me°- three - sixty

Health & Fitness
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323.9 MB
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Last update
2 years ago
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13.0 or later
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User Reviews for me°- three - sixty

4.79 out of 5
11.8K Ratings
12 months ago, kidnikki
Easy to use & Accurate scans
This is a great app for anyone who wants to track their body transformation over time. The app uses two images, from the front and side, to create a three-dimensional scan of your body. You can then compare those scans side-by-side to see your progress, or use the Future Me feature to find your aspirational body. I've been using MeThreeSixty for a few months now, and I've been really impressed with the results. The app is easy to use, and the scans are accurate. I've been able to see my body changing in real time, which has been really motivating. One of the things I like most about MeThreeSixty is that it's more than just a body scanner. The app also tracks your weight, body fat percentage, and other measurements. This gives you a comprehensive picture of your progress, so you can see how all of your hard work is paying off. If you're looking for an app to help you track your body transformation, I highly recommend MeThreeSixty. It's a great way to stay motivated and see your progress over time.
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3 years ago, PhillyGirl 215
Thus is a great app if you can get it to work right. I’ve tried to scan on 2 different occasions. The first one took me about an hr. to get it right. It’s worked great aside from me looking like the stay puff guy on ghostbusters lol. The front scan was no problem the side scan was the problem. It keeps telling me to straighten my arms and hands to my side. Well being human you can only straighten your arms but so much before it hurts or it’s just not happening. Finally got it and thought I had a plan. Well today I tried to scan to see if their was progress and back to the same problem. After running around my room choosing different locations and trying to straighten as much as humanly possible I’m giving up. It’s a great concept. But it’s just too much in positing. Maybe if I was thinner idk. But it should accommodate any and everyone. Thanks but it’s just too much of an effort to get the side view positioned correctly for the system. If this can be fixed I’d love it. Kudos to those of you that don’t have a problem. Therefore it gets only 3 stars ⭐️
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7 months ago, JEW31140
If I could give zero stars I would. Once again a health app not made for fat people, because obviously only skinny people need fitness apps. The front pose was fine, the side pose is a complete joke. The amount of times this robotic voice told me to completely straighten my arms! I’m fat, my arms are fat, I promise they are as straight as I can get them!!! The one and only time I was able to get it to scan, after it processed for 4-5 minutes it came up failed. I wouldn’t mind too much and be understanding, except the fact that somebody wrote a similar review two years ago about this issue and you responded back to them, thanking them for their feedback and telling them that you want to improve your app, but clearly you’ve improved nothing. This could be a really good app if I’d be able to get it to work.I moved my phone back more, I’ve adjusted, I did everything I could do aside from breaking my arms, and it’s still telling me the same thing.
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2 years ago, sue b myrtle beach
Wish I knew about it earlier
I started my weight loss journey in January 2022. I weighed 197 lbs and was boarder line diabetic. I started going to the gym everyday and quickly dropped 20lbs in first 3 months. After that I didn’t lose any weight. I was feeling unmotivated and wanted to give up. Until one day I saw someone on Facebook talking about this free so called me360. So I downloaded it and did my first scan on July 13th ( I think). Every Monday since I have done a body scan. I can now see each week my progress and how my body is transforming. Me360 has really kept me motivated and excited to keep going to the gym and to maintain a healthy lifestyle!
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5 months ago, WdszN
Pretty good
For users: 1. The measurements were up to 1.3” off for me. This is likely due to distortion from the camera angle, and will happen with any camera-based measurements. Try to use the same angle for each scan, as much as you can. If you want better accuracy, you’ll have to figure out the best angle or just stick with manual measurements. Its perfectly fine for what I need, just be aware. 2. If you have a larger body type and cannot fully straighten your elbows with your arms tight against your sides, you can get away with holding them out a bit. I don’t know how much it affects measurements, but mine were pretty close. For devs: 1. Larger users can’t fully straighten their elbows with their arms against their sides. This makes getting a profile pic a huge challenge, or even impossible if you follow directions. Allow a little bend or holding arms slightly out. 2. The voice instructions are grating. For the love of God, please space them out a bit. I’d be shocked if at least one person hasn’t thrown their phone against a wall. 3. Future Me takes ages to load. Could that be optimized?
