Al Jazeera

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Al Jazeera Network
Last update
4 months ago
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12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Al Jazeera

4.82 out of 5
41.8K Ratings
3 months ago, scoeyb
A lifeline to reliable reporting in a time of Orwellian spin and lies
As Al Jazeera is owned by the nation of Qatar, and as all nations use all their assets to their greatest advantage, no one should be unaware that Al Jazeera has a pro Qatari bias. That said, they also have a very strong “truth bias“. Al Jazeera is run by serious professional journalists, courageous ones at that. One need only take note that the Israeli government has banned Al Jazeera from reporting inside Israel to know that they must be doing something right. The last thing the government of Israel wants coming out right now is the truth. No embellishment is necessary to show people the horror of what Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank. as an American, I am ashamed that my own country’s news media, Save for a few shining examples like Democracy Now! and the intercept, are turning a blind eye to the truth, across the corporate owned political spectrum. I have found Al Jazeera to be a far superior replacement for CNN, who am I used to go to for all my news, before it became obvious that they were degrading as a reliable source for accurate information. in addition to its frequent updated top stories, Al Jazeera also has excellent feature segments and I am particularly fond of what they are doing in studio B.
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8 months ago, Abo Taqi
Keep the good work, watching your broadcasts is in lightning and educational. Just watching the great people of Gaza, exposed us to the fact that we were in deep sleep and ignorant towards our own cause and towards our existence in this life. l am saying that as a Palestinian. Who knows his cause very well. And never new how to put it into practice, and how things can be possible like we read it in the serah of the prophet. Now Gaza taught us that and that can happen. All they needed is courage with being patient little by little and using what ever means their hands can grasp on. But they knew that the power of Iman and the good intentions of relying on Allah will defeat the most powerful mighty on this earth as long as God and the richness in your side nothing can stand in your way. Gaza showed us and walked us up, and showed us how things can be really possible like in the times of the first generation. Thank to all of the people who made aljazera possible and work in it and special thanks to the Qatar's people and their leaders. I salute the Journalists who put their lives in danger like the resilient master Wale Al-Dahdoh.
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2 years ago, Irish42637
Fluid and Simple. Very Good.
I don’t leave reviews often, but as I’ve been using Al Jazeera for news on the Russo-Ukrainian War since it’s beginning as well as other international news daily, I figured I should. The app works very well. The movements are fluid and the interface isn’t confusing at all. Simply scroll, tap to open an article, then tap to close the article and scroll on to the next one. Also, as someone who does not trust any media source (question everything, friends) Al Jazeera seems to be very unbiased and this is a breath of fresh air when you’re surrounded by other news agencies like Fox and CNN. When there is an article that you can look at and think to yourself, “Yeah, this will be/can be biased,” Al Jazeera doesn’t insert subliminal messaging and simply presents the news and updates as new information becomes available. And this is something that I appreciate immensely.
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9 months ago, angryhate
Western media narratives are false, profit driven.
The western media prefers we in America and its client states enjoy no access to objective, ground level news that isn’t tainted with the blood of multinational corporations complicit in the killing of twenty one thousand Palestinian civilians. Feed your brain and your soul, seek a wide variety of news and understand that the forces of power are silencing voices of dissent on a grand scale. Don’t buy it. Al Jazeera is the only news source showing the real conditions Gazans and Palestinians in the West Bank are ensuring every single day. They are showing the reality of indiscriminate Israeli warfare with USA weapons and direct tax dollars against defenseless civilians and children. 10K children have been violently murdered. Hundreds killed while taking shelter in tent refugee camps on Christmas Day. The fact that this isn’t the lead story in every major paper says what they will not.
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10 months ago, HiFiHect
Weather reports
I like watching the news on your channel except that the “weather report” is sort of boring. All the weather reporters do is wave their hand around the map as if it was a “crystal ball” and I understand, the weather segment is only about a minute long and for different parts of the world but I just find it unnecessary and boring. Maybe if they would try another method, like using a pointer and their hand? And maybe zoom in to the area they’re referring to because they call out names from certain parts of a particular city, state etc. which are not on the map they’re reporting on. I’m thinking I’m not the only one who is geography native, so therefore it would be good to see a closer picture of what they’re referring to. Just my humble and meaningless opinion.
