I admit I’m a worrier. I tend to overthink things. Meaning that I can get paranoid about how healthy or unhealthy I perceive my habits to be. I enjoy drinking but I find it easy to feel like I’m overdoing it either in how many days a week I drink or with how many drinks I have in a social outing (whether it is real or perceived is a different topic). This app has been very helpful in bringing some stability to my own perceptions of that. It is easy to just pop into the app and tally a drink as I go, or the next day if I got too busy chatting to stop and enter. The weekly tally is great because I can see how many drinks I’ve had and I can see the upcoming day when the tally will go down so that I don’t feel pressure for drinking again until the running tally drops lower. Overall, it is easy to use and I’ve consistently recorded all my drinks for the past 6 months. I’m less stressed and can easily see when I feel like I need to dial down a bit, or when it is ok to let loose and have some more fun. For me, it takes the worry away and that has been great.
I’ve never seen myself as a big drinker, but after having a stroke, I knew I needed to more carefully and completely monitor my alcohol intake. This app has not only helped to monitor my drinking, but more importantly, help measure actual alcohol units. For example, I like microbrews, especially IPAs. With this app I discovered the true volume of my alcohol intake I never had considered: a single IPA pint, clearly not a problem drinker kind of drink, is actually nearly 2 alcohol units given the high average alcohol content of modern microbrews. Think of it, in my younger days, 2 pints would be the norm yet that’s actually equal to 4 alcohol units. Without a doubt, an eye opener. I really appreciate the app for its usefulness but also for its well thought out layout. Inputting information is straight forward and simple. The data presentation is clear and meaningful. Great app!
I’ve been tracking drinks with this app for quite awhile and did get the premium version to keep better track. It has really helped me to see how much I overconsume without even realizing it. I hope to slowly cut back to drinking healthier amounts over time with the help of this app. It is a great app, you can track many types of drinks, and each day will show up as a different color depending on how much you drink (blue for nothing or up to the recommended daily amount, purple if you go a bit over or red if you go way over). Edit to my original post, I thought you could only track beers in increments of .5% and was happy to find out in the premium version there is a way to track by increments of .1%. My only suggestion would be add a way to track additional Oz options, like 1/2 a beer of the different size options if I share it with someone. Would like to see that option show up in the future! Overall great app and will continue to use.
Let me start by saying I love this app, helps me understand how much I’m drinking. One thing I don’t like is the fact that I work 3rd shift. I got into work on a Monday and get off work at 7am on Tuesday. It’s still technically Monday to me. I have to put it back a day for each drink I have after work. Wish there was a setting or something for us night shift workers to better control it I guess. Yes it’s technically a Tuesday (so to speak) but it’s still Monday to me (just using Monday and Tuesday as an example here). Otherwise I love this app. Let’s me look at how much I’m spending, calories and other stuff. If I have a drink after work on Monday (which is technically Tuesday to normal people) but I don’t have a drink Tuesday after work this app still says that technically I had a drink on Tuesday if I don’t go in and change it to the day before. That’s my only complaint but it’s minor!
I started using this app five years ago because I was concerned that my drinking might be going over the limits of moderation. I enjoy alcohol and never want it to become a problem because I’d hate to have to give it up! It does take a lot of self-discipline to log each and every drink but if you’re serious about it, you get used to it pretty quickly. It’s really great data! I helps me make more conscious decisions about my drinking and has even gradually reduced my drinking over time, lowering my tolerance so that a drink or two is enough anyway. I’m sure it’s saved me a ton of money too. When my doctor asks how many drinks I have a week, I can show him! It’s so customizable as well. Highly recommended!
This app works really good if your willing to put in just minimal effort & it’s absolutely free. I was able to use it to see how much I drank, when I drank, & how much I spent weekly/monthly on drinking. I’ve was able to notice trends & make adjustments over the course of the first 4 months to regain my health, have productive days, & save money. It’s a great way to see how much, & how often I drank. Eye opening. After having this app for 2 years I drink now only occasionally & it’s become a habit to fill this out each night if I’ve had a drink, or just click sober day if I haven’t. I’m very impressed with how easy this is with just some accountability & a small about of effort.
