Brainbuddy: Quit Porn Now

Health & Fitness
4.6 (19.7K)
113.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
AppStudio Australia Pty Ltd
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for Brainbuddy: Quit Porn Now

4.65 out of 5
19.7K Ratings
1 year ago, Calebjk21
Your Ticket to Freedom!!
If you’ve just relapsed and you’re desperate to find a way out. Download this app now. I have been clean with this app for over 30 days and previously had been struggling with this addiction for the better part of 20 years. If you cannot afford expensive recovery programs or therapies then know that this app is your absolute best option. For around $12/month you get an app that was expertly designed to use all the latest findings in neuroscience and psychology to give you the best possible shot of recovery. It’s a no brainer. Do all the activities they give you (yes especially the meditation, they are there for a reason). I cannot recommend this app enough. Good luck For the developers: Some recommendations to turn a 5-star app into an undisputed 6-star app. There are so many people in the chats talking about the “Easy Peasy Method”, if you added the free pdf to your app people would love you for it. I love the life tree, could you add more life too it? Have it sway a little, have some heartfelt anime instrumental music playing, or have a little customizable avatar that tends to the try and is active or sleeping under it? That would be super cool! And with the data collection of the app, I don’t know what’s necessary for the function of the app but for something around something that’s considered a private or shameful matter, you may see an increase in downloads by reducing your data collection points. Thank you for the app!!
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2 years ago, cnunez0
Amazing App
Brainbuddy has been an incredibly powerful tool for my mental health. It has a lot to offer, with mindfulness audio/meditation exercises, journaling, anonymous forums to chat with others using the app (really positive environment), among others. With consistent use, it has made a huge difference for me, sometimes even more than talk therapy is able to (certainly more affordable). I would however suggest that the developers for app work on adding more representation. A lot of the visual content, if not all, is very white, heterocentric. Simply by adding more inclusive imagery could have a big impact, and create a wider reach. White heterosexual men are not the only people experiencing porn addiction. This is not to disparage the app or white folks, it’s just that people from all races and parts of the sexuality spectrum struggle with porn addiction. Adding more perspectives could help others relate more to what the app has to offer which is a lot! I’m closing, grateful this app is out in the world! 10/10 recommend!
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2 years ago, positiveminds.
Needs more updates/features
I’ve been on this app for many months now. It’s been a while since any big update has come on here. A lot of people are paying money for a great app, but there’s definitely more to improve. There should be exercises/lessons helping and teaching people on how to get back up after a relapse, since this seems to be the biggest issue on the app. A lot of my group members are stuck on “missed a check-up” and the reason they came onto this app is to stay on the app, not to miss check-up days. This seems to be a constant issue here. A lot of people are stuck on streak/day 0 and can’t seem to reach past several days. You guys have a great rewiring audio exercise that 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 people from relapsing by using mindfulness/awareness techniques, but it doesn’t teach people how to get 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙪𝙥 from a relapse. This is the most crucial stage because this is where people are staying down. They aren’t making or seeing progress. They want to get back up but they don’t know how. There needs to be a course on the 𝒉𝒐𝒘 to get back up. It defeats the purpose of coming onto this app when people are not seeing progress. This is a worthy and promising app, but it needs a treatment plan not just a prevention plan.
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4 years ago, Ryanxj9000
Great Supplemental Resource
As a SUPPLEMENT to therapy of some kind (12-step or individual talk therapy) this app can be very useful and motivating. It is pretty great. I gave it 4 stars rather than 5 because you still need more than just this app to beat the addiction, but this is not emphasized by the app itself. There are small groups you can join in-app (or create you own) and that feature has been updated recently, though I stopped using it because of the frustration it caused earlier. Not sure if it still works the same way, but I stopped using the group feature because it would randomly assign you to a new group out of nowhere after you already spent time chatting with the group members, establishing a rapport, exchanging helpful tips, and then BOOM, they’re gone, because the devs wanted to periodically destroy and reassemble groups to “encourage more interaction” (their response to my inquiry. It was really dumb because it had the opposite effect. Nobody talked. Why bother? You were just going to lose them all again pretty soon. Again, not sure if they changed that or not. I think they did with the major update, but they already lost me on that feature, and right now I’m taking a break from the app because it is too expensive for me right now at $13/month.
