Colloquy - IRC Client

Social Networking
1.6 (27)
9.7 MB
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Current version
Colloquy Project
Last update
6 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for Colloquy - IRC Client

1.63 out of 5
27 Ratings
12 years ago, commorancy
SInce the latest upgrade, no longer able to see channel users
While this software still works mostly as an IRC client, it is more or less broken. Until the authors fix this issue, it's not worth buying. The images on the download area in iTunes show that there is a button you can click showing people in the channel. Since I upgrade to IOS6 and since the latest Colloquy update, the top bar where this button sits doesn't calculate its length correctly and pushes this button off of the screen. So, you can no longer see the button. Do not consider buying this version until the authors update and fix these issues. Version as of Nov 3, 2012. Giving it two stars because while it is broken in some features, it still works an an IRC client, but you might want to buy one that doesn't have features which are supposed to work that are broken.
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7 years ago, Tenshi-X
Full of bugs
This mobile version of Colloquy is very different from the desktop version. This mobile version is barely usable. Below is a list of bugs I frequently encounter each time I use it. • Display bug where console window bar will be drawn as a duplicate channel window bar. Clicking on a bar to reopen and return seems to force it to redraw properly • Display bug where duplicate user names are listed in channel • Bug that prevents private messaging a user in channel - app believes user is offline when they are clearly online. • Bug that prevents a whois on a user that has joined a channel if selected from chat window - app believes user is offline, however console displays whois info just fine. Workaround is to select user from user listing instead of chat window. • Bug that draws first two or three lines in a private conversation above visible space. Must swipe pull down private chat window to read. Even the preview next to user name bar does not properly display the text hidden above • Random bug where message and channel bars become locked and are unselectable. A workaround is to “open a console” to unlock this condition, this works even if console window is already open At its current state, I cannot recommend this app - save your money. There are likely other IRC apps that work better than this.
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5 years ago, MNC9
Yes, iOS 13 broke it
I’ve been using this client for many years and it worked perfectly! Up until iPadOS 13. It no longer scrolls automatically to show new messages when the screen is full. Also (and I think this is more of an issue with iPadOS, but I’m still going to mention it just in case), when using Colloquy in split screen/multitasking (chat on the right, Safari on the left), I can’t browse/scroll Safari on the left-hand side and keep the cursor “live” in the chat on the right-hand side. I have to tap on the chat side to be able to type anything again. I used to be able to type whenever I wanted with my connected keyboard while still scrolling the internet with my finger on the left. Just very inconvenient all around now, which has pushed me to stop using this app on my iPad. I have to pull out my laptop and use the program on there, which is annoying. I’m still giving this 3 stars because it’s served me well for so many years. But I wanted to write this review to let the developers know that some features aren’t working any longer and to hopefully get an update!
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7 years ago, Wes Derby
Slowest IRC client I've ever used
The app seems like a wonderful idea… Until you try to use it to connect to a chat room. Worked very well on older versions of iOS. The developers really need to do some work to keep it current. Sometimes, it takes me up to an hour to connect to a chat room… Where as with any other client, or via the web, I connect instantly.
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6 years ago, Möbius loop
Doesn’t work on iPhone X
I don’t know if it’s an iOS 11 issue or an iPhone X issue, but this app hangs as soon as I start it. Unable to adjust any settings or click on any button. Have to kill the app to exit. Used the apps for years with znc and it worked great. Not sure why it is so bad now.
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8 years ago, ripacheco
Problems listed below are still present on the latest release. They must not care about the iPad I guess... Used to be a great app. Lots of crashes even on version 1.8.5 Screen on chat keeps getting narrower...sigh... App crashes unexpectedly ... It can reconnect but is annoying...
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8 years ago, Thehatch2002
The private messages have been fixed 👍 however now unable to use the add channel button
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8 years ago, Spudboy2006
Still issues.
Update: Wish user names were different colors. IRCcloud is my first choice for an IRC client.
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7 years ago, Marissa Vargas
Not working.
I'm not sure if it's the app or not, but I got this to try and run Pesterchum with a guide from Tumblr, but it won't even let me send messages. Sadly, no other apps will work either.
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7 years ago, Frank244
doesnt seem to work
Cant connect to any irc servers. Used to work in previous versions. Not sure if it has anything to do with ipv6 or latest version of iOS.
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5 years ago, maisiewillyums
Ios13 broke it
As of ios13 for some reason the chats don’t scroll. No longer functional and very annoying. Please update it I have uninstalled and reinstalled it to no avail.
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6 years ago, matthew41
iPhone X
I am using an iPhone X running iOS 11.4 and the conversation scrolling cuts the last line of everything off at the bottom.
