Truth Social

Social Networking
4.6 (115.9K)
43.3 MB
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T Media Tech LLC
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Truth Social

4.55 out of 5
115.9K Ratings
3 years ago, Happycow01
Users flooding to the truth
So far it’s Great! For the launch the glitches are not that bad. For the amount of people flooding to the app and setting up their account I’d say it’s strong! What you get- you get a family friendly app so don’t be vile you won’t last long! You get a mix between all your favorite SS Media apps but faster downloads and easier posting. You can easily move between pages and keep a better view of followers and follows. It’s insane how many people are on it, the posts are hard to keep up with because that many people are sharing great Truths! A lot of Real People sharing in real time news from their own videos. It’s great. The information is amazing! People are nice & even people who have different political views seem to have good conversations instead of trolls or hateful people on other social media sites! The trolls have arrived and try to share the most insane lies that they don’t last long because people can now call them out and show proof of the lies, where as other apps they censor people from showing the actual facts. There are no fake fact checkers who can censor people just because! The big launch is at the end of March so if you are on it earlier than that you will see bugs but they work on them fast to get them fixed! LOVE IT!
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2 years ago, Kg Mac
Finally a place where all voices are acceptable
I am not a big social media user, however, it became very frustrating to see certain groups of people being censored for their views or beliefs on other platforms. When debate and questioning goes away, that is when control takes over. That is not American. I may not always agree with all others views, but I believe that everyone is entitled to their own views. I think the problem in this country is people have decided their feelings are facts. When that is not the case. We need more sites and media that put out ALL the facts, not just the ones that go along with their feelings or beliefs. It’s the only way people can make and validate their views. And discussion and debate help not hurt. We as a country need to learn to have civil debates according to facts. And we can only get facts if ALL information is allowed. This goes for all sides. I appreciate that Truth allows and encourages this. I have read debates that even though I may not even agree with either side, it makes me smile to see a discussion taking place. Sure you still get some people being mean and not reasonable. People who simply name call. But that is not the majority of what I have read. I love to hear people’s views on things.
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12 months ago, Twight145
Worse I ever used
Let get this straight from the beginning, I am a conservative and I support the republican side on issues. Now that’s out there ,this is the worse app I have used in history. The story lines are Impossible to follow and read because 90% of the people using do not understand social media they make a post with a link to a website and when you click the link it’s blank . The constantly post videos from their news sources that do not work and over half of the links will not be accept by Firefox browser . There are so intelligent posted who know how to post the links properly and embed the videos in their post so it play inside the post ( which is so easy to do ) People are flood me with a message that is just ( hi ) then if you respond nobody’s home. Then you have the very high count of spammers who just post a link to get you their conservative website which so full of adds it doesn’t function well enough to even read of it . The most frustrating is the constant notifications that do not exist when you click on them because it’s alway something interesting. Overall I question why I still have except I hope to find something useful on it and I am hoping it gets better , I have tried the customer service but it was like talking to someone who is hung over and just do not want to be bothered. I know what I am saying goes against all the fake reviews here and I am not receiving anything for my post LOL just stating how the app Is TRUTHFULLY!!!
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2 years ago, Sharkster55
Wonderful social app.
When I signed up back in early February I was give a waiting number of just 600,000, took about 3 weeks for me to finally get on the app. It was well worth the wait! A few small glitches along the way that were only minor. You’re not banded or restricted or harassed like on Twitter or Facebook. My understanding is that Apple makes them hide some content that you actually have to unhide to view, which can be very confusing, as Apple has them hide words, phrases, high school kind of things, that Apple deems unsuitable. Then they allow words and phrases that I consider much worse with no cover. Truth Social is more like a huge family than all the other platforms out there. Yes the talk is much more political on there because everyone has been so censored on other platforms and everyone is excited for the freedom we are all allowed to have. Much more fun, more entertaining, more informative, more friendly much much more free than all the other platforms combined. If you’re looking for a place to enjoy being Social and being free, then just might be the place for you to become part of the family!😁
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2 years ago, chefhotdish
Truth Social….much needed!
I’m never inclined to write reviews but I think this one is important, especially in our ever-increasing disinformation world. Like so many, I have been following the violence, social tensions, lying political agendas….and so on. It comes as a great relief to be able to follow a source of information that syncs with my point of view; my beliefs without being punished or ridiculed for sharing my truth. This site allows a wealth of information to be shared….some views are on point some are disruptive just to interject negativity. I know this network of individuals seek the greater good for the American people and this country. This is a place to strengthen together…a place to continue to learn to live and grow in harmony and to show the injustices perpetrated on a people that are rising up against the corrupt CORPORATE GIANTS that want to keep us enslaved. Truth Social allows us all to see the play-by-play actions of injustices happening around us, and those happening to other truth seekers around the world. True knowledge in the hands of those seeking change is greater than the few trying to indoctrinate the world with lies and corrupt agendas.
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2 years ago, FOSForever
An HONEST Review!
This is an honest review of a truly free speech platform. Truth social is constantly working on performance and adding additional enhancements. If something contains “bad words”, it is not censored…it is only given a “sensitive content” label, as to shield anyone from unwittingly being subjected to that content. Before viewing it, for access, you have to make the decision to click or not to click on it, but it is not removed and your account will not be shadow banned. I don’t see this as censorship, but rather, a legitimate safeguard, for people who don’t appreciate swearing; however, there is no labeling of potential mis-dis-information. The platform is growing and every account is confirmed by a human, to make sure it was created by a human. The goal is to create an accurate and real virtual town square, instead of another platform, with 50% of it’s “users” made up of bots and fake accounts, simply to raise it’s value, scam businesses on ads, and create a false reality, by making people believe they are the majority, normalizing the irrational and ignorant behavior with their brainwashed hive-mind. Truth social is GREAT, and operates like a charm!
