
Health & Fitness
4.8 (120.5K)
39.3 MB
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Current version
Cross Forward Consulting, LLC
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Pedometer++

4.76 out of 5
120.5K Ratings
2 years ago, Mseck
Things I would like to see
Great app, works all the time, and has never failed to keep accurate data. I like the idea that I can export the data and do some calculations on a spreadsheet by myself. Here are a few other things that I would like to see in the app, both running and walking. Personal best section that’s always visible in the stat section or perhaps even on the main page so it can be seen easily at a glance. Some of those that I would suggest would be. Personal best for day week month and year for number of steps, number of miles, Number of flights of stairs. In the section where you have total number of miles and relate that to number of trips from New York to Los Angeles you could also keep a running stat on progress around the world at the equator or some other goal that is not easy to achieve but would be interesting to try to perhaps circumvent the United States etc. I have more ideas but I’ll keep it short. My last suggestion would be in the tip section. Today I wanted to give a tip but it was limited to $1.99 and I wanted to give more but I did not see a way to change the entry. That should be fixed first.
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5 years ago, PGMHecateII
Disappearing Steps
Where do they go? Heavens knows! It’s clear that the developer has a keen artistic eye as Pedometer++ has the most aesthetically pleasing and easy to use UI than any other Pedometer App out there and I love and constantly use the widget functionality for quick measuring glances. I’ve had this app for nearly 3 years now and as a person who routinely reaches 10k+ steps from morning gym sessions alone, there is one glitch/flaw that has never ceased to plaque the apps flawless functionality from the get go: steps go missing out of no where or are flat out, not counted. Just in the passed 2 weeks, there are 4 days where the app has seemingly caused a significant number of my steps to vanish into thin air EVEN AFTER THEY WERE COUNTED IN THE APP; even verified by cross referencing to Apple’s Health app that will often show a higher number. Nearly 10k steps have seemingly bestowed upon me the absolute pleasure of ghosting my counter and this has been a consistent problem for the app since day 1. The only reason I don’t flat out delete the app out of frustration some days is simply because the UI is absolutely gorgeous and I don’t think any other apps on the market measure up to the beautifully simplistic design. Please do something about the consistent step counter glitch; it proves to be a demoralizing frustration more days than you would think
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12 months ago, Solbdsgiibkifdj
iPhone app is great, the ipad version, not so much
iPhone app is great, works well, the ipad version, not so much. I’ve opened up many privacy screens to accommodate as much access as possible to both devices as well as the health, pedometer, and maps apps. And synced each to the other… allegedly. But the ipad version is only showing half the distance of the iPhone version, that I was wearing in my pocket. Same with the health app. It shares virtually all info, until it glitches and the numbers are completely different. Since it’s easier to read/work with the ipad version, it would be awesome if they would sync to each other. Anything you can do to make that happen? TIA for any effort! Edit: The ipad app opens on the steps page, but won’t show steps. It says that the motion & fitness setting needs to be turned on, but the motion & fitness setting IS on in settings, and I’ve double checked the system settings, too. I’ve closed the pedometer app and turned off the ipad completely. When I turn it back on and open the pedometer app, the steps page still comes up, and says the motion & fitness app needs to be turned on.
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1 year ago, Koth1234567890
Simple & Helpful!
I’m not a fan of over intrusive apps… especially when physical health is involved. Every app I’ve tried has felt like an abusive relationship telling me that I wasn’t doing enough with small bursts of love bombing in between… those apps took the enjoyment of simply moving my body and trying to be more active simply because I knew I’d feel better if that was just a part of my life… Pedometer++ is really the perfect activity app if you simply want to keep your body moving. It doesn’t constantly nag me to add other aspects of the app into my daily life, it doesn’t tell me how I didn’t reach my goal the day I wasn’t feeling well, it doesn’t push me… it simply informs. Yes there’s badges and reward systems available because people do respond to that but those aren’t in the forefront… tracking when you are active is what they focus on… and that’s exactly what I needed. Btw… this is my first EVER app review. And I apologize if it seems like I am not real because of how I wrote it… I am an Art Director with copywriting experience and it’s hard to turn that off… but I promise… I am a very real person who has been loving this app. ❤️
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3 years ago, assnuthole
Very good step counter
I was pretty excited to see a good app and not just some app that you have to pay 10$ for and not even get all the stuff and it’s not like there’s huge ads in fount of you. They only allow little tiny ads at the top or the bottom screen which is not blocking nothing most times it’s the bottom and the settings are well too. You can change the app logo colors and change between miles and kilometers also you can change your daily step goal which mine is 8,500 but I think you can go up to 15,000 if you can even make it there LOL but give it a try you might just like I liked it so much I took the time out of my day. To Write this whole paragraph hopefully you find it useful in your daily life but if you really don’t want to download this app then use your health app on your Home Screen it comes with just about every iPhone 10/10 recommend this app to y’all.
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6 years ago, Someonewhoisoverbadupdates
Watch gets frozen on 0 after midnight about 50% of the time.
