Ate Food Journal: Easy +Visual

Health & Fitness
4.8 (9.1K)
119.5 MB
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Piqniq Inc.
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Ate Food Journal: Easy +Visual

4.8 out of 5
9.1K Ratings
3 years ago, EugeniaZitro
Great alternative for counting calories
Honestly, this app is worth it. One thing I need to make clear is that it’s not free, and usually I turn away from apps with a monthly subscription. However this is one Im willing to pay for! I have a bad relationship with food and started working with a dietitian to improve my eating habits. I’ve tried counting calories and writing down my food in the past but usually end up in me obsessing, feeling guilty, and reverting back to restricting/binging. However, I wanted to find a way to still track my food and ensure I’m including more whole foods in my diets, so my dietitian recommended this app! It’s so simple to use, you snap a pic of your meal, and has a lot of different ways to reflect on your meal (why did you eat, how did it taste, where did you eat, how did you feel afterwards). This has truly helped me not only learn more about what I eat but why I eat and how I feel after that food. Not only that, but it gives you different “challenges”. Right now, I’m trying to cut back on eating out/fast food, so I’m doing the home cooking challenge. Every time I make my meal at home, I keep “on track” and if I buy food, I mark it as “off track”, really keeps me motivated to continue my streak and make more meals at home! If you having a bad history with dieting and counting calories but still want to keep some sort of accountability I would definitely give this app a try :)
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3 years ago, SMKelsey
The little things are big...
After YouFood ended, I was lost. I loved taking pics of my food to keep a journal, but at some point, I realized that habitually taking the photo just became habit and I always wished for more. So far, it seems that “Ate” has it. First, as simple s concept as it is, I love, love, love the on and off path option. Actively saying that I am “on path” is an motivator😇 that I did not anticipate. Likewise, who wants to admit that they’re “off path” 🤷🏽‍♀️? I also love the integration of my water and exercise efforts as well. I’ve only been doing it for three days, so I haven’t really gotten into all of the other benefits but I also like the idea of tracking why I eat, whether I eat at home or out, how the meal was prepared, how I was feeling when I ate and a big one...who I ate with 😉! I have a feeling that in time, I’m going to see some real trends that will expose for me why I eat the way I eat and more importantly how much I eat. Aside from always saying “I just love food”, that’s a question that I don’t think I’ve truly figured out just yet. Now, I just need to find some friends for more accountability. I’m trying the upgrade and had marked my calendar to cancel after 14 days, planning to be unfulfilled, but I know already that I’m in. Yearly plan paid for. Wish me luck! P.S. I swear I’m not a developer or a friend or family member of theirs and I can prove it. Just try it and see for yourself! 😂😂
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2 years ago, Aidan not Aiden
Perfect Food Tracker
I’m trying to practice mindful eating habits, so I was looking for an app I could use to track not just what and when I eat, but also how I’m feeling when/after I eat. Finding an app that’s more than just a calorie/macro counter has been tough. I admit I didn’t have high hopes for this app, but figured I’d try the free trial anyway. This app is AMAZING. It’s so customizable that I can track everything I need (and some things I hadn’t even thought of). The day recap allows me to see trends easily without having to go through each individual post. I love being able to just snap a picture of my meals rather than having to type each thing into an app like other diet trackers. And I love that I can set an alert for a certain time after my meal to see how I’m feeling once everything has settled. If I want to nitpick, that alert I mentioned applies to the time the meal is put into the app, not the time the meal was eaten. So if I have an alert set to check in 30 minutes after my meal, and I enter my meal in retroactively for 15 minutes ago, I won’t get the alert until 45 minutes after eating. But that’s such a minor issue I can’t even call it a complaint. I don’t like subscription services, so I doubt I’ll continue to use the app indefinitely, but I’m definitely willing to pay for a month to help get me in the habit of choosing foods that make me feel good.