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8 years ago, PilotKAC
A bit tricky at first
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4 years ago, Realdasho
Used to be great, needs update
Crashes on launch on iOS 14. Please fix
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7 years ago, @AlrabiahF
This version is miserable
I am using colloquy since 2015 I dont recommendd this app atm since it has many bugs. It has only one thing which is very nice It supports fallback encoding too Please fix it and change the interface
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Waste of almost 2 dollars
I can't see what I'm typing as I type it...
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3 years ago, Franko1005
Inappropriate content
Certain channels should be monitored and blocked.
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8 years ago, Somadlol
Keyboard overlaps chat room, unable to see what im typing
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8 years ago, coyote363
STILL not fixed, old bugs brought back!
UPDATE: instead of fixing the problems below, they've added back the "text hidden behind text entry field" bug, plus the supposedly-fixed 'offline' bug is simply not fixed at all. Yet another update that made everything worse not better. If they could somehow simply re-release 1.8.5, that would help. Everything since has been progressively worse. And the "help" website doesn't appear to be staffed. UPDATE: New version, new bugs. Does anyone test this app before releasing it? Cannot send pm's, only receive them - it thinks everyone is 'offline' even when they're not. Unreal. My fault for updating, this app has a history of updates that do more harm than good, hopefully this new bug will be addressed eventually, but I'm starting to wonder. Developer seems disinterested. ... After nearly a year of aggravation and multiple bug fixes they do seem to have it fixed at last with 1.8.5, at least as far as the issues I've seen. It's back to where it was two years ago, and that's a good thing. Best IRC app I've tried. Now ... I'm begging you ... please please please test future updates before you release them?
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16 years ago, David Celis
Highly recommended for IRC users
One of the best desktop IRC applications written for the iPhone? Yes please! Bought this little gem last night and have used it several times now. Everything so far works perfectly. It's easy to set up connections, and it has many of the advanced options found in the desktop client. It's really like using Colloquy on the Mac. The application even uses landscape mode, but don't expect to see more than one to two messages at a time while viewing in this way. I have no problems using the portrait keyboard, so I usually stick with this. My only gripe with this app is that there is currently no option to turn emoticons off (I am one of those people who would rather just see the textual smileys) but this is most definitely not enough to take a star away. 5 stars; definitely buy this if you are an IRC user.
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8 years ago, taroliw
Colloquy + ZNC (for push) is GREAT!
I'm a longtime Colloquy user on Mac, but only recently have tried it on iOS. The thing that TRULY makes this usable though is ZNC integration, which enables me to stay online in my channels and get push notifications. I'm quite pleased with the combination, though for some this might prove a little challenging to set up on their own. One thing I'm noticing, with some regularity, now that I have more networks and channels set up in ZNC, is that this client easily crashes if there are several buffers to scroll back. It seems to occur more frequently when additional chats open in the process -- such as when ZNC has reconnected and bots reply during login. If crashing wasn't such a problem I could easily go five stars on the rating. And now I've learned of some competition. Palaver. It's missing some of Colloquy's bells and whistles. But it has two things that caused me to switch for now: (1) it doesn't crash. (2) it's developers are proactive and responsive with new builds.
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10 years ago, Rabidkanid
Best IRC Chat I've used, even with it's flaws
Runs more efficiently than LimeChat (meaning my phone doesn't heat up from using it and drain the battery faster), gives you notifications when you're about to lose the connection instead of just disconnecting you, and I like the interface. The main issue is that the option to turn off screen lock isn't on by default. You have to look for it in the options and turn it on. This helps to prevent the iOS from disconnecting you from chat. It's was also a bit of a problem for me to find the "Time Stamp" option so I can see when someone left a message. It's in there, you just have to search a bit. The disconnecting issue is an iOS issue with apps that require a constant connection as opposed to an intermittent one. It isn't an issue with the app. The creator tried to compensate for it as much as they could.
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15 years ago, mamiller93
I have four IRC clients. Flowchat, Limechat, Rooms and now Colloquy, and I just love colloquy. Flowchat would be great if it didn’t crash and have all the bugs and if it EVER updated its app. For all those who will say "restart your ipod," I did morons, I already spoke with the developers and they said it was their fault, yet they still havent updated their app. Anyways, I can not stop raving about Colloquy, it simply is the BEST IRC app out there at the moment. Flowchat may come close in a second, but right now, your best bet is Colloquy. Colloquy has a simple user interface, yet packs a lot of punch in its features. With the developers updating it often enough, Colloquy is the IRC app that everyone should have. Take it from me... I already have 3 other ones that will be trashed when I am finished with this review. Thanks Colloquy!
