that don’t even violate guidelines but they’ll let racist, sexist, or even posts threatening violence go. I tried to let it go but it turned into a cesspool really fast. It promotes a mob mentality and another status quo that people, especially college students, love. However, just because they love it doesn’t mean it’s good. Bullying is very prevalent, inciting violence is also prevalent. There were posts promoting mowing protesters down, doxxing was promoted, and more. I got tired, deleted my account, and I don’t plan on ever creating another. This is a social app that allows people to put others down for the simplest things and no one is watching and no one cares.
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2 years ago, Scjkscvjtedv
So I was hired as a mod for Fizz a few weeks ago, did an interview, signed the contract and everything with one of the higher ups, attended one of the training sessions which were from 9-11pm on Friday night, admittedly couldn’t stay for the entire session, left after 30-40 minutes, and then the morning of the day of the launch I was secretly removed from my role with no context and told I was no longer a moderator. When I asked why I fired, they told me it was because I didn’t stay the full session last Friday night? There was no warning that you would be fired if you could not stay the full session, or how long the session would be for. I just don’t understand. I stayed for a good majority of the session and even have the notes and slides on how to be a mod. This organization is run by a bunch of greedy cowards.
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11 months ago, Juryrig16
Cool app but a bug is making the experience impossible. After a while of using the all, I realized I couldn’t delete DM conversations, as each time I refreshed, they would reappear. Then I noticed that as I was getting new messages, I wasn’t able to open the conversations. To see if it would help, I deleted and reinstalled the app, and now none of my conversations will load, even if I start new ones. The DM feature is completely broken, and I’ve lost contact with some friends I was messaging. Posting and commenting works fine, at least. Even if the moderation lets bigoted posts through now and then.
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2 years ago, Janice)&$
This is the worst app I have ever come across. Blatant bullying, harmful, inappropriate, unsolicited photos of young kids, and hateful words being said about kids. This app is marketed towards young adults in college and is creating pain, drama, and creates rumors that are either extremely harmful to the victim or simply just false. The reporting feature on the app has a button that allows you to try to take down these awful posts… but they still stay up no matter what the post is. This anonymous app is just another resource for cyber bullying and an extremely harmful one. I would seriously advice this app being taken down or remodeled because it has taken a tole on the lives of many young adults’ mental health and well being.
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12 months ago, nX22222
It needs moderation or something
Give hormonal college students the ability to post anonymous seemingly unmoderated posts about anything they’d like, what do you think will happen. Most posts are overly sexual, people trying to find drugs, and as one of the other reviews stated, the app seems prone to inadvertently support bullying. There is a good chunk people seemingly genuinely interested in the app, sharing information about misc topics or sharing memes. I was impressed with how effective their launch was and the amount of users they got using the app. I think this app has a lot of promise but in its current state I find the app a little disgusting, nothing to do with the devs or the team, just a matter of how it’s users are currently using the app.
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3 years ago, AliDrews
My Favorite App
I legitimately use Fizz more than instagram, snap, and tiktok combined lol. There's new content all the time and it's all so funny and relatable. Plus the different features and different kinds of posts are so cool and endlessly entertaining! If you're not on Fizz you're missing out on one of the best ways to be part of campus culture and community imo
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4 months ago, thatonequietgurl
Bullying and misinformation galore
Don’t use this app, all people do is bully and mock students by taking photos of them/their belongings without their consent. This happened to my sibling who used to go to Samford. Someone took a photo of him and typed out a bunch of misinformation about him that was just so blatantly false and it somehow got a bunch of upvotes, which I assume is all ai. These people need to be held accountable for their lies and bullying, get rid of the whole “Anonymous” name feature to your app and hopefully it will die down a bit. Only a coward would take pleasure in bullying others and spreading misinformation behind the name “Anonymous”.
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8 months ago, ianhambone
Great replacement for what YikYak used to be!
Works great, I like the tags features and organizations that are all from my school. Glad there is something like this when YikYak got bought and became worse. My one suggestion that I’d like to see implemented would be to be able to pick which campus you are on, within the school, and be able to only see fizz posts from your campus.
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6 months ago, okblue12135*
Why am I getting muted
I really enjoy this app however I got muted for an hour for some reason and it said because of spam posts but the last post I had made before this was 20 minutes prior and as far as I can tell none of my posts were taken down. I wish there was an appeal process because I definitely feel like I was unfairly muted
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1 year ago, Hardcore Trapstar
My Testimony
I used to be down in the trenches. I was a hardcore trapper. Then I discovered fizz. Fizz has changed my life. People talk about finding God and how God changed their life. I found fizz instead. Sincerely - Your local trapstar
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10 months ago, All Names Are Taken ⭐️
New update :/
You now can’t turn off the OP button when commenting on your own post, and you can only post under one name. For example, I run a student organization that has a handle, and if I comment on one post using it, I can’t then comment as an anonymous user — so I’m stuck replying formally as my organization and unable to comment as myself informally. This update is awful for student organizations and makes anonymity worse, and isn’t that the whole point of the app, even if they meed your email to sign up?
