Fi - GPS Dog Tracker

Health & Fitness
4.5 (11.3K)
198.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Barking Labs Corp.
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Fi - GPS Dog Tracker

4.47 out of 5
11.3K Ratings
3 years ago, Flynn_Chi
So worth it!
I got this collar primarily as an activity tracker for my medical alert and mobility assistance service dog, Maui. I’m beyond impressed by its capabilities in this department! I was surprised at just how much I love the GPS functions as well. As a university student, the GPS is phenomenal for whenever we go on hikes (the campus is quite expansive with various terrain and water nearby) as a safety measure and for my peace of mind when a trusted friend is exercising Maui for me when I can’t. The app is incredibly easy to use, the base station easy to bring with me if I’m off campus for multiple days (the collar’s battery lasts longer when there is a local base station rather than relying on GPS 24/7), the collar is waterproof for all intents and purposes, it charges quickly, the fitness metrics are easy to understand and the reassurance of knowing where he is if something were to go horribly wrong is so beyond worth it to me. The ONLY downside to this product after ~6months of use in my eyes is that the metal (plastic that looks like metal I think) GPS transmitter on the collar is being dinged up by Maui’s metal ID and rabies vaccination tags. It’s just a very minor aesthetic thing that you can’t see unless you’re basically holding it but I wish it were replaceable if need be (it might be... I don’t know). I will definitely continue using this collar and the GPS service through Fi for years to come!
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5 years ago, JennicaRachelle
Better than al of them!
So I’ve tried a few gps collars. The one I had before FI was LINK AKC. Fi’s ability to hold a charge more months alone makes it worth it. Being able to set safe sones on the fly is also really great and helps reduce unwanted alerts. I recently adopted a 2 year old Australian Cattle Dog , and Fi has made training to be off leash so much more less worrisome. My 10 year old also likes to walk her on his own, so having the collar helps ease my worries for both my babies. So far our ACD has been doing great, and the light feature works wonderfully when she’s playing off leash at night. I am also impressed with the waterproofing. Libby (our pup), jumped in a creek to catch some fish, and for a brief second I thought “oh no! Her collar!” , and then I remembered that Fi is awesome and I didn’t have to worry. The free month of GPS for inviting friends was a nice surprise! so thank you! 🙏 Can’t wait to see what new features and updates come along. If there is a way to set alarms and reminders for when she is due for her walk, that would be great. Or if the Fi app can recognize patterns, and create reminders based on past walks/routines, that would be awesome too. 🐾🐾🐾👍🏻🙏 and maybe teaming up with the app WAG- would be cool too. Like maybe offer a discount on wag walks if they have a Fi collar that coordinates etc. That way when a wag walker comes to walk your dog, it recognizes the walk as safe. Just some thoughts!
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3 years ago, NashTred
Reports Car Rides As A Walk
Every time my dog is in the car the device reports the drive as a walk. I even take the collar off in case my dog is moving around as it says in their support materials. Still the same. This is so unacceptable! I emailed customer service who tried to tell me this was normal. NORMAL! The device is logging miles and miles of activity describing it as a walk when I’m driving down the road. Their customer service says it’s the algorithm that figures all of this out. Really? This algorithm can’t see that my dog would be incapable of walking 60mph? And this is deemed normal? Imagine if my Apple Watch were to log exercise minutes every time I was driving in the car? This is NOT normal. On top of everything else, this device is advertised as an activity tracker! It’s not living up to the marketing this company advertises. It would seem like an easy fix to allow me to reclassify the activity, or even more simple, to just delete the activity. This is unacceptable. It should not be considered normal. Because of this glitch the data across the whole platform is suspect. They’ve had several years to fix this but haven’t done so. WHY? REVISED: THE COMPANY HAS ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM AND I 100% RECOMMEND THIS COLLAR NOW. I LOVE IT! I’M IMPRESSED THE COMPANY REALIZED THIS WAS AN ISSUE FOR MANY AND FIXED IT. THIS DEVICE IS NOW AWESOME AND IF YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT PURCHASING IT YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO IT.
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3 months ago, DEATHST⭐️R
My names Chester,by birth, dad calls me Deathstar
I love FI! I got out one time and my Dad said he watched me go back and forth in this one neighborhood,about two miles from my house, I’m so fast, he couldn’t catch me, the light on my collar let him see me every once in a while and he could see me on the FI APP MAP, I’ll tell you what though, when I’m out? I’m just running, and that night? . . . I was just RUNNING . . . for a minute, then I was like “Well shh. . . I’ve been gone since midnight, and I’m . . Not really. . Sure where I’m . . . “ THEN I was just running, back and forth in that neighborhood. My dad said, it even shows on the map, as soon as I got to the highway, I knew not to cross and it looked like I bought an airline ticket straight home!, I knew to head north and my dad said the FI map showed him I knew I had a home to be at, I’m a 15 year old rescue, I’m selectively deaf and blind (dads phrase), That night I covered almost 5 miles, I was gone about 6 hours, but on my way home, about a block from my house, I wasn’t paying attention and almost ran head first into a giant squirrel standing in the road like it was waiting for me, I was so startled, I just took a stage left and ran into the weeds and made a biiiiig loop around whatever it was, and ran all the way home and I sat on the porch watching dad come up. . . Through . . The yard . . . Laughing . . .
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4 years ago, kfkio
Absolutely amazing!
My boyfriend and I adopted a sweet 2.5 year old husky. She is the most kind and gentle dog, but she is a runner. I bought this collar long before we actually had her, just to be ready when we did have her. In the first 3 days that she was with us, she got out twice. With the help of this INCREDIBLE collar, we found her both times within the half hour. The GPS updating every minute makes finding our fast dog so much easier. Just that would have been enough for me. However in addition to that, I'm able to set dog walkers, so that when somebody is watching her they have access to the app. I'm able to see that she is with them and where they are. If she gets lost while someone is watching her, they're able to use the lost dog feature as well. It provides so much peace of mind. But I'm not done. In addition to the peace of mind and incredible battery life, it has a light that flashes at night so when you're walking late at night you can see where she is. All of this is controlled by a well thought out app, that tracks your dogs steps, ranks you with other dogs in your breed category, and allows you to post and view pictures of your and other dogs! I have told every dog owner I know about this. I'm in love with this collar.