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4 months ago, gbnay
Needs more work
Thank you for all the hard work , without aljazerra we would never know the truth in this world we live in where most countries are hypocrites and just want to hide the truth however for a news station as big as aljazerra I expected a more solid app experience , unfortunately it got way too many issues from lagging to getting stuck and ofcourse navigating was a disaster until the close button was added becuase every time you tap to scroll down it would close which was such a hassle and horrible experience so thank god someone finally thought of that , just wish it’s more smoother and easier to navigate becuase how once you try to scroll down it freezes which is extremely annoying and sometimes feels like it’s an app design by an amateur programmer. Over all thank you for all the hard work and inshslsah the team can improve it soon.
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5 months ago, Peace n Love to all
Al Jazeera Review
It is so important these days to get clear, objective (based on actual people on the ground), dynamic news and not the usual agenda rhetoric from talking heads spinning their endless, hypocritical, easily recognizable lies intended to inhibit crucial thinking rather than pursue truth. Without Al Jazeera we wouldn’t know one tenth of what has transpired in Gaza and the West Bank. They have paid a very, very heavy price for that and for that I am deeply appreciative. Even so I am ashamed and feel deep sympathy for their loses and realize the cost to the families of those giving their lives to bring the truth to us. Their overall coverage and investigative work is second to none for world news which enlightens. I have turned to them as my first source for news.
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2 weeks ago, Larry297
Get easily thrown off
I hate the fact that they throw you onto their home page for merely hovering your finger over the headline. Which actually not only disrupts your reading but sends your thinking off track It doesn’t make a sense to start over again and again only because you accidentally put your finger anywhere in the body of the article. And it happens a lot. If needed to be they could have set it with 2 taps or touches, instead of one. This definitely needs to go away Also the fact that videos start automatically is enjoying. Many times you just need to read the news specially at night. You don’t want to hear debates that start automatically. They should give you the option to start videos. That’s annoying and you just chose to skip the article altogether because you are not interested in watching videos.
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10 months ago, Gramma B 45
I trust Al Jazeera English and wish it were still available on radio and TV in the US
I have come to trust Al Jazeera English as the most factual, least biased news source I can find in the US. The mainstream media are partiting to a large degree Biden’s support of “ Israel’s Right to Defend Itself”. 🤬 The numbers speak for themselves: 1200 Israeli citizens killed in the incredibly ill advised attack by Hamas. Now about 15,000 dead Palestinians, mostly women and children. Unknown thousands more under the rubble of a once densely populated area, and many thousands more maimed or missing. And every basic need to sustain life cut off. Hospitals with no water, power, medicines, anesthetics trying to care for hundreds of new victims, no anesthetics for life saving surgery.
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1 year ago, AlineART
Seemingly less bias
I’m interested in a wide range of world news. This app provides an excellent source of less bias news. I have tested” it against other Western sources and find that it tells a complete story without leaning toward various views. I read many sources and compare language word choices which can show bias trends. Obviously I represent my own biases, and my lack of language but I want to know the other “side’s view of a situation. Objectively and subjectivity are demonstrated from the simple analogy of looking a room while laying on the floor, looking from the ceiling and looking across the room at different heights.
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5 months ago, mnjaffy
please turn off the tap to exit article feature
countless times in the middle of reading an article i accidentally tap my screen and it exits the article, then i have to reopen and find where i left off. this was frustrating enough until i started reading the Gaza live updates, when i have to be super careful not to tap the deeper i scroll down the daily post at the end of my day, wanting to get a detailed picture of daily events. once i accidentally tap there, it's game over and definitely can't go scroll that much to find where i stopped reading. otherwise love AJ, my main international news source, only saying this out of big love which leads to big frustration when this happens!