I have been using this App everyday for over 2 years. I wanted help to reduce my alcohol intake to the limit recommended for women- which is one drink a day. I used to drink wine everyday while making dinner and watching the news. A very enjoyable habit. However- this turned into .5 to 1 bottle a day! This App allows me to make a goal and it holds me accountable. If you are data oriented-and want a way to keep track of your intake-and become healthier and break this bad habit- this App has certainly helped me. Just an FYI- you also have to find something enjoyable to do when you used to be drinking to make it easier to break a habit and build new ones. Good luck!
The new Streak widget is great! It’s a home screen widget that shows how many days you’ve gone without a drink. Tap the widget and it takes you Straight to the calendar where you can hit “dry” again. So that’s awesome. I’m happy to see it. You have to add it manually though, it’s not in the app by default. It’s a Home Screen Widget. I think that it might be particularly helpful for folks in AA or those thinking about going totally sober. I think it’s a great feature. For me, I want to hit five or six days sober every now and then. That’s important to me to be able to know that I can go five or six days without a drink instead of zero or one. Thank you!
With my increased drinking during the pandemic, I was looking for a way to track consumption to better understand it. My doctor asked me how much I was drinking and I responded does it matter what type of beer I’m drinking, for example a 4% Light beer vs. a 8% IPA. My doctors answer was not really, which didn’t sit right. This app isn’t super flashy, but it has the tools to allow you to track this information. The obvious answer is the IPA mentioned above is 2x the light beer, doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out but it’s easy to believe something we want to hear. This app is a great tool to track and quantify drinking over time. I can say that it has encouraged me to drink less which has also lost me a few pounds in the time I have used it. Thanks to the developer who has been very responsive to my questions about personalizing the app. Bottom line, if you pay for the premium version, there are tons of options you can personalize in Settings, like creating your typical go to drinks, their alcohol percentage and size. Stay in control with Drink Control!
My blood tests showed some liver stress so my Dr suggested tracking my alcohol intake. I started using “Drink Control” and was shocked at my consumption! I’d have a couple glasses of wine every night with my wife as we watched TV … I’d have a couple beers every time we went out to eat. I’d drink five or six beers before, during, and after my four-hour dance classes … never drunk … just enjoying beer and wine. “Drink Control,” with its excellent graphical representations of my consumption, enlightened me to the overall numbers! No wonder my liver was stressed! Now, using the app, I keep my average to under 2.5 and my blood tests show my liver is happy! Great app!!
I’ve been using DC for about a year, and as long as one is faithful to logging daily and accurately, the app is great for tracking, trending, and allowing users to monitor (and reduce or moderate) consumption. My only complaint is the free version provides only incremental measurement that does not allow precise tracking . For instance, ABV for beer is in .5% incremental steps so that if the beers consumed are,say, 4.2%, one has to either measure slightly higher or lower to track. Still, one can get a reasonable measurement of consumption, and the trend graph and calendar are useful for determining long term consumption rates and trends, if the goal is reducing or moderating alcohol use through setting personal goals or targets.
I have tried 4 of the alcohol tracking apps and a number of the calorie tracking apps and this one is definitely the best. There is no reason to not try this app. If you get frustrated with the app make sure you locate the calendar feature that allows you to edit and review what you have entered for the day and pervious days, which isn’t obvious, I used the app for 4 days before I made a significant mistake and couldn’t figure out how to fix. So in frustration I emailed the developer and suggested that they add a edit feature. They responded practically immediately that the feature was already there! Great App! Great support!
