JustFit: Lazy Workout & Fit

Health & Fitness
4.8 (172.2K)
225.2 MB
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Enerjoy Pte. Ltd.
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for JustFit: Lazy Workout & Fit

4.79 out of 5
172.2K Ratings
11 months ago, Wow you’re amazing YouTuber
I feel good
Even though I just started this game, I feel amazing. I’ve always been like a shame about my body shape after doing one practice I’m starting to love this app even though I have to go to school I might even do this like over and over. I feel amazing I feel like this is gonna help me a lot. I really hope it does. I’m gonna try to do it in the mornings I woke up at like 6 AM no like seven and the practice is at eight and I feel amazing only like a 10 minute workout but it really helps you. I bet if you download this app you will feel amazing so far I am seeing muscles that was never there thank you a lot and I’m trying to reach my goal. This is so kid friendly and adult friendly I recommend you download this app I feel amazing I feel confident I feel good and I feel like you should download this app. Thank you for your time and I would like the team to respond back to me. Thank you goodbye and have a good night day over everyone. Have a good day.
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5 months ago, SilentDelerium
I’m still sore
I hate when people ask me “does this work” when I’m trying a new workout thing. Anything that gets you motivated and moving works! That said, I’m 3 days into this and I am SORE. I’m glad to learn some new exercises but it’d be great to also list if you have issues in more than one area! For example, my rotator cuff was injured two years ago when I was lifting weights and isn’t quite the same, but I also have issues with my hips from falling off of a horse. It’d be nice to not have to pick one or the other, and it’d also be nice to say “hey my legs can barely move, how about we swap the squats for something else today?” Update: as I’ve gotten further, I’ve found an issue that lowers my rating. I have a pretty limited schedule and I have mine set to 15-20 minutes of exercise as that’s the best I can do daily. Well, despite that, my workout still took 40 minutes this morning. Good thing I can just cut out some of my morning but that’s not ideal. I’d also like to be able to add more activities - I ride horses and can easily burn 400 calories on a longer day. But there’s no option for that anywhere! And no way that I can see to submit said feedback. Not sure I’m going to continue after the 28 days; it started out strong but these two things have me unsold
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9 months ago, pleasejustread
Still needs work
I got this app for the sitting exercises, unfortunately that is not what I received. I understand the plan is to follow the exercises on certain days. However with my work schedule I need to squeeze in workouts when I can. I attempted to do a workout for a different day, but the app told me I needed to start with day one. I didn’t have 36 minutes to workout at the time, so I was disappointed. When I was able to do a workout I learned the time of the session is not entirely accurate. The rest period and the demonstration time is not included. It would be nice to know the total time. Another problem I experienced is the pulse was not accurate at the start, too high (I compared it to my Apple Watch). And it was inaccurate at the end of my workout too low (again compared to my Apple Watch). In fact this app told me that I didn’t workout at all. I find that statement disappointing on an app that advertises people can exercise in bed or in a chair. Instead of discouraging people from doing these exercises perhaps a motivational suggestion would be more appropriate. Also so much for no jumping exercises. What was the point of the questionnaire? The user can only choice one problem area. I said my knee yet I get jumping jacks, lunges and squat exercises and no chair exercises.
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2 years ago, gotta try 35
So far so good
I just completed day 2. I only gave 3 stars because when I checked out day 2 of my fitness plan it showed 3 or 4 sections that needed to be completed at about 20 mins long. I didn’t change anything the only thing I did was hit start and the exercises changed and then I was supposed to complete a four minute long routine instead of the 20 minute long routine that consisted of me lifting water bottles I repeated this about four times because I wanted to get in my minutes at least. I will continue to Headstart on each day of my plan without changing anything and I will always review the exercises before hitting start if it continues to change the exercise routine after I hit start then I will discontinue my membership the pros are I was definitely sweating the exercises are easy and beginner friendly five more days to give it a shot.I may have to try out some of the lazy girl exercises as well I found the section where it shows how to do exercises either in the bed or on the couch seems like a good thing to do in the morning before IGet out of bed to start things off right for the day I will update at day seven! But so far so good!
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2 years ago, LoraCan1
Not as expected, can’t reach developers
I was excited to start this app as the preliminary survey revealed I could hit my goal weight within 2 days of my goal. The was pleased the app asked about my physical limitations and that my workout would be tailored to me. The first few days were good, but then jumping became a part of my workout (something I said I didn’t want). I also disclosed some back issues, but the workouts include some exercises that are painful to my back. The app was clear that I shouldn’t expect any weight loss the first week, but after I should see more rapid weight loss. I admit I was bummed as I gained 2 pounds my first week. I assumed it would start to come off in the second week. After 2 weeks, still no loss; just weight gain. I should mention that I am also doing Noom and intermittent fasting (IF). Before using this app. I was losing weight with Noom and IF, but since starting Just Fit, I’m gaining. I am repeating some exercises or modifying them a bit (3 of them) to avoid the jumping and back pain, but still working my core. I tried to reach out to someone about modifying my plan or for advice, but received an error when trying to reach the developers.