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5 years ago, foxesnoxes
Most useful and efficient food tracking
I’ve tried myfitnesspal calorie counting, daily photo journals, and also just writing out the food but the interface of this app is aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing as well as directed. The option to chose “off path” or “on path” with the reminder of what your current goal is at the top of the screen is brilliantly simple and helps me to minimize obsessive food thoughts like “I ate so bad I’m so fat” or “i ate an apple today so that makes up for the ice cream and chips and cookies I ate the rest of the day” etc etc. It even lets you make a collage of your food pictures at the end of the day, which is a perfect way to visualize what you’re putting into your body. Oh, and you can track calories in the comments under your picture but you can also track where you ate, if you ate alone or with people, why you ate, and how it made you feel which is a genius way to help people make the lifestyle change into eating healthier (instead of forcing yourself to eat ‘healthy’ foods you despise you can focus on the healthy foods you adore). I’ve been searching for an app like this for years and I’m very happy I’ve finally come across it. I hope to use it for a while, and I really appreciate that it’s a free app with no ads. Hands down my favorite health app.
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5 years ago, Amber Waves Hello
So far, so good!
I’ve been using ate for about a week, and there are several things I love about it: 1. Flexibility. The app allows me to define my own goal, how I want to try to achieve it, and which factors I want to track. 2. Ease. Tracking calories is tedious, especially if you cook a lot of your own food, and it can be impossible when you eat out. And really, I know when I’m making healthy choices and when I’m not. With ate, all I have to do is take a quick photo (only momentarily awkward over lunch with colleagues) and follow up later to answer a few questions about it. 3. Positivity. The app encourages me to think about how I make choices about food and how those choices make me feel, rather than focusing solely on calories or weight goals. This seems more sustainable — if I feel better today because I ate better, I’m likely to continue eating better, instead of giving up because I’m discouraged by my slowly changing body. I also like that the app subtly encourages me to aim to be 70% to 90% on track, as a reminder not to get down on myself for occasional treats. 4. Graphs! I love data. And since I tend to compartmentalize poor dietary choices from meal to meal and day to day, it’s exactly what I need to give myself perspective on how I’m doing overall, not just today.
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3 years ago, Atl homegirl
I am so happy I found ATE!!💚
This app is perfect for tracking what you eat without being triggering! Its fast, easy and simple to log. Being someone who can emotionally eat at times this really helps with watching my emotions and why I am eating! I love the quick snap of a photo and press a few buttons to log emotions. I was so tired of using my fitness pal. I always felt defeated because my “macros “ were off even tho I may have had great nutrient rich food that day. It was annoying trying to log when I ate out because I never knew portion sizes ect. If this sounds like you then get this app!! I love the “on path” “off path” question. Its motivating! I love the straight and slight curved line when being on or off path. It gives me a sense of direction without making me feel like a failure. The photo collection at the end of the day and percentage of on or off path meals is so helpful and visually appealing! I try to follow a 80/20 rule in life and this guides you gently to that balance! I have used this app for 2 weeks and I’m down 4 lbs already. The scale has not budged in months. There is a unexplainable sense of freedom and motivation to make “on path” choices that this app provides. Try it for yourself!
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4 years ago, zgrooms
Great app and great management!
I have never reviewed an app before, so that tells you something right off the bat. I have loved the ease in this app. Meal tracking has always stressed me out. I hate measuring things. My meals are too elaborate to traditionally track. Being able to snap a picture (which I usually already do anyways😂 #foodblog) and add a description makes “tracking” so much easier! I’m able to share this app with my nutritionist and she can have an idea of what I am eating in a day without me having to track. The summary questions have allowed me to have a much better relationship with my meals, realizing trends and habits that I may not have realized before. It forces me to slow down and ask myself these important questions. I love it. I also have noticed great management of this app. I’ve never felt more personally connected to an app developing company than with this app. After reading the app updates, you can tell this is a small company that is properly run by people who truly care for their community. I received an authentic email explaining the importance and their appreciation for reviews. It is clear that this company cares for their users and creating an app that will best serve them. All in all, 5 stars from me!
