Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner

Health & Fitness
4.8 (50.6K)
199.7 MB
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4 months ago
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13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner

4.82 out of 5
50.6K Ratings
2 years ago, Cassidy 😱😂😋
Just the start
I have to say i really enjoy this app. I'm a licensed cosmetologist/esthetician and of course like to be mindful of the products that I'm using on my self but not only that but also on my clients. This app makes it so easy to break down whats in a product so easily. ive shown everyone i know and even paid for the premium version. (this app is consumer funded. company's do not pay them to say their product is this or that) me being superstitious compared what the app said to what the label of ingredients said and its always right. i know the app is still fairly new and the interface and features it offers outside of just listing ingredients and letting you know if there bad then offering recommendations it doesn't do a whole lot more. I like that it keeps of history of barcode scans, i wish it had a feature to incorporate online shopping. Me personally i dont shop alot in stores and without a physical barcode it makes buying things online still risky. so that could be a cool feature. As well as creating like brands and like ranking them by a collective of what their product scores are. I love this idea of putting the power back in the consumers hands though. knowledge is power, and it starts with our daily habits to really see change. THANK YOU!
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2 years ago, maligatormomtx
Amazing! But…
I think everyone should have this app. It makes it so much easier to read between the lines of all ingredients. Especially beauty products. I am a scientist and half the time I don’t even know what some of these ingredients are. When it comes to food, I think it is very eye opening to see that just because something is labeled as organic, non gmo, blah, blah… it doesn’t always have the best ingredients. Now to my complain. I don’t buy anything with corn syrup or added sugars. This i already know by heart after going for clean only foods about 10 years ago. However, for someone who is just starting to navigate this confusing world of food, it may be misleading to read that ice cream is rated as poor. Now, hear me out. This was my husband’s thinking when we scanned an ice cream brand at Sprouts. The rating was poor. It said it had high fat and high sugar. According to my husband, ice cream should be fatty and sugary. Can’t argue with that if we are talking about a standard ice cream recipe. In his eyes, there was nothing wrong with the ice cream. The app fails to indicate that the brand contains corn syrup. I think it should be broken down better. The rating is poor because it has high sugar content, but not just any sugar. It has corn syrup. I feel the developers should work more into explaining why a high sugar rating deems a product poor. Not everyone is well versed with the dangers of sugars, real or fake.
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7 months ago, Keila310
Helpful, but not consistent
They need to put more helpful recommendations and alternatives. It’s very stressful using this app because everything you scan is toxic but they don’t offer enough alternatives for people. They only offer a few and if you cannot locate these brands you’re basically stuck. It would be a lot more encouraging if they gave you many other options to choose from some people have allergies and sensitivities to certain ingredients so the first few products you recommend might not work for them but I do think that an app like this should try to dig a little bit deeper. I pay for premium and feel like it’s not that special. On the other hand I love using this app because it breaks down all of the ingredients which ones are good and which ones are bad, etc. However there are items that I’ve scanned before that have come up as excellent that later on were changed to being poor products and having bad ingredients. The ingredients on the products did not change so I am wondering why the scoring changed it’s very confusing . I t makes me feel like I’m wasting my money every time I buy something that says it’s clean or excellent on Yuka I will scan it a couple months later and it’s now considered harmful? I don’t get it. There are some products that have remained clean and I’m happy about that because that means I won’t have to be replacing them and spending more money to buy new ones.
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5 months ago, Rachhxhxusbshd
Awesome, two suggestions!
As a pregnant mom this has saved me soo much time and is just the most wonderful app I have! I love it so much. My husbands aunt suggested it to me and I have used it since. I just have a couple suggestions that would make it easier to use and would make me love it even more! First, I would suggest a filter option when you search for results on the app, if possible it would be amazing to have a “filter from highest rated to lowest rated” option so I don’t have to spend an hour clicking into every result to check the rating. Because they aren’t in order right now. Also I would suggest doing something like my fitness pal has and allowing customers to also input the information of products that haven’t been reviewed by your team yet. I’m not saying to post them right away but possibly allow that and they could go through a process where someone checks it for mistakes or formula changes before it gets posted. I was thinking it might even save your team some time but who knows it could make it too complicated . Just a thought. Either way that result filter option would be so amazing to have. No matter what I love this app so much and have been telling everyone about it!! 10/10!!
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1 month ago, Protect speech
Great concept but not fully developed
Needs to provide healthier alternative product s. Example Heavy whipping cream that I am using show that it has additives that are unhealthy. It shows not alternative. I found a site that listed 10 companies that offer organic heavy whipping cream without additives. Trader Joe’s, 365 by Whole Foods Market, Natural by Nature Organic Cream plus many regional producers. Maybe you can get the users to help search for better alternatives. Give them an Incentive if they offer a better alternative and you list it give them 3 extra month of free membership. Also sugar is one of the most addictive ingredients being used causing cardiovascular disease and diabetes and should be avoided or limited to a maximum of 24 g of total carbs intake per day. The government food chart is flawed by to many special interest groups trying to keep the population unhealthy. Obesity is proof of that. If you want to have a successful App. You have to make it helpful in finding the healthy alternatives products and I think your members if you get them involved will make it happen. If you don’t someone else will lead the way. (Bobby approved is a new app that does that) People are searching for trusted information. They have lost confidence in the FDA and other governmental health agencies . This a golden opportunity to fill that void. Good luck.