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1 year ago, Absolutelyridic
Not reliable but has potential
I am now on my third series 3 and it’s only been 4 months. First one just stopped connecting to any signal, the second one also stopped connecting but may have been from too much water exposure (washed it under faucet after dog rolled in something super gross). In both scenarios the collars stopped functioning ahead of camping and hiking trips - not ideal. The second time we paid to expedite the collar but didn’t arrive for 8 days. The tracker is good when I have a very strong signal. If I only have 1-2 bars and there are mountains nearby the accuracy drops. I was thinking the gps would be like the gps from Google maps, but this isn’t the case. When my dog goes walking outside around the house, the collar will sometimes connect to random cell towers and report her walking 10 miles in 15 minutes. The collar also stops tracking activity once it loses signal. (I was surprised by this - i figured it’d track steps similar to a fitbit). Both of these are frustrating when I am trying to get an accurate assessment of her exercise. I’d love the option to be able to add, delete, and edit activity. In « Lost » mode the tracking is better but there is a lag so she sometimes is not where the Fi says she is. Despite the tracking issues, it does give some peace of mind when she runs off as she tends to be in the general vicinity. I do like the activity tracker when it’s working and the social sharing components.
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1 year ago, shesaidgoodbyetotheground
Great - unless you need customer service
I like the collar fine, the app is ok, but trying to deal with customer service has been a nightmare. I received the collar as a gift, so when I went to update my subscription services in January I was told that I would need to transfer the service from the email address of the original purchaser to my own email. Despite opening two separate support tickets and providing the requested information in order to transfer the account, the original purchaser’s account was still charged for the subscription renewal and I had to reimburse them. Last week (6 months later) I opened another support ticket for an unrelated issue and was told that my email is *still* not linked to any Fi account. I replied that I was disappointed to find out that account information was still not current after two previous attempts to update it and **they responded with a sales pitch up upgrade me to the newer version of the collar.** This is a wildly inappropriate response to my concern, as far as this person can tell **I don’t even have an account,** but they’re suggesting an upgrade? I just want to confirm the account is under my own email address and no longer billing my ex-boyfriend. I don’t understand how it is so difficult, when I open my app it shows my email under the account settings. I’m worried that my ex will have to cancel his whole credit card at this point to ensure he won’t be billed again.
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4 years ago, Fruitcakes22
Saved our dog and me
We rescued a Jack Russell/Beagle mix who loves to run and we have 9 acres. I researched a few collars before purchasing this one. We have had him in the collar for about seven months now (1st edition) and it eased my anxiety and saved his life. About a month ago Sam saw a deer and took off after it. He didn’t respond to the e-Collar he wears and before I knew it he was gone. I opened up the app and saw he was about a mile away. He kept getting further away but it was when he started going toward a busy county road I really started to get concerned. I jumped in my car and headed towards the signal. Sure enough, there he was, trotting along the shoulder of the road towards home. Saved me a ton of anxiety and probably his life. The collar is well made and comfortable for him. I do not use a leash to connect to it, I use a harness instead. The light isn’t very bright on it so we have a separate light up collar. This collar is wonderful for a quick spot check and when away from the home. Also great for making sure Sam gets the exercise he needs. The social part of it is pretty neat too. I love seeing other people’s pets are where they are from. I highly suggest this collar.
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1 year ago, BcNin
Tracking works well, additional activity options would be nice
The app works well, tracking is relatively accurate and does well updating in real time. It’s a little annoying to have to have the app open at all times, i have a habit of closing all open apps for battery and performance reasons, wish there was a way to have it running in the background. Not an issue, but a recommendation. It would be great to be able to set activity goals on something other than steps. No offense, but i highly question the accuracy of the step counter, we can barely get it right for humans. It would make a lot more sense to set a goal for, i don’t know, distance walked, time under activity…something that can actually be accurately measured and be significant data. This step counter marketing fad is kinda ridiculous to apply to a dog. Also would be nice to be able to turn off or put the device to sleep for when you don’t have a collar on your dog. The collar that came with the Fi irritates the crap out of my dog so i only have the collar on when on walks or when a walker or sitter comes over, at least until the collar i had to order so she isn’t constantly scratching comes in. When it isn’t on, it thinks she’s sleeping which she isn’t accurate.
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1 year ago, toriimb
Underdeveloped app
I think this is a great idea so far! But it has a long way to go. The layout of the app itself is not intuitive. There are a lot of numbers/statistics that have no explanation for how they got them or what they mean. Why is the discover tab in the middle instead of the live feed? It makes me think they care more about the discover tab than the live feed. I could care less about the random dogs that use the app. I just want to see my dog. Especially for needing to keep the app running in the background, I do not want the discover tab or ranking tab to be draining my battery further. I have had this app for 2 days now and it has already tracked a drive with my dog as a walk. It has also incorrectly tracked a walk as longer than it was (I had my phone on me). So clearly, the rankings of all these dogs aren’t correct anyway. So why show them to me? The app is responsible for taking 40% of my battery each day. In the future, I would like to see this app place less emphasis on the discover and rankings tab. I would like to see them have a more intuitive app structure that clearly explains the numbers that they calculate or what they mean. I would like the app to use less phone battery and get better at tracking my dogs exact route and steps. And no car rides!!!
