Nike Training Club: Wellness

Health & Fitness
4.8 (252.1K)
213.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
Nike, Inc
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
16.0 or later
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User Reviews for Nike Training Club: Wellness

4.84 out of 5
252.1K Ratings
1 year ago, luu1uu
Reviewing the prenatal & postnatal programs
I’ve been pregnant for nearly two years now (back to back kids…) and love how A. The app is free. Period. And B. The ladies coaching the prenatal/postnatal programs seem awesome to work with. I love how I don’t have to pay a cent to access the workout videos and the resources, and no ads either. The interface is seamless and easy to navigate. Nike does a great job recruiting other real moms and moms-to-be to show alternative poses/positions, and the coaches themselves are mothers too. I used to only want to work out for looks (in my 20s) but now as I’m in my 30s with one baby and another on the way, I am still doing what I can to maintain my fitness level to be strong and flexible and to also recover, especially with all the changes my body has been through and will continue to go through. With one C-section and a second surgery scheduled, my body will never go back to the way it was before and I have to learn to embrace that yet it’s still so important to stay active. Thank you, Nike, for representing true and real motherhood - without showing Instagram-like models with unrealistic expectations and bodies. Also I follow the yoga programs and videos too. Love those as well. I can’t say much for the other workout programs - I strive to slowly one day go back to those programs and workout routines.
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2 years ago, Seethrucowboy
WORSE UPDATE EVER!! Where are my workouts???!!
I went on the app today to do one of my favorite workouts MAX and Recover. It is now a class video format instead of individual exercises that you follow at your own pace. Why is that an upgrade? Videos aren’t as useful in hotel gyms and it is easier to swipe back and forth btw exercises. New update now only gives you two options whiteboard or class. I have used the app for years and had multiple workouts saved and now half are gone and the other half I have to watch a class instead of going at my own pace. Why is that an upgrade? When the app first came out you could do a program. You would pick a goal and it would recommend a program and then give you a six week list of workouts. It tracked progress and was awesome. I logged two years of workouts. Then for some reason the program feature was eliminated so you could still pick the workouts but not have a program. The only way to have a program was to do a whiteboard workout. Has anyone at Nike compared the two and actually asked users what they prefer. The whiteboards require you to leave your workout and go to a video to see the exercise. Your last two major updates over the last few years have actually decreased the value of the app. Pushing all users to video and eliminating self guided programs is a bummer. Half my saved workouts aren’t even available anymore. Did anyone ask the user/customer before making these changes?
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2 years ago, TeamGustavo581
Just started using NTC agin
Hello I’m not usually one to leave reviews on an app but I just wanted to say that I started using NTC again after a couple years and it looks like they’ve completely refreshed the app from what it used to be! I am enjoying using the app at the moment to get some warm-ups and stretches before my run and look forward to building up towards more challenging workouts! While I am enjoying the app, I just wanted to mention some things that I noticed would help me use the app even better! Although I like the option that you get to save workouts, when I go on the workout page it’s just one big jumble of workouts seemingly in order of how I saved them. I wanted to say that it’d be GREAT if we could sort our saved workouts into different categories/folders. It would help me to organize my workouts throughout the week without having to keep scheduling workouts day by day. I could just go to my Monday workout folder and jump in at any time with the set of workouts I want and in the order I want them at the moment! Also it would be great if we could at least organize the order of the saved workouts, to be able to move them up and down the list to help set some kind of sequential list of workouts! Sorry for the long message but just wanted to share in the off-chance that someone will read and consider these suggestions, thank you for the great app! 🙏🏽
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4 years ago, AAC416
Good company, great app
I started using this app consistently when COVID hit and I no longer had gym access. They made their premium content free, which made me all the more inclined to stick with it. Their premium content alone has saved my health and fitness routine, without it I would not have found a program to consistently stick to. But all the while I have been anxious for the day they would take their free premium content back and make it a paid subscription again. To find out today that they will keep their premium content free indefinitely was a huge sigh of relief, and an even stronger motivator to stay committed. Now, I can visualize my fitness future. I greatly value a company that proves their ethos with action and not just lip speak. Thank you Nike for making it so easy for your community to stay healthy and committed! As for the workouts, they cannot make it any easier. You can filter my body part, workout type, instructor, workout length, equipment vs no equipment. You can save favorites (one suggestion to Nike would be allow us to create separate folders to save favorites to). You just hit play and the (mental) work is done for you. Its the best. I’ve tried other competitive workout apps as well and nothing quite compares.
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used to love it but am disappointed
I’ve been using NTC club for around 4-5 years and it’s been my holy grail for working out. It got me started on a new lifestyle, and it’s helped me stay active even on days where I feel like I don’t have the time. The problem I have now though is with the most recent update where it takes the training programs and makes them premium only. Although I understand that the app still has all the old workouts I loved for free, what I’m upset about is that they completely scraped the free version of the plan system. The only reason I used the app in the first place was to have that customized plan in place and as we speak I was in the middle of a plan, and to have it taken away from me days before finishing when I was planning on moving to the next one, is a huge let down. I’ve always had a problem knowing which workouts to do in order, and the structure that came from the free plans is what helped me want to workout everyday. NTC updates have let me down before and they usually come back around, but in this case, I’m more disappointed than usual. I love this app and the workouts and as a college student, I can’t afford the premium plans. I’ve depended on the plan systems for years now and now it feels like my personal use for the app has greatly diminished. I’m probably still going to use NTC because it’s all I’ve ever known, but if there could be some re-implementation of the free training plan system I’d make my rating much higher.
