30 Day - Plank Challenge

Health & Fitness
3.5 (418)
40.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
Jozic Productions Pty Ltd
Last update
6 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for 30 Day - Plank Challenge

3.45 out of 5
418 Ratings
1 year ago, Emac002211
Huge jump!
I was all on board to give this app 5 stars: does just what it says, no fooling around & ads aren’t obnoxious. Then I got to say nine of the very first beginner challenge and it jumped from 35 seconds, a rest day, to a full minute on day 9!! That’s a huge difference! As a complete beginner and someone who hasn’t exercised regularly for a few years, adding 5 seconds every day was already challenging enough. I repeated at least one day already to prepare for the next time length. Adding on 25 seconds all at once is ridiculous! Not giving it fewer than 3 stars because it still is decent and I can just repeat or add on myself until I feel ready, but it’s disappointing that I can’t track my days with this app until then.
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5 years ago, Xax171
Simple but effective
Nothing fancy, but it gets you doing planks. Some of the jumps in time were a little intense, so it took me several days to finish one day on the app. Like others have said, it should have a 3 sec countdown once you press the start button to give you time to get into position. Also, I wish there was a way to go back just by single days or look ahead to the final goal (like a preview). It was a bit hard the first time not knowing what I was aiming for. In this app you only get to see the very next day and only once you’ve completed the current day. Finally I wish there was a way to record how many times you’ve completed a challenge (like a badge). I’m a beginner with a bad wrist, so I have to do the beginning level challenges more than once before I can work up to the intermediate ones. All in all, though, it does the job. The tutorials are very clear and easy to understand. I like that it has multiple levels (beginning, intermediate, advanced), adds in the dates for your challenge, and that it shows you a daily completion percentage. I did my first ever two minute plank thanks to this app, so...thank you!
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5 years ago, TheKargato
I would love to give an actual review
But for some reason whenever I go to select a level the screen is super zoomed in and I can’t click on day 1! My friends and I were going to start doing this app and I was the only one experiencing this problem! I’m still giving it 3 stars because my friends seem to be enjoying it but I hope this problem can be fixed so I can rate it higher!
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3 years ago, Ramzie01
Great way to start exercising
Thanks team Jozic for this App. I am hooked on to it. My kids work out with me too. Can you please also create one for sun salutations? Usually it’s recommended to do 108 repetitions of the sun salutations daily. Stamina for 108 is built over time so it perfectly fits your format. Has a total of 12 poses. You can split it into different level with beginner having to do in increments of 2 rounds. Just a suggestion, I hope you will consider it. Thanks!
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5 years ago, 2suns
Love it!
I’m doing the intermediate Level 1 and at first I thought it was way too easy, but I decided to stick with it. I’m on day 11 now and it definitely ramps up. It started at 30 seconds and today was almost 3 minutes. I have the free version and the video descriptions are great, and the ads actually aren’t bad at all. I’m looking forward to doing more of their challenges.
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6 years ago, Mandaneilson
About to delete for a different app
Thought I found the best app ever until it jumped from 35 seconds to 60.... sorry but a beginner can’t just double their time in one day. I tried getting to 60 seconds three different times and the best I could do was 45 and it was extremely difficult.
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6 years ago, slavkos843567
Should give you a few seconds before counting down
The only problem I’ve found so far is that it starts counting down immediately after I click on an exercise. It should give you a few seconds to prepare, get in the starting position and only then start counting down the time I need to work for the day.
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4 years ago, alexisxstetic
Couldn’t even get it to work
Downloaded this because of the decent reviews and plank challenge my family and I are doing. The app looked simple, clean, and pretty to ease. Open the app; the first thing it asks is to sync with my iCloud so my information won’t be lost. It proceeds to crash and I have to restart. Open the app again, skip saving to iCloud. Hit the beginner area and it takes me to the 30 day challenge calendar. Where. It. Does. Not. Fit. My. Screen. The app is ‘too big’ and extends past the screen. I can’t click day 1. So I figure ok I’ll skip that and pretend day 2 is today. The app won’t let you ‘jump ahead’ rendering the app useless. I tried closing and opening it a few more times. Like actually closing the whole app and swiping it off my running apps. Still never adjusted. What a shame!
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6 years ago, Kmer41
Time increases way too quickly
Thought this app was great at first, but now I’m finding it to be super discouraging. As a beginner, I felt pretty challenged on day 7 with 35 seconds. Day 8 was a rest day. Day 9 we’re up to 60 seconds?! SIXTY. Already?! An entire minute. How is that even real? When I downloaded, I tried to peek through the program to see what I was in store for... you know, so I wouldn’t waste my time... but it won’t let you view more than a day in advance.
