Kaiser Permanente

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4.8 (538.7K)
341.8 MB
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Kaiser Permanente
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Kaiser Permanente

4.79 out of 5
538.7K Ratings
2 years ago, Charisse Lee
User-friendly experience
The app makes things very easy for me I’m not very tech savvy yet my doctor reads my texts/emails more often than they do voicemails. The provider is able to have direct contact with me and speak to me directly through the emails and phone options are always open but sometimes they may need to get back to me over the weekend or late night and when I wake up or later or that evening they’ve acknowledged the email sometimes just in a few minutes and I like having that direct access to my doctor it makes it easier. There are times that I felt like the clerk(not speaking ill will of anyone) has not delivered the message with the passion that I would’ve spoke to the doctor concerning my issue/problem and it eases the anxiety/worry that I may have knowing that my doctor is using their eyes and can hear me and my concerns versus through a third-party. The medication reminders on the app helps me to keep up with my routine refills as well as new medication list. I’m able to view my test results as soon as they come out versus waiting for a callback and what’s even more convenient is that the test results come with an explanation/understanding of the numbers or the information concerning the test and I’m able to compare notes, test results from last year versus test results from this year for better health management. Thank you Charisse Lee
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1 year ago, Not an exciting nickname
Needs work on viewing the past visits function
This app has mostly worked great for me. I like that I can view my test results as soon as they come in without having to wait for someone to call me with them. Also being able to order medication refills to be payed for and sent by mail is a huge time saver. The one suggestion I would make is to improve the reviewing past visits function under my medical record. If you want to view anything earlier then the last 7 or 8 visits you click on the bottom of the screen to load more visits. Let’s say you want to view two consecutive visits from 1 year ago. So once you find the one you want after clicking multiple times to load more visits and you view it then you have to hit the close button. However it then takes you right back to the most recent visit you had and then you have to go through the process all over again of clicking on load more visits till you get to the one you want. Instead of being able to go back to the first one you viewed and then be able to right away click on it you have to click so many more times just to get back to visits you need. There should be a search function by date or even month or year so you don’t have to spend so much time to get to the visit you want nor make it a multi step process to view multiple visits from around the same time. I just spent 10 minutes trying to find one visit from 2016 - it shouldn’t take that long. If this one function were improved I would give it 5 stars.
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8 months ago, ThePorchReview
I Gave Kaiser Permanente 5 Stars
We have been members of Kaiser for over 34 years. Our son is now 40 so the range of specialities we’ve experienced is broad. My husband is 83 and I will be 80 shortly. We’re going to doctors more frequently as is expected for our age. The doctors care. Their teams care. Caring, warm courtesy and a bit of humor combined with knowledge, intelligence and experience is foremost for my husband and me. We have both experienced life saving situations and can speak highly of the care we received, before, during, and after. All of the facilities we have visited are “polished.” Kaiser is ahead of the care curve and in using advanced methods. Over the past two years we’ve been exposed to other KP facilities for speciality imaging equipment. It’s wonderful to walk into these large, light filled, bustling, efficient and super clean centers and feel comfortable. Being able to text your physicians and receive responses within a 24 hour period was a “gift” and has been the normal way of doing business at KP for quite sometime. I am always struck when friends tell me they don’t have that advantage. It’s been a reassuring asset on all occasions. We also appreciate that you have great free easy parking at all centers. It is easy to give KP 5 stars. We thank you for the care you have given and will continue to give our family.
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6 months ago, Frustrating Treatment
Right knee diagnostic results from an MRI
Finally, I have a diagnosis after suffering with pain for over a year and numerous visits and messages to my doctor. He told me I had osteoarthritis. He also told me it was gout and prescribed medication which I didn’t take after researching gout symptoms myself. I didn’t have enough symptoms to warrant the strong meds that were prescribed. A physician taking over for my doctor while he was out of the office, responded to one of my pleas for help by taking me off my statin. After not being on the statin, the miserable aches I experienced mostly in the evening have diminished in my calves. However, I still have periodic aches in my shin. My stiffness in mostly my right leg has crippled my walking ability! I can’t get to the bathroom without holding on to furniture and stumbling at night. My husband has to help me out of the car and I must hold on to him for stability when traveling. I use a cane to help me off and on. I have been desperate for a solution. My doctor tells me I must lose weight! I’ve lived a nightmare with my mobility thinking this is the rest of my life with little help. That’s why I finally begged my doctor I need a diagnosis to know what I’m really dealing with. I have asked for an orthopedic referral before during an office visit and I believe in one of my former messages. I was only referred to xray. I hope this message through my experience helps others that may have my same issues!
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5 months ago, Abstract expressionism
Love the Kaiser App!
I’m my Dads caretaker and Kaisers App allows me to do so much, so quickly and easily, especially with the reminders for appointments, prescription refills, access to his Doctors, and free shipping. It’s unbelievable convenient and easy with links and a Godsend because we are busy. I also love the messaging capabilities. When there is ever an issue I can message his Doctors or specialists and get an almost immediate response and if needed, further support via phone, video appointments and texting. It’s so organized. I remember the days before the App when we had to call through the main number and wait on hold for a random operator and the subsequent transfers and further holds. The convenience and accurate record keeping Kaiser provides through the app, along with adorable, warm and informative health advice in their newsletter literally helps my ability to care for my father and my state of mind as a caretaker. We are personally supported and connected to excellent health care. It’s so well done. Love the Doctors, the pharmacists, Nurses, receptionists, and have gotten to know so many of them over the years. When you are caring for someone vulnerable you need a community. Kaiser has helped us so much, we are doing the best we possibly can be.