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2 years ago, BeamishBeth
Yay for Yuka!
Some apps are fun, many are useful, and a very few are life-changing. Yuka is one of the latter. I initially used it to scan my previously purchased foods and hygiene/cosmetic products, and now I use it every time I shop. I even became a Premium member in order to look up products I can’t scan (like when I’m shopping online). I have very sensitive skin and have often dealt with contact dermatitis, burning, itching, and other adverse reactions. Being able to find and switch to products that don’t contain potential allergens or harmful chemicals has given me peace of mind and much happier skin. I also like to eat as cleanly as I can, and Yuka facilitates that. It’s a lot easier to simply not buy a food at the store when it’s rated poor or bad, and, if I decide to buy it anyway, it’s a no-brainer to eat it sparingly. It’s amazing and disheartening how many processed foods that claim to be super healthy actually aren’t healthy at all. Needless to say, Yuka has saved me from being deceived and wasting money. In a world full of vendors whose bottom line is financial gain rather than creating and selling safe, effective products, Yuka is an enormous blessing. Thank you, Yuka developers, for putting people’s health above profit!
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2 years ago, SavyBussinessWoman
Love this app
Ok so I just downloaded this app, and fell in love with it. A very close relative of mine has been trying to eat healthy for the past year or so now and feels like nothing was working. I showed her this app, and that many products she thought were healthy were actually contributing to gaining weight, migranes, and even more conditions. She was ecstatic about this app, and next time she goes to the store this app will be with her. I personally love how you get recommendations on similar products that are healthier alternatives. Not only that but I feel much better knowing that what I am going to eat In the future is healthy, and tasty. Some ideas I have for this app are ones that will make it easier to purchase items, for example… let’s say a cereal brand you have been buying products from is not healthy, and you tap on a similar, but healthier alternative, it would make it very convenient if you could tap it and add it to a personalized in app grocery list, for when you go to the store. That way you have a picture of this unfamiliar product along with the name of it. I am very excited to use this app, and hope it will make my future healthier! Thanks a million!
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2 years ago, mauimikal311
I have since replaced my deodorant, toothpaste body wash using this. I only buy products it says that are good AT THE LEAST!!! It’s an independent app. There’s no outside push by corporations. It seems and is like the best app ever made because it’s saving us from harmful chemicals, like parabens, sulfates, artificial sweeteners, texturizers, food dyes and soooo much more that is harmful to ingest. When I shop at the local wholefoods, I find MANY products within that store harmful and not everything is perfectly clean there to buy. I share it with people in the store as I’m shopping and with the cashiers. It blows their mind! But then, I see them go straight to their phone and look for it to get it. I usually show people how it works on the spot. These are just strangers and I am telling everybody about it. When I’m at work, and people are eating microwave foods, and what not, scanning those products is all bad and hazardous to eat. Finding typical products that seem to be good for you, actually most name brand products are hazardous for you! I hope everybody gets this app and this doesn’t get shut down. It’s truly a blessing that this exists.🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽 I’m so thankful! 💪🏽❤️🤙🏽
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6 months ago, goodtouse1
❤️❤️ Truly best app and life saver.
I love this app so much. User friendly & affordable. 10/10 recommend. Do you know how much excessive phosphate consumption I’ve avoided thanks to Yuka app?? A ton. Shocking to see how many food brands are horrible for your health. I live in a town where cancer is rampant and it seems so many people are dying from it. Just from food scanning through this app alone, I can see why. Cannot thank the people who made Yuka enough. One thing I can add as constructive criticism is the calorie intake part could be excluded. Not saying don’t include the macronutrients of how much something has, but It would be better if the ranking focused solely on hazardous ingredients. For example, It will give an item an undeserved poor rating because it is considered “too caloric” but other than that have clean ingredients 😅 everyone has different weight/calorie goals. We can come to our own conclusion on wether or not something has too many calories based on our life style. So for those who feel guilty for seeing the “too caloric” label don’t feel so bad. Track your own calories and you decide if having a snack is good enough to be included into your day.
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2 years ago, E.Iyah
Thank you!
In eating plant based foods and fish, I thought I was doing pretty decent. Until I got this app. Yuka is a life saver!! I’ve been scanning everything in my house and I’m shocked! You cannot trust these companies to do right by you. I’ve been throwing stuff away left and right!! I had just gotten a heath scan and my gastrointestinal system is severely off balanced. No wonder!! A family member suggested Yuka the same day. I couldn’t be more grateful for this app. It was right on time. What I love about this app is it tells you why foods are bad and what harmful ingredients do to your body. That is overly appreciated! It also gives you recommendations for better products! I can only imagine the time it took to put all of this together. This here is your best defense against big name companies who care more about a dollar than your health. We are exposed to toxins more than ever now. I was so paranoid about buying food and Yuka has eased a lot of those fears and will assist me in getting my gut health back balanced! It’s definitely worth buying the app and for all the goodies, it’s super inexpensive. Thank you for putting this together! The greatest app yet!!
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2 years ago, randydial
The foods I eat have improved so much because of this app
I wish I could say something short and simple where you would try this app. Maybe you’re like me and try to eat healthy but not entirely sure of what you’re putting into your body. Maybe like me you’ve tried some food nutrition apps but find them to be confusing or just out to spam you. Maybe you too think that because the packaging looks healthy, the food is healthy. NOT SO!! I have learned a lot about that from Yuka. This app has really improved my life. Even though I could use it for free, I am so grateful that I donated to them anyway. I want this app to be around for my kids and grandkids so that they can have a better life. I try to tell everyone about Yuka and even demonstrate it to random people in the grocery store. The app and its developers are giving millions of people, tons of easy to understand food data and a chance to really improve quality of life FOR FREE. The app is very fast, easy to use, works just like they describe, and it helps with food choices. Honestly, you won’t regret getting it but your body will regret if you don’t use it.