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3 years ago, Scooter-n-Skeeter
Game-Changing App
This app is my #1 tool for creating a positive mindset around food, helping me cut through the punishing diet mentality that I’ve been trapped under for years and years. If you are looking for a way to easily, quickly and effectively chart your own healthy-eating course, this app is incredibly helpful. There is no good or bad, on-diet or off, no calories or points — it’s simply on-path or off-path in whatever way works for you (that is, sometimes healthy food in excess is off-path for me and sometimes decadent treats mindfully eaten are on-path). That subtle distinction has helped me stay on-path more often — and it’s given me the mental space to go off-path and come back to the path that makes me feel better physically and mentally. I was SO tired off looking up foods and calories and points, etc. This cuts through all of that and it fits in beautifully with intuitive eating. Logging is easy (fun, even) and I’ve stuck with it. I’m able to scroll back and see trends and clues about my behavior. This format works so well and would be well-suited to tracking any goal, not just food-related. This app is completely worth the price! Five stars all the way!
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3 years ago, FrauFleur
Only been using for a week and it has done wonders
I was looking for an alternative to calorie and macro counting. After listening to a podcast that focuses heavily on mental aspects of weight loss I thought to myself it would be awesome if I could just snap photos of my food for myself to stay accountable. I began searching the app store for such a thing as a “visual diary” and ran into Ate. This is absolutely perfect. I love how it is set up and that I can use the option to have a meal be counted as several photos taken within the same hour. I didn’t realize that handy option until searching the settings on day 2. This is Exactly how someone needs to learn to lose weight when they tend to have portion control problems such as myself. Having to take a photo of my meal and answer some simple, mindful questions is enough to turn my eating habits around. Seriously, Ate, you really have a great product and I hope you keep this free version around forever. I’ve needed exactly this for the past year and a half of out of control mindless eating I fell into. Thanks a lot! -Happy App User
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3 years ago, sparklepop7
Mindful eating
I am currently working on counteracting diet culture and reading the book Eat to Love by Jenna Hollenstein. I have tried weight loss techniques in the past such as Weight Watchers, calorie counting, and intermittent fasting, and none of them felt sustainable to me, as I always felt deprived, restricted, stressed out, and never felt truly nourished. However, I do feel that I need some sort of structure in order to make healthy choices and eat mindfully. I am really loving this app for that purpose! I’ve tried a few of the experiments and am currently trying out taking two deep breaths before eating, and I have noticed a much more mindful and enjoyable experience when I eat. The act of taking a picture and reflecting on my meal also helps me be more mindful and choose foods that make me feel nourished. I feel I’m able to listen to my body’s cues better and I’ve felt much better in general. I love food and cooking, so it’s also really satisfying to have a visual diary of my meals, and I love that there is no judgment about what I eat, so there’s room for fun meals with friends. I’m so glad I found this app.
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4 years ago, ❤️💛💚💙💜💎|-/ Alyssa
Great app
I have been using this app for maybe a week or so. Before finding Ate, I tested multiple fasting apps and nothing worked well or was set up good. I don’t even think I want to fast for the reasons on other apps. This app is GREAT. I’ve always taken pictures of my food and saved them, especially when I cook a meal or fix a healthy breakfast for example. Ate allows me to see what I eat in a day and it lets me record how it made me feel (I LOVE this part of the app because I struggle with how food makes me feel). I also love that it adds options such as “who did you eat with?” and “where did you eat?” Overall this app seems perfect for me and I hope I continue to use this to track my food habits. The only thing I can think of that I could suggest is to add a way to type something instead of just selecting “Happy” as a feeling for example. I’d like to be able to write a small sentence or come up with my own words as to how my meal made me feel. Same with the others like “where did you eat?”. I ate outside today for breakfast and that was not an option to put down. Other than this, I love this app!!
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6 years ago, Bet @ Bet On Dinner
Exactly what I was looking for!
I love this app! I wanted a food diary thing, but don’t want to track calories or even type in every teaspoon of oil I use to cook my dinner. I love that I can quickly type something in, and the photo aspect is unexpectedly great! It’s quick to snap a picture and it motivates me to add things like fruit and vegetables to my plate since I’m visually more apt to notice that I’m skipping them and just eating a sandwich or a piece of toast. I also like the freedom to change what is “on path” for me - since it’s not specific to one type of eating. I really love the little arrow that encourages me to make a healthier choice for my next meal if I do go off path - it’s not judgy and unlike other things I’ve tried, I don’t tend to feel like I’ve “ruined” a day with one meal or food, so I’m more likely to just move on and eat something that is better for me at the next meal rather than derail and start again the next day (or week or whatever!). Thanks for such a helpful tool!
