Affinity Designer 2 for iPad

Graphics & Design
4.5 (757)
1654.9 MB
Age rating
Current version
Serif Labs
Last update
4 weeks ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Affinity Designer 2 for iPad

4.47 out of 5
757 Ratings
3 months ago, Norris Lurker
All right, I’m in
It’s taken me a long time to decide how I feel about Designer 2 after using the first version. The giant change between the two is that it is now a near-exact replica of the desktop app; they replaced dialog boxes with a UI system that suits the iPad better (it would have been a travesty if they hadn’t), and you still have to think a bit laterally to figure out where to find features. But that’s not new. What held me up for a long time was the Command Controller. That’s the thing that substitutes for the keyboard: command, control, option, shift keys. The desktop version can’t work without them, and neither can this. That means my habit of holding the iPad in one hand and drawing with the other keeps tripping and falling down. It’s most annoying when it _almost_ works, then hits a snag. So I regret the loss of some workarounds that they’ve removed, like the ability to select multiple layers by tapping one then sliding on the others. Constant annoyance: to get to Help, you have to exit the current document, find it on the main menu, then close it and go back to the document. Despite complaints, one huge accolade: this is an iPad app that does almost everything its desktop cousin does, and its cousin is first rate. I may be about to copy and paste this to Photo 2, as everything here applies identically there.
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1 year ago, Kvergottini
Way better than the rating it is currently getting.
I am impressed! I was skeptical at first because of the 3.4 out of 5 stars rating. But I have to wonder if some of the older reviews from before the upgrade to 2.0, are in the mix here. Or perhaps the app was not as good as it is now, when it was release 6 months ago. I have been using Vectornator and Procreate together for several years now, both of which I love, but also had steep learning curves in the beginning, given that I am just a serious hobbiest and not a trained graphic designer. This app, seems to combine the best of both of those worlds into one app! If you are new to drawing and vector apps, then yes there will be a steep learning curve. But that is true of all these kinds of apps. This one is powerful and I played with it for several days on the free trial to see it’s potential. As soon as I realized it was far exceeding my expectations and the rating in the store, I purchased it. Also, I had a couple of questions and wrote to support. I received a timely and helpful response. To me, that shows engagement by the developer. There is nothing worse than spending money and later discovering the app was abandoned. This one is clearly being worked on and actively improved.
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3 weeks ago, erc eld
Best design app for iPad
I switched from Adobe to Affinity years ago and haven’t really looked back. Affinity is overall a near perfect replacement for Adobe apps, especially as Adobe has progressively gotten worse, more broken, and has iPad apps that are a complete thoughtless joke. Thanks to Affinity, not only can I use a full suite of high-quality design software without a subscription, but I can also run my graphic design business entirely from my iPad. At this point the only reason I still have a mac is for game development. Affinity really has made some of the very best productivity apps on iPad. Adobe really can’t compete.
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1 year ago, Börose
The UI is terrible…needs better support for digital artists
While I’m totally fine with buying the new app. I’m disappointed that the UI is worst than the last app version. I also wish they had a light mode toggle. It’s some how more cluttered, cumbersome, and not very touch friendly. I also really wish they would add some more support for the brushes engine and other raster tools. This could really be a “all-in-one” adobe (and even procreate/CSP) replacement if they just put some more feature support for digital artists and not just designers and photographers (affinity photo). Photoshop and illustrator are literally industry standard for digital artists and I’m surprised that there isn’t more focus on this since this suite is meant to replace them. Designers could utilize digital art focused improvements too. Imagine how much more powerful of a tool this would be if it just had basic features like liquify, better mesh transform, live smoothing/stabilization for brush strokes and selections. You could make full-on comics in this suite. While that is sorta possible now, it is still pretty clunky to make that transition worth it. I love using this app for design, and I love how natural the brushes feel, other than the lack of smoothing (the rope is terrible for digital painting or sketching).
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11 months ago, $G562!
