The Fast Metabolism Diet

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3.3 (171)
55.3 MB
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Brainstorming Session Inc.
Last update
3 years ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for The Fast Metabolism Diet

3.28 out of 5
171 Ratings
4 years ago, mob_elle
App frustrates users to point of no return-how scientific is that?
I did the 28 day FMD & used the book & app. I took a 3-week break using the Cooling for FMD book. Kept at same weight. Love the science. Now I started the 14-day fast start to lose my final 5#, so I bought the big tubs of Ph1-2-3 Shakes. Turned to the app to track my 14-day journey. 1. It doesn’t let you add a shake for a meal, only to BUY product. 2. It doesn’t have the recipes listed in the 14-day fast start, so it was useless. I suggest a complete overhaul of the app (it’s obviously ancient) w integrated permission levels to reflect Member access, 28-day option, 14-day FS option, 7-day, Burn, Revolution, etc, etc. include recipes, tips, reminders, etc. As it is now, the app smacks of a dominant commercial focus, with little of “Hailey” present. This is not the sense I got from the book & website, and it’s shameful. Hailey, are you listening?
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7 years ago, mizlegacy
Helpful but could be better
This app is a great companion to the cookbook and makes it easy to track you day and stay organized on what to eat/ what you need to buy. I agree with some of the other reviews that it could use some updating. It definitely needs a weight loss graph or tracker of some kind to be able to see your progress. Also you should be able to add by meal to the grocery list as well as by day and then when you pull up your grocery list it should have a combined categorized list. For example instead of telling me I need 1 1/2 apples three different times it should just say 4 1/2 apples. The next thing that bothers me is there are meals on the app that are not in the cookbook so it would be nice if it would provide the recipe or a link to find it. The daily tips are great but I would like to see more information on why certain foods are only for certain phases even though it lines up with her plan. Brussel sprouts for example, why only phase 3 when veggies are unlimited all the time? Overall though the app is definitely a good tool to use and this diet so far is truly working. Shedding pounds quickly and I’m not hungry in the process or craving anything in particular!
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5 years ago, DgOnAS
Apple Health connectivity desirable
I think this app is seriously underrated I strongly recommend it as a fundamental part of the fast metabolism diet; it made the whole process of meal planning and shopping so easy that I am still using it two weeks after my 4-wk diet is over (to awesome results btw). As of possible improvements particularly in light of recent iOS changes, I would strongly encourage the developer to include read (particularly for weight) and write (for water and nutrition in general) to Apple Health app. Logging of water could be streamlined by adding iOS13 per-app shortcuts or by reading info from Apple Health. Regular water reminders instead of once a day would be helpful for the hydrophobes among us. I still think that the Meal Map tab should open automatically on today’s meal. Also the profile should include general food diets such as vegan or vegetarian, etc to automatically filter available foods in the list, which requires a slow item by item selection. Still overall a great app, don’t stop improving!
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4 years ago, TXDawg3
New updated app is all about money
We have used this app successfully until recently. Tech support finally made it more useful by eliminating the need to uncheck previous meal plans and water intake when starting over so that there was no loss of the meal plan...consequently, we recommended it to everyone we met that was looking for help with their diet needs. It was great! However, this all disappeared with the latest updated version. Now, it’s all about the money...join their club, pay membership fees, purchase expensive products, etc. Guess tech support ignores requests for help to clear previous checks and water consumption unless a full reset is done that eliminates all previous information including previous meals. In the past, we have purchased all books associated with the Fast Metabolism Diet and have been pleased. Now, it appears that Ms Pomroy’s organization is only concerned with selling products, books and memberships...the apparent concern for the consumer seems to have disappeared.
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7 years ago, Decadonna
Helpful BUT needs to stay updated
This app is very helpful to anybody following the FMD diet. However, esp because since it's a paid app, it needs to be updated and maintained. If you are following the 'free' FMD group on Facebook, there are numerous alerts of the inconveniences or inconsistencies on the app. Please update the app. For instance, when making a fruit smoothie, you should be able to pick two or more fruits in the fruit pull down, not just one-same for the other pull downs. There should be a more convenient way to set the time of your meals. The recipes should have active links. Where is a listing for the nut milks in Phase 3? I was only able to find coconut milk. Serving sizes should be noted when looking at the pull down, not after you log it.
