Bark Kids

Social Networking
1.3 (7K)
18.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Bark Technologies, Inc.
Last update
7 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Bark Kids

1.29 out of 5
7K Ratings
2 years ago, @Teacher101!
From a teens pov
I like to have my privacy and this app totally invades it. Im a 14 year old girl who has friends and texts them, I don’t like that they have full control over it. I have stuff on my phone that’s just for me, I vent to myself, I tell all my secrets and problems to my best friends. There’s a reason I don’t tell my parents. There is a much better approach to parents controlling what their kids do and it’s not Bark. This app shouldn’t be a thing. If parents really have to use this app that means their parents don’t trust them. Teach your child how you can earn their trust and give them the privacy they need. As a teenager in todays world it’s much different then when parents were our age and in my opinion something needs to be done about this privacy stuff. It’s basically an app you pay for bc you don’t trust your child. Make them earn your trust don’t resort to having an app that looks at every single thin in their phone bc it can get into the wrong peoples hands. Parenting is not the same as it used to be and parents need to realize that. It messed up my phone, I can’t play game pigeon with anyone, I can’t send pictures, Pinterest isn’t even working, I can’t look up anything, it’s too restrictive and all around a bad app. It makes me feel like I’m a child again. If my parents want me to be more responsible and mature on phone then treat me like a mature person and not have this stupid app on my phone that makes me feel restricted and like I’m on a leash.
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2 years ago, Just a random teen lol
Not the end of the world
(This is coming from a teen boys perspective) So my mother put this on my phone because I was doing things that a 13 year old should never be doing on the internet which is why it didn’t come as a surprise to me when she put this on my phone. I really couldn’t deny that I needed this sooooo yea. I understand why you would need this as a parent. As a teen tho it’s quite annoying. One time I was talking in a group chat and we were talking about how we were all gonna block someone’s contact who wasn’t even in the chat and it was reported to my mom as bullying and she ended up using this app to find out all the drama that was going on because it was all counted as bullying and violence. However even after all this I still get the point of the app and it works very good (maybe a little too good) but it’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and I understand why this was put onto my phone. All the reviews before me are very hateful and honestly don’t complain about your parents being concerned about ur well being. Does it invade a quarter of ur privacy, yes. Can it be annoying, yes. But it’s all to keep u safe and honestly people that complain that the world is ending because of this need to get a life and stop being so hateful. It doesn’t make u cool by hating things or using profanity all the dang time. Most people are just mad because it exposes them for what they actually do and say.
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3 years ago, bigfan_uslessstuf
Teen POV
My parents found this app to help with a personal situation involving inappropriate ads constantly showing up on my phone, and it was almost unavoidable with the pictures and words and everything that a younger teen shouldn’t be exposed to at that age. Many other incidents encouraged my parents to download this, and I’m very glad they did. The only problem is that bark is a little too sensitive without the right settings, and for a while I practically couldn’t do anything on my phone. I had it like this for 2 years, and I feel like even after I begged them to change it just a little bit for a long time, they still didnt, and again I’m happy they waited. It made me super careful about searching online. Now that I’m older it’s become just a tiny bit harder, but now that bark is practically non existent and only alerts my parents for super bad stuff now (after a good amount of research to figure it out, making the only reason I only put 4 stars is because of the complexity of the settings). I feel like the settings should start off strong but gradually become more relaxed as a child matures. This app really helped me it my case, and I encourage parents to not look at the 1 star reviews by (cough cough) irresponsible kids (cough), but go by their gut, because even though a child can be right in some cases, a parent knows more about the safety of their child than the child themselves in some cases.
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3 years ago, HHALL630
More parents should be reviewing this app
I appreciate this whole set up. Kids now days do NOT understand that their parents are there to keep them safe. This app helps the parents do EXACTLY that. My view is that parents don’t HAVE to let their kids have cell phones but they choose to anyway and therefore anything that is said or done on said phone is at the discretion of the parent- regardless of what the child/children say. The complaints on this app’s reviews are just entitled kids who want to complain and aren’t appreciative of what their parents are doing for them… except they are complaining in the wrong direction. This world is a very dangerous place and there are so many ways to reach young unsuspecting teens. The app isn’t cheap and at first I was a little taken aback by the price but for everything the app does- I’ll pay for it to keep my girls safe and if other parents are paying for the same thing- they have the same sentiment I do. I have a background in law enforcement so I know that there are predators out there. I will be more relaxed knowing my kids are on their own with their friends and they have their phones with them and I can still know where the heck they are at and what is going on. Great app. Keep up the GREAT work and thank you for creating an awesome app! Just wanted you to know that your work is NOT going unnoticed.
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3 years ago, ishndndkwosncbd
Not the best
This is coming from a teens prospective. I am the type of teen who wants a little privacy. I get it that parents want to make sure there kids are doing good things but let them do stuff they want. They might not do stuff you support but before you yell at them ask them why they do it. They might not honestly understand that it’s bad. Teens are figuring things out and questioning many things around this age. I have done something that I will never forget. I was learning. I didn’t know what anything meant. That’s why kids should ask there parents what it means. But if there parents are controlling they might be scared or scared that they might get in trouble. I get it. I hate getting trouble. Bark just goes to far into teens privacy. Teens can’t do what they like because parents don’t like what there doing. Just because parents don’t like it doesn’t mean you have to watch everything they do. That not really ok. Teens needs privacy. I still understand that parents want to protect there teens but you need to let them have space and teens are learning. It’s usually a phase. When parents add this to there teens phone that really show the teen that they don’t trust them anymore. That might really hurt the teen. When you download this on a teens phone your being kind of controlling. That’s not right at all. I just wanted to say that this app goes a little to far. That’s all I have to say. But thank for trying to protect the kids of the world
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1 year ago, potato gall
I had this on my phone for 3 years.
So, I get it. Parents are concerned they don't do it because they want to ruin our lives. Wether they think they may be over stepping boundaries or not they want to keep us safe. But it doesn't do that. It didn't do a great job of blocking ads, controlling media, other inappropriate content controls. Instead my parents were spammed all day long with "reports" things on any social platform that me or my friends had said. I felt violated and untrustworthy at first seeing as I was 13 and had never done anything wrong on my phone, not even cursing to friends ladies and gents. And I understand if your child needs to be soooo monitored because they do a bunch of crap, and at that point why let them have a phone at all? You don't need to break more aspects of your relationship with them over an app. But if your child was like me just a normal kid who just got a phone and texts friends funny memes you'll quickly understand how ANNOYING this app is. Every innocent thing I said was captured and sent to my parents. I'll never understand why we kept it so long but we now have a different app that works muchhh better for us. Plus PARENTS kids aren't stupid we find ways to get around things no matter how hard you try wether that's screen time passcodes and turning off vpn certain apps that aren't monitored or even burner phones, super strict parents raise sneaky kids.
