BetterMe: Health Coaching

Health & Fitness
4.7 (553.1K)
217.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
BetterMe Limited
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for BetterMe: Health Coaching

4.65 out of 5
553.1K Ratings
4 years ago, The perfect combination
We Want Change
I love the app, but it needs a few more features. I would love to have more choices when it comes to the exercises. They have to think about your physical health, age, and weight. Some exercises are just made for people who are fit, young or both. At the beginning the exercises are modified to a beginner, but then they get more challenging. The problem is that after months of exercising when you’re overweight and older, your knees start feeling the pain, so I do recommend they stay on a modified exercise when it comes to putting all the weight on your knees or giving you the option within the app. Also, it’s important to provide two feel good options because it helps you achieve that goal for that day, and also you have an option for those days when your life was crazy busy, active, and full of chaos. Lastly, I have had many problems of it crashing down in the middle of my workout many, many times! This also discourages all the effort we put into a healthier lifestyle. I have even tried it several times, but it constantly crashes down. Also, I can’t even delete and reinstall the app because it might delete all my data. No easy fix for this until now.
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4 years ago, Dina444
Enjoyable, needs a few improvements
With gyms closed, I decided to look for alternate at home exercises. I am in my late 20s and looking to keep an active and healthy lifestyle. This app has great options. I subscribed and I really enjoy the daily 'do your exercises' that fit directly in what I am looking for. I also like the 'workouts' section if I am looking to work a little more on a specific muscle group. Yet, for me honestly I do feel that the food and dietary section is not useful to me. I am not looking for nutritional advice, im only looking for workout ideas so this to me is not useful. I would advice BetterMe to have a full seperate app just for nutrition and one just for workouts with the possibility of merging data from both apps together if the user wants to. Otherwise, a lot of the data on this is just not useful to some people. I do get the whole concept of being a full plan of food and exercise but thats my experience. Another think I want to point out is the 'do your workouts' section of the Plan page. Some days it recommends walking, other days it recommends a full 25 minute exercise routine -which is exactly what i love about this app and why I subscribed to it. Yet, skme days when i check the 'do your workout' section it says 'today walking' it doesn't make sense. I suggest modifying the Plan page to include under the 'do your workouts' section a 'walking' subsection and an 'exercises' subsection. That way you get to have both new options everyday.
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3 months ago, Ibara24
Exploring Still!
After my first workout, I deleted the app and decided this wasn’t for me. I have EDS Hypermoble type, which to put simply means my joints and connective tissue are not stable. After my first set of exercises, I’d manage to subluxate both my shoulders and my hips, and was bed bound for several hours. There’s a reason I do exercises under supervision, either from my physical therapist, or when I can afford it, a personal trainer who’s fully aware of my condition. However, I brought up trying the app with my physical therapist, and he was very supportive of the idea of trying wall Pilates at home. He had me redownload the app, and after our session went through the individual exercises with me that I’d had trouble with. (side note, BEST PT ever, I am so happy to have found him.) He helped me find ways to modify them so they were safe for me, or on a couple said “that’s not for you, I don’t feel comfortable with you doing that”. Reminded me to always keep in mind slow and controlled, to not try for full extension since that’s when I tend to over-extend. I’ve now done my third workout, and I’m optimistic. While ideally I’d love to lose weight, right now I’m focusing on feeling better, and more in control of my unpredictable body. I’m excited to see that there are so many different types of workouts. My goal for now is 3 times a week. I still have a lot to explore, and see how if effects and hopefully helps me!
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2 months ago, Ishouldnthavetomakeanickname
Meh, too many issues not enough features or considerations
I gave this app a shot for 12 weeks. Didn't see much improvement. Customer service was terrible. You can only review a workout if you select it as "too hard" and you can't specify which exercises you had issues with unless you email them and if you email them they're response is just "that's how the workout is" and they don't adjust anything to make it better for you (I tried multiple times). Half the exercises were way too easy the other half were too difficult and I'd just lay on the floor frustrated I was wasting my time, which I told them repeatedly then the next workout would be exactly the same, despite the app saying they would use that information to adjust future workouts. Too much or not enough transition time between exercises. You can either have an obnoxious lengthy explanation of how to do each exercise running in the background with notifications to switch exercises or no sound at all so if you're listening to your own music but don't want to hear the same explanation for every exercise there's no notification to switch so you have to watch the app the whole time. I selected 10-15 minute workouts focusing on arms and core but after a few days it was 20-30 minute workouts focusing on legs. They'll do multiple types of pushups or crunches in a row so you're too tired in that muscle group to be able to do them all, at the very least with good form. Wasn't worth the money in my opinion.
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2 years ago, Momwithlittlepeople
Maybe 3 stars if it were free.
However, for a pay-for app, it is lousy. The food recording is ridiculous-good luck finding what you are looking for in the measurement that is reasonable. Many different measurements seem to have been done by a completely inept person/machine, having 5 different measurements that all say the same calories. Then, you HAVE to give access to every part of your health on apple in order for it to track your steps or to even log your weight? I don’t use apple health and don’t want to share my information with it. I can understand the steps but allowing just the step tracking to share does not work at all, it still requires you to share everything. What is the point of having separate sections if yo can’t allow one section. These issues render half of the app unuseable, add to the fact it doesn’t sync with Fitbit, and I def wouldn’t recommend this app for anyone unless you are only looking to read the little quips which are nice but so far are all information you can get free online in weight loss articles, just broken down in smaller bites. The water tracker is nice, and I haven’t tried the workouts yet since I use another app for those that is easing me into them. The daily log in award thing doesn’t even work correctly. For 3 days it told me I was at “day 5” and then I updated the app and it sent me back to 1. And despite what the response to my negative review says, it does not sync with Fitbit. There is not even an option.