Seriously loved this app for my watch at first. After transitioning from a Garmin with the step counter, it was just what I needed to complement the ActivityTracker. However, I keep weird hours, and I am also a run streaker, who often has to do my daily run right at midnight. It’s incredibly frustrating when my watch is frozen at zero day in and day out, and I have to reset it to her three times, and put it on the charger 2 or 3 times before it will finally start counting steps. The steps DO count on the app phone, even if my phone is still, so obviously the app on the watch is tracking the steps, but it will not show up on the watch, where I need it to show up. Currently, my watch shows me to be at less than 500 steps, but my phone shows that I’m closer to 3000. I was wearing the watch while I ran on my treadmill at midnight, but the phone was sitting still on the treadmill. That means that I’m still dependent on my phone to know how many steps I’ve taken, which is pointless. That’s a discrepancy that will not work for somebody who manages statistics the way I do. The entire reason that I have the watch is so that I don’t need to carry my phone. If this can be fixed, I will change my rating to 5- stars.
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5 years ago, UsernamesAreAJoke
Would be great if it worked properly.
This app gives you achievements for things like meeting your step goal a certain number of times, or taking a certain number of steps in a day. That’s great, and it really encourages me to walk, moreso than just checking the number of steps on the Apple Health app. The problem is that it simply doesn’t work properly. Today I climbed a steep hill, and it granted me 0 flights of stairs. I climbed the same hill five minutes later, and this time it gave me four flights. I would have hit an achievement if it had registered the first trek up the hill, but it didn’t. And then sometimes it just randomly deducts steps I’ve taken. It credits them to me initally (and matches up with the Health app, so it seems to be an accurate number), then suddenly jumps to a much lower number. When I just checked my step count on the lock screen widget, it showed me 7900 steps, which is over my personal goal, thus giving me a 9-day streak. When I entered the app proper, it cut me down to 6449 steps, significantly below my goal and decimating my streak (and the April achievement). This is the third time I’ve seen this happen, and quite frankly, it’s the last. This app does me no good if it doesn’t accurately (or at the very least, consistently) track my activity. I’ll be deleting it and looking into alternatives.
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3 years ago, Birdshot2000
Not accurate-esp w/ longer distance
I’ve been using this app for about 85 days now. When I first started, I was walking short distances ( 1 to 1.5 miles at a time) and it seemed pretty accurate and matched up with my treadmill pretty well +/- .1 miles. Now that I’m up to longer distances, it’s wildly inaccurate. Yesterday, I did 6.5 miles on my treadmill alone, yet it gives my daily total as 6.2 miles. Already today, I did a 3 mile treadmill session yet it says I’ve done 2.8 miles total. And it’s not just the distance—it’s the steps. My standard, tested and counted mile is 2100 steps. Yesterday, after three miles on the treadmill, I expected to see approx 6300 steps, but it was at 4500. I get a more accurate reading if I pause the treadmill every mile and open the app, but that’s annoying. It also fails to clock some of my flights of stairs. I wear my phone in the same spot as I always have while walking around so I don’t understand why the sudden discrepancy. I suppose if you’re just using it to clock your daily steps at home / work / shopping, it’s pretty good, but it if you’re also running or walking for exercise, your step count will show up greatly under your actual total.
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3 years ago, JenaB2528
I completely love this app! It syncs so very well with my phone and I love that you can add your settings for your height accordingly. My only issue it that the “stairs climbed” is absolutely never accurate. I run up and down my stairs all darn day long and sometimes at the end of the day my app tells me I’ve walked “0 flights”. I am hoping for a way to correct this being the I am continually going from my basement laundry room, to our wood shop, back up two flights to the kitchen, upstairs to the office, back downstairs to the printer, back upstairs to clean/get my son’s laundry/etc, back down two flights to my “satellite office… Not to mention all of the running around from after school activities such as karate, soccer, volleyball, basketball…and still being a wife, mom, and child of God. But I digress. This app IS awesome. I like the challenges and the goals (albeit some are unrealistic for working parents; or even stay-at-home parents) but I know with my kiddos I’ll never touch some of them. Keep working on this app ya’ll. Is IS super great. It just needs more! More to work for. Thank you!!
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3 years ago, wilwhimsey
Useful app
I’ve started walking every morning and this app on my phone has helped me get a general sense of my distance each day. My only complaint is that though the steps seem to reflect what I do each morning, the mileage is not accurate. I am less concerned with whether the miles are literal miles, but would at least like the miles to reflect the comparative distances from day to day. For instance I did the same route on Friday as I did on Monday - except Monday I added a few more blocks. Yet Friday shows 4.5 miles, and Monday shows 3.8 miles (even though I went farther on Monday), and yet the step count does show the greater distance on Monday. All I can figure is a snafu in the GPS. So I’ve learned to rely on the step count more than on the mileage. In the big picture though it is a useful app and it was free. So it’s really hard to complain too much. It is simple to use and tells me how far I go each day (in steps). It has lots of other bells and whistles that I have not taken the time to figure out. But perhaps one of these days.