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1 year ago, Giggle_video
Good concept but not enough time with free trial
I really liked the concept of this app. They have found bite sized workouts that get you moving more than anything else, which in this WFH world can get difficult. However, I’m one who struggles with creating habits and with only 4 days in a trial period (and truthfully while the exercises are still easier and even more bite sized) it’s not enough to convince me I’ll stick with it and make the paid version worth it. It would be better it was a two week trial to give me time to make a habit, get more familiar with the routines and get to a point where I “need” the app rather than make me decide before I’ve really had a chance to be invested. Additionally, I like other reviews, like that the app asks if you have physical limitations, however it only asks about: ankle, back, knee, leg, or wrist limitations. So it doesn’t take into consideration anyone with a hip, neck, or shoulder limitation. I had a shoulder injury a few years back and still have issues with my rotator cuff, but this implies it doesn’t take those modifications into consideration. I don’t think I’ll be paying for the subscription and will look elsewhere.
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2 years ago, cchick001
It work for me!
Disclaimer - I’m 52 years old and have no real physical problems except for some creaky joints now and again. I got this app because I let myself get really out of shape and needed some help on reconfiguring my work out philosophy. I’m a former athlete so I was trying to push through my workouts and found that, in my current state of fitness, was not going to work. I needed some strength training and a lot of core training. These little workouts are really fitting the bill! Great little workouts to combine with some cardio make for an almost circuit training workout I can do by my desk (I work remotely). I have my little stair stepper that I get on before and after my daily work out and then I do the core workout in the afternoon. I like this because it’s manageable amd seems to be effective. I don’t see my new workout program getting derailed because I’m getting my muscle tone back in manageable bites during my day. But that’s just me
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5 months ago, Carlajoe1957
Not as easy as they say
I am 66 years old and though I set up my routine according to my abilities I still have a few exercises that are almost impossible for me to do. Today was the plank from arms to hands and standing to floor. Really? I am going to keep up with this as I need a little push to get my weight to start dropping down again after almost a two year stall. I am intermittant fasting with an eating window that is only 4 hours a day and was hoping these folks were true to their word. They need someone my age to work through these exercises and see what they can do then have them be our guides. So I did cancel the 7 day free trial only to find out they charged me for the year subscription. Apple says it is non refundable ?? So much for protecting your customer base Apple. I contacted my credit card and they are taking care of this situation for me. Shiester overseas companies taking advantage of the very public that pay taxes to our government so that they (our governement) can send them (other countries) money to support their needs. WTH
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7 months ago, Katwen0925
Love this app!!!!
I had an issue with the guide disappearing and couldn’t reach the developer. Got a response and reset my phone. Guide is back and the app works better than before. No, it’s not free, but my God is it worth it! I was doing pilates for muscle building and messed up my right arm somehow so couldn’t do the majority of the pilates exercises. I saw this on Tik Tok and thought I’d try it. Did the free trial and immediately decided to purchase the year. I have seen results quickly, I’m loving my body and the abs I’m developing. It works different muscles than pilates. While it’s not as core driven, I feel my core getting strong quicker than it did before. So happy the guide is back and I feel so encouraged with my results. Just a quick tip: if you’re undecided on purchasing a year, the app will begin offering discounts. I got a full year at 75% off! Ill gladly pay full price once it’s time for renewal, that’s how much this app is worth it!!
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5 months ago, maijago
It’s ok
Like many others have reported, the free app that’s advertised doesn’t exist. I couldn’t get past day 3 without subscribing. Also, the hook to get you sign on with the promise of losing 12 pounds in about of 20-35 minutes of working out daily for 4 weeks is not based on reality, I am sure most people would understand that too. I actually gained a pound after starting which was expected as muscle weighs more than fat. I have completed the first 28 days and I am feeling pretty good! The app is easy to use and I like the option to choose my music from any other app I have. For some days the app puts the same set for four times, good thing is that I quite like the lateral pull…As an improvement, I would like to be able to customize the length of “get ready for…” from a bit over 10 seconds to max 5 seconds. And also have the option to reduce the amount of breaks. You can skip those but that means having to reach for the phone. Others have reported being charged a lot, I now need to go and check my charges.
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1 year ago, Card Flippin' Jeannie
$5 a month
When I subscribed to this app it said it was $5 a month, and it is, but you get charged for a year at a time. I have cancer, in treatment for over a year, have no income, and will be in treatment for another year. Also, probably no income yet then either. I understood that it was $5 a month when I subscribed to the app, I didn’t understand I would be charged a yearly fee. I see now that I’ve paid my yearly price that monthly is $20 a month. So since you took the whole year out, of which I didn’t budget for, I can’t pay my phone bill. I live off what I can sell, donations from church now and then. I can’t afford this yearly, nor $20 a month. I budgeted my bills on $5 a month for this app! This is a great app, I love it and I can do the personalized plan, but what a sacrifice I’ve made to get it! I still have the app 5 stars because it’s that good, but the deception of payment requirements are wrong!