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4 years ago, Jennie*o1
Easy, efficient, and helpful.
Not sure why the app is rated 3.2 out of 5 but I personally have never had a problem doing anything on here. There are a few different things that could be improved upon but I am confident that with time these issues will be improved upon, fixed, and worked out. I think that society has grown a custom to such rapid roll out of tech that they tend to forget that things like this take time to get everything just right. Nothing is perfect, and to roll out a healthcare app on such a massive scale like this, I couldn't imagine that it would be an “easy” task. As For some constructive critiques, I would suggest maybe adding a way to search for lab results by date, test type, location, etc.. this would be a helpful feature (*the last time I checked there was no such feature, I apologize if one has been added recently.) Second suggestion would be to add a feature that shows the patient whether or not their Dr. read their message. But all-in-all i like this app, it has made my life a whole lot easier and I appreciate the hard work that it takes to bring this to scale.
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2 years ago, Big-Nilla-
Ease of use, but lacking understanding.
Alright the app is cool and it’s very helpful from all the different things it offers. But who in there right mind from the creators thought it would be a good idea to not translate what you are being tested for in the test results page. When a blood/Urine test comes in you get the actual scientific term for whatever it is they tested for like they expect you to understand what your reading. Instead you either search up the term yourself or wait for them to call you to tell you the results of said test. Other than that the app is great and easy to use. Everything you need is organized wonderfully and there isn’t alot going on so you don’t get distracted by things you care nothing about. I will gladly change my 3 stars to 5 once they change the terminology for the different things they test for from the bacteria or infection to what most people know it as. I had gotten a blood test for a stomach ulcer and when I read my test results it made me more scared than before until I had gotten a call for them just to tell me everything came back fine. I did not go to school nor did I study lingo for different bacterial strains so I don’t know why I need to be belittled by having another human adult “dum it down” because I didn’t understand what a word they learned in their 4th year of college meant.
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4 years ago, Lisey08
Lots of loading glitches
I used to have Kaiser in Southern California and I absolutely loved the experience and most of all, the app and how simple and convenient it made everything. I just got Kaiser again up in Northen California and downloaded the app. The appearance is totally different than it used to be (I assumed it was a SoCal to NorCal thing but upon reading reviews it seems they recently redesigned it). I keep getting email and push notifications that I have new lab results but every time I try to check them in the app it loads for a few seconds and then just displays a blank white screen with my name at the top. I’ve tried closing the app and reopening and I’ve tried it at different times of day on multiple days. I even tried using the link provided in my email and logged directly onto the site through a browser but it just sits there saying loading for ages and never actually loads my test results. Today, I just tried to send a message to my doctor to explain I can’t access any of my results and see if she can have them emailed directly to me, but suddenly it won’t load any of my messages and won’t let me compose a new message until it loads. I’m really disappointed with this app now. Hoping it’s all a bunch of kinks you just need to work out with the redesign and that the app will be better than ever soon. Please look into these issues ASAP. Thanks!
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7 months ago, Stratus86
Different experience with different task
Kaiser doctors are good and pretty knowledgeable doctors. But I had an out of state health issue and was really left with no way to communicate with Kaiser. The hospital gave me my own portal with everything that was done while there. They instructed me to have Kaiser to continue the follow up procedures that would have been done had I stayed there. Yet for that my Kaiser doctors would need the information from the hospital portal. There was no way to get that info to Kaiser. I did end up finally getting a video appointment with a Kaiser neurologist a day after I returned to Georgia. However, the only way I could send my portal files to the doctor was to download the files from the hospital portal then attach them into a messaging app on the Kaiser website that I’ve used before to contact my doctors. However that Kaiser “message you doctor” app only allows 3 attachments, so I had to message the doctor over 10 times so he could see what went on when I was at the hospital. So Kaiser, please get a system where a patient can send to the medical records department at Kaiser the info on the portal given to the patient who was treated at an out of state facility.
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3 years ago, Escrypha
The app sometimes displays a badge notification, but when I open it, there’s absolutely nothing new to warrant it, and whenever I get to the messages tab, instead of showing me the latest messages at the top. It loads it correctly, then scrolls all the way down to the bottom for some odd reason. Instead of just tapping a new message like I do in the iOS Mail or Gmail apps, I need an extra step. Sometimes, it won’t allow me to fill the subject line when composing a new message, thereby preventing me from sending all-important, health-impacting emails at all. That should be fixed, or perhaps subject lines should be made optional. It also doesn’t switch to landscape mode for easier typing on my iPad. The standard for iPad apps is to offer both orientations. The only reason I use this app is that my doctors outright refuse to email me outside of it. This app is a hassle and a half. Were it optional, I wouldn’t use it. If a company forces clients to use a proprietary service (like its own email), it should at the very least rival the services it keeps one from using. iPad Mini 5th Gen The app/email is my only point of contention with KP. The rest of the services I get are great. Thanks for reading my nonsense. I hope your days goes well if not better.