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2 years ago, neversit88
Awesome, but would love one more option
UPDATE as of 4/4. I have gone 45 days without missing my goal. No rest days with that 45 days and another 25 ( with one rest day) and bc this my kids are in spring break, broke streak bc I didn’t didn’t hit goal 2 out three days.) I am a stay at home and I run 5-8 miles a day. I try to keep my phone in pocket at all times. I don’t, but if I did was easily put in at least 20,000 steps per day. I like the rest day option, but if I take two days off after being consistent for 20+ days my streak is broken. Would also love to have a sick day button. I’ll have an amazing streak and if I get sick, I obviously don’t get all my steps in. One time I tried to get at least 10,000 steps in with the flu and that was a big mistake. My bad decision though. A sick button would be great and also, if the app could identify a very active person and if that person misses two days in a row after making daily goal and then some for at least 20 days, the streak would not be broken. I’d pay $10 a month ( maybe more) for this app if had more options as mentioned.
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1 year ago, Presidents90
How does this work?
The Pedometer program works with Apple Health and offers an amazing amount of information. I was first drawn to setting the number of steps I traveled each day. Sure and soon enough, I adjusted my daily goal upwards. I have set my steps goal to a level where most days I meet my planned number of steps BUT NOT EVERY day. If one wants to improve, that involves setting goals that are challenging but not unrealistic. The Pedometer program makes good use of well styled and colorful graphic displays. In addition the authors add useful features that increase the usefulness of the program providing you can figure them out. My suggestion is that the company spend time walking users through the functionality of the program. I have spent time to decipher how to use a feature, sometimes never figuring it out. That is frustrating and with some effort is a problem that can be fixed. One way to solve this problem is to provide an electronic “pamphlet” with the program that shows how to use it to its full advantage. Adding new features, well explained, is a positive. I expect the marketing folks would see the value in this or putting up a well explained web site. If indeed you have something like this already I haven’t seen it. I hope this is something you address as I believe your product has a lot to offer and would attract more customers and profit if there is some help available for users.
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2 years ago, 3 for 2
My Apple app stepper.
I really like the application is very nice however I want to tell you right from the start the advertising in the bottom is enough to make me go crazy I cannot stand all of this advertising and it’s things that I will never use never I like the application as it is to do what I need to do for my health for my health benefit outside of that I don’t want advertising on it I wish there was someway to remove it the application itself is wonderful and I will continue to use it. In addition, a lot of the devices on the application, do not operate properly they do not give you the proper diagnosis as far as your steps are concerned, and it actually makes you do things again and again, because it is not keeping a proper balance for as often as it is updated, it should not but it does it should be fixed and I don’t know how to get it fixed. If you have any ideas, please notify me.
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2 years ago, Roctor11
Review of Pedometer oh yay
I should like a bit more time with the app before grading its veracity as I have only now discovered it. If it continues to do the job it has done for the last three weeks, I will conclude that it is a useful tool for my health and stability ... If I have a myocardial infarction, well, we will cross that bridge if it is inescapable! Cheers! I have no idea how long ago I wrote that; however, it has been quite a bit longer than three weeks… Perhaps over a year. I have a debilitating pain disease called CRPS Type II after multiple operations and God saving my life several times! This pedometer has helped keep me on my feet and chasing my goals. Though I had a stroke I still need to walk. I would like to get back to 1 mile per day but I would like to do that walking and not lying in the back of an ambulance! So I continue my trek … thank you very much as I believe this to be an accurate tool in my quest.
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4 years ago, Pippinboy
I Don’t Know Why
What are floors? So far after using them for well over a year I have no idea what they mean or how they are at all useful. I can go on a hike with a 4000 foot elevation gain and collect no more than 30 floors. Then I can go on a local hike near the house with relatively no elevation gain and get 60 floors. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m just slow, maybe I need two years to figure it out. I also have some special awards that I have absolutely no idea where they came from or how to achieve them. One appears to be for something that occurred two years ago on a weekend humm... no idea. That leaves daily steps, accumulated steps, weekend awards, and monthly challenges bundled around a daily confetti graphics for a job well done. I get a ton more useful information from the Health app that came with my iPhone but it doesn’t seem quite as personalized as Pedometer++ so I’m still using both for two alternative purposes. BTW, we are soon going to be in to the second week of 2021 and there is no new monthly challenge for January. Maybe it’ll pop up with the next update.
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6 years ago, Opalina2
For everyone, especially seniors
I gave this app five stars because it and similar apps perform the critical function of keeping people aware of exercise to augment proper diet...both of which can and do contribute to good health and longer life! In other words, you either move or die. I am forever grateful for learning this as a young physician. My preferred form of exercise was once long distance running. But because I developed the bad habit of doing only right PLFs (parachute landing falls), I ended up needing a right hip replacement. And on one of my early jumps, I cracked the end of my left femur; so, I am now on the mend from a knee replacement. Now, a little over 2 months out, I am back up to walking 2-5 miles three or four times a week. There is still some minor pain, but every good PT or orthopedist will remind you “motion is lotion”! Even if walking isn’t your thing, get out there and just do something strenuous 3-4 x per week. Good Health to you all, Dr. Marshall Dressel, COL, USA (Retired)
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4 years ago, Squirrel_Chaser
Awesome motivator!