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1 year ago, Giselelookalike
Not for weight loss
I’m already someone who’s in shape and goes to the gym but have a few limitations. Pros: exercises are super simple and quick. A good motivator to have a new workout each day ready for me so I don’t have to think. Cons: My plan is extremely redundant and comically simple. They ask for your weight loss goals when you sign up and claim that you will get to your goal weight by a certain date. How? Magically? They offer zero dietary advice. I can not skip ahead or do two workouts of my plan in one day. The next day is locked. There are plenty of other supplemental workouts available. One says “if you’re having trouble losing weight try this”- should be a picture of a salad underneath it because no amount of exercise without a diet change will get you there. If you are a total newbie to exercise, this could be a good start for you. But it is incredibly misleading to say that you will lose weight. You may tone up a bit but weight loss comes with consistently eating a well balanced low calorie healthy diet! Good luck!
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5 months ago, faithwalker57
Not what I was hoping for
Not as intuitive or user friendly as I hoped for. The app asked me a bunch of questions to get set up, then threw me into a 28-day workout. I thought for a while that was all that was on the app. I asked for 25-30 minute workouts and realized the workouts take longer than the coach says they will. I opted for 15-20 min workouts, and my next days workout was 38 minutes! I had to select and resubmit four times before I got “15-20 minute” workouts. At the beginning of my workout today, Coach Anna said this is a 20 min workout. 30 min later my workout finished, and I didn’t pause at all during the workout. I don’t understand why this is such an issue. There is also more jumping than I wanted for “low-impact” workouts. I will try sitting and wall workouts next and see if those are better. These are decent workouts if you already know how to make adjustments for yourself or don’t need accommodations, but there aren’t alternative options if you have trouble with certain body areas.
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8 months ago, csher01d
I’ve been telling everyone
When I first started this app, I didn’t work out. Not even in the slightest. I figured this app would help me get into the groove of working out without me over pushing myself and quitting. I started off with watching one video every day to every other day. I am now doing two videos each day. The workouts are simple and I can definitely feel a burn the next day, even when I feel like I didn’t do much working out. they also have stretches in every video which I love because I am 30 and my flexibility isn’t what it used to be. I feel like I have more range of motion and energy since joining this app. my husband is even doing the workouts with me at night. I absolutely love this app and will continue to renew it each year. if you’re like me and hate working out, but feel like you need to do something, this app is for you!
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2 years ago, MommaOfMayhem
Paywall hits on day 4.
So I downloaded this app and it’s so useful to be able to choose low impact lazy short workouts to start with… however I would have liked 7 days to try the app out to see if I’d like to buy the subscription. I did 3 days and on day 4 I logged in to find that I can’t play through any more workouts. Since I wasn’t warned when downloading the app that this would happen it made me so angry that I missed my workout and decided to use another method to get back in shape. I 100% LOVED the app otherwise and WOULD HAVE paid for the subscription but their little ‘oopsie paywall’ at day4 right when I was JUST getting into the swing of working out again really angered me and stole my motivation for the entire day. I would NOT RECOMMEND this app to anyone unless the fix the trial period to 7 days OR AT LEAST put a warning so I would have known not to download it in the first place! I would not have downloaded it in the first place if they had said it cuts off after 3 days. The whole point of this app is to motivate you to get moving again. Literally ANY roadblock is enough at day 3 to make one quit. I quit this app. Please fix it.
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5 months ago, Peptastic61
Good workouts, but app needs some work
I’m on day 5 and I’m enjoying the workouts so far. I like that they are short yet effective, and there’s a good variety. I’m enjoying the plan that is tailored to my capabilities and goals. The challenges and achievements are motivating. There are a couple things that needs some work, first being the heart rate monitor. At first I thought it was cool that they have a way to track it thru the app for users who don’t have a separate monitor, however it is so inaccurate. It shows my heart rate is less after my workout. It never gets above 92, but my Apple Watch says otherwise. Another issue I have is that that date in which the app says I will hit my goal seems really unrealistic. I am aiming to lose 60 lb and it says I will reach my goal by June.. I don’t think that’s possible to do in less than 2 months, but we shall see lol. 5 days in and I’ve lost about 3 lb and I’m feeling great! I will definitely continue to use this app.
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1 year ago, Snoopy2526
The concept of this app was great. And for someone like me who finds it hard to stay consistent or work out, the short intervals were perfect. I also loved how it started off slow and seemed like the workouts would build. I’ve only had this app for two days. When I downloaded it, it said it was free. And of course there are in app purchases as with any app. It would offer a premium package all of which I was not interested in. I answered the questions, and loved how they wanted to find out limitations and so on. Did the first work out the first day no problem. Did the second work out no problem. Then all of a sudden every time I would try to click a work out it would give me the promotion wall and not allow me to work out anymore. I’ve read some of the reviews that say that this app offers a seven day trial. I didn’t even get that. Barely 48 hours in and already it’s asking for money. I understand not being able to get all workouts, but it should at least get some. I would’ve liked to use the app a little more before purchasing anything. Overall I’m just really disappointed.