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3 years ago, SexyChyna3
Not customer care oriented. Get penalized for being 15 minutes late. I battle nausea and I take medication for it, prescribed by my doctor. I had an episode this morning, which had me 15 minutes late. You then have to wait 3hours. The member services don’t care, and the employees don’t care. And when your on time you have to wait on the doctor. The member service manager tried to scold me. Stating I need to leave home early enough. And to get up on time. This is the one time I pray they were recoding the message. In November I will not be renewing my membership with them anymore. Kaiser They’ve gotten so big they don’t care about the patients . 🙃🙃🙃 It’s so sad I get called back to the room to take vitals and the nurse says we are working you in cause everyone else is on time. I said nothing. This location is toxic and the nurses comments were rude and disrespectful. How many times I have to be reminded about being 15 minutes late. Everyone I speak to care 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️
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8 months ago, goodspede
Stay away from Kaiser
I’m a fairly healthy person and do routine checkups. The app along with KP services are just horrendous. You’ll get estimates from $0 to then being told when you’re onsite at the doctors office that you need to pay sometimes over $150. From that point on, you’ve made this appointment months in advance, along with other plans. So it’s basically a bait and switch and surprising you with a bill you weren’t expecting to pay immediately, and if you don’t pay you’ll have to cancel your appointment and move on. After paying that fee you also have a high possibility of having additional charges for the visit/checkup due to the time spent which can be out of your hands. I spoke with the membership services there were explaining that the moment you are brought in, the time starts when you’re in that room till the time you leave can be charged additionally per 15 minutes and that rate differs from doctor to doctor. That also includes the time that you’re sitting alone waiting for the doctor. I’ve had friends who went through cancer treatment and they strongly believed they would have died if Kaiser was still managing their care compared to other services.
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2 years ago, loveebrittney
This app is great until you order your meds
You can’t really order your meds through the app. Everytime I’ve done this it’s not gone through correctly. I have text alerts on so I won’t run out of meds, yet the last 3 months after receiving the texts I immediately put my prescription through for delivery. I make sure to hit every confirmation button to make sure it gets sent through yet it doesn’t work the first time. Once I did it 3 times in a row to make sure and it STILL didn’t send my meds. I notice after about a week that my meds haven’t been sent yet (didn’t receive the text about it) so I go back to the app and see when I refilled last (KNOWING I just put my prescription through a week beforehand) yet it doesn’t work. Everytime it acts like I haven’t put the order through. So a week after my reminder text I put the prescription through AGAIN and for some reason it works every time. After a week. Why? The app shouldn’t be bugging like this. People need their medication. I don’t have a car to pick up my medicine or I would just do it that way.
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8 months ago, rob;annoyed
Good app but needs some updating
It’s mostly very helpful and useful but in northern CA I cannot make an appointment to visit a doctor through this app. If I request an appointment for just myself there is no way to get to the next screen unless I also request an appointment for a second person (it won’t accept 0 for the second person) then I can’t get past the next screen because I don’t have details for a second person. So this part of the app is non functional and needs to be looked into and corrected to make it do what it’s supposed to. Although the medication ordering section works very well there is no way to print the order from within the app, this also needs correction. I have reported these aggravating deficiencies both at my doctors office and through the app but to date I have received no response from anyone and the app remains the same. Would it be possible for someone responsible for the app upkeep to make what I would think are fairly simple corrections and make this a 5 star app?
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6 months ago, Kazsper
Kaiser and their APP is the best
I have been a Kaiser member since I was a child. Except for 6 years when I moved to Texas and Kaiser was not available 30 years ago there, I’ve always been very happy with the care I have received from all the Kaiser facilities. My latest experience which included reconstructive surgery with Dr. Sandeep Bhupendra Patel my Podiatrist and Surgeon and his team was no exception. In fact Dr. Patel and his team exceeded every expectation I had in terms of the care I received. He and his team provided the most amazing experience in terms of professionalism and kindness I’ve ever experienced with anyone. I highly recommend Kaiser since they have proven to me they really appreciate and care for their patients without fail. Including the APP I use for emailing and filling prescriptions or getting test results. Everything about Kaiser has been wonderful and keeps getting better for me and I’m 64 years old.
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7 months ago, Anon.Dev
Beta software being used in production
At this stage, it’s more usable, but there are still glaring usability issues with the software.. for example, when viewing a test result, clicking the result opens it, but going back does not go back to the list of results. It exits the results list. There’s a separate button at the end of the individual result to close it, which I know about from experimentation but always forget about unless I went back a couple of times and realize what’s happening in the same session.. Another problem used to be viewing the past visits. It would try to display the pdf file in app and would not be scrollable. Now it doesn’t even attempt to display it., opting to push the functionality off-app instead, which while works, is not a great experience and shouldn’t take a lot of work to fix. All in all, I think Kaiser should either hire better people or give the software team the resources to get the people they need. I’m a software developer not associated with Kaiserbut who can tell good software from bad ones.
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7 months ago, Ashtheanimefreak
Needs improvement
The app is marginally better than getting information via the phone or website. The biggest problem is pages that don’t load or information that can’t be retrieved, providing no information as to why. I’ve found it usually means there is something that requires special authorization or where something else is missing and the quick pick selections won’t work. Another annoying feature is the layout that pushes notifications to the top every time the app is opened even if you have read them. Sometimes I have to check if a medication is in stock due to shortages and there is no way to find that without calling the actual pharmacy number, not the main number. To me, the app is unfinished and might make life easier for half of the people using it for the most common reasons that tie up phone lines. I find myself spending lots of time on the app to go in circles and hit dead ends. I don’t need an explanation on how to use technology but an explanation of what the app can and cannot do would be useful.
