NYT Audio

4.7 (11.9K)
42.4 MB
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Current version
The New York Times Company
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
16.1 or later
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User Reviews for NYT Audio

4.71 out of 5
11.9K Ratings
7 months ago, ptholiday
A great companion to the NYT news app
I use this app every day to listen to the Headlines and the Daily - and often a whole lot more. They’ve set things up in a very clever way where you can autoplay 4 shows with one click. No more endless fumbling through shows to pick something to listen to while you make your first cup of coffee. It’s a very simple and nice routine to start your day each morning. In addition to the awesome catalogue of NYT produced shows (Ezra Klein, Hard Fork, Matter of Opinion, etc.) there is unique content here as well. Specifically there’s these episodes called “Reporter Reads” where journalists read their own work. These episode aren’t available anywhere else. They’re excellent - and as much as I like professional voice actors - I really enjoy listening to people with their wonderful and unique voices reading their own work. There’s room to grow of course in terms of offerings, but check it out - and get in the habit of using the daily autoplay feature.
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1 year ago, LLLearner
Audm was better
The NY Times recently folded Audm (which it owns) into its own audio app. That was unfortunate because Audm offered far more content and was easier to use. The number of publications dropped from 27 at Audm (of which 6 were NYT content) to 12 at NYT Audio (where 3 are NYT content). Publications that were dropped include The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, New Republic, NY Review of Books, New Yorker and Vanity Fair, among many others. That serious erodes the value of what had been the internet’s best audio magazine app. Presumably those publications would not agree to provide their content under the NY Times banner. Specific gripes: The list of publications does not indicate which ones are already being followed, without clicking on each. The database of articles appears on two tabs (Today and Discover), whereas they could be combined into one simplified tab. The queue of articles cannot be sorted (e.g., oldest date first). Articles in the queue can be deleted with a simple swipe, except for the one you are listening to. Most maddeningly, it will not stop at the end of an article, but continues onto the next one. The app developers might rethink what was lost in the transition. The idea of listening to magazine articles is terrific, and I will use the NYT’s audio app, but now need to search elsewhere to find the publications that no longer participate—which defeats the concept of a single audio magazine app.
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1 year ago, RozSnicket
Disappointing replacement for Audm
I am a regular NYT subscriber, but Audm was my favorite app for listening to articles. It had a diversity of content paired with an easy to use, attractive, clean interface. I agree with the other reviewers who find the NYT Audio app cluttered, difficult to navigate, and pushing stories in which I’m not interested. My pet peeve is how unintuitive it is to build your queue from a diverse range of publications and then how unintuitive it is to then manage that queue as you’re listening. Why is it not possible to delete the article you’re currently listening to? Or to easily skip to the next one? I don’t want to suddenly listen to stories about murder while I’m making breakfast with my young kids! I was able to find how to activate other publications, but it’s so hard to find articles from them, and it was so unintuitive that I understand other reviewers’ frustration. Some of my favorite publications from Audm are no longer available in this app, which is by far the biggest loss. One of the things I liked the least about NYT articles read, even when in Audm, was the NYT habit of having their reporters read their own articles. Professional voice work is a job for a reason. I would happily go back to paying separately for Audm.
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1 year ago, goalball
Not bad, but has accessibility issues
I was excited when this app was finally released. For the most part, it's decent, not great! I have 2 issues with the app. 1 issue is mostly my personal opinion, the other is actually a much larger concern. First, a lot of the audio are podcast audio that I can get anywhere else for free, without a NY Times subscription. With this app, not only does it require a subscription, but I still have to listen to the ads that usually go into the free podcast feeds. So why do I have to do this? I'm paying for a subscription but still have to hear ads. Second issue. There is an accessibility issue with the app that makes it much less pleasant to control audio playback. I've reached out to the support team, but unfortunately, my feedback was not taken as seriously as I hoped. I was given the usual, have I tried reinstalled the app, cleared the cache, etc etc, none of these have anything to do with accessibility. Obviously, I did not reach the right person. I'm hoping this review will reach someone who can pass it on to the people who understands. The lack of accessibility support is taking pleasure listening away from me. Please make it accessible.