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1 year ago, Palmer Evans
Truly Unbiased and Unfiltered
While I don’t agree with absolutely everything said in the app (I mean, who 100% agrees with anyone one everything), I absolutely love that they CITE THEIR SOURCES! Most articles I find don’t source information or source possibly 2 other studies/articles, but 90% of the original articleis just personal opinion or experience. Sometimes, items will say they contain harmful materials, but READ THE DESCRIPTION! I have found, with my own scans, sometimes the harmful ingredient is only harmful in certain situations, and the product I scanned DOES NOT fall in that category. So the descriptions of these ingredients is, in a sense, a copy/paste, but not in a bad way. This actually means they research and review ingredients, not products. Also, as a personal side note, it is NOT an American website/app, which gives it more credibility, to me. I can’t trust these processed-loving Americans…. If the developers are reading this, I would hope that descriptions for healthy/well-rated ingredients will be introduced as well. I know that comes with more liability, but knowing what GOOD is contained is just as important as knowing what BAD is contained. I think so, at least.
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3 weeks ago, yuccyuffuuffu
This app is amazing. Get it 100%
This app is genuinely just mind blowing. You can scan infinite items without paying! There is a flaw though, they don’t rate anything with high protein and sometimes they don’t have the item I am scanning. Those are most definitely the only cons. One of my favorite things with this app is to search something up you do have to pay but you can choose!? I’ve never seen that within my whole life, you can choose 10, 15, or 20 dollars. And did i mention the subscription is yearly? That is the biggest steal I have seen in a subscription. There is one feature I hope will be in a future update, And that is where you can scan meals or anything within that matter and it will tell how how caloric it is and if it is healthy or anything like that. I know that is a lot to ask for because this app is meant to tell you if something is healthy or not and if it has anything that is potentially harmful to you, though it does tell you how caloric an item is. If the developers add the feature I mentioned I would pay any price for a subscription to this.
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12 months ago, Jahsheli
So Very Grateful For This App
I was blessed to run into a woman at my local Costco. She must have seen me laboring over the exhausting ingredient labels of the variety of items packed into my shopping cart. Due to the very concerning preservatives and additives as well as other unhealthy ingredients being added to the many foods families eat daily I have become diligent (even my 12 year old daughter is the same - We LOVE and appreciate this app so much!). So the woman shares the app and how much she loves it and for the same reasons (very thorough, huge time saver, etc) and shares how easy it is and took it immediately into action scanning am item loaded with additives and some Risky ones too so I immediately put that one back but since I’ve had the app I’ve become more educated and also saddened by what’s being allowed by the FDA, I’m so concerned. But huge thank you to Yuka Website and the app developers. Please keep doing what you do and ALWAYS no matter what keep your integrity 🙏😊♥️ I ended up doing the pro version for 1 year to support this wonderful work you’re doing. Thank you again!
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8 months ago, JordynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnJay
The rating system is horrible
This app is the worst, it will make you feel guilty for eating almost anything & the reason why makes absolutely no sense. In my opinion, it promotes eating disorders by the caloric content rating. A snack is meant to be 300 calories or less, but according to this, a 180 calorie protein bar is “too caloric” so they suggested a different kind, the other kind had half the amount of protein and 190 calories. How are you going to rate a food “bad” for having “too many calories” and then suggest an alternative that has even more calories and less health benefits. Also, a 180 calorie protein bar with 21 grams of protein is not “too caloric”. Also a lot of their sources on additives are not science backed like they claim, they claim a number of things are linked to cancer when they aren’t. They will promote some products as “good” when they’re in fact not, and then demonize others so that they can provide a suggestion. Highly suspicious that this is due to them being paid by those suggested companies, as they’re most of the time either equally as healthy or even worse. Please don’t download this app, the fact that they claim it’s science backed is a complete lie. If you find yourself using this app before buying food, look up the term orthorexia, because this is a sure fire way to get it.
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2 years ago, tiapink13
Does not focus on ingredients and poor alternatives
First the good: the app is fast, scans quickly, user friendly, and Tracks what you’ve scanned. It also talks about questionable chemicals The Problems: the biggest problem is that it does not focus on ingredients, only the nutrition label. Does not even give you a picture or a list if the ingredients, not even for the alternative recommendations. Friends, Ingredients Matter! Ingredients are the first thing we should know about the food, before the calories, grams of sugar, amount of protein and fats. You can’t just read the amount of protein on a product label and know what you’re putting in your body. Not all ingredients are created the same, so the type of sugar matters, the type of fats matter, the quality of these ingredients matter, and how the body processes and uses the nutrients. This app will point out that there is too much sugar in a item, then go on to recommend a food with artificial sugar, which is so incredibly damaging to your health. It will recommend food with highly processed/refined oils, and foods high in glyphosate (which you can’t even read on an ingredient list) you just have to know what foods are heavily sprayed with chemicals, which is why people need good advice from apps like this, not more bad choices to replace the already bad choices.