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1 year ago, Kayla06.hall
The app is beneficial but messy and bullying
The app has its benefits when it comes to getting information fast…… but it soons turn into a platform that people who go to the university and who don’t go to the university to hide behind anonymous messages and expose people business or even bully those because they have an option of being anonymous
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8 months ago, Maners71
The anonymity allows college students to target other students at college campuses and bully them. Ever since this all has been released on my campus, it has been nothing but homophobic, racist, and harassment posts. There’s supposed to be “moderators” but they can only do so much as they are students as well. Specific students are targeted daily and talked about/slandered. This app does not bring any benefits to colleges.
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2 years ago, RJW651
An Evil App
Anonymous posting on a college campus? How could that possibly be harmful?😏 Whatever this app puts itself out there as being, it is not. There is nothing wholesome about it. It allows anonymous cowards to post malicious mis-information with the intent to harm. And harm it does… My family is victim to this and the company takes no responsibility. It has no contact information and it’s leadership does not respond to inquiries…at least not so far. Avoid this app. It is everything that is wrong with social media. Universities should band together in opposition. At the very least, hold people accountable who post hateful and damaging information. Just disgraceful. I will give it one star only because a rating is required to post. It does not deserve even that.
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1 year ago, Im gonna regret this nickname
Bring back rank!! make the UI less crowded!!
people liked the leaderboard, it was a part of fizz culture in a sense. also, the UI is very cramped as of lately. the buttons are overly large and everything has big circles around it now, the og was better. please fix this!! also, when u scroll down on your posts the tab at the top bugs out in unpredictable ways.
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10 months ago, DF23VFLF
Fizz is an app used at college- they reached out to those college students to be a moderator- the students were expected to post 30+ times a day about where parties were and things like that. There was a payment monthly until it was decided they no longer wanted you as a moderator! The people who run it are impossible to get in contact with. Also ridiculous they are promoting underage drinking and partying
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9 months ago, a.graf.
Reflects the worst of humanity
I don’t understand how people can be happy with themselves while consistently making fun of and bullying the same people: individuals that they’re aware are likely on the app and seeing every post about them. An unmoderated, anonymous platform for contained, university campuses allows anything to fly free, and promotes a culture that will destroy people’s lives for a cheap laugh shaming anyone who suggests literal simple decency and an acknowledgment of basic human dignity.
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3 years ago, 😇😜😝
Risk of Cyberbullying
I’m new to this app but even just the first few posts on my feed verbally abused college students and made fun of kids, classes, and professors. In light of rising mental health issues on my campus, apps with anonymous content and active bullying are dangerous. I don’t understand why the issue of bullying on this app isn’t taken more seriously—we need to do better to protect communities of college students. App deleted on my end.
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5 months ago, Yueseff
The worst
Yesterday I was laid off by FIZZ along with all other mods at my college for no reason. I was doing what they asked and a few weeks after launch they pulled the plug on “paid moderators” and said they ended the program at my college. They always kept delaying the launch. I was hired in December and they kept on pushing off until they finally launched on March 28th. I was laid off April 19th so less than a month in
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12 months ago, Mochibella123
Unfortunately I be on this app. I wish I could edit stuff after I post to add tags or possibly even change a post from anonymous to showing my handle. Would be a much appreciated addition to the app.
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7 months ago, Trombone_Dude
Very Shady App
I got this app while I was at college and I loved how there were no ads. Then I realized there are no ads. I tried to do some digging around to make sure my private information wasn’t being leaked, but their website is garbage and I can find almost nothing about this app online. I’m a paranoid person and this app scares me due to the lack of information I could find on it.
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3 years ago, fizz user
so addicting !!
The fizz culture at stanford is so fun and entertaining ! Seems like everyone is on it w all the helpful campus updates and memes HAHAH Only thing I’d say is it could be more organized thru filtered tags
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3 years ago, Go_Giants
Great start, some suggestions
I really enjoy using the app and have gotten a lot out of it. The search results need to be cleaned up a bit (ex: “RA” returns posts about rabbits) and it would be nice to sort posts by their tags (confession, dub, etc).