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1 year ago, A caring American
Buying or creating if possible a new network in our USA
AlJazeera has top-notch reporters and presents unbiased news. Our USA media sadly is controlled and biased. MSNBC is decent but the others—CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, OAN are the worst. They are controlled by top management with plenty of misinformation for Americans to hear. If a reporter says something they do not like for him to say, they fire him. Dan Rather was great. He made that one mistake! Now he posts on the internet. Your country’s money would be well-spent if it invested heavily into our news media. Get other countries to join you. We as Americans need to hear ALL SIDES of stories, not slanted ones.
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2 years ago, eil eng
Balanced and updated international news every day
Al Jazeera English has consistently provided balanced and concise, well written, updated news. AJ seems to have journalists in the field providing the reader or viewer with first hand information all over the world. Further AJ covers parts of the world that I am interested in. There are beautifully researched human interest pieces, in depth investigations into subjects that are pertinent to current news topics, all add to my interest and appreciation of their news coverage. Their reporters are the best in the news business. AJ is my go to news source, every day and for every topic.
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2 months ago, Rforpalestine
I never knew the truth before now
Watching CNN and FOX news for years had me believing we Americans are in danger and need to fear and fight our “enemies” watching Al Jazeera I’ve learned that I’ve been fed propaganda, I’ve been watching drama and middle school mean girls and guys attacking each other and pinning us Americans against each other! With Al Jazeera, I feel smarter, easier, informed and enlightened! The world is not such a scary place but rather our government is the problem! I could go on and on but my family has switch over and we a beyond happy to watch real news!
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11 months ago, Unhappy User123456789
I’ve used aljazeera news for a while now and it’s been not letting me see anything anymore. I open the app and it says scroll down to tap into the app and you can’t scroll down so frustrating. I want to get the alternative option to us news source but since the political action in the Middle East I find this app impossible to open on my Apple devices. Please fix this issue so i can scroll down and catch up with the other news services available to the other news services
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6 months ago, ThomasTDV
Too hard to use
I like using Al Jazeera for international news however the app is too hard to use. It sends me like 30+ push notifications per day. When I click on them half the time it takes me to a different story. When I click a story it auto plays videos at full volume and when I scroll while reading an article sometimes it takes me to a different story and I don’t know why. When I click to bring a video to full screen it has to reload the video which is slow. The app is just hard to use. I still read Al Jazeera online and watch or listen to podcast, but this app needs to be more user friendly. Thanks.
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1 year ago, Kyle W Marston
I mean, if you’re trying to learn Arabic…
Al Jazeera English has been a constant in my life since I turned 18. The idea that a 24 hour news network even needs to exist is a stretch of the imagination, however, Al Jazeera consistently makes it work. This is about the app though, not the Network. When I get an alert from the Al Jazeera App in Arabic, I treat it like a comprehension test. My Arabic is far from fluid. One day between DuoLingo and trying to comprehend the alerts I get from the ole AJ, I know it will be as long as I consistently put in that effort. Inshallah!
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10 months ago, Eñlen
Excelente reporting
Even on anormal day, before the war on Gaza, Aljazeera offers the highest quality of reporting. Informed discussions with people and journalists who have taken the time to understand the issues and ask the right questions. For anyone who says, well of course they are pro- Arab or pro- Palestinian, when Palestine is not in the headlines, Aljazeera covers the news and invites guests from all over the world including US universities, often US Jesuit universities. Discussions are not from one perspective, but balanced and most importantly reasoned and thoughtful.
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8 months ago, Ibn H M Ismail
My reviews .
The only international news with Islamic perspective. I don’t under stand why MSB had objection to Aljazeera It won’t hurt their power. Qatar a small state have such a high status in international sphere. I thank Qatar for all that good they are doing. All I can think when have goodintensionand and an effort for the right God helps and finds a way. May god bless you and help you. What a great job you are doing for Palestinians like no other Muslim rulers are doing. It is a shame how great puppets are they. Do they believe in god. Their god is the west and USA. THANKS AGAIN. I
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1 year ago, 49492$43$(4$;:7)?