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2 years ago, Rock n Pop
Everyone needs this app. So important
I’m absolutely obsessed with this app. I’ve had it for a couple weeks now and have managed to scan all of the foods i usually eat. It so scary how many common household foods have dangerous additives. Lots of food in the USA is banned in other countries cause of how dangerous it is. At first it felt a little discouraging when everything I scanned got a bad rating. But the recommendations helped me realize that there are a lot of healthy none expensive alternatives that taste just as great if not better. I’ve convinced my whole family to download the app so they can see what they are putting in their bodies. It’s crazy how even products that are marketed as healthy have a ridiculous amount of hazardous additives. It is SO important the we understand what we are putting in our bodies. We all want to live long healthy lives and this app definitely helps. This app makes it so easy to know and understand what the ingredients mean and how they effect our bodies. I’m so grateful to have found this app. Thank you YUKA for caring about our health!!!
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3 years ago, Sanja Evatsug
My best friend at the grocery stores
Yuka makes it so much easier for me to shop for healthy food. The grading system over 100 and the simplified rationale behind the assigned grade makes it easy to understand. Also, the grades classify the products into for categories (excellent, good, poor or bad) simplifying my decision making process to purchase a product or not. The most appreciated feature is the suggestion of better similar products that Yuka makes in the event the product scanned would not be a good choice. I must mention that I appreciate the highlight of hazardous additives. Most of us know very little to noting about the numerous chemicals that we’re being bombarded with by the food industry. Thank you Yuka for calling out loud these harmful substances and educating the user about their eventual effects on our health. I have been telling everyone about Yuka and so far all my friends and family have downloaded this app and have been so excited to tell me about their findings of better food options.
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1 year ago, nicbb777
Helpful but problematic
I really like this app! Especially for beauty and body products. However, I don’t love how some foods are rated “bad” just because they are caloric, fatty, or sugary. Most foods can be part of a healthy and well rounded diet, even if they are fatty or sugary. It’s ok to have a treat sometimes as long as it’s not your main source of sustenance. Instead of learning Yuma’s value judgement on the item, I just want to check to make sure there are no additives and chemicals in these products. It told me that an organic dark chocolate bar that had 4 simple ingredients, 3 of which were organic besides the salt, was bad and recommended a non-organic dark chocolate bar with far more ingredients that I couldn’t even pronounce or recognize. I’m sorry but in this case, the more wholesome and organic product is going to win out. Sometimes you just want some dark chocolate, and I don’t need Yuka telling me that it’s bad! I just want it to tell me that the ingredients are healthy and that there are no additives or hazardous materials in it. It also seems like it could be triggering for those dealing with eating disorders or orthorexia.
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11 months ago, Rake28488292
The app is good in a lot of ways, but….
Basically the app makes a lot of assumptions about nutrition that I, and research of the science of nutrition, don’t agree with. For example, the app will give butter (which recent studies and human consumption for thousands of years have proven it lowers the risk of heart disease and obesity) a low score because of saturated fats and then gives something with seed oils, rampant with oxidized omega 6 which is the fat that clogs your arteries, a higher score. The app also assumes that for example, salt is bad for you. As a ranch hand for a while I understand how dumb of a statement that is. Because if you don’t provide salt blocks to cows they start licking dirt in a desperate attempt to find salt and then die. Salt is a necessary nutrient. Period. Because of all of this, I use the app purely for looking into additives and chemicals, and not for nutritional advice, which an app like this should focus on anyway, because different people need different nutrients, and lots of people are turning to different lifestyle diets to accomplish their goals which according to this app are very unhealthy. (For example I exclusively eat beef, butter, dairy, broccoli, and Diet Pepsi 😂)
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4 days ago, YouMustBeADrag
The most helpful and used app
This app to me is very trustworthy considering how it gives studies (multiple studies) on what additives and preservatives are in our beauty and food products. Truly opened my eyes in what food is or isn’t good for us and poses health risks. Also realizing foods that promote “healthy for you” labels are actually one of the most terrible for you. I recommend this app for people that are also pretty active to count your calories per serving for free per, to know the intake of protein for serving for free, and to check all the nutrients per servings for free, they give really accurate information and measurements. My experience with this app is changing my hair products from Mielle to OGX coconut oil and Maui Hair mask, this naturally made my hair soft, longer, shinier, and very voluminous, thanks with the app I have stayed away from the harmful hair products media likes to promote like Carol’s Daughter, Camille Rose, and all those known products. In conclusion of this review comment I TRULY RECOMMEND THIS APP. To YUKA, THANKS FOR LITERALLY HELPING US❤️ GOD BLESS THESE CREATORS🙏
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1 year ago, cecegirl_1122
Super Helpful!
I really enjoy utilizing this app when i’m at the grocery store and picking out the best option for myself. This app is very helpful in telling you why they rate an item negatively and positively and it’s so simple and straight to the point that I can use that rating to my own discretion. Whether I say no all together on that specific item and look through the app’s recommendations of a similar more positively rated item or want to read through and accept that “yeah maybe it is too sweet but oh well, as long as there aren’t any seed oils and additives… i’ll accept it,” it depends on my mood or the item i’m looking at entirely. I really appreciate this app and how simple and easy it is to use and choose where it matters most. I also love that there is a scanned history for all the old items you’ve scanned before that you can refer back too! I really am enjoying this app, excited for any beneficial updates. I haven’t used the app for that long yet for any suggestions at the moment.