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3 years ago, shawty valid
ruins everything
even my therapist knows about this app that my parents forced me to download. i feel like i’m on a leash. if they get alerts from anything even my friends say that i don’t , it alerts them. it’s come to the point where it’s july and i haven’t hung out with ANYBODY all summer because i’m distancing myself from my friends since i don’t want my parents to argue with me about what they say. i feel so alone and my parents do not care. i’m begging you not to get this for your child. i understand wanting safety but this will make your kid feel anything but comfort. also, prents can set curfew limits on their child phone so it literally stops working. i didn’t know it was bark causing this so i spent hours on the phone with at&t trying to figure out the problem. HOURS. and when my parents told me it was bark they just laughed it off like it was funny that i felt so much stress. on top of that, i spent two weeks away from my family and traveled to a part of the country with a different time zone. i was two hours behind my family that stayed home. however, this app does not adjust to time zones so i had to stop using my phone at like 8pm. i’m a teenager, why should i have such little freedom when i already cant do or say anything on this phone that’ll alert my parents? when i tried talking to my parents about readjusting my curfew while i was out of town my dad literally just laughed at me. i felt and still feel so powerless over MY life.
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4 months ago, ReneeB2486
Please listen
It’s now been three years since I’ve had this app, I turn 18 in a month. The harm that this app (unintentionally on the developers side of things) did to my relationship to my parents feels irreversible. They are good, well-meaning people and for the most part made good parents. But to this day I find it so hard to talk to them and be honest with them because of the breaches of trust that happened due to their use of Bark. Parents, i completely understand your concerns. But this app cannot work without mutual respect and trust, without a willingness to listen and understand. Even the most well-intentioned parent and the best teenager can’t be those things all of the time. If you are set on having a monitoring system like this, please make sure your child has the opportunity to understand how the program works and voice their concerns. Most importantly, listen to what they say. I know a lot of the kids in these reviews are easy to dismiss, but I was one of them not that long ago. This app made me feel like I had no one to talk to when I was feeling depressed or alone or going through something because it would report it to my parents, who didn’t know how to deal with emotions well. Spend time with your kids, build up trust and respect, make time for difficult conversations, and you won’t need an app to parent for you. Also, consider investing in family therapy instead, god knows it’s about the same price
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2 years ago, Da doooooooode
Good for monitoring, but sometimes weird
I understand that this app is for monitoring unsafe behavior, and it’s really good at that. Saved me multiple times from 🌽(if you know you know) However, it has a few flaws that can make it problematic. First off, and probably the worst, there is a bug where it permanence turns off your internet connection if you don’t check in for 2-4 weeks. I understand it wants to help parents know where your child is, but there is no way to undo the damage, forcing you to delete and redownload. For me it is not a huge problem, but it recommends to parents to turn off deleting apps, so in that case it causes irreversible damage. Second off, there should be warning filters. When I was 11 and I got this app installed on my phone, (this was during 2018 don’t make fun of me) I would get fortnite videos recommended a lot. Although my parents were completely fine about them, bark still sent a warning for ‘gun violence’. I think that there should be better filtering for parents and children alike. Third and last, it SHREDS my iPhone data. I have a plan of about 160GB of data on my phone, and bark uses almost half of it. I don’t know if this is a fixable problem, but if it is, I don’t like having to spend double on my phone bills over parental controls :( There are a few minor inconveniences about this app but those were the main problems. It would be great if you could get them fixed :)
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3 months ago, Ella cadigan
Not ideal from a teens pov
It’s one not the best infact its just another app to get around like I still get weird emails,adds,content etc not to mention it doesn’t get me to trust my parents any bit more then I did I want privacy not to mention I don’t get to express how I feel ever like if I say “oh I like Melanie Martinez she’s my fave music art-OH is she that weird creepy inappropriate elf girl or sum” like if a app bugs out and says like “message can’t be displayed” then boom moms phone beeped my parents\mom mainly need to realize that one parenting evolves and gets different with the times and if you can’t realize that or act like that then you shouldn’t have had kids like I’m sorry but the point of this app is just to invade my privacy even more then it already is please don’t use for kids and remember strict parents-and I don’t mean the parents that set resenable curfews like actually strict parents raise sneaky kids so give your kids privacy and freedom but keep them safe and yeah it’s not easy being a parent but it’s not easy dealing with the trauma theses apps can cause if you can’t trust your kid to where you download this then don’t get your kid a phone period done boom just let your kid have a life and privacy and if you can’t respect your kid then they shouldn’t have to respect you. To end this on a more positive note though (I sat here trying to think of one for like 1m years) theirs not a positive side of this tbh respect your kids boundaries
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3 months ago, ⚠️caution⚠️
So this is coming from a teenagers pov. If you want to ruin your child’s relationship with you or want them to become depressed then get this app. This app has ruined my relationship with my parent and my friends, I feel like I can’t do anything without having to step around eggshells. This app has ruined my relationship with my friends because nothing is private and my friends used to vent to me about their problems, but now we can’t even talk without my parent getting an alert, if you do not trust you kid this isn’t going to make you trust them more, it even stalks your notes app which some kids or teens like to vent in but now you can’t say or do anything and we are being silenced I never felt so alone because I pushed away all my friends because of this app, some teens in other reviews I’ve read became suicidal because of this app you have no privacy it’s like your a dog on a leash this app isn’t good for anything besides ruining relationships and nothing works on your phone when you download this app and it stops your wifi and if your in danger and if you want to reach out to someone it takes a while because it messes with your cellular data and WiFi if you are a parent reading this please do not get this app for your child it ruins relationship and they won’t ever trust you again (seriously I was thinking about cutting my parents out of my life when I got older)
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2 years ago, ghjghyd
Like other teens I have done things that a 13-year-old is not supposed to do and obviously parents found out I got in trouble and got Bark on my phone honestly I hate it it’s so annoying but it’s stopped me from doing all the immature things that I did when I wasn’t supposed to be doing it because I’m too afraid of getting in more trouble so yeah it stopped me from getting in a lot of trouble and I looked back and realized all of that stuff I did is stupid and immature and now having this on my phone yeah it’s annoying but I feel like honestly some comfort in my life knowing that my parents are watching my every move if your parents are watching everything you do that’s going to stop you from doing the stuff you usually did even though all the stuff I did before wasn’t that bad it’s still bad and I’m comforted knowing that I stop doing that my parents and our relationship benefited from this I feel so much closer to my parents now, yeah I still listen to music that gets me in trouble and yeah I still talk to my friends and call them stupid and that’s apparently bullying on BARK I mean that’s what friends do but I am very comforted knowing that my parents relationship is much better from this app than it was before. So in a weird way thanks BARK.