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1 year ago, BethanyAnn789134
Horrible functionality
To be clear: I have a paid account. The app is acting as if I do not. I can send you screen shots of my apple account that show I have paid. Can you please help? . . . The app itself is very frustrating to maneuver. I like the general idea of the programs. I was forced to choose a 30 day program- the workouts are 4 min long, I want to do 5 days worth in one day but it “locks” the other days. This is completely unnecessary. If people want to continue, they should be allowed. I went to try another workout in another area of the app, since my 4 minutes were up. It kept asking me to measure my heart rate and no matter what my response was- it showed me an offer claim, then back to heart rate. I have already paid for 3 months and refuse to buy any more. I should not be shown ads at all considering I’ve already paid. There is no “account” area, really to understand what email address they are recording data or how it’s attached to my apple account. There are way too many 5 star reviews for this app to be believable considering the horrible experience I’ve had now for days straight.
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1 year ago, InTheFunk
App not working on day 23
I tried the 7 days trial, really loved it, and subscribed on the last day of the trial. I started to see improvements around day 14 and was very motivated to finish the 28 days plan. Than the unthinkable happened! The app/videos (all of the videos) stopped working on day 23 of my workout plan. I can hear the voice prompts but no videos. For someone who has just started working out, there was no way for me to have had memorized all the workout postures. So the app was pretty much useless to me. I notified the developer of the problem over 1 week ago and have yet to received a fix/ response from them, other than the standard automated response of them receiving my request (which by the way wasn’t very helpful). I’ve sent another message for a status and received the same automated response. I understand it takes some time to fix a bug, but I do expect some sort of decent customer service to keep me in the loop. As of this writing I am still unable to use the app. I am thinking of requesting a pro-rated reimbursement but I have a feeling this request too will be ignored.
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10 months ago, S t E l L l
So happy for this!!
To be honest my first impression of this app was “it seems pretty lazy I don’t think it will do anything much” until I started using it. All I was looking for was a simple workout routine that will help me loose weight because I noticed I gained 7 pounds! I was very upset with myself so I found this app. And when I got my results I actually had tears go down my face, never thought I’d make it this far and reach my goal!! I lost 22 pounds and I’m so proud of myself, these workouts are made exactly for me!! When you first download it it asks you multiple questions about you which trust me, definitely helps!! Of course you need to eat the right foods and not have fast food or drink lots of sodas (you know how it goes). But overall I want to thank JustFit for helping me complete my goal, without you I wouldn’t have ever gone this far :)
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2 years ago, PamelaBR65
First review
I gave only a 3 star review because I answered a question at the beginning of my enrollment to this plan. I answered all questions as honestly as I could, however my answer was apparently ignored when the program was designed for me. I was asked about the things I could not or would not be able to do. I believe the only thing I checked was “jumping “. Therefore those exercises will have to be avoided by me and not replaced. At 66 years old and almost 300 pounds, you must know it’s a little impossible. Also, the question about a part of my body that’s been injured, I checked my knees and back. My back injury can tolerate almost all of the exercises, but my knees are unable to do the crunches and my back has a hard time with the one designed to lie down and try reaching the ceiling with my feet. The jumping exercises involving jumping would be jogging in place and jumping jacks. Is there anyway this can be reviewed and a different doable exercise put in their places. Thanks for letting me vent!
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1 year ago, Emelda1967
I work out with a trainer twice weekly to keep up my strength and fitness. Have done so for years. But I wanted more while keeping costs down. I thought that this app would fill in some gaps, I need structure. I completely the questionnaire accurately, including current ailments. The first session, no intro, no equipment list, just let’s get ready…go! Poor demonstration of proper form which is paramount to getting good results. I needed weights of some sort, they used water bottles I fortunately had 5-lb weights handy. Otherwise I would have had to stop and find something. The exercises were not complicated and some were challenging as I requested. However, I thought a couple of the exercises were surprising considering I mentioned joint problems in the questionnaire. So I ended up modifying them. Overall, it was not a bad workout but my heart rate didn’t even get up high enough for fat burn. I’ll finish out the trial period and see if my opinion changes…I don’t expect it to though.
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5 months ago, BurntToastw/Avacado
Great app; though there are some concerns!
I’ve been using this app daily for a nearly a month. Positives: Exercises are very nice and varied. Each exercise comes with exceptionally detailed explanations about what to do and what it should feel like. That alone is incredibly amazing. The user interface is very nice to use and very simple. You can also cut the the music so you can play whatever you’d like. Negatives: YOU CANNOT EASILY SEE ANY KIND OF PAYMENT INFORMATION. This includes past payments, when your subscription started and when it will end, and general payment information. It feels predatory; as if they hope you will simply ‘forget’ about your subscription and let it auto renew. I choose beginner but some of exercises were absolutely not beginner friendly. As the weeks went on it gradually gives you more difficult exercises and some were simply not possible. You can swap exercises but instead of giving you easier versions of the same exercises it gives you completely different ones. After starting the exercises most options are available in the vertical screen and not horizontal; which will switch automatically due to phone positioning. It would be nice to have a screen lock due to this. You also cannot switch exercises after a session starts which leads one to either skipping it or self improvising.
