Heria Pro

Health & Fitness
4.7 (5.9K)
148.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Chris Heria, LLC
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Heria Pro

4.74 out of 5
5.9K Ratings
1 year ago, Jyzzah
Exercise and prep time and reps
I love all the workouts they push me to my max and make me want to push myself more and more to be able to do each one for the correct amount of time my only complaint about it. I am 19 I haven’t been in school exercising I wish I could be and I find these workout routines very helpful but I feel like the beginner times and workouts are a bit to much for a beginner who’s just getting back into working out and hasn’t done it in years. If there was a way to still push people to there max without as much of them trying to catch up to your fitness level immediately it would help people understand the correct movement and easier ways to go about certain workouts that they don’t have the money to afford that equipment at home or have time to go the gym on a daily besides rest days.
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1 year ago, Jwjuli01
Great exercises. App needs some quality of life
I have been using the app for about a month now and I really enjoy the variety of workouts available and the routines already built in. However, the app lacks some basic search/organizer functions that would make it more user friendly. It’s entirely possible I just am using it wrong but, here’s what I’ve found. When I like/flag a program, there is no way for me to find that program again without just scrolling through the whole list of programs like I did the first time. There should be a flagged or liked list I can choose from. Or, make that a search filter option. Also, when searching using the filters, it seems like many of the programs do not have tags applied appropriately. For example, the “home gym” tag brings up 0 programs, which I know is not accurate. Finally, searching in general is difficult. Typing in “shredded” for example, to get to the shredded summer body series does not change the list at all, and I still have scroll through all the programs. While these aren’t huge, app-crashing issues, they occasionally frustrate me enough that I actively avoid using it. So, if whoever manages the app could address these things, I would really appreciate it and be more likely to continue using the app.
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2 years ago, GhostHxer
Need to fix some bugs
I can make it work but following the instructions but there are workouts that say “22 seconds each side” but count to 22 seconds once and then goes on to the next exercise. There’s also an issue where when I start a workout, it echos the countdown as if 2 workouts are running at once with one being delayed. I also would like to see the app develop better. It’s always a mental no for me on ab day because of how annoying it is to go into the app and locate the workout. I usually just end up doing a bunch of sit ups. When I do occasionally put in the effort to go through and follow a workout from the app, I do work out way more effectively. I feel abdominal pain for like 3-4 days post workout. So, great app but could be way better and have more appeal and ease.
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6 years ago, Miketothebosd
Needs a a few small features
This is one of the best workout apps out there. I love how it tells you how much you have worked each muscle group. To make is even better, brake down how much each movement worked each muscle. Like “ pushups: 60% chest 25% triceps 15% Shoulders”. You should also make it so you don’t have to schedule every workout you do. But I do love scheduling all my workouts for at the start of every week. The next suggestion would be nice but no needed. In the progress tab, adding something like tracking your weight, and max reps for each exercise would be cool. Also for weighted exercises, adding how much weight might be helpful for tracking progress. I also thing a few of us would like to add our own custom movements. Adding your shop into the app would be lit. Overall this app is great. This app is definitely made for calisthenic athletics. I never knew all these exercises existed when I stated 10 months ago.
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6 years ago, Javierino
Great app but a few improvements are still needed
This app is amazing. I really like it but there should be a way to submit feedback through the app. The workout gets reset if you slide back to the scheduled workouts menu (happened by mistake). There is nothing else to customize personally other than your name and your picture. A customizable timer should be added. Just a few improvements and a better way to view account info and being able to contribute to improve the app. Maybe adding links to Heria’s other content and maybe the store would help him and his team generate more revenue so that they can continue to provide great content. For a free app though I don’t think anyone could ask for better something more so I’m giving it 5 stars.