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2 years ago, Ralphieb2t
The best of all SM apps. Just needs fine-tuning
Reserved Truth & been on since launch on ios. Undoubtedly the best out of all current SM apps; you have the best of both worlds Twitter + FB combined(minus the fact-checkers/propaganda.) At this point in the game, it just needs a bit of fine-tuning to be an excellent app. If I could make one suggestion: On the embedded Rumble videos there’s no option to take you to Rumble. You’d think you’d be able to click on the Rumble logo on the top of the video frame for it to take you to the videos page on Rumble however no such luck. There’s not even an option for this in the videos settings(3 dots on the lower left); at the very least, there should be the functionality to copy the video’s link from that menu. It may seem like something trivial but it makes it incredibly difficult to share, repost or even just find the video on Rumble— short of actually going to Rumble & looking it up yourself. Anyway, i’m sure we would all appreciate a few extra “quality-of-life” type functions like this. Otherwise, keep up the great work👌🏼
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3 years ago, Omg Bobby
Non-functional waitlist; very poor launch
After a few hours of constant errors trying to sign up on Sunday, Feb 20th, I finally received confirmation that my account was created, and I was to be put on a waitlist. I was initially given a waitlist number of around #8500 in the app, and roughly #32,000 in an email. I checked back later and the number in the app jumped to around #25,000. Then later on that number jumped to around #76,000. Not much later the waitlist number I was given is around #111,000, where it has remained for over four days. It has not moved or changed in any way since then. I am reading peoples stories on other platforms saying they finally got in, but many of them had a waitlist number much higher than mine. How does that work?!? Mine has not even moved one number closer, yet people with a number over 250,000 can report getting in?! Total garbage. I wish I could at least check the app environment out, but this whole experience has been a complete joke. Much worse than I expected. Don’t waste your time for now. There has been no communication on what to expect, nor a truly functional waitlist that updates with a number moving you closer. I understand new launches can have issues but after almost five days and zero movement, I just feel taken for my information in exchange for a number to stare at.
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2 years ago, 48fjemehvjwnrkshwhr cjd
An excellent growing civilized social media platform!
At first the app was a bit buggy, which is to be expected of most new apps. But overtime it really grew into a really nice place to browse memes, check out what’s new, news, politics, etc. As someone who has seen the pure unrelenting vicious hatred on social media platforms like Twitter, this is a really good substitute if you just want to talk with normal civilized people and have meaningful discussion about important and controversial topics that would never fly on places like Twitter. I will say that the platform is mostly full of right wingers at the moment which is to be expected since, after all, Donald Trump made the platform. But it has never been an issue from what I have seen, as I have seen plenty of left leaning individuals indulge and participate in civil discussion with their opposition, sometimes even agreeing with each other on some issues. Now for the memes, they are hilarious in my opinion. Now I understand that not everyone has the same taste in humor but I highly advise you guys check out some of the meme accounts, because they are funny.
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2 years ago, Barbie crusher
Amazes me every day.
Every day a new discovery comes out that you would never find in the media. I think I’ve learned more while being on this app being able to research actual links from every day people like you and me then I have been able to find on Twitter and Facebook. All they do is suppress information 24 seven. On truth social it’s an open book. The operating system works very well. I cannot say enough good things about it. When it first came out there were lots of bugs. Everything runs smooth as butter now. Every month they have new updates new features. It’s just getting better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better. Can you believe it is only a few months old? I can’t either. Trump has been hiring only the best. Also I love the fact that if you’re a freedom loving individual like me you can’t get kicked off for speaking your mind. Some thing as harmless as saying the election is rigged because we all know it is will get you kicked off of Twitter or kicked off of Facebook. But not here on TruthSocial, USA, USA, USA.
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2 years ago, LifeIsAnInfoMercial
Every Citizen is Invited
I waited until everyone could access the platform because I am done with people being excluded. I am cautious to do a TRUMP site because the MAGA movement seems so cultish in their blind devotion to the ‘Orange Man’. Exhausted by all the AGENDAS in communication -no matter where it comes from- I didn’t want to be in another echo chamber. It has been refreshing so far. The discourse is both intelligent and respectful. It has actually been easy to discuss controversial topics regarding USA leadership, and world affairs. I haven’t really followed politics and many are very on top of who is running the show on every level of society. You get experts in every field sharing their take on policy and what needs to change. People are patient with questions and share knowledge. There are still memes, though not as necessary as other platforms that restrict speech. Very little spam so far and nothing vulgar. You do witness a blatant love and concern for the nation, with citizens committed to truth and freedom. Come get encouraged, speak freely, and challenge the status quo. Is there a FREE REPUBLIC without the freedom of speech?
