GETTR - A Marketplace of Ideas

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5 months ago
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15.6 or later
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User Reviews for GETTR - A Marketplace of Ideas

4.23 out of 5
23.9K Ratings
3 years ago, trebasaurus rex
Decent app so far
I remember when Twitter first started as well as many others, it starts rough, same as this one. It’s getting faster and easier to use, I was dismayed about not being able to say some words (being free speech and all) but never censoring my ideas or condemning my beliefs. I’ve seen a few kicked for posting porn and whatnot, but we all know you can’t have that on a platform like this. I’m looking forward to notifications, the process is kind of a pain as it stands and would like the app to open up to my profile and responses instead of just a feed, to which I never see anyone but whom I’ve followed, suggestions might be a good idea for connecting like minded people or however that crap works. Overall I think it’s in the right direction and am hoping to see a more diverse conversation in the future.
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3 years ago, Pkellyshock
Very shady
First off let me tell you it’s not a bad platform and I do like that you can have free speech without being shadow ban or censored but in the process of signing up I was told if I give over all my privileged information I would get a little red V next to my name verifying that my account is real because I proved I was a real human being so I went through the whole process gave over all my privileged information to this company and no V. so I’ll iMessage to the company and said I am just wondering when you’re going to put the little verification symbol next to my name after giving you my privileged information and they told me oh that little verification is only for community influencers… Now when I first signed up I was told the verification simple as verification that you’re not a bot you’re not an algorithm you’re not a computer program acting as a human being so I gave her all my privileged information to get that verification now the story has changed and it’s too late because I already gave them all my privileged information which I also let them know to cease and desist immediately selling any of my privileged information to any other company for marketing use. It’s really unbelievable when a company just screws you over like that how can you continue using it In good faith after they said you’ll get a verification after you give us your privileged information proving you’re a human being well I did that and then the story changed why is that?
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2 years ago, eric oyen
accessibility issues make this client hard to use for the blind.
there are some accessibility issues on this client that make it extremely difficult for a blind user to use with a screen reader on an iPhone. In specific, some of the buttons don’t function correctly, or at all. Also, some of the buttons appeared be either unlabeled or mislabeled (and this blind user can’t easily determine which). Also, some of the pains appear to be inaccessible or invisible. Namely, the feed which won’t even allow me to see it because the entire continent pain appears to be in visible to the screen reader at this time. It wasn’t last night, but now it is. I do not know what’s going on, and I really wish you guys would do a little w research into this. Honestly, if you want Twitter like functionality, you’re gonna have to do better than this! At least they manage to get accessibility right, but it took a bunch of lawyers and a whole lot of time before they got the hint. Honestly, I don’t wanna see that type of action here, I just wanted to see the same results without all the histrionics! So, get a couple of developers in who understand accessibility issues (specifically both blind and deaf), and see if you can’t get a few changes made! Otherwise, I’m not going to be very much on this client all that much if I can’t even read some of the posts.
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2 years ago, JakeAVInAction
Live Stream needs work
I love GETTR but there a couple of things that could be improved. I listen to live streams all day while I am working and my hands are busy so it is annoying when I have to pick up my phone constantly. Whenever I get a phone call, the live stream stops (as it should) but when I get off the phone I have to pick up my phone, open the app again and hit play again rather than being able to hit play via my headset like I can do on other apps. Being able to control that function with my headset would be extremely useful as I run a business and get phone calls constantly. Also, under a recent update, something changed to where I have to have my screen open and the GETTR app pulled up for the live stream to continue playing where as it use to be, I could lock my screen, put my phone in my pocket before, and the live stream would still play. Since the live streaming function is the primary reason I use GETTR on a daily basis, this function is making me rethink using it. It would be great if these things could be changed. I would enjoy this app much more that way.