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6 years ago, KonaKitsune
Overall Good App But Needs Improvements
Love the new sleek look of the app. The constant updates for the workout section and a notification for them is a really nice touch. The way to record the number of reps much more intuitive too. There are some ways to improve on the app. Since the newest update, a “video not found” error appears when trying to play an exercise clip. Trying to press the X on the message will select whatever option is directly beneath the message instead of closing the window. There was also a glitch that rarely appears after generating a workout where no exercises will appear. A message like “insufficient exercises” appears. And other suggestions: Since you’ll keep adding to your pre-made workouts and programs, it would be beneficial to have a way to filter through them for users depending on what muscle groups they want to use or how difficult it is. Scrolling to find what they want can be tedious. After selecting a workout it seems like it needs to be scheduled before you can do it. Why not also allow an option to just do it like the old app then have the workout show up on the calendar when it’s complete? It will cut off a few extra steps for those who want to immediately work out. Overall, I like a lot of your updates. Things just need to be fine tuned to really make your app shine.
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4 years ago, JMeasday
Has come long way!
So this review is a complete 180 of my previous one. Been using this app since launch. For a while the app had many crashes and bugs including tracking-progress errors making this difficult to use as a go-to workout app. Since the full re-work update, Heria Pro has left the other fitness apps out there in the dust. There are plenty of free programs to use to get you in great shape, and manyyyy extras if you go Pro. The app is very clean and has a full range of customizable options. Biggest request on my wishlist for this app is Apple Watch support.
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6 years ago, nassstnate
Suggested Tweaks-Please Update to make app GREAT
App is great. Better than 90% out there, but I feel its missing a few key features that would be very very useful: 1. Ability to add notes to a set (e.g. so i can track how much weight was on the bar, perceived exertion, how the reps were tempo’d) 2. Ability to create custom exercises in the library. Granted, these wouldnt come with a video, but theres many exercises I do (e.g. band work, cable machines, shadow boxing, medicine balls) that layer extremely well into a Herian-style workout but I have no way of building in. I think this would be an easy to add feature, and each users phone could store their own custom library. 3. Ability to export workouts via .csv or .xls in a tabular format. 4. Linking workout meta data to other apps like training peaks, etc - exports duration, workout name, date, time started.
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6 years ago, Snellings383
Love the app...few small tweaks
I love everything about this app I can’t wait to start a new workout everyday. The only little issues it has are when you start a workout in the preview it will say do an exercise for 20 secs but in the actual workout mode they all say reps. So you have to try to remember which one wanted reps or timed moves. Also in the programs section when you start a day program you click on start and you can’t see the workout anymore. I still give this app 4 outta 5 stars because it gives you everything you need to move forward in training and feel great about what you’re doing. I race motocross and use this workout everyday and can’t get enough it hits on exactly what you need for any tip of training you need or just for normal everyday staying in shape and looking good.
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2 years ago, Chrstfllwr
Great source however the workout section..
I have learned a lot and have gained a lot of motivation to make calisthenics my approach to getting fit and developing a healthy life style. This app offers a great source of exercises for free. However the workout section when you go to do one using a routine is broken. It will load up your list of exercises and have ‘warm up’ at the top, but that’s as far as it goes. It doesn’t allow you to keep track of reps or even move through the workout session to keep record of what you’ve done. So, hope this gets taken care of in an upcoming update. Aside from that since I’m not paying for a membership I have no complaints since I really just use it to put together my routine and learn new exercises.
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9 months ago, Heyitsalec
Love the workouts but the app needs work.
This app is awesome for working out. Love all the different programs, especially the ones to help gain skills like levers and muscle ups. There are some dead end features on this app though, like bookmarking or liking a workout or program. You would think this would allow you to easily find the program but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Similarly, at the end of each exercise it prompts you to enter how many reps or seconds you did. However, this information isn’t available for review later on. Also, sometimes your progress isn’t saved. With that said, this shouldn’t discourage anyone from getting the subscription. I have found it well worth the money.
