Zwift: Ride and Run

Health & Fitness
4.7 (16.8K)
2048 MB
Age rating
Current version
Zwift, Inc
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Zwift: Ride and Run

4.72 out of 5
16.8K Ratings
3 years ago, bec12343213
Love this app - it’s fun and easy to use
I started on Zwift about two years ago as a cyclist. I bought a trainer specially having never tried the app which was a risky investment but was a great choice. I liove cycling on Zwift. I don’t feel safe on the road and I go further knowing only have top hop off the bike and I’m home. I had to give up cycling for the minute due to herniated disks (hoping to be back on the bike soon) so I bought a treadmill and started running with Zwift. I love it! I’ve never really enjoyed running before but the Zwift environment makes it enjoyable- i ran 65 miles this month! Training plans are good. I have no issues with app stability (using IPad). When you start it is hard to understand how it all fits together / there is the Zwift app (where you do the activity) but also the companion app where you organize everything - took me a while to make sense of that- but once you get going it’s excellent.
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4 years ago, N1Sp
Dropped out nearly every time I used it!
I had been using Rouvy or TrainerRoad with my Smart Trainer, but thought I’d give Zwift a try since our daughter and son in law are now using it. I’m not a big fan of the Virtual World, but was willing to give it a go. I should first point out that the firmware was up to date on my Hammer H3 and I ALWAYS run a calibration before riding any routes as part of my warmup routine. Right off I noticed absolutely NO synchronization between negative and positive grade changes. It was actually HARDER to pedal DOWNHILL than up hill. I have NEVER had such a blatant issue with either Rouvy or TrainerRoad. 50% of the time Zwift simply stopped in the middle of a ride leaving me scrambling to keep my workout going. Seems it lost contact with the trainer and my HR monitor, something that has never happened with the other Apps. Another peeve is Zwift only shows the grade changes in graph form as you progress, not of what’s ahead whereas Rouvy and TrainerRoad display the grade/resistance profile of the entire route so you can more accurately pace yourself. Unlike Rouvy, where you can ride REAL roads from all over the world, I found the choice of routes limited and repetitive. I also found simply TOO much going on visually with Zwift for my taste. If you are looking for a App that functions properly and gives you the impression you’re riding outside on a road forget Zwift, go with Rouvy instead!
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3 years ago, Sorry, Zwift.
NOT a true running app. Great cycling app!
When I started on Zwift, I absolutely loved it! Finally a workout video game; what a concept. But then after my trial period ended and I became a paid subscriber, I found that some of the features and functions began to wean. It first started when I was riding a race and got a message that I was riding at “superhuman” and “professional” speeds before wiping my results from the leaderboards. I was super annoyed with the first couple, but became enraged with the third and fourth after I recalibrated my equipment. Then came the running problems. First of all, Zwift should not advertise itself as a “running” app, because it has very little that runners can do compared to the cycling events. Aside from that, it quit syncing up with my Garmin Forerunner 945 all of a sudden. Even after several “uninstalls” and reinstalls of both Zwift and resetting my Garmin, it does not sync up still. So the app is completely useless when that happens. I am so disappointed, because I thought I found an app that would keep me working out basically for the rest of my days. However, I have canceled my membership and hope that another developer will come up with something that far exceeds that of Zwift. Goodbye, Zwift!
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6 years ago, Matt Bisceglia121
3 Star
As far as when Zwift works, I would always give it a 5 star rating. However, getting zwift to work is always such a struggle. I have refrained from complaining for a long time, but I can’t hold back anymore as it is hard for me to be able to use the app every single time I try. The calibration freezes on the spin down, and sometimes I have to restart the app up to 10 times before it will complete to 0 MPH to complete (it usually freezes and stops at either 2 or 4 MPH, and will not complete) . Also, after the new update when I FINALLY did complete the spin down, I got on the map (Watopia) and started pedaling. When I started pedaling, all the sudden I was going 35 MPH, and it said my power output was 490 WATTS. I was barely spinning at a warmup pace, and no matter how many times I restarted/recalibrated it wouldn’t fix the power output error. Zwift has been such an amazing training tool, but it still feels like it’s in a test phase as far as development. Maybe instead of keeping on trying to give us new maps (we all want 24/7 watopia) try fixing all of the bugs the app has. Regardless of the issues I still LOVE the app and the program! I just want to be able to hop on and spin with ease!
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3 years ago, TimSWMo
Caution: there is no logout on this app and it will mess up your drips and badges
I love Zwift. But the Zwift app on iOS, not so much. I’m sure it’s wonderful on an iPad, but on and iPhone it’s too small a screen to be useful. I use it to check my route/badge status when planning my next ride, because the only way to see completed routes, as of June 2021, is in Zwift itself. (Not in Zwift Companion as one would hope). The danger of using this app in that manner is that, if you accidentally stay logged into Zwift here, then go ride in Zwift on your PC, MacBook, Apple TV or whatever, is that your Drops and Route Badges may not post to your account. This has happened to me on more than one occasion. Zwift Support says it’s my fault for not logging out of one device before starting a session on another device, and they are right. Except that there is no way to actually log out on iOS Zwift; you must kill the app by swiping up, specifically. For this, and because Zwift on a mobile device isn’t a great experience anyway, I am giving the app one star because it allows you to corrupt your data, when Zwift is very aware that there is an issue.