Editors choice for what? (iPad version)
This app is constantly having problems. From crashing when trying to revamp typography, to glitching and not being able to use the glyphs for fonts correctly. Sometimes the new mesh feature doesn’t even work, or when trying to edit an image the app shuts off. Sometimes I have to use the previous version just to ensure that I’m not the problem. On top of all this, it somehow earned the editors choice, that baffles me. Besides that, the program has a cool aesthetic. It seems Serif focused more on the look of the app than the actual programming and functionality of the app. I’d hoped they would fix all the bugs by now, but no, nothing so far. So I had to uninstall and reinstall designer 2 so that it might work properly, my fingers are crossed, but I’m rather disappointed in the functionality of the app. If this is what is required to do business using affinity, I’d rather buy into Adobe to ensure my customers don’t get frustrated due to me making excuses like , “My app is crashing and I have to work around it” the time wasted is worth more than money too. I would have gotten the suite for my MacBook, but read reviews saying it wasn’t good as v.1. Hi Serif Affinity team, please stop what you’re doing and fix the v.2 apps so that we may love you again.
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8 months ago, Phentys
Certainly the most useable vector program for iPad, but the bar is low
I love the desktop versions of Affinity apps; they work great for me generally. The iPad versions, by comparison, feel clunky and more difficult to use. I’ve got my fair share of experience with vector art in general, but after developing a concise workflow on desktop, trying to do things on my IPad had me feeling like I was having to learn a different program. For some things I can appreciate the ‘mobile’ version of an app being relatively simplistic and watered-down, but art & design? Kind of a nightmare lol. Why am I having to Google functions that are plainly visible and readily accessible in the desktop version? My recommendation: take a page out of Clip Studio’s book. Their desktop and iPad UI’s are nearly identical, and it makes my iPad-to-Mac workflow SO seamless. They also allow customization of the workspace like the desktop app does, without sacrificing touch gestures.
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1 year ago, inane
What happened to V1?
Purchased the “universal” license for all the Affinity apps a couple years ago on the understanding that all future versions would be included as a free upgrade only to find out that the new V2 apps require a new license. Unacceptable. Of course, I can’t go back and review that documentation so there is no recourse. V1 has also disappeared from the App Store so I can’t reload it if I have to wipe my iPad. So I downloaded V2 to check out the free trial, worked for a few hours on a document, came back to it today and it won’t open. I can see it on the documents screen but it won’t open. Tried to save, save as, everything I could think of to salvage it. Needless to say I won’t be buying the new license. The shame is, I actually really liked the new layout and tools. Affinity has turned this very satisfied advocate into a very dissatisfied one in a single move. *Update: the developer responded only to say the V1 apps are still downloadable. They didn’t respond to the more important point of misleading their customers. I’m back to Adobe. Buh bye!
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9 months ago, MikeO345
Great Replacement
I started vector illustration using Macromedia's Fireworks beta and used it as long as i could along with Adobe's photoshop and Illustrator. I started using Affinity Photo on the iPad with 1.0, it was such a great deal at $10. And when Affinity Designer was released at $10 i could not pass it up. I have not been disappointed. There were features that i wished it had, but the steady stream of enhancements to continued to keep me using it. As an Instructional Designer in the public sector we have to be frugal. When the version 2.0's came available for both products I was more than willing to pay for the upgrade fee's. The addition of Warp Layers has been fantastic to Designer and allowed me to do all the things that i wished I could. The only limitations are my limited creativity and skills, that i am always trying to expand and improve.
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1 year ago, sweeetjd
The best vector editor for iPad, but has a lot of bugs
This program, along with the other Serif Labs products, really makes the iPad a valuable tool for graphic design, and are far ahead of similar apps in terms of features and functionality. Unfortunately, all three programs are riddled with little bugs. They’re not enough to make the programs unusable, but they can become extremely annoying. For example, when trying to use fonts installed from a font manager or Creative Cloud, Designer can’t display the font until you’ve applied it to a text field, then quit the program and logged back in. Many English language font titles are shown in Chinese characters in the text options palette. If it weren’t for problems like these, these programs would be 5/5.