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1 year ago, ma;lsdkjgnadkl;fgadjorfg'ladkh
Poor replacement for Audm
Trash. I gave it another chance but it's existence is redundant. Why pay for content with ads? Ridiculous. Unsubscribed and deleted. Previous review: Since this service was sold as the replacement of Audm, let's compare. No more read-along feature. There are links to websites of non-NYT content, it no longer scrolls to match making the feature effectively non existent. This had been such a revolutionary feature on Audm that I'm stunned they scrapped it, even for their own content. Not that I read along the entire article, but if, for instance, there was a person referenced in the article that you wanted to pause and look up, you could effortlessly see how it was spelled. One of a dozen reasons I loved this feature. Also there is a dearth of professionally read articles in NYT Audio; a good writer is seldom a good narrator. This really undercuts the value of the articles themselves, but makes the app very very unappealing. By far my biggest complaint is the lack of content. It looks like there are many options, but I would estimate it to be less than half of Audm of a few months ago. Audm had been my absolute favorite app on my phone. I'll give NYT Audio another month to see if they can get it together before I cancel my subscription. What a disappointment.
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1 year ago, sierra-laura
Mourning the. death of Audm
When I found Audm it was like a dream come true, being able to listen to all the long form articles in my favorite publications by wonderful narrators. The content was vast and actually dated back to 2016 when they started the company. So you could literally catch up on years of articles, just type in a search for what interested you and a huge swath of articles would appear. All you had to do was download and listen. It was easy to use and contained for example all of the New Yorker articles each week including the book reviews. By contrast The NY Times Audio has cut the content drastically. You get one Ny Times article for the week, many of the other publications are no longer listed and the ones that are have very little available. What you do get is lots of NY Times content pushed on you read by editors not professionals. This seems like a cost cutting measure because narrators reading more content is more $$. Personally I find the app hard to navigate, with little to offer. I don’t need their podcasts I just want my articles and that wonderful cache of reading that was available on Audm. What will they do with all of that? It’s such a treasure. I used to be a positive NY Times subscriber but if it weren’t for the cooking app I would cancel.
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1 year ago, Ben Zell
Really well done
I’m impressed with the polish that went into this app. It’s a very good podcast app with most of the features you’d expect or want. The exclusive content is nice as well. I see a lot of reviews claiming no ads, or some complaining about there being ads, and as far as I can tell NYT has made no official claim about there being no ads in this app. I hear less ads on The Daily than when I listen with a third party podcast player, often none, but not always. It’s enough that I prefer to use this app when I can. My least favorite thing about this app is that I now find myself bouncing between it and my normal podcast player. I can’t seamlessly queue up a non-NYT podcast between two NYT episodes unless I go back to my other podcast app.
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4 months ago, User for 5+ years
Good content, poor app performance
I want to love this app. Being able to listen to written reports is great! But there’s some problems: (1) The app regularly has performance problems: I have a iPhone 14 Pro. This app is *slow*. Unresponsive when initially opened, no optimistic updates (if I mark an article as read, I still see it for several seconds; and the app itself may lock up). There is lots of talk of the Audm app. I had it too, and it also had performance problems. They need to resolve them. I can’t imagine how the app performs on older devices (which are common!) (2) They are now rolling out AI read articles. That’s fine. It’s 2024. However, the articles start very quickly and end abruptly, and so when multiple AI articles are queued in a row the reading basically bleeds one into the other. The professionally read content often ends with credits, providing a clear indication of the end of article and transition to next one. (3) Minor, but as a subscriber, it always feels like an insult when they upload their podcast content to the app *without* the advertisements removed.
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1 year ago, Teabaggindragon
Good idea, buggy execution - updated
Somehow it’s even more broken after the last update. Unusable. Nice layout, clean look, and good curation (though not updated as often as I’d like - you’ll see the same few 6 minute shorts from this American life featured for 2+ weeks) but I run into experience breaking bugs daily. Some files will be unplayable for no reason. Sometimes this will happen in the middle of playback. You can create a queue for listening, but every so often, it’ll just get dumped with no easy way to find that stuff. Downloads are shaky. Sometimes they work. Often not. AirPod control integration doesn’t really work. If you like to skip forward with a double tap of your AirPod, sorry, you can’t. If you’re on a run or doing the dishes, you’re going to have to fish around for your phone and unlock it to advance - something that many other audio apps have figured out as a matter of course. I’d like to support this because of the curated content but it doesn’t offer a good alternative to the official podcasts app with this buggy experience.
