Atkins® Carb & Meal Tracker

Health & Fitness
4.8 (73.7K)
23.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Atkins® Carb & Meal Tracker

4.75 out of 5
73.7K Ratings
3 years ago, A real girl, not an Atkins rep
This diet works! - Week One 2 Lbs LOST already!! No JOKE
I’m genuinely LOVING Atkins 40 and this APP makes tracking carbs EASY. I’ve tried other apps that track calories, food journals, and calendar tracking. I hated tracking food because it was tedious and made me self-conscience about what I eat. The the Atkins Carb tracker is different. It’s helped me learn about how my body reacts to food, is seriously easy, and effective. (Plus it’s free!) I love food and I don’t feel bad or guilty when I track carbs with the Atkins app. After a breakup, COVID weight gain, and getting COVID last year, I was up to 182 lbs and COULD NOT BUDGE THE SCALE. I tried all my stand-bys: running, counting calories, and weights. Nothing has worked all year. Then I do this diet/app and lose two pounds in a week, am always satisfied (never hungry), and don’t have my usual headaches from eating sugar. I’m seriously thankful for this diet and app. Last thing, I’ve noticed in the first week that sometimes I’m under on calories but over on carbs or vice versa. Give yourself grace and look at those days and chances to learn about your body and what it needs. Then KEEP TRACKING! My first week wasn’t perfect and I still saw results.🥳
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7 years ago, puzzlesolver8193
Great but favorite foods don’t work right
Great but favorite foods don’t work right, maybe I’m doing something wrong but there should be a feature to look up all foods you have favorited. When I search a word under favorite foods it says no search results are available. Weird the old app did that, and this makes it difficult to add the same foods every day. When if it worked it would make life simpler. The good is that this has a scan upc feature and is like a mobile version of the carb lookup book, and has much more than the book. The app also saves on writing and rewriting lists for keeping track of your carbs and calories and fats and proteins for the day, calculating and letting you figure out a plan of attack for doing the numbers and eating good. Update: According to the developer Favorite foods will be returning. When? Well they said patience is appreciated, but it will return. I say this is glorious news!!! I’m updating my stars to 5 for this news.
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5 years ago, Cathy3cockers
atkins carb & meal tracker
well... i guess it’s better than nothing. they got the intuitive part close anyway...a) in the process of figuring it out i input the same item several times so it comes up several times when i do a search. silly me. b) it’s cumbersome to input data, the foods you scan in do not match what comes up in the list ( ex. the label on the pkg says xx calories & the app item has a different calorie count), & there’s no way to change it. c) trying to type in your food item gives you “not found” unless you happen to input what its “intuiting.” d) it’s difficult to “revise”; the only way to do that is to delete the item & start over - if you dont delete it or add it, you’re stuck on that “page.” you get to guess how to get to the “revise” page. e) there doesnt appear to be any order to the food list when it comes up thereby necessitating scrolling thru everything. f) the clincher for me was paying the price,then spending more time than i wanted figuring it out! there were NO instructions or guidelines! i dont usually write reviews but this one bothers me enough to do it. i apologize for the length of it & hope it will be helpful. to the developer: could you fix these problems pls? i think the concept is good & in the end would be very useful but as is, is frustrating. many thanks.
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7 years ago, JessCline
I like the old version!
***Update*** So I love it now! They added back your weight loss graph and you can see your progress for a week, month and a year! I also love the custom foods being added back. Great update! I am a little concerned about the carb count however. When I scan an Atkins meal ( Chicken Margarita) the BOX says 7 net carbs, the APP states its 5 carbs. So, I thought ok, maybe it has gone down, however, there isn’t new packaging to reflect the app count. Just be cautious if your strict with your carb count. This new update is no good. I loved how when I tracked my weight, I could see the progression on a chart. I also liked making my own recipes and putting in the information...can’t do that now. You can’t even add your own food,unless I’m missing it where to add it (which I’m pretty sure I’m not). Please update the app to bring back the chart and create your own foods/recipes. Also, instead of tracking steps, what about tracking work outs? Maybe a calendar where you can check it off your list? Water intake? Make a progression bar for that too. I love using this app for all my fitness and diet intake but it’s missing a lot.
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5 years ago, JoJoTv2
Very nice app!