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6 years ago, mongoose543213
Good app
I like this app. I think it does move up in time rather quickly, but so far I have been pretty successful. My problem is that the volume on my phone turns down automatically. When I start, the volume is up, then by the time it gets to 10 secs. No more volume. Is this the app or my phone?? iPhone 8 by the way...
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6 years ago, antoinette 303
I love it
I love it ... It gives you an extra 5 secs on each one each days more than one plank to do it pushes you to the limit and that’s just what I need ... it won’t let you see the next day day challenge unless you complete that day first which is awesome great job you guys
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5 years ago, Jilldoe88
Does not work on iPhone XR
I used this app and previously enjoyed it. However, after upgrading from an iPhone 7 to the XR, the tracking calendar is larger than the screen and I can’t access day one. If I try to start on day two, I get an error. I’ve tried reinstalling two times. Saw a similar complaint about an X a year ago and it’s disappointing it’s issue hasn’t been addressed yet. This is also an issue for 30 day sit up app.
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4 years ago, Kayla Alan
I would give this 4 stars because it is really nice and easy to do with the different levels and the check marks make you feel like you accomplished something. The only thing I don’t like is that it doesn’t remind you, otherwise I would say this app is great!
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3 years ago, Ddparsons75
Doesn’t work on iPhone11
Since getting a new phone, the calendar is bigger than the screen. The first day of the month is off the screen, and when you try to chose a day that is on the screen you get an error message that you have to complete the previous day. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but same issue. Used to love this app on my previous phone. Now it’s just useless.
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5 years ago, Jason Werner
Good thought
I like the idea, but there needs to be more info about each level to know where to start. There’s no way to see what exercises are in a level past the first day.
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6 years ago, SoonerMom4233
Optimize for iPhone X Please
Thought this would be good fun to add to my daily regimen, but the completion circles are bigger than the numbered day circles and by day 5 I can not select the workout anymore since the day 4 completion circle completely overlaps the day 5 circle. Wouldn’t be bad if there was a “next workout” button or something similar, but completely useless if I can’t select the next day. Is this an X optimization issue??? Fix it please!!!
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7 years ago, Khaled Annajar
Easy and lightweight
The app is easy to use with nice user experience and till day 8 in advanced level 2, it is fine. So until I reach further days I expect it to be harder. I hope.
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5 years ago, Alexis Cheyenne Cooper
Not able to use the app
I wanted to post a picture with this comment but it wouldn’t let me. I have the iPhone XR and it’s almost like the set up for the app is to in large for my phone. It’s almost like it’s zoomed in, but I can’t zoom out or move it over. I’m not able to even select day one because it off of the screen.
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2 years ago, BossMare PC
Syncing devices
I’d give it 5 stars if I could sync it across my devices. Oh, and there’s no way to contact either support or the developers. Both links give an error. Nice.
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3 years ago, bdub81552
Unable to use
I downloaded the app but am not able to actually use it. The calendar opens and is completely cut off on the sides so I can’t click “day 1” and it won’t let you start on any other day. I tried using all the different levels to see if one would work but all are cut off.
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4 years ago, 457208342
This was a really great app when I purchased it. Now it just needs to be optimized for iPhone 11. It just looks like the screen needs to be adjusted to fit the window. Does the developer want to take a peek?
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4 years ago, MrMoeDee
Good way to Challenge yourself
Great way to challenge yourself, nothing fancy a daily method to track your planking. Levels range from beginning to advanced. 👍🏾
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3 years ago, Vgly
Doesn’t fit on my phone screen
I have an iPhone XR and this doesn’t fit on my screen and I can’t scroll to get to the first day so I can’t even start on it! Luckily it fits on my iPad but kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I saw a review from a year ago stating this same issue and it shocks me they have yet to fix it.
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7 years ago, KGWitt
Love this app!!
These exercises have strengthened my core/abs. Currently on my third 30 day cycle and feel all around much stronger. The app is very user friendly as well.
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5 years ago, Phscghs
Can’t start day 1
Like others have said, the UI is wider than the screen on an iPhone XR and I can’t start any of the workouts because day 1 is off the screen. I really liked to use the app, and wish I could still use it. The 30 day workout app that looks like this one, but isn’t specific to planks still works. You can do plank challenges in it.
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3 years ago, KimK1970
30 day plank challenge
It’s definitely nothing fancy, but it doesn’t need to be. It builds up your tolerance to planks and gets the job done! I’ve used it multiple times.
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3 years ago, Blankman0021
Solid workout but ads are insufferable
Ads are hard to close and they make you finish each days workout before you are able to see the next day. Makes no sense that you can’t see what you’re doing tomorrow ahead of time, unless you’re just trying to make me watch 30 ads.