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1 year ago, Sturgeon moon
Long form audio journalism is dead
The NYT app is ok as a new app. Too much of a built-by-committee feel, but ok. A tip o’ the hat to the coders who had to harness the multiple agendas of the committee. As a replacement for the brilliant Audm app, though, it’s miserable because the extensive long form content, consistently professional narration, and scrolling text features are gone. (I especially miss the scrolling text, where I could glance at the screen to see a name spelling or to back up and reread a compelling paragraph along with audio. Great for remembering and digesting more complex ideas, easily ignored if wanted to.) I subscribed to and gave gift subscriptions to Audm for the long form journalism it offered. NYT Audio is short on long and long on amateur narration. It is a different thing altogether. Can’t you offer both? I have the NYT audio app on my phone because it is included with my all access subscription. It’s not something I would otherwise purchase, not because it’s bad, but because it is a completely different product than Audm.
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1 year ago, flustered # 1,000,098
Too early to say, but
NYT audio has become the 1st stop for me to catch up on reliable news and innovations that I’m interested in. The sharing button isn’t live yet so I can’t forward segments to people like me who have their hands full but their minds still have space for intelligent perspectives. I have a question about Ezra’s interviews. Are his guest as brilliant as it seems with their fast, well thought through answers and grammar? God, more enlightened words come into my air buds per minute than I’ve ever experienced unless I speed up my Audiobook, like one must if listening to Barack Obama. With that in mind, I would love to hear Ezra interview Barack just for comparison to his audiobook.
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1 year ago, Blaine Tholozan
Tremendous misstep
I am deeply disappointed that the NYT has rolled out this half-baked, clunky design with the expectation that users will spend nearly as much time in it as they did in Audm. It is a tremendous, unnecessary misstep that feels designed by a committee of product managers and execs to juice users. NYT, I like your stories, but I don’t want to be juiced. Especially when you reduce the publication catalogue to half of what it used to be thinking no one would notice? The strength of the Audm app was that it was lightweight and easy to use. I could easily manage a queue, switch between reading and listening, and refine a search by authors, narrators, publications, etc. These features are either no longer available or obscured in the NYT Audio app’s design. As a user, I am often disoriented as to where I am in the app, and the search/filter features are lacking. It feels like too much is stuffed in here. The typical Audm user wants to listen to articles read by professional narrators, not random podcasts or stories recorded on laptop microphones. (The latter especially feels like a naked cost-cutting measure.) I am regularly stepping over the content I don’t care about to get to stories. I would encourage the product team responsible for this monster to really do some reflection. Actually talk to users, then use those conversations to inform the experience. This is not a sustainable offering.
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6 months ago, evanseesred
The story intros are weird.
I just got through listening to a 5 min intro from the author of a story about Karen Bass. The piece itself is about 9 min long. Why are we doing this? If it needs this much time to set up an article…it sounds like the article isn’t doing its job. I find it very odd to listen to someone talk, in natural and conversational language, to jump into a much more stiff version of essentially the same content. Is there a reason for this format? Imagine if every NYT print article was preceded by four paragraphs of the author casually summarizing the piece before dropping the big SAT words in the article. Do one of the other: either have these writers just converse about the thing they’re interested in like they would in a podcast…or present their writing as audio.
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1 year ago, Meg Greer
NYT Podcast…No Ads!
Has a NYT longtime subscriber with home delivery and full digital access, and a podcast junkie, I have been wondering at what point I would finally be able to listen to all the NYT audio content without any advertising! As you can imagine, our NYT bill is quite expensive ($K’s) so I believe that I have contributed to the NYT audio acquisitions. I am delighted that I will be able to listen to all this content without having to fast forward through a bunch of ads. Shout out to The Daily, This American Life, and Hard Fork. We made back several years worth of NYT subscriptions when we bought Microsoft in January based on Hard Fork reporting.
