Streamlabs: Live Streaming App

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4.1 (15K)
63.3 MB
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Current version
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Streamlabs: Live Streaming App

4.12 out of 5
15K Ratings
3 years ago, Bobby T.
Theme assets make things tricky
Limitations in the app make custom themes difficult… The only way to get a custom image INTO the app is to use the iOS Photos app. Problem is, saving a transparent PNG and selecting it in Streamlabs breaks the transparency. There is no other means to send (share) an image at the app itself. The only other alternative is to load it via a URL. As it turns out the app does not download it, rather it loads it live every time. While this has some benefits (auto updating assets), since I was using a free service I came to find that the image links I was using expired after a week… It took me a while to realize this is what kept breaking my theme… I’m now hosting my assets on a commercial web hosting service, which should allow my theme to keep working (as long as I pay my 3rd party hosting bill). Ideally the app should allow me to “share” an image into it and treat these the same as images added from the photos app… But as of now at least I got things working so I don’t have to rebuild my theme every time I try to stream.
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3 years ago, Ry ツ
please make intro makers and custom tip alerts free to use and not with joining prime.
Don’t get me wrong, I like using streamlabs obs for my twitch streaming. It is a good streaming app to use to stream to twitch and I find it helpful. However, by far in my opinion, its BIGGEST downside is that it makes you Join Prime to create custom alert tips, create intro makers, and all the good stuff that can allow streamers to grow. Not everyone is super rich and wants to pay for prime every month. I myself want to use the intro maker and tried creating one, but then when i went to download it, it said that i need to pay for prime to download intro makers, custom tip alerts, stream overlays, and more. I hate that part so much. That is the only reason i gave it 4 stars. Just let making intro logos, tip alerts, and all the streaming growth items free. There is no reason not to. There are a lot of people that are considering leaving streamlabs obs solely because of them being forced to use Prime to get all the simple growth equipment. Please make intro makers and all the other streaming growth items free and not having to join prime. Streamlabs, by making it free, you can potentially bring back thousands who left due to being frustrated of having to join Prime. Please make them free and don’t make them go with Prime. Thanks.
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2 years ago, Cudhekaoxjf
It’s a good app but with some MAJOR hitches
This app has a ton of cool features, Event list, alerts, chat, ultra wide camera support, 60 fps, 1080p, neat compact formatting tool for placing chat and alerts wherever you want, and it does all of that very gracefully. However, there have been issues that I cannot fix. No matter how I edit my settings I can’t help but get video/audio desync when I stream, my audio is always 3 seconds ahead of my video. And unfortunately there is not much documentation online on how to fix this issue. You cannot lock the app in landscape mode It flips to portrait mode way too easy. when you’re streaming you can point your phone at the ground without it flipping and there’s no way to change it. If you do an orientation lock on iPhone it locks it, but it locks it in portrait mode. I would love to find a way to fix it but there is very little documentation for this app online.
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2 years ago, Heins Skitzvelvet
It’s great until it’s not…
I’m 1-5 with attempting to stream with this app. I haven’t found the bandwith “sweet spot” yet and unfortunately the app doesn’t let you know if you’re there. I’ve had 3/4 bars of service and my FPS and KBPS bounce all over the place. If you’re losing frames it does not alert you and if you don’t have any audio coming through it does not tell you. There is no way to test your bandwith prior to going live. With that said, your only option is to promote your stream like normal, go live, cross your fingers, and hope that the app can hold it’s own…and if it doesn’t…hope that one of your friends is nice enough to text you to let you know that your live stream is completely useless. Pretty bummed that I spent $150 on the premium version of this app just to have to constantly close it out and resort to going live on Instagram instead. I don’t have enough faith in it at this point to click “go live” anywhere outside of my home…which is the point of the app.