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6 years ago, BurchFitness
Great potential, needs a few tweaks
As somebody who has used various lifting apps and has been an avid weight lifter for the past 12 years, I see great promise in this app. I am currently working on bettering myself in the realm of calisthenics and Heria’s expertise in this field of fitness led me to check out his app. I love being able to mix up my workouts with the provided movements and the ability to pick what I want to work that day and a workout is generated for me. There are however, a few things I would like to see in the future: 1. Ability to manipulate the rep range past the set point in the app for the specific exercise. 2. Ability to input weight used for weighted movements. 3. Ability to edit a rep range that was put in after hitting the check mark for that set. 4. Sometimes the app restarts and my timer resets. I’d like to see a way for the app to remain running so I can track my workout length in the app. I think if these issues were addressed this app has the potential to be one of the best all around fitness apps on the market. The videos are stellar and the ability to adjust difficulty, time, and muscle groups is hands down an amazing feature.
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3 years ago, Klightning14
App is not user friendly
The app could user major adjustments when it comes to creating a workout. For starters there should be a filter on what equipment is being used for the workout, because not everyone will have a bench, a jump platform/box, and so on. A plethora of workouts will be listed with majority of them utilizing gym equipments. By adding a filter it’d be easier to find workouts suitable for them rather than having to keep scrolling. Another suggestion that needs to implemented is to indicate what core is being focused on for a workout, especially when the user has marked multiple muscle groups creating a workout. It seems odd that it shows when you go to the exercise library but not when you are creating a workout. At least have it to where you can sort workouts by muscle groups.
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6 years ago, SJmiyagi
It’s one thing for the average person(male or female) to have beginner to intermediate knowledge of health and exercising regularly, however I don’t feel this app is truly meant for any neophyte or anyone who is extremely out of shape with no knowledge of how to approach remedying their situation. I’m in the military so I only downloaded to satisfy my curiosity and the first thing I see is a instant requirement to pay either monthly or yearly for beginner routines . This requirement seems both unfair and untrustworthy, an untrained person is likely to achieve greater benefit from a personal trainer than this virtual guidance with videos that show intimidating movements and positions most untrained individuals will find difficult to assign to muscle memory without first hand assistance from a veteran of health & exercise science. Rating low because from a professional viewpoint beginner exercises & routines shouldn’t be monopolized
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4 years ago, Ry831
Very Disappointed
I was very excited about using this app as it would create a workout for me based on some minor selections such as your experience level, type of exercises you want to do, and the duration of the workout. HOWEVER..... as I am fairly new to calisthenics I did select the “beginner” level. Sweet right.... sure, until the workout was generated for me. First exercise after my warm up was “muscle ups”, the third exercise was “front levers”. Seriously there is a MAJOR flaw with the workout generator. Although I am newer to Calisthenics I know that a muscle up requires more of an advanced level of training. Yes, I know you can change your exercise, but as I was going through the workout that was generated for me, I noticed that I would have had to change over half the exercises. It’s an easy bug fix, but quite annoying for a new user!
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5 years ago, schredda88
Great workouts but app need improvement
So far loving the workouts and programs really feeing it and feel accomplished each time I finish one. Wish the app would 1) let you delete a program or workout if you decide not to do it. My program feed looks cluttered. It’s more annoying to the eye than anything but should be an easy fix. Same thing in calendar if I never did a workout and want to delete it it won’t let me and just clogs everything up 2) weight tracking even if solely done by manual input. I use fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and my fitindex scale all together without an issue and it helps but keeping all my information for my health and weight together vi each app which all connect 3) bugs with the timer and closing workouts when you switch apps to change music or anything. Even if I pause the workout to do so when I come back it starts my timer at zero which is a bummer. And my timer will sometimes go up by 2 second increments. Over all minor bugs but so far a great start. As someone whose worked out most his life and finally trying this method of training I’m truly enjoying it.
