1 month ago, EclipseDaWolf
So, I have quite a few problems with this game. If you pay for ad removal, then its not too bad. But, if you don’t wanna pay, then it feels like you get an ad every 5 seconds. Plus, once you get to South America, the AI is ruthless. They kill you as soon as you spawn in, unless you kill them in a split second, though you still get killed by the other AI next to you. Also, I cannot tell whether you are playing with real people or AI. And, with the “Never Ending Rewards” event, you have to pay $3 for the the third item. If you want a hard game, it’s right here. If you want a major pay-to-win, right here. Also, one more major problem, which could lead to something horrible. This app tracks your location to connect you with other “players”, which makes me feel very unsafe. Don’t believe me? Look at the “Data Used To Track You” section at the below the reviews. The first item, “Location”. I do not feel safe with this app on my phone, even if it is addicting. I’m tired of suspicious apps that use completely false advertising. Why has no-one addressed the location problem? Edit: I also hate that Location is under “Data Linked To You”, as well as Identifiers. I have since deleted it completely but when I found that out I was absolutely horrified. I thought I was going to be kidnapped. Keep in mind that most people playing this are KIDS. MINORS. And you need their location, first and last name? Disgusting.
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