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3 years ago, max13829
GETTR truly is a pretty clean and aesthetically pleasing social media app. Your feed is pleasant looking, your posts use the same format we are all accustomed to, but it has been bombarded by political opponents and straight up trolls who seek to destroy the very reputation of the app. Flashback to when Donald Trump made his own organizing app during his campaign years, the ratings were bombarded by straight up liars and people who put one stars along with simply an insult towards the President. The app has had huge success in its beginning days, with technical difficulties always a problem for any technology company. Remember Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat all were completely different when they first started up, with constant updates designed to make the apps more efficient and more aesthetically pleasing. GETTR is in the beginning phases, where social media monopolies once were. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING, GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. Absolute great app and really excited for what’s to come!
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3 years ago, normbal
How do I get a red check? And LANDSCAPE display on iPad?
Frustrating on both counts. No, I’m not a YUGE Hollyweird insider turned patriot, nor any of the other most favored “influencers” but I’ve been using the site since day ONE (actually before it opened for general use) and still no red check. So I LOOK like any of the myriad leftist antifoid, blm terrorist crowd who come on board just to disrupt civil conversation with mindless parroting of hate speech targeting patriots. Come on, man… Second, and this is a big issue for me, I use an iPad w/ keyboard and the ONY way GETTR will display is in portrait (iPad on short edge) while the keyboard requires landscape (long edge down). A simple fix, even Jacks’ twits and Zuckerface’s ‘bots could do many years ago. So I really don’t use the app as much as I might. Looking forward to some changes. 1-2-22: well, they fixed that. Now maybe they can fix the insert photo function. I tap the icon and it says “RECENTS” and they’re anything but. Last week’s pic is buried 500 deep and all kindsa pics from 3 years ago are randomly placed. That’s weird. STILL can’t figure out how to get verified
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2 years ago, TBobo
Has technical Issues they are not fixing
Deleted the app. Using website instead, app text editing is HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. Language preference is English. I get constant Chinese feeds. The text editing is awful. Simple things like holding down the delete key does not work to delete multiple letters. Instead you have to press it again and again. Then you often get double letters when you are not intending to. I do a ton of typing on my iPad. This is not user error. This is something stupid they have done with the text field to allow them to display character count as you type. They need to use a standard xCode text editing field and figure out some other way to count characters dynamically. The current text editing is nothing less than horrible. And yes, they need to allow you to edit a post after posting, especially if it is just right after you hit submit and it has no interactions yet. The fact that you have to delete it and start over is just bad programming, there is no good reason for it. Another big issue is trying to paste a link into the text edit field. Works about 1/4 of the time.
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2 years ago, PNW mtbiker
Just know what you are on this platform
We all want to be “real” some are capable of being real but not wanting to give your name or your picture. You can easily spot the bots and fake profiles. They are very good at getting after them and deleting them. But know this, you will not be verified as real unless you bring 20,000 followers with you. Or you represent a business. Otherwise? You are noise at the bottom of the sea. You don’t matter, and it is very difficult to really have a conversation. If you decide to allow notifications you will certainly receive all of the “follow this person now” notifications. Not all are worth the follow but hey? They brought 20,000 people from twitter' so they matter. But not joe public….not so much….it’s a good platform but just don’t expect to matter unless you can meet their bar. And Please! Trust but verify what you read. There are those verified that do not provide context leading you to make inaccurate assumptions. Trust but verify anything you read.
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3 years ago, cokathleen
I’m an early adopter of GETTR and really love how this app has evolved and the Community grown. I’m impressed with how Jason Miller has been so active in growing the community not only nation-wide, but throughout the world. There is a good reason why GETTR is the #1 social media app today. GETTR doesn’t have the fake fact checkers overlaying comments on your posts. GETTR doesn’t censor you. Well, not without a very good and moral reason. Twitter is host to terrorists and will permanently ban a populous President. Twitter also hosts porn content providers and some of the nastiest people in politics, yet they will permanently ban politicians speaking truth to power. I say a permanent no thanks to the Twitter cesspool. GETTR is better in every way! As Twitter continues banning people daring to speak truth to power, they will continue to flock to GETTR. At some point Twitter will eat there own and just die from the poison. Come to GETTR all you good and freedom loving people.