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3 years ago, sredmond888123
App needs improvement
Content is great but app provides a poor user experience. The search doesn’t work, it’s impossible to find the workout you did yesterday, hearting or favoriting doesn’t work. All the programs are named similarly and filters don’t work correctly. Though I entered my level when living in it isn’t persistent when opening a program, it always defaults to advanced though I have beginner saved. There are also bugs in the grouping of content- there are multiple programs in which the same routine is provided regardless of level. Has anyone in the Chris Heria team used this app? I spend so much time trying to find where I left off that I do before getting to the gym so I don’t waste time. The content on the app is good, but sloppy execution.
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3 years ago, R$L3
Best workout app
I don’t ever write reviews but I had to for this one, this app is great! It shows you how to complete each workout, it has a running time, and tells you when your almost done, and gives you a break after each workout. You can also filter and search the part of body you want to workout such as arms, legs, abs, etc. There are also tons of content and tracks your performance. I used the free version for a while but have now subscribed to have access to even more workouts. I am seeing the benefits. Great job, Chris!
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3 years ago, future doctor andrea
Excellent Free Features, Great Workouts Routines for Home or Gym
This app is excellent for anyone who wants to get a good workout in and doesn’t have the motivation to create a workout. Excellent user-friendly interface. The free features are excellent. Not one of those apps where all the workouts are locked unless you pay. Great for beginners, highly scalable for advanced athletes. Highly accessible for homework outs. Great video demonstrations. Chris Heria is a great trainer and designed an excellent app for achieving any fitness goals, including starting from ground zero!
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3 months ago, Matt474846636367
Needs bug fixes
I love the workouts, I will continue to use the app, but paying money for an app that has the same bugs consistently is annoying. Building your own programs has several issues, like you can add workouts but it won’t let you delete them without deleting the entire program. And if I use one of the pre-made programs (which are amazing) I’ll do a workout and it won’t count as completed. As soon as these problems are fixed I will be giving this app a 5 star rating, but I emailed about these problems are didn’t get a response, so maybe this will get some attention. Again, the workouts are phenomenal, but these bugs need to get fixed
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5 years ago, Cxloured
Needs a lot of work
I truly was excited to use this app and bought 1 month of Heria Pro. However there is no way to cancel the subscription. I emailed support about it and they happen to cancel my subscription. They did refund me but I do feel that all this could have been avoided if there was an option to cancel auto renewal myself. Another thing with the app is that when I would start a work out or program the exercises would not pop up in order for me to keep track of my progress. When I close the app the workout stops and I have to search for it and start it again which I find quite tedious. This app has great potential but has many small issues which made the experience for me unpleasant.
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3 years ago, JokerDisciple.
Warm Ups need a timer/bugs still
The only thing keeping this app from 5 stars are two things. The programs still bug and don’t save progress bars and I feel like the warm ups need timers as well. It’s too annoying starting a workout and you have a 3 set by 5 exercise warmup that you have to time yourself while your actual workout timer runs in the background. My whole love for this app is that I don’t have to eyeball my phone while I workout. The lack of a timer on the warmups messes that all up. Fix that and you’ll have 5 stars. Thanks Chris and his Devs.
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6 years ago, C.Oshima
What an amazing app. I’ve always been against apps that help you exercise. This is because I hate having to look at my tiny screen while simultaneously focusing on my form. With Heria Pro, all you have to do is play a short clip where Chris demonstrates what it should look like and then put your phone down/away and focus on it for yourself. This is oddly a huge win over for me. This app is straight forward, effective, and easy for the days you simply don’t want to head to the gym but still want to feel good about yourself.
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9 months ago, bob wants-to-print-something
Workouts are great app is horrible
Just starting calisthenics and these workouts are very well structured and broken down into beginner intermediate and advanced. Unfortunately the app is terrible, you can’t edit anything and it doesn’t register that I’ve done close to half of my workouts. It’s also hard to find what I need. Doesn’t work well at all and extremely frustrating. Nothing bad to say about the program itself I’m glad I found it. Legit mad I can’t just get a pdf. The app still never says more than 70% complete even though I do everything and it tracks the wrong workouts. You can’t save the program you’re on and it won’t keep track of the days. Nothing works at all. Worst app I’ve ever used.