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9 months ago, KellyK376
“Order Rx” means nothing for pickup of controlled meds.
The pharmacy knows absolutely zilch when it comes to how to interact with the app, and that is not their fault. There’s no communication with them on how it works and says it doesn’t affect them at all in terms of ordering prescriptions for pickup, like with controlled substances. I have to go in and wait like everyone else, which would be fine except that’s not what the app says. On top of that, if I ‘order’ non-controlled Rx with it, it’ll text me that they’re ‘ready’. But not about anything controlled. The only thing the app is good for in that regard is to prompt your prescribing doctor to approve a refill if they’re not on top of it already. But it doesn’t tell you that explicitly, so until you’ve done it a few times and spoken with your Dr directly you just have to kinda guess. Bottom line, please figure out what you’re trying to do, COLLABORATE with your pharmacists and technicians, and then make sure the app tells everyone correct information. Because what it’s doing now is not okay.
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2 years ago, kcebttocs
One of the worst apps I actually use
If it wasn’t necessary, I would have deleted it. It’s unreliable, the information on it is often inaccurate, you can’t do everything you need to on it, and they never fix it. I reorder prescriptions and I get a notice of a delay and 2 weeks later my prescription has to be reordered. No explanation or anything. I had a doctors appointment but got Covid so after I filled out my pre-appointment screening, I was told not to go to it. No one ever told my doctor and 3 hours later she called asking why I missed the appointment. Kaiser is the best and worst of everything. There is no in between. I love that there’s an app and I can reorder my prescriptions on it, but the the information on the app is often unreliable and not communicated to staff. And that means things you do on it often don’t matter I just tried to sign into it. I got a popup asking me to go paperless, which i signed up for over a year ago. The app froze when I closed the popup. I restarted the app. Same thing happened. This is the type of thing that happens almost everyday with this app.
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3 years ago, SFequities
Getting worse, not better, over time
I have used the Kaiser app for many years, and have always appreciated Kaiser’s efforts to bring into a mobile experience a myriad of functions and features. Unfortunately, the design simplicity of it has, in my opinion, devolved, especially as it is less intuitive as to where things are to be found. Frustrating. But my biggest complaint regarding the app is it’s stability and the fact that one can’t save, nor does the system do it, ones messages while being composed. I’ve spent 20 minutes crafting a short concise message to my doctor, hit send, system fails, and there is no way to save the message. In short, you lose the message. I now am starting to draft my messages outside of the app, and then copying and pasting into the app. A laborious, poor user experience. The Kaiser system doesn’t even allow you to copy a message after you’ve drafted it, in case it gets lost again when you hit send and the send fails. I love Kaiser in so many ways. The app isn’t meeting the standards of the rest of the organization.
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3 years ago, #68 two chainz
Bad doctors and treatment aside, something I’ve been dealing with a lot over the past 2 years, the app is mostly fine. However, I find that it just wastes my time in so many areas. When you sign onto the app it greets you with a small little hello screen. This screen however is not able to be skipped and only serves to waste our time. With how the app is designed you are not going to be spending a lot of time on the app. So when it takes five seconds to get through some useless greeting it really adds to an irritating experience. And that is just one thing that is bad about this app Just the worst experience I’ve had with an app like this ever. Avoid this terribly made, horribly unintuitive, time wasting, piece of trash app if at all possible If your debit card info is outdated and you try to have your prescription delivered to your house it won’t tell you. Instead it will tell you the order has been submitted, but it won’t actually be. So you have to go into the setting and check for yourself. This terrible, Unintuitive app won’t tell you it’s outdated, you have to figure it out yourself. I hate you Kaiser :)
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1 month ago, okcufzufxufx
The amount of times I’ve been logged out, kicked out not given access to my own account. Had my parents kicked out and logged out had trouble due to Aries had trouble due to new sections in the app. Many doctors appointments were canceled. Many doctors appointments were never scheduled problems with my health escalated due to this app not being compliant with individuals and patience using the app if one person needs to schedule a doctors appointment there is at least two or three things that goes wrong within the app and within scheduling and not regarding the appointment itself the miscommunication the options does not cover a lot of health or let you describe what’s wrong. there’s not much AT ALL! With navigating the app, there’s always something and it seems as if it’s being more the doctors want you to wait months or weeks because of the app takes so much time to get back to us about appointments messaging and navigating the app, GO BACK TO HAVING THE OLD WAY OF A DOCTORS even nurses and doctors talked to me about the app and problems kiser had within its self and communications PLEASE DO BETTER FOR THE NEE GENERATION OF PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP
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7 months ago, Cowgirl Melie
Best Case that can be provided
Have had many different care providers before I started at Kaiser and got pretty good care but Kaiser has by far given me and my family the best care of all, from joint replacements, weight loss, depression, gull bladder, Covid, and everything in between we have had the best care and coverage. One of the biggest perks of Kaiser is that each location ( which is many ) have lab,x-rays and pharmacies, flue clinics and many more services ON SITE for the majority of them . The other great benefits is that the on hands care providers Dr’s and associates have been knowledgeable and kind,caring and happy with their work environment ( the majority of the time ) because corporate dose a pretty good job of working out problems with them . I recommend anyone who has the opportunity to sign up with Kaiser to give it a try so you know the difference between great care and OUTSTANDING CARE .