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4 years ago, tdk#1fan
AMAZING Customer Service
I have two Fi Collars, one for my Alaskan Husky who is not only a Houdini but is as fast as the wind, and one for my German Shepherd. To start off, my Husky has gotten out 5 times since getting the collar...4 of those times 3-6 miles away, nowhere near our small neighborhood. It could have been a very bad ending each time but Fi let me know she got out and when I put on the lost dog mode feature it gave me minute by minute updates of her exact address. LIFEsaver. Literally. Since she finds a way to get out so frequently the long lasting battery is a MUST. I charge the collars maybe once every 2 weeks if that and other than that I never take them off. The battery has only gone below 30% twice, and we were in an area with spotty cell service. Almost more than the collar itself, I love the company. I’ve had various questions and small issues, once my dog even broke her collar somehow, and they sent a replacement that day! They are always able to answer questions and are friendly and very good at troubleshooting and also making me aware of features I didn’t know about. Love the company, love the collar! Great job Fi!!
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3 months ago, Sumsumla5
Not worth the cost
I bought this product to help with gps location when I’m out hiking with my dog and around the neighborhood in case he gets out of the house. I can say that if the collar is not connected to a phone or a base the tracking does not work at all. Even when activating the lost dog mode. This is especially problematic as I have a dog walker that takes the dog out on pack hikes. The places she takes the dog have full cell reception, but because the collar is not linked to her app on her phone, it goes offline for the entire day and you are unable to track the location. Additionally, going on walks with my phone does not yield similar results from day to day in terms of location or route tracking. Lastly, the step count has stopped working. Each day the cumulative step count continues to decrease despite hitting the goal most days. I purchased this two months ago and already having it perform far below what is advertised is a huge disappointment. I’m frustrated that I paid for a two year plan when I should have just spent the money on a Garmin gps e-collar combo immediately for the gps tracking needs, which is ridiculous because we haven’t gone anywhere without cell phone reception and this device should be working fine off the cell towers.
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2 years ago, wsdyt
loved version 1, confused about version 2
I first bought version 1 about 9 months before I upgraded to version 2. I thought v. 1 was great, I didn’t have anything to base it on, but it helped me track my dog and I loved the Fitbit aspect. Its fun to see how your dog ranks, and she was constantly in the top 15 percentile. Im not a proud dog owner or anything 😜. The bit I didnt like is that while my dog runs all over the place it only pinged on her once a minute. so shes losing so much of her distance covered. It works great when i take her for a run though as its able to connect the dots. There are times when it says she’s without an owner when im next to her and i have trouble tracking her when cell reception is dodgy as well. So i was hoping these issues would be fixed with version 2. nope. I saw no increase in her step count. Its pretty identical in given situations even though its supposed to ping 4x more per minute. Battery life has gone way way down. Im constantly out of battery. The collar lasts 4 or 5 days at best. The v 1 lasted around a month per charge. The Gps is not any better, It looks identical and it did not come with a new charging station. So all said and done, I feel like v2 is a down grade from v1. Am i missing something?
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4 years ago, LLGolden219
Saw that he left the yard within minutes!
All I can say is that it works amazingly well for me! Perhaps we are lucky with the decent WiFi and Bluetooth but it did exactly what I needed it to do this morning. We have a temporary fence until we can install a new one and my golden has figured out how to jump over it if he is motivated enough. This morning I left for work early, my husband left after and my parents were watching him. It’s 4 degrees outside so no one is outside checking on him. When my husband left, he jumped the fence to “follow” him and 20 miles away, I got a buzz on my Apple Watch that he left home. Called my mom and the gates were closed so she assumed that he was somewhere in the yard but low and behold, when she started calling him he came running up the driveway. If we didn’t have Fi, he could have been gone for an hour before anyone noticed (this dog is a polar bear and loves sitting out in the snow and cold). Instead we figured it out within minutes and I wasn’t worried because I was able to see him on the map. I am also able to check on him throughout the day for peace of mind. 100% worth it.
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5 years ago, redgummybears
Don’t waste your time and money
I wanted to try this out and compare it to the whistle tracker which we have now. The only thing that has it beat is the battery life. What’s the point of having a long battery life if it 99% (that’s not even an exaggeration) doesn’t notify me at all if my dog is away from a designated safe zone. After I could finally reach their customer support, which is a joke by the way, advised me to move the base around my house because they suspected Bluetooth was being blocked. I moved it all over and still nothing. I tried enabling the lost dog mode when my boyfriend took the collar out to do a test run and it showed my dog was still at home. I am so frustrated with this collar and frustrated with their customer support. It takes them forever to respond. I literally have to hound them on email, Facebook, and Instagram just to get a response 2-3 days later. You would think a starter company that wants to compete with other tracking devices out there would produce a better product but this is useless. Improve your customer service!!! You shouldn’t be ignoring customers! Save your money and time and stick with whistle. They’ve just come out with the whistle go explore! I’m getting notifications like I should and the battery life has improved from the whistle 3! It also has a light function if you’re taking your pet out at night.
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3 months ago, Elsie the yoga guru
My staffie is a fantastic runner. By which I mean, she has a penchant for running into the woods behind our house whenever she sees a deer. I tried the Link tracker for months; every single time Piglet got away, the app glitched and was ZERO help in finding her. Luckily, she always came back! I finally gave up and ordered Fi instead. I absolutely love it. The GPS tracker is so much better—the other day when Piglet bolted, the app brought me to her exact spot deep in the forest. She was having a grand old time. So was I, once I found her! I feel incredibly relieved that I will now always be able to locate her if/when she gets away. The Fi app has a ton of bonus features, too: I can see how much exercise P is getting, track her progress, and even see her ranking. Does this gamification of dog parenthood trigger my worst competitive instincts? You bet. Is it still fun? YES. I’m getting more exercise, too. The app even lets me connect with other dogs & their humans in the Fi community. Piglet’s current heartthrob is a bulldog named Pork. Now THAT’s amore. 🐷🍖
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4 months ago, pAULLYwALLY509
Reliable YES / Perfect NO/ Best compared to others YES
I have had FI for almost 3yrs for my Cane Corso. I have seen and experienced FI get better and better. Most important to me is to me is to FIND my dog if missing that’s it the xtra features are a bonus Compared to others FI offers the most. The issues that have arisen are MINOR such as slight delay in notifications sometimes, or map view location is correct but written address wrong and the occasional car ride that was a walk LoL all minor and with each app update it fixes and improves. I live in a very rural area w/large number of acreage service can be spotty every few miles but LTE/GPS has a location and even a last location if collar loses connection and instantly connects back when it can. So it does what it’s supposed to which is FIND my dog if MISSING/LOST or OUT exploring/protecting her land. I still use original collar I got it has been thru rain snow mud water running jumping scratching. So you may see reviews that are about this or that but when it comes down to the BASIC important #1 thing a tool to help you FIND your dog it does what it’s supposed to do. It is RELIABLE!