The meal tracking app and Atkins plan had been an excellent tool in achieving my health goals. It's very easy to use. I wish you could see calories per item and carbs instead of just the overall calories but I suppose calories are not the focus anyway. I've been the plan for two months and am down 25 pounds. Inflammation greatly reduced, more energy, less gastrointestinal issues. The recipes are easy and Atkins produo are a welcome treat and alternative when I feel I need a little something. They have been part of why I've been successful. With Atkins as and education on Keto and Low carb eating my attitude towards food has transformed. Low carb is now my lifestyle. There's no turning back. Life is balance Eat well... Lots of salad and veggies, enjoy protein with the fat in healthy portions, avoid sugary foods when possible Atkins treats can help!, exercise at least a little, drink water, replace electrolytes magnesium and potassium. You won't regret it!
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3 years ago, Jake_-_-_-a_-__nator
New app is useless!!!!
I lost over 100 pounds over the last two years and Atkins was a big part of it. Using the Atkins carb counter app was incredibly helpful. It was one of the main reasons I was able to stay on the diet and do so well. I literally added hundreds of foods and products to the the app to facilitate my using it. The new revision to the app has made it completely useless. All of my two years of history of added products and food are gone. The scan function simply does not work properly. It pulls up a list of items for a given barcode, none of which match the actual product with the barcode. Finally, when you choose a food two included in your meal that day, it pulls up so many different entries for that food and does not list a quantity or a description next to them. You literally have to scroll through numerous entries to attempt to find what you were looking for an inner the right food with the right quantity. Atkins, you have done your company and your customers a great disservice by revising this app in the way you did. Fix it or give us back the old app please!
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6 years ago, Nolaville3
Good way to track foods
Love the app, but... it is not easy to find the foods I want to add. One example is Marie’s chunky blue cheese dressing. The whole name will not find the item but ‘blue cheese’ gives a list that you have to go down, way down to find the item. Passing other Marie’s blue cheese dressing like the Light. No order whatsoever. Could they not be alphabetized or grouped in some meaningful way? It would be helpful remember what my last entry was and put that on top. Create a pattern. But that is not a deal breaker. Then there are exact items with different carb counts. The change/delete could be easier. Creating favorites to make my own list doesn’t seem to work the way I thought it would and alas, there are no instructions on creating and using a favorites list. That would really rectify the two earlier problems. Customizing a food to add is ok but we should be able to create a customized list from the existing list also.
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7 years ago, JLCK_1983
Love this app but add custom foods seems to have a glitch
I have always favored the Atkins app over other tracking apps but it seems with the new look update the add custom foods doesn’t work properly. Each time I fill in the info and hit add custom food it automatically changes the numbers I input to something completely different. It doesn’t change the name, only the number of net carbs. For instance I tried to add a cheese I couldn’t scan so I input all the nutrition info. The net carbs I entered is 1 but after I hit add custom food it changes to 10 net carbs. I tried it several times so I know it wasn’t me accidentally inputting 10. Hope it gets fixed soon because it is truly the best carb counting app out there!
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3 years ago, maas25
The diet works wonders.. the app did but is now an add for spark people?!?
I started this diet using this app religiously on May 10th. It is now August 29th and I'm down 44 pounds. I've had 6 full on cheat days but other than that, only one day did I go over my 42 net carbs. I will continue to be on this diet, err, more like stay in this lifestyle but.. but but but... A couple days ago I went to log my breakfast and just opening the app it says page not found, followed by an add for sparkpeople... If I navigate away from the homepage it looks like the app always did. But.. when I try to search for food or anything it has an error message that says "the server with the specified hostname could not be found." Now I'm no app expert but I think you could say there's an issue that needs to be resolved. I am not sure at this point if I'll even need the app because I know approximately how many carbs are in pretty much everything that I now eat. I am 1 pound from my goal weight that I never thought I'd see again. I really didn't think it would work. I am planning on moving (slowly, over the course of 2 weeks) to the Atkins 100. Since the app doesn't work I'll just try to keep track on my head and avoid obvious high carb foods. I think I will be able to maintain this lifestyle without the app, but it wouldn't hurt to have it working again.
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1 year ago, Harry's Mon
PLEASE update this app!
My husband and I wanted to start watching our carbs, so we thought we would try the Atkins 40 plan. We liked the plan and thought the app would help us even more. It seems as though it has so much potential, but it is very frustrating to use. The scanner apparently does not work because when you scan barcodes, the number will come up, but the food description never does. It is very time consuming to key in the specific details of every food item that you eat. We understand that happening for some foods, but for almost everything you scan, that is not a atkins item? that is a little much. Also, I wish you could log water in specific ounces instead of cups. There may be a point in my day where I may not have an entire cup of water, but I would still like to count the ounces. Finally, it would be so wonderful if you could attach your fitness tracker to the app so that you would not have to manually put in your steps every day.