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3 years ago, KDH140
Not consistent
I bought a Wahoo trainer a month and a half ago and was super excited to try Zwift. I did about 3 great rides, and then did a calibration and it completely changed my experience. My avatar would barely move, and as someone else shared in a review, going up a 5 & 6 degree hill I couldn’t get past 4mph and got passed by a runner. In the “real world” I am actually quite good at hills. The trainer started to read the landscape incorrectly and all the pedaling could not let me advance…very different from my first experience. I’ve contacted customer service who have been responsive, but also not solution based. They’ve suggested doing a Wahoo calibration (I did 3/4 to no avail), deleting and downloading the app again, and logging in from a different device. I deleted my account and canceled my registration. Ideally, I’d like to try again, but have a strong feeling it will “remember” my trainer and the internal error that it (zwift) created. I’ve done a TON of research the last few days, but I guess just had to read the reviews, as Zwift developers should too, to fix these inopportune and unfortunate experiences.
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3 years ago, JBC!
Excellent cycling app
I have read a lot of the reviews and I honestly have not had any of the connection problems. At first, I attempted to stream from my phone to the TV but it was significantly delayed so I bought the Apple 4K and downloaded the app directly on the TV and no problems ever since. I use a Wahoo Kickr core trainer and a Wahoo armband HR monitor and I have never had connection issues. I love this app so much so that I get accused of having agoraphobia! My son, the gamer, feels the graphics are rudimentary compared to his video games so perhaps that is an issue that can be addressed. Also, there are times that my avatar will literally ride right thru someone which is unsettling and obviously not realistic. Overall, this app has changed the way I ride. You could never get me on a trainer for an hour prior to Zwift. Now, I often opt for the trainer rather than going outside!
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2 years ago, Spiegs27
I constantly use this app!
I have a modestly priced Schwinn stationary bike that hooks up via bluetooth, and have never once had issues. I am not a fan of the spinning, motivational-style of Peloton, nor the price, and this is a far better option for me. I also am not looking to “kill it” or be on a bike forever, so having a bunch of rides that take in the 30-50 minute range is great. If I feel like it I can do a race, but even that is not real competition unless I want it to be. There is, however, something motivating about seeing progress in the routes you take and points compiled. And just like real life, seeing others makes you want to keep pedaling. I do wish I could cross some of the longer rides off my list by riding them in chunks, but otherwise have no intention of ditching this app after (as of now) almost 2 years of use.
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3 years ago, Axis Help Me
Back from the dead
Zwift has helped me come back from a horrible Tibia Plateau Fracture. I was an avid rider who thought riding was over. 2 years later I am in as good riding shape as I ever have been! I used to ride 68 miles daily (34 & 34) to work and back, which helped put the miles in my legs but left my wife constantly worried for my safety. After being run off the road a few times and losing two friends to being hit by cars, I gave up the commute. I turned to mtn biking. After my injury and a year of PT, I started to Zwift. I love it! The workouts are great! Group rides, racing & Tour de Zwift are awesome, but so is the fact that I can jump on anytime and just ride. I can be a loner or social anytime, day or night. My vO2 max is back up to 52 and I feel stronger everyday. The best part of Zwift (if the above doesn’t seem to be enough) is that it is completely safe! I don’t miss riding outside on roads, at all! No rain, no dogs & most importantly, no texting drivers! No worries for my bride and family! So, sprint, push it (if you like), dig deep or go for a fun base or recovery ride. Zwift offers endless rides, routes and workouts (or create your own). Do it all in the safety of your climate controlled environment. It is great training, great riding and great fun! Go Zwift!
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3 years ago, Bgame222
Bad metrics and limited routes
I quit riding to day mid ride. The metrics are a total joke! I picked a ride that was 7 miles long with 232 feet of elevation. They put the 232 hill challenge right at the start. I put in 7 miles on my Bowflex and only went 1.2 miles on Zwift and never saw the top of the hill. Total crap!!! I ride irl and have hills around me of 850 feet and it takes me about 10 minuets to get up them. I spent 25 minutes on Zwift and never got to the top of a 232 foot hill. 🤮🤮🤮🤮 there’s no way their metrics are even close to real life. I don’t need this app to ride!! I can do it on my own!! There also the fact they limit your choices of rides everyday. I PAY for all content. I should be able to access any ride any time any day I flipping want!!! It’s mine I paid for it!!! But nope. Zwift gives you limited choices of rides and only certain days you can access certain rides. What if I don’t train those days??? I won’t ever be able to ride half the routes I’m paying for then. Good bye Zwift. Enjoy the $$ you ripped out of me. You won’t get any more ever!!