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7 years ago, Tug snug
Great App
I'm enjoying using this app injunction with the book. It makes planning meals for this diet so easy. You can make changes to the start date by editing your profile. Once you select your meals, you can choose to send to a grocery list. You can also email the grocery list to who ever is doing the shopping. The only complaint is that all of the meal recipes are not in the book. You have to get the cookbook to have all the recipes that it refers to. But if you've decided to make a lifestyle change then you may as well get the cookbook also. And it would be great to be able to add customized meals/recipes that are not included in the app or cookbook. Hope this helps to repair or stoke your metabolism!
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8 years ago, Kittyforman
Makes the plan easier to follow but needs updates
For me, this app definitely makes it easier to follow the plan, however it needs a few updates like adding the appropriate amount of fruits and vegetables to the shopping list. Today I tried to set my start date as January 9, 2017, and it refused to use that date. Tried several times to make it work and it would only use today as a start date. When I tried to access support through the app it says my iPhone can't send email...not sure why. When I tried to access support through the App Store, I was taken to a page that said the webpage was no longer available. Well, like I said, the app makes it easier to follow the plan so I'll keep using it in hopes it'll be updated in the near future.
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2 years ago, Jopo999
This app is useless except for planning
My husband and I are doing this diet. We read the book. We downloaded the app to facilitate things. We’ve been very frustrated with it. Really, all it’s good for is meal planning, and that is absolutely it, and even if that’s all you’re using it for you’ll be frustrated. Pros: water tracker, planning times/foods for meals. Cons: 1) You’re not really “tracking” your food if you can’t enter everything that you eat, even if it’s something that’s not supposed to be there. There should be some way of entering foods that are either off-limits or out of phase. (Side note: I’m pretty sure you can email your data to the company so they can analyze what you’re eating…what good is that when you cannot truly track things?) 2) In that same vein, it doesn’t let you track your portions. That’s fine if you’re someone trying to lose 20 pounds or less (1 portion), but as she says in the book, if you’re trying to lose more than that, you will need to increase your portion sizes. Well…you can’t track portion sizes here. I have many more gripes with it but those are the biggest. I do think this is a good way of eating so far, so I give the diet a hesitant thumbs up (only in week one) but this app needs some work.
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4 years ago, Uffda2ya
Useful but...
I use this app as a guide for the diet and it is helpful BUT the food lists are not complete and Pomroy is very careful to make sure you pay for any in depth features. So even though the food lists (most vital part of the diet) apparently can't be included in an update, ads for more books can now pop up. This diet works well for me but be aware that it is expensive overall. I think it is short-sighted on their part not to make the app more dynamic. If I an using it every day, why not use the app as a way to integrate the latest promotions and supplements? It is my understanding that the book publisher holds the reins for some of these issues. Overall, the app ends up being somewhat old fashioned looking.
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4 years ago, Rosiel7673
Meal map should default to the current day. Selections are too dark
This has always been a good eating plan for me, and I like that it has an app. That’s really helpful. However, the latest version of the app really needs some more updating. When I open the mail map I should be automatically taken to the current day. Because that’s what I most like to be checking. Also when going into select items, they are currently unreadable. At least on my iPhone, the print appears very dark and only pops out in a lighter color when you select it. It’s unrealistic to select every single item in a category just to see what it is while planning your meals. Please fix it.
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5 years ago, curleml
App is OK for the price
I’ve gone back to this diet multiple times but this is the first time I’ve used the app. I’ve completed 3 weeks of the diet using the app as a guide on my water intake, weight loss and an easy guide on what to eat on which days. I’d say for the price, the app is ok. I would like a way to be able to add my own recipes as I don’t always make the Fast Metabolism Diet Recipes that are options in the app. And I also agree with others that for fruit, I would like to be able to pick more than one type of fruit. I also would like to be able to add more weeks as I plan on using the app after the initial 4 weeks is up.
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5 years ago, Kjazzi007
Helpful, but need portions added
The iPad version is not user friendly, it needs to have easy viewing in Landscape as well. I use a keyboard so portrait only view is very inconvenient. It would be great to have this much larger wide viewing option, vs just the the smaller screen on my iPhone, as I use my iPad for everything. I believe any iPad user will much appreciate the landscape viewing option... Please update app? Thank you, I love this diet, and lost 15 lbs my first month. I fell off do to health reasons and life events for awhile...gain weight, and now looking forward to restarting again because, I had energy and felt great, plus the meals were very good. It makes you enjoy food in a different healthy way, plus it feels good to bypass all that junk food at the grocery store, shopping is more focused, and much easier. This hard part is managing my extended work hours with the diet plan to eat at appropriate times, and I’m usually up late.