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3 months ago, shewhu
A phenomenal graphic software at the best price
This is the best graphic design tool hands down period! I used to be hung up on the other high priced product thinking the best got to cost an arm and a leg, not so! This product has brought back faith in the power of creation and giving access to the average individual exploring their creativity. The other guys go off the premise if you can’t pay you don’t play. Well this is a breath of fresh air, no subscription and no monthly fees because its a perpetual license and you get to play night and day, if you so choose. The technical prowess and the various tools leave nothing to be desired. These are primary tools comparable to the best of the other greedy guys plucking out the eyes and pocket books of the next evolving creative genius. This is certainly the way to go. Just try it, you will not believe your eyes and your ability to create.
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4 weeks ago, puppet nonsense
Brilliant app that just needs an update.
Update: I decided to just have a doc with a bunch of artboards in it so that I wouldn’t have to go back to the live docs screen. It’s not a great solution, but it works ok for now. I’ll change to 5 stars once that’s fixed. Aside from this issue, the app is absolutely amazing. Shapes automatically move to different artboards when you drag them!?! OMG it’s the best thing ever. I love you Affinity developers. I truly mean that. Old: The experience of using the app to create designs is fantastic and there’s some really useful functions. That said, the app is simply too slow. I need to be able to have a bunch of designs in “live docs” without waiting 30+ seconds for everything to load. If that can get sorted, I think it’s a viable solution for design on the iPad. As it is, I’m going to have to painstakingly transfer work onto my computer and likely jump ship back to Adobe to get this project done. It’s really disappointing, but I’m holding out hope that this app can be improved. When it is, I’ll give it another try.
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11 months ago, Clurichaun
Where version 1? E
I deleted my purchased original version for photo and designer but I want them back because neither of the new apps ready for primetime which is sad and basically got ripped off thinking version 2 of each would be ummmmm, good. In the reviews you devs say we can download version one from App Store but it’s not there. Don’t like getting lied to. I bought version 1 and want them back. Now this app so bad and underwhelming you back to offering discounts again. If you still have version one peeps, DONT DOWNLOAD THIS NEW VERSION. even if don’t have version 1, you can do better. Only good thing about this app is pay outright. To bad didn’t use everyone’s investment to invest your time devs into making it a good app. And Apple! Guess in your best interest to showcase high cost Crap since you get percentage. Not cool.
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1 year ago, ccdenjoxedx
Better UI than V1!
I use Affinity Designer on my iPad all the time for my business and I was so glad to see tools I use often move to the top instead of behind a menu. Although, I see it’s also still available in the menu as well. I’ve just downloaded and played around with it, so I don’t know if there are bugs. I haven’t experienced any. P.S. Super excited to see Publisher available for iPad so I can keep all my workflow on iPad!
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7 months ago, Jaguarj
There’s a reason they don’t make the actual price easy to see
It’s a lot. £12 pounds, that’s British currency. To just buy the app. I know, it looks free on the App Store, but we all know about Apple’s new way. £100 for a “Universal license”. Either of those prices might be reasonable if the app is good. But the ick factor from the original experience, coyly referencing “Black Friday” discounts without mentioning the price, then forcing the consumer to go to the trouble to download the app before they see another few screens mentioning various licenses, still no prices, before finally giving the numbers after you click “additional help”. What a rancid way of marketing a product. How could you ever trust this company to do business with? Regulate the sharks, Apple.
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1 week ago, Pooky108
Please Fix the “Window Stabilizer”
I love this company and their apps soooo much! This app is close to perfection but missing one major thing for me as an artist. Sadly I cannot use the app for illustration until this update is fixed. So, I want to notify the Serif team that the V2 iPad App 2.5.2 currently does not have a working “window stabilizer.” It just utilizes the rope stabilizer. On my PC computer app, this is not the case. It supports both the rope and the window stabilizer. I hope this can be fixed soon. I really want to be able to use this app more because I love it sooo much!
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6 months ago, Artemixez252
Free-transfer on procreate in seconds
I was able to do a free-transform distort in seconds with procreate. Wish I could do this on these apps as I love what the company has done since the start. But I must be able to manipulate anything how I need. A bit sad about this missing tool. Please advise if I am missing something on iPad versions. I figured all transform options would be in the same toolbar panel transform sheering and rotate is all I see ugh this is sad makes me feel like the entire app is limited. Procreate had that option in the same transform panel no hidden option or secret something to have to figure out.