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4 months ago, super meme boi
Really happy
I remember using this app during the Covid lockdown and now still as a teen I decided to try it again since everything is free and I can do it in my bedroom, living room or backyard which is my favorite place to do the workouts (you just need WiFi). I love that everything is free and easy to do since I am a teen that can’t afford a gym membership like I did last year. I am not so skinny (I am trying to be / working on it) and I am so glad these workouts are easy to do for anyone (yes they also have more advanced stuff, I’m not ready for it yet). They also have things with and without equipment needed and you can sync your Apple Music playlist. I like using this app on my iPad, I just wish the app itself was played out for the iPad however the workout videos are just fine and you can click a button that pops up in the corner that makes the video fit the screen. Also each coach walks you through each workout. I have only done 3 workouts since I redownloaded the app, the app has definitely gotten better since 2020 and I am definitely here to stay even if I do sign up for a real gym again!
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5 years ago, Hiffddchhh
I fell in love with this app when I first started using it. It was helpful to see the plan laid out in front of me. I also really enjoyed the feature where if a workout one day was too easy for me they would up the intensity next week. Unfortunately, I took a break from working out after experiencing the worst break up. It was only supposed to last a week but then it turned into months. When I finally felt ready to workout again I logged into my app to see that things have changed. I was freaking out. I have now been on a search for a similar app that is also free but I can’t find one. Because I have so much trouble trying to put a workout together because there is way to much information out there, I have yet to workout anywhere close to the way I used to. And my consistency is lacking. I can’t tell you how many people I recommended to get this app. Now I will have to tell people I have stopped using it because they don’t have this feature anymore. UPDATE: so when I had first logged into my app it said you guys would not be offering this feature anymore. Now it is a premium feature, which upsets me even more. Nike makes so much money as a company. You want me to pay $15 per month for a feature that used to be free. Nike promotes fitness but when it comes to money they don’t mind taking away features and making things less accessible to others. I AM SO THROUGH WITH SUPPORTING NIKE.
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2 years ago, NoviceGamer69
No Previews, NOT For Beginners
The recent updates have made it impossible to see which exercises are included in a workout. Please bring back the exercise list, the preview videos are really nice too. Stopping the workout and scrubbing back and forth to see the exercise is not an option. That’s just ridiculous. The best way I’ve found for selecting and doing my workout is to see the exercises, figure out easier forms, then follow along. Due to injury I’m starting over and most of your beginner workouts just aren’t at my level. Perhaps you have another level easier than beginner. Because a full plank to alternating single arm plank for 30 seconds in 3 sets is NOT beginning! I love the added focus on yoga, but I’m new here too. Have you ever tried to watch a video to see the next position (which you have no idea what it is and giving it a name is useless as a beginner) while in down dog. No. OK, let’s try. Press back into down dog. Now scorpion that. What you don’t know what that is? You need to see the position? Wait did you put your phone/tablet on the counter/table/chair, and your face is pointed down and back. So just pick up you chin and rotate it 180 degrees. Now you can see what the new pose looks like. Beginners are beginners. We want to learn and get better. But please help us. Bring back previews, explain exercises/position, provide normal and easier alternative exercise/forms.
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4 years ago, iTif
Great travel app
I started using this app a good 8 years ago, using it here and there over the years. I feel like the older version made it easier to find your usual workouts, and had better workouts. In the current version (using it a lot these days, since we are all on social lockdown), there is not a spot to find all your downloaded workouts- if you want to easily find them, you have to bookmark AND download them. My other gripe is that it only will let you use Apple Music to play along. Having other streaming services implemented seems like a given. Finally, “equipment.” While you can search workouts based on “basic,” “no,” and “full” equipment, it would be great if I could search based on which equipment I have. While I may not have a bench, I do have other pieces that fall into the full category. Currently, you have to go into each workout to see what equipment is needed, and it’s a bit tedious. A little off tangent, but I would love it if each workout had an “info” button of sorts, featuring the apparel / shoes worn in the workout. I understand a lot of the workouts were recorded a while ago, but knowing what type of shoes the model was wearing would be helpful. Generally, there’s an updated version that comes close (basically, Nike, there’s a pair worn that i would love to have!😉).
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2 years ago, DistinguishedGangsta
My go-to app for workout routines
I have several fitness apps that I’m looking to weed out. I keep coming back to the Nike app because it’s easy, simple. The design of the app is clean and intuitive. The workouts are really good. I’ve used lifting apps but it kinda gets boring quickly with those. A combination of lifting plus the addition of HIITS, and sometimes Yoga at the end is way more engaging. Don’t get me wrong, some days I want to lift heavy and that’s it but those are occasional. I’m also happy they don’t charge like another big name corporation they I won’t mention. Bottom line is you’re getting a premium product at no financial cost to you. If I were forced to criticize something about the app I’d say this. 1- they should have a way to schedule your workouts for you via machine learning. For example, after a few weeks of recording the types of workouts you’ve chosen, the app formulates an algorithm to book your next routine the next time you open it. 2- I want to eliminate certain types of workouts from view going forward. I know I can do that on demand but I don’t like sorting every single time I open the app.
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4 years ago, ophelian
Accessible fitness from every angle
I have always struggled to stay motivated to stick with strength training, favoring cardio exercise. Nike Training Club has given me every tool I need to succeed in becoming more consistent - the ability to filter by workout type, body part, duration of workout, and equipment (or lack thereof) makes it easy to squeeze in a quick 10 minute core workout before bed on the days I procrastinate as well as inspire me to push harder with a range of advanced options on my more ambitious days. I especially love the focus on time exercise is performed rather than reps - this has been an absolute game changer for me as I would always rush reps to be done and now I am more inclined to complete fewer reps with good form since the time limit will move me through at a reasonable pace regardless. I also want to commend Nike for making their Premium content free “for good,” due to the pandemic. It feels so great to know that unlike other offers that are set to expire, I can count on this program being a part of my health plan for the foreseeable future - my kids will be so excited to try the “Fitness Adventure” programs!