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12 months ago, just1mansopinion
Apple Watch Version is a mess
I’ve been using Zwift since 2020, and the Companion app on the Apple Watch has never worked reliably. I assume that the high ratings for this app are the phone version, because a quick web search for this problem yields a lot of hits, and Zwift’s guidance has been anywhere from pulling the app to calling it beta to no guidance at all. Enough is enough, it’s time to get serious about making this app work properly on the watch because it’s key to calibrating workouts and getting proper exercise data. If I’m lucky enough to get the watch to connect in the first place, the connection drops repeatedly, and even after failing to properly record a ride the app continues to spawn and take over the watch long after my Zwift session is ended. I think part of the problem is due to Apple BLE implementation but given the other issues with the watch version, it’s clear that to date Zwift has failed to deliver an adequate app for the Apple Watch and the improvement in the past 3 years is just not good enough.
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3 years ago, hiphood
v4.6 Update is forced and buggy
Version 4.6 has a number of known bugs that are list in the support section on Zwifts website (you have to search a little “Game Update Known Issues - July 19”). They look pretty severe (activities not saving, log in not possible etc.) and each section has a headline “Workaround” where the following paragraph reads “While there’s currently no workaround….” - it’s almost comical because it’s the same for all bugs. Why even having a “Workaround” section? The one that is effecting me is that it won’t allow pairing a smart trainer and a separate power meter at the same time anymore. Might be an edge case for many but my situation is that I’m running smart rollers whose power meter is wildly inaccurate and therefore the bug renders my setup basically useless. Took me a while to figure this out (running on my phone) and then I grabbed my iPad which has auto update turned off. I was able to pair but Zwift would refuse to start the game until I update to the latest version. Force update to a - for me - useless version.
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3 years ago, K_Stritz
Got charged for free trial a day early
I tried the free trial of this app and canceled it a day before the app said my trial expired but was charged anyway. I sent a message to customer service and never got a reply. I wanted to like this app and bought wahoo sensors for my spin bike so I can watch but even though my wahoo app instantly recognizes the sensors, the wahoo and companion app almost never does and when it does easily disconnects. I was only able to get it to work 2-3 times in the entire week of the free trial. I spent 40-50 min trying to connect it every time I tried to ride, which is longer than a workout would have been. Very disappointed both in the app and the service. It’s extremely clumsy using this and now I’ve paid $15 for an app that doesn’t work- trying to “wake up” the sensors doesn’t work and there should be a way to control the main app while sitting on your bike by using the companion app. Seems like this works well for people with smart trainers but people relying on separate speed and cadence sensors will probably not be able to use it consistently enough.
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2 years ago, Cozmotone
Best video game ever!
If you want to call it that, I certainly do. Be prepared to sweat and have fun. I’ve been a road cyclist since my late teens, raced competitively and been on year-round training programs. This is the perfect app for that. At my age now, I don’t have the time or frankly the courage to ride at length on US roadways and Zwift imo is a fantastic substitute for that. I can tell you the responsiveness of the game as far as terrain, drafting, momentum etc is incredibly accurate. For me the experience is enhanced by having a large screen monitor (I used to use a projector!) and some floor LED lights for effect… makes it that much more fun. The in-game achievements are a nice reward to go after as well. Plus they always have so many organized events to take part in- or just explore on your own. Enjoy!
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5 years ago, Smurfsky1994
Addicting - also one bug that needs to be addressed
Zwift is hands down the most addicting way to ride an indoor trainer. The way they’ve made it into a game makes every ride a competition against both yourself and hundreds of other riders. You can compare yourself instantly with riders from around the world to see how you stack up. The only drawback is that if you lose internet connection for even a second during a ride, the app won’t upload your complete ride. I’ve heard from support that they’re working on a safeguard for this. But, I logged a ~16 mile ride with over 1000ft of climbing only to have it log the first 7 miles of the ride only. I hope this gets rectified in the future for all the zwifters who deal with spotty Wifi connections!
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4 years ago, Top1391
Failure to complete a simple task
I have ridden two separate rides, rode further than the required distance to earn a badge for completing each ride, and the game does not update to reflect the completion of each ride. As many other users have complained about this game, customer service was contacted, and they told me the same - that it was my equipments fault for not accurately tracking each ride. I did everything that ZWIFT recommended; delete the app, reinstall the app, logged back into the app / game, reset the trainer, did a spin down to ensure there were no issues, and the game still does not show the completion of a ride. ZWIFT customer support said that I lost connection to the internet, the game stopped functioning, or something else to pass the blame on for ZWIFTs failure. However, each time I rode, when I quit the ride, the map shows a complete ride on the course - if i would have lost internet, then there should have been something missing on the map. Complete failure on ZWIFTs part and totally unsat for them to blame failures on the end user.
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3 years ago, ELB5898
Works OK but with some quirks.