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3 years ago, jean2002005
Too expensive
As i only got this app today, i do not know exactly everything it offers however i was taken back when i saw the price. i’m willing to give it a try because i want to break this addiction but $12 a month is WAY too much for most. imagine all the young kids who can’t get support because of the embarrassment and shame that come with this (and any) addiction so they don’t have the ability to tell their parents or guardian. and they can’t pay for it themselves without a job. i find it weird that there are multiple questions referring to people UNDER 12, yet yall make no effort to make this even some what accessible to most young teens. I’ve looked at multiple comments with the same concerns and the app developers always comeback with the SAME response. So to whoever you are, while i and many others appreciate your app, please make it more accessible. i understand your need for money because no one wants to work for free, but could you atleast lower the price? quite honestly, with more advertising and a lower price, this app would probably be used by more people which would just grow your profits. I’m assuming i’m just going to be answered with the same robot response which i suppose is fine but please take this into consideration.
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11 months ago, Beauba Fett
Streak ended, not sure why
I just started using this app and so far it’s been really helpful and it has given me the motivation I need to start this journey and approach it one day at a time. However, I opened the app this morning and my streak has ended and I don’t know why. I haven’t missed a daily check in but somehow the app is telling me I missed a day and therefore my streak ended. It’s discouraging. That number matters and there’s power and encouragement in seeing a number growing each day as I stack days upon days of winning. And now I’m back to Day 1 even though that’s not true. It’s actually very discouraging and frustrating which isn’t a good thing to feel for a person who is battling something like this. I’ve seen other people have this issue. It has to be fixed or the app loses a ton of credibility and usefulness. It makes me want to turn away from the app because the negative effect of seeing my streak taken away even though I haven’t faltered is kind of crushing and very counter productive. It makes me feel like the work I’m doing is being ripped away. The app is good and there’s good content and tools here. But this glitch or whatever it is that is taking away streaks is very frustrating.
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4 years ago, FroncoMcPonco
I've been on this App for a Week (So Far)
The overall interface, charts, information and graphs are really well done and overall the app is good at what it does as well as gives you information/methods on how to move forward in life with out porn addiction. It has a statistics bar chart which I really like and find helpfull for seeing where I'm at so far. I would say the downfall comes in the sound quality of the exercises. Not the exercises themselves, but how the sound transitions. For example, when I'm doing a meditation exercise, instead of the music/ambient audio fading out, the sound feels like it's interupted/cut off, which feels jarring. The sound abruptly ends to hear this loud ringing noise as well. The sound should fade out smoothly so the listener is mentally aware that the excersise is coming to an end instead of IMMEDIATELY RIPPING them out of the moment. I feel that it might be a tedious fix but a crucial one because it's a bit counter productive putting someone right back on alert as soon as they finish an exercise that's meant to relax them. It's a Good app though and I'm glad that it's helping me out so much. I am extremely grateful for that so thank you for your help so far
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2 years ago, Artizzle916
App for those who are trying to quit porn for good
App is great so far. I see a lot of people are complaining about the cost. I guess they are used to all the free porn out there but when it comes to paying a couple bucks to improve your mental state $12 is too much. How entitled you have to be to think that everything should be free for you. Would you even take it serious if it was completely free? When you actually pay for something you tend to take it a bit more serious and that’s a fact. Maybe cancel your Netflix subscription for a while and get serious about overcoming your addiction. This is app is great because it educates, rewards you for having a streak of not watching porn, and it’s a community of people who are on the same path as you. The only thing that’s in your way to overcoming this addiction is yourself.
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1 year ago, Siverson11
Choose to make a change
If you’re downloading this app you know what you’re up against. It’s not something you can simply do on will power. There aren’t enough tools out there so the fact that this exists is a blessing. The groups give you a chance to relate, encourage, struggle, be open, lose, win, celebrate, and just overall support one another. I strongly encourage you to be active in your group chat. It will help you and the other reading. There’s also lots of activities you can do. I do wish there were some more meditation session as those are my favorite but that’s minor complaint. Honestly this app does a lot right for you and if you actually put some time into it you’ll gain a lot from it. Yes it is expensive to own but if you are spending money on porn which is fueling your addiction, then paying for this app will probably save you money in the long run. There’s something you simply can’t put a price tag on. Being porn free is worth a lot of money to me and I’m willing to bet it is for you too.
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8 months ago, ThatSmilingKoala
Not for Everyone/Weird Features
This app has helped me, but I have some serious problems with it. For example, on the homepage they give you the option of reading a Success Story. I know they do this for motivation but some Success Stories have explicit descriptions of sexual encounters, scenarios and/or vulgar and inappropriate language. I thought the purpose of this app was to help people NOT read or think about any of those things, so why on earth is the app recommending me that stuff to read on the ‘homepage’ of all places? Same with the Advice/Help section of the app. Some posts and comments are helpful and motivating but others are sexually explicit, rude or mock/belittle people of religious faith or spirituality. I understand why it’s giving people a place where they can ask for help, and I understand the developers of the app can’t control every post, but they should at least have a warning stating that they don’t control what’s said there and that it may contain explicit content. I do not recommend this app for anyone under the age of twenty and recommend every user only stick to using the progress tracker, meditations, and mental exercises.