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3 years ago, Fingerusarthriticus
I dieted and exercised for a month and gained 5 lbs. I was ready to go on the “screw this” food binge but then decided to do my 2nd scan. Even though I had gained 5 pounds, my waist had gone down 1 inch. My lean body muscle had increased a pound. And all of my other scores were positive for muscular growth. I actually tried to find these people to see where I could pay them for this app but there was nowhere to pay for it. I have certainly experienced a bunch of apps that I’ve paid for that I wish I hadn’t; now I have one that I want to pay for but can’t.
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2 years ago, Cmanspach
Breakthrough for Self measurements ! motivator
I’m a firm believer in accuracy .This app provides that. I alway do a random manual measure of 2 areas and it’s within mms of being right. I’m sure if I went to a nutritionist I’d get more accuracy especially on the body fat % but the key is see progression over time using the same base. Me measuring myself is hard who knows if I ever was in the same spot. Electronic things on scale - depends so much on water content, etc. the only reason I gave this a 4 is because of a discrepancy between their ‘manual BF’ calculations and what the app computes. I asked support no answer yet. Otherwise loving it very much
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2 years ago, DublinReview
Yoga block and dining room chair
I saw a ton of people having issues on the reviews and I was a little scared to download and try it. With a yoga block,my dining room chair, and my iPhone 14, I was able to get my scans done in about 30 seconds and had results a couple minutes later. The results are within a quarter inch on most of the measurements that I recently did with a tape measure and it’s likely I messed that up rather than the app being wrong. So much better of an experience!
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12 months ago, belle28
I checked this against measurements taken same day IRL: the bust was accurate, the waist was over estimated by 2”, the hips were overestimated by 4”. This overestimation is consistent with the way in which the recommend photo height & angle would distort the image, making the parts of the body closer to the lens appear proportionally larger. The scan could be a good starting place if you were able to go in and correct it with actual measurements, but you are not able to do this. Otherwise, it’s going to a take a lot of trial and error each time you scan to find a camera position that will get you more accurate measurements.
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12 months ago, TryitOMADstyle
Keeps you motivated
Wish I found this app before my recent weight lose journey. I am already down 24 lbs since February 2023 and I have about 20 more lbs I would like to lose. I am excited to see the rest of my progress through this app. It will help keep me focused and motivated to continue with my weight training and exercises. I will officially be at my pre-pandemic weight hopefully by January 2024 that is my goal.
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1 year ago, Mollynicole
Somewhat accurate
I love the concept but I think the developers need to do some updating to the app- I find that it seems pretty spot of for tracking my weight loss progres in my midsection, but I’ve talked to MULTIPLE users in some weightloss groups and we ALL find it never shows accurate measurements for arms/legs. And when we have used the feature that shows what your body could look like with future weightloss, most of us actually see out thighs INCREASE in size. I’d love to see this get fixed! Maybe more then just 2 scans would give a better image.
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2 years ago, Kaylaboo👸🏿
Pretty accurate, but…
The data in this app isn’t too far off from the measurements I took with tape, give or take a few inches. Since the app is called me 360 it would only make sense to take a photo from the front, left side, right side and the back to have proper results. Many people are asymmetrical which makes parts of the body bigger or smaller depending on the angle. If the developers can implement an actual 360 scan into the app, I would give it 5 stars in a heartbeat!
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2 years ago, eramazon
I am not sure whether the body fat percentage is accurate or not, but I know that the measurements are. I have double checked them multiple times and they are really close to the measurements that I get when I take them myself. It is really nice to see the body changing over time. Sometimes that is not reflected on the scale. I really enjoy using this as a tool on my journey!