I used Zwift last winter with a runpod and Apple Watch and that worked OK. Sometimes, the run pod would lose its Bluetooth connection to the iPhone and my avatar would stop running. So this year, I started using the watch for calories, HR and cadence. Oddly, Zwift will report my time, calories, HR just fine. But my distance is reported in the Apple Fitness+ app as 0 ft. Also, the speed reported to Zwift by my apple watch while I am on the treadmill keeps fluctuating, so my avatar will slow or stop for a few seconds, then run real fast, then stop again; over and over. Maybe there could be a way in the Zwift app to average out my speed so the avatar moves at a steady pace, as I am? Lastly, I suspect this is an Apple issue, but the speed reported is consistently slightly slower than that reported by my treadmill (6.2 mi/hr vs. 6.5), which is no showstopper but is really annoying.
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4 years ago, zoltamatron
The most overly complicated system to get in a workout
Sorry, I’ve given this app enough chances to work and I’m just done with it. The —basic functionality— is just not there. I have a $1k saris h3 trainer and it refuses to work properly with it. Sometimes it works great. And then when you’re just in the mood to get in a workout, it will just refuse to connect to the trainer in ERG mode which is the whole reason I have the thing. Seriously Zwift....I do not care how many virtual worlds you have. Make the thing work and work reliably. You’ve lost a customer here and I just can’t possibly ever not steer people away from this app. It is just too frustrating. Why do I have to “bridge” my BT connection for trainer, HR monitor, and cadence sensor across the Zwift companion? Is three BT connections -really- that difficult to manage on the Apple TV? My guess is not, but you just want to have a reason to make us install another app. Again. Stay away from this app, at least if you have a saris h3. For whatever reason they just can’t make it work right with it.
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4 years ago, edsel6
Realism is pathetic
So I am rating this app 3 since we can’t rate half a star otherwise it would be 2 1/2. Been using this for 2 months so I’ve given it enough time. The good is that this is really the only app with avatars that ride or run alongside you that are the most realistic. What I don’t get is the differences in riders. I’m not sure what equipment or settings others have but when you are pedaling to the point you are going to fall off the bike and only generating 135 watts tops at 95 rpm and 20 mph tops and the rider next to you blows by you at the same or higher speed with a 250 watts and 50 rpm something is wrong. Going up hills with a 3-4 grade I slow to 3-4 mph. What’s demoralizing is someone will jog by you while your struggling to get up the hill. That is not realistic. Again I don’t know what equipment or settings others have but the disparity for me is too great. I just wish there was similar competitive app I could switch to.
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3 years ago, riverrunner2008
Train all year
In northern climates, an indoor trainer is necessary in the winter. In southern climates, there are many summer days when riding outside is too miserable to enjoy. No matter where you live, scheduling conflicts, distracted drivers, dogs, and unpredictable weather can easily derail training progress. Zwift — WITH A SMART TRAINER — keeps indoor training productive, engaging, entertaining, social .. and so much more. Whether you’re free riding in one of the many worlds, or following a structured workout provided by Zwift, or following a training program, riding with a friend or trying to advance in the game .. Zwift has something for everyone. It’s helped me eliminate “excuses” during Ironman training .. having a bike I can hop on first thing or last thing, tired and yawning to start or whether it’s the highlight of my day .. I’ve been able to get stronger on hills, improve endurance, and see gains .. I ride a lot outside now too but it’s awesome to have something to engage me indoors. If you only have a basic trainer, Zwift is just entertainment. Invest in a smart trainer and then come back to it. Because it’s really truly fun once you’re fully connected.
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3 years ago, UserM4
Not compatible with M1 iPad Pro.
I purchased a new iPad Pro 12.9” 5th gen with the M1 chip, started Zwift, paired successfully with the trainer and HR monitor, entered a route, and all the telemetry shows up but the VR world is a black screen. You can ride but completely in the dark. I did some research online and it seems that no one with an M1 iPad can use Zwift right now. For a company making millions of dollars a month on subscriptions, there’s no excuse for this. Pretty sure they’re going to take our monthly payments on time as usual but it’s been 11 days since we had our iPads and no update. June 2nd, 13 days later, the app is up and running with the latest update. It’s been a long couple of weeks but at least they got it running. I’ll update the rating to 4 star for that.
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4 years ago, ceeliketheletter
Game changer for treadmills
I’ve never been into treadmill running until quarantine when I got one but still hated the feeling of running in place. While running in a virtual world is still different, I feel like I’m going somewhere, seeing new things, I like the gamification of distances unlocking rewards, and was surprised at how much I like the community element! Giving each other “ride ons” makes me feel like we’re really all out here supporting each other. And the training programs are actually really good! I’m working towards a half marathon and feel really strong already. My request to developers is to have more routes that don’t involve running on streets— I want trail runs, not to be on the side of the road. My virtual knees hurt lol
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4 years ago, DavidRMorris
Worked, then didn’t. Motionless avatar
I purchased a Wahoo speed sensor and a cadence sensor. It all worked great and I was enjoying is quite a bit for about five days when the next time I logged in my avatar wasn’t moving at all. I noticed also there were other avatars not moving every time I logged in and re-attempted to get it to work. I contacted them on their website and received no response twice, then went to another section of or another way to contact them which they called ambassadors. I had a bit of back-and-forth with that person, but then they said hopefully Zwift will make a fix. I asked him how I can get a refund and he said that he was an ambassador and he doesn’t work for Zwift. Which was news to me. Pretty bad customer service in my mind. I cancelled my membership and still can’t find a way to get a refund when I had only just signed up today. So they’ve got my $15 and I’ve got a useless app.