Wish life were simple enough to just count drinks, but I realize that’s not how it goes. A margarita carries more “weight” than a light beer. I like this app because it does show me a true picture/diary of how much and how often I drink, but as far as considering myself “moderate” for drinking, I’m not going to beat myself up. I’ll drink more on a dinner date or attending a college football game on a weekend, than on an average Tuesday night. I’ll continue to pay the most attention to the number of drinks, regardless of the type, and try not to exceed what’s acceptable for a woman. Most of the time I stick to lower ABV beers and average glasses of wine, so counting drinks and seeing how many I drink each week helps keep me on track.
I am in my 50s and was getting concerned that I had slowly drifted into drinking too much, both due the week (one glass of wine turns into 3) and on weekends when I would get together with friends and have 4, 5, 6 or more drinks. Drink Control has been great for me - I am honest with it, and it helps me think before I drink. I also showed it to my physician at my annual physical and got a great, objective opinion along with great advice. It’s without question one of the most valuable apps on my phone and will certainly contribute to my long term health and well being.
Needed improvements: Timestamps, notes, location. Exact number of drink units often isn’t the crux, & lacks context. Sports out, wanting to feel like you’re living life, social aspects, etc habits or tendencies. I’m trying to break the habit of “avoiding the bore” of a subdivision home by engaging with the town/city through going to “the usual” bars, or am I exploring/trying something new? Location important. “Totally makes sense I had a couple there.” Maybe the app says you binged, but ya never got a buzz with everything spaced out across time. Timestamps, please. Maybe a couple were during a social business chat. Maybe you’re proud for not having more. Notes would be an important add.
I started using this app back in February 2020 when I started my new job at a brewery. When the pandemic started, a lot of us were drinking just to pass the time. I recorded almost every drink I had and realized an upward trend in my consumption that was a little terrifying. I turned sobriety into a kind of game. Trying to stay “in the blue” has been a huge lifestyle change and one I’m glad I have made. This app is very user-friendly and made it easy to track alcohol (and water,) even if everyone who uses it hates it for the first few weeks on account of the reality check it provides.
I love this app. It helps me to control the amount of alcohol I drink. This tracker shows you how many drinks you have had in a day, week and month, and if you are over the recommended amount of drinks. You can track cost so you realize how much money you are spending. You can look beck at previous months and see how many days in a month you drank. As long as you can be honest with yourself and enter your drinks, it is super helpful to see how much you are consuming, $$ you are spending, and empty calories you are drinking. Love this app!
I’ve been using this app for 3 years and have found it so helpful in tracking my alcohol units consumption. Seeing a downward trend overtime has felt empowering and I know that I’m being honest with myself about exactly how much I’m consuming. I used to consider every beverage “one drink”, but now I am more aware of the abv and ounces of that drink, aspects I didn’t used to pay much attention to before. Im glad to say that hangovers are incredibly rare these days, and I attribute much of that to this app!
DrinkControl helps me maintain moderation when it comes to alcohol consumption. Before I had the app, I could only guess how many libations I enjoyed over a particular period. DrinkControl also allows me to correlate other events that may affect drinking. But the app is only as good as the data being entered. Are you being honest with yourself? A study was published recently that concluded no alcohol consumption is healthy. Despite that, I don’t plan to give up an evening tonic, a cold glass of white wine, or a bourbon on the rocks anytime soon.
By tracking with app I started to lesson my drinking days and amounts. Did not think I had an issue until I tracked daily for 3 1/2 mo. Reason I started tracking was I wanted help with my weight control. I’m using a weight tracking app and was successful losing weight so I figured app would help & it has. I like the how easy it is to enter data and see stats. My $ stats was surprisingly high so that helps me cut down also. Like weight loss, a long 3 yr journey, I know it takes time to reach goals.
I have been tracking my daily drinking for the last 3 or 4 years using an online program. It’s no longer available so I checked the App Store and purchased this app about a week ago for about the price of one drink. 🙂 It’s a good program - uncomplicated and flexible. Provides the information I need. I like that it reminds me each day to enter my data. I’d like to see some visual record of drink free days as a positive reinforcement, but that’s not essential. The program works for me, keeps me honest. I recommend it.
