How GetYourGuide Automated and Scaled Apple Search Ads, Increasing Non-Branded Keyword Revenue by 20%

GetYourGuide is a leading booking platform for unique travel experiences based in Berlin, Germany.
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GetYourGuide is a leading booking platform for unique travel experiences based in Berlin, Germany. They help modern explorers discover and book unforgettable adventures. Since being founded, GetYourGuide has sold 150 million tickets to experiences globally.


GetYourGuide needed to optimize their marketing strategy to achieve the following main goals:

  • Effective brand protection while minimizing spending on brand terms.
  • Achieving positive results of over 200% for branded keywords while maintaining maximum Impression Share, and results of 50% for non-branded keywords.
  • Scaling of non-branded campaigns across multiple markets.

This required efficient automation of bidding processes to reduce the workload on their team and ensure campaign effectiveness.


GetYourGuide started using SplitMetrics Acquire in April 2023.

SplitMetrics’ Team maintained regular calls with GetYourGuide, providing comprehensive support and strategic advice to ensure the efficient running of their Apple Search Ads account. 

They conducted thorough audits, identifying areas for improvement and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the campaigns. The team set up automation processes, including ad budget control, bid optimization, keyword status updates, new search term discovery, and auto-rules management, which streamlined internal operations and reduced the manual workload.

Additionally, SplitMetrics kept GetYourGuide informed about the latest industry trends and updates, enabling them to stay ahead in the market. They tested new ad placements to explore potential opportunities. SplitMetrics Agency also provided GetYourGuide with multiple reports with relevant keywords for different top markets. SplitMetrics also supported the launch of additional regional campaigns, helping GetYourGuide expand their reach and tap into new markets. 

Throughout their collaboration, SplitMetrics ensured that GetYourGuide could fully utilize the features and improvements of the SplitMetrics Acquire product, maximizing their campaign potential.


With SplitMetrics’ help, GetYourGuide was able to achieve the following results

  • Automated bidding processes, with around 6,000 bid optimizations over the past year.
  • Minimized spend on brand terms while maintaining a high share of voice.
  • Got a 20% more results from non-branded campaigns.

As the App Growth Lead at GetYourGuide, I am thrilled to share our exceptional experience with SplitMetrics.

Over the past year, SplitMetrics has been a great collaborator in optimizing our marketing. With their technology, our team can optimize our brand spend. Plus, automated bidding processes have alleviated a substantial workload from our team, with around 6,000 bid optimizations executed over the past year, driving efficiency and effectiveness in our campaigns.

In addition, the support team’s dedication, expertise, and responsiveness have enabled us to better serve both our global travelers and the 25,000+ supply partners we serve globally.

Ioan Popovici
App Growth Lead at GetYourGuide

By automating and optimizing Apple Search Ads with SplitMetrics Acquire, GetYourGuide was able to achieve all the app’s goals and streamline their marketing efforts.

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Boost revenue optimizing Apple Search Ads
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