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4 years ago, Ben 5000
Problem (Pay attention)
So, I think most people can agree that this is not a reliable app. First off, any spin-down people might do has a high probability of freezing or being completely inaccurate. Second off, I can be doing a normal ride and I make sure I have turned off ERG so theres no extra resistance than needed. Third off! Every time I ride something disconnects either because I have two smart trainers, theres an update, or something just all around not working. I randomly get resistance on a 0- hill and even in the negatives. My app constantly freezes and has bluetooth disconnections and I can’t stress it enough. It’s highly un-reliable and can’t even comprehend simple physics. The fact that it’s powered off of watts is inaccurate and not precise. Consider physics. Also incorporating fun and working out is like going to a business meeting with kids. They don’t blend! If your trying to be “serious” then maybe consider reading some reviews.
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6 years ago, Wrmatthews
Premium price, lackluster value
Being a video gamer and an avid cyclist, my impressions is that Zwift wants to charge a premium price, like World of WarCraft, but fail to offer certain elements of online gaming that are commonplace. For example, a custom ride or game is not available to ride alone with your friends so you are stuck riding with everyone else in the virtual world and dealing with tracking them on the enormous list of riders nearby. Riding with friends (side by side) is very challenging and Zwift has failed to add a tether mode so groups can more easily stick together in the massive world of riders. They also need to add the ability for at least pc players to host worlds and rides for certain groups to ride together. For $15 a month, Zwift offers too few places to ride. I have seen it all already after only a couple months of membership. Again, other games offer massive worlds which take many hours to explore. In short Zwift is a novel idea and in some ways it is implemented in good ways (there wonder training regimens which a member can follow to improve) but the game is too one dimensional as a game. Some days I just want to ride (play)alone or with a buddy, if they can do that since Halo 1, why hasn’t it happened in Zwift yet?? As soon as I can start riding outside, I’ll save the $15 a month and cancel.
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7 months ago, RoBanJo
Why does Swift make me ride harder?
Earlier this week, I managed the highest continuous output for the longest duration that I have done since I’ve been using Zwift. Why? Well as it turns out another rider, I believe it was M. Miller, was just ahead of me. If you don’t think you have a competitive spirit think again when you can’t bear the thought of letting them get away from you. The training sessions are good and introduced variation, which makes the time go better. Plus the people making the training sessions. Have an idea of what it takes to get better, I don’t. And another source of motivation is having other riders to challenge you to keep up with them, Primo!
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2 years ago, AnimatorJim
Opens up a whole new option for getting on your bike.
I tentatively dipped my toes in to the whole world of virtual riding a while back. I’ve slowly gone from dumb to smart trainer, iPhone to iPad to pc and a big screen, it’s been a really fun evolution. One thing that hasn’t changed is my choice of app. I’ve tried a lot of others along the way but Zwift just seems to have that secret sauce when it comes to fun and usability. They seem to really have an eye for future content and functions, I appreciate that they are always trying to improve. Once I discovered group rides and races…there’s no going back. Thanks Zwift for letting me get more riding in to my busy schedule!
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3 years ago, phantom_eye
So this is the best virtual cycling experience?
As a concept Zwift has a lot going for it, but I find the actual experience incredibly lacking. The Interface is just plain horrible. I do not understand how something this bad makes it to market. Yes, it’s usable, but it has a steep learning curve and lots of quirks. It should be simpler to use and work better. The menu designs and navigation are a nightmare and pairing my Apple Watch and my wahoo trainer at the same time requires me to enter and exit various screens. Not intuitive at all. The graphics are PS2 quality at best and artless in every way. They are flat and joyless and don’t really add anything to the “game play”. It would be great if the graphic would interact with cyclists or had fun animations but instead it’s a dead world filled with NPCs who just look at there phones. Boring. Not really game, more of a backdrop. The biking experience itself is okay. The social aspect is interesting. I suspect that is why this app has been so successful despite its obvious short comings. Honestly it’s just a matter of time before a company the understand basic UI and UE (and maybe some concept of how gaming effects the reward centers of the human brain) comes along and puts out a better product. It wouldn’t be that hard.