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6 years ago, CRE480
This used to be the best app ever made but...
I’ve been using this app for many years and it was the perfect training companion. There were some minor hiccups in the past (some interferences with Apple Music app while exercising or sometimes the training would freeze if you were mirroring it on a tv..) but it was by far the best app ever developed. Sadly developers decided to remove the planning feature which was the huge plus over all the others apps. The app was able to support the definition of a specific training and support the weekly schedule, adjusting based on participation and feedback. I can’t tell if the app was really able to adjust the training over time, but it definitely provided the feeling of being followed and supported during sessions. Especially for those (like me) that have little time for training and want a product that is doing all the preparation, improving efficiency. Even if this app contains a lot of outstanding material, I’m giving it just one star because without the plan feature this is just a average confusing app, that makes it even harder to identify how to exercise in the little available time. Defining what to do is just a nightmare. BRING THE PLAN FEATURE BACK..I’m going to stop using it for now and transition to a easier app..for the first time in many years I even bought a pair of shoes from a different brand since Nike is not my favorite brand anymore...
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2 years ago, Life slide
Best fitness app ever, no contest
I’ve explored probably a dozen fitness apps and I would say that this is easily the highest quality app I’ve ever seen. Number two on the list seems to be no longer supported. It is called touch fit GSP. It was fantastic as well when it was supported. NTC is so full of good content, of various styles / formats. If you wanna watch a full video, they have it if you wanna watch a blackboard style work out, they have it if you want to watch multiple videos strong into online video, they have it if you want to filter for the right type of work out in the right length and the right side of equipment, you can do that. If you want to stick to a program that is 20 workouts long, and takes you through a thoroughly designed well thought out sequence of workouts, they have it. The one thing that they can improve upon is diversity of instructors. There’s a ethnic diversity, gender diversity, body shape adversity, but there is very little age diversity. I would like to see some older fitness leaders presenting some material.
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5 years ago, Noirebutterly91
Good app
I kept putting off buying the premium version but I finally did and am thoroughly impressed. The workouts are way more intense and I definitely see better results now. I know people were upset about it not being free, but you’re getting a lot of programs at a discounted price in comparison to joining a gym where you’d be paying almost 400 for the year so you get your money’s worth. In addition they give nutritional information that complements the workouts that you’re doing. I’m surprised that people find that bothersome. All in all you’re getting your moneys worth for great sessions. I recommend that if you do get the premium version, get the year because you do save more than paying monthly. *Edit* It’s still good, however the app doesn’t properly track the amount of calories burned. So it’ll say I burned about 250 but once my workout is done it will say I only burned like 140 or even 45! Please fix this glitch. Ive learned that exited the app mid work out and continuously going to activity app tracks it properly but it’s still inconvenient as hell.
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2 years ago, wyeurifnd
Update ruined the app
I used to use Nike Training Club all the time for my workouts, but the newest update made the app nearly unusable. Some of my favorite features of the app, including being able to see all the exercises in the workout before you start, being able to skip and repeat exercises to get a custom workout, and being able to adjust the amount of guidance during the workout were erased when they switched from the old format to “class format.” Now all you can see before you start is the level, duration, general muscles worked, and equipment needed. Instead of being able to pick my workout based on the drills it contains, I’m now expected to choose based off of the title and minimal vague information. This “class format” makes it incredibly difficult to compare workouts as well - how am I supposed to pick between “Straight-Up Abs” and “Core Crunch 2.0” without being able to see the drills in each workout?? This update might not impact casual exercisers looking for a quick workout, but for higher-level athletes who used the app to supplement their training, it took away the features that made the app so effective. I hope Nike reverses the update as soon as possible because until then, I don’t think I can use the app.
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7 years ago, ReviewByMe0987651234
best workout app out there
i have tried many many MANY workout apps, and believe me i have gotten very agitated. i’ve googled and searched and downloaded so so many apps and none of them were right. they were either not free of just not a good overall app. this app is PERFECT. it shows you exactly what to do and adjusts your plan to your lifestyle. it helps you keep your workout goal as well as push yourself. it speaks aloud so you don’t have to constantly look down at your phone when all you want to do is focus. there are such a variety of exercises and workout routines so you can pick the one that’s right for you. this is the best workout app i have ever found and i will definitely be using it a lot his year. i’ve had it for only 2 days and i am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with it. it motivates me to workout and gives me checking points on my personal workout. this is just what i needed to turn my workout goals into a habit. i have never been more motivated to reach my workout goal. this app was life changing.
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2 years ago, NewInsomniac
251 Short Workouts. 89 Whiteboard.
Those numbers show the changing priorities of the app makers. Just felt a need to update this review because they now seem to have gotten rid of some excellent workouts - including all the ones using the row machine. Bring those back please! While I appreciate you trying to add in more workouts that are accessible for all athletes, does that really mean you have to mess with the previous workouts and formats that were loved by so many of your users? I also can’t help but notice how many of the newer workouts are extremely short (less than 10 minutes). I’m a trainer and understand the science behind quick movement breaks throughout the day, but this is excessive. Seems like these short videos are taking up way more memory/data on the app than some of the older, superior workouts. **** I’ve been a long time committed user of the app, but I hate that you’ve recently converted all the older workouts into video format! As someone who likes to preview my workout and know exactly what moves are going to be included, this new format makes that almost impossible. Please consider at least including a list of the moves that will be in the workout that can be viewed before starting the video.