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1 year ago, Bellaphile
Great when it works
The app is really helpful when it works. A few days ago it was lagging processing a new entry to the point it was 2+ hours without completing. I logged out and back in to find out not only had it not processed the latest entry but it’s lost all of my data, over 6 months worth, which is so disappointing. Support is non existent (in their words from the automated support reply “because it’s free!”) so don’t rely too heavily on it for your needs and have a backup in place.
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12 months ago, jonflaherty
Amazing app! Very accurate!
This is a fantastic app and I think more accurate than an Inbody scale. Also it works way better than the super expensive body scanner at my gym. I don’t know why more people aren’t using this. All you need is a cheap scale and your phone and you get pro level body composition analysis. Thank you developers!
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4 weeks ago, Jennfrede
Was great until it stopped working
Loved this app until today when it decided to stop working. Did two scans this morning and they wouldn’t load. Just said they were processing. So I had the brilliant idea to delete the app and reinstall it. Well when I logged back in, all my scans from the last year now just show processing- claiming they will load in 4-5 minutes when it’s been hours and not a Single one has loaded. So I can’t view them anymore so no way to look at my progress. Super frustrated
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9 months ago, Rearea89
It doesn’t work for amputees
I hate when I get excited for something only to find that new technology doesn’t account for people like me. I am able to stand and balance perfectly without a leg and aligned myself within the lines and it would not scan because my other leg was not in view. I know it is more lucrative to go with a generalized population but I wish sometimes people would just make an app that would scan the body that you have missing pieces and all.
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2 years ago, cjWilson80
Loving This App!
I downloaded this app yesterday and it was super easy to use. Just make sure to wear tight clothing and follow the voice instructions given when you do the scan. Make sure your full body is visible and you can see your feet on the floor to the top of your head. I’m using this to track my progress on my weight loss journey!
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1 year ago, Yawehs Paz
Be ready for it
I cried when I saw my body scan, talk about a huge dose of reality! After the tears I got motivated to make some serious changes to my lifestyle and I am super happy about finding this app. What would be super awesome is if every time your body fat dropped 10% your fat avatar would do a happy dance to celebrate your victory with you 🤩🥳
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1 year ago, Boozemacher
Fundamentally broken
My scan has been “processing” for “4-5 minutes” for the past week. “Support” told me that, all I had to do to resolve the issue was, log out, clear the cache, restart my device, get off of my wifi network, launch the app, stay on cellular data, and wait 10 minutes—with the screen on and open the entire time—in order to work. That’s not “working.” That’s BROKEN. Screens can, should, and often (for security reasons) MUST lock if not actively being used before that 10 minute timer expires. Also, having tried the above steps, it didn’t work AND all of my previous scan data was gone as well. I appreciate support trying to help, but this app doesn’t work as intended, or if the above workflow IS as intended, the PM in charge of it should try talking to literally any user and see if the above workflow meets their requirements.
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1 year ago, Mrs. Chippy
Cool App, but super inaccurate
I just downloaded it, followed instructions and waited for my results. It is very easy to use, hence 3 ⭐️ however, pretty much every measurement was off. My hip measurements were off by 4 inches, waist by two inches, chest by two inches, etc… you get the picture. I suppose if you just compare the raw data it gives you to each time you use it, then it’s helpful, but the actual measurements are far from accurate in real life.
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7 months ago, Nate Low Hz
Game Changer
Before I stumbled on this app, I had only been using a Renpho scale with bio impedance. Using the 3-D scanner was unbelievably accurate. It had my waist measurement exactly as I had taped it. I was surprised to find out that my body fat percentage was higher than the scale had estimated. very useful. Thank you so much! I will definitely be recommending this app.
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7 months ago, KLH18
This app is complete trash.
As someone who has been dedicated to health and fitness for 20+ years this app is complete trash. A friend of mine sent her BMI scan, which I immediately knew was garbage. So I downloaded the app to check it myself. My height weight, BMI calculation just from the basic table that has been used in the United States had me at 12% less BMI than what this app “” calculated. Standard measurements around waist, hips and chest were all 2 inches were more larger than my actual measurements. You are better off buying a measuring tape yourself and using the BMI chart.