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9 years ago, Granite Stater
Disastrous update
Update: As others have observed the iOS 9 version hides the text entry screen field and bottom five lines of room text on the iPhone 6. I just don't get how such a bad bug gets past testing. UPDATE: They were getting better the last few updates, but the 1/15 update crashes when I try connecting to the IRC server. This happens on my iPhone 6 Plus and my iPad Mini, and I see it does on a 5S another user posted. Does anyone do quality tests before they update this app?? The 12/21 update still hasn't fixed things. When using it with the virtual keyboard on my iPad Mini, black bars appear over the last thing said in the room or PM, making me minimize and then maximize the screen to get rid of them. Also, sometimes I am not presented with a text entry window in one orientation, and I have to rotate to another to get that text entry window. It would be nice if it was consistent, but some windows force me to landscape to get the text entry, but in the same session another will force me to portrait, making me feel like I am driving an obstacle course, not chatting. Egads. Previous entry: This was a great product til the latest update, now it is chock full of bugs that make it near unusable. The text entry fields don't appear unless you rotate the thing back and forth, on the phone in portrait to click on a room and nothing happens, etc. please fix it!
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11 years ago, SamTheDentist
Works, but buggy.
This app works well for quickly connecting to an IRC channel, but staying connected is where things kinda fall apart. Without a BNC or Bouncer (via the colloquy Mac app) you will be disconnected from your IRC 3 minutes after you close the app, regardless of the timeout chosen in settings (Multitask timeout). Using Colloquy for Mac with the bouncer service I can stay connected, but push notifications don't work reliably. The app has other features that just don't work; autocorrect, autocapitalization, and auto-scrolling with new messages. There are provisions to report bugs on the colloquy website, but tickets are routinely closed with a very limited explanation. The auto-scroll bug was closed stating it has been "resolved" in the latest unreleased beta version... Unavailable to users at present. If you need a reliable always connected IRC client I'd suggest Limechat with a BNC. For quick one time connections Colloquy is pretty average and will get the job done. I'll update this review when the next update is released, until that time I'd stay clear of Colloquy for iOS.
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14 years ago, Dan_Olivares
Good, Feature Request --> Dump all chat to one window.
I find this application pretty good. A few things would be nice for an IRC specific application. It would be nice to have the keyboard have the / character on the main keyboard. Often times when entering an e-mail address, the main keyboard will have the @ key in the lower right so I don't have to 'dig' to get it. It would also be nice to have a mode where it dumps all colloquy into a single box.. so I can keep up to date on all of the channels that i'm in at once. If I want to do a message, i could enter the /msg #channel syntax or click the channel that I want to send to in the prefix of the message that I see in the window with prefixes enabled.
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14 years ago, Karelia
Works wonderfully
This app works great on both my iMac and iPod touch. I have my iMac connected to an IRC network all the time, and the ability to use the bouncer feature on my iPod from anywhere I can get on the net is great. It lets me get around the iPod's inability to keep the program open while on Safari, by using my iMac's transcript to fill me in on what I've missed, and saves me from having to maintain two independent connections to any given channel. The only beef I have is with the lack of an iPad-native version, since the iPhone's keyboard is a bit chunky at 1024x768. With any luck, we'll see an iPad version here soon!
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15 years ago, Davis Engeler
Great, would like an update.
This is a really woderful application that allows you to connect to many IRC Servers and Channels. Be aware that if you are not familiar with IRC, there will be a bit of a learning curve. I would like to see an update sometime. Of course, the push notifications are coming. That will be a great addition. I just am hoping that it will have many settings for what you want to be notified about. Also, I would like the option to turn off the emoticons. Other than a few minor issues, this app is well worth the two bucks I paid for it. Highly recommended for any IRC user. Do NOT get another IRC app. This is currently the best.
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13 years ago, IRCaholic
I got this app for my iPad several months ago because I use IRC a lot and have had a reasonably good experience with the computer version of Colloquy. I continue to use both versions - they work well enough that I don't need something else, but the mobile version has a few issues. 1. Intermittently it will freak out, especially if I am doing a lot of tabbing between apps, to where the "who's here" list freezes, even when people join and part the channel. Recently I have not had that issue because Colloquy has crashed as soon as someone joins or parts while it is in freak out mode. 2. Text color support is one-way. I can see colorful messages, but I am unable to add color to my messages. 3. As another review mentioned, the timestamp has no option to display to-the-second accuracy. It also does not update on channel info like joins, parts, promotions and demotions. This is only noticeable on channels that are quiet for a few minutes, though. Mostly good, but a few (minor) issues.