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2 years ago, mchambers0530
Absolutely Love the app. It has had a few minor glitches while in beta testing but hey that’s what beta is for. The developers and Team respond fast to the situations and regularly communicate to the community. The limited censorship approach is Refreshing. Mostly content that may be deemed age appropriate will be given a sensitive warning label, Which you can still proceed to acknowledge and view. Everything you love about social media with the Fact Checkers censorship of history and opinion. So far everyone from the community seems to self censor and warn of opinions ahead and not post opinions as facts. Nevertheless it’s our job as adults and humans to discern opinions from fact. Truth Social offers the perfect place to do just that. It has. great minimalist interface. By far the best experience I’ve ever had in Social media. People actually follow you back. I’ve built hundreds of followers on here that actually engage vs other platforms where i was luck to get 10 followers after 3 years. Granted I’m not a content developer but come on. Huge difference and it’s only been a few weeks
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2 years ago, Rikadoo
Amazing strength
Everytime i click to see whats new i seem to recieve a little boost in my Morale, as a lover of this country an all that it stands for to really hear whats on peoples minds an there ability to speak freely is truly therapeutic. I have worked my entire life in the trades, i know what honest conversation is, some times its not pretty, or eloquent, however the message is ALWAYS clear! If the the elites, and socially protected / gifted dont understand or like what or how things are being said just bear with us, human conversation is truely worth the effort, after all in my day all of us had NO problem talking with each other cause that gave many of us a sence of Community, now a vast majority of folks hide behind there phones rather than trying to SPEAK to your fellow man. If you doubt that next time your in line somewhere look around, instead of using the time to chat with each other WHAT DO YOU SEE? For ME what i get from Truth is that piece of American life that was taken from ALL of us, a time before Americans turned inward an quit talking to each other…
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2 years ago, OneHappyChick
Truth social is where truth isn’t attacked
I don’t care who you are, you don’t want to be lied to. Maybe the truth isn’t what you want it to be, but if you don’t know what’s TRUE you cannot form opinions and make decisions, you can only guess or give up. Don’t do either. The media including social media are all corrupt, controlled by behind-the-scenes bad actors and if you think this is not true, you have a long journey ahead. This isn’t a game of choosing teams in elementary school recess, this is survival and the truth is rarely reported because they have figured out most of us will play along to feel liked. Wake up! I beg you. Be your own person and research, verify, ask questions, don’t let them tell you they’ve done it for you already. They have not. This app can’t fix everything but it is one very needed platform which honors the concept of truth. Truth social is a wonderful way to reject the topsy turvy town charade and jump to a place where truth is important rather than narrative. I am very thankful for this platform.
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2 years ago, AmericanTabloid
queue #
1,478,728. i’m hoping for the best, but considering the team backing this, expecting the worst. As truth itself is subjective, i suspect that the truth referred to in the name of the app will be a select delineation of acceptable and non acceptable ‘truths’. Comments fawning over his holiness Emperor Trump will receive the stamp of approval, or for this purpose, ‘truth’. Topics or subjects that question the Emperor’s legitimacy, brilliance, preeminence or any and all things related to his superior tresses will find itself buried in a digital graveyard, to be accessed by a chosen handful designated to act as buffers between those deemed ‘untrue’ and the comments that predictably inflate Emperor Trump and his multitude of causes that bear no intellectual structure or personal vetting as long as they satisfy the stunted cream filled donut that mushes around the barren grotto that serves as his lizard brain cavity. And it’s that donut has to decide a social media app to satisfy his bronzed eminence the way that he exalts gallon tubs of ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night snack, holds dear pthe feeble cast of Fox & Friends, lauds the pleasures of Sta-Soft toilet paper to any who would listen and digests the complexity of global events only when said events are executed with stick figures and basic shapes.
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3 years ago, RaqnDoc
Media IS Lying…TruthSocial is Awesome!!!
The MSM is lying about Truth Social, I have more followers and interaction than I ever did on Twitter! A few bugs, but that is normal for any new technology ~ do you remember the first iPad?!?! My daughter is 1,987,450 on the waiting list and folks all over Truth Social ~ my self included ~ are making posts about their spouse being bummed because the don’t have an iPhone or iPad hehe 😁 Politico did a hit piece about it having low user interaction because of it being an echo chamber ~ so not true! I have re connected with hundreds from The Great Twitter Purge and met a almost a thousand more new Patriot Fam! If you have an apple device and haven’t downloaded it yet ~ GET ON IT!!! You won’t be disappointed and you won’t see any of the B.S. the MSM is trying to feed you! Just read an article Twitter is down 40% in user interaction since the launch of Truth Social. Don’t be asheep get on the Truth Train 🚊 because you don’t want to miss the Truth!!! The Main Stream Media needs to go, they are the cancer and Truth Social is the CURE!!!
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2 years ago, KarenSueBurton
A True Free Speech Platform
If you are concerned about people using a social media platform to spread unapproved thoughts, ask yourself why free speech is no longer a valued freedom? Who do YOU trust to tell you which thoughts are correct or incorrect? There are some users on Truth Social that are mean-spirited and vile. I am glad they have a place, in addition to Twitter, where they can call people names and try to shame people into silence. I am also glad there is a “block” button I can use for users I don’t want to listen to. Their right to spew hatred and false allegations can live in the exact same space as my right to not listen to such crap. That’s what grown ups do. They speak what, when and where they believe it is appropriate, and they don’t get in the way of other grown ups doing the same, even if they don’t want to listen to speech they perceive as incorrect, vile, hateful, dangerous, etc. It’s called freedom of speech. The founders of the United States of America placed a very high value on it, as do all USA patriots today.
