13 WHAM News

2.1 (7)
30.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for 13 WHAM News

2.14 out of 5
7 Ratings
7 years ago, Irishguitar3
MUCH Better
Good update to this app. Much less bug-filled tiles and more content with an easier navigation bar along the bottom. Push notifications are faster and the ads aren't in your face and awful. A great local news app to have on your phone.
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1 month ago, RochesterBob
Useless on iPad
Always in the portrait mode. I’m not going to turn my iPad and case in order to use it.
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9 years ago, sunny 191
Useless app!
I didn't think it was possible to make this app more annoying, but with this last update they have somehow succeeded. The drop down list of news is a complete hodge-podge- some local, some national, some "huh?". Even with the font cranked to "enormous" it is still microscopic, the pictures are no more than banners. I could continue the list but the net effect is simply that the app is an extremely poor representation of a news channel that gives a solid broadcast & has good reporters. Dear Channel 13, PLEASE! Go back to News Synergy!!! This is so disappointing! A) This app is NOT compatible with os 4.3. B) It is difficult to navigate & is infrequently updated. C) The former hardly matters since it routinely crashes on opening. (yes, I installed the most recent update. I can't imagine what the "stability improvements" are except that now it ALMOST loads the news before crashing.) It short, it is a waste of drive space. Of all the apps there are, the news should be one that can reach every os, every device, everyone!!! We don't need slick or eye catching; WE NEED INFORMATION!!!! Thankfully, your competitors seem to know that to be true; their app runs seamlessly, even on our old iTouch running 3.x.
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10 years ago, Ricker99
Persistent problem with ads
There has been a persistent problem with this app. When you click on any video story, including the video weather, a countdown timer appears along with an ad. The ad will play normally. BUT, the timer does not count down appropriately. It doesn't seem to matter whether the ad is 10 or 15 seconds. The timer takes upwards of 60 to 90 seconds to actually count down. It "hangs" on each timer click for a long time. And the promised video you intended on watching won't load until the timer counts down, even though the ad has long since finished. It takes triple or quadruple the time needed to get you to the video. This has been a persistent problem lasting through several app versions. There's no way to contact the app developers from inside the app, leaving this app review process the only meaningful way to get this complaint across.
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11 years ago, Dcat428
Like it!
Read the reviews and was not too excited to try the new app. I thought the old app was fine but understand the reason for the change. It took longer to get the iPhone app but that is how Apple works. I got the new app and installed it. The first time I tried to open it, the app seemed to hang for several minutes. I closed the app and reopened it. It loaded in seconds. I really like the new layout. Very clean and fast. I wish the user could swipe from story to story however without having to return to the home screen. Overall, I like the new app!
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11 years ago, Jw1054
Still Stinks!!
Saw a update to the terrible new app of July 31st and thought maybe they listened to all the negative reviews and got their act together. NOPE!! Hey WHAM these guys you cheeped out on and hired don't have a clue on putting a decent app together. Just check out their terrible ratings that other stations like you have fallen victim to. Not sure why WHAM hired these guys to do a app for them when their old one was fine. WHAM I fear is on the decline perhaps because of trying to save a buck. Problem is I like the the many others are now forced to go else where now for our news. You won't save money like this!! Not sure what else it could be why you guys hired such incompetence.
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10 years ago, Jwr188
How could a station of your stature release an update that has ruined your credibility as an online news source. The update does not work and everyday it crashes is one more day I go to WHEC app. I have seen plenty of great advertisements and have frequented many of the businesses on the WHEC app because plain and simply there app works. I have noticed since your app has not worked on my smart phone that I have also found myself clicking on other Rochester news sources because the stories on there app peak my interest. Your losing viewers please fix app. Disappointing you guys can't get this app straight.
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9 years ago, Cheslerphoto
Annoyingly Large Ads
The news content is good and up to date, although redundant at times. The huge ads on the page make scrolling through news stories annoying and difficult without accidentally clicking on an ad and jumping to a browser window. This type of tactic is not only irritating, it puts a bad perception in my mind toward the advertiser. Keep the ads big so you can get your advertising dollars but make a small "click here" on it to give viewers the choice as to whether they visit the advertisement or not.
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11 years ago, Heather1234667
Has potential
Stories are updated pretty frequently, but more topics on the homepage would be helpful... Also, articles often say to "click here" or that "Doug emblidge has the story", but then there's no link to click. The app will freeze up and make everything unable to be clicked. That's pretty annoying bc I have to close the app and reopen to make the links work again. They should definitely do some minor reworks to fix the bugs.
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11 years ago, Karen McClain
Too busy, but I still get my news
I love the 13 wham app, and it check it every morning. However, the interface is very busy and distracting. It is pretty easy to navigate, but I wish it could be cleaned up a little. For example, the tabs at the top look unfinished and thrown together, and the ads seem awkwardly placed. I think wham could do a better job with it, but I will continue to use it, and thank you for bringing me my news each day :)
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11 years ago, Zaleguy
So Disapointed
I downloaded this app because I really want to stay in touch with what is going on locally. I used it for about and hour and I thought, "why are people leaving such negative reviews? This app is great!" Then the app crashed and has been crashing ever since. I even restarted my iPad and tried a various times in the day and still no improvement. Hopefully you can fix this because what I saw was great and well written. But that doesnt matter if you can get in the app to look around!