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3 years ago, becauseabcd
Fi frequently has issues…
Example, right now I cannot use the app because it is stuck on the Go To Settings warning. The current warning is asking me to go to settings and check “Always” under Enable Location Services. Except that I already have enabled and have always had “Always” checked. Who knows how long it will hang there? Possibly until I uninstall and reinstall the app… which isn’t trivial given all the addresses and base stations syncing required. It also drops data randomly. For example I have all my dogs sleep data for the week of October 11-18 but none of his steps. When swiping through the Daily data setting under Activity, it just skips that week. Good thing I wrote it down 😢 Update: I did not have to go through email support. By powering off the phone, then restarting and rechecking Always Precise Location the Fi app was no longer “hung.” The data from Oct 11-18 reappeared three days later. Maybe that was a site-wide bug. Now I have another discrepancy. On Tuesday dog and I took an off leash hike. I got 12,200 steps and he got 19,800 steps which is normal. Thursday we took the same hike and I got 12,400 steps and he got 10,200 steps. No way the dog got fewer steps than me.
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1 year ago, Srm1880
So disappointed and Scary!
I had the F2, and while it wasn’t perfect with somewhat long refresh rates of 1 min and some false ‘escape’ notifications as we live rural with hills and trees (easily remedied by always checking the yard before hitting the streets), it never failed to help track my pup. Well, one time we let her out and she came back without the collar. We searched, but couldn’t find it; even in “lost” mode. It might have come off in one of her under-brush or mole-hole adventures. So, I got the F3. She hadn’t gotten out in a very long time, but she finally found a new spot, probably dug under the fence with the recent rains loosening the dirt. Hit the “lost” mode and hit the street, excited about the new live tracking. We are rural with a lot of woods in 3 directions, and near a 55 mph hwy about 2 blocks away in the other. I soon realized that the “live tracking” was not only not tracking, but it wasn’t even updating - at all! After walking around I finally got in the car and started driving. It finally updated, After 20 minutes; however, luckily, I had already seen her and was picking her up. She only slowed down because it was hot out and she was panting, hot and exhausted. She happily jumped in the car. The F3 was WORTHLESS. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
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3 years ago, LL403
Great at first, but they force you to buy their new product
I was happy with this GPS collar at first (have one each for both of my dogs) but the company will eventually indirectly force you to buy their new product by rendering the older version “defective”. The GPS tracking has always lagged a bit (wouldn’t notify dog left the perimeter until we were at least a quarter mile away) sometimes we would be miles away and the GPS would still show the dogs were at home. We live in a well serviced area, so signal was not the issue. Anyway, that’s not great but acceptable so we kept using the collars. Recently their new version came out and coincidentally one of my dogs activity tracking stopped working. I contacted customer support and they requested I reboot the collar, it then started flashing green and the rep just said “it’s defective and the only fix is to buy the new version”. I told him the GPS tracking was working fine before this reboot he had me do, but he said the collar would have eventually stopped working anyway. Only solution offered was to buy the new version. I refused and instead requested both of my collars to be cancelled. They do not retroactively refund your subscription; luckily mine was ending in a month anyway. STAY AWAY from this company.
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2 years ago, EnterHere
Great solution!
I am so thankful for this product! My two very smart but very independent Tibetan Mastiffs girls love to check on the neighborhood from time to time. No fence will stop them, but now I know when and where they are going. Knowing how long is our daily walks are helpful as well, and it encourages us not to skip one! I love the community and the ability to share pics and follow other puppies! One thing that bugs me (just a little) is that the “share product gift box” is the most significant thing on the screen! I know that is marketing and sale, but as a day-to-day user, I could use this space for a more functional feature! Another struggle I personally have is that I can’t activate the app running in the background for some reason; there is no option in my app settings or in general settings on my iPhone where the background apps to choose to run or not; I am not sure how to fix that🤨 But regardless of my hiccups, I want to thank you for the product; I recommend it to all puppies owners for peace of mind!
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1 year ago, Nankinz
UPDATED review…I’m hopeful for Series 3
**I had submitted a customer support order and while it did take about a week to hear back, they (Lindsay) helped me immensely! I messed up her original solution and heard back from her about another week later but went through her solution and fingers crossed, it looks like it has solved our problem!!! Both the series 2 and 3 are connected and working at this point. It’s still new because I was just able to do this last night but this morning it’s still working! Thank you Lindsay for your support!!! I’ll update my review again to a 5 if it’s all good for the week. We loved our series 2 but had to replace one due to the cover breaking. I wish we would’ve kept it even though the cover was broken because the device actually worked. Now with the series 3, it won’t connect to wifi even with all the troubleshooting instructions, there isn’t any customer service and now our other dogs series 2 isn’t working because the series 3 base corrupted the series 2! Beyond frustrated and I wouldn’t ever buy another one again.
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4 years ago, Steve FLL
Great collar for worry-free piece of mind.
We were reluctant to buy a collar that touted the features of Fi given past experiences with other similar products but we decided to give it a go. Our new Shepherd puppy who is a working dog in training was just too much of an investment to take any chances with him running off. The collar can be set up to let you know anytime he leaves the house and lets you know who he is with. There is a slight delay of around a minute, but we think that’s completely reasonable given you don’t want constant alerts when out in the front yard. We love the activity tracker which helps us make sure he reaches his goal exercise for the day. With daily swims in the ocean and totally worry free functionality in the sand and salt water, we really don’t see a downside to this collar. Even though the collar is strong, we would recommend using a choke chain or training collar for strong pullers and during work. The electronics are housed in a hard plastic cases and it interfaces with the collar through metal clasps. This can result in wear with continued strenuous use.