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11 months ago, runnergirl39
Great App for tracking progress
This app is perfect for tracking your progress that may not always show on the scale. Love that you can scan without a second person to hold the phone. I also love that you can do side by side comparisons to watch the changes as your body evolves.
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1 year ago, Work in progress AL
Nice app…but a feature disappeared
I have done two scans and I’m impressed by the accuracy. There was a feature that allowed my to see what I would look like 50 pounds lighter. That option has disappeared. What a shame. It was very motivational. I reported the issue, but I’ve never received a response. I’ve recommended this app to several friends. I just wish the company could restore the feature I really enjoyed.
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1 year ago, Happy Philly Guy
Unbelievably accurate
This is a game changer for me. The measurements are pretty much inline with my tape measure but this is so much simpler. This is my first time using it but I can see the benefits already. The biggest will be a consistent measurement. I need to track neck and shoulders for my trainer, so that would be great to see in future releases but hey…it’s a free app so no complaints!! Amazing!!!
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3 months ago, Blahbloojhdjdjdjs
Good for tracking body measurements
This is great for seeing what your body looks like and how it changes over time. It would be nice if you could use your back camera to do scans too, because my front camera is damaged and makes it hard to get a good scan.
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2 years ago, Nina7996
I'm not sure why there are so many negative reviews. If you set up your phone properly you should have no problem scanning. I mean the stick figure is green when you're standing properly. It's not rocket science. I'm excited to keep tracking my progress!
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5 months ago, Self Proclaimed J. Geils Groupee
Garbage - imprecise and persnickety
My first scan went ok…I do them monthly. It’s harder and harder to get the app to work (even in the same place and same clothes as I used previously). Lots of “failed” measurements before one records, trouble getting it to lock in etc. But that’s not the worst part - I’m losing weight AND my clothes are much looser, people are noticing but according to this app I’m getting BIGGER (in every category) each month (three months in). It’s simply not accurate and very demoralizing. Glad I didn’t pay for it.
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11 months ago, SalamandraV
Completely inaccurate
I like the app and the idea, I just wish it was accurate. I took two scans on the same day, I deleted the first and took a second one. Well, fat percentage went from 19% to over 23%, huge difference. The waist had almost 20% difference in size. It says my left bicep is bigger than my right one (it is actually the opposite). And so on, lots of issues.
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11 months ago, Possum8163
Surprisingly accurate
Have taken one scan so far for fitness. Compared it to my own measurements with a tape measure and scan is incredibly accurate. Looking forward to tracking body changes with this app as I work toward my fitness goals.
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2 years ago, starrchilde
Fails More Often than Not
I really want to love this app, because when it works it provides great insight into changes that might not be obvious to the naked eye. The problem, however, is that it fails more often than it’s successful. I shouldn’t have to rescan three and four times before it will properly process the results. Maybe once it’s fixed I’ll be able to re-evaluate, but for now it’s really not worth bothering with.
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2 years ago, kellykowl
Easy and helpful
Super easy to set up. Not sure why the bad reviews on the set up. I set my phone up on a chair and it was fast and easy. Pretty accurate numbers too and perfect for checking on my overall body fat % I would like to get down.
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10 months ago, Mismicdar
Not truly accurate
This is cool app for being free. However, the measurements are not entirely accurate. The scan has parts of my body smaller than in reality. For instance my waist is 42.5” and the app has 37.3”. App shows my hips at 43.6” when I’m actually 46”. Some of the other measurements are just millimeters to 1/2” off. I wish there were a way to “edit” your measurements to get an accurate count.
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2 years ago, BMRFitness22
Really impressed
I never write reviews but I was very impressed by this app and how accurate it was to my measurements as well as the technology used to show you how your body can transform. Definitely cutting edge something unlike any other app and very motivating. Thank you!
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1 year ago, TLJRealEstate
“Future Me”
I downloaded the app today and was able to get a complete scan on the first try. It gives great detail, and that’s why I gave it 4 stars. The only negative is the “Future Me” feature isn’t working. It just keeps spinning. Hopefully the creator can fix this. Then I would give it 5 stars!