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3 years ago, DM Viscount Premier Werktherly
Smooth Launch, but I’m just a little confused
It’s nicely designed and easy to use. The UI/UX is navigated effortlessly. And I’m not going to knock any small things like verification emails being delayed. I expect that, it’s brand new. As far as launch goes, they easily get an A- What I will knock it for is that it’s basically a twitter clone. And that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. But I’m a little confused as to why this standalone app needed to be made at all. Hear me out, between Pleroma or Mastodon a feature rich environment awaits. It performs/behaves just like twitter. You’re instantly linked to the rest of the Fediverse. The core audience already exists online in segregated pockets. And this app doesn’t solve this problem. It just becomes another pocket. Whereas the Fediverse connects you to everyone and it all goes into a public feed across many instances. I’m also starting to see profiles be suspended. Now, I understand 99% of the ones I’ve seen banned. But there are very tame people that have been suspended as well. And it’s brand new. Lastly, these environments draw unsavory characters. A good chunk of accounts on platforms like this wind up being users claiming to be someone they aren’t. So they should’ve been ready to verify users immediately. I’ve made an account but I’m not sure I’ll use it. I find the Fediverse and Telegram much better, solely based on exposure and exchange of information.
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3 years ago, GuitarsDC80
Not ready for production
Upon launching the app, the Gettr logo sluggishly appears on screen and stares back at you for what feels like an eternity. Eventually, the logo fades away and you are left with nothing but a navy background for what in fact is an eternity. My first 10 attempts of using the application ending the same. A good mobile app flashes logo just long enough to flash the brand, fading as quickly as it appeared. The experience with gettr was 10+ seconds for the logo to come and go, followed by minutes of nothing until patience is lost. Is this a load issue or the inevitable fate of amateur programming? If the login form, a page that does no heavy lifting, struggles this much, I can only imagine the experience awaiting us on the other side of the gate. Tbr user experience lacks any visual cues as to what is transpiring, leaving you to force quit the app and repeat the same steps hoping for a different outcome. As we all know, isn't this the definition of insanity? Tldr; you will wonder how this is even passed apples approval process.
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3 years ago, MarissaRushing
GETTR is refreshing
I’ve heard many call GETTR a safe space for conservatives. It’s not. Why? Because you, someone who isn’t conservative, is allowed to post here. You can have your difference of opinion without being censored. You can even get away with calling someone names. On Twitter, Conservatives are often censored for having opposing views, Christian views, or for liking content that’s mostly conservative. A Conservative could be harassed or verbally abused without anything happening to the person doing it. If a conservative fights back, they’re censored. A safe space is a space created for group thinkers only. You’re not allowed to have opposing views. I would like to see more opposing views that are willing to openly engage in debate instead of Trump hate meme talk.
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3 years ago, Maramoo~
Could have been better
Now trust me, I have quite a few apps on my phone and many help me connect with family and friends, this app isn’t one of them sadly. Let’s start off with the obvious: Notifications. If you chat with someone or comment on their post, you’re not told whether they commented back or liked your response which makes it difficult to have conversations. It forces you to look back in your replies and individually go through your own posts just to see what someone has said which is tedious and unnecessary. I’ve also been spammed by a bot and somehow after two reports, I am still getting spammed and this bot account has already gained followers. If you report an account, you will never be told if any action has been taken or if it even has reached moderation. This app lacks a lot and feel rushed out, how am I supposed to talk to people if half of the app seems unfinished and unusable? Please do better and please update the app to have notifications!
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1 year ago, GOPHER PATRIOT
Anti Communist is the name of the game Brother!!!
Not enough stark comments and reminders of what the Communist end game is by the media! We need to Stop the ‘business of usual’ approach to communist history and recent events. Take the Apple factory in China for example!!! Or what really happened to the vote Where do you think those brave protesters are going given the fact the CCP killed millions and will kill millions more. Lost your righteous anger in a cup of coffee? For example: Brother, communism used to be outlawed- why not now. Soros operates freely here - why? It’s not just people like Hobbs who decided to cheat one day. It would be easy to rid ourselves of them! Too bad, history, reading, and situational awareness is beyond the capacity of so many Americans!! Too bad for words!!
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3 years ago, Figmo the great and powerful
App looks like it was written by a child!