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1 year ago, ScubaQueennnn
Miss the older generation collars
Last year I was the biggest Fi fan and was so excited when they announced their new collars that I immediately pre-ordered them and anxiously awaited what I thought would be an even better product. Sadly this year I have found the opposite to be true. The collars I purchased were on paper the same size as the older generation collars I had, but actually run larger now. The charging stations are extremely less practical than the previous design and are harder to keep attached to the magnetic base without the “cradle” style. And lastly, most importantly, the gps is terrible now. I have 2 dogs and the gps now constantly shows them in different locations when they are next to each other! I’ve even been notified that they’ve left my property or are away from me when they are next to me and/or on our lawn (which our geofence has not changed since last year). And my favorite is when we get in the car and drive away, with notifications that the dogs left the property coming a horrible 10 minutes later. None of these experiences were experienced last year in 2022 and with the previous generation style and tech…and this review comes from someone who works in IT… So disappointed.
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5 years ago, davidaz226
Really Had Hopes
I purchased this collar back on 9/8 and accidentally put in the wrong address due to Apple auto filling my address and moving the week before. Once the email confirmation came through I noticed the address and immediately followed the link to report an incorrect address. Support followed up with me the next day saying the address has been updated. Great! Following day I receive the shipping notification and it says Los Angeles and I moved to Austin. Emailed back support and they said they cannot change the address after it shipped but since I have mail forwarding it “should” be redelivered to my correct address. After it sits in LA for a few weeks I email back support just to cancel my order for any interest I had in the collar is now gone. About a month ago, I receive notice from my local post office here in Austin that I have a package but I owe postage on it. I contacted support on what to do and they advised to file a return to sender request with the post office. I haven’t had any traction on the return or refund. Needless to say, we are coming up on my 2 month anniversary of my initial order and still no collar or refund. I really had high hopes of this collar for my golden. Only wish they partnered with a better logistics company. Be extremely careful when ordering!
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3 weeks ago, GhoullyGuhl
So Disappointing for a $200 monthly subscription
So many bugs in this application, user experience is like the Winchester house in San Jose, leading to dead ends and random loops and nonsense processes. Aside from the bugs, a note on the user experience. As soon as your subscription is inactive, the app is completely bricked. You are completely locked out, until you cough up the change. All of the time you spent in the profile, all the data you accumulated, you are just completely shut out. There’s no way to access any of this online, there’s no way to download your data. There’s no way to edit the profiles, once the profile doesn’t have an active subscription associated with it. For example, I need to make a change to one of three dogs on my Fi account. Two have an active subscription, the one I need to edit does not. My recourse? To go kick rocks. Just a silly user experience. It’s a fun house of an app. If there was a legitimate competitor, I might just jump ship… unless Fi can shape up their act. I’ve been a patron of this company for 5 years now. Seems like nothing has changed in all that time TBH
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1 year ago, 12121231234
WileE’s Big Adventure
We were away for the evening, during which time, WileE decided to escape the yard by digging under the fence. We were notified by the Fi tracker on our phones that she had left the house. We pushed the “lost” button which immediately provided us with an address where she could be found and also the map that showed the route and which way she was traveling. It was dark, and she has dark brown hair, which made finding her additionally difficult. We drove to the street name and house number provided. Jumping out of our vehicle, we then started searching for her on foot. After a couple minutes, which felt like forever, I could see the red light flashing on her Series 3 collar, called her name and she came running to us. We have had these collars for a couple of years and have enjoyed the peace of mind. Now having had this unfortunate need to put it to the test, we are even more confident that we have made the correct decision in using Fi as our tracker.
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10 months ago, stop forcing rates
Tracking is pretty phenomenal and the app is very easy to use. That being said. Every other feature seems to just be a gimmick or fairly useless. I left my dog outside for 2 hours and it calculates 6k steps but when she’s in her crate before bedtime it’ll say she did 15k steps x time span + the amount of dogs over MILLIONS of steps daily is just absurd. Just seems fake or inaccurate. The collar Fi comes with is decent in quality except for the fact it loosens by the time my dog walk from one side on the room to the other. Battery life. First month, 100% - 1% in 30 days lasted ALL month I was stoked. Second month it’s losing about 6-10% a day. No activity change or connectivity change for the dog or collar so it’s not “working more” to drain battery. Just seems to be degrading quickly. Monthly membership. I would feel better paying more upfront for no monthly fee but that’s just a personal thing considering I don’t think it’s worth paying monthly for all of the “services”. It’s cool but if your main function is to track your dog or are afraid of your dog running away there are significantly better solutions.
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6 months ago, Rd33333333
Great, when/if it works, awful customer service
We have two series 2 collars for our dogs. Had a great time with the first one we had with only one dog, that one physically broke after about 1.5 years. The other we inherited with our adopted dog, it has always had issues connecting to the Fi app/base so tracking rarely worked, but at least worked part time. Now it no longer even works part of the time. Reached out to support; whose answer was, these collars are no longer under warranty. Proceeded to mainly try to upgrade me to series 3, but I requested to stay at my current membership and requested clarification on what costs that would entail since it was new collars and they mentioned the possible need to extend my plan. I have received no response to this query from a month ago, and I have followed up that I am now just looking to cancel. Still no response. When I try to manage my membership in the app, it says I’m not logged in to the correct account email, but I go to my account and the email address is the same one they referenced 🤯 overall, super not impressed with their customer service or the overall product at this point.