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2 years ago, licca b
Teenage point of view
Like all the other kids I have done somthing a-13-year old boy shouldn’t have done and I have learned from that. It’s super sensitive and I feel like I have no privacy also bc it sends the 8 of the messages. It is a great app on teaching your kids on what not to do but it makes the kids feel like the parents don’t trust them and ruins some trust. It’s just to sensitive and feel like you can’t talk to anyone. They should have a system where it slowly easys up so you don’t feel like a 4 year old or a point system that lets your parents know how you have been doing. Feel like I can’t do anything it makes me feel like I can’t do anything bad bc I’m going to get yelled at feel like a can’t learn or mature but I understand y and have Nothing againts my parents just the app needs fixed a little bit but I dislike the app but it has made me realize a lot of things ab being mature and it has stoped me from doing immature things and I agree with all the other kids on the opinions and other suggestions and I’m sure all the kids know how it feels to have this but trust me you will understand y and you’ll be thankful it’s not the end of the world I have nothing to hide but I like privacy and this app it very sensitive and yku don’t rlly get much privacy it’s annoying but rlly good and bad in ways
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3 years ago, Hello!!🥺🥺😃😃??
Read!! NOW (Parents, kids, teens, pre-teens, and people who made the app)
This app goes to far, it send parents everything even the little things that don’t matter. Like as pre-teens and teen, we sometimes will joke with our friends like call them dumb or an idiot, but at this age we know we’re joking and so do they. But it sends those messages to parents even tho there not a big deal. It will invade to much privacy even if it’s not something big. Also this app has broken my friends phones including me. Mine would freeze and do random things and basically like broke it. It got so annoying. The weirdest part, is it would freeze and not let me get on the bark app. For my friend, she couldn’t do like anything it would always say she has no internet connection, and the reason her parents got it for her is because she’s never had social media before and she really wanted it. But it wouldn’t work when she got social media because there “was no internet connection” this app is the worst thing ever. It goes to far, sends like EVERYTHING, and will break phones. Like I get it, if u gave the app to like a young kid like 9 and under, that makes sense because parents should know what’s going on on a young kids phone/iPad. But when your a pree-teen or a teen, you need some privacy cause your older. And most of them aren't even doing anything bad, it’s the fact that is app invalids privacy that’s not even a big deal.
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3 years ago, im dying so yeah
I absolutely hate it
I believe my parents had a good reason for being concerned and wanting an app like this on my phone but it’s way too restrictive it alerted my dad because I watched a TikTok that had the word high in it and reported it as drugs and when I told my friends about this app some of them told me they didn’t want me texting or calling them till I had this app off my phone because they are worried that they might tell me something personal and the app will alert my dad and say it’s inappropriate and then my dad would know their secrets this really annoys me because I’m glad to be there for my friends and be there to listen to them whenever they have problems but they are texting ME to tell me that stuff not my parents it’s only been a few days but I feel trapped and my friendships are suffering because of this so I strongly advise that if you are a parent and thinking about getting this for your kid please don’t you may think it’s helping your kid but its really not you can tell your kids that you doing this because you love them and you want them to be safe but trust me we don’t see it that way we see it as you watching our every move and not caring about how we feel about I would have much rather have like weekly phone checks than this so you should sit down with your kid at talk to them instead of forcing this and other apps like it onto them
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1 year ago, JudeOllie&Max
I don’t recommend this app.
(Kids pov) I enjoy my privacy, and this app it totally invades it. I understand that it’s supposed to keep us safe, but it can make your child feel blocked off from the world. Not everything is bad, and plus, children are curious creatures. Curiosity killed the cat, not the kid. Some kids may need this app, but not everyone. If you can’t trust your kid to be on the internet, why give them the internet anyways? Just to tease them? At least let them live a little. Sometimes kids trust their friends more then their parents, and it’s because of things like this. Again, I totally understand how this app is trying to protect us, but it’s also helicopter parenting and can make the relationship between and kid and a parent bad. Let your kid breath a little, and don’t stunt their growth. They’re never gonna learn right from wrong if they can’t figure out which is which. Invading privacy is very wrong, because some things they want to be kept to themselves, it should. Not be exposed to everyone. It could make your child very uncomfortable and tensed with the situation that’s happening. I love my parents, I really do, but this makes me very uncomfortable, and makes me starting to loose trust with them. Growing children need privacy. They don’t always wanna share everything. Once again, I understand the point of this app, but it’s very unfair to the child.
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2 years ago, livey 1234657809
as a teen…
listen i don’t have much to hide and i don’t really care that they get alerts or whatever. i hate how this app was designed. every child or teen that has this app feels untrusted and violated. i personally love having my own privacy even if there is nothing to hide. it’s not fair to make me more uncomfortable because my parents have to look at everything i do and it makes me feel horrible that they are invading my privacy. yes i know that they are my parents and should be able to see stuff but as a teen with this app i know that everyone deserves privacy and if they wanna see or look through my phone they can! but it goes to far with a whole app that logs and makes a list of things on my phone that my parents get to just brows. the software is not very good either. things like “headache” and “medicine” and “anxiety” pop up on there emails from bark. and sometimes bark will block menus because it has alcohol on it. that is so stupid! it also ruins wifi and data connection. it turns on a VPN which messes with my phone and it’s annoying when i have to worry about what my parents can and will see. even when it’s nothing to worry about. as a untrustworthy girl that has this app i truly hate it. it makes my whole life so much harder and nothing can or will make it better. i get it could be beneficial to parents but for kids it’s miserable.
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4 weeks ago, BasketballKid44
Guys it’s really not that bad. I am a teen and I honestly love this app. It makes me feel safe and comfortable. My parents just downloaded it for me because I’m a teen and I just got a phone. They wanted to make sure that I was using it correctly and not getting sucked into online rabbit holes and stuff like that. The reason why all you other kids hate it is because your parents put the sensitivity level wayyy to high. My parents sat down with me and we dealt with the sensitivity levels together instead of them just invading my privacy and turning everything up to the max so that everything I do gets reported. I think this is a great app IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY AND NOT TO COMPLETELY INVADE YOUR CHILDS PRIVACY. So I encourage you as a parent to sit down with your child and make them involved with the app and let them choose with you what should be monitored. This is the best app choice if you want to make sure your kids are safe on the internet and not getting bullied or becoming victims of online predators. All the 1 star reviews are from kids whose parents and wayyyyyyyy to controlling and don’t know how to correctly use the app.