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7 years ago, mcaccavano
So much opportunity to make this App amazing
Great App, but feels like there is so much more potential. Admittedly, I may represent a smaller user-base but I find myself wishing you had a library of exercises that I could pull from to create my own workouts, setting the respective timers and breaks, etc. Currently using an App called SecondsPro that allows me (and the group I work out with) to build our own workouts, but it's all manual and there is no audio or video helping explain or show proper form. Also, the interface is terrible, it would be so easy to design a really simple, intuitive UI that allows me to select the exercises I want from a library, tagged properly (muscle-group, etc) and quickly generate new workouts. You (Nike) would be controlling the audio and video so you can still brand it accordingly and help reinforce the amazing Nike brand. You could also consider other sponsors or advertisers and introduce them in tactful ways and people would still use the App so much more. That's my 2 cents, happy to talk more if you're interested in picking my brain. Equally happy to just see some of these features introduced into the App. Thanks, Mike
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5 years ago, Leoport
Premium service is 1 bound forward 2 bounds back
The premium service is disappointing. The workout formats are a regression from the current “free” format. The whiteboard format is particularly bad. The burden of pacing, timing, and tracking is placed on the user. There is no watch integration. The “free“ workouts that are available seem to be more featured with ongoing instructions, motivation, time tracking + progress updates, and watch integration with haptic nudging so the user can concentrate on form and mental strength (instead of a clock). While the “class” format is interesting + interactive, there can be a lot of waiting and instruction upfront and throughout making the work out feel slow and sometimes non-energetic—plus no vitals information (no heart rate or calories) and no watch integration. Honestly I would rather pay the premium price to bring back the plans that were removed a while back. Please hint to me I’m wrong, or to stay tuned for updates to the service. I was a huge NTC user but i don’t think I’m going to make it past the free trial. I’m really happy that the previous feature set is still available—but I do think those workouts are getting pretty stale. Bring back plans please.
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2 years ago, LaTeshia95
Workout Format Changed
I’ve had this app for years, long before COVID, and I miss the old format. I liked it when I could preview a workout before actually doing it so I could see what I would be doing and also make the judgement on if I would be able to complete the workout. I don’t like the videos AT ALL. You can’t even see what the moves are so you can make sure your doing them right before you start or be able to pause the workout and review the move before you resumed the workout like you could before. Also, the fact that when you connect Apple Watch you now only see estimated calories burned and heart rate compared to before where you could look at your watch in between movements and see what’s coming next along with how many more movements had to do before you were finished. This app used to be amazing now it’s just okay. The only reason I’m giving 3 stars is because the workouts are good and there are a lot of options, if not for the good workouts I would give 1 star since the formatting years ago was so good and helpful.
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4 years ago, SFjehones
Exactly what I Wanted
I did some research on comparisons of fitness apps. I downloaded this during Covid so I was looking for something that would guide me through workouts at home without a ton of equipment. This app is great! Everything is sorted by difficulty and types of equipment you need. I’m currently enjoying premium for free due to covid so I have access to all workouts it seems. This app also lets you sign up for “programs” which gives you a schedule of workouts for several weeks or longer. They will include extra videos with diet tips or motivation tips. I hadn’t lifted in a while so chose a beginner program that could be done with or without weights. Awesome workouts and a great way to get back into fitness again. I absolutely love Betina Gozo’s classes/videos. I have tried a couple of yoga workouts and I’ve loved them so far. I do wish you could Cast the videos to the TV as sometimes I get tied up trying to position the screen and nail the movements at the same time. Great app, easy layout, delivered.
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2 years ago, Lutie1103
Bring build my workout back!
I’ve always gone to the gym but never really knew “how” to workout. I never really knew what muscle groups to do together and when to add in cardio. I felt like I was working out for hours at the gym with results taking what felt like forever! Then I stumbled upon this app and absolutely loved it! Not only were there videos of how to properly do each workout but there was a “build my plan” option where a workout plan was created for you! You’d simply answer questions based on your health and goals and boom a whole entire workout plan was right at your fingertips! I finally saw the results I had been looking for when working out and I owed it all to NTC! But then one dreadful day I went in to open the app to find that the best feature of this app, build my plan was GONE! I searched and searched and even tried replicating past workouts only to find myself sore and agitated. Nike, my question to you is WHY? Why take such a precious and greatly loved option away from loyal users? Isn’t your goal as a large corporation to help your customers be the best version of themselves? Please consider bringing it back! My workouts haven’t been the same since.
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2 years ago, taydance22
Only thing that motivated me to start
This is the best workout anything I’ve ever used! I was becoming more out of shape than I’ve ever been. I saw that this was rated highly and that it was free- the challenging videos, supportive trainers, the ability to play your own music, the different kinds of workouts (yoga, strength, cardio, stretching etc) so that I can take care of all parts of my body have encouraged me to work out more than o ever have in my life! Even more than when I was in college to get a dance degree. I am feeling so much healthier already after working out about 6 or 7 weeks- and I actually look forward to workouts because they feel so good now- where they used to be a chore that I hated. I liked Nike before but now I love them because of the power they’ve given me to take my life back. The workouts have also given me energy to get my life together- be a better wife, clean the house more, and take care of myself. Thank you Nike!!!
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2 years ago, AndBenz0189
Updates ruined the experience
I have been using the app religiously for about two years and I loved it. I mostly enjoyed being able to do my workouts while listening to podcasts and stuff like that and it made the experience much better than any other app i’ve tried. With a recent update every single workout I did turned into a class format which no longer allows you to silence the guidance. Although the workouts are still pretty much the same, the inability to silence the guidance makes it almost impossible to listen to any music or podcasts while working out without being constantly interrupted. The workout settings still allow you to choose to silence the guidance and timing but it’s absolutely meaningless because once you start any workout the guidance is still there. I would love to keep using this app because it has made working out much easier but, if I can’t listen to my podcasts, I’d rather find another app or workout routine which let’s me do that. Hope you can change this in the near future.