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4 years ago, ILJ627
Super helpful and easy to use!
I’ve been using ate for the past week with a group of friends in an effort to take better care of our bodies this year and practice more mindfulness with our eating. The benefits are already so evident. Having to actually document what, when, and how much you are eating really makes me think twice before eating too much or eating things that aren’t as good for me, which are 2 big goals for me. Also, because my friends and I follow each other on the app, it’s actually EXCITING to take a picture of my home-cooked, healthy meals or any other instances where I’m making good food choices! I have also loved tracking how eating made me feel, which is one of the questions the app asks you after your meal. Tracking my meals is quick and easy, which is important to me, and I’m going to keep using ate! Highly recommend if you’re like me and struggle sometimes with being mindful with your eating!
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4 years ago, Crb1717
Fantastic and amazing!!!
This is only my second day using the app but it has brought me such peace and joy. Taking photos of my meals felt strange to me at first but what I realized is that it really promotes mindfulness and reflection. You can make notes that go along with the picture, creating a new kind of ritual practice that slows down your meal nicely and easily. I like all the tracking in terms of hunger level, satisfaction, etc. But perhaps my favorite thing of all are the “experiments” you get to try. The one I chose to start with is to take 2 deep breaths before eating. Even that simple act allows me to connect to my body and spirit so that I can listen to my physical and emotional needs. My lifelong struggle with stress eating has been exasperated due to the COVID-19 situation. I didn’t want to spiral back down into the overeating so I found this app. I couldn’t be happier, calmer, or feeling more grounded around food. Thank you to the creators and developers!!!
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4 years ago, Little5er00
Best app I’ve ever used
After decades of trying to understand and heal my GI issues, I finally decided I needed to get better at keeping a food journal and tracking how different foods make me feel. A Google search brought up Ate— since it was free and so well reviewed, I downloaded it immediately. I’ve been hooked ever since. The design is fun, intuitive, and bright. I love the survey questions with each meal (so revealing!). Tracking my habits is visual and fun. Been using it less than a week now, in conjunction with a 5-day conscious cleanse, and it’s dramatically increased my awareness and helped me stay “on path” with the good habits I’m reinstating with the cleanse. My partner signed up too and we’ve loved being each other’s accountability buddies. I cannot recommend this app enough to anyone looking to deepen their awareness with their health and body— and maybe even start healing. Huge thanks to the developers for such a beautiful and accessible tool!
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5 years ago, foofaroo
Perfect for my needs
I have downloaded every meal tracker app available on the App Store it seems, but nothing was exactly what I was looking for in till I found ate. I just need a simple place where I can write down or take a picture of what I’m eating, which is enough to keep me “on path” without the stress of calorie counting, trying to search a weird database for what I ate, entering the exact quantities of what I ate, or having to report to a health coach. The design of this app is pleasing, it’s easy to use, I like the questions they ask you after your meal so you can reflect on whether you made a good choice or not and why. I’m grateful to the makers of this app for understanding that not everybody wants to spend their entire life counting calories, even if we still want to be healthy. Thank you! I am strongly considering a subscription, but the free version has everything that I really need, so don’t let that scare you off from downloading it :)
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4 years ago, MarcelainC
Best app I’ve used
I have used numerous apps of this kind and I’ve determined that I cannot stand counting calories. It’s draining and it gives me bad anxiety. I honestly believe that counting calories can trigger eating disorders for some. I found this app after reading an article in which it was mentioned and I immediately downloaded it because it had so many good reviews. What I love about this app is that it’s simple, it makes you aware of what you’re eating, how fast you’re eating, where you’re eating, what your emotions are when you’re eating, and the way you view your food in your daily routine. The visuals strategy work. For the first time, I feel that I really have control of how I’m eating. Before this app I was all over the place with my food routines, and I was definitely eating too fast, and snacking too much. As a result I gained 25 pounds in 2 years. I’m very excited about this app. It’s wonderful. I highly recommend it.