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1 year ago, Meem Resh Perio
This app will change your life
I’m thankful for discovering this app. Rebooting has changed my life in ways I didn’t think was possible. It forces you to be accountable and acknowledge your addiction in ways you haven’t before. The layout, attention to detail, and overall community of people battling with the same challenges gives you hope. We’re not alone. These are real people trying to fight an addiction and become the best version of themselves. The science and concepts behind every module is brilliant. If you’re complaining about investing $12 a month, then you’re not serious about change. We spend more on fast food, games, and other activities. Why not make the investment to improve your life? I recommend this app for anyone who’s committed to change. You won’t regret it.
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5 years ago, Andrewcrowvoya
Not worth the monthly payments
While Brain Buddy does serve a very good purpose, and is working in that respect, I just have a couple issues with the app. First, there are quite a few bugs which might not be noticeable at first but today a streak clearly did not have the right number, which was confusing so I had to rely on my own math. Second, you can't delete help posts (that go to the community). When attempting to email to delete a post, they just asked me why... it's a pretty personal app. I shouldn't have to explain myself via email and this should be a very simple feature to add to this app. Maybe if there was more documentation on the specific event that was occuring (which seemed to be very common in the community) then I wouldn't have to reach out so much in the app. Either way, it's not worth the monthly payment as soon as you just memorize the maybe 3-5 daily activities you need to do (and was not worth it for me as soon as I had to ask for a feature that seemed pretty common, which unfortunately made me pretty uncomfortable).
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3 years ago, !!Syd!!
I can see how this is helpful, but...
I think the quiz should be more specific. I have been viewing porn since before 12, but at a highly infrequent rate. Only recently has it become an everyday/twice a day thing. And the pornographic content I consume is typically only a minute or two long (or I cut it off that early... low attention span). I’m not really sure that would qualify as an addiction? Also, this is really catered towards heterosexual men. Even if you specify in the quiz that you’re a woman (which I am) a few steps later and it’s asking you about weak erections and lack of interest in women. I think you should implement more specifications to be sure you’re targeting the right people (less vague questions that won’t mislead someone into thinking they have a porn addition) as well as a quick gender/sexuality section just to not isolate anyone who isn’t a straight male lol.
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1 year ago, gamereview55
Great app. Could be even better!
I’ve been using the app for a little over a month and it has helped tremendously. My streak has never been so good. The price and the concept at first can be daunting, but I can assure you it is worth it. The best part about the app for sure is the community you get to talk to people in the same situation and find great encouragement. One con. The app can get a little stale. I used to do the daily activities every day without fail 100% but it gets boring after a while. I wish they would add new activities. And same thing goes for the chat. I wish we were able to customize are characters and use our days as points or something. I think the app would do better with more incentive to log back on.
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11 months ago, No aplicable
All companies are alike. They don’t care.
So first, you advertise that you help stop porn addictions. You showed the stats, you showed the reviews, but then you do the worst thing. You ask for money. You claim to be helping people, but you ask for a monthly subscription?? I believe I read “[number]% who watch porn are more likely to have financial issues, and [number]% are most likely out of a job or tend to not keep one.” (Not verbatim) So you ask for money from the people you claim don’t have it? What a joke. Do better and show that you care by making this a non-profit and ask for OPTIONAL donations to keep your company running. And don’t you dare continue to force people to pay for something that could potentially save their life. You are just like any other company; you don’t care about the people, you care about their money. You want stats? Here is this: “ Research has found that individuals with a pornography disorder display a greater risk of self-harm and suicidal ideation, with the most severe cases resulting in suicide attempts. Studies have also reported that porn addiction is prevalent among those who have lost someone to suicide, suggesting a correlation between their grief and the compulsion to rely on pornographic material as a coping mechanism” (Allo Health) a litigious sexual health wellness organization. Putting a pay wall between a (possibly) better life and someone who is struggling to find that, is absolutely disgusting behavior. Again, do better.
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4 years ago, safty-first :)
A serious review. Please take this review seriously.