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1 year ago, Frank Trisky
Great but could be better
I've been using the app for years now and I recommend it to everyone. The filters and variety is great. I do use it on an ipad but it's disappointing that there's no ipad-specific interface yet. I would also appreciate a more personalized experience like the option to save workouts into different groups/lists (instead of just having one "saved" list). It would also be nice to write some notes for myself about what the workout involved, my personal experience/reflection of it which I could look back at when deciding which workout to do. Something interesting in keeping up a workout routine could also be the option of a customized program, one where I set which workouts to do and when. Or maybe also a more automated one that recommends which workouts to do based off which I've already done. What about downloading/saving certain videos for offline use for when internet is bad/inaccessible in the gym or workout space.
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6 years ago, pedritho31
Great workout library, but tons of app bugs
I’ve been a user of this app on and off again through the years and I keep coming back to it because it motivates me and pushes me to get a sweat in, without being intimidating like a personal trainer or finding workout buddies. But, recently I have started again and been wanting to get “wedding ready”; but every time I start a workout plan and I choose the six week plan, after completing three workouts of that plan, the plan disappears from the “my plan” section and I have to start the six week plan from scratch. Maybe Nike is finding a way to reset my start date and make me get more workouts in, like when a trainer says “one more rep” but they end up lying and start your set all over again? But it’s becoming frustrating and I might give up on sticking to a “plan” and just manually select a single workout when my little chubby heart desires. If the app stability and the bugs from the plans can get fixed, I would scream from the top of the Salesforce building about how great this app is.
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3 years ago, michaelschenkerrocks
Excellent fitness app!
I’ve been using the Nike Training app for almost 2 years and it has made a significant difference in my life. I also use or have used other free/semi-free workout apps such as Adidas Training, Pumatrac, Asics Studio, 8 Fit, Down Dog HIIT, FitOn, all of which are good to very good apps, but none are as organized and comprehensive and complete as the Nike Training App. The app is very easy to navigate and the workouts are well thought out and organized. There is a multitude of variety-yoga, stretch, HIT, strength, trainer led, whiteboard, non-trainer, weights, no weights, etc-of the apps I have used, Nike really has the most variety of workouts so that I have never been bored. Also, having a Apple Watch helps as the app works seamlessly and well especially compared to the other apps, some of which do not work with my watch. Lastly, what sold me the most was Nike’s decision to make the premium portion free-it made me a bigger Nike fan than I already was before!
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4 years ago, Mehrdad Wanderer
Please Keep the Premium after
I’ve used Free version of NTC on and off as it has a good variety of workouts and I like incorporating different styles into my routine. Now with the “stay at home” challenges facing us, I’m doing all my workout home, so I needed a bigger collection. NTC at first wasn’t my go to since there’s another free app that has all variety of workouts for free and I could rely on that better as my number 1, but now that NTC has made their premium plan free during this time (which is a very nice gesture), I am using it as my number 1 option and loving it! I really hope they keep it free for long, as the paid version pushes away many of us simply since there are many alternatives for most people that are either free or included in their daily gyms they attend. But a free NTC is very attractive and helpful in motivating more workout from home. Thank you for making this available for free during this time and hope it stays that way for long!
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6 years ago, downtondanny
Best Workout App!!
I love this app so much! I’ve tried other workout apps, and unsurprisingly, they don’t even come close to touching the excellence of NTC. I’ve been using this app since 2014 & it continues to get better with each update! It’s like having a pocket personal trainer with the guided workouts & especially with the training plans. My only issue: I have incurred two knee injuries since downloading this app & there is no pause button on workout plans. It’s very discouraging when you’re on track for 5 weeks & the app continues processing your last weeks like you just gave up. I also wish that modified plans / exercises were available for people who have dealt with common injuries (such as modified moves for squats/lunges). These preferences have not affected the rating I’d give this app as they are personal requests that I have as a result of injury (despite my opinion that injury is a thing that most athletic people experience at some point of their life, even if it’s just a pulled muscle).
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5 years ago, Jessiedoll7
I can count on one hand the number of apps I’ve reviewed on here but...
I can’t stop telling people about the NTC premium content so I figured maybe I should tell the Internets. I have had NTC for years and have always appreciated what was on there (for free) but they were never my “go to”. I am currently on my 6th time through the Burn program with KG and let me tell you, it has changed my life. Might sound dramatic but honestly- 7 months ago I was in constant pain (lower back and sciatic), couldn’t sleep because of it and was starting to consider the possibility of surgery. 3 weeks into the program I felt more relief than I had in years. KG works the heck out of your core- giving you the same cues and instruction you would from a personal trainer (or even physical therapy in my case!) and tones the rest of your body as well. I am pain free for the most part, a whole size smaller and the healthiest I have felt in a long time. Premium content is worth EVERY PENNY. Sign up for it. Just do it. 😉
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3 years ago, Rtmp1983
Plethora of challenges - wish it sync properly to Apple Health
I absolutely enjoy all the workouts and trainers on the NTC app. I love the wide variety of workouts and being able to search for ones based on different levels of intensity and experience. I’ve completed multiple programs already, and collections - each with their own set of features and challenges. Not only have the workouts been great, but the additional information provided, like nutrition, mental health, meditation, and a focus on recovery have been instrumental in changing how I view exercising. As for the drawbacks? It never syncs properly toApple Health. It duplicates the workout where one of them gives me credit for time, but has zero calorie burn and no heart rate data, and the other gives me credit for time and heart rate, but then grossly exaggerated the calorie burn to be in the thousands range. However it does record data correctly for its own app. It just doesn’t seem to be able to write data into Apple Health accurately.