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4 days ago, Cosmo Hamilton
From a teen pov yet again
Hey bark company I came to talk about your app, This app is completely invaisive and is just a reason to say that it’s keeping children safe just to get money. to be honest it’s a controlling app parents use to lose communication and trust in their parents not only that this also ruins their relationship with their kids and it make us as a teen feel like we can’t do anything like this stupid vpn makes everything lag and I can’t do nothing on my phone anymore because of this app. I really don’t understand what your point is and don’t be like it’s to protect kids and not in add privacy because clearly in the description that’s what it was made to do it was made to go through social media notes games messages and everything like we have no privacy no more so why lie about they we still give u privacy part?!?! Not only that it restricts most things and alerts random stuff that’s quite on quote bad like pls stop using ai to make ur app seem good tbh you guys are just money hungry controlling people that’s tries to make their app good. And also don’t copy and paste the same paragraph you gave to all these teens that’s had a right to say something like it’s honestly annoying and gives a lack of intelligence because shows u don’t take the time to make your app good for everyone except for yourselves so you can get money in your pockets
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12 months ago, Willy Reviews
I’ve had this for a month and…
It bricked my phone and was disfunctional for the first half. I have to got on 5G+ only to get a somewhat good connection to literally anything. One time, the power went out, therefore no wifi. However, bark thinks human communication is illegal or some crap, because it didn’t send until half an hour later. HALF AN HOUR! What if you or your child is in a dangerous situation. Kidnapped, being robbed, literally anything and they can’t send a message. Half an hour later, it’s probably too late. If you thing this is bad, everyone else thinks of this as some leash. Not bark because it “barks” a notification when something bad. No, bark because it makes some feel like a dog barking on a leash. I don’t feel the same per se, but i am not fond of this service. Edit after dev response and some more research. I’ve seen responses from adults and developers and I would like to add something to the review. In my dev response, they never address the writers actual problems with the app. No one ever gets a response they want unless they praise the app. It’s always “talk to your parents” for bad reviews and “cool” for good reviews. Some people are going absolutely ballistic in the reviews and there is never any change made to the apps, policies or anything. But hey, it’s not like reviews are there to improve the app and make people happy! Oh wait…
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2 years ago, jacklovegames
Too Much Information
TMI. This stands for too much information, something that this app is great at doing. We’ve all heard it before, keep your child safe from anything online that could harm them. Though bark has said many times that the app provides alerts from any bad or inappropriate things to protect you, from a teen’s perspective, the app shares to much information. It gets to the point where I think someone is watching me and monitoring me all the time and has the ability to see everything I’m a saying or doing, this review included. I feel, as said in other reviews, that others can agree that the premise of the app is their, it shares too much information with others and ruins any privacy that you believed that you once had. My parents, like all parents, want good for their child, but not giving them any privacy or space to breath won’t help them grow, they have to be able to make decisions for themselves when a situation comes. Parents getting to involved in a teens life and not letting them make their own decisions won’t lead them to be able to make decisions when their parents aren’t their to shield their child. Overall, the app doesn’t provide the privacy that children need, and gives the parents to much power of children to be “free” and make their own decisions.
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3 years ago, Pickle Head 🥒
ruins life
yesterday my mom made me download this app. and made me answer all the questions. now i feel like i’m a dog and a leash and have to beg for freedom again. like it shows the parent or guardian everything you do and it even shows them your messages which, i think is a violation in every way. with this app there’s no way i should feel this way. and now i can’t act like i’m my age. im in 7th grade and now it feels like i’m in 3rd grade. my mom also put it in my little sisters phone which i can understand because she in kindergarten but i’m in 7th grade. i’d really rather go back to her checking my phone every so offen and that be it but this app isn’t right. and now my mom feels the need to have it. if your a parent and your trying to rebuild your relationship with your child/children, this wouldn’t be the way to go because it’s only going to make it worse and there just going to feel terrible and odd so if you absolutely have to use this then use it but Life360 it’s much better in my opinion. it will make the child feel better too and can build a good relationship. with Life360, it’s always shows where they are, have been, where there going, when they turn it off and when they go off the app. you send immediately messages to them and other things. but honestly this app wouldn’t be the best resource or response.
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1 year ago, jsndndkx
Probably the worst app you could ever get. My mom downloaded this on my phone, and I didn’t even know about it until over a few months later when I got grounded a few weeks. I thought she just downloaded it because of what I did, but no it had been on there since September 25th. (It was around December or later November when I finally noticed it) Around the beginning of January, my phone stopped working. It would glitch and stopped the wifi from connecting. My mom nor I had no idea what was going on. We thought the phone was the problem, so we bought a new one. NOPE! We decided to get a new sim card— NOPE! It wasn’t until my mom finally realized that it was this stupid app that was causing it, she turned it off and I deleted it a few months later. This app is ridiculous and completely invaded your privacy. Parents, I recommend not getting this app because you will completely destroy your relationship with your child. I think this app would be perfect for kids in elementary, but pre-teens or teenagers? The app just shows you don’t trust them, and will cause them not to trust you and find other ways to sneak behind your back and hide stuff. So, build a good relationship with your child and they will most likely be able to come to you and actually talk to you.
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1 year ago, ClaweeLoverMike
Teenager POV
Before reading: I personally do not have the bark app, I am just writing a review to give my perspective on this app since a few of my friends have it. I do not believe that parents making their kids have bark is a good idea for their kids, because it ends up effecting way more people than just them. Having bark not only notifies a kids parents about things their kids say, but also things that their friends say. Since another kids parent can get notified about something that you say, this has lead to these kids not getting added to group chats, and other threads. Obviously because of this, it can make the other kid really upset, and there is nothing they can do about it. Really I just think that kids deserve privacy until they do something that shows they are not worthy of it. Parents are worried that their kids aren’t sharing everything with them, and that is true. We don’t share everything with our parents. We keep a lot to ourselves. You did too when you were a kid. Parents trying to dive into their kids personal business is what leads to some of these kids being depressed, not the predators you guys are saying are “all over the internet”. Please just let kids have their privacy, and even though you guys say you “only notify parents about concerning things” that’s still a breach of kid’s privacy.