1. Only supports portrait mode, not landscape. You can’t hold your device sideways and use it. My iPad is mounted on a stand. While I can rotate it - I use it exclusively in landscape mode throughout the day. So having to rotate it on the stand every time I want to use GETTR and then back when I’m done would be more effort than it’s worth. 2. When using a Bluetooth keyboard - typing yields double, triple (and more) bounces of the keystrokes. It’s not my keyboard - I have used this same hardware on multiple apps for several hours a day - every day for the past year. And I have NEVER seen this behavior until I tried using GETTR. In fact, I have typed this entire review without a single “double bounced” key. Yet just logging in to GETTR I have to restrict my typing to about 1 character every second or so or else it gives me “muulllltttiiiiipppplllllllle” characters as I type. I cancelled my Facebook account a few years ago and switched to MeWe. MeWe is “acceptable” but I was looking for a new social media app to try out. Guess I’ll just have to stay over there for now until GETTR hires some grownups to redesign their mobile app. If all you use is a phone, held upright and type with the on-screen keyboard…who knows? Maybe GETTR might be OK for you. For for everybody else? IT’S UNUSABLE!!!
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3 years ago, Helovsu
I love GETTR!
Gettr is the app I go to for everything. The first app. In the past, I always went to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but over a year ago I quit every one of those platforms when they deplatformed our great President Trump and Mike Lindel. I guess Mike is still on Facebook when they allow it, operative words, “when they allow it. “ I might go back one day just to tell them to F off. But remember I deplatformed them! Gettr is really easy to use. I love “diamond and silk! “ Go there first! More and more people are joining every day, people that we know and that is a lot of great fun. I happen to love politics. If not for politics “right now “ our country would be destroyed. Thank you for being thereGETTR..
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Overall being sold to have free speech again is great. I know this app is still pretty new but trying to change my profile pic is impossible. Last time a tried it would only select some photos from my library but not others. This time I tried clicking on every picture in my library but it wouldn’t check mark the picture.. I still can’t change my picture. It would be cool to have a different part of the app where you could view short videos like TikTok. I like how it kinda resembles Twitter but to add the fun parts of other apps but in their own way would be cool too. Kind of feels like moving backwards with this app.
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3 years ago, cmhall8
Solid app
For a v. 1 release this is a very solid app. The negative reviews you see here are politically inspired, which is manifested in the community as well. Many of the posts within the appear to be from sources limited by a double-digit IQ. But freedom of speech isn’t free, and this is a small cost for having a platform not controlled by Big Brother. At the launch, the content of the posts seem to reflect the divide between the left and right in our country, but it is my hope that in time more voices of reason will emerge and promote respectful discussions within a marketplace of ideas, where ultimately the best ideas will be able to stand on their own without biased influence.
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1 year ago, AFRguy
Verification Process Questionable
Gettr advertises a verification, “V” symbol, that can be granted so others know an account is authentic. The process requires submission of personal information and then grants the symbol upon approval within one to three days. I submitted complete and fully accurate verification information twice in a two week period with no status update. There are other reviewers who raise the same concern after having waited much longer. My confidence in Gettr has waned over this issue to the point I’m not sure I can fully trust Gettr. I want to believe in Gettr because Americans need a platform it can trust and rely upon. At the moment it appears the Gettr verification process serves as an enticement to acquire personal information, possibly for unstated purposes. Verification status should be granted to those who are entitled “as advertised”. Gettr still has yet to contact me as of the date of this post.
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1 year ago, BigCheesier
Definitely my favorite app but it lacks in the area of video time in minutes. You can only post 3 minute videos while other apps are set up for longer videos for sharing. The number of characters only goes to 777, when a lot of the messages I want to share are far larger than that. I’ve had to trim them down or just cancel the post altogether. Example, the message cannot be trimmed down from its original 1500 characters to the 777 characters and not lose the core of the message. Fix those problems and this is easily a five star app 🙏❤️💫
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3 years ago, LeszekKorgul
Yuuuuuuup! This app or 90% of the top voices aren’t the people they want you to believe. Most just shill and grift for your money. Free Speech is not home here nor is this the future or replacement for Twitter/Facebook. The revolution in Social Media will not be found here! This is the marketplace of ideas that are taken out behind the shed to be put out of their misery. The future is in Decentralized Social Media Platforms and Web 3.0! You cannot and will not be censored if it on the blockchain and everyone owns it, not just the rich and powerful. Soon, we the people will finally become the king makers. No one will own us and dissenters Left and Right will have equal footing. When the world sees what they have done through censorship, things will turn. PS - Even without all the grifting and shills, this app still stinks. Amateur cash grab. Buyers beware! What are you selling to get something for free?