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3 years ago, Gamer-for-life
Not worth using
This seems like a cool app to use to stream to the world. But it’s not. I’ve reached out for help and barely get any from the creators of the app. I’ve had nonstop issues. I’ve tried it on several devices just to make sure I’m not that dumb or a device. I’ve bought a Apple iAir tablet issues with streaming video. I then bought a Samsung Galaxy S7 5G plus tablet issues with sound (it doesn’t share the sound from the game it, creates its own sound), and lastly I first started with a iPhone XR Max then got a iPhone 12 same issues as both (I still own all three devices). By the time I get one fixed the other issue pops up. When I change the title of the game it reverts back to the first title I tried to use it with. So I’m stuck going back to that game not able to stream different games. Help please. As it seems that I have gotten much elsewhere. I’m glad companies are working to help us stream. I understand it’s free and thank you for that! But with the issues it’s kinda hard to recommend you and give you a good rating when support is so hard to get at times from your company.
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4 years ago, Sellena42
Horrible update
I loved this app before the last update. Everything worked fine, I had no problems. Now after the update, my alerts are broken. Some will only show on stream if my iPhone is in portrait mode, some will only show on stream if my iPhone is in landscape mode, and some I haven’t been able to get to work at all. The font size of words in the alert box is also locked now? Everything is giant and 9 times out of 10 something is stuck off screen, even when the alert box takes up my entire phone screen. How on earth did you guys break the alert box so badly??? My iPhone is an older SE, but it’s still supported by Apple, so unless Streamlabs decided to nix my device support out of the blue, the alert box is broken for devices smaller than a tablet. I honestly strongly dislike using this app so much now that I’m going to try and switch to pc Streamlabs only. If there was a way to rollback this app to the previous update, I’d be ecstatic. For now though, I’ll just quietly hate the changes in this app and leave as soon as I can.
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2 years ago, TheGreatBottsby
Cool functions, but disconnects a lot
I’m using this app to do a basic Facebook livestream for a scholastic sports team. I wanted to add the team score and a couple other basic things during the stream. That part works great, and it’s really easy to switch between scenes and create them. However, I have noticed a significant problem with disconnections while using the app. It’s been bad enough that I have stopped using the app midway through a match and switch to live-streaming directly on FB without the graphics. It’s a shame because if it connected well enough, I would use it a lot more. I’m also not really digging the idea of buying disconnection protection, which is part of the premium service. I don’t know what the marketing team was thinking there, but I’m closer to giving up on the app than I am spending money to make sure it works as it should. Core functionality should never be hidden behind a paywall.
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5 months ago, Judeinator9001
Almost okay but ruined by a bug
I have done 13 streams on YT with this. Except, it’s more like 30 because of one single bug that knocks this app from a high 4-star or low 5-star all the way down to a low 2-star. There is always a chance that your stream will end randomly with the painfully unhelpful error message, “aTtEmPtEd To StArT iNvAlId BrOaDcAsT sEsSiOn.” Today was my final straw. The glitch happened 3 times today (it happened twice in my 12th stream) and my first “13th” stream started at 11:00 and the last one ended at 11:22. Except, I streamed for ELEVEN MINUTES. TOTAL. HALF OF THAT TIME WAS ME SETTING UP THE STREAMS BETWEEN THE TIMES WHEN THE BUG HAPPENED. And at this point, I am done with this garbage. It is hugely aggravating for me and hugely inconvenient for my fans. looking for a new streaming app that is like this one without this miserable bug. I barely even gave this 2 stars instead of 1, and I’m only doing 2 because this is exactly what I was looking for if the glitch didn’t exist. Truly unfortunate.
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3 years ago, YoChuckDAmongUs
Good.... but I have a few suggestions
I like this app but there is something I really hate about it. No offense but this is going to be probably the most major flaw in the history of streaming apps. I kind of want to, you know, not have to keep my microphone on the entire time! and also I really want to stream when I’m not on the app because if I can stream something in my camera roll I won’t have to get up early in the morning and my viewers will have to pay more money for the app every time so that they can see me(this is the flaw), because I am kind of Internet famous. also, this is in the floor I just kind of want you to reach out to universe, The website building app. Maybe you can work something out with them so we can use that app to stream on our websites.