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1 year ago, kwvyer gcire,codemdv
Developers need to get the ball rolling
The app has the potential to be so much more than it is. Functions I appreciated: keeping track of nutritional intake, daily steps, weight , and a variety of at home exercise videos to do at your own pace and fitness level. What I don’t appreciate: In the app it shows tracking heart rate, and sleep. A promo plug kept encouraging me to purchase a $60 better me fitness band to maximize all the above. Sadly that’s a lie. The band isn’t even fully compatible with their app yet. $60 wasted. The band took 6 weeks to receive which was a bit ridiculous. Over all I lost over 15 pounds in 2 months but I contribute it all to managing calories because I only did a couple of the workouts a week due to being a night shift nurse with a limited amount of time to work out. I did reach out to them and they suggested fasting often which I already did, but not by choice. I like the workouts when I can do them but I’m not sure if it’s worth the cost since I’ve yet to compare it to anything else. I’d like to see compatibility to band and app, a better way to customize workouts to specific days vs daily reminders that I’m not working out. If I could workout more i would but I’m working 16 hours a day and sleep all day until it’s time to get ready to go back. I’d love to be able to set what days I can workout and then load a workout for that specific day.
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1 year ago, mogli3
No lie—one of the best fitness aps around
I downloaded this app based on Instagram advertising the wasted no time in signing me up for a subscription plan, so suffice it to say, my attendance were up to a possible scam. However, after a few weeks of using this up, I can confidently say it’s one of the best overall fitness apps around. Not only are there features like calorie and water trucking plus fitness and exercise, calorie burn counters that, well, how are useful, or customary for just about every iOS wellness app, the BetterMe app goes five steps beyond by creating customized meal plans for you inclusive of daily recipes that accommodate all major dietary restrictions and allergies (shocking for someone gluten-free, egg-free and nut- free, as well as paleo & pescatarian !!), the app also creates workout regiment for you that take into account injuries you identify in your initial survey (knees for instance) with great instructional videos. Honestly, to say, I am gob, smacked by this up, would not be an exaggeration. I, feel like they have launched fitness software to rival even the likes of peloton and other major industry players without so none of the cost or icky branding. I 10/10 enthusiastically recommend.
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4 years ago, idahoroots
Does Frustration Burn Calories?
This app has a lot of great articles, workouts, and recipes based on your preferences and needs. I enjoy the little quizzes you have daily, and the water intake tracker, but that’s really where the niceties end with this app. Logging food is near impossible and not user friendly at all. The only measurements they have for most items is in ounces, and even then half the time it doesn’t pick up the fractions of an ounce you try to log in. Its food library is VERY limited, so good luck finding a barcode it will take. You’ll be entering in a lot of foods manually. While the fasting countdown is a great visual to use, you can’t reset it. If you forget to hit start or stop, it keeps on keeping on. There really needs to be a way to adjust the times on it to be accurate. Plus, if you’re done eating, but not yet to the end of your eating window, you can’t start your fasting window early! Sorry, but I don’t eat the ENTIRE 8 hours of my eating window. It’s like the developers don’t understand intermittent fasting? To top it all off, it doesn’t sync up with fitbits. It’s not even an option. So unless you have an Apple Watch and/or want to carry your phone with you 24/7, your steps aren’t counted, and you can’t manually enter steps or workouts. Those 3 things are MAJOR fails for me as a user, and it’s very frustrating to know I paid to get a limited sliver of use from it. I really can’t recommend this app to anyone.
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4 years ago, Charlyn95
Has Great Potential....
I started using this App yesterday. Already have huge agitations. Let’s start with the Calorie tracker. I have used other meal log/ macro Apps that are way easier and less time consuming. For example if I meal prep I should be able to copy the meals from the day prior into my next day of tracked meals instead of individually typing items all over again, the food items are scaled to Oz even though they are inputted as grams which is time consuming to go and covert the serving unit every single time. Now let’s talk about the workout. Day 1 was labeled Brazilian Booty in which there was no glute exercise. This is a full body workout that had abs and shoulders. The movements being demonstrated are jerky and fast lacking in proper form/technique. I DO HOWEVER enjoy the way the workout is designed so you can move along with it, timer and everything. Water tracker, if I accidentally click too many times I see no way of deleting my mistake in order to accurately track water intake over time. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST the app opens you to another item to sign up for (which also costs) once you have already paid for the services, I chose one that says “ live coach access” where is the live coach ? Well I’ll see how I do in the end I already paid but I will be sure not to continue the subscription once completed. This app has such great potential just really needs to tighten things up for efficiency and accuracy.
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5 months ago, bajl3y
i'm only giving this a 5 star review because it needs to be seen. i downloaded this to try and stay more in shape at home as i just cancelled my gym membership but wanted a way to stay active at home. i answered all the questions which seemed pretty genuine and i had a good feeling about it, then it came to the subscription part. i was fine with their pricing, but it said i'd get one week free before having to pay. so while under the impression that i would get my week free before paying, i chose the subscription and went on. after one day of using the app i didn't like the way it was formatted and found a different app that worked way better and was free, so like any sane person would do, i went and cancelled my subscription before i was supposed to be billed anyways, and deleted the app. now however, i am unable to make other purchases or download any apps because i have an "unpaid balance" for the BetterMe app which wasn't supposed to be billed to me yet. SO, if you're thinking of just "trying out" this app like i did, please don't, because if you don't like it, chances are you wont be getting your money back.:)
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1 year ago, TIK96
Workouts mostly great but service is bad
Workouts are mostly great. It helps to hear and follow along without having to stare at the phone for what’s next and when to transition; however, there are a lot of errors. The app should allow for quick feedback by workout because it’s weird when you are doing a completely different exercise based on audio than is demonstrated on video, or you do the same exercise multiple times on the right as instructed thinking you’ll come back to left and never do, etc. Also I purchased the 30-day toned tummy challenge for $4.99…has no narration that explains the move and no transition warning, so unless you are staring at the phone, you cannot follow along with ease. Haven’t seen enough at home fitness that caters to the use of just hand weights. Many at home workouts refer to equipment needed like machines (or two) in a gym. Have to click on each workout to see what I can do with the equipment I have at home. I tried to use it for food tracking but felt like other apps had better functionality. Also responsiveness to questions is the worst I’ve seen. Then when they finally respond, you’ve moved on to something else. At this point, I could use great workouts and device connectivity to other popular apps.