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1 year ago, ford910
Don’t complain about sensorship
My Truth Social account I guess was canceled today, just couldn’t log in and if I had to guess I was sharing a lot of articles from telegram the past couple of days. For some reason when sharing from telegram it would post to Truth and show different kinds of advertising, although if you clicked on it it would take you to telegram and you could request to join channels, after accepting you the articles would be available. It’s full of liberals who just want to argue and conservatives who are sitting around waiting for Trump to save their country. On top of that it’s hard to find good information because you will see the same posts over and over, you could like, share, and comment and you will continue to see the same posts. The comments section gets confusing between the app itself and agitators, I’m better off watching CNN and voting for Biden then dealing with cry baby spineless conservatives that want to complain instead of scrolling past something they think just advertising or just to lazy to click on. Good luck Trump, you don’t have much help, your in for a long fight saving this country without much help. Still voting for Trump though I think he’s great
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2 years ago, MusicManiac76
Making Social Media Great Again
The truth about Truth Social is that it is a great app with a world of potential. After initially sitting on a wait list for a month with half a million others ahead of me, I have watch Truth Social improve the app experience. As a user of iPhone VoiceOver, I am hopeful that those responsible for accessibility will focus future updates on enhancing the accessibility experience. For example, navigating between individual Truths is still a challenge. Swiping either left or right with 1 finger should allow VoiceOver users to navigate between individual Truths, and a 1 finger double tap to open the Truth the user wants to interact with. VoiceOver also does not identify many of the buttons beyond saying, "Button," and there is no way to know what these are. There is also no way for VoiceOver users to know when they are Liking a Truth. Other than these minor issues, Truth is a good app and growing by leaps and bounds. Glad to see Truth Social making social media great again.
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2 years ago, Captainrye21
Same Muzzled Speech, Different Slave-Master
I logged on as TruthfulSailor on Truth Social. Honestly, I was super-excited. After years of being slapped down by Twitter (and 3-suspended accounts later,) I was finally free to speak REAL truth and awaken others as to the evil behind what we are witnessing in this world. Well, turns out…I wasn’t allowed to awaken others here either. I was allotted a 2-day suspension 2-weeks into my activity for speaking of and sharing a photo of Frazzledrip. My “Truths” about Freemasons, the Queen, and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse were severely throttled. Instead of “Orange Man Bad” it was all about “Dementia Man Bad.” Truth Social is a place for newly awakening only…who only have the depth of speaking about Gas Prices and political unfairness. If you really want to speak of TRUTH…and the battle of Good Vs Evil on this planet…this venue will not support you. Ultimately, they kept disconnecting me from their service - and then it wouldn’t even allow me to log back on, or change my password, or obtain any support. Plainly, I was excommunicated…in a way worse than even Twitter did to me thrice. I am a Patriot…a very awake and passionate Patriot…and I can assure you that Truth Social is either utterly compromised…or just another Controlled Opposition measure that stands to fool us all. -TruthfulSailor
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2 years ago, jajohns82
Truth is where it’s at
The Truth! What more needs to be said? Now only if the media and other freedom haters would start telling the truth about this app. But I won’t hold my breath for that to happen. I’ve been on for about a month now and couldn’t be more impressed with how smoothly the app functions and the sense of community you get with fellow patriots that love America and understand how important American freedom truly is, there’s nowhere else on earth that enjoys the freedom we have here. Now let’s hope and pray we won’t allow our freedoms to be eroded any further by America hating politicians and globalists. If America fails, there’s no other place on earth that folks can run to for safety and freedom. Always stand up and fight for truth and freedom and Truth Social is a small way of standing and fighting for one of our greatest freedoms… the 1A. Thank you to the creators and developers of this App for giving a place for truth to stand tall in a time where truth is being silenced like never before.
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2 years ago, Jason Simpson
It’s… ok.
Looks like almost everyone on this app is either very pro trump or very anti trump, almost all 5 star or 1 star. Neither is accurate. It’s a solid 3 star for low censorship levels, though censorship does still absolutely happen on here, just mainly against outright anti-trump trolls. The app does not work very well in its current state, but it does at least work. Not much good content on here, it’s mostly memes or follow-trains. I’ve found some very open minded conservatives, even anti trump conservatives. I’m a used-to-be-democrat for my whole life, but after dealing with 2 years of very unamerican censorship, largely by “my party”, I can now say I’m just anti-politics. If trump didn’t make me cringe every single time I see him speak, I might be able to support him. I can see why so many non political types fell in love with him. I can also see why so many people loathe him, like I absolutely did & still somewhat do. Just to be fair, f*j*b I do wish this app was easier to see full conversations. That would be 1 star up. It’s a start in its current form & I’m sure it’ll get better with time. Solid 3 star, real review.
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3 years ago, Ggmmssmaggieawesome
Probably the worst roll out in history
This app is a joke, never seen anything this bad in my years of downloading apps. Who can offer an honest review of something that the majority can’t get on and for the others has almost no functionality ? Answer, you have die hard MAGA folks expressing their political beliefs not a review of the app, OBVIOUSLY you have paid promoters and their scripted reviews, then you have the real folks like me who either can’t get in or are looking at a non-functional SM app. Having dropped from the top 5 downloads to the depths of the App Store free list in a week tells you everything you need to know, this app has no future, this app exploded on the launching pad. Why? I’m convinced this effort was a scam job for a public offering where early investors make a killing off preferred shares and options and then bail as soon as the thing goes public and leave the normal investors and company to implode and/or just a mechanism to get tied into peoples personal information for use to raise money. I would stay away at all costs, either as an investor or if you have this downloaded this app delete it immediately, who knows what Trojans this thing has inside, something very fishy going on here.