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4 years ago, James Muriel
The app is Fantastic but it can’t pickup discord audio
So I’ve been using this app for sometime messing with it doing test live streams but I noticed that it only picks up my audio and my games audio. I thought it was just me so I did everything I could to try fixing it. After like 4-5 hours of research I found out that no one knew how to capture discord audio. All I really want to see from this app is that it will capture my friends audio when I am live so I don’t sound like I’m talking to myself. So until this is fixed or developed I don’t know what to do... so please if you can please add this
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3 years ago, theObservatory1
Streamlabs is SHAMELESS
Streamlabs as a company has no CSR compass. Their services and GUI designs are literal copy pasta then they turn around and call it their own. Incredibly hard to cancel subscription service, where mechanism for cancellation is hidden layers away and unreasonably difficult to access (ended up having to contact support by email several times for cancelation) Not to mention the subscription was started involuntarily (they started the subscription when I made a donation to a streamer and they just bundled their “pro” donation gifs or effects with my donation.) This subscription stuck with me for half a YEAR before I realized this repeated payment and called them up. This app actually completely resembles an app I made in HIGHSCHOOL.. its layout, optimization, and UI pipeline (and its general uselessness) make the two apps twins!! Trash app, trash company, trash humans. You need more reasons bruh? Absolute pepegas.
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4 years ago, Pusher_of_Pixels
Crashes after 15-20 minutes. Mute is iffy.
Very slick and beautifully polished user interface, and very easy to set up and get started. However, after 15-20 minutes of continuous streaming, the app crashes every time, closing out the app and returning you to your phone’s home screen. Very unfortunate and disappointing. Otherwise, this would easily be a 5-star app, no question about it. Also, happening to me a couple of time: if initiating a stream with a muted mic (muted via the mic mute on the recording stream view), the broadcast isn’t actually muted; I’ve had to toggle the mute button to “on” and then “off” again to get it to recognize a muted state. The mute issue isn’t that big of a deal to me, really, but the crashing is. Deal-breaker. Hands-down this app would be the #1 best for no-nonsense basic streaming otherwise. Bummer. ☹️
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4 years ago, Curious2Smile
It has some issues but it was okay
I tried using this on my iPad that’s up to date, and it worked great for me... for the most part. I couldn’t see what the stream looked like for one, I think that adding something similar to Netflix’s picture in picture could fix that. And I couldn’t screen record it for more than 3 minutes before it stopped and wouldn’t let me after that. It does have some nice things for beginners like me though. The easy to use format was really nice, and it seemed really beginner friendly. Really my major issue was with the screen recording, it seems like it would be a minor thing to fix but most people appear to have a similar problem. Overall I think it would work for someone that isn’t me.
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4 years ago, Jackson's Adventures
Really good but
This live streaming app is the best live streaming software ever for me! But I have two problems. When I screen record live after a couple mins it was stop for some reason but I have a solution for it. I would just start screen recording again, then it would work just fine. It’s not all that bad. But the biggest issue is sometimes when I try to use the camera, it would just say connecting and it would never get to my channel it would show the event and title of the stream, but it would never connect. Please fix so I can do it all the time thanks!
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2 years ago, GroovDiva
Random malfunctions
Screen sharing mode is full of surprises. Sometimes, it auto-fills the “category” field with an unrelated option (for some reason, it’s always “world of Warcraft” for me). Other times, despite the warning that “everything, including notifications, will be broadcast,” it broadcasts my sound, but only shows the Streamlabs screen-sharing interface & timer instead of what I see on my screen—for the entire duration of the broadcast, which I think is showing what I’m seeing (including notifications) the entire time. I was trying this out for a month to see if I wanted to invest more time and effort into creating game strategy content for Twitch, but unless there’s another way with my equipment, this won’t work.
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1 year ago, Ahahebrfiwo
I don’t understand how they can actually ask people to pay them $20 a month for the worst app ever made. It cannot do anything it’s useless it doesn’t overlay anything. It doesn’t even offer a free trial which just goes to show they know it’s trash. this is a scam. They should be arrested for how bad this is $20 for this awful thing is a robbery. It’s just nothing it accomplishes nothing it’s ugly. It’s impossible to use, I can’t believe they have the guts to put this out there and the fact that anybody give this a review other than trash they must have paid people to review this thing. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever used to try to accomplish streaming I want my time back, I should be charging you the developer for my time trying to using this awful piece of software you should be ashamed
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3 years ago, Ted Yoder
Horrible customer service and refund policy.