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7 months ago, krisO80
So many frustrations
There’s so many aspects of this app that are incredibly frustrating! From the moment you open the app through navigation, it is frustrating. I have several people linked to my account so when I am notified that there is a new test result, I have no idea which account to open there is no highlight on the family member within my account. Then there are healthcare reminders that every time you click on them they never go away. there should be a dismiss or disregard or ignore button so that those healthcare reminders go away. But it is impossible. I get my flu shot through work, there is no option to say I got this elsewhere or disregard, or ignore. Then, when you go into any sort of test results, it would be nice to see past results in trending right there, but you have to navigate around to accomplish that. Pharmacy is in a completely different section and the prescription for vision is in an entirely different location. It is just a horrible application. I understand HIPAA and privacy, but this is ridiculous.
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7 months ago, Bluegrass ViVi
Great care and communication
I’ve been a patient at Kaiser for many years and appreciate the efficiency of one of the first HMO systems in the country. I’ve been able to access doctors and specialists for a variety of needs and referrals in a timely manner and with seamless communication. I find the online patient portal easy to use, and it allows me to contact all of my doctors with questions and issues when I have a concern. I usually hear back within a day if it’s urgent, and a bit longer if it’s non-urgent. When I’ve had issues with care or follow-up or costs, I’ve been able to appeal. The results have been satisfactory as well. Both my husband and I have had surgeries over the years with good outcomes. The preventive care is especially good. We appreciate our doctors and providers and recommend Kaiser to our friends and family.
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2 weeks ago, YoMommaKixk
Message changed
This app has always been very easy to use and figure things out but, the way the new messaging was made is very unintuitive. Before you could just hit messages and they would all show up but now they are all split up and there is more steps to get to them. You have to press a button that says “Message member support” to go to the inbox which you wouldn't think to press because it says to message and to find other messages you have to press “Message your doctor…” i wouldn’t have thought these were where the inbox were. Your messages with your doctor is now set up like texting or the chat other companies do but I’m sure these are not instant message so there was no point in changing it. It is easier to read all your messages to your doctor though when it’s a long message thread. Not everything needs to be changed just because. I don’t really write reviews but this one irked me a bit.
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1 year ago, jdjffkkdnee
app difficulty
I’m having technical difficulties with the Kaiser app. My problem is I am unable to log in on my personal device; but I am able to log in through my girlfriend’s phone. I’ve tried deleting the app it’s self several times and even deleted it off the iCloud and reinstalled but it didn’t work. I also tried changing my password to see if that could work but still didn’t. When I do attempt to log in it stays on a loading screen for ever and won’t go any further than that. When I log in through my girlfriends phone it loads right in . What do you suggest that I do? I even tried contacting the web manager with this information with this exact message but now that website is even saying my response is invalid because of this (you’ll read below ) but there is nothing invalid about my concerned statement “ Your message contains invalid characters. Please use only letters, numbers, and the special characters ! - : ' . , ? / $ % ( ) in your message.” I would just like to log in through the app on my personal device any help is appreciated thank you
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1 month ago, JR007000000000
Unbelievably Poor Care
I have recently acquired health care coverage through my employer and I have never been this disappointed in customer service in my life with any other company. because of the fact that Keiser Permanente works with no other company under their coverage with the exception of them, it's the equivalent care that I have received from a company like Comcast. Keiser Permanente knows that in most cases they have no other option other than to see them for their personal care, and because of that they treat patients with the most lackluster care in the healthcare industry. These are human beings that have real issues, and they deserve to have a healthcare provider that treats them as such. Unfortunately with a company that is solely responsible for treating every problem in house, They can hire "professionals" from their call center all the way up to the doctors that have no real intentions of ever caring about the patients that they treat. It's extremely sad because I will decide to personally go without healthcare rather than continue to be cared after by such awful human beings
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4 months ago, avargas41
Very Unhappy
Somehow every time I have an appointment Káiser personal disappoint me this time I went to see the optometrist because I’ve been feeling so bad with my vision. I was trying to see if I can go see the osteology so I had to go see the optometrist first she didn’t find nothing in my eyes, but this is. The second time they give me the same answer nothing is wrong. In the past four years I went from number 1.00 reading glasses to 3.50 reading glasses, and they still say nothings wrong nothing wrong, , but I was trying to see if the optometrist give me a referral because my regular doctor didn’t give me one, anyway I went back home very unhappy and nothing happened. She didn’t wanna give me a referral because she said nothing is wrong with my eyes so I really don’t know what to do. I guess I will have to pay out of my pocket to go see, a particular Doctor that cares about me and give me the answer I need at this point don’t know exactly what Kaiser wants but it looked to me like they don’t care that’s my feeling
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3 years ago, In The Spirit of Nader
Extremely Buggy On iPhone XS
This software has never worked well on my iPhone XS. The latest version is completely unusable. When hitting the home button the app immediately quits. And you have to hit the home button because none of the home screen options will work unless you first click off of the home screen ( Like to messages) and then click back. Clicking the home screen to get back to the main options is now impossible. This app has been extremely buggy since I first started using it which was several years ago. The options and bloat of the software have gotten bigger but the fundamental problems have remained. The app is for a huge medical company and you would think the app would have been thoroughly compatibility checked before it was let out the door. Leastways they should quickly be on top of problems and rectify them in short order. This has not been the case on the IOS side of things. I am sure I am not the first to comment on these problems...