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5 years ago, ADK Walker
They Should Be Glad There Are No Competitors
When Zwift works it’s great. The problem is that it works about 50% of the time, with most of the issues occurring during mass events. Contact customer support you say? Expect a return message many days later blaming your equipment: turn your modem off, update the app (there is no auto update despite being updated on a near weekly basis), and there’s a problem with the Bluetooth. They never take credit for issues. The funny thing is this is the only app that has problems, so blaming my equipment solidifies the problem is with them. Zwift should be pleased no competitor is out there. When it works the app is a lot of fun, but the anxiety of climbing on a bike and being unsure it will work makes me wish something dependable would come along. I’m writing this after the third app crash in two ride attempts. Surely that is not considered dependable.
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3 years ago, DAYpilot
Life changing
Zwift is so much more than just an app to me. I am a Zwift disciple at this point. I have been Zwifting for close to 4 years now and can’t imagine how boring the past 4 winters would be without Zwift. I have met numerous people from around the world on Zwift and have become part of a larger cycling community because of this “app”. Sure, the interface could use some updating and it seems to take forever for new routes and worlds to come out but really enjoy the app still and am never left without a challenge. From racing, to tours to group workouts and events there is something for every rider of any ability. Even my 9 year old likes Zwifting! RIDE ON!!
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4 years ago, Zmckeifrkdi
Great bike training / weight loss app. Riding over 6000 miles a year with a wahoo trainer on my own road bike. Using Apple TV 4K with large screen tv mounted on wall in pain cave. The app works with no significant glitches. Tracks heart rate, power, cadence and will take your riding to the next level. I also have the the wahoo climb and Bluetooth fan. Love the level ups. Currently working on all the route badges. Keeps one motivated such that I do not have time for riding outside anymore. No risk of getting run over at home. I take call from home and can pause the ride for unlimited time and pick up where I left off. Can’t recommend program this enough for the biker who wants serious ride time.
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4 years ago, Vebastian Settel
It’s ok. But there’s nothing better.
Decent exercise app, for the most part. Never experienced any issues with connectivity, and the workout plans are great. Intro music amazing. Very happy. 4 stars because the UI and the UX is so bloody awful. All of the symbols and buttons are totally proprietary to Zwift, and Zwift doesn’t provide clear instructions for any of these symbols ... frowning toast symbol? Your guess is as good as mine. I get that being unique and having brand identity is important, but Zwift created its own universe of buttons and symbols and does a terrible job of explaining each one and how to use it You cant create custom routes, only custom workouts. Editing custom workouts on anything except a computer is really frustrating. Navigating in general is just difficult unless you have the Zwift Companion app which loses connection 9/10 workouts for me. Dashboard during free ride is extremely annoying. Anytime there’s a Zwift segment, 2 different screens pop up and begin feeding KOM info about the upcoming segment. It’s distracting and there doesn’t seem to be a way to remove. Overall for $15/mo I’m satisfied. But I’d be quick to try something else if it became available.
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6 years ago, ernodiqgehoicjoifuc
Zwift running
My husband and I liked the idea of him riding while I run, both of us using Zwift for working out together. While the idea of Zwift running is a good one, the execution is not living up to my expectations based on what I have seen with the bikes. I have tried the original Milestone and the Milestone-turned-Zwift foot pods and neither is able to stay connected. The drop outs are so frequent and aggravating that on most of my treadmill runs, I end up turning the iPad off and just watching the little graphs built into my treadmill. It’s become a question of which is less annoying, the hit-and-miss function of Zwift for Runners, or the boredom of that little blip on the treadmill marking my progress.
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6 years ago, Mflanagan81
Incredible Virtual Fitness Platform
I am amazed with zwift as a platform. Prior to zwift an indoor workout of 60 minutes was a boring slog. Now 60 minutes goes by in a breeze. Setup: I use zwift on Apple TV 4k. I ride on e-motion rollers from inside ride using a powertap with BLE for power and cadence. I never have connection issues between the powertap and Apple TV. For heart rate I use Apple Watch paired with the zwift companion app. This works well most of the time. Occasionally there are pairing issues between the Apple watch and the companion app. Zwift has enabled me to commit to fitness in a way that I have not been able to do in quite a few years. I'm losing weight, getting fit again, and I am having fun while doing it!
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6 months ago, Ciprch09
Great way to get back on the saddle!
Moving to Montana I thought would yield great cycling opportunities, instead turned out the choice was to ride next to 80 mph traffic or ride on dirt paths. My road bike spent three years in hibernation and it has been thrilling to give it a second life - in the winter no less! Zwift has been an excellent way to challenge myself and get my legs used to long distances again. I do recommend blasting an uplifting cycling playlist to get in the groove. Elevation adjustments have been tricky to navigate with the trainer I have, but standing up seems to help. Also using clip on pedals makes a big difference.
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11 months ago, Me174949
Love the app, HATE the new update
I can’t believe they got rid of the workout collections. I used to love the 4wk FTP booster. It was the perfect level of challenge, varied, and each workout was no longer than an hour. Now there are very few workout plans available, and there is not one that suits my needs. Now I either have to try to become my own coach and blindly piece together various individual workouts. Or I have to pick from one of only a few different types of plans, none of which suits my specific needs. Part of the reason I pay $15 a month is because Zwift felt like a personal coach. With the lack of variation in the workout plans it no longer feels like that. I’m profoundly disappointed. This used to be my favorite app.