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7 years ago, SkyeCat108
So disappointed
I LOVED this app in the old version. I preferred it to other tracking apps and regularly recommended it to others. Since the update, I find it difficult to use and don’t even want to track anymore because it’s so cumbersome. The old version remembered the servings of my favorite foods. I eat eggs for breakfast. Every day I could track eggs, and it would automatically remember the last serving size I tracked. Now I have to change the default (cups - who measures eggs in cups?!) to ounces or egg size and pick the number. Every. Single. Time. Same thing with cream for my coffee. Foods are hard to find in search. And when adding a custom food it changes the amount of net carbs after you enter them to equal fat. I do appreciate the addition of the history. I am however still not sure how to change or set a goal weight. The goal weight is still in there from when I entered it before the new release, but I don’t know how to edit it. So so disappointed. I really liked this tracker. I hope y’all can further improve it.
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6 years ago, GettingSkinnyInSTL
Hit or Miss
This app is really hit or miss. It has some very usable features and it really lacks functionality in other areas. It’s great to be able to track a day’s intake, it’s a pain not having the ability to copy a previous day’s meal or create multi-item meals. It takes several minutes to look up every food being tracked, versus copying a previous meal or creating a bulk meal of you eat the same thing frequently. It’s great having a database of existing foods to source from, it’s frustrating that the items aren’t always accurate (not the developer’s fault but nonetheless a pain). The recipes are slick and may be my favorite feature, however it doesn’t adjust the recipe steps based on servings selected - the ingredients do adjust but any callouts in the recipe steps don't. I could keep it or leave and it’s better than other apps but what’s frustrating about it is really frustrating and isn’t necessarily negated by the positive features.
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3 years ago, motmot99
Updated app
Looks like they took a perfectly good app and even though it looks pretty slick, it is basically useless now. First of all, when you search for an item, there are sometimes hundreds of items that show up on the list but there are no units of measure listed so you have to click on a lot of entries to find what you want. Even if you search using a brand name it often doesn’t show up. Then there are no increments in which to adjust your food amount. If you only use 1/4 of an avocado you can’t do it anymore. Previously if you scanned in a barcode for an unlisted food there was an option to add that to your list. That is now gone. I really was looking forward to using this app but so far have not been able to even log a full day’s use since it is so very time consuming to search for everything I use to make a meal and not be able to find half of it. This is so disappointing. I hope at least some of the problems with this new app can be corrected.
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5 years ago, Drl621
Ok app
I am in several online keto groups. I asked for recs for a good carb tracking app, and this one seem to be the most highly recommended. However, I have found it to be challenging to use. What I do not like about it is it’s very difficult to search for items in the Atkins database. If you try to type in a description, unless it’s 100% identical, it’s almost impossible to find what you’re looking for. Also, I do like that you can scan in an item, but I have scanned in many items that do not show up. And it’s very difficult to then try to find something comparable for some items. Also, I would like to adjust what my target carb/net carb goal is, but that does not appear to be adjustable. And I’ve wanted to write to customer service, but the app includes no way to contact anyone. I don’t know if there are other carb tracking apps that are better, but I only find this one to be adequate.
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3 years ago, Revrobdav
New update has rendered it useless
I had been using this app for about 2 to 2 and 1/2 months. I would have given the app a solid 4, it did what I needed and helped me track to the point I had lost 18lbs. Then it quit. Could not log in to the app for 10 or so days due to apparently a big new update. Annoying, but ok. After I finally regained access, all weigh ins, all food logs…everything - gone. My beginning weight is the only thing that carried over. The UI looks nicer, but stops there. Scanning the barcode on food rarely pulls up the item (in truth it wasn’t really proficient before the update either), gone is the graph showing your progress in weight loss, and it just isn’t good. I’ve switched to Carb Manager (it’s not perfect but it’s significantly better) and am still dropping the pounds through Atkins eating. It’s unfortunate that an app for a company this successful has taken such a turn to be such a poor representation for what this eating lifestyle has to offer.
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3 years ago, DAB890
What happened?!