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7 months ago, Candgar
Saved My Life 🙏
I have heard a myriad of complaints about Kaiser over the years, but I have rarely had a problem. I started having headaches at the end of 2015, thinking it was stress, I put off visiting my doctor. By the end of January 2016, my headaches were increasing such that I had to visit my doctor and she offered me some headache meds and suggested I reduce my stress (which is nearly impossible as I am a high school teacher). By the end of March I was ready to quit my job and move to something less stressful, but I made one more call to the advice nurse. After delivering my symptoms, she put me on hold to call a doctor and asked me to come in immediately for a CT. After a fast snowstorm of events led me to emergency brain surgery to remove a growing abscess the was the size of an egg in my brain… the cause of my headaches. Dr. Guppy saved my life, along with a number of nurses, emergency room workers, and more behind the scenes that I never met. Over the following years I faced car accidents related to epilepsy, a result of the TBI incurred during surgery. The ease of access to phone nurses, doctors, and the pharmacy make me feel safe and secure. In a world where big box stores take over, Kaiser may seem like an unfeeling giant, but I deeply appreciate Kaiser Permanente and strongly recommend!
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2 years ago, Lpixler
Worked great until recently
I’ve had issues with the My Doctor Online app for months, but the KP app had thankfully not shown signs of issues — until this week. With My Dr Online, my attempts to log in send me to a browser window within the app, but after entering my credentials I receive a “page no longer available” error. Closing that in-app browser window just takes me back to the app’s sign in screen, and that process repeats indefinitely. Now the KP app is doing the same thing: an in-app web browser asks for my credentials, then it displays “page no longer available,” and I’m prevented from accessing either mobile app. I’ve been emailing with someone from “Tier2WebSupport” for *months,* and they keep insisting that nothing is wrong with my account (I never said there was), suggesting basic troubleshooting (deleting and reinstalling the app, etc.), then again telling me there’s nothing wrong with my account (as I’ve said, the issue is with the mobile apps). I sat on hold for 40 minutes this afternoon waiting to speak with “technical support” and finally just gave up because I don’t have the ability to stay on hold all night. The issues with the apps are one thing, but the issue with their “technical support” team outright refusing to acknowledge the problem (or that there is one) and insisting that everything is fine is an entirely different level of ridiculous.
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7 months ago, Nothappy with irobot
No doctors
We returned to Kaiser after having other insurance for 6 years. We had really good experiences previously and we’re excited to return. Since coming back to Kaiser it has been a nightmare! My previous doctor was still there but we had to choose a different one for my husband. We were surprised that it took over a month to see our primary doctor and a few months into the year my husband’s doctor left! We decided to keep Kaiser for 2024 but I think that was a huge mistake. Two days into 2024 we discover we have got Covid and can’t get into our doctor until middle of feb. I guess we will have to sit at urgent care all day if we want to be seen. E-visits are discontinued and phone visits are booked. There are no options here! The doctor told us before he left that Kaiser can’t keep doctors in CA and they all have triple the patient loads because of it.I don’t know what happened but if we live through this year we will be switching insurance back to ppo and find a practice that actually wants to see patients. Don’t waste your time on Kaiser.
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2 years ago, edgeligh
Not user friendly
1) I am not able to reply to my provider’s email. There is not option available for it. So have to either start a new email thread or call which are both annoying. Starting a new email thread makes it difficult for my provider and me to track the issue and for calling I always have to wait for an hour to get someone on the call after dozens of forwardings 2) When starting a new email, there are limited options provided as the title and usually does not match with the issue/topic of the message. Unfortunately there is no option to type a new topic there! 3) This is not for the app but Kaiser P itself. It is really annoying to wait for some services like Ultrasound as there is a long waiting list and never can get one scheduled for sooner than a month! You know how it gets annoying when there is a result that provider looks forward to see and decide to proceed for the next step especially when This insurance is not accepted on other medical sites.
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7 months ago, pman148
A step in the right direction?
The Kaiser online system is still working itself out. To rate this app now would be far too soon so far I’ve had multiple problems with filling prescriptions. i’ve had to call customer service multiple times because the online system is not reporting the correct information. Please fix this as soon as possible. The Kaiser system that the nurse can access is far more active than the system that I can access. I have spent entire days driving back-and-forth between two different pharmacies because your system is such crap. Please fix. if it didn’t take two hours to contact the pharmacy system, maybe it would be OK. i’ve had to go to Kaiser in DTLA the past two years I would say maybe a half a dozen times (I live in Santa Monica there’s a pharmacy here and in SM & DT west LA ) just to confirm the status of my prescriptions because what I can see online is not as efficient as what the nurse can see. As previously stated, please fix the online system.I want to see what my primary care doctor can see.
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6 months ago, Codge52
Rave review
I have now been with Kaiser Permanente for a few years since retirement. I truly love it. They have a great system in place, and you pass through the system easily and efficiently. From operations, procedures, prescriptions, and general well-being checks I have had excellent experiences. A medical organization is more than being efficient and having a good system in place, and I can’t think of one member of staff that hasn’t been kind warmhearted and treated me well. KP. seems to have attracted or trained staff to be welcoming and informative, and that is at the heart of healing. I always feel in very good hands when I am there at any of their facilities. As I usually say to the doctors and staff that care for me in these facilities, “Always nice to see you, just not too often!”