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2 years ago, Taureanvamp
Great solution for peace of mind with your dog
We love the collar, with the long battery life and satellite / wi-fi / GPS tracking. We have also found ourselves a bit addicted to tracking her steps and watching her rank continue to rise. One thing that is odd, however, is that we can see when she is taking thousands of extra steps that are somehow not registering. And her rank doesn’t change despite the daily tally clearly rising far more than what is represented on the ranking chart. Not sure what’s happening here but thought it worth sharing! Would be great to have those items fixed. In the meantime, we encourage anyone considering this for their home to buy and use it. This has already saved our dog from being lost a couple of times, as she is quite wily and fast. No matter what we do, if she gets off leash, she is chasing anything that moves and gets out of sight quickly. Fi collar makes sure she is safe and back home in a matter of minutes!
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2 years ago, namwvr
Very poor customer service and very faulty product
Initially we LOVED our fi dog collar. We bought one for each dog. Ever since the silver plate fell off the front of both collars and it has been issue after issue since. We got a free replacement module, which worked well for a little while. The plate once again fell off one of our two modules. We’ve occasionally had issues with them “searching for network” and then finally a month ago they both became stuck “searching for network” and we were unable to reset the products. After a month long back and forth with the company, they told us we had to pay an additional $59 per module as we were out of the 1 year warranty. In less than 2 years, we’ve needed to replace both collars twice. We wanted to cancel, but there is no refund on the year long GPS service we purchased (an additional $100 per collar). Customer service is unreliable and cares more about adhering to their policies than providing their customers with a reliable product. Because we couldn’t get a refund on our GPS service, we ordered the replacement module and are hopeful for a better experience but not confident at this point that will be the case.
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3 years ago, Traderjimk
Support wore me out
Support staff do respond albeit sometimes late. Would I use the service for another 1 year I don’t believe so. The collar operation is a bit quirky and inaccurate Customer service definitely mediocre. No credit for early termination. One of my 2 collars has not been accurate in step count and battery has drained faster than the other for over 3 months. After over almost two weeks back and forth with several support people they keep telling me there is nothing wrong with it. I have 2 dogs who are both same age and do everything the other does during the day. One collar registers twice as many steps as the other! Both dogs are 14 lbs just to know. Same exercise routine etc. Support insists collar is working as it should. Negative! I have asked for a replacement tracker but they just keep saying mine is ok. I give up writing them as of today. Wow it could have only been an easy fix to even replace the tracker at a discount but no such offer was made. Poor customer satisfaction for certain. As I read the many critical reviews posted I now see many other people have posted similar experiences.
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5 years ago, TVisdoG
Just doesn’t work
We have two base stations in our house, but the collars don’t stay connected to them. Even when the dog is standing 5 feet from a base station with clear line of sight, the collar will connect to our phones instead. This wouldn’t be a problem except that this app causes massive battery drain when a collar is connected to it. We also get constant notifications that our collars have lost connection and cannot be located, even when the collars are within a few feet of both a base station and our phones. We have contacted support about this issue (so please, don’t respond to this review with your standard “developer response” asking me to email you — help me solve these problems!) but haven’t been able to resolve the problem yet. I will update this review if that changes. In the meantime, these collars are useless as the false alarms are so frequent that we have to ignore them. And on top of that, our phones are constantly in need of charging due to this app’s battery usage. This is an expensive but poorly designed and poorly supported product. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a better option on the market right now. So my advice is to save your money, and find another way to manage your dog.
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6 months ago, Madison🦧
Getting a little skeptical over the years
We’ve been using fi collars for our 2 dogs for about 2-3 years now, my aunt also uses them for her two dogs and she was telling us to upgrade, and she was saying how amazing the new fi collars are, they are also WATER RESISTANT. We’ve just recently upgraded and I’m gonna be honest i don’t really know how i feel🫣we brought my one dog Maggie on a car ride and our other dog Molly stayed home, it said Molly came on the car ride with us, i checked and they were wearing the right collars so idk what that was all about. Besides that there’s just been a couple little here and there things but i do recommend this collar if you want to track your dogs sleep, and their steps. My other aunt used to use fi but she also experienced some problems and just didn’t wanna spend that much anymore which is 100% understandable. She just got an apple air tag and it tracks her dog perfectly, it doesn’t track his sleep or steps but it tells you exactly where he is which is very helpful.
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3 years ago, mich_h123
Lost Dog, Improvements Needed
I lost my dog and after seeing the full extent of the app, it needs improvements. I set it to lost dog mode and would get updates on her location but I would have to go back and forth from the app to gps to put in the location. By the time I did this and drove to her location she had already made a lot of ground and I could not catch up with her. There needs to be navigation within the app, or at least the ability to copy the address to paste it into google maps. Also, if you look at the website it says updates are much slower if you don’t have the app constantly open. This is impossible if I have to go in and out of the app to go to google maps. I spent 2 hours trying to track down my dog and then the collar went offline for 5 hours because it could not get signal. Finally when the signal came back on and my dog had settled somewhere in the middle of the night I was able to drive out and get her. Did it work? Yes. Did it work well? No, I wasted 7 hours, and in that time my dog could have been hit by a car.
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4 years ago, JaredKen
Peace of Mind
We’ve had to label one of our dogs an “escape hazard” since she ran away so much. She’d wiggle her way through cracks in the fence and just speed off. Oh, we think she’s faster than Usain Bolt. One evening after waking up from a nap, she was no where to be found. I looked and looked and looked and quickly realized one of my worst fears came to life: I have a lost dog. Thank God we eventually found her the same night!! We knew we had to do something about this. We scoured the web and evaluated maybe 5-7 comparable devices. We decided on Fi and are so glad we did! She’s run away a few more times but the GPS tracker helped big time. Concerns for the developers: -I wonder if this may just be a limitation of satellite GPS, but the collar’s location seems to jump from my house to the neighbors in a split second. -Would it be possible to draw the safe zone to actually conform to my home rather than just using an expanding circle zone? I believe Zillow uses this drawing on map technology for home searches.