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1 year ago, ymof8
It works!
In my younger years I loved doing cardio and core workouts. Then life happened and I just could never seem to find the motivation to stick with anything. Injuries and surgeries have created even more issues and I was at my breaking point. Then I saw the app. Working out from your bed? I thought, with my lower back and knee problems why not try it. First work out I decided to go ahead and subscribe. It truly does work, and you will notice little changes within days. Best part, there’s only encouragement. If you miss working out, you can pick up where you left off or start back at day one. A step-by-step plan that also includes many extras. At first glance you might think, what? How can this work? It does! It most definitely does and I tell everyone about it! Thanks Just Fit for helping me get healthy again. 😁
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11 months ago, Gothic Jess
couldn’t do anything
this app was okay, also meaning i literally don’t know if it was working bc I couldn’t even get to day 5. on day 4 it wanted me to pay for the beginner subscription thing. the worst part about this is that it doesn’t let you continue onto day 5 the next day and says, ‘take it easy! complete day 4 before moving on to day 5’ and I cannot do anything else with this app. I had a 28 day plan and was not told I was going to just end up having to pay before the end of the week. that is so crappy, especially since this is allowed for 4 year olds and also advised for seniors, they shouldn’t have to be disappointed like that, including everyone else using the app. JustFit, I literally am not going to pay before even using your app for a week.. it told me I would reach my goal by November.. but I don’t even get a week. there is literally no point if I think I have a worthy fitness app and then I’m just suddenly forced to pay. that’s stupid.
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2 years ago, MaggieRooo
Misleading and non responsive
When trying out the app I got an offer for a free 7 day trial I signed up and was immediately charged for a month instead. I tried reaching out to the app customer service for a refund but never received a response. I never used the app and now I never will. I do not like being misled and then not receiving any response to an inquiry. Very poor customer service. Edit: I received a response! Not when I emailed multiple times for a refund but when I left a negative review… interesting. I have seen several reviews with the same issues that I had. You’re wording is misleading and you are benefiting off of that. The response that I received is “if you don’t like the app then you can cancel”. I have cancelled. In face when I realized what happened I cancelled immediately. Im not looking for guidance on how to cancel. What I want is my money back for an app that I never used. A customer service rep should reach out to address the issue. But that was not offered to me or as it seems any of the other users that made the same error in clicking on this app.
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4 months ago, Anderson315
You get a good workout!
As someone who is recovering from a torn meniscus and has autoimmune disease finding a good workout after putting on a lot of weight was tough. I found this app through Instagram and got a deal at 50% off (probably offered to everyone). I figured for the price why not try it. I was able to put in physical limitations as my knee and away I started. Now I am a little disappointed because I said my limitation was my knee and one of the first exercises it had me do was kneeling plank and push ups which I couldn’t do. But the rest of the workouts are great! A good challenge for me to get this weight off and back into shape! It can make you work up a great sweat in a matter of minutes! My only ask for improvements is to let you pick more than one physical limitation (I have knee and back limits) and to ensure when limitations are picked you don’t get exercises that you can’t do because of that! Oh and while it “works” with the Apple Watch and I have all the Health things turned on it does not sync with my activity rings and I have to manually add a workout…would be nice if it linked up! Other than that this is a great little app…although I don’t agree with the time table of realistically losing 60 lbs in about 2 months…but we will see….
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3 months ago, ldwldwldwldw
I might like if……
I might like this app if I could get through the initial questions. What is my body type??? What body type do I want??? I have no answer for those questions because I don’t know. The gauge shows %fat. I have no idea what that even means. At 74 years old, I’m thinking who cares. I thought this was an exercise app for us lazy types. I guess I’ll never find out because I can’t get through those questions.: UPDATE JUNE 2024: Bit the bullet, got through the questions anyway and am using the app. It’s only been a week and so far okay. I did have a complaint about needing the display to be landscape instead of portrait. Their response was fantastic. Their Customer service is the BEST. So grateful for that as it is rare in today’s world. Please keep up the good work.
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11 months ago, Khbkjbkjb
Does not adapt to my limits
When it asked me if I had any injuries, that might be a problem, it only allowed me to list one that is a problem. And in the first session there was one exercise. I simply could not do. It was the crunch because of issues in my muscles between my shoulder blades it was simply too painful, in the second workout there were four exercises I could not do when it wanted me to do planks using my feet that was not going to happen. I had to do it on my knees, and again I could not do crunches at all or any kind of pulling my shoulders off the floor toward my knees, or feet in the air, it never gives you an opportunity to say whether or not your capable of doing a particular exercise. It does not adapt to your needs at all. Some of my problem areas are not even listed as possibilities. I have had a mastectomy with the right pectoral muscle cut any lifting of my right arm starts excruciating muscle spasms, but saying that your pecs are off-limits is not an option. Not beginner, friendly.
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2 years ago, irritated alley
Its a love hate relationship.