I seriously hope the App developers read this and all of the other pleas below. I used this app for 3 years and lost 60 lbs with diet and exercise…this new “upgrade” has so many bugs and is horrific. You can’t access the favorites that have been saved over the years, which is one of the reasons I preferred this app, I could track 3 years of progress and food faves. Now, everytime I click on “track meal”, the app literally closes. I have deleted and re downloaded and it still won’t work. This is POINTLESS if I can’t even track anything. And even if I could, the servings are messed up and so are my settings. My settings say I am expected to consume -4 carbs per day?? I am so sad and disheartened and really really hope this is fixed. I would really prefer if things went back to the way they used to be, even if they aren’t as modern looking etc. this app is rendered unusable. 😞
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3 years ago, Jacy65
Recent Update is Horrible
I’ve been using this app faithfully since January and have lost 40 pounds. Since the update, ALL of my saved information has completely vanished; all of my favorites are gone, all of my custom recipes are gone, all of my recent food items are gone. Further, when I go to log in my food, I am unable to put in fractional servings (ex. I only had 2 oz. of milk this morning which is a quarter of a serving, not a whole serving). I also found that in spite of logging in certain foods that I know have calories, the calorie count is not increasing at all (ex. breakfast total was 219 calories this morning, then I added a serving of butter but the calorie count remained at 219 - how is this possible??). I relied quite heavily on this app for my progress and success on this program over the last several months and now I can’t trust that any of the info is correct. This latest update is horrible and I’m absolutely frustrated! Please fix this!
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3 years ago, CosmoEye
No room for homemade recipes
I like the scan feature, favorites and featured recipes but wish there was a way to add homemade recipes. Also when searching foods, the list populates with the worst chain restaurant meals and prepackaged foods. Wish it was more user friendly for those of us that cook from real ingredients. I made chicken stock last night using only foundational vegetables after poaching a chicken for chicken salad, etc. Now am making chicken soup with stock, zucchini slices & chicken. When I just type in chicken soup homemade I get 9 net carbs. I don’t know what that version is made with to get that. Apps like Lose It! Let you repeat meals and is much better for recording foods, minus the net carb feature. Maybe the developers want to take a look at it for ideas for updates to this one. I find this app really time consuming compared to others.
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3 years ago, Beccaboo6132
Update is terrible
I have been doing Atkins for going on 2 years (although I have done it in the past with success). The app update has seriously lost all functionality. Most of the items I scan can’t be found (including Atkins branded items). When I search by item name, it brings up hundreds of results that are sorted in no particular order (definitely not by closest match), and adding more search terms doesn’t narrow the search, it brings up even more results. I miraculously was able to locate a low carb brand bar, but I had only eaten half of it so I changed the serving size to half, yet it still counted all of the carbs for a full serving toward my goal. The app LOOKS good, I guess, but what is the point of having a sleek interface if it is so difficult to use. I have gotten so frustrated trying to track that I stopped using it altogether for a while, hoping whatever glitchy design this is would be updated and fixed by the time I came back. Unfortunately, no. Atkins in general has been literally life changing for me. I had health problems, chronic pain, and of course was overweight, but this lifestyle has changed all of that. Part of the reason it was so easy to follow was that there were tools for success. This app was one of those tools, and I sincerely hope that it is fixed so we can all go back to easy tracking!
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6 years ago, Laineybee
No, No, No!!!!!
I can’t tell you how much I dislike this app since the reboot. First, I have been trying for at least an hour to enter a custom food. That food has 0.0 grams of carbs and 16.0 grams of fat. I entered all the info about carbs, fat, fiber, protein, and sugar and created a new food. Guess how many carbs the app shows for one serving (one tablespoon) of the food? Sixteen! I deleted and reentered the food and got the same thing. It took me a while to realize the app is using fat grams for carb grams. I could just put in another food with no carbs, but then my macros will be off. I have also seen, as I was looking for other foods, some foods that show zero carbs that are definitely not zero carb foods. Some newbies may be sabotaged by those entries, and if these are off, some foods that don’t have carbs may list some or list carb counts inaccurately. I had used the old app since it was introduced, but I was optimistic about the update. Silly me! I am now looking for a different app. I no longer have confidence in this app.
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6 years ago, I am the real Lacey
Good but could be better
Before switching to Atkins 40 and using this app, I used Cronometer. It gives you more information than just net carbs when you pull up a food, it gives you protein and fat and the option to see full nutrition information. I think this would be beneficial on the Atkins app as well. Also, would help to show net carbs, fats and protein for each meal and snack at the bottom of each section and not just accumulated for the whole day as you enter. Atkins website shows you where they want you to be in terms of numbers for the day, app just fills in the circle and gives you the number you have consumed and I have to go back to the website to see what the range is . Both would help you learn how to plan each meal better. I suggest taking at look at Cronometer Atkins. Your app is good, but you could make it great.