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4 months ago, Buff tricks
Great app
I love the little articles a lot- lots of good info and things I didn’t know. the workouts are not too long or complicated. I get a little boost of dopamine when I complete one and get a little “whoop you did it” which is nice! The only thing I can’t seem to figure out is how to search for certain workouts to narrow the list down. Like if I just want yoga etc. The other thing is I can’t seem to find what workouts I have completed because I tend to bounce all over so I don’t feel like it’s getting boring. But it would be nice if it like had a checkmark on the ones you have done or something so I can pick new ones as I’m forgetful and end up repeating. Which isn’t the end of the world but would be nice to be able to tell. I don’t always do the ones that are in my plan I like to do others. All in all it is the first fitness app that I have used on a consistent bases besides IFit on my treadmill. I feel like it encompasses all health mental, physical and such. Especially love the negative thoughts /automatic thoughts articles
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1 week ago, Nocturnaldzn
Beware excessive charges and terrible customer service
I signed up for a trial with BetterMe, thinking it would be a good fit for my needs. However, my experience with the company has been extremely disappointing, especially regarding their customer service. On the day my trial ended, I was automatically charged for an 84-day subscription without any prior warning or reasonable opportunity to cancel. The charge was processed immediately after the trial ended, and despite canceling within minutes of receiving the charge notification, my request for a refund was flatly denied. BetterMe's customer service was unhelpful and unsympathetic to my situation. They hid behind their terms and conditions, showing no leniency or willingness to address what was clearly an unfair situation. Their responses felt robotic and dismissive, with no regard for customer satisfaction. It's important for potential users to know that BetterMe prioritizes strict adherence to policy over fair treatment of its customers. Their auto-renewal practices seem designed to trap you into unwanted charges, with little recourse for getting your money back if you miss their narrowly defined cancellation windows. I would not recommend BetterMe to anyone, especially if you value good customer service and transparency. There are plenty of other options out there that treat their customers with respect and fairness—BetterMe is not one of them.
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1 year ago, Princess Celli
Only gets 2 stars because of the different checklists and motivational notifications
This app was highly recommended to me by a friend. I am now reconsidering that friendship. On the surface, it looks like a great resource. I did like the motivational articles and notifications. But that is where the like died. The food database is absolutely horrid. Macros are not given for over half of the foods and your commonly entered foods are not saved for a quicker add. I tried to do the exercise plans, but when I would rate something as not for me due to previous injuries, no modifications were ever put into place. I ended up using my Apple Fitness app. I added the meal plan thinking it would be a great tool to get me jump started on my journey. It looked like a 12-year old made that plan. Steak and vegetables, chicken and vegetables, the same breakfast and lunch options repeated each week. And oh, look! Squid?!?!? I tried to cancel both subscriptions and the interface is so horrid, that it’s next to impossible to do. I cannot believe that I let this thing turn me into a Karen. I have learned my lesson. Never pay for an app again, especially without reading the reviews. I have gone back to My Fitness Pal and have actually started to lose weight. Going back to that friendship, however, will probably not be happening.
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4 years ago, Cr@fty Mom
Not User Friendly, good customer service though
UPDATE: The developer reached out to me after I wrote my review and after free emails back and forth, they kindly refunded my money. I appreciate their customer service and no hassle. Original review: This app has some good features, but it's not user friendly. I like that there is a "to do" list each day, but you can't customize what options are in the list. I'm a nursing mom, so fasting is not an option for me, but I am unable to turn off that feature. Adding the food I've eaten in the calorie counter is pointless because it barely recognizes any food I try to enter. I end up bluffing my way through it just to get a rough estimate of my calorie intake. And, most of the measurements are in ounces. My fitness watch is linked, but my step count isn't updated with it. It seems I have to have my phone with me just to have all my steps counted properly. I like being able to record how much water I've had to drink, but I can't seem to change my goal. I like that there are several fitness options, however I haven't tried a single recipe. I don't have time to go shopping for specific food and make a meal for myself... I have 4 kids and they're not going to eat these meals! I'm really frustrated that I paid for this app. It seems totally different than what was advertised (I signed up through a link in Pinterest). A free trial wasn't even an option.
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4 years ago, OfficialNerd
Like the App, Hate the Update & SCAM!
I got the app years ago & have been in a love/hate relationship with it since. When it first came out the exercises were not as detailed as they are now and I was impressed with the updates they made until the most recent update. I started using the app faithfully (with a faithful monthly subscription) since March but since the last update, last week I believe, every time I open the app their challenges pop up and I have to click on joining one just to be able to get to the home screen. I refuse to pay an extra $10-30 for a challenge when the app barely allows me to enter my meals daily because elf the limited food selection. I shouldn’t have to go through the challenges just to get to the home page to perform my workout, log my weight for the week, or log my water for the hour. Update: I agree with other reviewers, this app is a scam! It’s not worth the $9.99/month. The calorie counter section does not include many options the barcode scanner does not pick up barcodes leaving you to enter them on your own. It does not let you go back and fix previous day entries (i.e., water intake from the previous day), if you do a different workout aside from the one assigned to you in the app or in a different app it does not count towards your progress for the day. It is pt worth it.
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5 years ago, VeroFromMO
Great idea, poor execution
Though the idea of this app is exactly what I want, the follow through on it has been awful. For starters, the food logging system is just pitiful, you all dont have the brand options that other apps do, and it makes it very hard to accuratley track my meals. Tracking my meals has been made significantly harder too because you all use a slider for the calories. The slider does not work as it should, because it moves as soon as you lift your finger. And even when you do get it to stay where you’ve put it, the slider locks in on what appear to be very arbitrary numbers, meaning that you can’t EVER get an accurate reflection of your calorie intake. I would also argue that this slider feature would make this app impossible to use for people with any sort of disability that limits their dexterity, and for individuals with poor eyesight or diseases that cause their extremities to shake. I have sent the above information directly to the contact listed in-app, and I would like to say that if the developers changed these two things (the slider, and the sub-par food database), as well as the lack of reasonably priced/attainable ingredients in their in-app recipes I would be willing to give the app another try and probably rate it 5 stars, but until then I’ve got a year long subscription to an app that I can’t use properly.