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3 years ago, Golgollff
Best media site for
Can feel safe while posting and not worrying you will be kicked off for biased reasons or party affiliation and still hold up the integrity of FCC to hold someone accountable to be flagged or suspended when it comes to posting, fowl laughable, nudity, terrorist activities and anything harmful, etc. The perfect place to speak your mind and not have to worry about a party affiliation. But yet they are responsible enough to uphold strict rules above of broken. There is a small kinks tho (ex: few emoji’s aren’t coded in) but I would be at the next version it will be fixed. But if I can label it as a simple sentence. I would call it American’s great Twitter reset
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1 year ago, DurableSlate
Great App
So far so good. A few things, my feed shows repeat posts from the same people over and over again, it would be nice if the feed were more diverse. Second thing we need to move up to three minute videos, one minute is just not enough . Tick-tock is already up to 10 minute videos. Much better than Twitter has ever been. More characters, easier to use. I do wish they would allow the copy paste feature for people who like to share important messages and I really do wish they would add friends and groups so we can get off of FakeBook.
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3 years ago, QBVII
Great App!
Great application, and for many reasons. It is understood that there are still ‘kinks’ to be worked out, but it is also understood that they ARE being worked out. I’d like the ability to block more users per day, but I’m not complaining. It is clear that the app is being targeted by a plethora of deluded miscreants from the Left, but they are easy to identify and to block - anyone that suggests a “regeet”, is suspect. Since stupidity is incurable, the stupid will eventually be blocked into extinction by those who maintain the ability to critically think. If you are offended by this review, you ARE the stupid. Thank you.
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3 years ago, J0Nco
Great App! (Left trying to Attack Ratings)
The GETTR app works well and has a verification process… which is necessary since leftist Trolls have been creating fake accounts to violate decency laws and give it low ratings to sabotage the app before it has a chance to take off. Despite their efforts it’s been the fastest growth for a social media app EVER! GETTR staff are working through the verification process as fast as they can. Make sure you doublecheck accounts as you add them. Trolls have also created fake accounts for conservative personalities to sabotage them as well. Great work on the improved features for sharing GETTR!
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1 year ago, Aqifeiyi007
Gettr, a great platform leading you to the truth!
Although Gettr is only less than two years old, and there are many functions that need to be improved, it has become my only place to go through the real news and express my thoughts without the fear being censored. I am the citizen of New Federal State of China and one of the followers of Mr. Miles Guo. I’d tell you that Miles Guo is innocent. It is the black hands controlled by the Chinese communist party hidden in the DOJ, SEC and FBI who put him into jail. Mr. Miles Guo is the hero of both Chinese and American people. Join us on Gettr to save Miles, save America! Take down the CCP! Free Miles Guo!
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3 years ago, Aaron Putnam
Just knowing you won’t be censored is worth everything.
I’m sure these 1-star reviews are from competitors and far-left big pharma phonies trying to do the same thing they did with Parler. This app is great and the user interface is so easy to use. It’s simple, effective, and I don’t have to worry about being censored. It’s simple to share, view, and post media and easy to find whatever you’re looking for. Even posting links to in app content outside of the app is simple. It’s a practical version of Twitter without censorship and that’s worth everything!
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1 year ago, 00_jackie
Lots of glitches. Feed is super short, “end” appears quickly. Very frustrating since you can’t go back to find something from earlier in the day. Popular User follow recommendations are mostly ppl who haven’t posted in a year or more. I’ve noticed a lot of ppl create accounts but don’t stay on the platform. Lots of spam/scam accounts but their support is excellent and quick to remove the accounts when reported. Interaction by other users is terrible, may be b/c the feed ends quickly. Most ppl want to only post trains and memes. The platform isn’t as good as it originally was. I use it only b/c I’m still banned from twitter, but don’t spend much time on it anymore.