Best source of global news in the entire globe
Al Jazeera continues to amaze me with its depth of coverage and its countless eyes and ears in the majority of countries on Earth! The sheer volume of cultural and historical knowledge that they communicate on a daily basis is immensely valuable. It amazes me that they are able to keep track of it all for us! Special shout-out to Sandra Gathmann’s explainers! Their opinions section is by far their weakest link, but honestly in this over-opinionated age that’s not a bad thing. If you read Al Jazeera every day you will be a vastly more intelligent and informed person.
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5 days ago, A wood log in a vast ocean
A true island of hope accuracy and history
For a Syrian (late 70 s ) in the US for over 50 years Aljazeera contents news arts history and all else is nearly the only remaining hope for formerly a great nation(the arab world) I say that with conviction Aljazeera perhap could be one of the very few means for our dessimated home lands to ever hope for survival Thanks to all of you people and government Aljazeera is the only remaining news in the entire world that does not operate from self interest and therefore accurate and believable
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3 weeks ago, Farhan Rod
My new source of news for Middle East
I truly believe that Al Jazeera is the only streaming service I can watch without interruptions. I can’t even watch my local channels as smoothly. I really appreciate Al Jazeera’s perspective, especially when it comes to global events. It seems like outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS, and NPR have forgotten what the United States used to stand for — defending the weak and innocent. Nowadays, we almost have to rely on Al Jazeera or international news to understand different perspectives from around the world.
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10 months ago, Ahlthread
Thank you for showing us the truth!
In the US we seem to only have two news outlets that bring us true journalism that is not afraid to stand up against the Israel propaganda also being upheld by our own government and media. Al Jazeera and Dem Now. Thank you thank you thank you! You are doing tremendous work in helping people see what is really going on and helping to build a movement across the world that is so desperately needed to change this terrible course we are on. FREE PALESTINE!
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1 year ago, Erchimac
News of the World
When I want to know what is going on with the countries around the world I Click on my icon for Al Jazeera because I can count on your journalists to report accurately and fairly. Lots of otherwise overlooked events and more in depth of covered news. No other news source can compare. I was so sorry when the US company folded and wondered whether Al Gore could have saved it. Too bad for US citizens who didn’t follow to Quetar. Thanks for your fine journalism. Cherry McGrady
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11 months ago, Floydemntaken
You are currently offline
All I get is message “ You are currently offline “. It is weird that only this app is telling me that I am offline all the time?????? I go in my browser and go to AJ English and guess what…., I am not longer offline?? I have no problems with any other 100 or so apps that I have. By the way never had problems with old version of the app. Yes I tried to reinstall app several times , did not work!
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2 years ago, ع م ابو حمزه
Remove ads
This review is for the app itself. The app works well however two things need to be looked addressed; Recently the addition of ads is annoying and it’s well known that Aljazeera CAN afford to run its app without relying on revenue from ads that are more regional and some may be inappropriate. Second, when clicking on any article that has a video, the video plays automatically, I would rather have the option to play video to be click to play option not automatic. Thanks
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10 months ago, Jjrcjrjjj
Great News Organization, Horrible App
The reviews here are just to say how amazing Al Jazeera is and has been as a news channel and I commend the effort on trying to make the news more accessible for the public using an app but this app also needs to meet your high standards that I genuinely think you have and this app simply doesn’t. *PLEASE* I ask you to redo everything on this app, it really doesn’t achieve anything but instead laggs and glitches a lot. When you click the news title you see the page but any other touch messes the entire app up. Please make it simple with less “moving parts”, say when you click a news it brings you to a new page instead of “expanding” on the same one which is keeps triggering and closing the news. Make the layout less (empty) with options to explore in detail the columns. There is just s lot of problems so it needs remaking asap! That being said, Thanks for all the work you do! We love you! ❤️
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1 year ago, 323 213 818
Fine journalism that gives different perspectives
Great to get news that’s just not in most other news outlets. Fine journalism giving details and different perspectives. Sad what they have been through because of their reporting. I really enjoy Al Jazeera for its reporting - seems as informative as it can get without the loaded bias I so often see. Thank you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, Al Jazeera, and thank you sponsors of Al Jazeera
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8 months ago, Zooss7
No can argue the role your news played on showing the world the truth about what’s happening in Palestine and I thank you for it. But there is a lot of people in the US and around the world still don’t know who you are I wish you would invest in more in adds and commercials on all the major news networks around the globe We need your honest voice to reach all and not just the Arabs and Muslims Thank you.