This app has been really helpful for me. I love beer! But I would usually feel depressed after I drank 2. What I realized through the app is that I love high alcohol content beer and was pretty much binging after 2 drinks. It’s really helped me improve my mood and sleep and truly track how much alcohol I’m consuming. My only critique is that i wish I could track the exact percentage of alcohol rather than .5 or .0 (ie: 5.0 or 5.5). It makes tracking a 7.3 beer impossible so I just round up to 7.5.
I’ve used several different tracking apps. This is by far the best. The others all rely on you to tell it what counts as a drink. Well, what I was telling one app was a drink when put to the actual test of measurement and alcohol content as shown in this app was actually 2 drinks. Different drinks are available and with the very reasonable paid version custom drinks can be created to keep you honest with exactly how much alcohol you are taking in.
Has truly helped me with my relationship with alcohol
This app is simple and to the point—track what you drink and face your reality. It doesn’t hide anything or hedge. And it gives you exactly what you put into it. If you’re honest, and actually track the drinks you have, you get a clear picture of your behavior. This simplicity and honestly has been enormously helpful in my journey to understanding myself, my relationship to alcohol, and my underlying problems.
Handy app to keep track of your intake. I wish it was more up to date with current and classic drinks however. Things like whiskey are present but gin isn’t? And “Cocktail” is just ultra broad. I’d love to see these updates in the future. Would also love if the last drink / days since last drink was a bit bigger not just small text in the lower corner and counted in more then just weeks. “20 days since your last drink” would be a bigger motivator than “2 weeks since”
This app is simple to use and presents useful & downloadable information to help you monitor your drinking habits. Once you get used to inputting an update as needed, it becomes second nature and very useful in managing number of drinks per week and month. I actually view it as a monthly challenge game to keep the total under a certain number. You can then review progress over many months very simply. It's helped me a great deal !!
I’ve tried a few drink tracking apps and I like the way this one presents the data most. That said, the design/interface leaves something to be desired. Feels pretty slapped together. Also recently the calendar view has been showing colors of the previous day instead of for the correct day. I tried to submit feedback via the app, but the email button tries to open the iOS mail app instead of my default (gmail) and I don’t have the iOS mail app installed or set up, so here I am leaving a review.
I’m an alcoholic. No, I don’t wake up with the shakes, drink all day or have alcohol dependency. Just an every night habit but make no mistake I’m still an alcoholic. This app helps me greatly with my drinking. I HATE putting drinks in. I’d much rather log a dry day. This week through Friday I’ve only had drinks one day. That’s huge for me. I’m so happy. I just wish you could add what time in the day you had a drink. Other than that I can’t recommend enough.
I’ve struggled to find a successful way to track my drinking habits until I found this app! It’s user friendly, appealing to the eye, and provides great stats. I just purchased lifetime access rather than using the free version and am even more pleased. The data doesn’t lie! It can be very eye opening to someone trying to fix their relationship with alcohol, like myself. I highly recommend.
Really like the app. It’s simple, it gives me as much nuance as I need on volume/potency. Keeping a record of my drinking really became a catalyst for happily cutting down on consumption (in much the same way that seeing a workout heartrate app increased my caloric output...the competitive drive kicks in). Would like to have a baseline option...like a pre-use questionnaire of drinking volume/frequency. That might increase the drive to keep improving, to keep beating my previous numbers.
I have used this app for several years (though i have taken breaks in my tracking for various reasons) and I think it is the most straightforward and comprehensive drink tracker you could ask for. It’s a balanced app that doesn’t do too much or too little. I also appreciate that most of the updates haven’t felt like drastic changes. Reliable. Thanks DC team!
Like many people, I let my drinking habit get a little bit out of control during the pandemic. But this pandemic isn’t going anywhere and I would like to make friends with my liver again. This app is a very helpful - and eye opening - way to keep track of your intake, and a very good incentive to cut your intake down. I’ve finally been able to get a handle on my drinking, and it feels good.