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5 years ago, chaserll11
“Premium” workouts left me feeling lost, frustrated, and negative about wanting to go back to the gym. This app was the reason I finally started working out, and the free content is still great, but the “premium” content is the epitome of what I hate about gyms in general - if you don’t already know what you’re doing or have a personal trainer with you, you just feel like an outsider with no chance of accomplishing anything. Even more frustrating, and more devastating to the entire experience, the app now has a 90% failure rate on my Watch where it either won’t track the workout at all, or even worse it gets stuck in some kind of error loop where in addition to not tracking the workout, the app forces the HR tracker to stay on uncommanded, even after uninstalling the app from the Watch and forcing it to reboot, meaning it has to be commanded from the phone app!! Until this gets fixed, NTC is coming off my phone. This app was my muse, it got me working out when nothing else did, and I’m sad to see it go because it worked so well for me. But between feeling excluded by the new premium content, and the infuriating experience on my Nike+ Watch, I’ll feel even worse trying to use it.
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2 years ago, sorlowski2016
Not a Fan of the new workout video format
For the past 2 years, this has been my favorite work-out app. It had a great variety of workouts, and included rep based, time based, whiteboard, and class based videos which made it super easy to create a good routine for what you needed on any particular day. Unfortunately, all of my favorite rep-based and time-based workouts have been turned into class-based workouts, which is a HUGE disappointment for me. The appeal of the rep/time based classes was seeing what moves were in a particular workout, so I knew a workout was right for my skill set. I loved seeing how much time was left in a workout on the screen, how much time was left in each rest session, being able to easily skip a move if I needed to for whatever reason.. that’s all out the window with the new video format. It’s a free app so I know I can’t complain that much, but I can’t help being disappointed that my favorite workout aid feels just like every other workout app now, giving me less control over my workouts.
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4 years ago, Jenyeji
Almost perfect
I’ve been using the NTC app for the last three months since the covid19 lockdown started. The premium content has been really great; they are very high quality videos with easy to follow format, with incredible instructors. I finished The Breakthrough Challenge and just started Kirsty’s Ignite & Inspire program. I also try to fit in a yoga session everyday. Alex Silver-Fagan is an amazing yoga instructor and her voice just calms and makes me at peace. Kirsty’s workouts are so hard but her energy really is infectious and gives me the push that I need through working out by myself. Now, there’s only a few things that I really wish this app provided: 1. Ability to cast the video to TV or an external monitor 2. iPad app. I’ve been using the app on my iPad and just expand it to fit my screen but I wish there was an actual iPad format for this app. 3. Turn off the useless notifications like activities completed, new messages etc. those red dots are annoying and distracting IMO. 4. Ability to do more than one program at a time. I was hoping I can pair Kirsty’s program with Betina’s strength or Alex’s yoga program, but it only lets me do one at a time. I kinda understand that each program is supposed to be like a lifestyle commitment thing, but I don’t use any of the other things like nutrition advice in the program. I think something like yoga program and a HIIT program goes well together. This is a bonus not a must though.
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5 years ago, jnxed
Update is ok...ish
NTC has always been my #1 fitness app and have used it for years (practically forever) so I was super hyped for the new update. But it’s already problematic and it’s been two days. The premium features are good, the workouts look cool and the tips are ok but tracking activity is garbage. Before, it would track on my Apple Watch and show up both on my Health App and NTC; the app showing activity and buzzing on my watch as the workout progressed. With premium, it doesn’t do that. At all. My watch will say Let’s Start Training and not move past that screen for the entire workout. Not tracking anything. When I used it yesterday, after completing the workout, it said I burned zero calories and worked out for zero minutes (mind you, it was 30 minute workout). This morning, the app crashed and didn’t count the workout towards the program. Nike need to get it together if they plan on charging $15 a month. It’s totally not worth it, if people are paying for something that doesn’t track activity properly (or at all). The app performed better when it was free.
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6 years ago, KyonWolfy
I love this app so far!! I am a highly competitive high school basketball player, and am used to very intense workouts and/or conditioning sessions. This is a great app for working out during the off season. It offers motivating commentary (often annoying, sometimes encouraging), and easy-hard workouts. It has many short work outs, giving me no excuse to skip one, and always making sure I have time for one. Whether it’s midday, at night, early morning, or all three! I will continue to use this app, as it serves me well. I only wish they added more basketball stars (such as Lebron James, The King 👑) or added an easier way to message the experts. My father works with the military, so I travel a lot. Currently I am in japan, and can sadly not send messages to the experts on the Nike team. However, those are my only complaints. Overall, this is a nice, quality app with a great music feature, and an even greater easy to use layout. I rate this 5/5.
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2 years ago, workouter1
App doesn’t open often, but great programs
I’ve been having a lot of issues opening the app. I can sometimes open it, and then I can click maybe one or two things, then it’s frozen. Other times I go to open it and it force closes automatically. This persists til I delete and redownload the app, which I have to do daily. Not good considering I like to work out on my lunch break and I only have an hour. I waste precious minutes trying to get this app to work when I could be working out! The programs are mostly great! Some aren’t for me, but I’m very advanced. I wish you could rate individual workouts and it wouldn’t show you the ones you didn’t like anymore. I have to keep a log of the ones I want to improve on and ones I liked and would come back to (the save/bookmark feature isn’t enough because you can’t sort from within there and you can’t leave notes on each workout for yourself). I do love the rewards/achievements style the app takes, I just wish I could get the app to work!!!