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2 years ago, RubySue75
Can’t use! Can’t see the first or last rows of calendar
I am unable to even use this because you cannot click or see the first row (where day 1 would be) and the last row of the calendar. It is zoomed in for some reason and there’s no way to zoom it out.
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3 years ago, faursryautcyclj
Tech issues
The app screen is not formatted to the screen. I paid money to get this app. I couldn’t click the first workout as it was not formatted to the screen. However, it does not allow me to start at second workout without finishing the first.
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4 years ago, Bmore Hon
Wont fit my screen
This is not updated for the most recent iphones/ios. I have an iphone 10 on the most current ios update and it doesn’t show the full calendar and if you try to scroll or start on a day that is visible, you simply get an error message
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6 years ago, bikram4life
Fun , easy , effective
Super easy to use, great way to get better at planks and also have fun w friends who u start a challenge with !
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6 years ago, Imaprincess!
Not enough notice to start
All is ok. But it doesn’t give you a few seconds to actually get into position. It would also be nice to see each days schedule time.
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6 years ago, RIC RUNR
Facebook sharing
I am unable to link my progress to Facebook. It says something about signing in through settings. I cannot find the settings on the app.
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6 years ago, Hfjfbjfkfbskdhf
Great App
I love when you down to 10 seconds it gives you a final count down.
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2 years ago, Pokey Bryant 1976
Hard to select the day
I do like the app, but the formatting is off and it is hard to select the day now. It needs an update
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6 years ago, Andrew525252
Good but room for slight improvement
It'd be nice for a counter between exercises and some indication of which side to use (or when to switch) for some exercises
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4 years ago, monkey in Seattle
Intervals are ridiculous
Day 2 has a 50% increase in time over Day 1. The next increase is a 33% increase. It drops from there until Day 9, when there is a greater than 70% increase. Nothing is methodical for increasing and most exercise people promote increases of 2-5%.
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6 years ago, zoeySP
Great app and real progress
Easy to follow and the beginner stage is actually doable yet challenging for real beginners. I love the reminders and progress so far. It’s worth a try!
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6 years ago, Joneth1117
Easy to use
The app is easy to use & the reminders are great. No problems with it at all.
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6 years ago, Mr. E-z
This is good for beginners and intermediate work out. It slowly builds you up with real expectations and it does not get you ripped but toned. Welcome to rediscovering muscles you did not remember you had! Thanks
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4 years ago, Nikki3141597
Currently unusable
I used to love this app but it’s currently unusable in all versions. The image is zoomed in, so I cannot click on half of the days. You can’t skip either, so I cannot use the app because I cannot click on the right day. I even deleted and re-installed the app to no avail.
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5 years ago, GreginCRW
Will not work on iPhone XR
We’ve downloaded this app on two different iPhone XRs and it will not work on either on. The calendar to track your progress, the first row is not visible and you cannot get to it. We’ve downloaded it twice and still not visible. Emailed them, nothing.
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6 years ago, Tabuteau
Not gradual
This app is good until around day 10 when it jumps from 35 seconds to 60 second planks. It’s discouraging to have to be stuck on day 8 over and over until you build enough strength to progress.
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7 years ago, Mariusdoczi
Good for 4 first days
The check sign after a workout is twice the size of the square assigned to each day and after completing the 4th day you can’t choose the exercise for the 5th day because the check sign for the 3rd and 4th day will cover the whole line. Useless
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7 years ago, Byrdshot
Keeps me on track and motivated
nice clean app with great visual as well as text explanations of exercises. I'm on day 18 of level intermediate 1 and doing well for a lean 52 yr old male.
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7 years ago, FreeLuv4All
Simple and straightforward
No extra fluff, just the features you need.
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4 years ago, Mandylion4
Can't use this on XR
I own an IPhone XR and this app is not compatible with it. The screen is enlarged and cannot be adjusted because of this you cannot start Day 1. I emailed the company to advise but, I haven't heard anything back. I'm realizing as I read past reviews, this is something the programmers just refuse to fix.
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7 years ago, T470
Love this app!
Super easy to use and so many levels to choose from!
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4 years ago, The Sasquatch125467
Garbage App
Downloaded it...screen freeze. Deleted and download again...screen calendar was over sized and could not be adjusted. Deleted and downloaded again...app wouldn’t allow the challenge to start. Deleted and moving on to a better app.
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5 years ago, UDBM72
iPhone XR issues
On my previous iPhone, when I downloaded the app, I had no problems. Now with iPhone XR, the app is too big for the screen, and I can’t use it for my challenges. It only shows 4 days in a row, starts at day 2-5, and continues, Please fix this soon! I love love this app!
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