I have really bad wifi at my house so I e had to stream using my phone. I decided to upgrade to premium to get the best options and both times I streamed, I eventually lost connection. So I asked for a refund but for some unholy reason they only offer refunds within the first 12-24 hours. I asked politely, letting them know hat happened and that it just doesn’t work, and they refused to give me a refund. My main reason for such a low review is it took me way more than one day to figure and set things up just to stream. Then when I did, it crashed every time. So how am I supposed to ask for a refund within their allotted time frame? This is extremely frustrating and I will never use streamlabs again. I hope more people complain about this so they change it for future issues.
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6 years ago, Nerdy Dlgger
Great streaming to move for the casual streamer who does IRL
Some great improvements would be the Bilicki to capture the screen of the device you’re using to stream from so if you had a game that he wanted to play on your iOS device then you could stream that maybe even put a WebCam view on one corner of that front tight shot of the WebCam but other than that I see no room big improvements or they can do it’s really great that very easily is very user-friendly very on top of their game good job hit Hey great Mark for this app and I hope you continue making great app like this that make people’s lives easier thank you
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3 years ago, PhotoMatt1970
Fraudulent claims made. Don’t waste your time or money!
The app description clearly states that if you upgrade to Prime that you can stream simultaneously to multiple services. This feature does not work. I have tried with two different Streamlabs accounts on different phones and I have tried to use 5 different streaming accounts. I have the same issues regardless of what configuration or device is being used. I have contacted support and I have not received a response. I asked for a refund, but they are refusing because the refund request was made one hour after I made the purchase, even though no paid feature was ever used. Think about that. If the app does not work, and if you try to contact support, your 1 hour window will expire. This company is a fraud. Don’t waste your time nor your money. They were given the opportunity to refund my money and they stubbornly refused. I assure you that the arrogance of their customer service and incompetence of their developers will soon become widely known. This app has no place on the Apple store. It’s a waste of money, and Streamlabs’ business practices are tantamount to fraud.
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2 years ago, AngryQuinn
No support
I tried to use this to stream Pokémon GO from my iPhone 13 Pro. I attempted to do so several times and not only did none of the streams go through to my Twitch (which I connected to no avail), but there seems to be no support or explanation as to troubleshoot the issue. Every video and article I looked up had no explanation beyond the initial setup. On top of that, the app has no way to contact someone for troubleshooting support. Neither does the website. Just the same vague set-up instructions and the option to put in a ticket to be responded to at a later time. I feel like this was a waste of time. Wanted to stream my camera and chat to my Twitch, but the only thing that worked was broadcasting directly to Twitch without using Streamlabs. Don’t waste your time.
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4 years ago, eLIZaANDERSON11
New issues
So I love this app and have been using it for 4 months but the last 2 weeks every time I try to use it I have an issue. The first thing that popped up was when I went live it would only show a single pixel of the video with a green square sent to twitch and have a 0 FPS and no bitrate even on great internet connection. I deleted the app, redownloaded and had to rebuild all of my settings and when I tried to stream the other night I was muted and could not get it to work and I was able to stream just fine the day before. I don't want to have to delete it and redownload it yet again because having to set up the scenes and images is a pain
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5 years ago, FluffyChikorita
Crashes randomly
First let me say I really like this app! It lets me stream even though I have a useless computer. However, it has a few issues, one of them major. I’m using this app for streaming art with screen capture on my iPad Pro and there’s a lot that it doesn’t let me do, such as using overlays and putting music in the background. The worst problem is the crashing. It happens randomly with no apparent trigger. I streamed for about 9 hours today and it went without crashing for an hour to crashing every five minutes seemingly at random. I really like this app and would love to continue using it if the crashing problem gets solved.
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3 years ago, lilpat2113
Works Great… but missing Features I need
I use this app to stream my Drone Flights live. The only way I am able to do this to both Twitch and Facebook is to use the Screen Record function. When I stream, I am not near a computer where I can monitor the stream… I do have another phone… I would like a way to monitor the chat and activity in one location. Is there an app for this? While using screen record on one phone, the only way I can monitor any chat is if I pull that stream up on my other phone…. So If I stream to more than one platform, I am completely missing out on the chat activity from the other platforms I don’t have pulled up on my other phone.