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2 years ago, hdtkkvthjj
My therapist disapproves of this app
(as a 16 year old) I told my therapist about this app and she agreed that this app give us a false of privacy by tell us that “you parents may not be able to see your messages” ya they lied. Your parents can see the entire conversation that is being had and can also see who your having it with. The problem i have is, what if my friend is having a hard time and they are telling me stuff that they only want me to know, and my parents get a notification of an “inappropriate conversation” which in most cases is not even true. If my friend wanted to tell my mother their problems, then she would have told her. This app not only invades my privacy but the other person’s privacy, and they don’t even have the app. This app is just for over protective parents who don’t trust their child/teen. This app destroys relationships with your parents because it tells you it won’t invade and then continues to do so. The app makes me feel like a dog on a leash (as the name suggests). To be honest if your thinking of getting this for your teen, don’t even bother because they will find some other way to hide stuff from you because you have completely demolished the trust that your teen has for you. I am genuinely sorry to anyone who has this app because i feel your pain. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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3 years ago, stop i love you
My mother is so overprotective of me. This app makes it seem like I am on a leash. She actually thinks that downloading this app will make me be better and actually save me from the dangers of the internet. Funny thing is I am not dumb. I know all the loopholes in everything and I always beat her. Regardless, She is monitoring everything I send. I am turning off my location services. This app will forever ruin my relationship with my mother, which is devastating to her, I honestly don’t care because i am not even close with her anymore. But the damage has already been done. So thank you, for ruining the relationship that I have with my former best friend and the person I used to care about the most. If she reads this, I want her to know that I meant it. If you are a parent and you want your kid to get it, fine. If you don’t want your relationship to get ruined with your kid. Just tell your kid what to do and what not to do. I don’t think that I can ever make amends to the relationship thanks to my mom and the app. Honestly, she is just another person in my house. I don’t think I can even call her my mom. Get this app if you want your kids relationship with you to crumble, just like it did with my mom and I. We (teens) need privacy because we are just going out into the new world, and that’s not what we are getting with this app.
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3 years ago, sad sog by we are the kings
Just a little stupid
I am a 13 year old female just trying to have fun. I don’t have a problem with my parents looking to see if me or my friends do something bad but I have a huge problem with how they can block certain apps. I have had all social media behind my parents back because they don’t believe it is ok for kids to have it. The believe that any kid that has it and gets mentioned will cause self harm or off themselves. I play games online a lot so when they ask for my number I give them a special discord that I made for that. My parents have always been strict but once I got the phone I felt like I had a little bit of privacy. But no, I was told they were going to put bark on my phone to see if I do something I’m not supposed to. Again I don’t have a problem with that it’s just that they are over protective and I had to tell them that I had Twitter and my mom freaked out and told me I wasn’t allowed to have it or to use any social media. I’m just trying to enjoy my time and not go against my parents main rules but this was something I couldn’t deal with anymore. Some of my friends don’t use their phone number so I talk to them through discord but it got blocked with everything else and it’s starting to annoy me that my parents are trying to control every little thing in my life.
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5 months ago, MrMan091
Tidal Wave
My 2nd Review! Skibidi toilet will be mine! I don't care about this app at all! So when I'm bored I go on the App Store and read Bark Kids reviews. That app that monitors our phones that app. So all of the reviews are 1 star saying that they have know privacy at all in which I agree about it. That's not the worst part about it. These kids that make a review about this is funny these kids are saying that if the say like dumb or stupid they get reported. Oh I read this review of a kid saying that he likes bird, science, and etc the kid can't even search up birds and science and Bark Kids say that that's bad or something else idk but that's stupid that Bark Kids would report something about science and birds and says that's bad. What the heck man. Like I'm about to write a review with everything in every detail and I can probably write a book about it and how stupid Bark Kids is and if a freaking stupid robot replys with a Hi tHeRe, OuR mIsSiOn Is tO kEeP cHiLdReN sAfe bY gIViNg tHeM mOrE pRivAcy aND gIvIng PaRenTs lEss dAta pOsIbLE. Like bro that is the most dumbest mission ever bro i think there meaning Hi there, our mission is to screw up every childs phone as possible. That's a dumb mission bro both of them are besides the funniest one which is the second one. SKIBIDI TOILET WILL BE MINE! THIS IS A FURRY THING! I HATE DEPRESSION! ROHEHEHEHHHE! SUB TO ME ON YT! MY YT IS MRMAN001
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2 years ago, jxstqu1nn
No thanks
This is coming from a teen (f14). I completely understand the purpose of the app. It can be great for protecting YOUNGER CHILDREN. This seems more like an app to protect kids who haven't hit adolescence. Once you become a teenager, I don't think you need to be spied on constantly. The app honestly wasn't the end of the world, but it annoyed me quite a bit. Searching became difficult, texting no longer felt comfortable, and I felt more unsafe with my parents using it. I often use my phone to tell people things I don't want my parents' nose in. I get it, that may look suspicious, but did you as a child ever tell your parents all your secrets? Most likely not (unless you have, thats good for you). Yes, sometimes we might get into things we aren't supposed to on the internet. But does that REALLY matter? We're learning. No, the internet is definitely not the best place for that, but its still a way we can figure things out. Parents, if any are reading this, instead of using this on your adolescent child, try talking to them if you're unsure about anything they're doing. Try building your relationship with them so they'll come to you and tell you things. If your kid can trust you, they won't need to be secretive and you won't need this unnecessary privacy invading monstrosity of an app.
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3 years ago, cupcake yummmm
It messed up my phone
As a teen girl who didn’t want her privacy taken away I was not happy about getting this app. But eventually my parents made me download it and enter my passwords. After that I never noticed it. I didn’t do anything that made the vpn alert my parents so things were going fine. After about 2 weeks my phone suddenly stopped working. I hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary so I was confused. The data and WiFi weren’t working so I could only make phone calls. My min and I spend about 3 HOURS on the phone with our service provider and he wasn’t sure what else to try. We swapped the SIM card, restarted the phone multiple times, yet the issue remained. While the guy on the phone was trying to come up with another solution I went to the vpn and tried to turn it off. It kept turning back on and notifying me that bark needs the vpn in order to monitor the phone. I figured out how to disable the vpn and miraculously my phone was working again! Before my parents asked me to download this app I saw another person write that they had service troubles because of bark. I don’t know if it was a glitch with the vpn but I do not recommend the app. I understand my parents reasoning for getting the app, but the vpn problem completely stopped my service for no reason at all.