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11 months ago, GloriousNjo
True Journalism and News
Thank you Al Jazeera for brining honest, critical, and transparent news. In the world of journalism we have been seeing an immense increase in fake news and propaganda. Al Jazeera stands on the foundation of true journalism and should be a shining example for other news broadcasts. I haven’t found another news source that is more accurate and reliable. I applaud everyone I that work there, and hope for nothing but success.
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10 months ago, Mint lime
Outstanding international real coverage
International coverage for western viewers provides essential real international news and perspectives that give a different viewpoint and more realistic version than what is considered mainstream here. Sadly, however the coverage for the current Palestinian Israeli war gives a graphic perspective providing insight to what circumstances in that country look like now. I appreciate the broad perspectives from an international point of view.
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2 years ago, MelGa44
Opinionated whining…
After using this app for the last 3 hrs, I just had to delete the app today. They had come a cross a few opinion based articles in the past but the one that viewed this morning was the absolute worst most biased one I’ve ever read. I don’t want an article that’s just an entire b-ch session about how much he dislikes a US candidate running for office on a news media outlet who’s goal is to talk about the facts & information. If I wanted biased news, I’d download any of the other US news outlet apps like MSNBC etc. Bishara, you should consider CNN they seem to prefer whining in the articles they post.
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2 years ago, Will from Dallas
Al Jazeera By Far Best News Source
Al Jazeera is by far the best news agency around. Far from the CNN and Fox News of the world who only gives biased opinions telling you how you should think and feel about the very narrow scope of information. Here you get a more complete understanding with the good and the bad. Here you will learn about events that will be significant to world history that these others don’t want you to know about.
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10 months ago, dfdrceceid
Good news outfit
I have been around a while. I know bias when I see it. This news outfit allows voices to many and I don’t see too much filtration which is good. There is always some, but that has always been. It’s been my go to along with many from all sides I see. Thanks Quatar for being the ‘great mediation’ maybe we can stop this war once and for all. All deserve to exist. Let peace rule all nations!!!
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11 months ago, Miastellar
Thank you!
Thank you for all of your courageous reporting from Gaza and the West Bank. I now turn to Aljazeera for my daily news. Before October 7 I relied on western media ie NYT, National Public Radio, but not anymore. I am saddened by the deaths of so many Palestinian journalists, several from Aljazeera. I am so impressed with your courage and grateful for your journalistic work. You are honorable and an example for journalists throughout the world. Thank you, Stella Richardson
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2 years ago, Wamad
News worth your time
Thank you for giving us the top notch news. Covering all corners of the world, news no other mainstream media outlet cover. Not to mention the one of a kind documentaries that you provide us with, the documentaries that cover so many aspects that are full of knowledge and brings us closer to our far corners of the earth. Please keep up the good work and keep us informed. Thank you.
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10 months ago, Hotnaturalgirl
AlJazeera App Rating 💯
Thank God for AlJazeera! Here in the States I don’t think I’d EVER hear the truth, nor both sides’ stories. I take as much of the information I see and hear and I spread it on my Media avenues. Many Americans don’t want to hear what they don’t want to believe. I make the effort to show them for their own eyes. 75 years in exile, 75 years Stateless. FREE PALESTINE NOW! Ceasefire! Save the Palestinian peoples! If not now, when?!? 😱😭 Thank you AJ, Jeana New Jersey
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11 months ago, Informed cajun
A somewhat honest perspective
I have been reluctant to sign on to the propaganda about the MSM . But since 10/07 , my eyes have been opened to the stranglehold that certain influences and governments have over messaging and information. Truth is vital and I am grateful to Aljazeera for the coverage that they have provided in the face of this bullying. I want to express my deepest condolences to the losses they have suffered . Please keep these courageous people in our prayers so the world can see the brutality that Gaza’s are experiencing. Thank you for being resilient and brave.