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4 years ago, True_Gauntlets
Maybe it's just me, but...
Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to broadcast my screen, even after following the directions given. I check my page and twitch app and it doesn't register. What I would eventually wanna do is use PS4's remote play app so I could cast my PS4 gameplay on Twitch! Here's what happens on my iPad: After a few minutes, it registers for a few moments and then it stops. Nothing registers on my account. On my iPhone: It stays on like it's broadcasting, but it doesn't register on my Twitch. If I wanted to use the cameras, then yeah they work, but screen capping is difficult for me. I request a 2020 tutorial in order to be able broadcast my screen!
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4 years ago, 123456532453
Many problems
I stream on twitch and was looking for something I could stream off of my phone, and at first glance, it was fine. I could edit the screen and overlays and such, but I could not edit any of the widgets to what I wanted to. I tested a live-stream and it seemed fine, but I went in-depth to test, and on stream, there is a GIANT gap around the screen of my phone, and the overlays do not work while screen recording. I was testing the normal camera as well, and it had the same problem, it was not fitting to the screen, and the overlays and widgets were fine but they were misaligned and if you watched that stream it looked terrible. I hope you can fix it but right now it was a waste of my time.
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4 weeks ago, XanSplainYT
Was good for me for a bit before not working at all
This app was running perfectly fine for screen sharing or being live until one day it started not working crashing my streams or keeping my streams up when I end them or glitching and when I try and improve the quality crashes change the quality lower crashes or screen recording dialed even though my storage is great so I don’t know what happend if I could get more help on this I’d really appreciate it(note;sorry for my lazy response and didn’t sound professional or serious or didn’t have proper grammar but I have limited time as of currently so have a good day/night)
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5 years ago, Blackstar Bushin
Great add on! Good for phone and PC streams!
I love the easygoing feel of Streamlabs. I love how easy it is to add and customize your layouts. The one thing that is a big problem for me is the fact I have a hard time seeing chat off on the side. I don’t have enough desk room for another monitor so I rely on using my phone most of the time. One feature I really would love to see added would be the chat room feature for whatever platform you stream on. Also in the app it doesn’t like to rotate according to the angle I have my phone at. This being fixed is a minor but much appreciated fix.
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6 years ago, dragonscales232
Ok, from what I've seen.
It seems nice! It has a pretty self explanatory set up, although I've yet to see it in action. I have three things that I think should be added; first of all, and this is one you probably get a lot, add screen recording for IOS. Second, there should be a way to get help from the app, or a way to explain what each feature looks like and does. Third, a way to play music in the background, but of course, only some users will want that. Sorry for bugging you, if any of this has been implemented.
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3 years ago, huyphan_cameraman
Worked for the first time, the second time, not at all.
Hello there, your app is absolutely beautiful if I have to say about the design and functionality. Unfortunately, when I was about to used it for the second stream - which I have never done through phone before - the GO LIVE button seems like it wasn’t working at all. I was extremely busy that day so I did not check the app before proceed to stream, it did not turned out as I expected. Your app has a lot of potential, I hope you would see this and targeted the bug as soon as possible. Thank you.
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1 year ago, stastro
Confusing app, not a good app for art streamers
It’s advertised to be able to stream mobile games, so I figured that meant live-streaming from your iPad’s screen is a feature. Once i connected my twitch, theres no option for me to ensure streaming from my screen. It automatically defaults to the camera and i cant find any way to switch it. I am unsure if ONLY mobile games are able to be streamed from. If thats the case, thats really unfortunate for artists who want to stream apps like procreate and clip studio. If youre an artist interested in streaming from your iPad and want to use themes and widgets, i cant recommend this app. If im wrong and it’s possible, well, it’s very anti user friendly and i cant figure it out!
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1 year ago, Emo_CactusGamer
It’s good but couple issues
It’s a easy way to stream on mobile for my channel but I have couple issues. The main issue I have is sometimes when I try to end the stream it will say it ended but then it doesn’t and it just pauses on the end of my stream for like 7 hours and sometimes delete half the footage with it from the actual live stream. 2nd sometimes I will be looking in the chat for questions or anything and then my friend will text me saying chat won’t work so I have to make a new stream so they can comment/ chat in the stream.