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5 years ago, jennah rae
Total Game Changer! 👍🏽👍🏽
This app has become a cherished part of my every meal. It helps me to be mindful of the food choices I make by gently reminding to put as much thought in my choice of food as I would my choice of clothing for the day. I am so proud of myself when I hit that “On Path” button, it’s motivation in itself to make healthier choices. But even when I do go “Off Path”, this app obliterates the usual shame and guilt I would normally feel and helps me treat myself better. I love the photos feature! Now I find myself arranging my home-cooked meals all fancy like a restaurant would just for the fun of it lol. And a huge bonus is that I can share these photos with friends and family members which then inspires them to eat better too. The cherry of top of this already delicious app is that its free version, unlike MANY other apps I’ve tried, offers a great experience even without going premium. I can record my food, take notes, and best of all not get bombarded by the ads to go premium. Never once did I feel limited by the free version. It’s that aspect alone that tells me the developers care about their users and makes me want to give them my money lol. I can’t afford to at this time, but down the road I hope to be able to open up the extra customization that premium offers. My thanks to the developers for making every meal a celebration!
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4 years ago, Mountain Life Mom
Simple in all the right ways
I heard about this app from a nutrition coach who uses it with some of her clients. I struggle to use food diaries because I am on the go constantly at work, frequently eating two meals at the office, often with colleagues around, and often I can’t prepare them. So the idea that I can stop, write down a bunch of stuff, look up its nutritional values, etc, has never worked. Enter Ate. You can snap a picture of your food with two clicks (one to open the app, one to shoot), and it’s already at an appropriate angle to capture your plate so it’s very discreet too. Then click once more for whether it’s on or off your “path” and you’re done. You can write in things you forgot and I really like the simple questions you can answer to add detail. I haven’t used all the features yet but I am starting with being able to capture 100% of my food each day, which is a great success.
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4 years ago, DogsRfun45678
It’s ALL about mindful eating.
I’ve been using the app for about a week now. Formerly I was using My Fitness Pal and sometimes WW. The thing I like about the Ate app is that it totally makes you think about what you’re putting into your mouth. You’re mindful in a way I never was with those other apps. It also makes me feel totally in control of what I’m eating and makes me feel powerful. I like that I’m not tied to a calorie number. When I was tied to a number, I’d find myself eating things just because I had calories “left” in the day. Now, I’m more likely to focus on whether I’m actually hungry or not. That’s sort of the key and the hardest thing for most of us that struggle with weight. If we could just stop eating as soon as we aren’t hungry anymore, then no one would be overweight. That thought is life changing but very difficult to actually do when a donut is staring you in the face!
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4 years ago, Happy Plate
I have only been using this app for one week, but I love it so far!This app is so motivational! I have set a path to focus on eating small healthy meals throughout the day- choosing a variety of veggies,fruits and healthy protein! I love how easy it is to snap a picture to log my eating. I can easily see what and how often I ate throughout the day. Stopping to take a photo before I eat something really makes me more thoughtful about what I put in my body. I have also loved plating my food to make a “pretty” picture - instead of snacking out of a bag, I take the time to plate my snacks now! It’s actually fun! I love the questions that are asked after eating- I have really focused now on eating at a table not on the couch or in the car. I rarely eat with my phone or while watching TV, I enjoy my food and listen to my body more when I feel satisfied- rather than stuffed or the bowl is empty!