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4 months ago, Huidia
unauthorized excessive charges and abuse of authority
I bought a deal for 4 weeks which seemed fine to me. The only thing I had to do was follow the steps that the same website indicated to me. When I got to the payment method it told me that I was going to pay $38 for 4 weeks and that at the end of those 4 weeks I would have to pay a little more. That was all the website told me. Anyway, yesterday marked 7 days since I purchased this service and my bank account reflected a -$100 charge for a subscription to this app. It turns out that in addition to what I paid, they added a personal trainer without my authorization. They gave me 7 days for free and yesterday when the 7 days were up they charged me for that subscription that I insist I never authorized and much less read anywhere that they would give me those 7 days for free and that then I would have to pay $100 dollars for nothing. All customer service did was cancel that subscription for future charges, but they didn't mention anything about a refund. Now I have to wait 7 business days to make a claim with my bank and I really doubt they will give me my money back. I strictly recommend that if you decide to download and purchase this service, you review your subscription. I think they abuse their authority the moment you agree to their terms and conditions.
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4 years ago, kit_kate48
Great content, too many problems with the app
The set meal plan and exercise regimen is an awesome idea, and I think the workouts were pretty good and the recipes were fairly simple too. But there are way too many bugs for the price of this app. For almost a week, I wasn’t able to access the exercise videos, which is the main feature I was using. Then today I logged on and it said that my subscription had expired while I was still paying. So I cancelled my subscription and go figure even though I had paid through the 1st of April I can’t use the app any longer. I think the developers are more interested in making money off of people than providing a quality app, which is a shame because they could get so much business during this quarantine situation. Another thing is you cannot change the meal plan you are using or at least it takes a while to actually change. So that’s kind of annoying. If you use the keto plan, I checked and the recipes contained more than the 20 carbs that you’re supposed to be eating a day, so it wasn’t truly keto... But fortunately, if you have a Fitbit, Premium subscriptions are now free for 90 days, so I would just use that. One thing that was nice was that on the Facebook page they have been posting workout videos almost daily recently, so I’ll give them that.
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4 years ago, mrstealyomeme
Not worth the $
I really wanted to give this a try. Had the free version for a while so said why not. The workouts are tailored to your goals which is rlly a nice touch and different than any other app I have used. They get points for that. But! And it’s a big BUT. After purchasing there’s not really anything added from the free version aside from simple log/tracking, most of which it just grabs from the iPhones health app anyway. You get these ads for extra “challenges” that are like 30-60$, not included. The tracker doesn’t let you log your own work outs which you will need to do some Bc theirs feels like it misses a few things. It tends to force quit when doing the outdoor walk/running work outs. The meal logging also makes you do some guess work as to the weight of any item you eat so it’s not so accurate.. That being said, You will end up using several other apps to fill in where this one fails. They do have a great IG account with plenty of challenges and food/diet recommendations. They have a support person on your account you can reach out to as well which is nice. But again, There’s no reason to spend your money here, the price is kind of outrageous for an app considering how much better the competition is in this space.
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11 months ago, HLockeVan
Doesn’t record my workouts
I’veused this app for about a month and I’ve done the exercises everyday but it has recorded about 3 of them. And sometimes they just don’t work! I’ve emailed or tried to leave a comment about this but no one has gotten back to me. I want to like the app as it was keeping me exercising for at least 15 minutes a day or more but frustrated that I can’t track my progress and that my attempts to get it resolved have been met with radio science as no one will get back to me! Billing me didn’t seem to be an issue and the only communication I’ve had. I do however like how you can log calories weight other exercises and that the exercises on the app are pretty simple but some don’t seem very safe and can leave my back hurting. I think if I didn’t have a few years of pilates under my belt to keep my core strength I could have I injured myself with some of the not so great descriptions of how to do them. Please someone get back to me about how it won’t record my exercises. And when a bill is coming up it would be nice to get a reminder. But I feel like I should be reimbursed for the last 2 months as I am paying for something that doesn’t work!
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5 months ago, Allie_D23
This app is dangerous
I had downloaded this app with intentions of trying to get back on track with exercise and eating more healthy after an accident. But I quickly deleted it when I recognized harmful diet/exercise practices and recommendations that work against this app intended use. This app covertly perpetuates eating disorder logic and rationale. It communicates idea that fasting and exercising many times a day will result in losing extreme amounts of weight quickly (for instance, suggesting to me to lose 62 pounds in 5 months). Such messages contribute to the idea that extreme calorie reduction and excessive exercise will give users results, when instead, the only result it gives users is a poor mental health for not meeting goals. It also tries to incorporate mindfulness practices that emulate the goal of staying focus on the present instead of stressing about the future. But these mindfulness tactics unintentionally reinforce the negative messages of self-doubt, obsessive eating, and fixating on numbers it’s ‘trying’ to get users to avoid. I would exercise caution when using this app if you have previous experience with eating disorders. The heavy emphasis on use of the app and the messages within the app (daily chapters) can exacerbate symptoms of fixation, extreme negative emotions, self-doubt, and normalizes harmful weight loss strategies.
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6 years ago, Mas4sam
Only 28 days?
I really loved this app when I did the free trial, so I bought the lifetime subscription. But it now seems that once I’ve completed 28 days’ worth of exercises, there’s nothing left to do in the app. Will you be adding workouts beyond the 28 days? I certainly hope so. If not, I recommend those who love the app purchase only a one-month subscription rather than waste money on a lifetime one, since you only get a month’s worth of workouts anyway. Three stars instead of five as a result of this issue. Tempted to move it to two. Update: the developer’s response was misleading and entirely inadequate. They responded to my complaint about only having 28 workouts by noting that there are 7 different programs. These are in fact only the “arms”, “legs”, “abs” etc. sections, each one containing only 4-5 moves and lasting roughly 5 minutes. You have to combine all 7 to get an actual, full workout, and there are only 28 total. Once you have completed the 28, there are no additional workouts. If you’re serious about getting in shape, don’t get this app. You will only get in shape for 28 days. After that, you’re on your own. As a result of their response, I am lowering my rating to one star. Should they expand to additional sets of workouts, I’ll be happy to increase my rating. As it is, extremely disappointed in my purchase.