I love several things about this app. First of all, unlike some of these apps here, THIS one is actually a reasonable cost. 2 bucks to remove ads, and you can tip further if you’d like. The apps that want to charge you 30-60 bucks PER YEAR is insane in my opinion. I’d rather support these devs because they are not asking for an outrageous amount! Secondly, it does what it says and does it well. I can track any number of exercise options, listen to music, be awarded for my efforts, keep track of routes taken, look at my history, AND export to another phone or computer. And it does all that without blocking any part of it for not going with “premium” like a lot of these other devs. I will keep tipping these guys for a good app that is polite and not usurious and ignore all the “premium” thieves on the AppStore. My advice is to support excellence in development and character by downloading and tipping these people!
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4 years ago, trausner
Streak of a year lost & support doesn’t care
At the beginning of me using this app I was fairly excited. It has rewards and gives me a Apple Watch app that motivates and keeps me on track. But after a while I noticed that some days didn’t quite have as many steps recorded as Apple Health shows. Sometimes it helped to have the app resynchronize with Apple Health but sometimes it didn’t. I learned to live with it, but not anymore. I set myself the goal of 7,500 steps every day and I almost managed to record a one year streak... and I kinda did, coz Apple Health shows that I did, but pedometer++ does not. According to the app, I lost my streak almost two months ago. But this is not true. And so I contacted the support. At first they gave me some basic instructions of resetting the Apple health sync. Which I did, but It didn’t help. Then they said they somehow misunderstood me and they can’t help me. I tried to explain my problem more in detail and asked if there is a work around, but I never got an answer anymore. I tried it again a week later. But crickets. Soo, the app is nice to have when it works. But it not always does and when it doesn’t, the support won’t help. Just be warned.
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3 years ago, johnnyappleseed001
It’s nice, but needs a Mon-Sun weekly step count.
It’s a nice app, but it needs one feature to actually be useful to me(and many others I bet!). The following is why it needs a Monday through Sunday step count. It’s hard to hit 10,000 steps every day, but by Sunday I want to have 70,000 steps completed. I think a lot of people are like me and would really like this feature. Some apps will start the week on Sunday and end it on Saturday, I think this is nuts. Most people in America consider the weekend to actually be the end of the week(go figure, right?!). That is to say the week ends on Sunday. I think that a lot of walkers try to get 70,000 steps in by Sunday(they use the extra leisure time provided by the weekend to catch up on steps). So please give us a Monday through Sunday step count. I would say that most pedometer apps don’t do this, and you can set your app apart by doing it. Thanks for a nice app, and I hope you will consider adding this feature.
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4 years ago, alisharabren
Missing steps/ mysterious floors added
The app started out great. It wasn’t until my daughter got it also that I realized that it was not counting steps properly. It keeps saying that I have less steps than her yet I’m up hours before and hours after she goes to bed and I do all kinds of work and walking compared to her. That makes no sense. Then a few days ago I had 6400 some odd steps, I went to Walmart and walked around there for an hour because of the heat, when I came out it told me I had 6102 steps. There’s no way it should’ve been well over 7000 steps. It also tells my daughter that she’s went up however many flights of stairs each day, when she is with me all day and has not went up a single flight of stairs. I don’t know what is going on with the app. I understand it’s free and I appreciate that, but in order to get the correct amount of what’s going on I would hate to have to use a different app and I’m not able to use a different app in order to pay. I don’t know if this has come to your attention before. Like to thank your app designers and workers for doing a great job, and hopefully they will be able to fix this issue. Thank you.
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1 year ago, standardsingrr.
Diabetes control
I am an 84-year-old male, 50 years or so as a non-insulin dependent diabetic. I can’t walk very far u aided to back problems. I try and control my A1c with medication, food choices and exercise. I do exercises in my easy chair daily, in fact, hourly. I do kicks stiff legged leg waves from the hip and bicycle pedals. I try and do 5000 movements a day and sometimes do more. They have become Rote and sometimes I do them Without thinking. my A1c is 6.9 and my weight is less than it was when I entered the military in 1957. The rest of my blood work is excellent. There is no downside to these exercises. No equipment is necessary and you can do them when Playing games or watching TV or even reading. I wrap a tea towel around my leg above the knee. And slip my iPhone under it and it automatically records my movements. I hope this will help someone who is struggling.