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12 years ago, ClayU
Unbelievably slow to fix major errors
I really can't believe that almost 2 months has passed since the last update which completely broke the functionality on my iPad 3. The screen sizing must have been updated for the iPhone 5, but broke it for the IPad. You cannot access the room user list as it is off the right edge of the screen. Not even an ability to scroll or resize. Even worse, if you invoke the /names command to get a user list, that list is a pop-up with just the leading edge visible on the right hand side of the screen. Very poor QC before release which makes the app completely unusable. Probably works well on the iPhone 5, but complete crap on any other iOS devise. Avoid this app until it is fixed. Even then beware that bug fix cycles are stupidly long!
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14 years ago, Dissatisfied consumer
It's to complicated.
To difficult to figure it out. Had it work one time and after that found some commands that I didn't know how they were suppose to be used. The next time I tried connecting, I couldn't update my chat room list. You need to be a computer geek Out how this IRC app works. Colloquy website was just as helpless to use. Needs a straight forward tutorial either video or a tabble of content structured right in the app itself or a link in the app that takes you there. Using this app makes me think the programer, who created it, has A.D.D. Do you really need a Mac computer? If so, then It's useless to me. Sincerely, Frustrated!!!
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15 years ago, Quintopia
Better than free apps but not the best
I have both this app and Bjorn Teichmann's Rooms installed. Both have bugs and are works in progress, but so far I haven't encountered a bug in Rooms that crashes it, much less allows anyone who is feeling malivious to crash it. Rooms is easier to configure and has a much nicer interface to work with, especially if you want to easily switch between many channels on many networks. Despite a handful of flaws, I would recommend Rooms over Colloquy. And I would recommend either over the free apps.
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16 years ago, beez1717
This is the best irc client out there. It is easy to set up and it never crashes. I also like the inclusion of the option to auto complete typing in users names. Makes long names a synch to type in now! And, I like the amount of features just right. I only wish one thing: the ability to switch chat skins while running the app, and to allow for different skins for different chats. On the desktop version I use different skins to tell me who I am talking with.
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16 years ago, alexbttf
Mobile Colloquy back in action!!
To me, buying this was a no brainer. I used to use the old jailbroken version "MColloquy" back in 2007 & it made me smile to see an "official" SDK version being made. I had been following the development since the summer & building the source version for myself (yay for being an iPhone Dev) but, spending the $2 on this was the easiest decision I've had to make. Wish I could give it more than 5 stars! Congrats on a great release Colloquy Project Team!
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15 years ago, sajacky
Bouncer for Windows unusable
First off, I really do like this app. It works as advertised, and is worth the money. Except. When I went looking for the "bouncer" to push irc messages to me when Colloquy isn't running on the iPhone, I found a kludgy, confusing, hacked-together mess that the developers of this slick app shouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. A transparent, usable push feature like that on BeejiveIM would make this a 6-star app, well worth much more than I paid for it, as it is, it stays at 4 stars.
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12 years ago, asmeurer
This is the greatest irc app. The syncing with the Mac app is flawless. And I don't know what the other reviewer is talking about with support. Just go to their irc channel (#colloquy on freenode). Every time I've gone there they've been very friendly and helpful. My only request is to allow notifications on all activity on a specific channel, rather than just by specific words (like with the desktop app). Otherwise it's a little hard to use this to follow my IRC channel.
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15 years ago, Ilyanep
Really well-written app
I've been using colloquy on my Mac for a while now (although recently I've been using irssi more and more because I can use it with screen, but that's another story.) This app is obviously designed with the iPod/iPhone UI in mind, and the bouncer feature makes it extra super nice. It's the first app I've bought for the touch, and it was definitely worth the $2 I spent. Highly recommended.
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8 years ago, Skatter
Used to be the best. Now...
Get Palaver instead. I've had Collloquy for a few years now, and it has sadly gone downhill. At the moment, it thinks random people who have signed off are still in the channel list, has duplicates when they sign off and come back, can't tell if someone is online or offline in a /Whois and even refuses to send /msg or /query messages to people who are clearly online and messaging YOU. Just avoid it now, folks. Get anything else. I went with Palaver, but something else might work for you. At least Palaver seems to be semi-regularly updated and it WORKS fairly consistently.
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15 years ago, scaredpoet
The Best IRC Client for Mac is now the Best for iPhone
I've used and love Colloquy on my Mac, and have looked around for IRC clients for my iPhone. Most did the job as advertised, but not very well. Then I saw Mobile Colloquy was introduced. This client is by far the best implementation of an IRC client possible on the iPhone, in my opinion. Very easy to use ad keep up with conversations, and utilizes the screen format really well. This is very much worth the price!