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2 years ago, BTownMeezer
Love/hate with this Atkins 40 app
I love this app because it really helps me keep track of the carbs I'm eating and I'm actually losing weight. I tried to do this in my head but it just didn't work well that way and I was eating more carbs than I thought and not losing anything. The part I hate is looking up foods. I can't find most of what I'm searching for and have to enter them in my favorites manually. The lists are very long and they don't seem to be in any kind of alphabetical order - there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the order of the list. I wish the search itself could be refined to any word or all words. If I put in "banana peppers", I get every single thing that is either banana or pepper - I never did find it and entered it manually from the jar. That happens a lot.
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6 years ago, Longhunter57
Fresher, but less functional
Update The custom foods are back. I still would like to see what fat and calories a food item has prior to adding it (or even after). The daily total is nice, but seeing how potential food choices would impact that was a great feature that has not (yet?) surfaced in the new app. I gave up, and found another far more user friendly tracking app (shame, because I really liked the old one!) The new app has a fresher look, and is simple to use. One thing missing from the old version is the ability to see the calories, protein, and fat (in addition to carbs) for individual food items before you “add” them. The current version only shows the totals. I know Atkins focuses on carbs, but watching how different food choices affected the “sliders” on the old one was a really good feature.
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6 years ago, Likes to draw lots
Very helpful
I use the tracker every day to monitor my intake to stay 20 carbs or less and also watch total calories. Things I don’t like: you have to go back to the menu page, then to the meal, and then add each item separately as opposed to being able to add multiples to the meal at one time. NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW what the red flames at the bottom of the page nor the green wheels that say fat and protein mean or how to interpret them. Why even put them on there if there are no explanations? I wrote to Adkins but no response. I also find that often the numbers that come up do not match the nutritional information on the container so I have to do a lot of custom entries.
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7 years ago, HurleyGirlie11
Suggestions for user-friendlier entries
This app works fine for me, except I think there are ways to make it easier for the user. My suggestions - available on other apps like WeightWatchers - would be an option to: - Create recipes from foods available on the app or previously entered so you can enter the serving rather than entering all the individual ingredients. This also means that when you next make that recipe, it’s available in your Favorites to select again. - Once you enter a few items, it would be super nice if you can save those as a meal, so again, you don’t have to enter each of those items individually. For example, if you have coffee w/half & half and sugar free syrup each day, you could save that and call it “Morning Coffee” rather than searching all items separately every day.
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4 years ago, Denise-S
Needs major improvement
I like the fact that the app tracks net carb. However, I don’t like the process to add a food. You have to type the entire name of the food and you will see a message that there are no foods if there is a typo. It should be if you start typing a word, then options should start popping up as you type. Also, the database is limited in foods and when you need to delete a food, you have to go into the food, then delete it, why not swipe left and delete pops up. Once you find the food and want to add it, you only have one option such as tbls or cup... more options should be under each food such as oz, tbls, cup... so you can choose the measurement to use. Lastly, I keep getting an error if I try to click favorites, my favorites are gone, the error keeps popping up even as entering a food name.
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5 years ago, Honda buyer
No fitness tracking/customized meals need updates
Update: after using this app a bit longer there are a few other things on top of fitness tracker that would make this better. 1. The ability to scan an item when creating a customized meal. This would be so much easier than having to search each ingredient. 2. The ability to create a customized meal and add exact nutritional information. There are several recipes online that have the exact nutritional information if followed correctly. It would be great to be able to input the nutritional information. 3. I understand the focus isn’t so much on calories but it would be great if the calories were available for each ingredient or even meal/snack rather than just daily totals. Original review: I just started using the app today. There is functionality online that is not in the app. The main thing I’m missing is the fitness tracking aspect. I workout each day and want to track that on the app as well but it’s not available in the app. Is there a plan to have all functionality that is available online also available in the app? The app is much more convenient to use.