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5 years ago, Ihatethisgame;(
I used to use myfitness pal like it was my job. I developed a horrible eating disorder as I constantly was concerned about exactly how many calories I put in my body and terrified if I couldn’t track it. This app is a lifesaver. As I’ve been in recovery for a while now, I’ve gained some weight and am just curious about my eating patterns. I want to target my emotional eating, but more my feelings and motives behind it, not how many macros are in it. Having an app to just take pictures of what I eat, document whether it works for my goals or against it is SO amazing. I can write as little or as much as I want about the experience and can really pinpoint where my emotional pulls are. I really thank you because I considered going back to myfitnesspal, but I was concerned about my previous habits creeping up again. So nice to be able to document in such a user friendly way ❤️
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5 years ago, this is marshall
The only food tracking app I have consistently used with success
This app is a game changer and I’m so happy I found it. I have struggled with binge eating and an unhealthy relationship with food for the better part of my life. The app is like a picture food journal that lets me track what I eat and the emotions that go along with it. In turn my entire perspective on eating has changed and I have developed a healthy and mindful eating pattern. If you are struggling with disordered eating this is the app you’re looking for. Even if you’re just trying to loose weight and be mindful of what you eat THIS IS THE APP YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. I have tried other food tracking apps and they don’t compare to this one. It’s super helpful too that they give you a day “recap” where you can see what you ate and what you were feeling/why you ate at the time. This will help anyone’s fitness journey. 😊
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5 years ago, Ornery-Rutabaga
Love the simplicity!
I have wished for a long time for an app that would give me a way to track my food without listing individual ingredients or requiring calorie counts before meals could be logged. I am so glad to have found the Ate app! The design is brilliant and as easy as it gets. I appreciate the questions to answer after each meal, especially the two, “Why did you eat?” and “How did it make you feel?” That has been an interesting exercise for me to think about after eating, and helpful for changing some of my habits. I also appreciate how easy it is to scroll back through the past days/weeks to look over what I was eating and be able to see how my meals are changing over time. I find it incredibly motivating. I have tried multiple apps for food tracking, and always gradually dropped off from using them. But, with the simplicity of this one, I expect to be using it years from now.
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4 years ago, brinnydrew
Almost Perfect Food Journal!
It’s a really fantastic app, there’s a lot I like about it - for example it uses data from your camera roll to date your food inputs if you upload photos that way, but you can still easily change the date and time of meal inputs manually if need be. I also like the “recap” function for seeing my daily progress all in one place. LOVE that it tracks my fasts between days too. The only thing I’d like different is that when you first open the app it opens to the apps camera, and since I upload photos from my phone’s camera roll it’s not necessary for me and maybe others as well. It’s a little thing, of course, but I’d rather just see my daily path so far when opening up the app. Sometimes I like to change the picture I used for a meal too, would be nice to be able to swap out the photos without having to delete an entire meal and then input it again.
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2 years ago, Heather lewus
Great app for my son
My tween son is overweight and has been having a lot of stomach issues- which we suspected both were a result of unhealthy eating. We don’t want to make a huge deal of the weight, but wanted to focus on getting in his daily servings of healthy foods and to track what he was eating to see if we could find out if certain foods made him feel worse. Our thought (me and his dr) is if he gets his servings of fruit, veg and protein in daily- he’ll have less desire for junk food. This app has made it easy. We both have it and both pictures of each meal. Since we are “friends” we get notifications when the other logs meals and I comment things like “great veggies” or “treats are ok when you get the healthy stuff in”. He’s had no stomach issues for weeks and looks healthier.
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4 years ago, kelynpeanut
Perfect Balance
I’ve tried every diet on the planet. I used to think it was fun tracking my macros. In the end it’s nothing but a obsession & for WHAT? Possibly losing a couple pounds, weighing & measuring everything only to eat dinner at a friends house & blow the whole thing. Let’s face it that’s no fun. So I tried keto no thanks, next OMAD with no restrictions that was the best so far however I found myself overeating & hungry by mid afternoon & obsessing over dinner. I’m one of those people who like to try different ways to eat and I have a love- hate relationship with tracking it. I found this app & I'm still intermittent fasting using a more intuitive approach & making my first afternoon meal smaller then I can have a normal size dinner & I’m not starving. Taking pictures is perfect because I can get a visual which honestly is more than sufficient to see how I’m doing. This app is Awesome!!