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2 years ago, ethaves
Zwift Ignores Customers
Zwift staff are too busy regurgitating talking points that they are “working on game features” and silencing longtime loyal customers raising questions in forums about priorities to actually make meaningful progress on bug fixes and enhancements. The community of riders is the product- something Zwift has never seemed to truly understand. It probably doesn’t help that most of the staff remaining after recent layoffs have been at Zwift far less time than the average customer has been a subscriber. The company doesn’t seem to value customer loyalty nor the free feedback frequently provided to improve the core experience. Without the community of riders, Zwift would be little more than cartoony graphics of Pace Partners making inane and repetitive comments. Zwift isn’t going to fix long standing bugs or make progress towards common feature requests until the community takes action. What we need is a day (or month) without Zwift- when customers choose not to use the service- to call attention to why we the customer matter. The first virtual world, Jarvis Island, was released as an invite-only beta product on September 30, 2014. On that day we should show Zwift what their product would be if the community stayed away.
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4 years ago, faLLouTboyx33333
Perfect if you don’t plan on riding with friends
Zwift is fantastic when I ride by myself. There are a ton of courses to choose from with different elevations and distances. I’m pretty new to the biking world and I can already tell my climbing has gotten a lot better from riding with Zwift. But trying to set up a ride with others has just been a complete NIGHTMARE. I am using Zwift because it has the capability to ride with friends. I have set up ~5 meet ups with friends and I have NEVER been able to get the ride to start with everyone without problems. Our screens will all say that we are “in the meetup”, but we often can’t see each other, even if we select the stay together option. Today I did a ride with 3 other people. Everything was fine for the first several minutes, but midway through the ride Zwift sent me on a route much different than everyone else on the group. It still said I was in the meetup even though I was on a completely different part of the course than my group. Very strange and very frustrating. Hopefully they can fix some of the bugs with these meet ups. If not I may recommend looking for other services/apps.
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6 months ago, Mike3786328378
Schwinn 230 not compatible enough
Schwinn tells you the Schwinn 230 recumbent bike is compatible with Zwift. While it will connect and show movement in the app, it only records your cadence. This isn’t enough for this app. Every time you hit a hill, your mph drops significantly. You cannot race or even come close to keeping up with any pacers or other Zwifters. And without the feedback from the app, you don’t get any sensation of going up a hill, etc. Despite this, I enjoyed the app, but without the ability to use the main features of racing and pacing, it’s not worth the subscription. The graphics are just ok. As a gamer, it needs to either be ultra realistic or cartoon like, with its own style. As is, the lighting, surroundings, graphics, are pretty dull.
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3 years ago, asfgjvghh
Nice app, but….
I’ve been using Zwift for running for a couple of months now. I am now using it to train for a half marathon. I really like it. The workouts are challenging. However, sometimes my workout isn’t available for me to do when I am planning on running. For example, this morning I was planning on running my long 12 Mike run, but Zwift says my run isn’t available for two more hours. This has happened a few times. It’s very frustrating. On top of that, if I run on my own I can mark the run as complete, but Zwift won’t track it. So my mileage is off. It is a nice app though.
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5 years ago, boycesterous
Updated: fixed their login bug in latest iOS 13 build
As great of a workout it can be when it works, their app organization feels like some desktop UX that was ported (poor affordances, no size scaling, unclear navigation hierarchies). But, the real loose-poopie kicker is that whenever you Log Out on iPad OS 13.* you may not be able to log back in, like ever, at all. That means constant emails back and forth with Zwift support and asking for refunds, and lost workouts. The team seems to be prioritizing other work and not thinking this is a worthy bug to squash. Could be a 4 star product. Could be. But it ain’t. The competition in this space is heating up, I’m looking forward to that competition keeping teams on their toes.
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4 years ago, Bud blast
Needs updating
Lots like to rave on this and it’s intention is noble but I have issues that they spend more time on virtual than actual training. All the data dashboard while using is so secondary and too small and poorly laid out. There is lag in data transmission and it’s too hard to keep the watts and cadence from moving up/down inconsistently with your activity. They’ve got waaay to much going on screen and not focusing on training and technique. Trainer Road app does a far better job at this without all the virtual world distraction. It’s nice but I want training as the priority not Watopia! Lastly they don’t offer and customer support at all via phone. It’s fake chat and when you exhaust that you can send an email and wait. It does not offer you receipts either on your purchase.
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3 years ago, Srk79
Ok I have a question
Well, for one, for some reason it is never updating my avatar and it won’t let me change my account to my old one, but the main reason I’m writing this is because it is not calculating the speed correctly. I am clearly biking pretty decent and I always wondered why it said my route was a certain amount of miles but said I was at least halfway there when I had completed that amount. For example, in a 3mile route, i only completed it after 5miles. I found out that whatever speed it said on my bike, Zwift was saying I was biking quite a few mph slower. Like in a warm up I biked 13mph but it said 9mph and I wasn’t able to complete the route. Pls look into this miscalculation and reply.