I have a have problems with consistently working out. I came across this app just scrolling through any possible workout apps. I found it and made my personal plan or whatever. I immediately got addicted to it and could not wait until the next days were unlocked. Well I got to the 4th day today and realized that all it wants is your money, it does not actually care if u get fit. After the fourth day it will lock it down unless you pay $24 for it. You see that would be fine I would’ve understood that for the personalized plan, but it locked down every workout on the app. I literally can’t do any type of workouts unless I pay the money for it. I don’t know it just really annoys me I feel like the app should tell you before you download it because some people don’t have the money for that and they want to better themselves for free. I fell in love with this app and it just crushes me that I won’t be able to continue working out on this app.
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1 year ago, BGC <3
It's Good, But...
I have been using this app for almost a week now. I like the questions it asks you when you first download the app to help personalise your workout plan. However, I was just about to start day 4, and when it asked me if I wanted to measure my heart rate, I clicked "just start workout" (no). And instead of immediately bringing me to my workout, it just kept showing me pop-up ads for their subscription service. I could not start my routine, and it didn't even work when I restarted my phone. This greatly upset me, because the ads for their subscription service were already bad enough, but now it was stopping me from using the app as a whole? That's ridiculous. I enjoy many aspects of this app except for the fact that you are constantly being asked to give them money and being roadblocked by it. Please fix this issue, developers. I would like to continue to use your app. Thanks for reading.
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4 months ago, Dprine56
Darlene Prine
I downloaded your app then deleted it from my Home Screen, thinking I was deleting it like any other app! I have written several emails to you, explaining I am 67 years old and not real tech savvy. I have asked you to please help with this matter that you continue to try to bill me $44 for your app, however I don’t have $44 in apple pay, or cash app!! Please help me with this I don’t want your app and I haven’t used your app as you can check. I would encourage anyone older who doesn’t use game apps much to be very careful because they will try to get to you coming and going!! Stay away, this company will not even answer your emails, that’s how concerned they are with the general public!! Please help me!!! I have sent emails to you, I ended up writing this review to ask for help, but still no response!! I am an older lady on a fixed income who can not afford to pay for something I have not used or pay for a new phone, as I can no longer update any apps!!! Please, please help me. Thank you for looking into this matter! Darlene Prine
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1 year ago, Immlwyer
Don’t waste your money
I thought I was getting a 7 day trial and ended up getting immediately charged for 3 months. I can accept that it was probably my fault for not reading well enough and clicking the wrong thing. A $30 mistake. Now I’m really wishing I hadn’t done that. This is ridiculous. Why go through the whole question thing at the start when your app just pretty much ignores them? I indicated knee and wrist injuries. However, from the very first day there were floor exercises that require being on my knee. Which I cannot do because of (wait for it) my KNEE INJURY. Not 2 days later we’re multiple exercises that would have put serious stress on my wrist. Come on. What a waste of money if I can only do 2/3 of the daily exercises. The opening questions would be far more useful if they were actually incorporated in the plan. Or maybe there needs to be an expanded list of things to avoid. For instance, I specifically marked “no jumping.” Guess what I got? A plank jump. So I got a 2-for-1 on things I can’t do. Jumping plus wrist strain. So my recommendation here is that you expand and pay attention to the limitation questions. Or, in the alternative, just get rid of them altogether and put a disclaimer before purchase that only fully functional people will benefit from your app. Not to mention I sent this as an email to customer support and go zero response. Canceled. Really annoyed that I wasted my money. Moving on to something that will actually work.
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3 months ago, Pink Astronaut
Not free
Like the app and works out are easy to follow and I’m never to sore. The added meal thing is nice. But it was advertised and free and it is not you a free trail then have to pay. Or you don’t get to go past day 7 I haven’t paid for it yet because I’m not sure it’s worth it how can I tell from only 7 days? The only change I have noticed is more energy after the work outs. Can’t really track progress is 7 days or see it much so I think that’s a unfair amount of time to try and make a decision to purchase past that. I hate when a app advertising as free and it’s not at least put free trail stop tricking people into downloading your app for “free”. All that said like I said to start the app is nicely designed and easy to navigate. Might try again at some point but not worth me spending the money at this time as I can’t say it works to help lose weight tone and gain muscle (those were my goals).
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3 months ago, Your favorite ginger ✨✨
Very upset 😤
This app is still great an all but I don't want to pay money to have a personalized plan, after about 1-2 weeks of having your personal plan for your body type an how much weight you wan to loose, it just goes away and you have to pay money to do it which I not fair as it is advertised as free. If you download this app and do the personalized plan, my suggestion would be to just play all the workouts on your plan (you don't actually have to do it) because then it will show you how to do the workout if you just look a the day. If you just look at it without having watched the video, it will just hide how to do the workouts from you. Then you can do the workouts on the days that you are supposed/want to an you don't have to watch the video (once you try to watch the video it tells you tonpay) Serously, this needs to get fixed because this is NOT fair! 😤
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2 years ago, Metalchick36
Harder than it looked in the ads
Well first of all, it is a good workout app and manage to use it everyday. I was able to get a deal to get over half off of the annual subscription, but even the regular price is cheaper than a gym membership. However, this being advertised as lazy workouts is misleading since they are harder than you think, and even though I set the times for 15-20 minutes, my workouts last up to 35 minutes. Although you can skip the ones you don’t want to do, and I modify some to be able to do them. You get a quiz in the beginning and they start you off easy, and when you finish your block, you get another quiz and can change what you want to work on next.