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12 years ago, WarrenO
Awesome IRC client
Excellent app - looks nice, and does what it should, without a lot of fuss. Major bugs from a recent update have been fixed, which is greatly appreciated. To make the most of it, you need to use it with a "bouncer" such as ZNC or the desktop Colloquy for Mac. You can stay connected to IRC all the time, and hop on from multiple clients at any point to see what's been going on. The Apple-imposed 10-minute timeout becomes a non-issue.
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15 years ago, brandonv80
Great IRC Client!
I have never left a review, but I felt the need to leave one for Colloquy... because I LOVE IT. This app is GREAT for any typical IRC client user. I have read many negetive reviews about Colloquy, and these people MUST not be familiar with IRC clients, or how to set them up. I recommend this app for any experienced IRC user. I don't recommend this app for those that are not familiar with IRC. This Colloqy app exceeded my expectations for an iPhone IRC client. I highly recommend this app!
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16 years ago, Jeff Wheeler
Despite wonky configuration problems, Colloquy really shines
I really love the UI for Colloquy, even though the desktop client bugs me. Most of the themes are extremely beautiful, and it includes many of the features that are essential for an IRC client. After I ran into some bugs initially configuring the autojoined rooms (it began acted very strange), everything has began to act very smoothly and works wonderfully. It was worth every penny.
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11 years ago, DonCornelius01
Happy Switcher from LimeChat
I switched from LimeChat because of the better user interface in Colloquy, especially when it comes to editing my chat text from a Bluetooth keyboard. The only thing I wish Colloquy had was tab-completion of nicknames when using a Bluetooth keyboard. If the feature exists, I haven't been able to figure out how to turn it on. :| Still, you can tap on the suggested name to get nick completion, which is better than nothing.
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14 years ago, Almadiel
Great, but...
Works really well. The one thing keeping it from being perfect for me is that I can't receive XDCC transfers using a bounce server. I would like to be able to have files get forwarded to the iPad where they could be opened by other apps. Right now it just does nothing, doesn't even alert you to the pending transfer. File handling works well on iPad, and its disappointing that this app doesn't take advantage of it.
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15 years ago, Kbess86
Great irc app
I've tried limechat, rooms and colloquy. Colloquy is the best. It never crashes for me, works when I connect directly to networks or use my psyBNC irc proxy. This guy gave it 1 star for having too many settings, this is a good thing. It has a lot of features and is customizable. This app is easy to use and setup, if you can't do it it's your fault or the irc servers, not the apps fault
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9 years ago, WhyTheNickGuys?
Great update, solid IRC client
It's not a complete change but the client will log me out in 5 minutes instead of 3 now, that being the biggest issue with IRC on every iOS app. Still hoping for an update that lets it stay on continuously in the background like Skype and such do. Pref panel isn't showing up from the icon, but is available in the general system settings as its own icon near the bottom. It's annoying but still useable.
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12 years ago, Mediaphage
Inept developers ruined autocorrect
This version destroyed autocorrect. It is completely bungled, and the devs refuse to admit it - on Twitter, people called them out on it, and they claim it is just the normal iOS autocomplete in effect. Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. This thing will change your words AFTER you hit send. Given the way the devs are reacting, I wouldn't trust them with my money again. Really wish I could just get a refund. Definitely look for another IRC app; this title isn't worth your time or inevitable frustration.
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14 years ago, C Jenkins
Excellent, but needs logging
Works as well as the Mac desktop version, but with one drawback: Eventually, old messages are lost as new ones arrive, and there is no option for logging, as far as I can tell. Developer, I'm NOT witholding stars in a vain attempt to coerce you to add features, but, logging would certainly be welcome, even if it is plain text only.
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14 years ago, Craig in Idaho
Standard IRC client, few frills, lots of bugs
Not a bad IRC client as such things go. It seems hard to find a food one. Colloquy is fair, better than most, which doesn't say much. On the iPad, it has an annoying bug that hides the text chat pan beneath the keyboard until you minimize the keyboard and then reopen it, which is frustrating when you switch between chat sessions a lot. At least it is iOS 4 multitasking aware, and as far as the IRC protocol, it is a solid client.
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15 years ago, fhfucttigfriifetyyftisiee
this is the best irc client for the iphone and if youre an advance irc user it makes the experience better and it does everything that a decent desktop irc client can do!!! all the ratings that are low are from inexperienced irc users that dont know anything what so ever although its soooooo easy to use! great app. hope there are updates to make it even better!!!!
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