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10 months ago, estie✅🥐😀
Just no
Um yeah this app and the one that goes with it is honestly terrible . Don’t make your kids get this . Also it has ruined my phone plenty of times. A relationship between a parent and a child without trust makes the child a liar and sneaky. At this point why even get your child a phone. I’m not trying to be rude but honestly there are so many better ways to deal with these issues. I have looked through the reviews and most are one star. I think you should make a few updates to both apps. Like actually study the behavior of teens and pre teens today. For example if I’m texting my friends and say “lol what are you doing, you look crazy girl” and then it reports it as bullying or something. But my friends know I’m joking and I know I’m joking. Also even if I’m not doing anything bad, even if I’m just sharing something personal with a close friend like for example if my mom has been making me feel stressed lately and my mom finds out. It’s just something about that that just gives me the ick , like that’s weird . my parents and I don’t use this app but looking through the reviews I can see how this app has NO boundaries . Honestly I was trying to keep this nice but it’s hard because I have nothing good to say about this at so I’m just going to end here. Bye 💅
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3 years ago, Jesarose Porter
Its okay
The app is fine. I know that it doesn’t alert everything that you do on your phone. My mom tells me not to check in on the app for whatever reason and what I don’t like is my phone is set to where apps I don’t use in awhile get offloaded and when the bark app is offloaded it shuts down my wifi and data. The first time this happened I was really confused. I also don’t know why I cant download apps- it started about a day ago and I think it’s because the bark app has to update but because of the issue it wont let me update. I know that there are individuals out there that would try and purposely shut off and delete the bark app so that’s when the little shutting down wifi tool is handy. But not everyone does that. At the same time I don’t use the app the same way parents do so I don’t know if they can control those setting or not. I trust my mom when she says that it doesn’t see everything and I trust the bark app as well, but there always seems to be an issue with my phone wether or not it’s my wifi, apps, or sending messages on social media. Overall I think the bark app is okay. I’m also only a teenager and not an adult so I don’t really know how the app works. :)
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1 year ago, lizaloo0952
Here’s my input (from a teen)
Okay, so I’m a teen. This app has been on my phone for about a year now, and honestly, it’s not so bad. It can be annoying sometimes because my friends will cuss occasionally, alerting my parents and everything. But here’s the thing. It’s teaching me to be responsible. Most of the other teen reviews are from kids who are either a) being dramatic or b) being irresponsible. I scrolled through past reviews and I saw a whole bunch with kids saying, “my parents downloaded this because I was doing things I shouldn’t have”. Well, MY parents downloaded this to keep an eye on other people. It’s not there to keep you on a leash, it’s there to put a barrier between you and what could end up having negative consequences. Can it be annoying? Yes. But is it the end of the world? NO. Your parents downloaded the app cuz they care about you, dummy. They want to keep you safe. I’ve definitely learned a thing or two from this app, and it’s helped my friends, too. So stop complaining that your parents are trying to ruin your life. Bark does a great job of helping them keep that from happening.
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1 year ago, hehdhehshdbdjahdv
Teens pov
To all the parents reading this and potentially going to download this app on their kid's devices, please give this text a read! I'm going into 13 and I have done some stuff that I will never forget, they were horrible. But I was a immature child at the time and I didn't know what to do, I was curious and I got scared to ask my parents because I had visited this site multiple times. When they found out and downloaded this app I gained a lot of maturity but I also feel like I can't talk with them about anything ranging from girls to mental health. The app “bark” lies to the kids when they go on the app quote on quote they say “ Your parents are asking you to connect your accounts below, and please know that we respect your privacy (we get it, we were teenagers waaaay back in the day) and will ONLY alert them if our systems detect something potentially dangerous. Otherwise, Bark does NOT allow your parents to see your messages or posts” This is simply not true you get no privacy, and in the “we respect your privacy and will only send potentially dangerous content to them” they send about everything, even if it's not inappropriate! Parents, Please don't download this app. You should rather go through your phones/devices a few times a year!, thank you for your time.
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3 years ago, Mr.PiCkL3
This isn’t helpful
This app has made me want to cut my mother off. I am a 17 year old and my mom made me get it bc I didn’t always talk to her. She went through my phone when ever I was acting off. She said this would be better and I believed her. However this has turned everything worse. My mom gets alerts from fictional stories I write and things my friend says. She gets angry and assumes things and blames it on the fact that she doesn’t know the whole story. I was talking to my friend about bad things she’s done. Threaten to take me to a hospital saying it was a horrible place telling me I’m not suicidal etc. I told my friend I might cut her out of my life. Her way of trying to fix this is making me stay home instead of going to a friends house to calm down. She says that we need to fix our relationship yet doesn’t try to. This app has not helped me at all and I’ve started self harming and having more mental problems and breakdown bc of it. I understand what you’re trying to do however this can be abused like it is with me. I am 17 i should have my freedom. At least make it so that 16 plus people can’t have this app. It’s not thing to make sure a kid is safe it’s completely different when the parent punishes the child for having negative thoughts about said parent.
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6 days ago, Someone on the lnternet
My thoughts as a high school girl
Three years ago I was given a bark phone for Christmas and later had the app downloaded on both my iPad and computer. I had never done anything wrong on the internet, nor have I gotten in trouble. My parents have always told me that I’m a good kid and student, but yet it doesn’t seem that trust me. They told me they don’t trust the world, but it’s the people on the internet. What I don’t understand is how bark keeps me safe from the people on the internet. This app is supposed to monitor activity and restrict a child from certain themes. No where have I seen it restrict your engagement with others. My mother is always in my space, wondering what I’m doing, I feel like she thinks I’m up to no good when I’m just reading comics. It honestly hurts me that they can’t just communicate with me. Like others here before me have said, “it hurts relationships.” This app also has a few technical issues such as making devices run slow, errors with pausing, and irrelevant tags. I am truly afraid of this app. It’s constantly watching, parent, I would like you to imagine how it feels to be watched all time without privacy. I will literally be an adult in just a few years, and parents still have no faith in me apparently. Thanks for reading my Ted talk!