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6 years ago, Edit Dude
Out of sync
Pedometer ++ remains a wonderful tool. I’m surprised I hadn’t previously reviewed and rated. I’ve had a 5-star opinion of it up until the recent 3.4.5 update. Currently, toward the end of each day, I’ve observed that the count on my watch is always lower than the count on my phone. Yes, I’ve given plenty of time (and some app restarts) for the two to sync up. In reality it’s probably only a minor inconvenience since the phone app is where the long term log is kept and I believe it holds the accurate number of steps. But it is annoying when the watch is telling you there are still a few hundred steps left to go to reach your goal, but you have already met your goal as reported by the phone app. While I’m here, I will also lament the fact that the series 4 infograph modular face complication is inferior to the complication for the old modular face. It only has a progress ring where as the old complication also included the actual step count and distance displayed inside the ring. I would really like that back.
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2 years ago, Baadja-Lyne
Just want you to how grateful I am by using your app it has kept me on point moving in the right direction and I know for 2019 I’m going to be even more motivated I just want to thank you for the app it’s been a rough year in 2018 losing family members mostly from unhealthy lifestyles but I’m getting through it promising to make changes in my way of life to not leave an unhealthy legacy. keeping my mind active and motivated and exercising with help of your app is really helping me stay on track and to be committed I just want to thank you. I’ve already racked up over 950,000 steps, for 2018 did my first 33,000 in one day, and I’m in my 76 day of completing my 90 day challenge and this is just after having knee replacement surgery in June. Thank you and have a wonderful new year. I’m loving the addition of the monthly challenge. Sincerely, Baadja-Lyne Odums
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6 years ago, Homer2112!
I mostly love this app
Hi. I would really probably say 4.5. I haven’t been using this for that long, at least not consistently. However, when I realized it was available and doing its thing behind the scenes, I got excited about it. I bought an Apple Watch because of it. I liked what it did on my phone and wanted it to work when I do things without my phone in my hand or pocket, like walk/run on the treadmill or take a dance class or whatever. I wish there was more of an indication of the pace or periods when activity was higher, and an estimation of the calories burned. If I do a walking route I wish I could start and stop it just as a marker not literally stop and start—kind of like a stop watch. That would be helpful. Thank you! This is definitely helping me to feel encouraged. My dog loves that I take him to a huge off leash park or hiking and we go for a long while. It’s great for both of us and this app helps. Thanks, again.
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2 years ago, ERLinda48
I Owe a lot to this App!!
I did not think this was possible. I had a stroke a few years back at a very young age and was too embarrassed for people to know I was physically challenged. It took me three years to learn to walk again in a way that didn’t look like I had a disability, but I was very slow. (I realize that the way I looked was the least of my problems but as a single mom with two teenaged children, they were more sensitive than I was). But, this App motivated me to walk whether I felt like it or not. Even though I hated walking for the first four months I did it. It was painful. At the fifth month mark, it started to feel good and even now some days I only take 200 steps and other days I take 3,000 steps. Point is, I am walking and I know I wouldn’t be without this App. Thank you. Sincerely , Lyn Legge.
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2 years ago, Missyusa
Mileage is very inaccurate
I’ve been using the app for over 2mos, helping to motivate me to walk 4+ miles and over 10,000 steps at least 6 days/wk. So that’s the good part and why I gave it a 2 stars. But I’m disappointed because it’s very inaccurate, at least when it comes to mileage. My husband and I were on a walk recently, I asked him how far we walked. His Apple Watch recorded just over 5mi (he started with 0mi) but on my iPhone with this app, I had just over 4mi (I started with .2 mi that day). We’re on the exact same walk. I didn’t understand how I could have 20% less mileage. I later mapped our route and it was 5 miles. Today is the same thing, except we’re on a 4 mile route. This app on my iPhone said I’ve done 3.3 (I started with .3) but my husband’s Apple Watch had 4mi. So this time, I’ve got 25% less mileage, even more inaccurate. Now, I’m questioning if the step counter or stairs on the app are accurate. At least it isn’t over counting but I don’t understand how can this app performs so poorly?
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3 years ago, phuzi bear
I absolutely love this app. I have been using it for years and years, and I have never once experienced any problems or dissatisfaction. I am super busy all the time, and I generally can’t waste my time reviewing apps and such, but this app really sends me. I have lost over 72 pounds in one year, thanks largely to this app. I should tell you that I also have apple watches, and I wear one of them Every. Single. Day. Which really helps me get the most out of this app! It’s always clocking my steps and has superb graphs and info about your step goals and steps achieved, flights climbed (as in stairs), and also logs your distance (every day!) There are multiple options for which units of measurement you’d like to use, and you set your own step goals (or distance etc). Really love this app, great work to its creator(s)!!!
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5 years ago, MissBehaven1965
Thanks for the motivation!
I am now pretty active. That was not the case in the past. I’ve lost 55 pounds the last three years. I work out a few days a week and that is how I started losing the weight. I found this app a year ago and it has helped me to shed the last 20. It has helped me to stay accountable for my health and well being. Instead of sitting on the couch on my days off. I go for a walk, even if it’s for just a few blocks. I park farther from the store now. I do my shopping by my list from top to bottom instead of what is closer and I walk more at the store. At work instead of sitting for a break, I walk around the parking lot or building a few times. All this adds up through the day. If I’m close to my goal. I just take a few minutes to make sure I get there. Thank you for helping me get healthy!