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6 years ago, MimiSport16
Absolutely my favorite!
I can’t say enough for this app. It’s amazing with its variety of exercises, ease of use, it even has some classes (pre-recorded) with athletes and trainers. There are variety of levels and session times which is amazing as sometimes you only have 5-10 min in your morning; right there you can no longer miss to take care of your health anymore. It can’t be any better than that and all for free. You can also do a program which is exercises picked based on your level and your focus and the program could be 6-8 weeks for example. I also pare it with Nike Run Club so some days I do a training and others just a run with it’s sister app. I’ve been using this app for over 3 years now, had tried many others but after I check them I usually remove them from my phone or let them sit unused. If you’ve never tried it, you might want to because you are missing out. Good luck!
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4 years ago, Seymole
Good, but some “bugs”
I love this app, I’ve been using the Bettina Gozo program, and am loving it and her. My only complaint is that I have a couple of times exited out of the app accidentally, and when I go back in to it, it wants me to start that days workout all over again. It seems any progress I had as far as calories burned (from my Apple Watch) is gone. I did this today, and had to fast forward the video back to where I was and pick up from where I was. Also, I went into the activity app and the workout did even register, which is slightly frustrating, from a tracking standpoint. Nike, this app is great, but please make it so that you can resume and not loose all of your data the moment you exit out mid workout! Update April 2020 Still using the app on a daily basis but it seems to be crashing a lot lately while browsing workouts. It’s a little frustrating to find a workout and then have the app crash and have to go and set the filters again to find it. Please fix!
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7 years ago, Ech999
One of my favorite apps, and things to improve
NTC is one of my favorite apps and I use it at least 4 times per week. The workouts are great, the coaching program is my favorite since it forces me to be accountable to myself, and the addition of yoga workouts has been a nice surprise. With that being said, there are a few things that could be improved: Time-based vs rep based workouts: on rep-based workouts, there are built in rest times. On the time-based workouts, NTC automatically tells you when that rest is done. In the rep-based ones, however, you need to keep track yourself on your phone and check off when the time is done. It should be possible to have that rest count down automatically. Music selection: the music selection interface is a little clunky Apple Watch interpretation: This is my biggest need for improvement. Admittedly, I may be caring way to much about my Move calorie counting score on my watch, but the NTC app continuously overrides the calories burned during a workout that’s tracked by my watch and replaces it with the estimated calories from the NTC app. Considering the watch has a heart rate monitor, I assume that its calorie counter is more accurate than the NTC estimate. It’s pretty disappointing to finish a workout, have my watch tell me that I completed my goal for the day, and then NTC rolls back my calories burned for the day a few hours later.
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1 year ago, fishpoodle
Great but need new intermediate programs
The app is great; I’ve used it around 3-4 years. You can even add your own activities you don’t do on the app to get a clearer view of total physical activities. The main issue I have is boredom and only liking one trainer. I’m not into the new workouts and programs for beginners and pregnant people. I mostly do Kirsty Godso’s workouts as she is the best trainer. I’ve done her 2 programs a few times each. I would like her to do a new program for people who are bored with the app and want new workouts from her and tips on how to continue for intermediate people who need new Kirsty Godso workouts. None of the programs address being sick of the workouts and not needing the new ones. She should do a program called Keep Going and add new workouts. The app is great for beginners and new people but they should be thinking of people who’ve been using the app a few years.
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6 years ago, Greg48313
Legit, Professional, EFFECTIVE!!
I have tried for years to attend classes, work with trainers, etc. at many different facilities. I have a gym quality treadmill bike weights at home too.... nothing compares to NTC!! I’ve dropped 30 pounds and gained strength, flexibility, stability I haven’t had for years trying to do it on my own. The workouts are challenging and balanced. I never stretched before and rarely had the variety in every workout. My Plan truly is tailored to ME, my goals, and my equipment, etc. This is the real thing and a Godsend for me. Just like the slogan says, all you have to do is tell the NTC app what you want, then, Just Do It!!! If it wasn’t for the Kaepernick thing Nike would be batting 1000 in my book, so if you were going to fall short on anything, better that, than NTC, NRC, the shoes, the clothes, or the gear!!! Thanks for all of your hard work Nike!!! Nike works for me so I can work to achieve a better me toward my best self!
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6 years ago, pissed2019
Bring plans back!
I’ve been using this app to since 2014 and mainly for the Plans! I never leave reviews but I have to say, Nike has downgraded this app! I just completed the 6 weeks collection program and was HIGHLY annoyed that whoever created this new feature didn’t have enough sense to even mark off the workouts or weeks! It look like Nike just throw these workouts on the app. The Plans tracked my weeks and days for me and seeing the green check next to the workout was both rewarding and motivating! Not only did the Plans include mobility workouts, it forced/help me to get into yoga. Now in the Collection it’s an option that I have to remember to scroll down and look for while remembering what week I’m on because Nike took that feature off! And I can’t believe someone didn’t think to check these workouts off or to label the weeks. That is the most annoying thing about the new Collection! Nike, please make the Plans available again and let your users choose between the Plans or Collections. Taking the Plans completely off was a bad move! *****BRING THE PLANS BACK NIKE******
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2 years ago, Catirina
Waiting for proper bug fixes & better updates
I’ve been using NTC for years!!! I even got some of my family members using the app. However recently I haven’t been able to use the app. I try to use it to work out and the app just freezes and I can’t do anything but close it out. I’ve tried using it on WiFi and with my cellular but nothing works. Then the recent update where you can no longer see the work out break down before selecting the work out is annoying. It’s just a guessing game at this rate. Unfortunately I’m recovering from a knee surgery and have limitations on certain work outs, so I hand select my work outs based on that. I usually have to make a few adjustments to some of the work outs based on my limitations and it’s nice to be able to do that ahead of time. Unfortunately now I have to try and do that in the middle of the work out, which is not as productive. Most of the time I find myself not able to use the app more because of it freezing up and I end up using a different work out app.