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8 years ago, Ykckby
Helpful but.....
Having recently started I opted to try the app rather than using paper to plan. It is very helpful in creating a plan for the day despite its relative simplicity. BUT as many have noted there are some simple fixes that are needed such as choosing your start date other than today which would make it far more user friendly. MOST IMPORTANTLY, in today's technology there is absolutely no reason it cannot be synched between a phone and iPad given one has to pay for it. Please fix this....
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3 years ago, Raedin
So frustrating to use
I keep a night owl schedule which has me going to bed at 4 am and getting up a little after noon. My first meal would be 1 pm but the app doesn’t allow that. I shifted times earlier in order to plan, but the app uses my device’s clock time to show the meal it thinks I should be having instead of the one I’m actually at. So, at 1 pm when I would be having my first meal, it will only show the snack I’m supposed to have at 3 (noon start is latest it will allow for breakfast). I’d just like to enter meals by sequence without a set time. Doing the actual planning is also very frustrating. The app has little flexibility and is hard to use so I’ve decided to delete it and go back to my notecard and Excel strategy for meal planning.
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8 years ago, A bird fan
FMD lifesaver
Not a perfect app (many have already documented the frustrating issues) however it has been a lifesaver in keeping me on the FMD diet for nearly 2 months. If I had to drag the book and/or papers around all the time I would never have made it this far. It isn't perfect but it is a good tool for this great diet. If you are going to commit to the FMD lifestyle you will find the cost of this app (even with its glitches) is well worth it. Also check out the FB support groups.
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1 year ago, _homerr
App Issues
I like the diet and app, but two things. First, the app has been opening to yesterday rather than today, and it has been doing that since I restarted the diet. (I don’t know if this makes a difference, but I traveled across two time zones when starting this time). Second, the Phase 3 breakfast meal “B and B Toast” wrongly populates as having a protein (it doesn't) and leaves the fruit section empty despite the recipe including berries Other than these glitches, the app is always helpful to doing the diet
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2 years ago, J Curry
This really works if you follow it to the letter
A friend of mine had lost weight quickly and told me about this app. I don’t know how it works, but it does. I was approaching 200 pounds, the first 4 days I lost 3 pounds. I kept with it, ended up losing 30 pounds. Note I did also increase my exercise, but not at a crazy amount to where I would’ve lost that much weight without following this program.
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6 years ago, 50's a Great Year!
Life Saver!!
I lost 65 pounds using this program, and this app made it SO easy! It is simple to use, and contains all the info you need, as well as makes it easy to keep track of the day’s food. I don’t need any more Bell’s and whistles - the simpler the better. I can open the app, enter what I’ve eaten (or check what I can eat), and it only takes seconds. I had given up on ever getting to my goal weight, but with this plan, I did and am never hungry!
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5 years ago, JLWA
Terrible App
This is a money maker for the diet. The app is very poorly designed. For example if you adjust the timing of a meal or snack the following meals don’t automatically align. Plus you can’t copy days timing, you have to go into each one and adjust them. I have to get up at 5:30am and it has me eating dinner at 3pm. Also when you export to make a food list for grocery shopping the list come out on many pages(wasteful) and does not group fruits and veggies based on the recipes you pick. Buy this app if you are really desperate and can’t figure out the book, but my guess is you will quit using it after a month once you get the rhythm of the diet.
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7 years ago, nishanne2012
Good but not great
For $3 this app needs some simple but essential updates. It's helpful that is lists exactly the foods you can eat in each phase. But it could use: (1) a search button so you can type in the food you are looking for rather than having to scroll, (2) it should say in the food lists how much you are supposed to eat (1 cup fruits etc) rather than after you have completed the entry for each meal, (3) there is no chart showing your weight loss progress! Isn't that why we are doing this?! Again while this is a helpful app for the foods you're supposed to eat per phase and meal, there are some serious shortcomings, especially considering it's $3. It would help to take a look at some of the free apps - my plate and my fitness pal for instance - to make this app better. I hope the developers update this app soon.
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7 years ago, AIC-Fan
Makes losing weight simple
App is good. I know it's not part of her philosophy but it'd be nice if calories were included. I lost the bulk of my weight after about 2 months, then started exercising quite a bit more. . . I wanted to go on a cut and needed to know my calories. Ended up eventually using MyNetDiary to keep my calories under control. The science behind this diet is legit though. Really makes losing weight simple.