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2 years ago, HomeisJax
I’m with PKellyShock
After being told what steps to take in order to get the red verification V next to my name~I complied. I handed over personal info I wouldn’t have otherwise. I don’t like the bait and switch stuff; it makes me wonder what other shady underhanded stuff “watch the right hand so not to see what the left hand’s doing” is going on. To some ppl, their word is their bond, to others~I reckon it’s not; I reckon they’re just words! Doesn’t matter at this point, they already received all of my personal info and all for naught~on my end! It’s a shame, too, bc other than that info grab bait and switch (and it’s a big one) and the bombardment of ppl that don’t speak English adding you, it’s a solid social media app!! I guess we can’t have it all…huh!?!
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5 months ago, Metallicdinosaur
As bad as Facebook
In GETTRs own description it states: “ ESCAPE CANCEL CULTURE - GETTR will never suspend, deplatform, or censor you for your views. Protecting your ability to speak freely and have your voice heard is our top priority!” This is a lie because they will delete any pose or photo that THEY don’t like or agree with. I’ve used GETTR for a while now and it has gotten to the point where you cannot speak freely without your post getting taken down. I’ve seen numerous people come on gettr and discuss about how they got their account suspended for no reason. Also the DMs are no longer available. This app is becoming more like Facebook and it’s left leaning ideology every single day. If you want to download it, go ahead but be warned that it’ll only be a matter of time before you notice your post being removed.
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3 years ago, ApplePie248$
Social Media Freedom
GETTR continues to get better and better. The price of free speech is dealing with the trolls who will try to push those limits and GETTR is great at allowing the conversations to continue. Debate is messy and neither side is ever completely right. However other social media platforms clearly have biases to one side and they punish opposing views. Since deleting Twitter and Facebook in 8/21 I have been enjoying new found enjoyment in GETTR again that Twitter used to have before DJT broke into their minds and moved in for permanent residency there. Congratulations GETTR on all your success and may everyone follow Joe Rogan there.
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3 years ago, Addiarmadar
In App Store/Google promotes = No free Speech
I don’t care who makes the app, if it’s on the App Store then it’s being subjected to the communist lefty censorship policies that China and the sellouts in the US force Apple to do. When you do a google search for gab google promotes GETTR. GETTR has your typical ambiguous “Hate Speech” policy in their ToC that just means hate speech = any time the left is proven wrong you could get struck at will. Already seeing accounts being banned on the first day so don’t be fooled. Wouldn’t put it past me this app is just another data farm for RINO oligarchs like Parler ended up. Get GAB peeps. This service CANNOT be trusted as long as it’s still in the App Store! Censorship IS HAPPENING! Oligarchs again are trying to control what you think.
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2 years ago, Toni Mascherin
Always Improving
GETTR continues to improve its features and usability. Many top journalists, thought leaders ad influencers post regularly. I go here as a daily source of news and podcasts. My only complaint is to the masses of people who still stick with FakeBook, Twitter and other traditional platforms. Until the masses move to GETTR, Truth Social and other new, uncensored platforms, it will be difficult to use these platforms as a means to communicate to organize local events and election activities. Get with it people. Quit contributing to your own CIA dossier! Quit being silenced!
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3 years ago, Mikeymx5
It is new but a good start
Needs more filters as many of the users have joined and are spamming hashtags causing the news feed to be useless. If a account it blocked that’s probably why. Almost all the negative reviews should have account suspended as they are false and lies. The service started july1 and hasn’t even had time to fill will content. In fact most of what I see are people that join just to spam the service. I really hope they will improve the registration process in the future to stop these spammers.
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3 years ago, Anonymous27272
Better Than The Competition
Get this wonderful app. Ignore all the 1 and 2 ratings, as well as most of the “3” ratings as well. From what I’ve read of those posted they are either trolls or bots. GETTR is fantastic. It’s easier to get started, use, and maneuver. The tools are simple and similar to its major competitor (that liberal haven for the unimaginative and easily manipulated). It’s easy to build an audience and find people to follow. The community it diverse and eager to engage is open minded, serious discussions without the rancor and trolls found with the competition.