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1 year ago, Mirabai50
As a long time Audm subscriber, I am stunned by how this app has changed and turned into a marketing vehicle for all things NYTs with smatterings, if you can find them, of other offerings. I do not wish to listen to NYTs writers read their own stories. Most often they aren’t good narrators, which why should they be as they are reporters. Moreover, the app interface is just plain awful. It is difficult to easily access other magazine stories without having to navigate podcasts and a burdensome number of offerings from the NYTs, which I already subscribe to. I have other places I go for podcasts, I don’t want them on this app. I’m looking elsewhere for the kind of quality writing and professional readers that Audm provided. If I could give this app zero stars I would. The Audm experience wasn’t broken and didn’t need fixing. This app is broken and appears to be beyond fixing.
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6 months ago, ItsDeluxe
Viva Audm, down with NYT audio
I LOVED Audm and I mourn its loss/conversion to NYT Audio every single day. Why is the NYT Audio search interface so bad? Why can’t you filter stories by date or publication? Why is there not an accessible listening history or way to organize up-next stories in a queue with some design principles? Why do they make NYT journalists narrate their own stories when there are professional narrators who are pleasant to listen to that could do a better job? Why are there stories read by AI when I am paying a fee for this service? I appreciate that it’s hard out here in the media landscape but NYT has no business running a once-excellent app into the ground. Boo. I hate to lose audio narrations of some publications but I will probably switch to Apple News or curio soon so there’s at least a better interface.
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1 year ago, mercedes42
I’m so happy to have this. It’s not a huge amount of content yet, but what’s here is excellent. Being a NYT subscriber is a wonderful thing! I spend 2+ hours reading the Times every day, and still never read everything I want to. (I’m a slow reader, and I want to read SO many things every day.) Now I can read the Times while I get work done 😍 My favorite thing is the stories narrated by the authors. It’s so cool to get to hear the voices of the journalists I read so often. The best audiobooks are the ones narrated by authors- they always get the inflection and tone right, because it’s their tone! Thank you NYT, this is a major life upgrade.
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1 year ago, ryropro
Promising App!
I really don’t understand all the negative reviews? The app has a great interface and is so easy to navigate. Yes, new apps ALWAYS have minor bugs to work out and they’re pretty quick to fix them. They’re still adding additional content from the old Audm app (The New Yorker and Vogue are now available). Features some people claim are missing (such as changing audio speed) are available and easily accessible. Maybe actually use the app and give it a chance before reviewing? And people complaining about the readers voices are honestly just rude! This app is honestly better than I expected overall!
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1 year ago, Doug_Baker_
Great daily content, want audio in main app
I really like being able to dip in each day to get a summary of the days news, plus get an in-depth report from the daily. It definitely keeps me coming back frequently. However, I wish that I could get audio versions of nearly all New York Times stories in the main app, even if read by the operating system’s default voice. I consume more content from the Washington Post because that audio feature is available in their app.
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1 year ago, MIchael Zilkha
Destroying My Favorite App
Audm is by far the app I use the most. I love being able to listen to articles from the New Yorker, NYRB, the Atlantic, The Atavistic, London Review of Books, Texas Monthly, The Times Literary Supplement and so many others on my daily walks and when I drive. None of these are listed as publishing partners in the new app. Instead the app is pushing all sorts of podcasts I have no interest in. I can get The NY Times podcasts I want on the Apple app, namely The Daily, occasionally Ezra Klein, Matter of Opinion and The Run Up. But Audm is where I do my non-music listening and without being able to hear articles from publications some of which I don’t subscribe to will be a real loss. What was the point of the NYT buying a truly great app in order to destroy it? As an NYT print subscriber I get the new app free but if all of that Audm content doesn’t transfer I will cancel my subscription and listen to my usual NYT apps as I always have on Apple’s podcast app. Serial and The Athletic are a disincentive to using the new app as far as I am concerned, just so much clutter. I will also be losing valuable reading time, since I will now have to read all of The New Yorker instead of being able to choose on Mondays which articles to read and which to listen to.