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6 years ago, They got this right
Great app when it works but frustrating when it doesn’t
This is a great app if only because it lets you add steps as a complication. It does a great job of showing you your steps as you are walking or working out. But for some reason in the main section of the iPhone app it skips some days showing completely inaccurate data. Yesterday I logged 6956 steps according to Pedometer (6826 according to the Apple health app) but the day before according to Pedometer I only did 1110 steps. This was completely wrong and Apple shows me doing 5952 steps that day. I know that this seems silly but it’s a great way of motivating me to do work outs by giving me the awards for achievement of goals but you can’t get them if the app drops whole days from the data used for awarding them. So that is the reason why I am not going to give this app 5 stars. When and if they fix it I will definitely update my review and reassess the rating.
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2 years ago, Osborne01
Great App with one flaw
…or I’m missing a setting…I’ve been using this pedometer app since the iPhone 6 and like it very much with Apple Health. I’ve put 4800 miles on it. The developer has added features. Works great paired with Apple Watch. Shows me my heart rate, elevation and mileage. But for some reason, it almost never tracks flights of stairs climbed. I live on a steep hill that leaves most people gasping, and there are two half-flights to the front door. Most days I go up and down those stairs several times, down to the street and back up. There’s a very steep incline on my regular walking route. Most days my results show 0 flights. Occasionally I get credit for one or two, but it’s never as many as I actually climb. That’s my one complaint. Otherwise, this is a terrific, motivating app. Recommended, and the Watch version is even better.
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5 years ago, LMH0821
Still a bit buggy on step counts
This is generally good; I like the different levels and goals. My main issue is that there continue to be incorrect or inaccurate step counts from in between the iPhone widget to the app itself, even though we were told a few updates ago that this was corrected. For me this happens at least once per week and I don’t know why. According to my widget my step count will be, let’s say, 1000 steps, but if I open the app to look at my steps the app will revert my step count to being 873. I’ve had more than 150 steps removed from my count in one opening of the app. I’m disabled. I can’t walk very much or very far so every step I can get is crucial to me. Somehow, the three step counters I have on my device (including this one) are all synched together. I don’t know which is driving which, I just know I’d like an accurate accounting of my steps.
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3 years ago, Reviewer Nickname Required
Works really well!
I share my Pedometer results with my friends and family, daily, and take delight in them rolling their eyes and groaning with disinterest. The application does an amazing job at counting my steps and translating them to floors and miles, which helps me drag-out the conversation long after they've repeatedly informed me they have no interest nor desire to hear about it. Frequently, I'll even stop strangers on the street corner to show them when I've met my 10,000 step daily goal and remark "the rest of my day is just bonus, really." What's even better is I've also recently learned that the bottom of the settings screen also translates my cumulative steps to triathlons, so I now have something else to proudly annoy others with. Take that, crossfitters!
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3 years ago, ELginter
This app is simple simpleton. Most apps are o elaborate. Colors, graphic art, music, link after links to other websites and features upon feature upon feature. This app is not over filled with more stuff then needed. And it free!! Thank you for not creating this app like al the others! Thank you for being different and making it easier to navigate especially for the computer cell phone laptop tablet smart watch smart tv illiterate older generations. And for those who refuse to watch life go by holding a digital screen to their face looking at posts about sunsets instead of looking up going outside to watc h the sunset 4 stars because the app needs one thing only to make it perfect a map of where we walked and how many steps counted from point A to point B. Ability to manually select which is point A and a point B, C, D , etc..
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5 years ago, Avmm760
Fantastic app but?
I love this app, I personally think this is the best app of this type on the App Store. However, if the developers are reading this, I just purchased a new iPhone 11 pro max and a new Apple Watch. The app shows up properly on my iPhone along with all data up to the changeover date. The Apple Watch app is working properly on the watch. The watch is paired with the phone and every other app I have works properly, even my Apple activity app works properly with both, so I know the watch and phone are communicating. I don’t know what else to do, or if there is some other issue. I have a long walk streak going ( over 400 days) and I hate to have that lost. I had lost nearly 100 lbs during that time and that walk streak is what kept driving me. Sure hope you can help me get it going again.
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4 years ago, Roid63
Disabled Veteran says “Very good motivator “
I’m a U S Navy veteran of the cold war era, I suffer from sever arthritis pain and Fibromyalgia along with a healthy dose of PTSD just for good measure. Many days I wake up and the pain is so bad that I just don’t feel I can get through the day. That’s when I get on my phone and go to the Pedometer app and it helps give me the motivation I need to get moving. Once I get past the initial pain, I find that I can continue through the day. When I look at the progress I made at the end of the day, I just feel so proud of myself! It gives me strength to look foreword to the next day to see if I can get more steps than I did the day before. It’s a wonderful app especially for those that don’t have any one around to give them a pat on the back or encouraging words for a job well done! Thanks
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11 months ago, TA2RF
Worked until it didn’t
I’ve been using this app for two years, since I replaced my Fitbit with an Apple Watch. Why the Apple Watch didn’t have this built in I will never know. For the most part this worked great. But late last year I started noticing weird bugs. It wouldn’t update unless I closed out of the app on both devices, then they wouldn’t sync properly. Then it would say I got my steps, but the next day it would say I didn’t. Breaking streaks. It was sporadic and seemed to fix itself for a while. Then in August this bug reappeared and broke a 280+ day streak. Considering I had my own reasons for this goal every day, it was extremely frustrating. I reached out to support and got basically an “Oh well, start again. Must have been something you did.” Now the app freezes up all the time and I’m done. I moved on to a different app - that also has a cheaper subscription per year if I decide to go that route.