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4 years ago, hfidbdjha
Love but could be better
So when I started using this app (more routinely) in March I was 160 lbs now I am 146 so it works. I love the exercises and the meal plans it’s honestly an amazing app but it could be better. I don’t like that the exercises just jump from one to another. It would be really cool if somewhere in the corner you put “up next: ______ exercise” with a photo or video of the next exercise so I’d be a little more prepared. Also sometimes I can’t see my phone when I’m exercising so some type of ding when you switch workouts or a “3,2,1” kind of count down or something to let me know we’re switching exercises would be helpful. Another thing is I started the sugar free challenge and I’ve been clean since I started but I forget to mark down that I had a successful day and it automatically puts me as failed and it can’t be changed. That’s a bummer and it really brings me down because I know I’ve been trying. Other than that I really love this app it’s honestly helped me so much to change my lifestyle. Another suggestion is I would love if this app could remind you to drink water as well as workout! I really think this app can go places.
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5 years ago, stupid nicknames none avail...
Great app but not happy about other stuff
I signed up bought the app, have had it for a long time pay my dues regularly except recently. I got he app because I wanted to be healthier, life had other plans. And the app and I just couldn’t do what I needed to do to to get there. So I deleted it. And then saw I kept being billed for the service that I was no longer using. And there is no where within the app to cancel the purchase. Because what’s to point in having to pay for something that you quite frankly have Zero time for let alone cannot do half or more than half of the exercises because of personal injuries I have sustained. I think this app is great for someone who 1 can afford the time and actually do the exercises within it. You will loose weight, tone up, or raise your heart rate, and if you follow the diet plans inside it you will most definitely have a healthier disposition to be sure. My biggest issue here is I cannot use this app and I have no way of removing it from my phone let alone from having to pay for it each month. Which is not working for me. So please tell me how I fix this issue I just want it gone. I know I can remove it from my cell and have done so before, but I think it’s just crazy to have to continue to pay for it when you cannot use it. Please help me. Thanks... -Not to happy-
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3 years ago, Shelbyd505
worthless “plan”
UPDATE: So I emailed them and I did get my money back. The developer asked me to update my review. I will say that they were quick to respond to my email, which I found in these reviews, but didn’t find in the app. Regardless, I’m glad they honored the refund and I hope that other people find the app useful. The customer service was quick and I’m pleased with that. . . . . . Well I paid for 3 months for a program that claimed to be geared toward metabolic typing— it’s not, claimed to have great meal plans that are really just lists of recipes with no actual guidance as to why they’ve chosen these meals, no shopping lists, nothing. And their money back guarantee is a JOKE. You cannot go through the App Store and have to send them multiple ridiculous screenshots. SAVE YOUR MONEY and use any other free app out there. I wouldn’t call this a scam, but it’s completely useless and misrepresented. Also, there’s some sort of comment from the developer saying they can’t find peoples emails? That’s not something that is even asked for upon cancellation. If these developers aren’t trying to just keep peoples money dishonestly, they’re doing a great job of acting like it.
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3 years ago, Feelingbetrayed
Enjoy the meals, but…
These meals are delicious and though I just started the program 5 days ago, I’ve already lost several pounds. Problem is, and I’ve emailed customer service about this, there are errors in either the ingredients or the recipe. They don’t always match up. Example: the ingredients will mention one vegetable and the recipe never mentions that veggie or what to do with it. Or the recipe will say heat oven to 180 degrees, (180?) and Carbs 25 minutes. Carbs? Do they mean cook? I’m assuming , yes. Photos don’t always match recipe: strawberries in photo, but pears in the recipe. I just feel that the editing is poor. And if the meals are not edited, what else might be incorrect. That being said, I like most of the program. Not love, but like. The workouts and articles are good. The logging of the recipes could be better when it comes to scanning a barcode for nutritional value. The MyFitness app scans and all the info pops up immediately. Here at BetterMe, after scanning, so far I’ve had to fill in every detail, fat, carbs, protein, etc. myself. Hope this helps some people and I hope BM can look into the issues.
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4 years ago, Jenni Foster
An App for those lacking time
It was really troublesome for me to work out regularly for a very long time. I work extra 20 hours or even more every week, it was really difficult to fit a full-blown training session into my daily schedule. It became the least important priority, and I regularly skipped training instead of regularly exercising. This app was a game-changer for me. There is no way I don’t have 15 minutes to train every morning. Plus, the workouts continuously change so I don’t get bored. I usually like to go at my own pace, and it seems to me that the system in the app motivates you to push harder, but it is not a problem at all. I measure my changes each week, and I can say that I got much leaner than I was a month ago! It is actually much easier to extend your sessions once you get used to the short ones. I think my friends don’t want to hear me talking about this app any more as I do so much, but it really is that good. Try this app, you will be surprised how easily it fits into your routine! I guarantee you won’t regret the dollar spent!
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7 months ago, dodeedoe
Good intentions… lots of potential, just like all the others
Please review the terms and refund policy. This company is out to make money, first. I don’t blame them for that, just be up front about it. You get what you pay for, literally. You buy 28 days of workouts, you get 28. But you only get one a day unlocked, so be sure to do it everyday to get your money’s worth. It’s a use it or lose it scenario. If the workout is not challenging, you can do an additional workout from the vast library or workouts. Not on your plan, but a good thought… I’m sure that they have an auto reply for anyone wishing to get their money back being surprised that they hit the end of their subscription. Check the policy for satisfying terms of the policy and if you feel that you qualify on doing everything they said to get results then reach out to them again. I’m sure that they get several people on the “gotcha” subscription billing. I got the email about the second term the same time the bank draft hit my account. I got sucked into the discounted “resolution crowd,” so protect your money and cancel auto-billing if you are really just in it for a trial…
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4 years ago, 4thtryatanickname
Needs to be more personalized
Maybe I’m just not the right target group for this app but I do feel it is lacking The workouts are nice. They start at your level and increase as time goes to make sure that you hit your goals. It also gives a great clip of how to properly do the workouts. You can choose the type of workout you like to do (run, home workouts, gym etc.) but it only lets you select 2 options. I do think the app should make an option to have the workouts run through instead of having to hit next or skip to continue. The meal planning is a nice feature but this is where I have an issue. Not a day in my life have I attempted to make an open chicken, squash and ricotta ravioli topped with brown butter sauce. I feel that the meals should be more simple than a recipe that just sounds nice. Especially right now during this quarantine when shopping isn’t the easiest. Meals and water intake are on a preset sliding scale so not much room to customize the actual numbers. Also, I feel that a trial would be beneficial. I don’t like apps that make you pay for the membership before you even see what it offers. However, I did bite the bullet and purchase the 3 months.