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6 years ago, Lea_Reading
I love this app a lot, but one day I accidentally deleted my plan, and then I logged out to see if my plan might come back, and all my workouts I did on that plan including extra ones and all my minutes were gone. ( I had 240 minuets of workouts ) instead the app now said that I started a new plan, did only 3 workouts, and completed it. In October of 2017. Not only did I not get the app then, I have never done that plan and those 3 workouts. I am very disappointed to see all my progress loss, and although I very much enjoy all the workouts and the style of the app, I hated to see all my activity be ‘ Thrown in the garbage’ I jus want to know if this is a glitch, and if you can some how reverse it. However this won’t stop me from using the app, I would even recommend it. The only thing I worry about is my experience happening to other people. Thanks if you read my review, and if you are on the brink of getting this app, you will in no way regret it :)
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7 years ago, luanhappy
love this app, but it is becoming less and less appealing
I have been working out by following this app for a year. I love it. It has everything that I need and I want. I always recommend it to my friends and family. Please look into the following tiny problem to make it a even better one: 1. The alarm for switching sides is gone, and it is a big bug to me, since I would like to focus on my practice rather than the app screen. 2. The sync between different device and running+ sometimes does work well 3. I logged in my NTC, worked out for almost 4000 minutes, then I restored my IPad, AND everything is gone, Everything is gone! Now I feel like I never work out for those 4000 minutes. But I still love it, so I registered with a new ID and started again. I do wish I could get those 4000 minutes record back though. Thanks! I have to say I love the old version more, the new app changed everything all at once, I wish it had been changed gradually.
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6 years ago, rcadolfi
A great app, but has an Apple Watch issue
This app has done more good for me than I could’ve ever expected. I’ve been able to start making a habit of exercising, and that’s something I’ve never had before. You’ve done a great job Nike. And yes, while I am a bit disappointed that plans were removed (and wouldn’t be against them coming back), collections do their job good enough. It doesn’t feel as personal, but I at least have to do a set amount of reps in collections, rather than as many as I can in a set time limit like I did with plans. My only issue is that I’ve noticed that my workouts aren’t fully tracked on my Apple Watch. Sure, they’re tracked fully in the app, but not in the Health app I have it connected to, nor my Cardiogram app. I’m not certain if it’s my fault, but I’ve noticed it happening over the past few workouts. I’ll check again after I workout tomorrow, and if it’s my fault I’ll give five stars. All in all, I highly recommend this app.
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5 years ago, Gizmo B.
Needs work and mature!
Great app but going through growing pain seems like! I have the paid premium version: Pros: - Great variation and style of workouts and instructors - Great core/ab workout built into most exercises. -Great user interface on the app, very crisp and engaging, love the app design and the whole idea and concept of this app -great for home workout and limited equipments -reasonable premium price Cons: -very problematic playback (if you use another app (text message, musics, etc) while a workout video is playing and come back to this app it pushes and buffers for ever and almost impossible to restart and forced me to close the workout and reopen and that makes it count as I finished one workout and I’m doing it for the second time. Same thing happens if I want to skip forwards or backwards!! -limited workout plans/programs -no way to rate or see ratings of individual workouts or programs (so kinda have to try each or guess to see if you like them) -no option to customize plans/programs (either you do the whole program or not which let me to do some parts of a program and skip some or just end it before program is finished which is very disappointing) -poor nutrition plan (essentially it’s blogging about nutrition and there’s no actual “plan” certainly no individualized nutrition plan or even anything close to it) -Random notifications from app that’s promoting Nike products (on paid version of app!) Hope they work on perfecting this app!!
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4 years ago, Aly__Marie
NTC review
I started using this app about 7 months ago. I loved it. I really liked how you can follow along, it times you, still plays your music etc. I love structure so I liked picking a workout collection. I was in the middle of doing the “6 week get lean” workout collection, which was great and gave me a variety of workouts to do. However, suddenly out of nowhere it was gone. The number of workout collections is now minimal and maybe are “all levels or beginner” or they only have about 12 workouts to add to cardio. I was very disappointed that they removed this feature because it was great for those who wanted to follow a workout schedule, which is why I gave the app 3 stars because now it is more time consuming to select a variety of workouts you want to do on a daily and make sure they are all different to come up with your own workout plan. And the premium workout plans they provide do not give a preview of the workouts so you don’t know if it is something you wouldn’t want to do or not.
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2 years ago, nothankyou2022
Updates Are Going In The Wrong Direction
The old formats of the workouts were great, why are they changing them to videos?? Before you could quickly skip parts of the workout to modify the workout how you’d like. Already warmed up? Easy, skip to the core part of the workout. Plan to stretch after another workout? Great, skip the stretching portions. Now you have to pan on a video. You could also easily see what was coming up by scrolling through the upcoming exercises. For the workouts that haven’t been updated to the crappy video versions, there’s nowhere in the UI to pause or exit the workout. If I accidentally started a workout I didn’t mean to, now I have to exit the entire app to go to a different workout or end one early. Also the timer doesn’t update if you skip an exercise. What the heck NTC! Please bring back the old formats. Those were the best workouts. Please concentrate on those rather than the videos with saccharine trainers. Might have to find another app for home exercising.
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