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7 years ago, cslutes
Love love love this wonderful app simple so I don't have to DO anything at all--- just get it on your laptop and it does ALL the work for you ! Cannot tell you enough how much this has helped me! Thank you so much , nameless & terrific programmer. 9/9/17 Am still singing praises for this terrific app!! Must be made to fit everybody -- because at first I was an ordinary old person, lazy & not too swift with electronics plus really, really lazy- didn't want to learn anything new - well, my smart physics- teacher daughter told me to go to the App Store and get pedometer plus-plus and the rest is history !!!oh my I must be your biggest backer. Now I am on a walker unfortunately but still counting steps and your app keeps me up and hopeful. Please keep your app as simple to use as in the Past - please, please. It is wonderful ! Thanks so much , again.
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2 years ago, Lauraannlauraann
great app!
i love that i can transfer my data from here to other fitness activities tracker devices or apps- i love that i don’t have to ask it to track my movements once activated- with this app & my amazing service dog/ i was able to walk over 1,000 miles & lose 40 pounds during covid 19 lockdowns - it’s the best app of its kind i have ever used- including a couple that were not even close to free- i will joyfully tip the apps creators & those who maintain/update/upgrade it and also tell people about it every chance i get because i never want to be without it. thank you for this great (truly) FREE app! i believe it will prolong my life as it helped me get & stay healthy while a lot of my friends were getting sicker- (and it wasn’t from the virus!!! )- awesome app!
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11 months ago, Shanalovereeeeee
Used to be a great app but….
Simple, reasonably accurate, a good and intuitive user interface and a nice set of displays on the Apple Watch. However, starting late yesterday the watch displays became totally non functional. On some watch faces the “complication “ says 0 steps and 0 miles regardless of reality. But if you tap on the complication you are brought to a page with accurate information. On other watch faces the complication is totally blank or greyed out and you may or may not be able to tap into the pedometer app data. The phone app works fine. I have no clue if the watch is even recording steps anymore if I’m not carrying the phone. And the inability to read progress on the watch face itself ruins the user experience. I don’t know if this is the result of a recent update to the Apple operating system (watch or iPhone) or to the app itself. Regardless, it is very disappointing. If not fixed soon I will need to search for a different app, although I certainly do not want to do so.
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5 years ago, User_5678
Works but needs improvement
I have had this app for a while. It works fine, let’s get that out of the way because I am not saying it doesn’t. I found it wasn’t very accurate, especially if my phone was in a jacket pocket or in my hand. I guess it is reasonable because in for example the back pocket of your jeans, the motion sensors would sense every time you moved your leg, rather than it being in your hand or jacket pocket. I like how customizable it is, and the fact that it has achievements, but I think the achievement requirements are a bit too high, and I get it, they are meant to be but they seem a bit too ambitious, for myself at least. Other than those two *minor* issues, great app! Would recommend to any friends or family! Also love all the features and how it is free and you have the option to donate. Great idea, great app!
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1 year ago, sandman1318
New premium features
I’ve been using the app for years and was happy to see the redesigned interface. I also started the free trial today for the new premium features. My initial opinion is that the iPhone version is exceptional but the Apple Watch version needs some work. I take daily brisk walks which are exactly three miles from start to finish. The iPhone app showed I walked three miles at a speed of 3.5mph which is typical for me. When I started my walk, I also started Apple Watch version and ended up with very different results. It showed I walked a total of 2.4 miles at a speed of 2.4mph which is no doubt wrong. But the cost of the premium subscription is very reasonable so I intend to keep it and support the developer going forward.
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2 years ago, stcbmhz
Useful, Simple, and easy to use.
I use this App on my iPhone. I take my phone with me everywhere, except for in the house. This app calculates steps and distance as long as you have your phone on you. Setup: First, you measure your stride. Which makes sense for accuracy. Easy set up as to how tall you are, distance of your stride, your goal per day, male or female. After your walk or at the end of day, you can see how many steps you walked, the conversion to miles, and a colorful bar graph that shows each day's data present and past. Colors indicate achievement of goal. There is no need to go into the app at the beginning of your walk and start it. I find this to be useful. As I said, simple and easy to use as well as being very useful.
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3 years ago, Poincicco
Simply Effective—It Works!