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8 months ago, Lolz more paint
New customer
I just got this app about an hour ago because I saw a tik tok ad lol. But here is my honest opinion.. So far so good I honestly like it. Right when I downloaded the app it asked me for all my information such as weight, height, age and what my goals are whether it’s losing or gaining weight, it also asked about my daily schedule and how I spent my time and it created a workout routine for me. I personally want to gain weight and grow my glutes to have a big booty so when I finished my first video I felt like it was just a basic basic warm up(which it is) but what I like about it is that it has some workouts/stretches that I’ve never seen before and I actually felt them benefiting me. The first video wasn’t enough for me so it asks you how you felt after the workout out and includes 5 extra videos that you can watch and after the second video I am feeling tired but energized at the same time. Thats all I’ve done so far so I will try to update in a couple days or weeks(1-9-23)
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3 months ago, Kira McCarthy
Unfortunately Can’t give Zero Stars
If give no stars was an option, that is what I would give this app/company. They have the absolute WORST customer service that I have ever dealt with. After the app updated on my phone it kicked me out and was requiring me to log back in. After numerous try’s it was saying I never even had an account, which is a complete lie since I purchased multiple plans. I sent screen shots of all my purchases and then assured me that if I just “create a new account” using the email my account was tied to before, that all my progress in the app would be gone but the purchases will be there. I make the account like they said and none of my purchases show in the app. I told them that since nothing is showing up I either want a credit to my account so that o can redownload my previous purchases, or a full refund and I will then delete the app. After numerous emails back and forth of them telling me to just log in and out and it will be fixed with no progress, they have just stopped replying all together and have do nothing to fix this issue that they have caused. This app is a total scam to rip people off out of money and the customer service is absolute trash. 0 out of 5 stars.
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4 years ago, sunflower652
Not worth the money you have to pay
For the cost of using this program it could be set up much better. The food tracker part is seriously lacking. I can not even accurately use it. So I’m paying monthly to use the app, but I have to use a completely different app to accurately track food which is a hassle. The food can only be recorded in ounces. If I am eating a cheese stick on the go, I have no idea how many ounces it is. If you scan it on the app it may show up as a kraft Colby cheese stick, but you still can only document it in ounces. You can’t just log one cheese stick with the correct nutrients. Several items I have used are not in the database. If you have to manually enter the item, you can only enter the calories. When watching carbs, proteins, and fats, only being able to record calories is not efficient. All the food that is not in the database for this app are in the database on other apps with accurate measurements. Any challenges you want to do have to be paid for on top of the regular cost. The program is not that well set up to account for the cost of using it. There are much better apps available that are significantly cheaper.
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2 years ago, Laserchick3000
SUPER Effective
I’m returning to this app after a year hiatus. At the end of 2020, I decided I needed to focus on something other than Covid. My husband and I had been dealing with infertility for 10 years and I know I felt solely responsible. We had a talk about trying IVF and I decided that I was probably not at a healthy weight to be considered for it. An acquaintance suggested this app, so I downloaded it and hit the workouts and calorie tracking hard. I feel that I saw results pretty quickly and was super excited to be on the right track to healthy! Two months into using this app, I started looking into clinics that offered IVF. I didn’t need to though, because the same month I discovered I was pregnant. We welcomed our daughter at the end of October 2021. I truly see now how important my health is and I have this app and my experience using it to thank for my new outlook. I’m excited to take up where I left off! Thank you for the hard work you’ve put into this program! It has been life changing!!
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11 months ago, amberh922
To start: IF YOU HAVE STRUGGLED WITH ED, DONT GET THIS. I was anorexic for years, weighing only 94lbs at 5’2. I was calorie counting and constantly weighing myself. It took a lot for me to heal and now I’m a healthy 140 after 2 children. I love my body, I feed myself like I’d feed a loved one. I’m still uncomfortable with my breast size but the rest of my body is easy to move and carry on day to day life. I’m happy to wear anything. I’ve had 2 surgeries this year and I’d love to strengthen my core again, where my surgeries were performed, after allowing myself sufficient rest. Instantly, this app begins by telling me I’m “overweight” according to BMI (proven to be archaic at this point.) I just wanted an app to give me guided workouts, especially those that may help release emotions and trauma. Instead I got diets, calorie counting, BMI shoved in my face. Even the intro audio on beginning is toxic telling me I struggle to say no to an extra slice of pizza. I’m still waiting to see the actual work outs assigned to me, but I’m already hating how this app makes someone feel. It’s no wonder so many women struggle with image and disordered eating. I’m not going to be on my death bed wishing I had said no to a second slice of pizza
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1 month ago, BooTay31
It helps!
My first headline was going to say “It works!” But it will not work if you’re not willing to work or make necessary lifestyle changes. I love how this program helps me hold myself accountable for how many calories and water I’m consuming versus how many calories I’m burning. It is literally the only thing I have consistently ever done for longer than a month. The workouts are a mix of simple and challenging but I love that I can do them in my bedroom. I don’t have to get dressed appropriately to go to the gym and I don’t have to waste time commuting. The app tells me how many calories I need to stick to daily so that I can lose wait to reach my goal, which has forced me to change my diet drastically. The dieting and exercise truly is working to help me accomplish my goals. I wanted to lose 17 lbs in 75 days. I’m 46 days in and I’ve lost 10 lbs., but more importantly my body looks so much leaner and stronger. I love this app, but it will not do the work for you! You have to commit. Here’s to better health!
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4 years ago, Gamebaby2
Wish I had selected the lowest option...