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2 years ago, Kairon Paideia
TRUTH Social is winning my Heart over
When I first got onto TRUTH Social, in March, I was frustrated by the twitter-like need to condense my thoughts into 500 characters or less, and its narrow "portrait" rather than "landscape" sort of layout. Made me feel somewhat claustrophobic. But now that I am starting to gain my sea-legs there a bit -- I'm really loving it. So easy to post your own truths -- so easy to post the truths of others -- and when you do that -- the whole conversation from the original poster comes with it. I was an old fart from FB world -- and still like its layout better. But I seem to have been banned from there for life. And the level of thought and consciousness of my fellow Truthers on TRUTH Social is simply astounding. I'm loving it and giving it the highest rating -- 5 stars. It feels like the world is changing -- and TRUTH Social is going to be a big part of that change -- away from censorship, lies and self-styled "elite" cabalists' manipulations -- and TOWARD THE TRUTH. JOIN US!!
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2 years ago, TheTinarita
Perfectly created for the times!
Truth Social has made me whole, again. There is no worse feeling than knowing you are doing and being everything that’s right but being treated like you are a terrible human being for believing in God, the sanctity of life and the American way of life. All of those whose voices matter to me and who tell truth are here on TS and having then banished was a painful reminder that I do not matter to my government or to others in my country while criminals and terrorists are given a free pass. Access to America’s most important minds and real Patriots is everything! The features are being added more and more, everything works smoothly and the interface is easy to learn. I have met amazing people along the way and I look forward to being able to get more involved in the process that will keep America working the way it was intended. I absolutely LOVE Truth Social. Thank you to those who made it happen!
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3 years ago, florencelf
We are Truth-ers sharing Truths!
I am really enjoying the new social media app TruthSocial. Like everyone, I had some difficulty getting on because of “new forum glitches”, but once I did, everything has gone well. The app is intuitive. It is easy to post including pics and videos. (I have done both.) Love that they call posts “truths” and when we share a post, we “re-truth”. Another plus… when a “celebrity” or political group, etc. joins, TruthSocial verifies they are who they say they are and marks their profile with a check mark. That way we know we are following the real people, not a scammer. It is truly a breath of fresh air. The meanness and biting atmosphere found on other apps doesn’t exist on TruthSocial. There is some foul language but it is rare. If you are trying to get on and haven’t been able to, don’t give up. It is worth the hassle and wait. If you haven’t really thought about joining, do. It is a great place to share truth.
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3 years ago, Wildman115
What are they waiting for? This is like holding back a stockpile of vaccine.
I have no doubt Team Donkey is going to try every dirty trick in the book to strangle this cancel-free forum in its infancy, but now that we’ve been able to sign up, when can we expect to see this desperately needed app come on line with full functionality? Please get up and running ASAP! I was on the “reservation” list. At the appointed hour on a Sunday evening I received a notification that I could finally sign up for this long-awaited forum. After several error messages I received a message that my account was set up with a waiting list number of 2000+. I checked back a few minutes later to learn that my waitlist number had jumped to 13,000+. It then jumped to 93,000+ and has remained therefor weeks. This rollout is not the splashy, public relations savvy Donald Trump we need right now. Don’t let this technologically poor rollout dampen your enthusiasm for this social media forum, but this is reminiscent of Barry’s Obamacare enrollment website. Maybe they should have released one state at a time to handle the volume, while building excitement for the brand.
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3 years ago, 124365go
Like Twitter except not biased
I finally got on the other day. Truth functions very similar to Twitter. I had no problems figuring out how to use the app. Everything has functioned normal so far. I prefer truths and retruths much more then twitters tweets. Free speech is allowed on the platform and everyone is very kind and friendly. There is a place for a profile pic and cover photo. The only things I couldn’t find were a mode to set your truths to private and a way to rearrange your cover photo or turn notifications/alerts on for someone you follow but I figure these features will be added later after users find and Start following each other. Overall the site functions fine though and I expect it to just keep getting better with each app update. I am always excited when more people from the waitlist are let in. I expect it to keep getting better and better as the updates come and more people join.
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1 year ago, tcz28
Let’s try to not look at it from a political standpoint. Overall the app is great in my opinion. I personally like reading twitter better but this app has very nice features especially how you can click on a following accounts profile at the top. This allowed you to filter out all other accounts and just read that persons/medias “truths” without having to search for them. It also shows you the people who you follow that you like the most first! The only issues I have with the app are the comment sections could be cleaned up a bit in a way to make it more user friendly. Also, it’s a bit annoying seeing all of these people who just post memes in comments in hopes that Trump will Retruth it. I wish more people expressed their opinions than just post memes. Overall the app has been great! There’s no bugs or bots and there’s a lot of great new sources who post on there. Great work by Devin Nunes and Trump.
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2 years ago, Doula Madre
My feed looks different… in a positive way
I’m just starting out on the app. So far, so good. I keep my mouth shut on other social media platforms, because anything I say, no matter how innocent, starts conversations about politics. Example… I shared information about learning about the woman’s reproductive cycle and natural family planning. I never knew that was such a hot topic. I just want to be able to read posts by people who live and appreciate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, without worrying about whose toes I’m stepping on. Truth Social is all about having the freedom to share truths that don’t align with what our news media tells us is true. I can be myself. I don’t have a feed littered with political propaganda that I find offensive. If you are conservative, you will love it. If you are liberal, you probably won’t like it, unless you are truly unbiased and appreciate the wide variety of opinions that a free people have.