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11 months ago, AddyColors
It’s good but not great
Streamlabs was working perfectly 2 years ago! But then it started stopping in the middle of my streams while I was trying to draw and talk to my community. It was annoying to keep starting it because it would take several minutes and attempts. Now I’m lucky if it starts for more than 3 minutes. I’ve tried everything there is ti try to fix this. I haven’t been able to find any other app to use though and am trying to get a live started as I write this. It’s been 2 hours and absolutely nothing has worked.
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2 years ago, dhuchuc
Apps great, but…
This is an amazing live streaming app. Everything works fine, but the subscriber alert box does not… Every time someone subscribes to my channel while streaming the subscriber alert does not go through. I’ve been trying to fix this myself but I can’t get it to work. My last live stream I did I got 10 new subscribers, but only 1 subscriber went through. So Streamlabs if you can please fix the subscriber alertbox so every subscriber shows on the screen. Thank you!
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4 years ago, grizzlybear2470
This app has great potential
This app has great potential but nothing compared to the pc app Its not very easy to use I cant figure out how to proceed to streaming my game without my microphone or camera and Buttons tend to fail If you want to stream on mobile without issue I would recommend omlet arcade (edit) It seems they have fixed these issues of buttons not working now I would completely recommend you use this I haven’t had any problems yet
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7 years ago, @L6RD7BLU3_ Twitch
Good Phone Streaming app
I’m loving streamlabs right now, but the only thing I need help with is that. The text to speech, and donation notifications are not going off on my iPhone 6s Plus all the time. I can see them but there’s no sound, regardless if the volume is all the way up or my phone being on silent or not. I’m not sure if that has to do with the iPhone itself, my carrier, or I’m doing something wrong. My notification sounds are on too. But other than that this is a good app 👍🏾
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7 months ago, Baobaoyu
mixed opinions
very nice app I would say, a problem I have with it is you can’t see chat when screen sharing. I don’t really have another device to my disposal to check chat. I haven’t done a full fledged stream yet but from experimenting with it, I couldn’t really find a solution. Another problem I found is that when having the camera source and a custom asset, the camera is behind the asset even when in the layers it says it’s on top. Overall, it’s okay and it’s definitely better than some others I found
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4 years ago, hydrkdbzoeus
I think I don’t know how to use it or I think it may not work on my phone
So I am on iphone6 And I have downloaded this app before but each time I have the same problem when I try to stream it tell me I can’t cause I don’t have 1k subs but I other YouTuber that have promoted it said you don’t need 1k subs so this is really get me confused and I hop you that this can you please make it where you can stream on all Nintendo’s I think this will benefit because there are so many people who want to stream on Nintendo
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4 years ago, JesseMQuiroz
Worst Update
It seems every time there’s an update to this app, it doesn’t want to work with the screen capture anymore. It keeps on saying “unimplemented streaming platform” and it didn’t say that before, or I mean it did but then it worked again. This is my second time dealing with this and it feels like it’s not gonna be fixed anytime soon. If this doesn’t get fixed soon, I might have to switch apps. This has worked well for live-streaming art, but I’m getting tired of being told I can’t livestream by this app when it’s 100% capable of live-streaming.
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2 years ago, felixvolturi
So far streamlabs for Mobil is working fine but I'm hitting one big snag. I am a voice actress and wanted to have a way to use my pngtuber model when my pc kicked the bucket but the mobile version doesn’t have the option to add sources like the desktop version and its been very difficult figuring out how to stream still if there could at some point be a function similar to the desktop it’d be extremely helpful i know a large group of people would be helped out a lot from something like that.
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5 years ago, Mr.funk.e.dude
Would have given it a 4
I would have given it a 4 if not for the fact that the chat that the broadcaster reads is horrible. You can't move it, you can't enlarge the text to make it easier to read ( you'd think that would have been a no brainier ) and you can't change it's color. There's zero moderation capabilities other then trying to type in chat commands. However. I give it three stars because of the ability to use layovers and get alerts. It's the closest you can get on mobile to a PC broadcasting feel. It could just be a lot better.
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5 years ago, Eli9921
Not what it’s hyped to be!