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2 years ago, Sweet Virginia
World reporting
Remarkably balanced with exception of the Palestinian reports. They fall directly in line with MSNBC and FOX news with the spin. It cheapens your coverage. Accusing people of murder before you have your story complete or an investigation run. Shows major bias and activism of your editor your staff reporters. Very much cheapens your story. Remember, you are not the news, you are to report the news unbiased, unless you are fearful of the audience you serve. I will continue to watch and hope for the best. Good luck.
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9 months ago, OshanaCat
Al Jazeera is excellent news coverage
I appreciate and depend upon Al Jazeera news to bring us information that is not filtered by the seven main news companies that stifle the truth in the United States. Al Jazeera's front line truthful reporting is valuable beyond words. Here is where we get to see the truth, here is where we get to hear the people themselves. may Al Jazeera thrive and spread its wings to help keep people informed and alive everywhere!
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2 years ago, Jamal171
I really appreciate this Aljazeera because I have been learning so many things on here and my God bless you all. I was bourn and raised in Ghana my dad live in the united state of American he hasn’t been talking good care of me has done nothing for me years now. When I call Him has been avoiding my calls. Am trying my possible best to activate my Dreams working in USA. Hope someone helps. Thank you
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8 months ago, EdXMLXVIIII
Scrolling and tapping
Your way to access and close articles is very frustrating. I am constantly finding that when I scroll, I am accidentally opening articles that I don’t want to read. Then I have to tap to close the article, sometimes I have to tap more than once, sometimes I tap (close it) accidentally tap again (open article). I’m surprised how poorly you site is designed. I like your reporting, but BBC’s site is much better for opening and closing articles. Thank you for asking me my opinion.
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11 months ago, Hewgdragon12345678
By far the BEST and most ACCURATE news on the US!
I can’t thank you enough for providing the much needed coverage on the actions and consequences of the United States of Terrorism, it is extremely refreshing! Keep it up, I spend hours a day reading your coverage! It’s hands down the least biased news and covers everything American News conglomerates avoid!
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11 months ago, tortuga221
Objective Journalism at its Finest
For years now, Al Jazeera has been my #1 source of information to cross reference with general western media. Al Jazeera has consistently excelled in matters of professionalism and unbiased coverage of world events and often provide the perspective unseen in mainstream media. Thank you for the work that you and your brave journalists do. Highly recommend for independent thinkers. Not recommended for the ‘sheeple’
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1 month ago, man ser
Real News
Thanks for providing real news. Thanks to your reporters who put their lives in danger and jeopardy to provide facts and to ensure people around the world see and hear their daily news and critical information. Their bravery is not going unnoticed as their reports and news is having a big impact on worlds view of millions of people.
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10 months ago, David Cram
Unbiased and informative news
I wake up every morning and spend the first 10 minutes of the day reading through the news. AlJazeera provides the most recent news and gives in-depth analysis while staying unbiased. The app is easy to use and you can customize notifications. 5 stars!
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11 months ago,
Rest in peace
I heard some of your journalists were purposely killed by “you know who must not be named” I really hope for justice one day. Thank you for your work and you opened our eyes about what really happened. And I really disappointed about other so-called news liers and politicians were spreading fakes I am almost sure this was on purpose.
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12 months ago, MomzMusic
International news without an American filter
I go to Aljazeera for global news because much of the journalism in the US is focused internally. and when we look beyond our borders the reporting is mostly about how it impacts our citizens. I want to read news from the perspective of the people in the country where the story is taking place.
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1 year ago, Ckalbo
Best International News Source.
Al Jazeera is my best, and being in the US, only source of comprehensive world news. Here we only have political commentary which usually involves Trump, occasionally interrupted by a report on another mass shooting chosen from several that week. I hope we can continue to have access to such high quality journalism. Thank you AJ.
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8 months ago, Inde-0pendent
Al Jazeera app review
I like the app because I tend to find reports that are more independent and non biased. The reporters seem very professional and scholars and tell all details as it happened. I got the app because I needed to get news from other sources when regional news can not be trusted with telling the truth. The app works fine all the time but it seems to have a delay when is first opened.
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