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2 years ago, Scrabble kitty1
Truth censors. Cindy4Liberty
Truth removed my followers and I can’t contact them. I went to bed with 3,000 more followers than I woke up with. I lost 3,000 followers overnight. Truth is only concerned with promoting red check mark accounts. The 7,500 cap rule allows the elite members to feed their ego. I can’t follow any of the important accounts I want to follow now unless I purge my account from before they came up with the cap. I can’t follow J6 patriots & families or DrZelenko’s recently formed Freedom Foundation or new accounts of family & friends, etc. I’m disgusted. Trains were always a fun thing on social media and now they are shunned by Truth. I joined because of Trump. Who is managing the store? It doesn’t appear to by my favorite President Donald J. Trump. Even Twitter didn’t have this much censorship. Truth, why did you remove my followers when I was hit to set another milestone? I worked hard to gain followers and poof, you removed the. Why are you practicing tyranny on a so-called Free Speech site and WHY do you make it impossible to reach customer support? It says this option unavailable when I try. Truth was great when it began. Please President Trump, make Truth Social Great Again!
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3 years ago, Jojo the dancer
Don’t believe the fake reviews
Just saw an article that flat out lied about this app. It says it has slid to the seventies in popularity as I write these words it sits at #11 in ranking. Yeah it took almost a week for me to get access. When I created my account I was 500,000 in line but then one day poof I was in. Just have to have a little patience. I’ve been posting and following now for several days and it is a little slow but it is easy to use. There are tons of users another lie the article is trying to push. You can feel the waves and waves of people on this platform and everyday I discover more layers that I didn’t see before. Engagement is slow in coming but my list of followers is growing fast. I noticed a few of my posts don’t show up but most of them go up quickly and I get feedback quickly. I am splitting my time between this and FB but I can see myself moving to this app permanently.
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3 years ago, Nick(name) the redditor
Dear Big Daddy Tmurp: I. Love. You.
I have never seen a more magnificent app in my life. Most apps are filled with fake people sharing fake messages and videos. I just fell sleep reading other reviews. The one star review are fake and paid for by Hillary Clinton and Russia. Everyone wants to see the downfall of the church and we will never forget about it. The Trump are so good to me and i love it so much. There has never been much truth in an app. All truth. Big truth. Never seen a bigger truth than this. Ive always heard that the T in Trump stands for truth. This big app is so cute and i just love it so. I'm a debt collector and i made so much money in 2020 under Trump but now under Joe Byron my revenue has went down tremendously. I thank Mr Trump for everything I have and this app is an escape from the fake fake news on the CNN and MSNBC and Hillary Clinton. I love this app and Thank you Mr Trump. #AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpDesantis2024 #ExposeTheDNC #ReadTheTranscripts #Truth 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
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3 years ago, TxJimT69
Early problems
I joined Truth back when this was first announced. I was very excited when I received an email that I was allowed to join. Well that’s when the excitement ended. Every step along the way to activate my account I kept getting a red banner telling me to try again. I got this again & again & again. I sent emails to Truth and multiple requests for help or a password reset. Nothing was returned. One step at a time it would appear that I was finally completing the sign in just to receive the red banner of death once again. Well a long story longer I attempted to sign in just to be told I was placed on the wait list and will be notified when my number comes back up. This placed me all the way back to the end of the line. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I understand the high demand for this platform. I truly want to be a part of it. But if this is how, after months of apparent preparation you treat your clients, well then this platform will be short lived. I have heard good things about it. I just did not get to personally experience any of it. Please address this problem so nobody else has to suffer this frustration.
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2 years ago, cjtaz2
User Improvements
Please add ability for (1) a User to save or “bookmark” a Truth to go back and review or just save the Truth post. Oftentimes when reviewing the Feed a User would like the option to go back and review Truths or save for future reference. (2) I am seeing Truths being duplicated throughout the feed and it is from original post. Need to fix this bug. (3) Need to have responses to a Truth contained within the original post from original Post and all the responses. My feed is filling up from responses to a post from the User I have followed but has no context to original post. Look to the original primary competition that drove Truth Social to be here today. Your Users will adapt but you need to take into consideration their past UI experience. (4) please start a Forum, How to Use videos or add simple User Guides to understand navigation within Truth Social. (5) start a Beta user group to review before you do releases. (6) raise my hand to be a contributor to your Beta group. (7) thank you. Wish you much success. Mr. Musk is going to raise the bar for social networking for the world. Get ready.
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3 years ago, J2nmeyer
Absolutely Growing Fast !
I'm actually surprised at how fast you can build a following as it seems so many are using this. Haven't seen any censorship thus far. The AI flagging some bad words iss little out of tune I think as not all of the flags have any bad words or content. To be expected this early in the process I think. You can with a touch open the comment or post, it doesn't remove it or make it unavailable. My posts and comments do get interactions with a fraction of the followers I had on the "Blue Bird" where nothing of mine got out too hardly any of the tens of thousands of followers I had on there. I would like to see a Retruth with comment instead of only being able to Retruth. I'm sure it's coming. Also would be nice if when wanting to follow someone it showed you whether or not they were following you, again in guessing it will at some point. Anyway so far so good !