I’m really liking Brainbuddy. One thing I don’t like, as a first time user of this app I was exploring all of its features. I think there could be a better way to integrate the social features in the app concerning addiction and recovery. A lot of the language and content in the chat/one-on-one support with the community is very triggering. Some of the comments between people are not appropriate for what this app is trying to accomplish. There are also some really good supportive conversations happening. My preference would be to have the app without the chat features. Instead, create a system where support from the community is available in a screened and safe atmosphere. I know this is a tough request but I think it’s also a possibility. Hmm? How? Keep it safe, should be your number one priority. Otherwise the app is really, really helpful. Good job!
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2 years ago, GuitaristR
Great Concept Sub Par Execution
I like the idea, information, and what it stands for. I’m glad there is something out there to assist people with this kind of addiction. I did enjoy the assessment at the start of the experience. I got the 1 week trial right after that. Figuring if it helps then it’s worth the money. The app went into an evaluation mode and it was testing my natural willpower and started a timer on it. The timer has been going and I can’t stop it. There is no indicator of when it will stop. I haven’t logged any cravings or whatever else it was asking because I haven’t gotten any. If the app is going to be one giant timer or the last time I watched porn or got a craving then that is pretty sub par. I see the app screenshots and I read reviews of all these other features and I’m confused as to what I am doing differently. Do those things get unlocked after the free trial?? I’m not waiting a week to find out.
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3 years ago, Sundevil2014
Great app that could use some more perspectives
I downloaded this app and I can say I find it to be very useful. It sparks a topic on a problem not many people know they have, and encourages people along the way. And honestly it got me on the right track towards bettering myself, something I’ve tried many times without the help of a supplemental app like this and failed. I can’t say I use the social features on it much, but they’re not inherently bad as far as I can tell. My one issue is it does tend to lean towards heteronormative ideals of raising kids, buying a house in the suburbs, etc. While I’m sure there are many people who aspire towards that and nothing wrong with it, it leaves out a large and ever growing portion of young adults who don’t fit into that lifestyle and see other kinds of relationship and lifestyle goals.
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2 years ago, Matty1384
It’s a good app
It seems like the developers behind this app really do want to help people quit their addiction. The content is genuine and it is working for me so far. I don’t have anything bad to say about the app or the program. The only issue I have is with the site blocker. I like having the site blocker on my phone, and it does act as a deterrent, the problem is it block too many sites. It has happened several times, the last was when I was booking a reservation on Airbnb. I selected the location I wanted to go, the dates, and how big of a place I would need, hit submit, then got a message that the page could not be displayed because because of content filters. I was booking this reservation with friends who were looking at my screen, luckily they just thought it was an odd error and didn’t pursue the issue. I was able to excuse myself, open this app, disable the site blocker, and continue the reservation with my friends. Again, I like the app, and it is helping me, but I very nearly did not turn the blocker back on this last time. If I cannot use perfectly innocent sites like Airbnb, it’s almost not worth having the blocker on, but if the blocker is not on, that is one less safeguard between me and relapse.
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4 years ago, Olymno
(Support) I’m having an issue; couldn’t get to support center
Hey! I’ve been using the app for a few days now and have fell in love with the supportive atmosphere. I found out there was a teams feature and realized I was automatically placed in one. I wanted to further check it out and went to change to a new team which it wouldn’t let me. I saw it was a 24 hour wait for it, but I’ve tried numerous times now and still can’t get to a team. I even tried setting a timer for 24 hours which was just to make sure even trying to change teams wasn’t making my timer reset to another 24 hours. Still didn’t work... I’m really sad to see I’ve been soft-locked out of the group feature which seems to be really nice having that support aspect and accountability. I appreciate any help I can get on this. Thank you all very much!
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2 months ago, Armageddon prepp
Suggestion for Scripture Option
I am a Christian who has very spiritual and personal motivations for using this app. However, I’m sad to say that the scriptural options in the app for helping people like me is very generic and surface level. It doesn’t give anything topic specific, from a Bible standpoint, concerning the struggles of breaking the problems this app is trying to help with. It feels like the team involved in selecting the Bible verses to put in the app tapped on a random verse generator and stuck them in. I’d like to help out by providing a list of Bible verses that specifically talk about lust and struggle that other Christians can better relate to so they can be further encouraged to break their habit: Matthew 5:28, 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Psalm 119:37, 1 John 2:16, Hebrews 13:4, Philippians 4:8, James 1:14-15, 1 Corinthians 6:13, Galatians 5:19-21, Psalm 119:9, 1 Peter 2:11, 2 Timothy 2:22, Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:3, Romans 12:1, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:11-12, Matthew 6:22-23, James 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:22, Proverbs 6:32-33, Galatians 5:16, Psalm 101:3, Revelation 21:8, Ephesians 4:22-24, Romans 13:13, Romans 1:26-27, Hebrews 4:15-16, Romans 3:23-24 There are obviously many more verses in the Bible related to this subject, along with more encouraging verses to help with setbacks and hopelessness. I’d be glad to provide more at any time.