I tried three top rated alcohol apps. This is my favorite because of the ability to customize my common drinks along with an icon, ABV and serving sizes. Other apps only count generic “drinks” which is way too inaccurate. This app really helped me understand my drinking habit over a couple months so I could decide to rein it in for my health. 5 stars! Thank you for this app!
I’ve been using this app for almost two years. It’s really helped me reduce my drinking and allowed me to find moderation. I started drinking more during the pandemic and got back on track easily. It’s fun and easy to use and love the addition of Calendar week, month ,and year. I wish I could find a similar app for other goals that was so reinforcing. Cheers to you!
I really like this app. I started using it to help me moderate my drinking when some of my health index numbers started creeping up. It’s not like I never exceed the recommended limits anymore, but I am much mindful of how much I am drinking and it helps me limit it. One thing it’s made me realize is how much I was probably drinking before I started using the app when I wasn’t keeping count.
Great App To Take Control of Your Alcohol Consumption
I never paid attention to how much I drank until recent health issues. This app is an eye opener as to how quickly your drinks can add up. Once you are shocked by your alcohol consumption the app helps you to take control of your drinking. The free version was working for me but I found the app so useful that I invested in the paid version. Well worth the money.
I love this app because it keeps me honest with myself. I can see long term trends and affect change in my behavior if I don't like what I'm seeing. I use this app every time I drink so I know exactly how much I drink and how much money I spend on booze (it's crazy how it can add up). Only thing I wish is that it had a cloud backup feature. There is a backup feature but it's a manual process.
Love the features, would enjoy Apple Watch and iPad support
Of all the alcohol tracking apps, this one seems the most useful. Comprehensive tracking and reports are super useful. My only issue so far is that I see no reason not to support the Apple Watch for simple entry, ala Waterminder, as well as iPad. This request is particularly true for a paid/subscription app. Are there any reports that don’t look better on bigger screens? 😂 No, there are not.
I like this app a lot. It helps me to really understand how much alcohol I am having when I am drinking, since it accurately tracks the total amount of alcohol in each drink (e.g. A 6.5% abv IPA beer is actually 1.3 drinks). My only disappointment is that there aren't more options on exporting the data to a spreadsheet. I'd like to see cumulative daily or weekly options, not just a list of every drink that has been recorded on the app. Otherwise, it's a great app!
An ok app unless you drink a 20 oz beer, 300 ml of wine, or half a shot of whisky there as there is no way to record those amounts with this app. Only let’s you record drinks in set volumes, whole numbers, with half a percent increments in ABV. Instead of being able to enter exactly what you drink, say a draught can of Guinness 440 ml (14.9 oz) at 4.2% abv, I have to round to off to either 14 to 16 oz and 4.0 or 4.5 abv. As a result you’re constantly doing math so that you can tweak their increments to estimate what you drank. Why they wouldn’t give you the option to enter in volume, abv, a number is puzzling. Accurately recording what you drank is a basic function and one this app fails at.
I’m on my third year of using Drink Control and I’m largely happy with it. The only glitch for me is the measurements of alcohol. It should be continuously adjustable by ounces. Cocktails often call for two ounces of liquor, but this only lets you pick 1 oz, or 1.5, or 2.5. Same deal for wine. Maybe I pour 7 ounces, or 9. But the defaults are 4,5,6 ounces, half bottle. The app would more accurate with continuously variable measurements.
This is the best app I have on my phone. It’s very easy to over-consume these days with the trendy, high ABV IPAs and other drinks out there, and the standard 16 oz pint pours. This app keeps things under control and makes you realize you don’t need the extra alcohol, ounces, calories, and cost that you thought you did to enjoy a few drinks and have a good time.
With high abv craft beers, it’s difficult to keep track of how much alcohol you’re actually drinking (you can’t just count by # of drinks anymore), but this app makes it easy and helps to ensure you’re staying within healthy limits. A few little things could be improved, but overall it’s a very helpful little tool to gauge your drinking habits.