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1 year ago, Tros83334
Love this app but missing my favorite feature
Would rate this app a 5 if they wouldn’t of taken away my favorite feature of live scrolling thru fonts and seeing what the word i was typing would look like by just arrowing down on each font. Now u have to actually select each one and then when u go back its back to letter A not even where u left off. Very time consuming when looking for fonts. Other than that everything has worked very good and like the upgrades. PLEASE add the easy scrolling of fonts back
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1 year ago, Lil.Drip
Big fan, used v1 for like 3 years and used v2 for like a few months now. But there’s something it still lacks. Proper auto saving! I wish for there to be an automatic save after every single thing. Such as Google Docs, or Filmora (on iPad at least) other than that, I’ve gotten used to the UI but I do agree it is worse than v1’s. Still a VERY great app and very generous developers for such a low price!
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9 months ago, Blackbirdofpray
Bad UI
I wouldn’t doubt this version has more to offer than the previous but the UI is a mess. I can’t wrap my head around how one could design a worse UI than the version 1, but they did. This has no real organization, no explanation, and just not intuitive in anyway. Here’s an idea .. maybe have tools change based upon the layer configuration. Like if working on a pixel based layer the UI only includes what’s necessary for that mode. Having everything available is way to overwhelming, making the app to confusing and unwelcoming even for an experienced designer of over 20+ years.
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1 year ago, Olоlо
Just a bit not easy to use..
First - no option: only draw with a Pencil. Second - in layers no icon to lock layer(have to open huge menu and lock there). Also, just dot is wrong icon, should be eye for show hide element, and lock icon for lock. Vectornator layers done much better, cleaner and easy to use from the first seconds. This is just first impression. Update after 30 min: app crashed, I imported some old .at file, import was ok, then I copied some paths into new document and tried to edit paths in it, when I removed 3 paths, on 4 it’s crashed…
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11 months ago, jml1243
Crashing even with light editing
Love the products across the board and v2 while missing some functionality I enjoyed in v1 I understand business is a majority vs minority and not everyone can be satisfied. However v2 update a month ago has almost rendered v2 useless due to constant crashing of the app. It’s not one function that causes the issue and where it should have saved the last edit, when reopening the v2 app I’ve lost sometimes up to 20-30 edits. I can no longer trust my work and time will be worth the effort, please fix the crashing error quickly.
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4 months ago, oddnox
Best vector software that doesn’t require subscription.
I started using affinity products to try and get away from Adobe subscription. Designer is the best fully featured vector app for the iPad. It does most things Illustrator does but it’s still behind in a couple areas. The jump to version 2 closed a lot of gaps but the biggest feature that Designer does not have is true vector brushes. This being the iPad version, the brush tool I think is the most important tool for illustration. So if you want to expand your stroke of third party brush packs you can’t. Your stuck with 1 basic vector brush that can be expanded but, when expanding the stroke it warps and tears the tapered ends and you have to manually use the node tool and reconstruct each end of your brush stroke. Really hoping we don’t have to wait until v3 or v4 to see vector brushes so I can finally ditch Adobe.
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9 months ago, Please listen to this
Area Labels
The one thing that would make architects happy, would be to allow the area calculation or perimeter measurement to stay on as a label. If I could have a label that could associate a name and the area with the created polygon, that would be perfect. The fact that I can only see the area calculation when I tap the button and select the polygon is too cumbersome and detracts from the concept level workflow. I’d like to be able to push and pull on nodes and quickly see how those adjustments effect the calculation in real time.
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9 months ago, BachFan50
I have Designer 2 and have tried to use it. But, I use Designer 1 for illustration work. it took me long enough to learn 1 and I just con’t get my head around 2. Before Designer I used Adobe Illustrator 10 that’s about 13 years old. You have some work to do to catch up with some of the features in that old Illustrator version. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve done some of my best work with Designer 1.
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2 months ago, AdrianAguirreDesigns
Affinity Serif is Awesome!
This is the answer to Adobe CC. Love the fact that they are non subscription. Hopefully that wont change with Canva obtaining them. I know they have long to go but your imagination and creativity make up for the missing features (and I’m sure they will be coming) Affinity Publisher/Designer/Photo are good apps on your desktop and iPads and now that they will be part of Canva, sky’s the limit!