I thought this would be a great option to help with accountability and extra guidance through my health journey. I signed up for the 3 months of fitness and food, totaling $50... however, cataloging meals is pretty nuts, everything defaults to the same ounces when scanning upcs, so u have to change everything, there’s no way to add recipes or extra nutritional information... I’ve had a lot better calorie counter apps and just wanted the daily workouts, but realize after only a day or two that this app isn’t really helpful at all and has very little customization compared to other apps. Also there was no option for a workout that couldn’t be done... for example, the workout today should have been a 10 min walk, but I don’t own a treadmill and it was pouring rain outside, there was no way to swap for something else. I wanted to cancel and get some money back, but unfortunately I’m stuck with the loss of my $50 until my months are up. Thankfully I know to go into my Apple account and cancel when the time comes so I don’t get charged over and over and using this app has caused me to research and download several other similar apps in hopes of finding one that’s got less kinks and will be a better fit.
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4 years ago, Chaza85
Very Motivating!
This is an excellent app for weight loss, tracking calories intake, water intake, as well as workout and daily steps. I am doing the 16hours intermittent fasting and amazed by the results in terms of weight loss! I honestly never imagined an app would keep me as motivated as I am today as I usually lose motivation when it comes to healthy cooking and prepping meals. This worked out well because It lets you select the time you want to spend prepping meals and the ingredients you prefer using, so the suggestions for the Keto plan I chose are working great with my schedule, similarly to the exercise portion of it. The only thing I wish was easier to do is the food tracking, I wish it had a feature to group food in a recipe so I can use it another day if I made this recipe again, also if it had a history of the most recent items I used or the ones I keep reusing. The last thing (and it’s not as important) but could be improved, is the ability to add fractions the your weight when you log in.
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11 months ago, JuanitoElGato
Decent but the calorie tracker is lacking
The app does an adequate job of helping you keep everything you need to track in one place for the most part. The calorie tracker is very frustrating and time consuming to use however. Simply adding functionality for it to automatically resurface items you’ve tracked before (many of us fitness folks are creatures of habit) like other apps do would go a long way. Instead, it only “remembers” the last 10 things you tracked and after that you have to start from scratch with a new search. Entering key search terms like brand name and item produces an at times seemingly random list of things with the same names and different calorie counts. It takes 3x longer to track a meal than it does with MyFitnessPal and a lot more concentration, sometimes even requiring me to look stuff up online and compare. I’m keeping the app for now because of the exercise program, but unless the tracking becomes a lot more user friendly it’s not a long term solution given the cost.
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4 years ago, enolatonmai
Thirsty app
Everything cost extra. Wanna do some face yoga? Pay. Wanna avoid sugar? Pay. Even recipes say they are locked then ask you to pay, but you can not. The pictures don’t match the recipes. If you log food it has all sorts of store bought stuff to choose from but that’s not what I’m eating because I’m trying to lose weight. I like the scan the barcode of food option but why does it automatically log 3.53 ounces of everything. You can change weight but it lets you click on once’s as if you can change it to grams or liters or? and a menu pops up but there are no other options. This app is ok if you are vigilant about not paying extra but its not worth the price and then they have the nerve to wanna charge extra for all sorts of options. It’s crazy. The only thing I think is worth paying extra for is the personal trainer. But I never would bc this app seems desperate to over charge you and I would not trust them to be clear about your actually getting upfront. I’m already not pleased with what I did pay for. Edit: You responded to my review by asking me to email you guys but your contact us link allowed me to write a long email but the button to send never became active. I just want my money back. Please refund my money.
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1 year ago, reggrec
Not as advertised-very misleading
I downloaded it thinking I was getting “bettermen” app with a military training program. Instead it was this. 3m for $20. The daily challenge I joined was HIIT 30 day and it doesn’t even exist! There are no workouts to it? I hate the food library/log. It’s the most inaccurate one I’ve ever seen. You also can’t save your favorite items for quick additions. Measurements are limited as well. Won’t be using it. The workouts are okay. Videos are good quality and they explain how to do the exercise but very uninspiring. Robotic. There are lots of types of training from yoga to senior to boot camp. But why do I need those I didn’t sign up for those? I signed up for a military style regiment. There’s only about 10-20 workouts per category. It records the activity of the workout. I gave it full permission to my health app. I wish you could filter workouts by equipment. I workout at home. I have only dumbbells. But I can’t find any workouts with just dumbbells. It’s only by category. Some workouts have equipment that I don’t have. It’s very limited for home workouts. The reading and advice is probably the best thing this app has to offer. It is motivating. I wouldn’t recommend this app to anyone.
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4 years ago, Purdue70
Loving this
I had back surgery a few months ago. I am 68 and looking to get back in shape. Last year at this time I was 121. Two weeks ago I was 160. With being home recovering and with the pandemic; this 5’5 foot person was OUT OF CONDITION and feeling miserable. I couldn’t get through my day without sugar be it candy or cakes or ice cream. I was eating junk food for my meals. My only exercise was from a comfy chair to the fridge or pantry and back. 😬😎 I don’t have those cravings anymore. I have followed this program with ease. It keeps me on track and I am down 7 pounds. I expect to be 130 by end of September. I am never hungry between meals and the exercises are awesome. You put as much energy as you’d like for 15-18 minutes and your done. You can add more if you’d like. I like to walk and add walking every day. Something I couldn’t do before my back surgery. Lastly, it keeps me accountable. I used to talk myself into sugary this or that but if I stay true to this program; the results will be a happier and more fit me!!!
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6 months ago, Psmiranda
Great idea horrible interface
This would be an awesome app if it was user friendly. All of it works great until you need help. I’ve been using a trial on the app, kept getting pop ups to pay for it which I planned on doing after I tested it. I decided I wanted to sign up for a plan, couldn’t find it anywhere on the app and I’m tech savvy. Any time I reached out for help the app would read “failed to load comments” when I got a response. I was at first getting the responses sent to my email which was super helpful since the app was glitching and then all of a sudden those stopped as well. I reached out to make sure I wasn’t automatically charged since I can’t also cancel the trial. I know I’ve been using it and I know they said once the trial was over it would charge me, funny though that it’s not on my Apple ID under subscription. Have no idea. All I know is I won’t be using this app even though I really like it because it’s so frustrating not being able to get help when you need it. And if I’m charged even after reaching out seeking help, I will be disputing it. Sad to not be able to use the app but it’s not worth the headache.