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1 year ago, NotCaio
Disappointed Audm Subscriber
I’ve been a devout subscriber to Audm for years. Being able to listen to a diversity of publishers in the car has been a great pleasure. And seeing the continuous improvement of the user interface really made me love the app. With the Audm app being phased out and moved to the NYT app, I got onto the NYT app for the first time. Immediately I was disappointed to see their lack of available articles. Somehow a Vanity Fair article I was midway through listening to on Audm is not available on the NYT app. While I was excited at first to see the other content that was being provided, the reality is it mostly distracts from the articles that I had originally subscribed to hear. All the podcast and curated topics just make the articles hard to find. For now I’ll be unsubscribing and hoping an app will come that can provide the service I loved on Audm.
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6 months ago, xi-Man
This app is glitchy and has a terrible flaw
Whenever iOS updates this app freezes and crashes. To resolve this the user must uninstall and then reinstall the app. However this reveals the terrible and asinine flaw of the app. The users entire listening history is deleted/erased when you uninstall and reinstall the app. You will no longer have the listening history of whichever and however many episodes/stories you have previously listened to. This will result in a frustrating and time wasting endeavor of marking as played any and all previously listened to episodes/stories. Additionally the app is needlessly slow in its UI response reflecting a design flaw in the underlying structure. This makes the app slow and poorly responsive. These are truly disconcerting and disruptive issues that significantly degrade the app experience.
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12 months ago, mgslade
Why does this app even exit?
Why does the New York Times insist on a fragmented media experience for their subscribers? Their podcasts can be consumed in my podcast player of choice so why do I need a NYT app to listen? Why are their article audio versions hard to hear? The Washington Post has, for quite a while, put audio playing links in the web pages right with the story. Why do I need to leave my web experience to go find the associated audio article? That’s not how I consume the news. On my social media of choice, I find links to articles. If they’re Washington Post articles I can easily choose to read or listen. If they’re New York Times links I can read with no choice to listen unless I load this app and search for the article. Please put links on your web pages and ditch this fragmented media app.
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2 months ago, HelenD A
Great App but Inherited some issues from Audm
I use this app everyday, and was happy for its development after the acquisition of Audm, which I also was a paid user of. However, it seems to have inherited a bug from Audm that is a little frustrating. In broad strokes, the queueing / “Up Next” function is often buggy, either replaying or failing to delete previously finished / skipped / deleted audios or overriding the Queue for the next available in the suggested feed. It’s annoying and there’s no clear fix or workaround. FWIW, I also am against the use of AI voices in speech to text for reading articles. I wish users could opt out of this entirely on the app.
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1 year ago, Fe Ri Ke
Why only in this app?
I love NYT in general. I’m a subscriber. I listen to The Daily — well, daily. I’m liking the new Headlines podcast too. But as a subscriber, it pisses me off that I am forced to use this app to get some of the podcasts. NYT is not the ONLY thing I listen to. I prefer the Overcast app which has just the listening control I want and allows me to set up my own play list where I select the episodes and order I want to listen from a variety of podcast sources according to my own priorities, not a single source with a priority chosen by your editors. I know I could manually jump around inside this app and between apps, but that’s not what I want to do! I set up my daily list and never have to switch apps all day. This is my first significant disappointment with NYT.
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1 year ago, Defector44
Three big problems with this app
There are three big problems with this app. First, I am not able to log on. As a longtime NYT subscriber, my user ID predates a requirement that it be an email address, but this app requires that my ID be an email address. If I put my actual ID in, the app rejects it. If I put in my email address as my ID (which the NYT should be able to correlate with my account), the app doesn’t recognize my password. Second, this app is not iPad compatible. Using an iPnone only app on an iPad is a terrible user experience. How hard is it to provide a user interface suitable for iPads? Third: Why?? Why does every media outlet create yet another app to clutter up my app catalog when Apple already provides a perfectly good podcat app? There is no good reason I can find to use NYT specific apps. The Safari browser gives a better experience reading the news (with better accessibility features) than the NYT provides with its app, and I am pretty sure NYT hasn’t improved upon Apple’s podcast app woth this app (although for reasons discussed above I haven’t even been able to log on). This is an app nobody needs that was created for no good reason.