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1 year ago, Zimzalabims
So far so good
The more I use it the more I appreciate the work & thoughts behind this app. I don’t even use Affinity Photo & Illustrator anymore because luckily everything that I need to design poster, tshirt, thumbnail, etc, are already here. I don’t know how people would crash the app. I still use my 10.5 ipad pro and everything has been smooth sailing.
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1 year ago, Roccaday
Work can’t be saved!!?
I’m currently working on a project that is very time consuming and my work won’t save for some reason. I just spent over an hour working on it only to open the app later and see that everything I done had reverted to what I did earlier today. That’s unacceptable… There doesn’t even seem to be a way to manually save my work before closing the app… I actually really like this app and was considering buying it outright but I have a business to run and I don’t have time to just throw away like this. Please fix this problem. Until then I’ll be shopping elsewhere.
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2 weeks ago, udithb
Can’t make smooth stickers cutlines with the new update
Contour tool worked perfect before the new update, now new curves created with the contour tool have a lot of nodes making it impossible to create a smooth curve. As a sticker business owner this is the main tool for my artwork, I love the app but it needs to fix the contour tool.
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5 months ago, Surgio BXL
Great app, needs some smoothing
Affinity designer has been a top vector tool on desktop. The V2 iPad update is not as fluid as the original one in how the interface is set up. Feels more like a desktop interface then the previous one which felt as if it were designed for a tablet. The results that can be created with this suite of software is amazing. Sometimes a bit of a step back (UI) can be good.
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3 months ago, Rileander
Fantastic iteration, phenomenal iPad experience
I have a small amount of graphic design experience so i feel rather out of my depth with this app... However it does what I need it to very well. The ipad layout is very clean and is deserving of every bit of praise apple has shown it by giving it awards. Worth the money!!
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1 year ago, moland moore
pleasing icons but terrible visual hierarchy
I love the new icons but it’s harder to find which function is activated, some are darker color and some are lighter color, some have outline and some don’t have. in V1 there is always a blue hint color so I can quickly tell the status, but in V2 because of the “modern” black and white UI it sometimes become frustrating. also the sliding to make adjustment at bottom (V1) is much better than the side bar slider(V2).
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12 months ago, The Casual Artist
It’s almost there…
I really want this to be as great as the desktop app. V2 has some great new features but I keep running into the app crashing multiple times and glitching during long runs on the vector brush during any given session in the designer persona. Serif, y’all are almost there on the iPad app, so close (issues I didn’t run into with V1). As soon as the crashing and glitching are fixed I’ll edit the review to a 5 star.
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2 months ago, Aeon II
making the switch 🥳
after vectormator/linearity curve added a subscription model, i was looking for another vector design option for ipad. affinity designer popped up, so i've been trying the 7 day trial and i have been loving it!! 😍 i'm definitely more of an amateur designer, but as an artist i prefer the flexibility of proper vector software over something like canva or adobe express. the slightly less touch-first ui (compared to procreate and linearity) definitely takes some getting used to, but it's a very powerful and flexible app so i really don't mind. definitely recommend!! 😁
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3 months ago, ProjectBootleg
Affinity does it again.
I’ve been using Affinity’s suite of tools on the iPad and macOS since they were in beta and they’ve not let me down yet. Designer 2 is a fast, robust tool that is a no-brainer for any creative looking to do serious work on an iPad. Highly recommended.
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6 months ago, Jurasturrel
Crashing Problem with latest version.
I’m having a problem with the latest version. It crashes a lot when I close close my file and then try to reopen it again. I’m not sure if it’s software causing it or a setting. It seems to be a problem on my IPad but the laptop version doesn’t have a problem. I wonder if anyone else is having the same issues.
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7 months ago, Draw the stuff
I can’t say no to this…..
I’ve learned so many things and tutorials in this editing game,I did see lag if you try to put a word on the same thicker word, but I just wanted to tell you that I love this game 🫶🏾
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9 months ago, Jankadoodle
Unusable: Brush Pressure is STILL Broken
Years ago I filed a bug report that their pressure sensitive brushes were broken and created unsightly artifacts at the end of every stroke. New iPad, new Apple Pencil, new Affinity— and it’s STILL BROKEN. There’s a lot to like about Affinity on iPad, but until they fix the pressure bug, it’s simple not suitable for professional work. None of the other apps have this problem and any will do a better job with pressure strokes.