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2 years ago, Mocha Coffey
This app is the best!!!
I have had this app for about 6 months now and I love it. I use it to scan all beauty products and foods. I can’t believe I have found so many bad products that I have used for so many years!!!! Terrible!! I suffer from migraines and some other health issues and I believe this app will help me recognize some bad and dangerous ingredients that can negatively affect the kidneys, hormones, fertility and cardiovascular disease. My fiancé thought I was crazy to start using better products because they are more expensive even though they don’t have all the bad ingredients that disrupt your body, but he had me scan his products he uses and he immediately threw them all out when I showed him. I even scanned most of Sephora’s “clean beauty” products and I was so surprised to find that most if not all of their clean beauty products are poor or very bad for you. CRAZY!!!! Thank you for creating this amazing app at such a fair price!!!! It’s literally the best!!!!!
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2 years ago, whydonineedtotypeanythinghere
Not very accurate
This app has a great design and is easy to use. I love scanning things around the grocery store or around my bathroom, but I find several things very annoying. There are often duplicates of the same exact product and many duplicates that have wildly different ratings - each with different lists of ingredients. One is rated Poor and another Excellent. How is that helpful? I find that the “ingredients scanner” camera feature is horribly inaccurate and doesn’t always pick up/ include what’s really listed (Ingredients can easily be found by searching for the product listed online, how is this not integrated to fix the discrepancies?). Duplicates don’t get flagged and corrected unless you complain - Why isn’t this more automated or at least consistently looked out for? Certain ingredients like Talc and Fragrance (Parfum) are listed as healthy when they are known to have caveats and potentially cause harm. Because of it’s flaws I can’t trust much of what this app tells me which is such a headache. PLEASE consider finding smarter technology or finding a way to hire more people to keep everything accurate.
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8 months ago, ~-soph-~
Doesn’t explain the risk based off of the products’ use.
This app isn’t accurate, I saw it from TikTok. Yes it gives you information about the product but it has nothing to do with its use and how you use it and doesn’t give tips or information about what happens when you use a certain amount and where. I’m related to 7 people in the medical field and I am learning about this same topic in school. I have dermatologist recommended products and if I scan them it says a very low rating, I asked my doctor about a dermatologist recommended face wash I had that was apparently 0/100 and he explained how the app was explaining what could happen if you consume it and had nothing to do with the use of the actual product. Out of curiosity I went home and scanned some candy and it literally said “too sweet” with the red dot, of course it’s super sweet- it’s candy! The app doesn’t explain how much of consuming the candy or food can cause said issues. For beauty products it just explains the worst possible thing that could happen which is not likely to actually occur as long as you’re using the product correctly. I recommend asking real doctors or professionals to see if a product is right for you.
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10 months ago, hgg did dyshdg
Good, few problems
The app works great for finding healthy products, but I find that it tends to have some issues with the nutritional value. Foods are dropped dozens of points because they are “(a bit) too caloric”. Not everyone is a middle aged obese woman trying to lose weight—as someone who wants to GAIN weight and eat MORE calories, more is better for me (assuming it’s not processed junk). The app also makes some very strange decisions, often rating low and then replacing good foods with ones that are much less healthy but have better ratings (ex: recommending my protein bar with 21g of protein and 190cal that has 2g of sugar and a small amount of additives [according to the app it claims that the bar has 220cal] be replaced with a bar that is 20 points higher but has 210cal, 12g of protein, and significantly higher amounts of sugar and salt [13g of sugar, 260mg of salt]). There is additionally no way to know the exact nutritional information (no nutrition facts label). The app also fails to scan items that have small barcodes, which can be problematic.
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1 year ago, Health+First
Love this app - 1 missing piece
I’ve been using this app for a little while and I do enjoy it. It definitely brings knowledge to what health conscious ppl should avoid and why. The recommendations are very helpful as well. I think as long as the app updates and improves overtime it will be vital. One thing I did notice is that the app doesn’t notify for industrial seed oils. So I look for them in the ingredients on my own. But would be helpful to integrate this. The seed oils are in nearly everything packaged and one of the biggest reasons for built up inflammation in the body. Would like the app to consider adding a flag or notification for canola, corn, soybean oils etc. With that in mind, it’s going to be very difficult to remove entirely, especially in families with kids that have junk at school or grandma’s. It’s going to come down to more awareness from people to push back on these things to force companies to do better. All that said I do recommend this app. It’s a great tool in the fight against the terribly addictive & bad foods.
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3 years ago, KGwoood
Love this app!
After using this app for a few days, I was so pleased with it that I decided to go premium for the additional benefits. I have scanned almost all of my face and body products and many of my food products. If it is a known product you get a rating based on ingredients, along with a list of ingredients and information regarding known hazards and possible allergies etc…. If the product isn’t known, you can easily submit information by filling in product name, brand, and submitting a few photos of label and ingredients. Also, you get a list of alternatives with better ratings. I don’t know how they do it, but it is quick- like an hour or two. I have been surprised that some of the higher price products I have purchased have some very poor ratings, while their less expensive counterparts have high ratings. If you’re picky about what you put on and in your body (and your kids), I highly recommend this app.