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1 year ago, sabinscabin
great concept, but app is marred by a few bugs in key places
I love the idea. The meditation content is great, and also the encouraging messages. However some really glaring UI bugs made me unsubscribe. First, the team chat had this strange bug where sending any message exits out of the thread. I have to click back into the room to see the message I sent. Second, I set the checkup time to “next morning”, but it seemed terribly bugged: not actually prompting me for a checkup the next morning. These are super basic UI bugs that are aggrevating, and greatly affect my use of this app. Please fix them and pay more attention, devs! This app is supposed to change my life for the better; annoying UI bugs really frustrate me there.
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2 years ago, dom257437
Not really for gay men
I really love the concept, but as a gay man who is trying to utilize this, when you see “emotional growth” videos that are exclusively catered toward straight men, it kind of takes me out of it. Watching a man and a woman live a peaceful life together doesn’t really help me when it comes to remembering the “genuine joys of human connection” as I don’t relate to that at all. I mean it’s not a bad thing to see in general, but it’s not something I relate to whatsoever and I don’t understand how I can grow from watching something I don’t relate to on a deep enough level to make it effective. It would be nice if it took into account your sexuality, as it’s not only heterosexual men who have this issue. I’ll keep working on it myself and hopefully one day there will be an update that’s more inclusive of all men so that all of us can utilize this thing to help us get over these issues…
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3 years ago, Puzzles113456789
Amazing App, but
This is such an amazing app. In the past 3 years I have tried to quit porn by myself and I failed miserably every time. With Brainbuddy, quitting doesn’t seem difficult anymore. With daily activities intended to… 1. Boost your knowledge on porn addiction 2. Promote inner happiness; and 3. Strengthen your will, along with calendars and other easy visual data charts to view your progression (and even your relapse triggers!) Brainbuddy makes it both motivational and easier to quit. I would suggest this app to anybody looking for a way to live happier and healthier. And to the developers, my only issue with the app, and why I give it a 4 star rating, is that I simultaneously use this app on both my iPhone & iPad. I love that the iPad version is full vertical screen, but it doesn’t have a horizontal mode which would come in handy since I use my iPad with a keyboard. Also, depending where I am and what I have available on me, I complete daily activities and check-ups on both devices, but none of the progress syncs between them, except for the streaks, total victory days, and rewiring progress. In order to keep track of my daily activities, it would be a lot more helpful if the iPad and iPhone were more compatible. Thank you.
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3 years ago, The Shadow(Dradar)
Great app, but taking advantage of a problem.
Everything within this app is absolutely amazing. It is really helpful and I wholeheartedly believe this app can help curve this bad habit. The reason for the 2 stars is the price. This bad habit is a pandemic addiction in society and $12 a month seems like a I’m being take advantage of for an issue I’m trying to fix. I could understand $2-$5 a month. I had to stop my subscription because paying more than a tv streaming service isn’t what I want. I’m seeking change in my live, but I’m not looking to go broke in the process. Lastly I would like to see more religious content. I understand not everyone wants it and it’s great to see a setting for that to turn on. But just a verse isn’t what I had in mind. A daily devotional would be better, and possibly adding the 12 step CR (celebrate recovery) program would be amazing too both in the religious and secular (toggle could be used for that). These are my thoughts, thank you.
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9 months ago, Sypitz27
Why do checkups if they don’t count?
Was concussed and went a week and a half without using my phone. Did well, came back and filled out what happened (have you done X over the last Y days)? Stuck on a “building plan, finding team screen” for a minute until I reached the Home Screen and saw my progress percentage didn’t go up. I thought this was a bug that would be fixed after doing another checkup but nope, doesn’t even count it. Why track days and give you a percentage for rewiring if it doesn’t even work? This isn’t the first time this has happened. Why pay $15 a month for a shoddy service? Response to the devs: I have never used the other features in the app, and when I have for a week I noticed no additional percentage gained for a week of being free from PM, compared to another week with none of the side activities. The rewiring percentage remained the exact same regardless if I did the activities in the app or not.
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3 years ago, nuhnuh_0
Minor problem
First off this app is perfect, it has everything you need and honestly it’s the best app for this kind of addiction, but the thing is, that you have to pay a subscription, I mean personally I think you should have a subscription for the site blocker and other things, but not the whole app itself, some people probably need this app for quitting this kind of thing, yet you have to pay for it, I get the whole profit thing but why the whole app? Couldn’t you cut some things off for the subscription? Honestly totally ruins the experience for me as I have to pay for my responsibilities and don’t have any extra for anything else, but my addiction is getting in the way of my work, but overall good app totally recommend if you have the money.