Accurate numbers and data are massive in making good decisions. The only tough part is making sure to be completely honest with yourself when ur hungover the next day and gettin accurate numbers punched in. Hope this works as well for others as it has for me.
I honestly didn’t know how much I had been drinking prior to starting this app! Staying within the limits is such a challenge for me, but it has made a big difference. Lost some weight. Skin and eyes clearer and sleeping better! And no hang overs 😀 I strongly recommend this app for anyone who wants to moderate their drinking.
Being mindful about drinking has always been a struggle for me, and this app has helped tremendously. Just by prompting me to track my drinks, the app helps me to pause and think- do I actually need a drink right now? Usually the answer is no. I would recommend pairing it with a therapist however!
This app makes it easy to start logging drinks - you can be very specific about the type of drink, or just log the alcohol content. By no means does this app pressure you to be sober, but it does help you celebrate in moderation! My only suggestion: BE HONEST about the number of drinks you’re having. The only way to misuse this app is by fudging the numbers.
I’ve gotten a lot of use out of the app, but it definitely is lacking a few seemingly simple yet useful features. There’s a surprising lack of customization when it comes to ABV and drink volume. With respect to beer, unsurprisingly not all breweries fall within the app’s predefined list of ABV and volume choices. This seems like a very easy feature to enhance the customization and accuracy of the user experience.
This is an excellent drink tracking app. Easy to set up and monitor how much you are drinking. Seeing my stats for the week and month help me stay where I need to be. The only thing I’d recommend is to be able to modify the daily limits to my own goals as opposed to the US recommendations. Overall, a really great app though.
It’s hard to really like this app when you know there metrics and serving sizes are inflated. As a woman, one cocktail (with only one shot and no other liquors added) is considered 2 standard drinks. 1 shot= 1 serving. I’ve noticed this 3 separate times and this was the final straw for me. Also! Make sure you change your gender, because it automatically puts you as a male. All of a sudden, I was over the limits for three days when I had two drinks. Even when women can have UP TO 2 in one sitting.
DrinkControl demystifies units of alcohol (also known as standard drinks) in ways other apps don't. People don’t understand the guidelines for moderate/low-risk alcohol consumption and DrinkControl helps to make sense what these really mean. DrinkControl is your alcohol consumption diary, helping you to keep track of what you drink and when to help keep yourself accountable — a vital motivation in making changes like drinking less often, opting for lighter drinks, or going for a sober streak. Instead of considering our consumption in alcohol units (also known as standard drinks) or grams of pure alcohol (the basis of moderate drinking guidelines), we simply consume our beer, wine and spirits in their available containers without giving them a second thought. But not all beers, wines or shots are equal. DrinkControl helps you be better informed about the drinks you consume and the amount of alcohol/calories they contain. Whether it's to reduce alcohol intake on the advise of a doctor, goal of spending less or losing weight, tracking drinks will help you with moderation or cutting down. Now, that’s a sobering thought! Features: - Easily and quickly track your drinks and alcohol expenses - Track and see your drinking history in calendar - Mark your dry/sober days and streaks - Compare your alcohol use with moderate/low-risk drinking guidelines from leading health institutions - Sync alcohol units (standard drinks) and alcohol calories consumed with Apple Health - Get statistics and charts on alcohol use, sober days, money spent and calories in alcohol - Get your personal infographic on drinks consumed Premium features include: - Widgets for your homescreen - Set and customize drink tracking reminders/notifications - Get statistics and charts for last/calendar month/week, quarter or year and previous time periods - Look back in the history, create an infographic for whole month/year - Add your favourite types of drinks and serving sizes - Export data to .csv file for use in Excel/Numbers - Back up your data to iCloud or Dropbox - Choose your favourite app icon Terms, Conditions and Privacy: https://drinkcontrolapp.com/privacy.htm