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1 year ago, CALefty
Buggy and Confusing
I enjoy the access to content I would otherwise not have or take the time to read so I listen instead. The podcasts I can get elsewhere more easily with a better app. I get emails suggesting things I might want to listen to, but it’s not always easy to find them in the app. Today my downloads are all “pending”. Not sure why. Sometimes I go for a walk only to discover I have zero downloads, but when I get home I have a long list of downloads. Where did they go? The content UI is overly complicated. Even though I’ve been using it a while I still have a hard time finding articles.
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1 year ago, excineribus
Extremely disappointing “replacement“ for Audm
Audm was an exceptional app, well designed with tons of amazing content, NYT Audio is cluttered and mediocre, lacking a lot of the great publications that were available on Audm, pushing their own content. In addition, Audm had transcriptions of all the articles so you could easily switch from reading to listening, or grab a quote from the article, which was one of my favorite features. As a software engineer, the design and implementation of features in this app is just shockingly, similar to the NYT app. Feels cheap and clickbaity, not like a media powerhouse. I assume that’s out of the hands of the engineers and pushed by higher ups driven by revenue incentives. I was trying to stay optimistic and give it a real chance but it’s pretty tragic altogether.
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4 months ago, rsnyder
The redesign is nearly unusable
First, I really love the content this app provides. I start every weekday with Headlines, Daily, and the stories curated for me. I love HardFork and Ezra Kline engages me deeply. Really enjoy the Interview on weekends … and so many more. However, the recent redesign of the app with links everywhere, make it nearly impossible to start a show and the pick up my phone or brush the screen, or swipe to another app without triggering a different show. Worse, the application’s delayed response make it maddening to interact with. I’m not sure why the user interface is so delayed, perhaps it is the delay in loading an interface with so much active content. But the responsiveness is crazy slow. I often am waiting several seconds for responsiveness, leading to re-clicks that stack up and cause delayed interactions that collide and overlap. Please fix the morning playlist. Return to the old format. It was clunky but it was functional and stable. This latest update is nearly unusable.
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1 year ago, Petloover
I like where this is going!
The app is great because it doesn’t have ads like other platforms do. I wish there was a bit of curation on the topics so I could easily find The Daily episodes that are focused on art, business, world news, national news, etc. I also wish I could favorite my episodes so that I can go back and remember what episodes I want to share with others. Looking forward to updates on the app, thanks for making this platform for us subscribers!
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1 year ago, theadean
Has destroyed a great app
I really wish I I could like this app more. I am a big fan of the Daily and Ezra Klein, but I am deeply distressed at what is basically the destruction of AudM one of the best apps created. This app offers a small fraction of other publications compared to what AudM had offered. I can understand why The New York Times might want to buy AudM but I can’t understand why they had to destroy it. What the New York Times is offering as well as the original AudM could have existed independently of each other. This new app is extremely disappointing - most of its offerings do not compare in the variety or depth that AudM offered. I will continue to listen to The Daiky and Ezra Klein but have little use for the rest of this app. Hopefully someone else will create a new AudM.
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1 year ago, Rts2Bsa
Great content terrible app
Obliterated my carefully rationed data. Despite downloading episodes, if data is turned on, it streams the content at ~2 GB/10 minutes. Additionally, you can’t open the app or navigate it for more than 60 seconds with having data on or a Wi-Fi connection. Desperately needs an offline mode. Finally getting around to complaining about it because it glitched after the latest update and ate through all of my remaining data for the month while I listened to “downloaded” episodes yesterday on my drive to work, despite having turned it off in my settings AND the app yelling at me the whole time that I needed to reconnect to Wi-Fi.
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10 months ago, GSinIL
Love the content but the app has one major flaw…
…it’s not running in background. Unlike all my other music or podcast apps, NYT Audio stops playing once the screen on my iPhone turns off with auto-lock. I listen a lot to music or podcasts with my headphones on when I go to bed. In order for the app to not stop playing when it goes into Auto-Lock of iOS, I need to change it to “never”. I tend to forget changing it back to my usual “2 minutes” which is a security risk. This should be an easy change and I don’t see a reason for the app not playing in background.