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4 years ago, Soozalo
No option to enter next days meal plan
This APP would have worked ok for us but it doesn’t have an option to enter meal/foods for future dates. The website says for success you need to plan your food ahead of time. But lacks the option to do it on the app. Knowing what the counts and foods you will eat for the next day allows for focus and ease without worrying or eating off balance. Or just binging. Seeing what’s ahead for the day and week helps me be successful. Entering as I go through the day alone doesn’t work, although I do make adjustments through out the day to keep myself honest. I started using CarbManager app instead. Works good. Seems like the counts are different for carbs, calories etc on atkins. Carb manager feels like it’s not as liberal with its counts. I think it’s more accurate. Which will help me lose this weight faster.
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3 years ago, ElizFitz
This app used to work well
My biggest problem with the latest update is how difficult it is to select a food to log. If I enter something like “Greek yogurt” or “walnuts” I get long lists of those exact words coming back. I cannot differentiate between them. If I select one I can see that they are different amounts per serving with different carb counts. I still don’t know which one to use as the amount of a serving is listed in grams only. I need ounces or tablespoons or cups or other familiar measurements. And while we are discussing serving sizes, the older version allowed for quarter, half and 3/4 of a serving. It would be very useful to include 1/8 serving or cup for most items. I have given up using this app until it’s more user friendly. And in the meantime I have to explore competing apps as tracking my carbs really helps me eat the way I need to.
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4 years ago, TheBoredEnthusiast
Needs huge improvements
A lot of the time, the app doesn’t have the food I’m inputting listed and oftentimes has obviously miscalculated food items. You can’t look me in the eye and tell me my exact Chili’s quesadilla has 250 grams of carbs, when another similar quesadilla has like 30. Not to mention that when you type in a food item, there are so many of the same title to choose from all with vastly different information, even amongst Atkins’ own brand products. More often than not, the app won’t even recognize the barcodes I scan on the box, (even items as basic as Great Value food items) and the app asks me if I want to add information myself. I downloaded this app for convenience to help me calculate my carbs, not to waste time on adding new info to what should already be known foods in the app. It shouldn’t be that difficult to implement as the “Lose It!” app has a surprisingly wide, focused, and accurate catalog compared to whatever varied and misleading info other users add on my Atkins tracker. Also, the “favorites” feature is terribly broken and always seems to drop what I’ve added in. This app has been cumbersome and frustrating to use.
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2 years ago, GregB957
Only one minor complaint
Most diet apps are calorie focused. It really annoys me that some are free unless you want to track carbs. It's diet discrimination. With the Atkins app there is no subscription. If you want you can buy their books and their grocery products. But the app and web site are totally free. And they make it super simple to track your daily carbs and advance through the stages of the diet. My only gripe is I tried to scan the barcode on some Atkins frozen meals and it couldn't find them. I was able to locate them by typing them in though. Hope this is a temporary bug.
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7 years ago, tjlocarber
Each new version has issues!
When I create a custom food, I put in the bet carbs, but when I get to the total fats, it changes the net carbs to the amount of total fats! On one of the first versions I created nutritional amounts for some of my favorite dishes, but of course with every update all your information that took hours to figure and input vanishes! This version has less scannable products than the previous version. And the measurements in the Atkins recipes got all screwup. Not real impressed, but spending a lot of time trying to make it work. I also noticed some of the carb counts for products that are in the database are incorrect. Such as Cello Parmesan Whips says 0 carbs for 18. But the package says 1 carb for 23 crisps. Please improve going forward, not make worse!
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5 years ago, finnde
Best user-friendly weight loss tool EVER!!
This is the first weight loss tool that I didn’t delete within 24 hours of installing. It is so easy to use, even for us baby boomers, and it provides accurate accountability for every single thing you eat. Also keeps a running calorie count for the day. No more guessing or estimating. If you are serious about being on a low carb plan, there is no better tool than this one, and believe me, I have tried so very many! I like that I didn’t have to put in so much data just to get it up and running, too. Great app!
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4 weeks ago, Llljjjhhh222
Changed for the worse
I used to use this app a couple of years ago and it was great. Now it’s horrible. It is not user-friendly. You have to keep pushing the phone and pushing the phone and pushing the phone just to get something to open up so you can log something. It takes forever to find your food and log your food. It’s easier to keep track on a piece of paper than in this app. It also doesn’t scan any foods. It always says it can’t find the food but if you type the food in the search, then it comes up. I haven’t scanned one thing that is found. It used to find everything. Not anymore. Please put it back to the way it used to be.