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3 months ago, gravesgirl
Potentially the most important app you can have
With the mind boggling amount of harmful additives that we all consume or put on our skin everyday, I’m hard pressed to think of a more vital app. So user friendly, just point and scan. My husband and I swear by Yuka and peddle it onto everyone and anyone who will listen. We truly had no idea how horrible our diets were until we got this app. We thought we had “bad genetics” and were both chubby. Now that the veil is lifted and we can really see all of the chemicals and garbage we were eating, we have completely swapped the brands we used to buy for healthier alternatives and have been steadily losing weight because of it. I’ve also changed out a lot of my expensive hair care and skin care products and am much more aware of what I buy. I really can’t stress how important this app is for everyone. I can almost guarantee this app with make a positive difference in your life.
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3 months ago, Shay Shay baby
The Magic Bullet!!
I’m a disabled Veteran and I started using this app to get more healthy, I never expected after 2 months of changing my diet completely and products I use to not only help me lose 15lbs but also to help all my nerve and joint pain. I also noticed a lot less migraines and sleep was a lot better. Once I learned about the harmful ingredients I was able to research them and find out a lot of the things I thought was either post covid or aging, was actually what I was eating. It is difficult at first to get the right diet for you but not because of the app… it’s difficult cause so many things in our stores are so harmful but Don’t Give Up!!! You can do this! I promise it’s so worth it!!! I am so grateful for this app and I make sure to tell anyone in passing which keeps the spreading of such a informative tool that actually helps us with no gimmicks or strings attached!! Can’t thank you enough Yuka Team!!!!!
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12 months ago, ClassOnSass
I have a recommendation
I absolutely love this app. It helps me make better choices for my health and the health of my loved ones. I do have 2 suggestions though: 1) it would be awesome if you guys can add laundry detergent options as well as beauty. 2) I really wish there was a way for the developers to include where to buy the “excellent” and “good” products. Like when you scan something, and it says “poor” or “bad”, it then suggests a better product, which is great, but it doesn’t say where I can buy it, so it’s kinda leaving me without options, y’know? You’re telling me this product is better for me, okay, but you’re not telling me where I can find it or if it’s near me or if I have to buy it online depending on my GPS location. I think a new feature like that would help IMMENSELY. Other than that, this is one of the best apps on the AppStore in my opinion, keep up the amazing work that you guys do!
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2 years ago, loveizlaw
Fabuleux!!! Fabulous!!!
Thank you, Merci!!! my sister told me about this app the other day so I instantly downloaded it and now I’m a barcode monster! I have gone around my house and gotten rid of so many beauty products that are probably the source of all of my allergies! I feel so grateful for the work that you have done and also overjoyed that you are not being led by big companies! Please stay real for the people! I did a little research and realized that you are French and even though I was born in America and live back here now, I spent 15 years in France and that is where a part of my soul resides! Your work is truly appreciated and NEEDED today! I am telling everyone about your app and spreading it on social media. Thank you again for creating this! Everything we do can make this world a better place if what we do is for the good of ourselves and for the good all! It’s so important to bring awareness! Bless you!!
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2 years ago, e.lla.ma
Changed my life
I do my best to be conscious of what i eat and the products i use on my body with the wage i make, but i was absolutely astounded to see how terrible a lot of it still was. we really have no idea what is going into our carts and even if they label ingredients no one is going to spend hours typing in names they can’t pronounce let alone researching the effects they have on us. this app has indefinitely changed my life and my perspective on food and skin care to a whole new level. i’m sharing it with everyone i know because everyone has a right to make educated choices for themselves so that one day companies can change how they make their products. the people behind this app are making a huge difference in the world one item at a time and my partner and i could not be more grateful for their tireless work. thank you a thousand times over. this app means more than you know.
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2 years ago, georgehduru
Best app to come out!
This app is so useful a must have for everyone. This app has helped me improve my health by giving me alternatives to foods that contain harmful additives. I use to eat just about anything that is until I downloaded this app. It is crazy how many companies don’t care about the consumers health and will add just about any harmful additive, food dyes, and oils. Now every time I go grocery shopping I scan and know what brands to avoid and which to get. After downloading this app and sticking with my diet of healthy/ organic foods I have to say that I feel younger than my age! I am full of energy and best of all I’m taking care of my health being ! I highly encourage everyone to download this app and see the great benefits of eating healthy yourself. I also encourage those to support the creators and buy premium as they worked very hard and decided to give us this amazing application for free! Thank you Yuka
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2 years ago, Brooke O. - Ohio
New Update 11/11 Not Good
My sister introduced this app to me, but apparently has a different version because when I just downloaded it, we realized my version is lacking the features that we both liked the most on her app. For example, we both scan the same product - a simple aquafor lotion - and the view is entirely different. It does not show you recommendations, nothing is categorized, you have to manually drop down a list to view ingredients and it doesn’t show you the actual rating system for those ingredients. Hers is SO much nicer and I can see why she likes it so much. It’s a shame because I was so bought into it after seeing hers that I downloaded and became a premium member and I immediately regret that choice now knowing my version isn’t the same and this app now feels useless because the features that were most convenient aren’t easily accessible anymore. It’s a shame that they got rid of some important features that align with their purpose. Until they fix this recent update, don’t download this app. Maybe it’s a new bug, but I won’t be using it until it’s fixed! Please fix this app!
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2 years ago, Robin S - MI/TN/FL
Saving peoples lives one scan at a time
Finding out what is making me sick and others alike for this app. Once you clear just about everything in your home that’s effecting you, your on a new road to better health. Scanning at stores you start meeting people wanting to know what your doing. People are out there with real problems and no answers, me included. Knowledge is key to good health and if we have to scan everything we will do it. Exposing how bad the products we buy now explains the unnecessary suffering. Praying the this app, the people that create this and maintain the information never stray or sell out to the corrupt. Please stay on course and save these suffering people one scan at a time. Thank you for making a difference one scan at a time. I have met so many people, heard their stories and truly understand how important this app has become. Thank you!