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2 months ago, TBS0818
Wife was required to submit to a review by her Keiser doctor to get her license renewed. This is time sensitive. First they (Keiser) filled out a questionnaire for a handicap parking permit - clearly not what my wife needed. Next after my wife spend considerable time they got the correct form sent to the doctor for evaluation - late as they forgot to sent to her Kieser doctor - time is becoming critical. It would have never been submitted if my wife hadn’t followed up. Finally after much follow up and frustration by by wife - they (Kieser) is still late and seriously her quest to get her driver license renewed. It seems to me to be a mute point as she drives now with no problem. We know of Kieser person who also went through a similar process and she now has her driver license ( she was having strokes ). Anyway very disappointed in a process by Kieser that my likely screw my wife out of her driver license. Shame on you.
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3 years ago, Reviewer6599
Sometimes good…
There are a lot of convenient features…, until they are inconvenient. For instance, you can schedule appointments in the app. But, it allows you to set up labs that actually need to be set up through the doc, and when you try to contact the location to reschedule, you never get the location. Just the call center that takes about 40 minutes to get to talk to the CORRECT people. Bill pay leaves a bunch to be desired as well. I paid a bill, what I thought was the visit where the receptionist wouldn’t take cash and the card machine was down, but somehow it went to a lab bill instead. Not what I was intending the payment to be for. I like being able to message the doctor’s offices, and they are pretty responsive. Refilling rx was ok for mail order. Not so well for picking up. Also, no cost in the rx side, so I never know what I’m paying.
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7 months ago, beating the young ones
I’ve been a Kaiser patient for 15 years and am earnestly looking for a new healthcare provider. The last several occasions that I’ve needed care has been horrible. After 4 visits, I was diagnosed with bronchitis (the Urgent Care doctor said that I had GERD). My most recent visit was for a herniated disc. I was prescribed Tramadol (narcotic) which did nothing. My primary care doctor (whom I haven’t seen in person for over 2 years) responded to my request for something to help with the pain through a message and suggested that I use lidocaine patches. I do not have a history of being prescribed “narcotics” but I’m starting to feel that my care is being mishandled and I’m just supposed to suffer and/or bear the pain because it’s more cost-efficient for Kaiser. Today, Saturday, I’ve been on hold on the Nurse Advice line to see what else can be done to alleviate the pain that is now going down my right leg. I would not suggest Kaiser at the expense of your health. Find a provider that actually cares about you and not “the bottom line”. That’s what I plan to do.
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3 years ago, Doctor_KDS
A Mostly Good APP With Some Problems
Having used this APP for many years I have watched it improve overall, but consistently fail in one important area, configuration. As an example you can enter your email address & cellphone number, but you can’t enter your daytime or nighttime phone numbers. This makes ordering things from the pharmacy painful. In each order you must enter daytime & nighttime phone number for each order. The APP doesn’t even remember what you entered during your session. I just had to enter my daytime & nighttime phone numbers twice in one session because one pharmacy item has to be picked up at the pharmacy & several other items can be sent. Missing is a configuration section to setup payments for the Kaiser Pharmacy & other Kaiser Permanente bills. The last big issue is that you can read your documents, but there is no way to either download or print these documents.
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6 months ago, kmariehawk
New Member
When using the app as a new member and one outside if the Kaiser area, using contracted doctors, the site is useless except ordering prescriptions but not ordering as a first time user. I have to call even after switching my prescriptions over (after a hour long phone call) when I want to get them the first time. This means calling for each one when needed. Calling is waiting on the phone for up to 45 minutes and being switched from this department to that. Also, after I was mailed a letter about denial of a doctor and wanted to dispute the decision, I was unable to find the letter online or any availability of how and who to call to begin this process. On the MyChart app I am able to find each letter sent to me and all correspondence. As a new member, I am also unable to choose my doctor outside of Kaiser that I was already established with whom Kaiser is contracted with in the app. The app needs improvement for new members and member outside the Kaiser area.
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5 months ago, Staarbucke
So, I get something called “trigger finger”, am referred to an orthopedic surgeon (Farsaii). I make the appointment & go see him & he tells me his specialty IS NOT hands; only joints. WASTED TRIP !!! Am referred to Dr. Kim, go see him & I eventually have my finger “kinda” surgically repaired; SOMEWHAT !!! 3 months later still painful & not right. I suppose I’ll have to learn to “live with it”. Couple months later I injure my shoulder & am referred to Dr. Kim. I make an appointment (a long drive I might add) for my shoulder & when I enter the office, the nurse states….Oh, you’re here for a “follow-up” for your finger. I said NO, this is for my shoulder. She then says…..Oh NO, Dr. Kim doesn’t do shoulders. So eventually he comes in & reiterates “sorry, I don’t do shoulders, you’ll have to go see Dr. Farsaii for that. While I’m there, he takes a look at it, but does explain this IS NOT his specialty & can’t properly diagnose the issue….and THAT cost me $40 for NOTHING. I can’t make this stuff up. That’s twice I’m sent to the wrong doctor. At this point, I’m “just about” done with Kaiser Permanente‼️‼️‼️
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11 months ago, CAS3000
Advice to Those Having App Issues
When the app is working, it’s fine…convenient and useful. But when it’s not, it’s REALLY frustrating. I’ve experienced the same endless blank screen loading issues others have. My guess is that the problem was that the app can’t handle the unexpected things thrown at it that accessing KP via a web browser can. Kaiser seemed to be wanting me to opt in to paperless options and I could see that via the web page in Safari (first thing I encountered when logging in) but my guess is THAT was what was causing this app to choke…something this app didn’t recognize or know how to interact with or offer me some app friendly version of. Once dismissing the paperless option via the web I was able to return to this app and log in successfully. Hope that’s of some help to others experiencing similar. Despite the workaround, I wish they’d fix this at their end.