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7 months ago, b@tmotr
This app makes me want to never see another human being again
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1 year ago, fuzer123
Fake engagement
The upvote count on some posts is quite literally higher than my entire campus population. They fake their engagement and upvotes to try to create buzz and make them look successful, when in reality, this app is clearly failing and grasping for any engagement that people will give them. Would recommend any other app out there before this, it’s just bad practice.
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2 years ago, 078967453
So many bugs and glitches
Pls fix... It's extremely glitchy on my Iphone XS Max. Randomly quitting app, when I start up there's only one post on top and its randomly on light mode when the app is set to dark mode. just so many weird things like that.
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2 years ago, nicholas_ff
unmoderated mess, fake engagement
fizz is an unmoderated mess. in my school’s fizz i constantly see transphobic, homophobic, and sexist content. i’ve also had a friend bullied multiple times on the app. anonymity brings out the worst in everyone. the content that isn’t bad is fake, with the votes inflated 5x, and the same posts made by the fizz team posted to all their school communities at once. they also pay their moderation team to make fake posts in the app, which seems like what the spend their time doing rather than actually moderating. would not recommend brining this app to your school, it’s bad for the culture.
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2 years ago, Blar blar 48
Mods do a great job at removing content I had a friend who had a post made about them and it was removed really fast
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3 years ago, studentwholovesthisappfizz
This app has been transformative for my campus. We have truly done a 360, as this app lets us spread our thoughts freely without fear of being targeted personally! Love it
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4 years ago, Mark124687
Awesome app!
Buzz is so great! Provides a fantastic way to communicate with people at my school anonymously. Definitely would recommend!
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6 months ago, hddikvf
I think this is the most toxic app on the planet. Want to see the worst in people? This is the app for you. Petty drama, bullying and laughing at people. Like the worst parts of reddit, twitter, and yik-yak all put together. Speaking of which, nothing about this app is an original concept. Garbage through-and-through. Have fun trying to be the next Zuckerberg or whatever.
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11 months ago, fuxkfizz
This app is cool and so is the idea, but the moderators are either biased, neglectful, or just plain flawed. Why am I getting banned because I don’t agree with someone, or I’m voicing my opinion. I don’t write hate and yet I’ll get a post taken down for a complete made up or random reason just to take it down, so something abt these moderators
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1 year ago, IzziBelly
Bullying App
This app's sole purpose is for college students to annonymously bully/shame each other and not face reprocussions for it. I've seen several individuals have their reputations stripped away because of harmful narratives perpetuated (without fact checking or removal of names) on this app time and time again. Worse than Yik Yak.
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2 years ago, Wyatt Fadal
Great but change one thing
App works well love it for college. Absolutely should swap the color scheme from the bland orange to the blue that is used for “lost connection” and use the bland orange for the “lost connection”…
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1 month ago, user nicole
useful but glitchy
fizz has been so fun for our school during the past couple of months. it wasn’t until after recent updates, fizz has been acting very strange. people are unable to post with their leaderboard handles, people have been able to use others’ handles, and posts have been randomly deleted from the feed. fizz has a lot of bug fixes that need to be taken care of!
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8 months ago, Albert T Chapman
Satisfied user
Amazing app! Highly recommend everyone download
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5 months ago, hotshot365
Mods have no oversight nor transparency
Since fizz doesn’t show you the exact post or comment that causes a violation. Mods can use this to their advantage to silence dissenters. There is lots of political debate on campus at the moment and the mods keep banning people who don’t agree with them even though there has been no infraction of their rules.
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3 years ago, M. Agrippa
Great app
So much fun! I’m able to see why going on in my community and share all my secrets!
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1 year ago, pizza rolls 💕
they gone shut this app down they see how we acting 🤣🤣🙃
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2 years ago, Lord Tritanium
Why did it close?
It used to be open for ASU but now it’s saying “The ASU Fizz community isn’t open yet” and that I’m being put on the waitlist; am I banned or something, because I’d rather just be told that.
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1 year ago, 6284982719,&/9-
another form of hateful media
i am a survivor of s/a, and I wrote an article about my experiences with the university. fizz has been extremely stressful for me - a lot of my student body has been saying things that flat out make me depressed. there just isn’t a need for this. It’s not worth it.
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1 year ago, alissaxjk
Fix your app plss
Hi, I am trying to delete an account because I changed schools, so now I cannot delete my account. What should I do?
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1 month ago, 🫡 first review
Glitches terribly and the support team take forever to respond just for the issue to still not be fixed. Tried contacting them again but never got a response back this time
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3 years ago, friendlyneighborhoodChase
Beware of privacy problems
I’ve heard that while they “guarantee 100% security” there are some serious privacy concerns including that posts may not be fully anonymous. Also, this app brings out the worst of campus. Live your life in the real world like college is meant to be enjoyed.
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