Test new features, app ideas and market positioning in pre-lauch. Our clients understand which apps will bring them more money in future and make product decisions based on clear A/B testing data.
Making product decisions based on gut feeling costs enterprises millions in the long run. With SplitMetrics, companies are able to brainstorm new ideas and check their validity on real audiences, saving time and money for multiple decision makers and big teams.
Compare your App Store conversion rates to benchmarks in your market and category. With this data, you can accurately predict which product ideas will yield best results in the long run.
Validate new app ideas and features based on data to save on company resources. Get strategic advice based on SplitMetrics A/B testing benchmarks and market analysis to brainstorm based on data, not gut feeling.
In easy-to-grasp PDF report the manager will interpret all data points from the experiment and provide you with actionable insights.
Get a regular report on your app page performance and correlation with the experiment results.