I’ve been using Pedimeter++ for close to 8 years now and love it! Very simple and easy to use. I love the bar graph layout and how it shows you met your set goal with a change of color. Very easy to see what days you were successful. I wouldn’t want to complicate such a beautifully simple app, but there is one thing I would add. I’d add a note feature allowing me to add a note to any given day to tell what I was doing to make those steps. It wouldn’t be in the main page. Rather when you tap the give day’s bar, it would open a notation page the automatically starts an entry with the date, the number of steps and then a space for the notation. For me, that would add a lot of utility to an already great app!
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7 years ago, Jmoon54
This free app is so good, I left a $1.99 tip. (Tip jar feature for voluntary support) This is one of the few apps that accurately tracks your steps moment by moment, without the need of a fit bit, Apple Watch, or other external device. It links to your Apple Health data and keeps a record of steps over time and applies that to step goals you set for your fitness level. Positive feedback in “achievements” is given when step goals are hit and the streak feature makes it fun to push for consistency. Most people can achieve their desired fitness levels by a proper low sugar diet, spread out in much smaller portions, eating every two hours or so, along with 10,000 steps per day. Get in the habit of 4,000 steps before breakfast and change your life. This app is perfect to track it!
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5 years ago, Dedebean
Loving it and hating it
Love this app when it works, which seems utterly random. Sometimes it counts my steps, other times I can take hundreds of steps and the count stays the same. I have been up and down my 13-stair flight of steps at least 9 times today; it counts 1. Yesterday it was counting my flights just fine. I’ve been using this for less than a week. I love the overall interface and on the days it decides to work I love the motivation to be more active. It is just so frustrating that my phone - always hooked to my waistband in the same way - randomly withdraws that motivation and makes me want to just chuck the whole idea. On the plus side, I am getting tons of step exercising done today, as I deliberately go up and down and up and down, trying to get the stupid thing to acknowledge my effort. I was delighted at first, but will probably hunt for a different app. 🙁
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4 years ago, Rdprincess
I love this app!
I love this app so much! It links with my Apple Watch great, which then links with my StepBet app. It is super accurate and I love that it has a little wiget on my apple watch for it too so I can see my number of step in the corner of my display screen along side all my other stuff on my Apple Watch display like the time and date and activity log etc. I just have one request that would make it perfect. Can you guys make it so you can set the day of the week that you consider your beginning of a new week? Because like my new week with my other weight loss programs begins on Saturday but your guys app clocks the goal starting from Sunday so it doesn’t exactly line up like I would like it too. Other then that, it’s a great app and I highly recommend!!!
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4 years ago, beach head mike
Thank you for your app it motivates me to get out and walk. At the end of the day I will look at my score and won’t have reached my goal it makes me get out and make one more lap around the truckstop I don’t know if I’m losing any weight but I do have more energy I really like the monthly challenge I just discovered it this month so I have been reaching that challenge. I will pay more attention and be looking to see what the next months challenge will be hope it’s not too hard I am an old guy. I am an over the road truck driver and I think more drivers should do this. I’m from The northern tier of the country so in the winter months it’s hard to make your goals but now that the weather is warmer I am walking more. Thanks again keep up the good work.
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1 month ago, faritale123
One step at a time = Powerful simple app
Love this app. Love the data it provides. Love the simplicity. It does what it’s supposed to and some more, pretty accurate with counting, and very simple and user friendly. I have all my family members using it and always recommend it to others. No watch needed to track steps, just carry your phone. Set goals, change your widgets, get awarded. All of this is included in the free version without being bombarded with obnoxious ads. The ads are unnoticeable honestly. Anyhow, if you’re in the market for a pedometer app, look no further, this is the one. Thank you Pedometer ++ team, appreciate your work, every step taken is making a difference in our lives.
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2 years ago, edscarbo
I have used Pedometer ++ for over 4.5 million steps. Over the years I have used several pedometer apps but, this is the absolute best. I especially like the day off option. Pedometer ++ allows me to take a day off every week without breaking my streak. Since I am 71 years old and have a daily goal of 13,000 steps that day off means a lot. I also like the monthly goals. Every month brings a new challenge that keeps me engaged and motivated. The only change I would recommend is to be able to graph my steps by week and month. Other than that minor complaint, I could not be happier. I strongly encourage anyone looking for a pedometer app to look no further and to download Pedometer ++.
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6 months ago, Rjgmjg
Very Helpful
I usually climb 2-4 flights of steps and walk 2-4 miles a day since I got my knee replaced as part of my physical therapy. That is why I find this program so helpful. I wrote to you before when the program was having problems counting flights of wooden steps climbed. As it turned out, the program required 16 steps per flight and I had 14 per flight. I resolved this by walking two more steps per flight. We have since moved to a much newer building with reinforced concrete stairwells and 16 steel steps per flight. Now this app has problems counting flights - as if it cannot read the signals through all the concrete and steel. Any Ideas? Finally, can you provide me an address to which I can send a check rather than my Apple ID? Thank you, Roger Girard
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