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1 year ago, VisionaryMovement
First attempt with this app & I'm 53 days PMO clean
I was a horrible person and the porn styles I watched was feeding my decline. This app helped me stay accountable, build great habits like daily meditation, and thought observation practices. I am amazed I haven't relapsed. Now I dont even think about it. I turned my life back around. My entrepreneur life is thriving. I found my old self again. I can talk to anybody & say any crazy thing I want without nerves. I started having sex again. And am disciplined enough to continue with this for as long as I can Imagine. I rarely am amazed enough to write a review, me writing this means it means a lot to me and I feel like I need to mention it for others who are struggling.
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2 years ago, Enixkey
Great App. Few nitpicks.
Really enjoying this app. A friend introduced me to it. And while I don’t always do the exercises the daily checkups and accountability is really helpful. The ONLY problems are the retraining videos are always the same, and the life tree stops growing after about a 100 and something days. I wish other trees would sprout or the whole thing would be covered in flowers for everyday I’ve been sober. That way everyday when I see it I have something new to await me as a reward. After I realized that it just regrows the same flower after a set day, I stopped caring about the tree. There are a few nitpicks I have but overall I highly recommended it. I haven’t used their internet blockers though as I have covenant eyes. 4/5 stars would recommend.
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4 years ago, jjsledge
Somewhat overpriced for content, but pretty good for helping recover
Overall, it’s not a bad app. A lot of the app’s program is repetition to help “re-wire” the brain. Having something to keep you somewhat accountable is big in recovery. To me, the most “awkward” part of the app is the shared stories from other users. You have people sharing about their addictions, but then also sharing about their current sex life. Some of the stories are a bit too revealing. Not everyone needs to hear about a person’s sex life as they recover. It is a bit pricy for what they provide. Each day has 2-3 activities before a 10 min meditation session. However, I have had several days in a row where the activities were the exact same as the day before. There is also next to no change in the content of the activities. You can have a short video repeat itself multiple times over a week or two. I will say there are additional activities that you can do each day, but they are repetitive in content as well. I know it’s 2020, but the developers should really focus on having some type of variety in place. The app never really seems to update. It wouldn’t take much to add some things.
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6 years ago, Saudis shamba
cool concept that works, yet too expensive and glitchy
thought it is cheesy, im really grateful that this app exists and brings attention to an issue that isnt really discussed. i found that even just downloading it helped to quit as its just taking that first step to commitment that really gives a positive mindset and provides some strength. after that, using it like one should close to guarantees that youll quit. however, it definitely costs far too much for what it is. when i signed up for the week trial, i set an alarm for a week later to remember to cancel the subscription. however, when i went to cancel, i found out that they had already charged me the monthly fee despite the fact that i definitely set the alarm for at least two hours before a full week since i signed up completed. but i thought its whatever, ill cancel and do the month i paid. its been one more week and ive run into a bunch of annoying glitches, like typing a long inspirational message to my team members (lol) but when sending it the app deleted it and said it was unable to send. obviously i didnt type it again. theres a couple more, but anyway, i have to admit, the app works.
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4 years ago, CleverNickname99
Major bug need to be fixed
I paid for a monthly subscription last year, and in November 2019 I purchased the 1 year subscription. The app works great and it helps me a lot. It’s a great tool. However, yesterday and today, it keeps saying “subscription expired” and logging me out immediately?? My iPhone says my subscription is good until November 2020. I have the receipts to prove it. I’m not sure how to report a bug so I am writing this. When someone contacts me and fixes it I will change my rating from 1 star to 5, because it is a great app and even though it has only been 2 days of not being able to use it - not having it as a tool affects me a lot!
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2 years ago, Ron_A_Thom
App offers a great accountability system!
Honestly I've been struggling with my reboot for quite some time now, this app has been a huge help keeping myself accountable. With it's mental stability exercises, day count award system, and and daily check ins, it has really helped me keep myself accountable. The Monthly payments are reasonable considering the extra amenities the app provides, and it double function as a means to keep yourself accountable otherwise you feel like your wasting both your money and your efforts! And through using the app, you can clearly see that the makers of this app really went the extra mile in helping people overcome their addictions.