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5 months ago, Weedle36
Rating a 3 just for app functionality
Amazing workouts! The app, on the other hand is ROUGH. It’s pesky to navigate as in if schedule a workout and select to start, it’ll just start on intermediate. If you exit to choose any other level, it’ll remove the workout from your schedule. You then have to find it again to choose the intensity level and start over. It’s very glitchy as in some reps in the program that you choose will not be set as complete so you end up with 70 - 80 percent completion. Also, sometimes the rep will repent matter how many times you got completed and it won’t move forward. You then have to exit and complete through that option. I’ve done 4 workouts in a row and none are completed 100 percent because of these glitches. Also for some reason I have no day streaks even though I have 4 :( Other than that. The workouts are amazing. Chris does such a great job!! So far, I’d say it’s still worth for me to keep premium
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6 years ago, The Relentless Millenial
Due to several sports and accident related injuries I have been attempting to transition from weightlifting to calisthenics for over a year now. I always found myself going back to the weights because it was very difficult to find a calisthenics workout program that I could scale as I grow and that is easy to use. This app has changed the game for me and I wouldn’t even dare to say that this past week I have had the best gym experience of my life doing nothing but calisthenics. Thank you so much to the Heria team!!
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9 months ago, ScantMuffin
Missing a few key features
Overall the workout and app is nice, but once you start a workout plan if you want to continue it you have to search for the plan again instead of having an active plan or being able to save the plan somewhere. Also if I want to do the optional warmup it should include that in the workout/timer thing instead of just showing up and saying ok do the warmup. Still love the app and the exercises are great. Really able to find something for all levels
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4 years ago, royster reveiws
This is a very good app
This is a very good app and u can and you can start seing results with in two to three weeks with watching his videos and using this app but I recommend watching his videos before doing the workout on this app so u can follow along and and it was hard for me to understand how to understand use the app at first but I got used to it and it’s good to because it’s free but u still have to buy preimium to get exclusive workouts from him and be able to save unlimited workouts and it won’t forget your workouts history but year it’s a good app.
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2 years ago, KIVagant
Not beginner-friendly
I downloaded the app with the hope to find some workout programs at home for people like me who just want to start their calisthenics. Something like “core strength building” or “must have exercises at home”. I was surprised with the very strange functioning search in the app. Lets try finding “full body”, for example. There are many repetitive results. I chose one and an exercise inside requires some equipment I don’t have. The app doesn’t offer anything like a “welcome pack”. Probably it was made for people who are already doing regular sport activities.
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6 years ago, Aliaelkadi
But its missing something
I just finished my first workout. The app is great and everything but it lacks the ability to edit/undo things. For example, after pressing the (X) button on a customized workout I didn’t know that it automatically updates my progress I thought the (X) was to cancel the sets I accidentally pressed. So now my record/progress is not accurate cause I can’t remove the exercises&sets that I accidentally pressed and didn’t do. Other than that, the app is amazing.
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4 years ago, 12392747489273725157374
Fix app bugs
I really like the functionality of the app with one exception. Once I start the workout, the app does not match the original description of the workout. Often the exercises are out of order or missing. I am hesitant to pay for the pro because that would drive me nuts if I paid for that, but for free, I guess it is ok. I really love the workouts and exercises, if that one problem is fixed, I’d be a paying customer. I really have to give it 3 stars. I am giving one star hoping someone sees it and fixes this problem because I do like the workouts very much.
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6 years ago, Jukhoy
Easy navigation, effective
This app is well made. I like that you can customize your workout to whatever your level of fitness is. The clips of Chris Heria showing you what each move should look like is extremely helpful especially for a beginner like myself. Another feature I enjoy is that it tracks which muscle groups you worked out that day & what percentage of each. Whatever your goals are or level of fitness, everyone can benefit from this app.