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3 months ago, Kake30
Needs an upgrade
I love Atkins but this app needs an upgrade. It’s hard to stay focused on a diet and not get overwhelmed with everything especially in the beginning. More than half the food I scan or try to look up doesn’t show up so I have to manually log it all which is so frustrating especially with a busy schedule and trying to maintain my carbs and be mindful about what I’m eating. It’s free so that’s a plus but I would rather pay y’all a little something and be able to have more ease when logging my food throughout the day. Atkins is the only thing that’s ever worked for me and I’m getting married in 5 months so I’m gonna stick with y’all regardless but this diet works and it’s worth having an app that is helpful and easy!
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3 years ago, HollyL45
The app has gone crazy
I’ve been using the app since I went on the diet on September 22nd. I weigh in every other day. Everything was working fine until this morning when I entered my weight of 147 pounds, my starting weight was 151.6. It’s now showing my starting weight was 324.1 pounds and I’ve lost 172.5 pounds!!!!! No matter what I do it won’t correct the miscalculation. I go back to each previous day until I started the diet to try to reenter my weight for that day and nothing changes. I don’t know what you have done to what used to be a well working app but it’s totally messed up now and useless. Weighing in and accurately tracking your progress is one of the most important parts of being on a diet. I’m an IT professional, obviously there was some sort of update that has totally destroyed this app.
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4 years ago, OC Halos Fan
Best App for Tracking Net Carbs
With lots of low carb diets out there, you don’t need to be on Atkins to benefit from the food tracking features of this App. The scan function makes it easy to enter everything you eat that is packaged. The one area needing improvement is when you don’t scan. When searching for foods, there is a really irritating back and forth between the search function and creating a custom food. I can’t scroll down to review my prior foods without it popping open the custom food feature. I use this App with My Fitness Pal, which has better info to input restaurant food. But Atkins is better for Net Carbs, which is what I am focused on.
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4 years ago, gigglygrl77
Quite a few annoying issues
So writing this for several users. We really want to love this app but there are a couple issues that are super annoying. The main one is the apps responsiveness or lack thereof. In many cases you have to choose something several times before the app acknowledges the choice. This is particularly annoying when trying to log food, we really should not have to set aside 30 minutes a day to log meals. The other is the weight log which only allows for round numbers. We can only view this as sheer laziness from the developers not to allow weight logging to the tenth of a pound. Sometimes in weight loss just that small amount of scale movement is huge and I would expect Atkins to be more continuous and supportive of that.
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6 years ago, lori0540
A great app, just needs a few tweaks
Having been a user of Fitness Pal for years there are some things on that app that I wish were on this one. The one thing that is really a pain is that once you enter a custom food, you can’t edit it, delete it, or see any of the the counts except for carbs. That’s huge for me since I change my ingredients around all the time. I don’t like that you can’t choose an eighth of a cup, and that you can’t plan your meals a day in advance. Other than those issues, it’s easy to read, love the progress tracker and the ability to see recipes. Too bad the recipe nutritional counts don’t transfer into the app, that would be awesome.
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6 years ago, MrsWithem
Great but needs some work
I really enjoy the app. Very easy to use and the scanner is helpful for items that are not in the database. My only complaint is it isn’t like myfitnesspal where you can select different serving sizes such as cup, tablespoon, ounce, etc. serving is the only option and then there aren’t always the right sizes for what I need. It would be nice to be able to choose per cracker especially since I don’t eat a full serving of crackers. It also isn’t compatible with Apple and that’s super frustrating consider Apple has a giant presence in the cellular market. I use my iwatch and ihealth app and it would be nice for the app to be on my watch to track my progress. Maybe something for the future?
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3 years ago, Bucabuddy
Good app but poor food database
I’ve used many different apps and while the Atkins app is easy to navigate and track information, I’ve found more foods not in the database than in it. An example from today is the Starbucks Sous Vide bites. These are mostly eggs and cheese with small amounts of veggies. Should be an excellent Atkins-friendly breakfast on the run, but I can’t find them using the search tool in the Breakfast tracking area. Other apps have robust food databases but may lack in other areas. It would be great if Atkins could link to Calorie Counter or other similar apps with strong food databases.
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2 years ago, sarib85
The new version of the app is unusable
The older version of the app is much better. The sources for the food when you go to look something up are very unhelpful. Their database is missing so many food items, resulting in hand entering food items, and who has time to do that all the time. When you search for a food item, you can’t see the net carbs next to the food, so you don’t know which item to select. I don’t care about asthetics, the new interface is fine. But the food sourcing database and the food result display are what makes this app unusable for me. Which is a shame because I’ve always been a huge supporter for Atkins and low carb diets. Sigh. Another company trying to “improve” and in turn just makes the app worse than before.