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3 weeks ago, partycrashr
Fantastic product worth its weight in gold
I’ve had the Fi collar for my dog for about 4 years now, and just bought a second one for a new puppy. They are very easy to setup, up and running with minutes. It’s helped me find my escape artists every time. It’s very accurate and the geo fence alerts allow for fast notifications once it detects they leave. The battery life is amazing, lasts for about a month at a time, so you don’t have to worry about charging it constantly. It also tracks their steps, sleep, etc, so you can see how they are doing through the day as well. The collars are light weight and slim, so the dogs don’t mind them at all. Above all though, their customer service is the best in the business. Any time I’ve had an issue with one of their collars, I’ve been able to have it fixed or replaced with almost no push back. Hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made for my dogs.
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6 months ago, irritated_consumer
Latest App version crippled live tracking
I’ve had Fi for about 3 years now. It’s always been great, and would typically help me recover my dog in 5-10 minutes on the rare occasions she would get off the property by jumping the fence; well worth the initial investment. I even upgraded to the 3 last year because I liked the product that much. However, ever since they updated the app to the new style, live tracking in is almost nonexistent; especially in lost dog mode. The app takes several minutes to display the collar’s location (if at all), let alone updating it accurately. I experienced an issue this evening where my dog got out while I was home, and for 28 minutes it failed to connect, update location, or even show that my dog had even left the electronic boundary. It couldn’t even show the accurate location of the phone the app was operating on, and it was bouncing around a one mile radius, never once displaying my actual location until I made it back home. I love the idea, and the product, but you’ve made it effectively worthless due to lost dog mode failing to work now… please fix it
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3 years ago, imnotreallyscott
Not good.
Tried this. Not worth it yet. Maybe the technology is still in its infancy, I don’t know. When our dog got loose, we discovered the incredibly long 1 minute interval between GPS location pings. So our dog got to travel for an entire minute with us not knowing where he was headed. And that’s after it took 5 mins or so to recognize he wasn’t in the house anymore. I don’t need to know where my dog WAS 45 seconds ago. I need to know where he IS now. Maybe in the future they’ll devise a better solution. This wasn’t it for us. Maybe if your dog runs away and only ever goes to the same spot or sits around for 60 seconds at a time…maybe this is for you. And the customer service for Fi was pretty terrible. A guy named George was rather flippant with me and definitely didn’t represent this company well at all. We switched to Whistle (actually, per George’s suggestion) and it’s no better. The location is supposed to ping every 15 seconds (which is MUCH better) but we routinely go 5-10 mins with no location update. The Whistle App crashes or tells us it can’t connect to its server. So it’s not the solution either.
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5 years ago, pwcorgimom
I wouldn’t recommend this collar
I’m not going to return mine, but I wouldn’t recommend getting a Fi collar until this company works out all of their kinks. A couple weeks after I got these collars one of them just stopped working. This issue could have been resolved in a 10 minute phone call but you can only reach their customer service by email and it takes them 3-4 weekdays to respond. It took almost two months for them to send me a new collar, and they were still charging me for the GPS subscription that whole time. And when I asked them to deactivate the broken collar so I could add the replacement collar to my account, they deactivated my other dogs collar which was working perfectly fine. Then it took them over a week to activate it again. It was SUCH a mess. I tried to contact them through Instagram a few times during this whole thing and they always replied within an hour and told me to just email them. I think it’s funny how they are always active on social media but don’t spend any time helping their existing customers. I get that they’re a start up but there is no excuse for this. I think Fi has a lot of potential but they need to get their priorities straight.
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4 years ago, EllieZ123
The very best
The Fi collar takes away so much of the anxiety around leaving my pup behind when I leave for a trip or just for the day to go to work. My dog is free range on 20 acres of wooded land with a river running through it. He’s worn the collar every single day for the past year and it has held up remarkably well. When the collar recently started experiencing battery issues I reached out and as able to get a replacement within the week. Fi’s customer service is amazing and a huge perk of having this collar. I’ve been grateful for the Fi collar a hundred times over the past year but nothing compares to last week when my family was evacuated during the wildfires. There wasn’t a moment that I was worried I’d lose track of Roger and have to leave him behind. I’m so grateful for that peace of mind. I could not recommend this collar more. Great coverage, super useable app, best customer service. For realz, if you’re on the edge just go for it. The money is worth it.
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3 years ago, Ecbus
From Mediocre to Annoying to Terrible to Unethical
The collar started off fine. It wasn’t perfect but it was fine and seemed reliable such that we were confident we could use it to find our dog were he lost. Then the GPS became erratic with each new update and the battery started to drain in a matter of days. Fi made us run a number of tests and then told us it was our fault despite having changed NOTHING about how we use the collar. They also indicated they are keeping excessive amounts of personal information on their customers that their customers cannot see so their customers don’t know it exists. Instead of fixing any problem we raised, they sent links telling us to buy more of their products. Why would we buy more of a company’s products when the current product we have has stopped working properly and they won’t fix it? Are they that dense? They can’t provide the service they set themselves out to, but instead are using it to sell their customers personal data to data brokers, and use upgrades to expire the products they sell to make customers have to buy more of their junk. Unethical company in summary.
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2 years ago, AlexMamut
Horrible service
They taught the gps plan as optional but it very much isn’t. In order to see your past activity you need a gps plan even though the data has already been recorded! They are just keeping the data they have from you in order for you to get the gps plan! Also in order to get a notification that your dog has exited the safe zone you also need gps plan. It would have been nice to optionally get a notification if your base station can’t find the collar in range if no gps plan is enabled. I’m not a huge fan of having a cellular transmitter on 24 hours a day next to my dogs head which is why I just wanted to use the Bluetooth and base station functionality. The app itself isn’t good either. You need to keep location services on “Always” in order for the app to allow you to use it. I enabled “Only when using app” and it locked me out telling me to enable “Always”. Expect your battery to be drained much faster using the app since it’s a huge drain and is always tracking your location! Then their main website says the trial is risk free when it very much isn’t. You need to pay the return shipping.