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4 years ago, Msoley
Great Workout content, “okay” app UX
The exercises are fantastic. Love the ability to easily switch between difficulty levels. Giving 4 stars because the app itself could be more user friendly - for instance, if i could add an entire program, like a 28-day program , by saying “Start on 11/23, then it does the rest - that would be great. Adding one day at a time is annoying. It would also be nice if it didn’t erase past workouts once you have too many on your schedule... didn’t realize there was a limit there.
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3 years ago, Sean Mishra
Awesome UI. Needs work.
Love the UI and the features. However, there’s definitely some work that needs to be done to make all the intended features work. The top bug that comes to mind is the inability to save Programs to user library. I can see the vision behind the feature set and I’d love it if I could actually choose a Program and save it as well as schedule all its individual workout days on the calendar. That would be truly awesome and I’d for sure become a permanent member for that.
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6 years ago, Guest3482
I love this app
This app is unbelievable! I was looking for a good workout app I could do, that would be challenging and good for a gymnast like me! I do this workout everyday and I can change the difficulty and wether I would like to do it with weights or at home. This app has everything you need to work out and you can even decide what you want to get stronger on, and you can do everything without buying the extra pro purchase too.
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3 weeks ago, Isaac Eberly
High Hopes
I have high hopes and have been watching Heria for a while. I don’t like how the app doesn’t SAVE ANYTHING. Like the app itself save the workout progress but never saves it to the actual dashboard. I also hate how when you search. It DOESN'T SEARCH. The only key words are calisthenics, weighted calisthenics, home, gym, park, anywhere, or home gym. Also there is no nutrition section which is annoying. Overall the workouts are great just the app needs some work. Please fix these problems 🙏🙏🙏.
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5 years ago, La-Funda
It’s a Good Workout app
This app is amazing for the people that either want to gain muscle mass, lose weight or if you want to do Chris’s daily workouts then you are on the right app. The only problem is that if you want to do a pro workout you have to be a pro member and you have to pay to be a member. But I think you should do the pro workouts for free that’s the only problem have with the app. But everything else is great. I love this app I’m still gonna use it. But that’s the only thing I would change for the program.
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10 months ago, superdesiboy
So buggy and lacks features
For a fitness app in 2023 you’d expect something a bit more advanced. The exercises are good, but the videos are just gifs of chris doing the workouts, with no explanation about form or technique. Also the interface crashes regularly, I cant switch between apps mid-workout, and often I’ll complete an exercise and it won’t even log in the app. Coupled with no sync to Apple fitness, it’s a pretty terrible app. The good thing is that the routines are quite good, and will leave you feeling tired, and will help you work towards specific goals, but there’s a ton of calisthenics programs out there. Not particularly sold on this one
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2 years ago, Concon222
Workouts and informations are great! But..
Workouts are great but the UI of the app is so bad. It has all these features that are just fake, like how you can like and favorite specific workout and programs but there is no page or folder for those things. So you are saving them for nothing because no matter what you will have to go back and search for the workout. Also you can only schedule a workout a week ahead. You have month long programs but can only schedule a week of workouts
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2 years ago, Furtasticman
Can’t Cancel Subscription
Don’t get me wrong, this app is AMAZING. I used it to get into lifting, and it had everything that one would want. However, I stopped using it, and when I went to cancel my PRO membership, there was no option in the iTunes store like the app says there should be, and i have been getting billed for the past 10 months. I have emailed them twice with no response. Before you get the PRO membership, just make sure you are able to cancel your subscription. Other than that, this is a great app. I just want my money back
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5 years ago, Jcarlton95
Great App! - Needs some tweaks
I love this App, the only issue is not being able to delete programs. It would definitely help when trying to declutter. Also I have had some issues where the program workouts will show but when I hit “start” the workouts disappear except for the timer (I have deleted the app, signed back in, still a problem). I would love to recommend this App to more people, just needs some usability tweaks and to fix the occasional glitches.