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3 years ago, socal siege
Complete Ignore of IPad Users
Zwift is a good indoor training option, but I have attempted to work with them on several issues that seem to only impact IPAD users. They are seemingly uninterested in trying to fix the issues and make the application work identical agnostic to the IT platform (Laptop, Phone, Tablet). For over two years there has been no attempt to add the “distance back” banners showing how far back in distance other riders are (time is on the rider ladder but...). Also, with Laptop apparently you do not have to exit the game to start a new event. With IPAD, you still have to save out of the game each event. Why does it have to be different? Finally, why not make the keys in the IPAD/Tablet function like a laptop.
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4 months ago, Popwog
I can exercise again, now at home
I used to enjoy running a lot, and I dreaded not being able to do so once I injured my knees. I had the impression that bike riding would just take too many hours out of my day and wouldn't be very efficient. With Zwift, I get a great work out at the beginning of each day in about 30 minutes. I fully engage with the immersive world, and the time seems to go quickly. My only wish is that they would create more new worlds and different bystanders to keep mixing it up but I am a big fan and I would highly recommend it.
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4 years ago, Zlatan Jr6
The most bang for your buck
I’ve been using Zwift since 2016 so seen a lot of changes, it has been an incredible evolution in a very short space of time. Where else do you get so many options to train with others from all over the world? Free rides, training sessions from the likes of GCN, PR challenges, crit races, time trials, missions, meet ups, fun social rides, clubs to join, new worlds and courses constantly added, guest appearance rides from the worlds best like Geraint Thomas and Spartacus, Alpe D’Huez and soon to be added Mont Ventoux. Gives me everything I could ever need for a small monthly fee while never having to leave my house. Ride on everyone!
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5 years ago, Kitegguy
Fenced group rides unrealistic
Since Zwift has added the “fence” on group rides it’s difficult to recommend Zwift. For 6 months on Zwift I was delighted to do group rides. In order to discourage a few flyers from going off the front, group leaders asked for and got a fence which can be set for 5,10,or 15 seconds ahead of the leader. Cross the fence and your out of the ride. Leaders often yo-yo in the wattage, or get behind on hills while others have crested and must stop to wait or will bump into the fence. 15 seconds isn’t too bad on flat routes. But 5 and 10 are ridiculous on any route. It’s not a realistic group riding experience to have to ride bunched on a leader.
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3 years ago, klasko16
Incredible potential
I bought this app along with a wahoo kickr snap to ride with my friends from across the country. So far the app has shown to be a very strong training tool and alternative to outdoor cycling. This isn’t designed to be a forza quality graphics game so don’t expect that. It is pretty accurate when polling stats from any connected devices and rarely has bugs with timing. A few things worth noting… The app has crashed on me a few times, losing all data mid race and therefore not allowing my training statistics to realistically show progress. Uploading the completed activities to apps such as Strava frequently gives crazy unrealistic maps that run out into the ocean or don’t portray the real path taken. App occasionally has issues displaying live stats for wahoo cadence sensor. I don’t believe this is a device bug but the actual game software itself. With that being said, I highly recommend the app for the price and the possibilities to train and improve your riding abilities.
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7 months ago, Zen Student
The devs are asleep
I took a break from Zwift for a year and recently returned. The things that annoyed me most remain untouched: You cannot turn off the annoying background sounds. The mute button mutes some things but not all things. There are crowd sounds that cannot be turned off. The “End ride” button is hidden behind an also hidden Menu button that is tedious to manage while shutting down a ride. Just put a STOP button on the ride screen. How hard is that? Exporting activities (FIT files) still has today’s ride PLUS an “In progress” .FIT file that is junk. This makes extra work to export the right file. If you have two users and accidentally tap the wrong one, there’s no “Cancel”. You’re going to ride or your going to watch, or your going to kill the app and start over. That’s ridiculous. And I don’t want to export screen shots of my ride. I don’t care. But I can’t turn them off. If anything has been done or added to Zwift in the past year, I can’t see it. And if anything has been done, why hasn’t Zwift fixed these issues that result in a UX score of “Way below average”?
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6 years ago, Wake777
Latest update July 18th on iPhone
Was working perfectly (with an occasional minor issue) for the last year + until the update. Both my wife and I have had countless WiFi drops, Wahoo Kickr stops responding to grade changes etc. Complete disaster for us. I have an iPhone X and she uses an iPhone 8. Both having a terrible user experience since update. Deleted and reinstalled app, checked WiFi connection, did a spin down etc. Nothing is helping. Been zwifting since almost the beginning of Zwift, never had such a horrible user experience. Side note...I hear we are getting another crappy Richmond type course that nobody likes in exchange for a hefty price increase coming up for legacy users. For the record, the only reason people Zwift is for Watopia. Maybe we can get more worlds like that sometime instead of all these UCI course remakes?
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