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5 months ago, Pie Pod
Health/Game changer
download this app and help do your part to stop food companies from putting hazardous chemicals in their products! The more that people scan and learn about these disgusting chemicals put in packaged foods the more we can stop them. And create healthy humans that don’t need synthetic drugs and are constantly hospitalized for things that can be easily fixed and cured by not eating chemical based synthetically created genetically modified food products. Stop being lazy and be conscientious of what you put in your body. This app will help you realize. Your full health potential and how you’re harming yourself by eating stuff like Wheat Thins and Kirkland brand canned tuna, fish and using lotions like Aveeno. Once you scan something and realize that it has for hazardous chemicals, it’s very difficult to justify buying it or using it ever again!!!!! if you have thyroid issues this app is for you!
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4 months ago, Theresa CB.
It’s amazing, but I want more options…
It is a perfect app that educates on the types of chemicals within a product and how they can specifically affect your health. I love it. I’ve learned so much, but I have one specific request. I would like a filter to choose certain options for certain chemicals to avoid completely; for example, I have a thyroid condition, so I would love to avoid endocrine disruptors from all products if possible and it would be so much easier to have the app avoid those products automatically without me having to look at each products chemicals each and every time. As a prime user, I would love for this app to continue to develop, and I believe that this feature I am requesting would be a next great step towards further development. As a user, I am pleased to have this app in my life, because I use it on a daily basis to help me navigate my allergies and so on. Just please consider it, thank you. 😊
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8 months ago, RJhamlin
Best App for Health Information, Diets and Disease Prevention
I am a nursing school educator for almost 20 years. Nursing patient practice twice that long. Teaching illness disease prevention and healthy food choices is probably the one most important single important choices people make above medications, vaccines, health promotion you can use. The foods we eat, artificial additives and chemicals, processed high sugar content is the leading cause of cancers and cardiovascular stroke diabetes hypertension illnesses. And the choices you make to eat nutrition rich diets can give your incredible body support to fight illness naturally better than any supplements. Supplements can help but can never replace good food choices. Your body is a miracle of wonder when you support it with the nutrients to fix, heal, and defend yourself against illness disease bacteria and viruses!! Use this app time you shop and it will be the beginning of a longer healthy life.
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1 year ago, aki ♡︎
Super helpful & efficient!!
The app is super easy to use and there's no limit on how many items you can scan within a certain amount of days much like some other apps I know. I do use this app mainly to choose which skincare and makeup items to use so I love that it's so easy to scan things and find whats good for your skin right away instead of sitting in aisles and reading the ingredients. One improvemnt I would recommend though is adding a feature where the app tells you which skin type the product would have better affects on. Telling you whether or not it would work wonders on your skin type (dry, oily, or combination) would really be a game changer and I think it would just be so much more convinent. Overall, the app is amazing, you do have to pay to be able to look certain products, but that's not a huge issue for me personally.
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2 years ago, StarWintergirl1
I have no idea how a majority of the people I know, including myself have not heard of this app sooner. I had no idea half the things I was using such as hair products, deodorant, and even beauty products were harmful for me. And I am not going to lie, there still are some things I will continue to buy that I am aware are not the healthiest choice for me, such as snacks or beauty products. However , if I can tweak and exchange some things out for healthier products I will and have done so in order to take care of myself better. Because girl I am still gonna eat hot Cheetos 😂😭 but I love and am so OBSESSED with this app. Every time I go to the store I use it to scan to make sure at least the majority of things I get are good for me to use. And what I love is knowing this app is not promoting or trying to bash Brands. It is a genuine app that is just trying to show in detail what each ingredient is.
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3 years ago, Jkajsjsoodkwkp
id give this infinite stars if i could
i’ve always been extremely cautious about what I put into an on my body I tried looking up certain words I see ingredients that I know aren’t natural and I would have to figure out if it is safe one by one. this app put everything right in front of your eyes it explains every single ingredient in detail and also let you know in a clear and simple way how much of a risk it is for your health (good, low risk, moderate risk) and also says out of 100 how healthy it is for your body. i’ve been wanting to write in a journal every ingredient I can find and if they are bad for you but now I can just pull it up on my phone whenever I need to know! this app is amazing and I truly do hope that they get more subscribers. I will definitely be promoting it on my social media‘s more people need to be aware of the benefits from this app🤍
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3 years ago, wj4
Great concept, needs a better UI
This is hands down the missing peice to nutrition facts in the modern food/household goods supply. The detailed explanation and source references to common additives is invaluable for distinguishing between "healthy" and safe food and household products. Because the product database is crowd sourced, there are still significant gaps when trying to find data-- but the concept is solid. I would like to see product identification by a SKU/vendor cross reference, as sometimes the same product may appear in multiple stores under different SKUs. The UI needs a lot of work to make quick-referencing products easier. For instance, favorites and my products are isolated lists and should be combined. My products only works if the user scans and enters information themself. I would also love to see an integration with apps like Shipt or Instacart so I can quickly add/filter items I frequently order. Bottom line: This is worth the annual subscription fee; just be patient with the UI.