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2 years ago, Six Pack Johnny
At first I thought it was true free-speech and I was able to say anything but recently Joe Biden appointed a homosexual Satanist to his cabinet to be the head of the monkeypox virus and I made a comment on my own page and use the term derogatory towards homosexual‘s and use the term Satanist and it would not allow me to post it. After multiple tries about to give up I switched out the letter O for the number zero and was able to post the comment which proved to me they were censoring certain words which proves the Gettr is still not a free-speech platform and still sensors certain words to protect certain people and certain groups, and still being sensitive towards certain people as to not offend people and that is caving to liberalism ideology! shame on you Jason Miller in DC!!
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3 years ago, Rh0ads
Decent alternative to Twitter with some dumb quirks they added.
This is a pretty well functioning app, with a great community. However, a recent update added a freaking notification every single time you click a link to an external news article. Other alternatives like Twitter and Gab don't do this and it’s extremely annoying. As someone who gets much of my news from links posted in social media it’s annoying to have to click a pop up notification EVERY SINGLE TIME I click on a news link with no option to disable it. Please don’t insult the intelligence of your users and assume they don’t know they are clicking an external link. GETTR team, please change this.
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3 years ago, LexElle
Massive privacy, and less censorship
Got the love an app that doesn’t track every darn thing you do! Like any true free speech environment, you have to do your own research and shouldn’t take anything you read online at its face value. However, I appreciate a fully free speech environment, and would not want to have some other company decide what I can and cannot read/consume. UI is fine, typical for most social media. Would love to see verified accounts for everyone possible so that we can account for opinions and such.
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3 years ago, Biggiomgs224+
Ask the friends to go to the Apple store to Gettr app by 5 stars or 4 stars, and give a rating! A lot of five brush at home and abroad, and put a long bad review, so that our rating has slipped to 3.6! Not only to star, but also write a certain number of words praise, put the overall data up, this is essential for Gettr, low scores will give future users a sense of cheap, lose a large number of potential users, Damage brand image, we move your fingers, an account can repeatedly brush star comments. 🙏🙏🙏
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3 years ago, Consumer App Reviews
Sloppy seconds?? I’ll take it…
When Twitter started banning people for posting a screen pic of the CDC’s own data, I knew it was time to jump ship. I don’t care if you are a republican or democrat, censorship at this level is scary. I understand that there is a lot of misinformation out there, but that even includes the media at times. I didn’t join Gettr to be surrounded by people wearing red hats. I got on this platform because I know they won’t silence truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, in any form, but I’ll take it over lies and censorship.
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10 months ago, Saltwateranglin
Stop with the constant updates already!
Getter is a great platform but they have this extremely annoying habit of updating the site about every day or two. I have never seen any website do this as frequently as they do. It drives me nuts and I am sick of it. They just say fixing bugs etc. but exactly what they are doing is becoming suspect. I hope they get it together and do it maybe once a month at most. I’m about ready to leave and go to Truth exclusively if it continues.
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3 years ago, OfficialTekoNeko
Freedom of Speech requires responsibilities not freedom to bully and harrass
One of my friend’s got bullied about some idiot on this app posting my friend’s TikTok vid about my friend’s pronouns and all and the people commenting on them were right wingers and white supremacists bullying them and harrassing them because of their pronouns. Now if that’s part of freedom of speech then those people are responsible for their actions then. Pros and cons of freedom of speech: Pros: It rotects each of us from the influence of special interests. It eliminates compelled actions. It promotes the free exchange of ideas. It can expose immoral or unlawful activities. It prevents the requirement to behave specific ways. It advances knowledge for a society. It allows for peaceful changes in society. It gives us an opportunity to challenge hate. It creates resiliency. Cons: It doesn’t mean the freedom to have “all” speech. It can spread false information. It can incite violence against other people. It creates a paradox. It can create a mob mentality. It can cause people to endure verbal abuse. will eventually polarize society. It reduces the desire to compromise. So yeah, responsibilities is key on freedom of speech.