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7 months ago, 66booksofTrutg
Disappointing so far
Just signed up. They want about $500 just for the app annually. Way way too expensive. Then When you try to cancel they slash the price but still way expensive for an app. I also paid extra $15 for abs workout but I’ve been looking for the abs workout for 15 minutes on the app and online and can’t find it. So far, confusing app, trying to cater to everyone and charge above gym membership prices. So I cancelled already. So just spend another 10 minutes trying to find the abs app I paid for. Turns out it’s stored secretively under challenges. So due to complexity of app and things are so hard to find, and the constant upsells and inflated prices, I can only give 2 stars. Maybe I’ll return and bump up the stars but the initial experience was awful and took me about 30-40 minutes to get signed up, pay and then search for what I paid for. I bought a competitors abs app a few months ago and it took me about 60 seconds to get signed up and started and was a much better interface. Recommend you Find another app that’s not trying to be everything to everyone and Save yourself a lot of time
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3 years ago, Sharchen Norbu
Meh. Not worth it
I’ve used several health apps over the years and thought I’d give this one a try after seeing an ad. I was prepared to potentially waste $40 if it wasn’t as good as it appeared. Aaaand… It’s not. I found the process to track food cumbersome. The barcode scan didn’t work on a single food I tried and many foods weren’t found in the database at all, so I had to manually enter the macros. No ability I could find to copy a meal, so I had to go through the same annoying process of entering each component of my breakfast every morning. After Day 3 of that, I’d had enough. Other features, such as weight and exercise tracking, were difficult to navigate to and set up. Nothing user friendly at all about this app. $40 blown. That they don’t offer a 7-day trial should tell you something. There are far better options out there, so I’d suggest googling “best health and fitness app” and reading a few articles to find one. That’s what I did and found a far superior option for about the same investment. Oh, and I find the responses BetterMe gives to critical reviews here annoying. Don’t blame the reviewer, folks; make a better app.
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4 days ago, Jordybrown
Don’t do it! They take your money!
**Terrible Experience – They Take Your Money and Won't Refund!** I had a terrible experience with this app. They charged me unexpectedly, and when I reached out for a refund, they completely ignored my requests. Their customer service is nonexistent; no one cares about your issue once they have your money. It feels like a complete scam. Avoid this app at all costs if you don’t want to waste your hard-earned cash on something that won’t give you any support or help when needed! This app is a complete rip-off. Not only did they charge my card twice for the same transaction, but when I contacted customer service, they refused to issue a refund and only offered app credit. That’s not what I wanted or needed, and it’s unacceptable. The whole experience has been frustrating, and it feels like they’re just trying to hold onto my money. Don’t download this app unless you’re okay with terrible service and shady practices!
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7 months ago, JiaRNStud
I enjoyed the app but…
I’ve discovered the love for wall Pilates because of this app. I have to say it did help me build muscle and get toned. I even saw results after couple of weeks of doing it consistently. I paid and did the 28-day wall Pilates challenge , but 7 days before it was supposed to be completed, I lost access and so did my progress. I’ve tried sending messages to communicate about the issue, but did not receive any reply back. My profile was also completely gone, and so was my account, I could not recover any of it. I’ve honestly never committed to any workout routine all my life and since I was seeing progress, I NEVER missed a day. I was very disappointed and honestly almost in tears since it was a challenge that I was committed to. I would like to give this another try and pay for a 12 week subscription, I’m just wondering if it would do the same thing? I hope I get some assurance or feedback from the developers :(
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1 year ago, ivo kirilov
Terrible translations from the beginning
My 1st Pilates workout with Better Health and I am pretty disappointed. After going through a whole survey so the workouts are “designed” to fit your level of mobility, I was really quite disappointed. I have a double hip replacement but I’ve done all kinds of workouts before and since the surgery. The skill level that I picked was easy, beginner, low impact, etc. The moves themselves were not the problem at all, nor was the pace per se. The problem is the transitions from standing to floor. How can you transition randomly from a standing move, to a lying position move? For one it doesn’t prompt you that the next move is sitting/standing. Second, even the position of the mat is different between moves. This does not make sense at all. Not just for myself, who needs extra time to transition from standing/sitting, but I can see this being a major flaw for many “beginners” that can’t just hop up and back down every 30 seconds, and most certainly not be able to complete the workout in 15 mins with the pauses and adjustments that you need to make to perform the simple move!
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7 months ago, Celestial sights
Stupid changes and mediocre food logging capacity
I have been enjoying this app and recommending it to friends, but then the homepage for the app has changed to only reflect my workout. It does not show, as it had, my progress across calories, water consumption, steps taken, and workout status. Additionally, the app does not default to the recipes that you have added when you search for a recipe. It is absolutely ridiculous that it is not possible to copy food from one day to another beyond 10 food options. By the time I have logged an entire days worth of food, my previous day’s breakfast is not available to log in the morning. I have to search every item by hand, instead of having the ability to copy the items from my previous breakfast (which is identical every day). This seems like a simple enough user-friendly element to include. instead, as a mom of five, I currently feel like I’m wasting my life on this thing, even though, I have to admit that I have lost half of the weight that I wanted to lose. But that was before the homepage changed, and opening the app made me angry.
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6 years ago, Gillie45
Fix the Diet Portion
The workouts are awesome and I like that the app shows you how to do the workout as you are doing it. I also like how it tells you how many calories you burned at the end of each workout. The workouts are targeted towards specific problem areas so you can tailor your workouts to your needs. However, the diet part of this app needs a lot of help. There is no way to put food preferences in to avoid seeing those recipes (ex I don’t like quinoa or beef liver). Also, not all the recipes match. The directions will be for something other than the recipe or ingredient list. The ingredient list doesn’t always tell you how much of something you are including in that recipe (ex 1 piece cottage cheese - what does that mean?). Calorie counts per meal are not included. I would expect this from a free app but not one for $10 a month. I’m on my free trial right now and I’m not sure I want to pay for this unless it was fixed. I see other people leaving similar reviews back in December and it’s now June. Please developers: fix the app! It’s a great start so tweak the diet part to match the thoughtfulness of the exercise part! :)
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