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1 year ago, Dahow
Still a pathetic app
I’m absolutely shocked that you would release an app that doesn’t function. Each time you put in an item it tells you there’s an error or something went wrong. I think I’ll wait a month or two and let you guys figure this thing out. It is certainly not worth my wasting anymore time on it. Update: nothing happens. All I get is the message that says “that’s all for now” whatever that means. No timeline, nothing. No support either. Still can only give it one star. For whatever reason your app will not work with any VPN. There are many times I might use the app when I’m out and about and linking up to public Wi-Fi, I will need to use a VPN. I’ve tried three of my VPNs with your app and your app will not function with any of them. So the problem has to be with your app and not the VPNs. I’ve tried tech-support at all the VPNs and they have no idea why your one app will not work with any of them. Back to the drawing board for you guys. and you still have no way of contacting any type of technical support. Update: still won’t work with the VPN. Customer support will not allow a VPN either.
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2 years ago, Memaw2001
I never really knew what to expect before I got into Truth. When I created my information and got in I was in Awwww. I said WOW this platform is better than Twitter and FB. Nothing like I have ever seen before it took my breath away. Not to say that there wasn’t some slow responses at times but that was when Nunez said hey, I need your help please run the heck out of Truth. Probably not his exact words but that is the way I got it. We did just that to, it was soo much fun, when I thought I broke the system as we say.. lol Others jumped in and gave tips on what to do. Really, I needed to do a fresh update that just came out to fix some bugs. But it has been such an awesome journey soo far! When people get in from the waiting list you will be in aww also. It is like breathing fresh crisp clean clear air, soo refreshing for ones Heart mind and soul! Ty President Trump and Nunez as well as Team y’all are Awesome!!
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4 months ago, joy kinda man
Americans First 🇺🇸
I love this App. It’s really good and addicting too. With real true information about what is actually happening in America today. You can fined information just about on anything in the group feed pages lots of real Americans to develop friends with. They even have a market group where you can look at stuff people are selling. The only issue I have is fake accounts people make up. But they give you the option to block mute and report. Bad accounts that a nice option. They don’t collect your data and that’s super nice and allows you to have privacy that other social apps do not. I’m very happy with TruthSocial it’s the place to go for Truthful News and honest Americans. I think that’s app will be grater then Facebook and all the Google apps. In the future I like to take this time to thank the TruthSocial Team developers Awesome app. God bless America 🇺🇸
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2 years ago, Padre–J
New Mexico is not a foreign country despite the present elected officials
I down loaded the app a few weeks ago and even was able to establish an account with proper credentials and verified. Signed in a couple of days later and tried to post a comment and received an error message to the effect that “Truth Social will be available in my area in the future.” I thought it might have been my VPN so I turned it off and it didn’t make any difference. So I signed out and tried contacting the developer on their website…I wasn’t even able to get signed in before receiving another message stating something to the effect, “You are blocked from our media because we do not allow foreigners access…” then it showed a copy of my IP address, which was located in the USA so I closed that website and tried to sign in again to the app and then received the same blocked foreigner message. Here’s a truth fact…at least on Facebook I can get signed in and started posting, “China is not our friend, they are our enemy!” before getting censored and booted for awhile… /s/ A service connected disabled Navy veteran…
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2 years ago, ~Star Dancer~
Sad but True
Being a conservative I really looked forward to this platform. Twitter purged so many people it was absurd. I lost over 35k followers so I was thrilled when I finally got on Truth Social. It was a disappointment to say the least. If you follow to fast they time you out so you can only follow 5 at a time. Then the limit on how many people you can follow was put in place Ridiculous!!! I have over 48k on Twitter and I read my timeline and reply when I find something worth replying to. Truth social is nothing but an echo chamber. Very little dialogue on threads. Then when you get a “mention” and you see the alert you realize it’s from a train from a week ago. Frankly I’m frustrated that there is no equity in the following. Some folks have close to 50k they are following while I can’t get past 7.5k. I should only give it two stars but I feel that it deserves a chance to improve itself. I’m going to stay mostly on Twitter because I can view feeds that I can’t follow.
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3 years ago, Kaiserholt
Isn’t the waiting list number supposed to…go lower?
After somehow failing to register for Truth Social with my primary email account, I attempted (and succeeded) in registering a Truth Social account with an older email account I don’t use as much as I used to. On my smart phone, I was given a number of 1,XXX,XXX…and on my email account, it says I was eighty thousand lower than the smart phone listed place online. That discrepancy is neither here nor there. My issue is that I’m the last two weeks, my place in line hasn’t changed, or at least my stated place in line hasn’t updated over time. So I do not for the life of me know where I am in line, or if I’m even still on that waiting list. Since there is no customer service line, I can only sit here and wait. Because I tried logging on today, and it still says I’m 1m+ in line…the exact same numbers. Am I to assume that I haven’t even moved one place in the supposed online list, or can someone actually from Truth Social address this issue?
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2 years ago, 5thOfNov
Of course I would give this App a 5 star review!! Of course people are going to be on a waitlist to get in when it’s one of the most anticipated apps to land on the web in years. And there is nothing bad about it being a place where all TRUE patriots of the USA can gather and share their views. I was on the waitlist for some time and I waited for my opportunity to sign in like the patient adult that I am. Thank you President Trump for providing this platform to us all. No App in the history of APPS will work 100% without any glitches from the moment it is launched. If I know something is that there is no one out there better than President Trump to make any App successful. It will take time like anything else and I in the meantime I’ll be here supporting free speech. And to those who oppose most of the TRUTHS on here, we are all open to a conversation - fair warning, your feelings may get hurt. 😂
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2 years ago, Saltydog911
Lord Help us!