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2 years ago, Unhappy iPad owner
So slow and some other needed improvements
First, the mobile app is incredibly slow. I use the app constantly to view my parents and hubby’s information. All three are disabled and there is a lot of tracking to be done. If I’m a trusted person it would be excellent to pay their bills under my login. It’s a pain to log in under their ID. Individuals can give authorization to pay bills just like they grant access to view medical history, view tests results. email on their behalf, schedule appointments on their behalf, order prescriptions on their behalf (which can require payment), etc so why can’t I pay their bill?!? In addition I want to view all claims entered by KP (not me). This function was removed from the online app. Contacted tech support and they referred me to claims. Way to go tech support. Although the mobile app has improved, there is still a lot of work to be done.
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7 months ago, Constance Pureheart
Kaiser is a team of the greatest hearts, minds, spirits and skills medically that I have seen in my seven decades of life on this planet. I’m not accusing them of being perfect! But I am effusively praising their ability to handle the imperfect with Grace, goodness, successes after success, and authenticity relative to the less perfect ways things can sometimes happen. I can’t recommend Kaiser highly enough and I thank God for every member of the Kaiser team every day. May God continue to bless the people, the practices and the results Kaiser produces. May God continue to expand the pharmaceutical practices scientifically so that doctors can practice medicine in freedom, and excellence. When I do pray medicine is protected by all of those who swear allegiance to God in order to practice medicine. God bless Kaiser. Thank you.
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2 years ago, ezpz
Sign in nightmare
I have use the Kaiser app for at least three years and loved the convenience in the immediate information or appointments I can make. About six months ago it stopped working. I was instructed to log out, log back in, that did not work. Then told to delete the app and download it again, that did not work. And then someone said that they would have to have someone from the technical team get in contact with me, that never happened. So for about six months I would go to my web browser search for Kaiser and login that way. Very time consuming and not as user-friendly as the app when you’re on the site. Bored one day so I decided to re-download the app and it worked, for about three weeks. And now my nightmare has returned. Please please please tell me what I can do next, thank you.
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7 years ago, Doctor Zarkov
Need Self Reporting Ability
This is a good app. I can get my lab results as soon as they become available. I can re-order my medications quickly and easily. What would really be nice is the ability to self report health data like weight, BP, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and so on. I’m trying to lose weight so I periodically weigh myself. Instead of some other app why can’t I keep that data here? I go to the Stanford blood bank and they compute my cholesterol level and take my BP. Why can’t I keep that data here? The data I enter could be tagged as “self reported” so a medical provider would know if the data was my measurement or if it was taken by a professional. Providing this capability could be a plus in a patient’s health care. Imagine an overweight patient with a blood sugar and cholesterol problem. Instead of only having data points from when they see a Kaiser professional (primary physician, physician’s assistant, nurse, dietician, etc) the health provider has as much data as possible. This could help reveal trends in health related behavior and thus better allow the provider to tailor treatment. Mobile computing could take health care to another level but health care providers like Kaiser are only scratching the surface. Hopefully someone at Kaiser will see these comments and will consider the enhancements I have suggested above.
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4 months ago, brosux
Clunky website
This website makes it tricky to find what you’re looking for. A bunch of messages popped up, saying they’re trying to sell my personal medical information which is outrageous. Then they make it very difficult to find how you can opt out. This is beneath Kaiser dignity. I’ve always trusted Kaiser in paper and electronically with my medical information. Common sense, HIPAA, law and laws in the state of California governor Internet privacy say that this is not right. Websites have simple toggle switches that say don’t sell my information or I don’t want cookies or I’m opting out or protect my privacy. This one doesnt. it’s very difficult to find out how to schedule a procedure. The emailing feature was hard to access. Most of the features are very awkward. Typical bureaucracy style, Kaiser, Gibbs, less and less pulls away from patients more and more makes it hard to contact doctors and tries to steal your information. Not impressed Kaiser!
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8 months ago, another head
Tech is awful and no one helps with it
The entire system runs on the internet system but they have no I.T. Assistance. The same problems occur for years. This triggers major problems unending. I was sent to the wrong hospital for surgery. I was not notified that my procedure was canceled because my provider was out that day and they rescheduled another appointment without asking me while I stood there at Kaiser for 4 hours. They canceled an appointment. Did not ask me even though I was standing in front of them. The scheduled appointment for me with a completely different provider I’ve never met, on a day I was out of town. They didn’t ask, not inform me. Another time , my wife and I took off work and that was difficult and showed up for a procedure but the doctor said he wouldn’t do it. No real reason. Just no. He planned it himself. We’re frustrated and feel zero autonomy.
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7 months ago, Teannadanafofannafeefyfofana
It’s useful and convenient
It could definitely use an upgrade, especially when navigating emails, past appointments, and labs. it would be great to have a search bar so you could just search for the doctor or appointment or labs that you had instead of scrolling down forever. I often get asked by doctors which medications I have tried, and it would be great if there was a list of all the old and new medication‘s so everyone could see it. Lastly, a note next to the doctors name that depicts what type of doctor they are would be great. I don’t often remember the names of my doctors, but if it said Podiatrist or dermatologist next to it, then I would know. Otherwise, i’m sifting through my old past visits to see what their names are. Fixing these things would be great, thank you!
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