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5 months ago, jbhfineart
Solved an almost-lifelong problem
I have been only buying cosmetic products that get an excellent rating on Yuka since knowing about the app. I have dealt with an eyelid irritation since I was probably around 13, when I started wearing makeup. I’ve tried switching to different products in the past for eye makeup and moisturizers that claim to be for sensitive skin, but nothing has changed my need to use a prescription medication to calm down the irritation. Even going with no eye makeup and just a moisturizer for many months hasn’t solved this issue. With my new cosmetic and moisturizer selections based on Yuka’s suggestions, I have had almost no irritation and have not had to use the prescription medication once. I’m still not exactly sure which ingredients were causing the problem. All I know is, my new products are not causing them, and I’m so pleased about that.
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1 year ago, AAA20thousandtimes
Don’t buy this app
Do not buy this app. This app is very misleading and makes products and foods seem more or less dangerous than they actually are. This app relies on high amounts to base their answers on. For example, for skincare products, they base it on high concentration levels of the ingredients even though skincare products are legally not allowed to sell products with such high amounts of ingredients that can be toxic in high level consumption. To make that ingredient not toxic, brands only allow small amounts to make it safe for human consumption. This app doesn’t consider the exposure (the concentration of the ingredient). Many products are considered hazardous but are still safe to use. Thats because they’re only hazardous/harmful if used in high concentration, which are never used in cosmetics. And for foods, the app only rates foods on how caloric they are, not how good they are for humans. Many’s foods will be rated badly just because they are higher in calories, even if they’re natural and entirely better for humans. This is called fear mongering! Make better decisions instead of relying on an app to tell you what is “better”.
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1 year ago, pamelaev
Nice idea but…
Downloaded the app and scanned 1st item: Crisco Veggie Oil, Wow. This scans as “Good”! Really? Check the ingredients list. It’s Soybean oil a GMO product that’s part of the bad oils group which are being used in 1000s of products and at practically every restaurant in the US. These are being marketed as ‘healthy’ because the FDA approved them. These oils are slowly poisoning our society, causing inflammation with every bite. They are terrible for your BRAIN, heart, and hormones. The FDA serves a purpose but is also part of the broken food system currently making Americans increasingly fat, tired and sick. Just a little research reveals that these highly refined oils, when heated up - as in for frying/ cooking… they increase inflammation in the blood and increases your risk of heart disease. SUGGESTION: Add a feature to your app that allows people to create TAGS for ingredients THEY want to avoid. That way, the many people who prefer food selections based on their own research about what’s “good” can make use of it. This version is useless to me if it gives a thumbs up to these terrible oils.
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2 months ago, mobopolo
Thank you
I’ve found this App really useful. Not just at the store, but in my home too. I started scanning products that I already have, yikes! I thought I was doing better, but some of my choices weren’t so great. For example my husband has bought original Speed Stick deodorant for years. I wanted him to try the “healthy” Mando brand. My husband thought the app was silly until he discovered he was buying a healthier brand. When I scanned them to show him. Lol! He was pretty proud of himself. I also love that it gives you a list of items that are better for you. With real pictures so when you’re standing in the grocery aisle you can scan quickly to find it. It even helps with online shopping too. Before I make a recipe now I do a quick check on brands to shop for. It’s really quick and easy to navigate. Thank you!
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2 years ago, Saphire_1232
Great Concept…but…
Okay. So I love the concept of this app, and I love the countless number of products registered into its database! It has a great ability to spot the nutritional benefits in everything despite the product. However I’m, personally, not a fan of the good/bad ratings that the products are labeled with. It does make things much simpler to categorize, I’m just not too sure it’s a great idea to villainize foods based on the number of calories they have, nutritional info.. so on and so forth. Just my intake on it^^ I also found that some products I’ve done extensive research on, in regards to health, were considered “bad”. When in reality, they were one of the most nutritionally dense foods I’ve ever found! Purely Elizabeth granola for example! I just wonder whether or not this app actually takes into account a products ingredients and not just the number of calories or how many grams of sugar or carbs are in it. Perhaps the ingredient lists need to be updated…? Please do correct me if I’m wrong:)
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2 months ago, Soitsme
Mostly good
Impressive app with lots of good details and info. Also, for the most part free. Where it looses a star is there’s an inconsistency with the rating. Example: there’s only one ingredient that changed in the same brand product, blueberries for lime, same nutritional values and the rating will be very different. The other reason is the recommendations are way off. Replacing a vegan item for one with animal products in it is hard no. Or recommending something that really isn’t better. Original item has four natural ingredients that are good for you but a little higher in calories. Recommended item has three of the original and four others. Two of which aren’t really good for you but rate higher than the original. I’ve been using this for well over a year and it seems the ratings need a little bit of a closer look and the recommendations a strong overhaul. Everything else is superb.
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2 years ago, dupt12
Absolutely LOVE this app.
This app is a game changer. I love that you can scan foods or cosmetics/beauty products and it will give you healthier options. I found out the majority of my high end cosmetics & hair and beauty products were actually awful and the healthier options are quite a bit cheaper. I love that you can search items as well instead of just having to scan if you get the membership. The membership fee is super affordable. You can personalize gluten/vegan/dairy options. It’s just an all around great app & definitely helps you make better choices. The only thing I wish it included were supplements. It’s honestly a relief feeling like you have a better understanding of what is actually in the things yourself as well as your children are consuming and they explain the chemical and what it does etc. I can’t love this app enough.
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