We the people need to open our eyes to the truth! Stop being so ignorant to believe everything they tell you. Listen to the facts not just talk to confuse you. Our social media has become a platform of disinformation and lies. We are losing control of our country and our government. If we do not stand up and do something soon we will be no better then a communist country allowing the government to control all of us. REMEMBER WHY! We left our home lands to build and come to America! It was a dream of freedom from the government, to establish a government that we controlled not a place that they controlled. Yes mistakes have been made as will always happen because we are human, learn from them build from them. Don’t hide them or ignore them. We better wake up or EVIL will win. We will no longer be the power house in the world if we fight each other! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
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2 years ago, LSD 1433
Truth Social is Real
So I actually signed on before they were done they stayed committed to us follow through to let us know when they were ready and when it was done and told us they were working bugs out and continue to tell us this site is for real no blocking except on sensitive items that they feel they should block and you can still click on it and read it decide is all about the truth rather Lib Tarde’s like it or not if the communist Democrats don’t like this site it’s because they’re asking for a war and on this site you can tell him that it’s coming the Democrats are trying to destroy everything this is the beginning of the end for unions liberals Democrats in communist antifa and BLM this is the end it’s going to stop or it’s going to get Worse as far as I can see the side is 100% accurate and a pleasure to deal with I’d suggest it to anybody
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2 years ago, big F little u
500 character limit needs to go! Enter button needed!
You can hardly finish a thought with the 500 character limit! Please scrap it for the love of god! This unnecessary limit makes it more difficult to share thoughts alongside articles because the link takes up room and if your pasting the link at the end of a thought like most are then you’re likely to run out of room and the full link will not post! Also another big irritation is the fact That we have no “enter button” on the keyboard so it’s hard to dress up a post to look professional. I must say this is by far the biggest issue I have with the platform right now and it REALLLLLY gets annoying! These few sentences would be too much on the truth platform and it hampers good thorough communication. Please remove the character limit and give us an “enter button” on the keyboard!
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2 years ago, TABAuer
Good functionality, less hate than Twitter, Videos!
This app was built after learning what not to do in social media and because of that it's a nice functioning platform where speech is not censored there seems to be a lot less anger and hate. You can have a normal civil discussion or debate with other people who are respectful of each other so far. After going through an initial wait. Which may help him eliminate bots and fake accounts you are on boarded and you are in the ecosystem. I really can't find anything wrong with the app it actually like I said is kind of the best of what is out there with respect to functionality and everyone's very cool so far. If you're new to these types of apps and you find hateful members spewing hate just block them makes life so much better keeps your stream free of idiots and allows you to really enjoy the experience.
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3 years ago, ansFamily
The Details of Truth Social
I signed me up and then my mom as soon as the app was released. I was in within 24 hours and my mom was in, in about 32 hours. If you are trying to get in, please be patient. As they are letting people in. There's just been such a high demand. There's over a million + still waiting. They are allowing people in as fast as they can and working out any problems along they way. It all takes time to keep things going as smoothly as possible. Think of it this way. It's Black Friday and there's a million people that wants that nice new shiney TV. But the doors to the store are so small. That the first to enter the store has a better chance of getting the TV sooner. As more people enter the store, it gets more crowded and more difficult to get to the TV. As people are getting the TV's the stock on the shelf gets lower and yet theirs such a high demand and even more people coming. The store is so crowded that it takes time trying to get through to put more TV's on the shelf. They have to work through all the shoving, yelling, people fighting and the crowds of people. It just takes time and patience. You will get in. They are working on getting you in. We all love you and thank you for your patience, time and support as things get worked out and more people get on Truth Social.
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3 years ago, MSPK935
Need a thread for progress updates
I want to be a part of this community and get off Facebook completely. Signed up long ago and recently got ability to download app. A lot of problems with red error banners (very frustrating) but eventually made it through the signup process. Then to be notified that I’m on another waitlist (#198,347). That was days ago and the number has not changed. Logged out and back in many times each day since to check progress and the number never changes. I understand there is a floodgate of people who are trying to get on this community and take that into account. It’s very frustrating though to keep checking and doesn’t appear to be any progress and no method of being updated as to time period expected to be able to participate and actually logon. Please develop a way to at least let us on the waitlist know what is going on instead of just waiting in limbo. Still looking forward to participating!
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2 years ago, D1abl1ta
Y’all asked , they delivered
This app is exactly what you get , when everyone that’s wants to pass lies as facts , but can’t do it on platforms that actually fact check things . They come here and spew everything and absolutely nobody corrects it . There’s no truth in flat out lies . Truth comes being able to verify the source and factual prove the statement is accurate . Just cause here I can post “ I’m a doctor “ and nobody cares to check the lies I spew , doesn’t mean I am in fact a doctor. This is exactly what is going on here . A bunch of trump supporters who still believe the election was messed with ( even though his own people admitted there’s no evidence of fraud ) and a place for them to say anything without being questioned or fact checked . If you wanna be part of the biggest lie app ever , this is the app for you . What I’m even more disappointed in ,is the developers. Y’all are proud of the app you created ? Is this what your legacy should be ? You created an app for trump and his supporters,where 99% of everything is a lie and nobody cares to correct it . Proud moment of your career , dear developers?
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