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11 months ago, HorseGirl12Slayyyyy
This app is amazing
This is an amazing app over all !!! Only thing that I have found wrong with it is that it starts really fast and does not explain what to do. Also I think that there is a few questions that they could add because there was some things I could not say(example: they could could have asked if there was anything that we knew we could not do ext.) but besides those small things I think this is an amazing app and no one should have a problem with it. Update: this update is 1 year of having this app and it has help me so much!!! I have been so much healthier and happier. Also I am looking a lot better then I ever did before I have this app. I am also still doing over half of the things this app teached me to do. I am so happy now and still think everyone should have this.
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6 months ago, marsupialFruitcake
Bait and switch
Costs a lot more than it’s willing to admit. Download is free, and you can go through the personalization (and unrealistic sales pitch, eventually promising 10% weight loss in 2 weeks) for free, and then they ask for a subscription. Fine, I figured, it’s a service with value, I’ll try the subscription. Then you get access to “your plan,” a single workout per day, plus a variety of other specialized workouts including all the “work out in bed! Focus on specific areas!” options they advertise. The personal plan is ok, slightly customizable, absolutely not enough activity to produce the weight loss promised in the intro. The extra non-plan workouts are a big part of the value. …and after a few weeks they get locked behind a “vip” paywall and the app asks you for an additional subscription fee to get them back. I’m canceling and picking up a fitness app that’s more honest about its business model and effectiveness.
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1 year ago, Hyga
Stuck after the first 28 days
The app created a personalized program for 28 days. It was good, so I ended up subscribing after a few days since I couldn’t continue with the program until I subscribed. When I finished the 28-day program, a button popped up to create a new customized plan. So I did, and did the first workout of that new plan. The next day I expected the second workout of the new plan, but all O saw was my original plan all done and an option to create a new custom workout plan. So I thought it was a fluke, so I created a new plan again and did the first workout again. When I finished the workout, I checked my plan, and sure enough, I was back at the end of my old plan with no new plan showing. I tried starting a new plan 3 more times with the same result. It’s a significant glitch, and I emailed the developers twice with no response. I paid a year subscription, and this is very frustrating. I don’t want to do the same plan over and over the entire year.
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5 months ago, Omany1
Not consistent
I got this app looking to tone my body by doing routines that were easy to follow and slowly increased in difficulty. For a few months the app was great and I was very happy. I had completed a few 28 day challenge routines and was doing workouts of 45 to 50 minutes. I had even incorporated light weights to the routines. Then after I had completed a few 28 day challenges, the new challenge started again with 5 and 7 minute beginner workouts. I thought, I’ll just do 3 workouts per day. However, the app only allows doing one workout per day. I was not able to find a way to change that. It would be nice if the app allowed me to build my own workout or at least continue with the level of difficulty as the costumer completes workouts. Right now I’m very disappointed, and unless this is fixed, I’ll be looking elsewhere for what I need.
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9 months ago, savagemomma2.0
Company Response
I have enjoyed the workout but my new, personal plan will not save. I was so excited for the new workout it showed me I was going to do and nothing…every time I tried to save a new plan it would not save. I tried this process at least 6 times thinking I was doing something wrong. After emailing them in May, I still have not received a response. I had to cancel my subscription and subscribe again. And I still have the same issue. Nothing I do will work. This being said, I will use this app until my subscription is up because I can do the new workout for a day or two and then it reverts back BUT I should have been contacted in the time frame I have waited patiently since they asked for our patience as it says they have a small staff for a startup ( which at that point they were and are not) I also emailed again in July with the same result. I will never recommend this app to anyone.
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6 months ago, Aliya🇸🇴🇸🇴
Great app if your starting to Workout
Ive been using the Justfit app for around a week now. I really was impressed by the app design. It was very easy to navigate, and the user gets to design the workout which I enjoyed. I'found it easy to set up my goals and keep track of my progress. This app offers a wide range of exercise routines and chooses a workout plan for you based on the survey questions at the start of the app. Additionally, the app has a reward system where you can earn points and badges for completing workout goals which adds another layer of motivation. Overall JustFit Is a great app for people who are starting off easy, and are beginning to workout. However, the app could benefit from having more advanced workout routines for people who are already at an intermediate level.
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3 months ago, evsis10
Game Changer
I like being active and always feel good after exercising but for whatever reason (probably life and ADHD) I have a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym, stay consistent, or even put together an effective workout plan. This app is my lifeline. It takes all the work and stress out of trying to get a good workout in at the end of the day, which means I ACTUALLY DO A WORKOUT. The relatively intense but short sessions are super effective and leave me sore the next day (which is always what I aim for) but they don’t require a lot of prep or any travel time and don’t eat up my precious free hours after work. The visual aids and sound cues make keeping up staying on track really easy as well. I am so glad I found this.