This is a cool app, BUT the remote doesn’t work because on the software I have for my Mac the settings section doesn’t have a “Remote control” tab so I reinstalled it and now my video won’t show. You have to do all this extra stuff and the tutorials make it look easy...”Well all you do is this!” And it’s not that easy! Maybe t works better if you use a Windows PC, but I don’t. So the whole think stinks!! I gave it 2 stars for mere potential, but it’s a waste of time! There’s no real help for the problems I’m having and it leaves you googling for answers to which there is no help. You WILL get frustrated with this!
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2 years ago, Jeromib
This app is incredibly frustrating
**bump** Feature request!!! Please allow us to save a copy of our livestream locally to our phone. As a mobile live-streamer on occasion I lose connection and my steam becomes laggy. I would love a copy of what my camera is capturing to be saved. Other apps allow this (prizm) and that is the main reason I don’t use Streamlabs anymore. Sometimes mobile live-streaming is super easy. But it would be nice if I could record a high quality version of the stream so I could upload it later.
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6 years ago, MrsDrVCuddy
Won't use again until sound notifications are integrated
I was really excited to see that Streamlabs has a live streaming app. The overlays are easy to set up and it's a great looking app, but there is NO SOUND for the notifications. It might just be my issue, but my stream keeps randomly dropping when I use this app. I reached out to SL for this issue in the Discord. The support channel is flooded and all my attempts are overlooked. My other streaming app offers the SL overlay integration, (offers sound notifications for a fee) and doesn't crash on me several times a stream.
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6 years ago, TheTotalMc
Great mobile streamer,however falls short 1 step
This app has the best functionalities and customization of any mobile streamer app. However, this app does not support screen recording streaming and only camera recording. More streamers stream games rather than vlogging, therefore making the app almost pointless for those who want to stream what’s on their screens. I one day hope that screen record-streaming will be possible, especially since it’s now easier than ever with iOS 11’s replaykit.
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2 years ago, caleb10238
Would like sound alerts to function when playing games
I’ve been trying to get sound alerts to work for about an hour. When the app is open it says everything is connected on sound alerts dashboard. But the moment I switch apps it stops working and won’t let any alerts through until the app is opened again. Please fix this issue
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4 years ago, Elifrant
Once you get to understand how to operate the Features, it becomes the best device to used for streaming. You have the opportunity to stream to different platforms at click of a button. What I find most interesting is that you have person to assist with any problem you may come across. This is a great app and I recommend it to everyone who wants to reach a cross section of audiences quality.
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3 years ago, Supersilvertoon
Doesn’t work at all
I paid for prime and everything and it still doesn’t work. I have tried this app on amazing wifi to cellular data and it still doesn’t work. I’m a Twitch Partner and I’ve supported Streamlabs for years now and it’s incredibly disappointing to see this app be worthless. It would constantly disconnect and the audio lags way too much. The video and audio are constantly out of sync and I’ve tried every fix in the book. Really disappointing and frustrating. No reply from support either. My content creator friends are gonna hear about this too. Unbelievable.
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2 years ago, RDGazowsky
Praying together
It was such a joy to pray with people that I know around the world in the feel the presence of God come in to each one of their places of prayer. Some at work summer school some traveling in the car and others at home with her family. Thank you for providing the technology to have such a wonderful interaction may discontinue for the rest of my life. Sent in love pastor Richard Gazowsky
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12 months ago, Eckhoz
Love the app but….
I think this app is great but definitely could use the mirror camera option for front face users when they are going live, I honestly don’t ever see myself ever looking like that when I stream on my computer but on phone it’s like inverted completely, can y’all please add something for me so I can feel more confident about irl streaming
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4 years ago, Miss3_4
Constant problems
My connection was just fine, yet it constantly went back and force with either not showing video or audio or both...which is an obvious problem. Although you cant add overlays to the twitch mobile streaming it runs 1000x better so don’t bother with this. It couldn’t hold a stable connection with a server for anything and wasn’t communicating well with Twitch at all. It was humiliating honestly and I wish I tested it out before hand...I also have Streamlabs Prime which is supposed to protect you from disconnections to streaming due to due to a sudden internet interruption but that clearly didn’t save me either.
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