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9 years ago, BBAARRBB
Annoying and useless
The news stories are in some random order and also often listed multiple times. The ads in the scroll are way too big and frequent, making it nearly impossible to not hit them, so you're redirected to some ad website constantly. It's a huge disappointment for a strong news channel. There must be website experts who could help you. Please find them! Until then, it's much easier to get the news from one of the other local apps. Don't bother with this one.
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10 years ago, StrongDreams
Pretty good local news app
This version is pretty good. The layout is easy to use and it has reasonably good news content. Doesn't crash for me. SOme occasional formatting issues, usually with special characters that don't seem to get translated right. Maybe the ads are a little too big/too many. But overall, a decent local news app.
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11 years ago, Charminder
Terrible ap that was clearly aimed at advertising and social networking at the expense of providing news. Unstable on two different generations of iPad... this is extremely frustrating when you can finally find the info you need and the ap crashes! Impossible to navigate without logo overload. This is a prime example of an ap that was designed by a third party with no understanding of the application's purpose or the needs of the end user. The website is better, but only marginally. A major step backwards on both fronts.
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11 years ago, Poorhousefx
I think it's great!!
Not sure why everyone hates this. I think it's better organized and has more content than before. A definite improvement in my eyes
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9 years ago, PugsAndKisses10
It's just bad
Nothing is organized. You have a "news feed" but it's really just a mash up of news stories. Many appear twice or three times. They aren't in any sort of chronological order. It has every category. Mostly sports. I don't want to see sports at all. There is no way to customize your feed to exclude sports. If there is, I can't find it because the app is just a mess. I prefer channel 10s or the DC. Don't bother with this one.
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9 years ago, Big waste of money
This app has always required some improvement but the most recent update made it significantly worse. Stories are listed multiple times, the news feed refreshes and takes you back to the top of the page when trying to scroll throw the feed. News stories posted don't seem to be consistent with other top news reported by other media outlets in the area.
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9 years ago, Jan-Michael_B
Fix the breaking news alerts
I've had the app for a while and I'll be honest it isn't my go to app for local news and here is a reason why... I get breaking news alerts which are awesome but when I follow the alert into the app I can't find the story... What's the point of the alert if I can't find out more about it. Kinda induces a panic and then I have to google it to find out more. Huge waste of time!
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11 years ago, SharperWriter
The app often freezes, but the worst part is that each story looks it was written by voice-to-text. Grammatically horrible, misspellings, no quotation marks around what interviewees said to the interviewer... reading through most of these news pieces takes twice as long because you need to slog through the grammar horror show. It would just be nice if someone could care about the way the pieces are laid out in text as much as they care about their newscast.
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5 years ago, Cjbphoto
Lousy app
I’m not impressed with this crappy app. Every time I try to press the left arrow button to go back to the main screen it ignores me! I can sometimes get it to work only after about 10 tries! So frustrating!!! I usually just kill the app and forget about it. After a few months I decided to try it again but it’s still broken... Much like most of the News organizations, all opinion, very few facts and hugely biased!!! No credibility anymore!
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5 months ago, Thatguysmiles
Doesn’t work
More than 1/2 the time all you get is a white screen no matter how many times you close the app. Plus how many spelling errors or mistakes does the person get when writing the article? 13wham is trash… Here is an idea hire people that can spell and write decent articles. Yes iOS is the most up to date. Issues are the same regardless of what phone I use, I have 4 phones.
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9 years ago, Gumball92
Overall good app
I like how organized this app is and how you don't have to go searching for what you want ex: sports, weather, news... The only downside is the constant ads that pop up in between stories. Overall this app gets a 4 star rating from me.
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11 years ago, JDC727
Horrible App
Bring back the old app! It's one looks like a 5th grader made it during computer class. The articles are not only fewer but lack any content, whenever they decide to load. I expected more from 13. We waited for this abomination to roll out? Junk!
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10 years ago, MafiaXp
Very Poor Quality!
This is one app that I just don't understand how hard it is to get right? The app crashes non-stop. When reading articles the wording is so poor with ? marks all over and broken paragraphs that cause for such poor reading. I still open it from now on to catch the weather but even that is very inaccurate. Use another local TV app out there instead of this one and stay away!!
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8 years ago, MS1121
Don't waste your time...
Breaking news notifications show up immediately, but include everything from important storm warnings to "Breaking: Local sports team loses game." Clicked notifications take you to an unresponsive, frozen app. Closing and reopening it does nothing. The app itself is garbage, a buggy mess of slow load times and a complete lack of the stories shown on their website.
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11 years ago, Bigjoe3467
Works fine for iPhone
Have had no problems with any feature. Glad to have the app back.
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3 years ago, ojidanowe
No problem here
This app needs some updated reviews. So far, it’s been great for me. Well organized and works great!