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5 years ago, Lildhop
Great Low Carb App
I absolutely love this app. It really helps me stay on track and be accountable. I love that you can scan foods or enter the nutrition information in and get accurate info. The one thing I wish it would do is, when you are creating a recipe and adding ingredients, be able to have the option to scan in or enter the nutritional info of an item, as some of my ingredients have different nutritional value then what the app has. Other then that I give this app 5 stars because it truly works, I lost 6 lbs in my first week and don’t plan on stopping.
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5 years ago, Ladybug T
Great Bariatric Surgery Tool
I had the Sleeve surgery last May. By following the Atkins program with this app, I have lost 130 lbs. This app counts my protein, carbs and fats and make me accountable by entering every morsel that passes my lips. I record even the poor choices I make. This app enforces mindful eating. You can also track your weight loss and measurements. This is one of the easiest apps to use. Many items are already pre-loaded. It not only includes non-brand foods, it includes many brand names too. Many restaurants are included along with big-box items from stores such as Costco.
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5 years ago, new age mama
App needs work
The scanner doesn’t work. I’ve tried multiple times on multiple items and it just won’t scan, on either phone or tablet. Not everyone measures things in grams. It would be nice if it could be changed to ounces. Because some things are listed in grams, others in ounces, then some as “pats” (as in butter), etc, it makes the results hard to follow and understand. Also it would be great if the protein converted to ounces. When it says I ate so many grams of protein and then I calculate that into ounces, it’s off - way off. When I know what I ate, but it’s calculating out as something totally different, it worries me about the rest of the app. I’m considering going back to a spreadsheet.😢
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3 years ago, JRae53
Atkins Tracker is the best!
I love the Atkins app as you can track your meals easily, add your own recipes and yet get recipes. I also like to use it to plan ahead by putting all my meals for the coming week in so I can have onhand exactly what I need for the week. If I don’t end up having a planned meal or item in the meal, I can easily edit it. This makes it convenient for accepting invitations to lunch 😊 Also important is the guidance that is built into the program to choose your phase and much support and information. And, all of it is free!!
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5 years ago, A person who draws
Solely useable for Atkins prepared meals
For some foolish reason Atkins’ new version of this app has disallowed any new foods to be added. If you have a new vegetable you want to eat, or your own recipe, or something from a new chain restaurant, you cannot track it because now you cannot add anything new. Or if you can, Atkins has made it so hard and secret no one can figure it out. The app now relies only on searches of old food that was entered during the earlier version of the app, or the prepackaged non fresh food made by Atkins. If there is a smart programmer out there, just create a new app that will allow the user to search foods people entered, AND enter your own food, and throw in a way to carry over the same food you eat each day with a simple tap, and you’ll capture the entire market of low card dieters!
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5 years ago, SAgent1701
Wow what an Improvement
I have been on an Atkins Diet since my cardiologist suggested it after having a heart attack in 2012. I looked at using this app back then but it was so lacking I decided on other apps to manage tracking my food and carb intake. I have reloaded the a few times over the years, but decided to take a look a week ago and all I can say is huge improvement. I would like to see a water intake tracker just to keep me on track. But the biggest thing I would suggest is to all multiple add button to select multiple foods to one meal. Other than that this app does what it advertises.
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3 years ago, H Tailor
Why fix what isn’t broken?
I would rate the former version a 4, this new version a 2. In this new version: the search feature is useless, bringing up a repetitive list requiring you to scroll for minutes to find your food; you can only choose a “serving” without reference to the quantity (no more ounces, cups, etc); you can’t choose less than one serving (no fractions, number of ounces); the carb content is not close to the labeled content; there is no graph for weight or carbs showing progress over 7 days, 30 days, or a year (as in the old version). Please go back to the old version’s customized features and tracking - I will not use this worthless version.
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3 years ago, Anw0913
Highly disappointed in new update
I’ve used this app for years and had very little issue with it. Like some of the other reviewers I have had problems accessing it and haven’t been able to utilize the app. I had an update come up and thought that would solve the problem. When I updated it it now looks totally different, which is fine. However, it removed all of my past information like carb and weight history, when I try to add food I’ve eaten that day it doesn’t have any restaurant options like it did before, and it doesn’t let you do partial servings when entering food anymore. I’m very disappointed with this new update and will most likely be looking elsewhere to track my dietary habits now. :(
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