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8 years ago, Fifthdaughter
Not too impressed
So far not too impressed with the app. It needs the recipes from the cookbook so I don't have to put each individual ingredient for the garden meatballs. Also the jambalaya has 3 proteins yet you can only select one on P1. I put in to start on January 2, 2017, which is in 4 days and the app has today as December 29, 2017. This app needs some updating if you want people to use it regularly. Especially since we had to pay for the app.
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5 years ago, TalGal3
The App works well, but doesn’t sync between devices. So while you can download it to your phone and pad, etc. your data is only retained on the version that you used to enter it. The App also is not up to date (and it seems they have no plans to update it based on an email inquiry I made) to incorporate changes made to the plan by its founder. So annoying to use the App, but also have to use printouts from the website or Facebook page in order to apply the current plan data.
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8 years ago, Jho Outlaw
New to FMD on Week 2 Now
Please ignore negative reviews. I didn't download because of them. Once I did I regretted I hadn't already. This app makes the diet so much easier! Especially as a quick check for which foods during which phase. Before the app I needed the book with me all the time. I like the notification too. The app was huge for me! Don't hesitate. It's worth it!
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6 years ago, thymyty
Don’t waste your money
This app once purchased just seems to be a marketing option to buy the book. The food options are horrible and half of the options are very hard to find. Maybe if you frequently hunt your own food with all the wild game choices. 😑 I’m also not sure when lunch meat became a healthy option. And don’t get me started on the breakfast. Fish for breakfast? Also This is outdated. Egg whites are not healthy. Do your research. If you eat a balanced diet everyday then you do not need to eat 2 days carbs 2 days protein 2 days fat. That is ridiculous. I want my money back.
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4 years ago, Healthy habits!
Wonderful Support to my FMD Journey
I can’t imagine doing the Fast Metabolism Diet without this app! No more shuffling papers to see meal maps or check approved food lists to see what foods are phase appropriate. Being able to create and download the grocery lists is awesome! AND Portions are automatically figured for me based on my weight loss goals! It makes the diet even more easy peasy! ❤️❤️❤️
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4 years ago, E--Rock
Good app for FMD
If you are doing the Fast Metabolism Diet, this app is incredibly helpful. You can plan your meals and even generate a shopping list. You can quickly find what food are allowed in which phases. It does include quick pick of the recipes in the original book. I wish it also included recipes in her subsequent book and in the website, if only the most popular ones.
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7 years ago, hellopeoplesoftheworld
Makes plan significantly easier to follow
Love this app. Much more convenient for me to electronically enter my food than it is to write everything out. I also love the water-consumption tracker. The meal map feature that lets me adjust my meal times easily when my plans change. Not perfect, but definitely worth it. It's a good companion to a great diet plan.
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6 years ago, Zadykitty1
I love to use my ipad for everything and its not very convenient when the app stays small like I’m on my phone and doesn’t turn upright when I stand my ipad up. Other than that its ok, I prefer using the book still, just because of this. There are more options on the app than in the book, and you can just google for the recipes. Would be nice if the app included them.
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6 years ago, Memtb
The best I’ve found!
I LOVE this app! I’ve used it just over a week and it works flawlessly! I am eating more than I ever have and am losing weight. I love this diet! I tried to do it myself without the app initially and just couldn’t commit myself. After getting the app, I feel I’m committed as I’m not hungry and miserable. Would definitely recommend!
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4 years ago, Anitak22
Could be less buggy
This is a great app to use while on the diet but very frustrating because the latest update is so buggy. The water intake is prepopulated everyday and I have to clear it out. When changing the time and meals on the daily plan, you have to scroll to refresh of close and come back in. Sometimes you don’t even see the time scroll to be able to change the time on your meals. It’s got great potential, but needs to be stabilized.
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7 years ago, SraLaz
I can't imagine doing the FMD without it!
Look-nothing is perfect and this app can definitely use improvements-can't we all? This app has kept me on track and is amazing. Don't go by the negative comments. They seems to have fixed some suggestions. You definitely need this app to help you plan!!!
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7 years ago, TR-3505
Works well but
I really find this app useful but after I planned everything out using my iPad because I have the cookbooks on my iPad kindle. I could not sync to my iPhone so I had to take my iPad to the grocery or print or email the shopping list. Neither is an optimal choice. I also don't always carry my iPad so not getting reminders on my iPhone.
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4 months ago, C urge
Needs update!
I have been doing this diet plan for years and the app looks the same as it did when I purchased it over 5years ago. The investment users are making into books, shakes etc the least that could be done is a more modern and updated app.!