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6 months ago, ashpretty
Does exactly what it’s supposed to
The measurements are quick and accurate. Great way to track your progress. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do plus a few extra features like future projections, goal setting, side by side comparison. Great app!
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1 month ago, Moon Mad Meg
Stopped working and all history “processing”
This app was amazing while it worked, and then it randomly stopped working at all. All of my scans are “processing “ and say they’ll be ready in four or five minutes. This has been going on for weeks. Emailed support and was informed that as this was a free app that there wasn’t really support. Disappointed I started using the app and began to rely on it for tracking. Wish I would have started using something else.
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1 year ago, PVassarFan10
Amazing !
If you’re on a weight loss journey, this is the absolute best app! Easy to follow directions take your scans and it only takes about a minute and it shows exactly where you’re losing weight and where you need to work on.
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2 years ago, dstpyt
Game changer
When body scanning was introduced to the public it was only available to fashion industry insiders and athletes in my experience having it available to the general public is definitely a game changer for weight management and tracking!
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12 months ago, Mrstinag
Still Calculating!
First time it scanned me and then went to its next step but kept saying no internet connection. Weird because there was connection on my phone in the house. I was next to the router! Later I tried again, scanned fine. It started downloading and calculating etc for 10 minutes. I’m not that big it needs 10 minutes plus to figure out my info. Waste of time. Really sad too because it came soooo highly recommended.
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7 months ago, TennLady1
Definitely better than looking in mirror. It’s a little more kind. You have the picture, the percentages and pounds. I like it. Maybe once a month. Give me something to shoot for, etc…
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12 months ago, gmaSarah2
Pretty decent if you take it with a gain of salt
I am using it not for exact measurements, but as a motivational tool to see where I was and where I am going. The where I was has decent measurements-and great to compare as time passes. The FUTURE me has been broken / gone for months now. Sad, as that was truly motivating
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1 year ago, Kristenb.
Not accurate for body builders
Great idea and might work for people who don't lift/have extra muscle mass. I’m a body builder. This app says I have 76lbs of fat which is inaccurate. My body fat % is closer to 18% and it’s reading at 35%. I get it checked fairly regularly. I was just checking to see if this would be a better/cheaper option for scans. It’s not. I can’t say how it would hold up for non lifters. My guess is it would be more accurate for people with less muscle mass.
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2 years ago, J2022S
Love it
Love this app as a quick way to see your weight loss results. I would really like to see an option when you compare scans that you could actually drag one on top of the other to be able to visualize small changes more easily.
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2 years ago, TunesM0m
Scan fail - unable to use
After nearly two hours of positioning and repositioning, myself and my phone using mobile phone camera positioning gear on a tripod, appropriate lighting and a hard to come by blank space, the scan never worked. I followed directions to the letter. Even double checked phone settings and read all troubleshooting directions. I wanted to use it and love it. Instead I’m deleting it! Hard pass!
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1 year ago, Bdhwbbvdgryyyyytayrb
Inaccurate measurements
It won’t let you manually put in your measurements . It had most of my measurements off my 4 inches, which is a lot when you are on a weight loss journey. You should be able to scan your body but also manually put in correct measurements so you can really see an accurate view of yourself and future self. I deleted right away.
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1 year ago, TatyanaCF
Not accurate for hourglass body types?
I’ve been using this app for 8 weeks, during which time I’ve dropped 10 pounds through diet and daily workouts. Initial scan measurements were close to my manual tape measurements, but my weekly scan measurements have not changed except for saying I’ve lost muscle and gained fat. By tape measurement, I’m down 12 inches overall. My clothing is loose as well. Very strange.
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8 months ago, BeeDodge
Get it!
So helpful to see progress. I uninstalled for a year and was still able to log right back in, and it still had all my history.I love how easy this is .
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11 months ago, Kiiaa22
Good but one issue
Love the app if only I could get the second scan to work right. It usually takes several minutes to get it to read right for the second scan. First scan is never a problem. But side view scan hardly ever scans in a timely manner.
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