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2 years ago, _Joseph_S._
A good idea but not worth the money
This could be so helpful to so many people, but most people won’t spend the money to get the help they need. The app itself even says when you first install it that it has 1 million downloads, but then goes on to say “join our 100,000 members” which means that 90% of everyone that installed the app didn’t get any benefit from it except the initial quiz, because they didn’t want to pay for it. In my opinion, i think you could help more people by having a free version, and the user has the option to buy a premium version with extra features.
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6 years ago, Jamethy4th
Not user friendly
I liked this app initially but when I turned off in-app purchases after I had purchased the monthly subscription, I would get a notice that I could not use the app. It made it impossible to use the app at all. Because of this I stopped using the app for several months. I recently started using the app again without any issues because I had turned on in-app purchases but it wasn’t long before there was another issue. I can’t use the app unless I have done my daily check in. Now every other app on my phone is functional when I have cell service but this app will not let me check in unless I am connected to WiFi. I will get a pop up notice saying that I need to connect to a wifi or cell network. I get this notice even if I’m connected to a cell network. So unless I connect to a WiFi network and do a daily check in this app is unusable.
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6 years ago, poofllamaflapjack
Missing an important feature
Let me just say this app has been so so helpful for me that I’ve made it much farther in the reboot process than I ever have before. But even though I listed my self as a gay male, it still shows pictures of cute straight couples on the “choose your path” exercises and asks if I’ve experienced any more “real-life” attraction to women on the nightly checkup. I know the concepts would be exactly the same, which is why I’m continuing to pay for this app, but it would be really nice if the app just made it a little bit more personalized to people’s sexual orientation. Also, it offers no explanation for the whole team thing. I don’t understand if I was just placed on a team with other random people or what the purpose of the team aspect of the program even is.
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2 months ago, Bossmanphillipe
Download it
I downloaded this app years ago, and even though I’m starting to make headway now.. I’m glad I’ve always had it, because when your ready it’s going to be there. It’s always been in the back of my mind, I just wasn’t ready to fully utilize it, now I have a strong accountability partner in my life and I’ve been setting up the building blocks for the past two years where this fits perfectly into helping me overcome my porn addiction now. Even if you don’t feel like your ready to quit, just download it and pay the membership… it’s a step in the right direction.
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3 weeks ago, Kluffman45
Beautiful Souls Exist
This app is so cool and amazing to me. It’s even more amazing to think that there are other people who made this app to try and help people like myself. I’ve only recently begun using it and already have found myself feeling more motivated to quit this addiction which I’ve suffered with for far too long. Only thing I would tweak come down to personal preferences like the UI or the slow speaking audio bits. But I think the slowness is the point of it. Take your time and relax the mind. Good luck to all who partake on this endeavor of self improvement, and thank you to the creators of this app who are helping make a difference in lives like my own. Much love ❤️.
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1 year ago, shockwaves89
Awesome App & Program
I’ve just begun using this app, but it has helped me so much especially throughout my first week of rewiring. It’s much less daunting with the helpful tools and resources that BrainBuddy provides. It’s intuitive, interactive, and affirming of your journey and victory over pornography. This app also eliminates the taboo nature of the subject, and delivers help in easily digestible ways, such as meditation, audio exercises, journaling, team support, etc. I highly recommend purchasing this app—you CAN invest in yourself and your future, and BrainBuddy WILL be there to help you every step of the way!
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6 years ago, TKAsmavage
10/10 would HIGHLY recommend!!!
This app is awesome. It has helped me in more ways than I could have ever asked for. I love that it allows me to connect with other people in The Struggle and teams you up with people to add a certain challenge/gamelike element to the whole process. The Life Tree is super cool too, as it grows everyday you are sober and it helps keep you motivated to stay that way. The all also provides ways to get your head back on track with “distress” buttons that help get your mind back to where it needs to be. I love this app and I attribute it to 75% of my success. 10/10 would HIGHLY recommend!!!
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3 years ago, The Ox of Wyo
What you’ve been looking for
I have done countless website blockers, encouraging apps with daily quotes, even been to therapy and been told “nothing is wrong you are just over reacting”. This app understands the guilt and shame of pornography addiction, helps you gain vital skills in addressing the issue from a new perspective of mindfulness training and cognitive behavioral therapy in a gentle and understanding way. This app will help you, if you got the legs to do the heavy lifting, you won’t be disappointed you got a monthly subscription. Stay focused fellas, help is just a button click away.