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2 months ago, YetAnotherSQL
Good presentation of news
I sometimes wish for more news content but this app does a good job presenting the content that I can select. The app allows speed changes, volume changes, and easy reply and navigation. NYT Audio does glitch occasionally including spontaneous app closures. Those glitches can be frustrating because they cut off content, usually in the middle of a presentation, with no easy way to get back to near the point of interruption.
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5 months ago, Crew 99
Two months of glitches, no help
My [institution] has group account. They purchase this on behalf of their members. I have had nothing but tech troubles trying to access. NYT is a great news source but they help desk is worthless. I write and or call every day and as of today have access to nothing through no user error but just no one seems to care to fix whatever glitch I fell into. NYT writing is good. The news is a great source but, if this is how they treat the customers and users, they are no longer about truth AT ALL. They literally sold my [institution] a lie if they don’t care about customers actually accessing the content the customers purchased. They are not delivering what they’ve sold. Shame on you, NYT.
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5 months ago, Suprcalifraglstc
Timesaver/ NYT Audio
I am an audio file bus audio NYT is a saver for me. Generally, I use my eyeballs all day to read, write, math, and watch birds. They are too tired to read fine print, but my ears listen and never tire. And YT allows me to get a perspective on topics of interest while I put around the house doing chores. That is how I keep my mind engaged and accomplish the tasks of daily living. It’s a great way to stay abreast of national and news and keep up with the daily beast.
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5 months ago, LB110202
RECENT GLITCH (excellent otherwise)
This is the first time I have ever felt compelled to write a review. I love(d) this app until a week or so ago, when it became nearly unusable. I’m not sure if it’s due to an update or an issue with my phone, but now, in the first 3ish seconds of using the app, it works perfectly. Then, it freezes for up to a minute or two, rendering the app useless. Sometimes, even after, scrolling is sticky and it doesn’t function properly. Every time you close the app and reopen, the same cycle occurs. Help!!! I loved this app, and hope the excellent devs can fix this
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1 year ago, southsidepride
I’ve been waiting almost two years for this app, ever since Audible canceled the NYT Digest. The app is easy to navigate. The audio is much more than a digest of NYT stories, but is specifically recorded for audio, complete with sound clips and additional audio elements where appropriate. I do enjoy the audio storytelling, however I wish they offered a broader selection of stories from the daily NYT. Maybe that’s coming. I’m just happy to have another option for audio entertainment on my hour-long commute each day.
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4 months ago, andrewcayer
Still ads?
I pay for a NYT subscription, and would love it if I didn’t have to listen to ads on their podcasts. I enjoy quite a few of them and thought that just maybe this app would be where I could get that option, but no. And with Apple Podcasts’ transcription feature, I don’t even have to use the seek button anymore, I can just find the next part of the transcript, tap it, and boom, ads skipped. This app is helpful for finding them all in one place, and the Headlines audio is nice, but I don’t find myself using it often.
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1 year ago, Cinbk
Started great, content changed though
I was an avid listener on the app, AUDM. It contains articles from The, Atlantic, Propublica, etc. then the New York Times bought it. I was excited to add New York Times articles to the mix. Slowly, Publications that I loved, like the Atlantic left. Now, all of the articles outside of the New York Times magazine are read by their authors. Let me say this, there is a reason certain people are writers, and not speakers, some of the articles were impossible to listen to because of the odd intonations of the writers. It also felt like I was listening to “millennials” (I am an X-ennial) casually talk about an article they had written. Off to Curio.
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1 year ago, Beth59
A daily user!
I was an occasional user of Audm but I am even happier with this app. I listen to the Headlines daily and just find myself interested in much of what is available and highlighted on the app- such as Reporter Reads, etc. I’m not a big podcast person. A few things still need to be worked out — the “sharing” feature doesn’t work yet and there are some kinks (such as removing shows from my following list), but I’m hooked. I foresee this being part of my daily routine for years to come!
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1 year ago, Azz3879
What a wonderful addition to the NYT
I’m always drawn to the audio stories in the app that the author has written. They bring so much vitality and depth to an already fantastic story. so you could imagine my pleasure upon learning of this app while listening to a New York Times podcast yesterday. I hope this grabs others attention as much as it has mine and doesn’t get abandoned before it has its opportunity to become known.