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3 years ago, DigitalBrowser
Can’t open links in the iOS mobile app
The website is great with full functionality. However, I am on my phone app much more than on my laptop. Ever since launch of the app you have not had the ability to launch links from the mobile app. This functionality is greatly needed which is why I gave 3 stars. I have posted this issue to Gettr support within the app a couple times but never get a response. I guess I will stick with Gab or start a Telegram account. I was really looking forward to this app being better. It has potential but not there yet in my opinion.
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3 years ago, ThatThorGuy
Worse than Twitter
First, there is no delete account link. They will not let you cancel your account or delete the account for you. Apple needs to remove this app from the App Store until they give the user the ability to delete their accounts. The filth on this site is atrocious. It is far worse than Twitter. I don’t want to be associated with the content on the app. There are no notifications, you can not interact with one another. The app is funded by a Chinese billionaire, look it up. They outsource their support. Only verified accounts show up first for hashtags. They shadow-ban. This app is a complete and hypocritical failure. APPLE, WE WANT THIS APP REMOVED UNTIL GETTR STOPS INFLATING THEIR USER BASE BY NOT ALLOWING USERS TO REMOVE THEIR ACCOUNTS. I WANT MY ACCOUNT REMOVED FROM GETTR! WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING THIS?
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3 years ago, Deplorable44567189
1st Ammendment
Great app, easy to use, and welcomes the opinion of all Americans. It is predominantly one point of view right now, but that’s because other intolerant racist platforms that don’t believe in our constitution or country ban certain speech in an effort to silence. It would be nice to see a balance of views, to see snarky and sarcastic comments change and become a dialogue. It would be nice to see a civil public discourse where intelligent people can agree to disagree while maintaining a level of respect.
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3 years ago, Truthteller factfinder Jenna
I have always thought “TWIT”-ter and fakebook were bias and corrupt. I’ve watched terrorists accounts on them, paedofiles, communist leaders use those two useless platforms, but they always remove the honesty about what’s really going on in America! Twit and fakebook push outrageous claims like “ the science” not actual science… GETTR is a far better platform. Your not censored or removed or in jail for telling the truth! It’s great! Every one is like minded. So many more people than on the other two. Oh! And insta-ham= (instagram) is lame as well!
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1 year ago, Reader Almar
I was thrilled when the app, after months of refusing to flip screen to horizontal view for no apparent reason (and no I don’t have screen lock on), suddenly started flipping horizontal again. I wondered why. Then I did the update today. Regret! Now the screen won’t turn horizontal again. Watching interviews is pitiful in vertical screen viewing. Can you please fix this once and for all. Watching podcasts was a reason to go to GETTR. W/o horizontal viewing, I might as well go back to podcast apps. Thanks for your efforts!
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2 years ago, Gil Roberts
5-Star or 1-Star, up to you.
I could opine on how awesome the technology that’s going into this app given that is only about a year old. But I won’t because you don’t care about that. If you receive your thoughts from legacy media and require a safe space upon hearing a differing opinion - this is a 1-Star app for you. If you’re a rational Human being looking for “the rest of the story” or feel there something bigger going on - this will be a 5-Star app for you.
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Trolls Myst Be Removed
Love GETTR because it is exactly what we the Patriots wanted and needed. Please be vigile with the Trolls. This is not the place for them. We want to exchange our thoughts and ideas about our movement. We also want to hear from those leading our First America agenda. Trolls disrupt and they do not have anything worthwhile to add to the betterment of this great nation. That have been suckered in to believe in lies and indoctrinated to only see what is fed through the irresponsible media. Please be vigilant and eliminate the trolls.
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3 years ago, bmatt3807
Edit feature on my post
I love this app and the site GETTR y’all do excellent work and know that freedom of speech counts. Only thing I wish y’all had is an edit option because sometimes when I post I see an error in my spelling on a post but can’t go back and edit it after it’s been posted. Have to delete the whole thing then make it all over again. Pleas make an edit feature thank you. Other than that love it!!
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