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2 months ago, Honest experience/opinion
Kinda works
This apps invades all of your privacy. I have trouble sending messages to my friends without my parents getting a alert for something I say. Now it does do its job to block explicit websites but, it blocks me from downloading apps on my phone like discord and other apps I have previously downloaded but now I can’t download them anymore because it is “restricted”. On top of that I don’t know if this has to do with the app but since bark has been set up on my phone I have not been able to turn on my mobile data. It also turns of my internet randomly during the day if I don’t check in on the app. I will admit it does send alerts most of the time that are true but, sometimes it sends false alerts to my parents and I get in trouble or accused of doing something I didn’t do. For example, today actually it sent a alert to my parents that I have changed my settings for bark but I didn’t in fact, I haven’t been on my settings at all today so I got accused of doing something I didn’t do. It also won’t let me change my passwords like my phone passwords and my Face ID which I don’t know why but it is not very convenient. Overall the app somewhat does its job but has some flaws that could be fixed. This is my opinion of course.
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2 years ago, theloverfam
Very Stressful
Dear Parents, Hello, I’m a kid in 7th grade just trying to survive middle school. Some of my friends can be quite inappropriate over text (texting curse words, inappropriate messages etc.) and it’s not my fault. I’ve tried talking to my mom about this and she still doesn’t believe it’s their fault. Everything’s my fault. If you don’t want kids to spend too much time on your phone and you want to limit their screen time, turn on screen time on settings. They can ask for time on stuff and you control how much time they have… but don’t torture them with this. I understand parents want us to be safe, but if anything it’s making me feel so unsafe I delete messages my friends send me even if they have one curse word. As a kid with extreme ADHD and anxiety it’s too much for me to handle. Even breathing makes me feel self conscious and makes me feel like they are watching me. All of my freedom has been taken from me and, well it doesn’t feel great to be honest. The app really works and does what it’s supposed to but sometimes it’s too much. I’ll see Bark notifications come up on my moms phone after my friend talked about getting her Covid-19 vaccine as drugs. It monitors it too much and makes me feel uncomfortable and it’s kinda trying me insane. - Via
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2 years ago, Skkylaar
My parents got this app for no reason, I have never done anything bad on my phone before. Sure you can say they are trying to prevent it but what it really does is make me feel untrusted. Due to this app I treat my parents differently than I used to, not in a good way. I almost never talk to my parents and I avoid them. This app blocks unnecessary stuff such as music. I was listening to my playlist of music and it skipped 3 songs that weren't even inappropriate because of bark. I don't care what your "mission" is because clearly unless your mission is to break relationships with children and parents, then you failed. My friends don't even text me anymore because they know my parents might see what they have to say. My friends used to vent to me every time they needed but now our friendships are being destroyed. You thing this app will help keep your friends from killing themselves because your parents will see it? WRONG! Now they aren't even willing to text me that they had a bad day, so who knows, maybe they will kill themselves. Bark, stop saying in every reply to talk about boundaries with our parents, IF OUR PARENTS EVEN DOWNLOADED THIS APP THATS NOT GOING TO WORK! Its going to cause me to get in trouble for absolutely no reason.
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3 years ago, Seven Ellevon
⚠️Parents Read Please⚠️
I’m a teenager writing this review so please listen. My parents downloaded this app on my phone so they could watch what I was doing. This app completely takes away your child’s freedom to do anything. I remember I was listening to music and it started playing the next song. It started playing the song From Now On from the greatest showman. (I was listening to Disney music because why not) Well it started playing and my father came into the room and he said he got a notification on an inappropriate song I was listening to. I told him I was listening to the greatest showman. He was surprised because it said it was talking about drinking and bad language. The only line in that song is "I drink champagne with kings and queens". Like seriously you are going to report me listening to a Disney song. This is just one example of how much this app overreacts to everything. I became isolated with my friends and I felt like I couldn’t talk to them about anything because of this app. LISTEN PARENTS: if you want to get an app that watches what your child does I wouldn’t suggest this one. There are much better apps out there. Please take my words into consideration when you are thinking about getting your child this app.
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1 year ago, Emily R Collins
Another Teen’s Perspective
Alright! I can definitely see how this can help parents, especially if they have a teen who needs a lil more supervision. I’ve had some issues before and my parents hadn’t known about this app, but I’ve grown and gotten through that (it’s been years). Now I agree that this app can be important, but the sensitivity of these notifications are awful. My mom got a notification about a message I sent to her about getting a knife to cut the ham we had for a dinner. It sends her notifications about messages that are “medically concerning” when my friends tell why they weren’t at school. This is probably one of the only problems I have with Bark though. In all reality it’s allowed for my mom to give me more trust while I’m on my phone and in turn given me more respect for my mom since she isn’t always searching my phone. Bark is a great resource for parents and I think they have a great mission. To all the other teens saying it’s awful, it’s probably the best option for you and your parents. Be thankful for what you have and please, stay safe!
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2 years ago, _lemonade_
Not my Favorite but it’s good
As a preteen in my opinion my parents got this to protect me. I understand that completely but I do have a slight problem with it because it affects my pandora and Pinterest and also sometimes affects the games I have on my phone. That’s one of the only reasons I removed one star also I wish that not everything that involves drama would be reported as bullying but overal it is a good app to have if you do have a younger child I do believe that it’s not really suiting for older kids. A good idea for a feature it could have is maybe a alert feature where parents can just send alerts to the child/children about things and it would just make a little chime and let them now but where it appears on the whole screen for a minute and as much as I’m trying to make this a Positive review it makes me feel like my parents don’t trust me. I have problems with thinking people hate me and/or I did something wrong sometimes and this dosent really help. ( I noticed that the comments/ feedback for almost every review is the same)
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1 year ago, Thanks For Reading This 503187
I Don’t Like This App
My parents installed this app sometime last year, and I absolutely hate it. It gives me no privacy, messed up my electronics, and alerts my parents to “concerns” when there are none. I honestly feel like this app controls my life because I can’t really say anything without getting flagged. My parents once got alerted to one of my friends and I talking about how people in our class were sick. And likewise, it alerted them when she swore. It blocks almost everything, gives me no privacy, and honestly, I don’t think it's a good app. I feel like instead of parents just downloading this app, that they can teach their child how to earn their trust if they don’t have it already. I’ve tried going into this app on my electronics, it’s basically pointless. I know that some parents might like that they can pause internet or give their child a select amount of minutes of internet. I feel like this might be helpful to some parents if their child is doing something they shouldn’t be, but if their child is flagged for things that they didn’t do, or having a pointless excuse to flag you. So in my opinion at least, this app is really bad and I frankly don’t like it because of the invasion of privacy.