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1 year ago, Jones Farms
AUDM was 100X better
I only paid for this because it was, frankly misleadingly, implied that those of us who were subscribed to AUDM would be transitioned into it as a replacement of and improvement over AUDM. It is not even close. It’s not even similar! It is clumsy to navigate with barely any long form articles, and in fact none whatsoever from some key publications that sold me on AUDM in the first place. This is not the “portal to audio journalism” I’ve seen it described as because that indicates an entryway through which one can go deeper and explore a world of similar content. Instead, it’s just all (confusing) doors and no hallways, no rooms, no content. Hugely disappointing.
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5 months ago, Salmonbottle
App needs improvement
Please make it easier to find the audio articles. Ideally, I could press play one one article and be fed an endless stream of recent articles, skipping the ones that don’t interest me. I’m not sure what the purpose of having podcasts in this app is. The experience is much worse than using an actual podcast app, and they aren’t even exclusive, or ad free. As far as I’m concerned, the podcasts in this app are annoying filler getting in the way of the content I’m actually paying to access.
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1 year ago, 1s&0s
I really like the idea of the app, but I have two issues. The first is that search sorting/filtering is non existent or difficult to find. I really enjoy following the economy and obviously I’d like to see the most recent articles at the top of the search results. I can’t find any sorting options on search, or any real understanding of how you render search results. Makes it really hard to find the most recent articles you offer. Second is more narrated stories, but I imagine that comes with time
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1 year ago, Nitram99
I too am happy to see this app. It seems to have a few bugs. My earphone controls cannot pause it. It seems to draw down the battery. And now a mysterious white square appears in the regular nyt app, which when tapped starts playing the audio app. Nonetheless not a bad start. The more I use this app the less I like it. Do I swipe down, or right? How do I change the text size? Why does the Today tab have articles from a week ago? And how, dear god, do I turn off auto play?? Listen to the plug for the app on Hard Fork! They can’t find a single good thing to say about it! 🤣🤣🤣
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1 year ago, BCMadsen
Yeah, still all the same ads
Meg Greer reviewed this app with a joyous "No ads!" And I naturally expected that too. After all, the app is only for subscribers, right? So doesn't that mean that finally, we can get The Daily without daily ads? Right? RIIIGHT??? But in fact, it means no such thing. And if I can't get The Daily without ads, even though I'm a NYT subscriber, what's the benefit of setting up a whole different podcast app? The one I already have has a more natural feel. This one requires hunting for the inexplicably hidden fast-forward button. Why bother? I'd rather stick with the podcast app I know and have loved for years. If nothing else, I know well where to find its fast-forward button. Somebody let me know if NYT ever makes ad-free episodes available to subscribers, as other podcasts have done for years. (Hey, NYT, go ask NPR to show you how it's done.) Until then, I'm not a fan of the app, which is clunky and difficult and offers me no benefit over the podcast app I already know.
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1 year ago, cannedworms
A disappointing start
I was excited to download this having heard an advertisement on a podcast that I enjoy. I think the biggest disappointment is that it does not pair with Apple Car Play. I do most of my listening in the car during my commute. With this app I have to use my phone to get to the next segment. The segments are mostly short so I have to do this a lot. Is also like to see the daily “Great Reads” offered in audio which I haven’t found yet. The content offerings are a little sparse so far. I hope they build this out some, and pair it with Apple Car Play.
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1 year ago, My account for reviewing Apple
Can’t use while commuting or exercising
Rather than have all my podcasts in one, commuter friendly spot, the NYT decided to separate its podcasts into a subpar platform I can only use at home. There’s no Apple CarPlay support so I have to choose between being safe or listening to their podcasts since I’d have to take my eyes off the road to navigate their less than intuitive app while driving. There’s also no Apple Watch support so I can’t listen to their podcasts while I’m exercising. Not really sure what they were thinking by limiting how people can listen to their podcasts.
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1 year ago, WV LWYR
The future is now
I think everything should be available in audio—including newspapers. In our world of multitasking (like it or not it’s here to stay), it’s great to be able to listen to NYT news and podcasts while I’m getting ready and taking the kids to school, etc. Yeah, I like to actually read articles too when I have downtime, but this is my preferred way to start the day.
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