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5 years ago, bluestyle18
Simple & easy to use, needs better accuracy at times
This collar is an awesome system and the physical device works well, has a long battery life and it’s easy to set up. My main issue is that the gps doesn’t seem to consistently sync in real time every few seconds. It seems to sync or ping the location every 1-2mins which is a long time if you’re walking your dog or if the dog has gotten loose (a lot of ground can be covered in that time). The collar light works well, the step count works well. I would love for it to include distance covered 24/7 including indoors but I realize that’s most likely not possible. This collar is the best out there but it does need its gos to sync in real-time, no delays and they should probably work on testing it in cloudy or rainy weather too. A few times it’s said the gps can’t find my dog Harley or that she’s away from home when it’s been cloudy outside. Seems like cloudy weather can sporadically cause it to not sync as well as it typically does. Overall I’d recommend this product as it’s better then the rest and it’s better than nothing
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2 years ago, xtrmtrk
Was hoping for better tracking
I realize that the main purpose of the Fi collar is to help find a lost dog. But I had really hoped it would be better at tracking my dog’s activity. There are several areas I wish were better: 1) We do a lot of hiking and walking. I’d love to see a more precise measure of the distance my dog has travelled. I believe the given distances are the measurements of how far my phone has travelled. Believe me, my dog probably walks double that. 2) I wish the system worked better outside of cell phone reception. When your collar and phone can not connect to a cell network (such as in our local National Forests) the data collected is very spotty. I think (not 100% sure) that the number of steps are collected, but nothing else is. I’d love to know where and how far we hiked. Collecting GPS points periodically, ideally on the collar but more likely in the app, then later synced with the server would be ideal. 3) The app (service?) does a poor job of determining when we’re beginning and ending a walk. If we stop along the way to have a chat with a neighbor or enjoy the view, the walk is broken into separate segments. The heuristics for determining walk begin and end could be much better. To be fair, the collar and app do a good job of helping prevent a lost dog and then finding it. But it seems like the hardware and information are there to do a whole lot more.
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5 years ago, mitchero
Better than nothing
Look I’ve done extensive research between all of the gps collars out there. Fi is better than all of them. The problem is it’s still not great. In lost dog mode it is not a “real time view” of where your furry friend is. It updates every minute. That is a LOT of ground your pup can cover in that amount of time. And the live agent line is sub par at best. They took 5 min to call me back and all she did was tell me where he was as if she was reading the app over my shoulder. That being said she was pretty much there for “moral support” so I would call it pointless. The app sends me random MULTIPLE notifications of my pup leaving and returning home...all while he’s snoozing on the couch. And if we do leave the house/safe zone, same thing, constant notifications. I sure do hope they DRASTICALLY overhaul this software and actually give live updates like they said but as for right now 2 things: 1 the battery life is actually accurate and lasts a long time. 2 Fi is better than nothing even though it’s got a long way to go.
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9 months ago, MsKEiley
No support
I purchased the Series 3 in May 2023. It worked well until I noticed that my dog’s steps were not being captured accurately. After upgrading my membership in order to get support, I still had to wait 3 days for someone to contact me. The agent was nice and helpful however I requested a cancellation of the upgraded membership and it was done. Here we are 6 months later and I am unable to access my account from the app because/and my dog’s collar will not connect to the base. 3 days of waiting for support and no response. We just got a new puppy and now I’m torn between looking to a new product all together for both dogs but I am still unable to cancel my subscription nor add a new collar because I can’t access the app. This is a total SCAM as far as I’m concerned. Do yourself a favor, do some research and make sure that the product that you go with offers real support when something DOES go wrong. You are paying for the service after all. I would not recommend this product and will be sure to let my friends and family know about my experience as well.
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3 years ago, JRMWork
Very intrusive on a users device
While the application and collar seems to work ok it is a very intrusive application. If you unplug the charging base you get a notification, if you close the application you get a notification, if you don’t have your device set to always allow tracking you get a notification. I am wondering if this is used more to track owner location instead of our dogs location. In addition, if you do not subscribe to a GPS plan it doesn’t do a very good job of tracking the dogs distance (no idea if the step count is correct or not but distance is always off, especially if you don’t walk in a loop and have overlap). I know this because I track my distance using my Apple Watch and so far it has been 100% different then the collars distance. We only use the collar when we take the dog on walks now and I am about ready to discontinue use if the app doesn’t stop requiring full tracking. I am really glad I got this on sale at Christmas, $50 was plenty for this collar with its current configuration.
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8 months ago, Juanshaw
Do not buy this
I’ve had this for two years now because I got the two-year subscription should’ve just got the one year, the first year it was OK I did lose my dog once and the app did not update until I found her which was very annoying since I got the five collards to make sure I know where she is all the time. They did come out with the fi collar 2.0. it was a smaller design but I will say my dog likes to go in the water a lot in the fi COLLAR 2.0 wasn’t able to make it, and I had to get replacement twice as for the FI collar 2.0 it has bad tracking whenever I’m on a walk. It will say I’m finished even though I’m halfway done or if I drive to a walk it will sometimes still say I’m home and will not pick up the walk I’ve also had it say that my dog has left the house 20 times in a span of five minutes even though she’s right next to me and it’s strange because either very late at night like 3 AM or it’s very early in the morning so I do have to turn off my notifications because it is annoying
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11 months ago, Mark Smithsonian
Do not use this app
I have had this app for 4 months. When I needed it the most, when my dog got lost, it didn't work, location kept showing coordinates several hours in the past. I kept rechecking with no success. This was in a full coverage area nonetheless, I was able to use data on my cell at all times with no issue. I specify this because they claim it's because the collar didn't have coverage, but I find that hard to believe. On top of it, there is a restrictive 6 month commitment contract they lock you in. I am trying to get out of it for the last week, citing the above, and the support team keeps giving me the run around and asking me to test this app with them some more, maybe I'll like it. I keep telling them I just want to stop paying for something that clearly doesn't work when you need it the most. Basically I am a paying customer that expects the service I pay for to work, and when it doesn't, they don't want to cancel the contract. So my recommendation for you folks is to not repeat my mistake and find something better.
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