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3 years ago, Rettagrier
Love the App but wish it had a copy feature
The App was a life saver. I love the plan with the check boxes. I love that you can customize the food list to remove the foods I don’t eat. The grocery list is a great feature too. My only wish is if it could copy meals since I eat a lot of the same foods.
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7 years ago, Candacy
Couldn't do it with this App
This app is amazing. The one thing it does very well is auto calculate all of your portions. There are some phase specific foods that are missing that I like to use but thats nothing I can't manage on my own. Couldn't do this diet with out it
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7 years ago, oliverrocks
Badly badly badly needs an update!!!
I use this to log in my water. That’s what is good for. The food list needs to be updated, the portion size are frequently incorrect. If you use 2 types of protein or fat, you can’t include thatZ only one choice allowed. No search button, inconvenient way to scroll to look for food. As a paid App, it should be taken care of. Wouldn’t recommend it at this point, so the owners will do smth about it
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7 years ago, Mon chéri
Weight Entries
Overall the app is great and makes the plan a lot easier to follow. My main criticism is that you can only enter weight in whole numbers which is annoying when you are trying to lose less than 10 pounds.
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4 years ago, tallynted
App opens on the last day - annoying
I have done FMD before and doing it again this month. Just annoying that I opens up on the last day - so I have to keep pressing the arrow back to manually return to the right day. It would be nice to have a calendar to just select the specific day/date to jump to.
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7 years ago, Terri209
Needs an update
Been using the app for 18 months and it has made the FMD sooo much easier, but it’s time for an update. Foods have been added to the program, some quantities have changed and the app has remained static. The publisher needs to work with the author to get the app back to fully complimenting the program.
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4 years ago, Cotimia
Dates mixed up
I just started using the app. Everything looks good and helpful and easy to follow. Just now sure it’s friendly when I wanna update or change dates for meal plans. Either I am doing it wrong or there is an error in the data.
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6 years ago, PDXLean
Simply incomplete
The app asks you your current weight and your goal weight but does nothing with the information. Especially where needed most. If you need to lose more than 20 pounds the diet require you increase your protein by multiplying .5. However the app doesn’t account for this at all. The grocery list is also a joke. I usually choose the same meals to save money. However no matter how many times you input a food item. If it is a one serving recipe it will only add the ingredients for one serving to your grocery list. The pros: It’s pretty. Reminds you want to eat Reminds you when to eat but that’s where the benefits end.
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4 years ago, Alebby
This app is fabulous
It was extremely helpful to have this app while trying this diet and it really made a 30lb difference in my life. I definitely come back to this app once a year to maintain weight. Thanks
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6 years ago, jennL0327
Not accurate and up to date
This app has such great potential, but it is not updated regularly with current FMD guidelines! That’s highly frustrating when can make planning so easy! I also don’t like that when you click on the meal map it takes you back to the first day if that week instead of the day you’re on. It would get 5 stars from me if it were kept current!
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6 years ago, Cali-gurl Tam
Food lists seriously outdated!
I would give this 5 stars but for the fact that the food lists are way outdated compared to the book. The app is easy to use and would be very helpful if the lists were updated. I mean, that’s the whole reason behind the app, to save time looking all this stuff up in the book! UPDATE THE APP ALREADY!!!!!
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6 years ago, tejaslulu
Best app I’ve ever used
This has saved my diet. It is great for planning and grocery shopping. Easy to navigate back and forth. Thank you Hayley for this great partner to the diet. 1 week down and feeling so much better!
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7 years ago, SK923
Makes FMD easier, but I wish it was updated!
Nice helpful app, but I feel not all foods are included. It would be nice for some of Haley’s new recipes to be included. I just use it as a general marker for my meals- still nice to have!
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4 years ago, TinaG Ohio
Love the app to track food
I followed the FMD about 3 years ago and lost 20 pounds and have kept it off. I’m starting again to see if I can get my A1C down and lose another 20 pounds.
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4 years ago, Zorygirl
Very frustrating app
You can’t adjust the time on the app. The selector is just blank. I actually spent so long trying to figure out the app that I missed breakfast. The default is 7:30 wake up time but I get up at 5:30 and can’t adjust the time. If I try and just pretend it’s the right time and enter it anyway I get error msgs. What a waste of time.
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8 years ago, Nmk2987
This app is nothing different than the book. The food lists are not updated as they are updated for the FMD plan. The worst part of it all is that in this digital age, this app does not sync across devices, making it almost useless. Please please please add an update to allow this to sync across multiple devices. Without this function this app is just a waste of money.
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