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5 years ago, Hassaani
Chat Feature = Disaster
Horrible team chat interface. You might become friends with these people but only know them as their first name (Brian/Sam/Jim). The app doesn’t allow you to friend and continue being friends with someone. Then the app presumably switches people around into different teams based on their days of being clean. Used to have a good group to chat with. No longer the case. The app itself keeps shifting my team without notice. When I try myself to get into a group, it’s incredibly hard to know if they are active on chat or not. So if you are into the chat feature, forget about this app, it’s a headache. If you care about other features like tracking, tips, guides, then it’s pretty awesome.
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4 years ago, yensbshshsbz
Ah May Zing
The brain buddy app has honestly been a god send, my life has changed for the better and I am feeling like I did before I started watching porn. My life has improved by a lot and to go into more specifics I have no social anxiety and I’m feeling absolutely great!! My sleep has improved And little things just don’t bother me anymore, I feel completely myself around attractive girls and anyone! I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time! I can’t say enough how effective this app is in giving you peace of mind and a fresh start in life! I LOVE YOU creators of brain buddy! Thanks so much!!!
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6 months ago, KeeperU12!
This app has serious bugs that need fixing now.
The community and general features of the app are really great. However, me and several teammates have reported check-ins never actually registering, prompting us to redo them over and over again until they register. Chat messages never actually sending, again, prompting us to send over and over again until they do. It’s a very frustrating experience. I even contacted support and they said they would look into the issue but never got back to me. I’ve considered deleting the app and searching for another solution.
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3 years ago, KarngarT
More representation
I’ve been using this app for some weeks now and it’s great to have some accountability. I like working with my team and it’s pretty active compared to what I’ve had in the past. I would say as a Black man there isn’t much representation of people like me in the videos. What this shows me is that it’s not a Black person problem (which I know is false). Additionally, it uses same videos again and a again. If they switched up that would be beneficial otherwise I’m looking at only one direction I can possibly take. At this point the most I can do with this app is track and content block but even then it’s iffy. Overall great idea but needs some improvements to accommodate to a larger audience.
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2 years ago, Mr McMick
Just one thing
Ok so this app is great and all and i recommend it, however there's just one thing. When I go to the "reduce tempting words" in internet filter it says to tap extensions, scroll to allow these extensions and then tap the brainbuddy filter. But when I go there I can't enable the extension for some reason because it's darker. And when I go to the "add websites" page on brainbuddy it says that the content blockers are disabled, but I can't find a way to turn it on. When I click on content blockers it just says "use content blockers on all websites" which is enabled. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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3 years ago, Talel81
Didn’t realize how much this app would help
I downloaded this app on a whim. “What a stupid thing,” I thought, as I clicked download. Honestly I didn’t realize the problem I had. I thought everyone used the same way I did, but you know just didn’t talk about it. I was wrong; I was the addict. Should’ve realized when I would go to lengths to hide my actions. That ain’t normal behavior. This app helps educate and guide you through the quitting, the awakening, the keep on keeping on of life. Worth the download and trial; worth the subscription too. You ain’t got nothing to lose. Get Brainbuddy today!
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6 months ago, Abc123456789cba0123456789
After using for a year here’s what I think, it’s good but it can be better.
This app has help me a ton with really understanding what my triggers are and set goals. The teams aspect is only good if your team is active I know because nearly the whole year I’ve had this app I was in dormant group chats which the experience is definitely better with good group chats. Also it is worth the MONEY if you are even looking at this app. A annoying negative is that if I accidentally skip a day sometimes it defaults me as having a relapse. But here are some things I would like to see implemented into the app. •For group chats could we have emoji reactions such as press down the message and send a emoji. •Can we opt for daily checks to every couple days or more. •Can we have a yearly wrap up positive view of what we accomplished through out the year. •Can we have in daily check ups an emotion check of the day or emoji icon to see what our emotion was each day.
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2 years ago, [mrico]
Needs to have more resources for women
This app has some helpful resources, and I’m not sorry I downloaded it, but I feel as if I’m paying for a lot of advice directed at men. Women struggle with this issue too, but the “success stories” and “improvements” often seem to revolve around being able to attract women, overcome ED, and the like. It’s not at all helpful to read about how dealing with one’s porn habit makes one more confident about picking up women and manipulating their emotions. How did you think a woman feels when she reads that? Maybe the developers just don’t care because they make money regardless.
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3 years ago, tooniepooh
Amazing App
This app is absolutely fantastic for those trying to get rid of terrible habits. It’s therapeutic and it really helps you evaluate your mental condition and what you need to do to free yourself from addictive vices. Meditation and the brain exercises that are in this app will help you get to a better state of mental health. Trust their process, be open minded, and you’ll find the quality of your life being more positive. I testify to the success of this app as it helped me become sober and it was one of the methods that freed me from my addiction. Highly recommended - grade A++.
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