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3 years ago, bmhansen
I want to like this app…
I want to give this app 5 stars but it’s not quite there yet. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t figure out how to choose a program to follow and add it automatically to a calendar. I can do it for each workout but it takes 3-4 clicks to add one workout to my calendar. If there was a way to choose a program, add to my calendar and then go to my calendar each day that would be ideal. Please fix this issue.
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5 years ago, hillerthug
Lost it all, but keep going
Let me just say I love using this app for my workouts, the one thing im not flab about is that when the new update came out it for some reason deleted all of my workout progress from the past 2 months I’m hoping that they could fix the problem, and I will continue on using the app tho cause i still like it
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1 year ago, janedoe467
Needs instructions
The exercise and programs are great but the app itself needs a few tweaks. For instance, if you are supposed to warm up before the work out don’t start the first exercise until AFTER the warm up is completed or skipped. It runs concurrently right now which is confusing. Also, if you give the option to favorite a program then give the ability to search for those favorites. Maybe offer more short full body no equipment exercises.
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6 years ago, DestinationSound
It’s either slightly broken or I don’t understand something :)
First of all thank you for the free app!!! There’s some really cool (and flawless) features. The one thing that might be a bug is the suggested workout plan (and refresh button) when building a workout. It doesn’t seem to matter much what muscle group I select. The suggested exercises are everything from arms to chest to legs; a whole body workout. In many of the ThenX YT videos, I’ve seen well rounded workouts, which is why I think it might just be my lack of workout experience. Either way it would be great to know which it is, and possibly a little bit more guidance. But for a free app it’s great! And if you guys did add a bit more guidance for a paid version I would definitely buy it. I don’t have the money for ThenX month subscription so this would be a great alternative until I can afford it.
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6 years ago, @FelipeDiazJr
Great knowledge but needs lots of small fixes
Hello everyone! I just finished doing the second workout of his 30 day workout and it was a killer abs workout. So I think the workouts are great but the apps lacks a lot of functionality. Another reviewer mentioned that the workout resets if you leave and that is true. Also if you enter a workout it will track that you did it today even if no exercises were tracked. Also the ab workout wouldn’t let me track due to an error that crashing the app did not fix. I can provide a screen shot. Going back to functionality: 1. Be able to track the weight you used 2. Be able to track how many reps you did per set 3. Guidance on recommended time of rest. This will help beginners who Armenta aware. I love thenx and Chris & will continue to use app since I am a loyal thenx athlete. I hope they make some minor changes.
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1 year ago, Mafergu16
Needs Improvement
Great app with a ton of workouts for beginner, intermediate, and advanced trainees. However, there are a tons of bugs with this app. Some workouts don’t complete or show completed, you can’t save programs (so you have to search/find the program everyday) , when you start a program it doesn’t start with the warmups, timers are off sometimes, and it freezes on occasion. If they would fix these issues this app is easily a five star!
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2 years ago, Mountrobson
Fantastic support!!
The Heria app is the best thing I found in years of searching for gym and home gym support. I’ve always worked out by myself, just never feel comfortable with a trainer. These workouts which are great at targeting various body parts, are the perfect thing. Whether I need a full body or a muscle specific workout – Heria WO’s are the bomb! I wish we had more stars to give!
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4 years ago, LBahroo
Great in the beginning and then failed
Great in the beginning after 2 weeks but half the videos don’t run and the count down doesn’t work. Problems persist with changing WiFi, re logging into the app and delete and re download Many workouts not possible because of these issues. Please fix!
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6 years ago, Isob02
Offline mode
By far the best app I’ve used. Just wanted to ask are u guys gonna add an offline mode where u can still access every single feature including demo videos. I ask this because I’ll be traveling a lot soon and the offline feature would come in handy at times like that. A feature like that would be amazing, but overall the app itself it phenomenal!
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