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2 years ago, Mahrinah von Schlegel
I downloaded this app and when I signed up for the 7-day free trial, it was an automatic charge. WHAT A SCAM!!! Apple should remove this from the Apple Store. The workouts also appear to have little to nothing to do with the intake questionnaire. You can google workout plans for free online - now I am having to go down the rabbit hole with Apple to get my $$ back. I don’t even want to dig deeper into what is done with you data. STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS APP AND DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT. IT IS A SCAM! Update, I was granted a refund by Apple when I explained everything that I experienced same as everyone else. However two days later, I received a repeat charge on my credit card - with no record of purchase from the Apple Store. So now I have to have the fraudulent charge investigated and refunded, will likely need to get new cards issued. All of this due to downloading this horrible app that also misrepresented its own function in ads. THIS IS INTENTIONAL FRAUD AND A FINANCIAL SCAM! PLEASE DO NOT USE IT!!!!
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2 years ago, skull_lover
It needs a little work
I liked the idea of this app, workouts for lazy people. I’m not lazy but I have an autoimmune disease that makes working out hard since I can’t put pressure on my knees or wrists. 1st day was a lot of squatting. I decided to challenge myself but was only able to do it half the time. It’s not given me any bed exercises like advertised but there is a section where I can choose them. I wish it was more integrated with my Apple Watch, so I didn’t have to enter things I’ve done that are saved on my watch. I would also like it to do the workout on my watch like other workout apps have. Then my watch could control the pause, stop, skip options and vibrate when my 30 seconds are up. They seem still new so I hope the developers fix the kinks and make an app for the Apple watch for how expensive it is to subscribe.
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11 months ago, Jgmilligan
Great app
My wife and I are in our 50’s and we were looking for a good exercise program. We were hesitant at first but then we really started to enjoy it as much as you can enjoy exercising! We have been at it for 3 months, and continue to like the program. The only downside to the daily program is that on some days the workout there are too many repeats of individual exercises, if we were in better shape it would be easier I think! It sure has helped us get into shape. We stopped using for awhile due to coming home from for too hot and exhausted. I just recently started using again and like the music change and the ability to sub out exercises so not so repetitive! Thanks !
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1 year ago, GrannySuze
If I would only do it!
I like how the app is set up, I can easily see how each exercise is done but …. If I get on the floor, I run a big chance of not being able to get back up! I need to build up strength (especially legs) before I tackle that. Also, I have a big issue just getting started. I’ve had the app for three months or more and I just did the first day. How do I change the program to one that has no floor exercises (until I’m ready) and focuses on a 70 year old out of shape and overweight body? I’m also a huge procrastinator as evidenced by delaying 3 months at least to even start! I can’t find a place on the app to ask a question or access my account set up. I’m stumped. Hope someone can help me!
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1 year ago, Lizzylion0518
Ok I Guess
So this app is pretty good, they have lots of different plans you can choose and you can choose certain areas you want to focus on. After you give all your information at the start it sets a workout plan just for your and your needs. Now the reason I gave it 2 stars is because if you don’t want to pay the monthly fee then you really can’t do anything. Without the premium all you can do is three days of you month plan that it made for you. THAT’S IT!!! You can’t do any of the other workout plans and after three days of your workout it won’t let you do the forth day until you pay for premium. But all in all the app is ok and the workout plan is really good. So if your willing to pay for the monthly fee then this is the workout app for you. I didn’t pay for the premium cause I expected there to be more options open for the people who didn’t want to pay.
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2 years ago, Tired_of_Apple’s_BS
I’m giving only one star, but they really deserve a zero. It was indicated that there was a free period to try the app., “no money needed”. So, I thought I would try it. On the second day after downloading, I received an email that they had charged my daughter’s credit card, which is on her phone, not mine. (She is however on my phone plan). Apple did not have permission from either of us to charge her account. I cancelled the account/app but they won’t refund the money nor will they respond to my emails Response from developers: The app’s developer responded to my negative review telling me how to cancel the app and to do it before the next billing cycle (I had already cancelled it). No money was refunded yet. They also stated they we too busy responding to emails and would get back to me. I can imagine they are too busy…..people don’t like being scammed. Perhaps a lot more honesty is what’s needed here. If the app is good, why do they need to use such underhanded tactics?
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2 years ago, Morning-glory0
This app was great until it got to the 4th day
I just heard that other people experienced the same thing I did where you try to go to the fourth day but it keeps popping up the screen saying that “I need to go premium” or “start a payment plan” Now, this is why there’s something wrong with this. People say they want to help people with their weight or help stop obesity but they just want their money. This is why many weight loss apps are useless because they try to scam you out of your money. Is it too much to ask to work out from home and get encouragement without getting your money stripped from you? I mean you can just start working out on your own right? Well here’s the problem, most people don’t know where to start and don’t want to spend all of their money on something that couldn’t even work. Don’t just give us hope and then tell us to spend our money on something we shouldn’t be wasting our time on.
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