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3 years ago, heyyyyyyyoi
Don’t use the app
Honestly I don’t think this app should even get one star. It not only slows down EVERYTHING, but it’s also an invasion of privacy. If a friend were to say something personal and used inappropriate language or language that is medically related, it will alert them. I don’t want my friends to feel uncomfortable when they’re telling me something private. It slows down a lot of my apps; snapchat, tiktok, instagram, messages, facetime. It even slows down subway surfers. SUBWAY SURFERS! Like- come on. This app is for parents that do not trust their kids to make the right decisions. They tell us that it’s to protect us but it’s really to make sure that they are in control. I want to be able to talk to people without worrying about what is going to alert my parents. If they took the app off of my phone, I would probably be more open with them and actually tell them about things. Instead, they put this on my phone, and I’m more closed off than I was before. I haven’t expressed this to them, but they know how I feel about it just by the way I act when they bring it up. If you’re a parent reading this, keep in mind that this will only make your children angrier and it’ll only make them act out more.
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3 years ago, TEAM_UPLIFT
I feel like I’m on a leash
Ever since my mom installed this app my social life has gone down hill she gets an alert every time some time of violence or cussing etc. And personal I can’t control what my friends send me that’s their time and energy spent on the email or text not mine so I shouldn’t be the one getting in trouble for what they send I’m just a kid who wants to have a life of their own not some kid who has their social life controlled by their parent having a app that monitors your child’s phone can break trust and you’re child will try to hide even more things on their devices then they already have been hiding these past few weeks I’ve been thinking about asking my mom if she can take the bark off but I already know what the answer is going to be. “No.” That’s what the answer is going to be because she has no trust in me this makes me sad and discouraged to Ask her in the future I don’t recommend this app you destroy your trust with you’re children and I just wish my life went back to 2019 where Covid and I didn’t have these trust problems with my mom because I made a mistake.
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1 year ago, kinsi89
From a Teens Point of View
I understand. Parents want to keep their children safe. I get it, but this is not the way to go. Yes, the real world is dangerous, but if you don’t let your child experience the real world they will never survive in it. It’s a complete violation of privacy. I’ve even had a conversation with my parents. My mom said I don’t deserve privacy at my age (Thirteen.) everyone deserves privacy. I get it for little kids when they get their first devices but I’m a teenager. I know I’ve done things that I can’t forget but I was learning. I realize what I’ve done wrong now. Yes the app might not show everything that I do to my parents but Bark still knows what I do. I feel so controlled and on a leash and when I try telling my parents about it they get mad at ME. When I’m just trying to explain my concerns. Parents, if you want your kid to trust you and not want to move out as soon as they finish Highschool, then listen to their concerns, listen to them and don’t be so full of yourself that you think “you’re right because you’re the adult.” It gets tiring when your parents think that every person you encounter online is a 70 year old predator. If you can’t trust your child then don’t get them a device.
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3 years ago, dutcuttykssitstyvuvkfsrygm
This app is so stupid!!!!! I can’t even use half of the apps on my phone, let alone do anything about it, I encourage you to never download this app for you or your kids because it defeats the whole purpose of the app. It makes me afraid that is I do one tiny thing wrong, my parents will see it, yell at me, and then I just feel sad and depressed and alone. How would you like us to put an app onYour phone that monsters everything that you do. How would you like us to see every single text that you send and every single thing that you search that sounds like a great idea doesn’t it? A.k.a. sarcasm if you couldn’t tell This app is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me and that makes me super annoyed. If you are a teenager then you know this chocolate because you try and go on a app like TikTok and it doesn’t even let you get on it says no Internet which is stupid because I have Internet and it makes no sense I really really hate this app and encourage no one to get it because it makes no sense and it just makes you really sad and alone also your friends can make fun of you for not having a certain app and it’s just annoying encourage no one to get this app ever.
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3 years ago, Ceelia :P
It ruined almost all my apps
Thanks to my school counselor I had to download this app. I think it’s an “ok” idea to put this on your child’s phone, but it’s the best way to ruin a relationship with your kid tho. Kids hide stuff all the time from their parents, and it might not even be bad. Now kids try to do that more then ever. Back to what I wanted to say, I like to edit things on my phone and now I can’t do that anymore because of bark. This has never happened before until I downloaded bark- now I can’t even open Pinterest! I get really mad over technology issues, it’s a big Pet Peeve of mine, and thanks to this app my Pet Peeve is the only thing I can deal with. I can’t even get rid of this! I tried to power on and off my iPhone to get my many not working apps back to normal, but I can’t just get it to work. It’s always says I have no internet(I think it’s because of the VPN). But I only sort of thank this app, I’ve stopped using my phone way less. But it does no good for a Child’s mental health, but otherwise it’s a great source to *trying* to keep your child safe, just not a good way to keep a steady relationship with your kid.
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3 years ago, aeraeee <3 leah
Horrible and I hate who ever made this stupid app
This is a horrible app, I cant text anyone expect of my parents and I cant download anything and I cant do anything. What was the point of a phone then? I feel like I’m on a leash and I’m a dog. (One that is not treated appropriately) parents please please hear me out, your kids will hate you and will just make things even worse. Instead use apple family because Your kids can get some privacy and you will still have control plus it’s free. This stupid app id like 80$. Parents your relationship with your kids will be horrible after this, save your kids relationship with you. My parents said this will help me from not being hacked of course it won’t help. I might as well use my old iPad to have a life and freedom. Don’t get this it will interfere with your child’s life . If you want to make sure your kids don’t do anything inappropriate make sure to teach them not to. You parents going on Facebook all day are teaching your kids so might as well get this for your self. Smh what is wrong with people today. This is not gonna help with anything because at the beginning I never did anything wrong. I hate this and don’t get it.
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2 years ago, Bible world
terrible app.
⚠️KIDS AND ADULTS⚠️ first of all i am a teen and my parents downloaded this app for me to make sure i was being “good”. which was fine at first until i relized it shows your parents EVERYTHING. not just that but when bark was downloaded onto my phone it said, “your parents won’t be able to see everything just what’s potentially dangerous”. which is a complete lie. they see almost everything and 99% of the time it’s not even bad. ⚠️FOR PARENTS⚠️ yes, this helps to monitor devices but it also has downsides. for one thing it completely blows up your phone and takes away lots of storage. it also ruins the relationship between kids and the parent. not only that but it’s a complete invasion of privacy. my phone was considered a diary for me, but now everything can be seen. all my private texts, photos, and social media can be seen. it’s awful. it ruins everything. ⚠️FOR KIDS⚠️ before they download the application make sure you get rid of anything you don’t want to be seen. make sure that you act like you don’t care because then there’s a better chance they won’t download. be calm and be aware of the situation. and have fun on your device while you can.
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