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10 years ago, Henrietta71
At least this one works
At least this version works
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11 years ago, Jrod the great
Poor and missing lots of info from old app
Really miss the old app. This one is missing the breakdown of the different news categories. It is also missing the school closings, lottery numbers, entertainment news and probably more stuff that I have forgot about. Please just refresh the old one instead of trying to create a new one from scratch.
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9 years ago, KevinC7689
Wish there were more local stories
There are a lot of national news stories that I read elsewhere. I wish there were more local stories, or a way to more easily distinguish between local and national stories.
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11 years ago, D man87456778
I would check the news four or five times a day on the old app. Now with the new app crashing every time I try to open it i haven't checked the new in month. You would hope that with all the negative ratings they would fix the reason why it is crashing. Doug Emblidge wouldn't use this app to get the news.
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11 years ago, Skier8341
Works well!
The app works just fine if you restart the device after installing it. This app also has more features than the old app. App works as described!
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11 years ago, cupofT
new app
Just downloaded the new app. It went quick and works great! I did restart my iPad after installing and I am very happy with new look!
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5 years ago, Laughen
Hourly weather 6..7..7..7..
Thought this would’ve been fixed by now.. The hourly weather only shows the first digit. Perhaps making font smaller so we can see the actual temp not guess at the 2nd digit.
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11 years ago, jasonbuck75
A little better, but still not good
The new version is a little better than last month's 1.0 atrocity, bit it's still not nearly as good as the old version of the app. For example, who on the dev team thinks a toolbar consisting of "13 icon", "13 icon", "13 icon", "13 icon", etc. is a good, intuitive design?
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6 years ago, Annoyed1988765
Being able to read the news is fine but for some reason I get no sound. Every time I try to watch something it’s all quite. I have tried everything I can to get sound and nothing. Very disappointed.
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11 years ago, jazz_man38
Hunk of junk
Old app was fine. This one crashes constantly, has a clunky interface, and the stories should have the grammar police called in on them-last time I checked, a direct quote from someone needs quotation marks. Been a loyal viewer for years and this app disgusts me. Guess I will have to see what channel 10 has to offer.
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11 years ago, Stdaniels7310
Poor news coverage
Not impressed at all with this new app, hardly any news coverage. I've been a loyal 13 wham watcher for years, but now use another local news channel app because there is actually news on it- local, national, political, and entertainment. The previous 13 wham app was much better than this version.
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8 years ago, A little friend
Every story you open freezes phone
First and foremost Wham needs a new IT team. Nothing ever works properly between apps and website. Second, take it easy on ads, I can't even use the apps or visit the website without getting bombarded by ads. Hopefully they get back on track.
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8 years ago, #yellowsun
Headlines cover image
Every news story on the app has the headlines covering the images you are trying to show us. All other local news apps have the headlines under the image. You should strongly consider making this change.
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10 years ago, Creative Windows
What happened to the app in the latest update? When I click on new it flashes. When I click on a story it loads & then immediately crashes. I powered down & up, I deleted and reinstalled the app, & I even gave it overnight hoping it was just me. Please fix it now before you lose us!!!!
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11 years ago, Jewelzy13
It is rare that this app works for me (iPhone 4). 95% of time it closes before loading. Surprising they didn't do their research before selecting a web developer. Long-time loyal fan of Channel 13 WHAM news, and I'm having to rely on other sources (& their competitors) for my online news. I hope they rectify soon...
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8 years ago, DaveR-@Hamlin
Has gone from a 5-star app to unusable. Not sure of the intent, but app continually goes to Apple Store to promote applications. Thought that perhaps the latest update would correct this, but as it is the application no longer provides a good user experience. In fact, it's not possible to use.
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2 years ago, Mich@29
Sorry that Doug and Ginny left I stopped watching channel 13 went to channel 10 the people on there don’t work for me. Some of them should retire. Mich 29
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4 years ago, meg14623
Needs some work
Needs some technical upgrades. Some days it just spins. Difficult to get up to date news. Sometimes the same stories are on the top of the list for days.
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4 years ago, CScottPh
Stops Your Music
I really wish videos didn’t auto play and constantly stop any music you’re playing. You can’t listen to music on your phone and read the news at the same time.
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11 years ago, Amyy23
The old app was good, but this is terrible. News is not updated fast, I don't receive any breaking alerts. Need to take a look at other news sites and get up with the times. I just deleted the app and will not dowmload again unless there is an update! Loyal watcher for 20+ years!
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11 years ago, Scouty1234
This app is terrible!! The old one was so much better with national,world, and many other different types of news that u could read. And the weather, ugh!! U don't have 7 day forecast or anything else!! Just temp. and other bad stuff. I don't like this "new and improved" app!! I am disappointed 13 wham!!
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11 years ago, SJMC1414
Terrible App
This app is awful. It closes when it wants, slow, and its rarely updated. The weather extended forecast will show Sunday, Sunday, Monday, Monday, etc. and the forecast does not match the weather authority app or the one on TV. I too will switch to channel 10 app. Very disappointing! Bring back the old app!
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11 years ago, Todd1105
What a waste 13 wham
I loved the old app it would update all the time with new news. This one takes forever that's even if it works. Ran past the due date I would expect allot more. I wish they had where you could give it 0 stars. I'm so done with the app sad because it was great!!!
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