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9 months ago, RayR92
Needs More Work
It’s good when it’s good and bad the rest of the time. It crashes like crazy for simple tasks like changing colors. I have to make multiple copies of one project and exit the project after every little detail to ensure I won’t loose any of my work. I enjoy the UI, layout, and feel but it’s becoming too buggy to rely on. To the dev team: Please work on stability and less of UI or features. Thank you!
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1 year ago, Ben5339
I’m sticking with version 1
I was excited about V2, but it turned out buggy and I don’t like paying $20 for buggy software. Maybe in a year they will have worked out the bugs and I’ll consider purchase. Speaking of purchasing I feel shafted needing to pay full price for V2 when I have V1. Where’s the discounted price for loyal V1 users who have stuck with the product suite for years both on iOS and Mac? The introductory 40% discount was no deal because of, you guessed it “bugs”.
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1 year ago, SquidSAME
Loved this app at first and even bought V2 but…
Love this app has helped me design so many things and haven’t had any issue but the last week I can’t save files just says generating export but nothing happens I’ve relied the file to a quarter of its size and deleted almost all other apps on my iPad and nothing, anyone else having this issue?
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1 year ago, kellynonickname71
Latest Version Keeps Crashing
Version 2.04 is crashing every few minutes and not saving work. When in use the app is causing my iPad to run hot with abnormally fast battery drainage. This is a new problem, and up until now I’ve really enjoyed the app. Hope you get to the bottom of this and fix asap.
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3 months ago, cjekiss
Affinity Designer is awesome
This is my absolute favorite app, and I’ve been using it for over a year. The only thing that would make this app better would be developing/adding a TRACE tool. And no, there is no app out there that has an easy to use comprehensive good trace feature.
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4 months ago, Lorene N.
Export to SVG changes size
Pro: Pretty easy to use Robust features Reasonable price Cons: If you export to SVG, the app exports your drawing at a different size than what you drew. My projects require precise measurements so this may be what causes me to have to find a different app. I cannot find a way to preserve the dimensions when I export. Many people complaining about this bug online so it isn’t new. When you want to resize your canvas, you can’t specify it in inches (you have to do the math based on your selected dpi and indicate the pixels for your dimensions). I could love this app if the export bug was fixed.
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4 months ago, deziner215
Pro Level!
Affinity Designer is the number 1 go to app for designing pro level material on the iPad. It make designing with the pencil actually doable. Say goodbye to the featureless apps that have you waiting to get back to your desktop!
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5 months ago, Janizzary
Buggy Update on v.2.3.1
As much as I love Affinity Designer 2, the latest update has been crashing a lot. Furthermore, the updates aren't very frequent. Edit: Reloaded files from iCloud and crashes stopped.
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5 months ago, Minerva333
Okay but some updates needed
The iPad version would benefit from a customizable workspace (tools etc) as well as the ability to optionally lock the move tool so it does not inadvertently change the object you are moving when zoomed out. The desktop version is great.
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7 months ago, Pandamonyumz
Good program but often frustrating to navigate
So many things are hidden in not very obvious menus. Would be nice if it had keyboard support since most of there tutorials don’t have an explication on how to use a function on ipad.
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11 months ago, Hasara a
My ipad is iPad Pro M2 so I’m sure the problem is the app I keep having a hard time selecting tools and use the flood tool it keeps lagging especially I hate how I can’t edit my brushes like what is wrong? At first I didn’t had this issues as I kept using the app it developed. most of the times I’m just experimenting not even having more than 15 layers.
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2 months ago, Lama$
External Monitor
This app is great. I love how it is a one time purchase rather than a subscription, while still having great and detailed features. The only wish I have for it is that it could have the main UI in 16x9 on an external monitor. Great app!!
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9 months ago, BenCha86
I get it
So you are going to charge for each jump in number which is why it’s “2.2” instead of “2.1” or something of that nature. Then your company will probably delete the level 2 apps like you did the level 1 apps. Apple needs to put the kibosh on your dirty practices pronto.
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