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5 years ago, Bill Merchant
Aid to mindful eating
I’ve tried zillions of diets and apps over the years, losing weight fast or slow, but usually gaining it back. I’m convinced that the only way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is by being mindful of what you’re eating, how much you’re eating, and when you’re eating. The ate app is a great aid to being mindful. Prompts, adjustable for the times you usually eat, nudge you to not only look at your plate but take a picture to remember. You don’t have to do anything right then, just capture the image and decide if it’s “on path” or not. You decide the path, you decide if it’s what you want, no outside rules, no calorie counting, just a quick pic and on-path or not decision, then eat. You’re prompted after a bit to review your meal, which is where the mindfulness comes in. You get to reflect on what you ate, where, with whom, and how your meal made you feel. Again, no harping or hard work, no scolding, just you reflecting on your meal. This mindfulness seems to magically curb what you’ve been doing and guide you to think about your food and what that means to your weight. You can go back and edit your evaluation, add a meal you forgot to grab a picture of with a text description, even share your meal with others if you want.
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3 years ago, C.Nordic
Great app!
I am enjoying being able to see the daily recap, *in living color* photos of what all I eat in a day, and how it fits into my goal of eating more veggies, and thus just more healthy eating. The mindful eating concept is especially so important for those of us still working remotely, and who have a well stocked kitchen just a few steps away :) Making wiser choices, and being aware of timing as well, are so important! and how often I eat) and it’s just so easy! Unless I am missing something, for future, would it be possible to have the ability to change the order of photos, if you take more than one per “meal”? E.g., if I have a cookie at the end of a meal and photograph it last, that is what shows up in the recap, not my healthy main dishes. Thanks!
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6 years ago, Giselle J.O.Y.
Awesome! LOVE this app!
I’ve always hated logging what I eat because it’s too tedious, time consuming & detailed. But YouAte makes it so quick & easy. All you have to do is snap a quick pic. Even if you don’t enter it that moment you can go back whenever, import the pic & it will automatically enter the time you took the pic. I love the reflection questions as well that help you think more about why and how you’re eating. It also has a pie graph to show you how much of your eating is for what reasons & it keeps great stats on how much time you go between meals. The layout is simple and attractive. This app makes food journaling/logging/tracking so much fun! You can even share it with friends to keep each other accountable & encourage friends in eating better! LOVE that! Everyone should be using this app!
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5 years ago, LotusGirl59
I really love this app. I needed a way to watch and be aware of my eating that didn’t make me feel restricted, guilty, controlled or so seriously eating disordered that I became paralyzed and consumed by fear. I know what to do, but totally resist being “ told” or managed by someone else. This app lets me choose MY path and focus on what I know I want to work on. There is no frowny face or judgement when I wobble... just a little jog in my path. Photographing my meals instead of entering what I ate one by one on a list totally works for me and gives me a visual way to see if I ate enough color during the day. There is no target other than on path or off, and a percentage that I can improve on tomorrow. When I’m at a loss for what to eat, I’ve got a whole gallery of previous meals I can refer to. Thanks for making my food life easier!
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7 years ago, MdlnJam
Down 17lbs and counting
This app is amazing. I’m someone who has tried EVERY diet and fitness app out there and nothing has been as effective as this app. I’ve lost 17lbs since I started using the app a little over a month ago and I’m still losing. The best part is you can customize your goals for you, you aren’t forced to eat or not eat any foods. I’m still eating whatever I want, but the mindfulness questions for every meal are helping me realize what foods make me feel good. If I get off track of the path I created for myself, it isn’t the end of the world and I don’t binge on ice cream like I would with other diets. I just try to be more mindful during the next meal. Mindfulness really is key to being able to make smart choices in any situation, and I’m so grateful for this app! THANK YOU FOR YOUATE, DEVELOPERS! It really works!
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5 years ago, Sawyer008
Easy App
This app is working for me. I really needed a break from the journaling world, but didn’t want to just stop paying attention to what I was eating. This app is the perfect answer. If you know how to snap a pic, then you can use this app. I love the freedom I feel when I prepare my meal and don’t have to break down every. Single. Ingredient. The app still allows me to feel on track, but another thing it does is allow me to question “am I on path” BEFORE I eat... I love that! Normally, I eat it, I’m mad that I ate it, i journal it anyway... but this app gives me a gentle nudge. Brilliant! Another thing I love is that you can tap the pic and it allows me to describe how I felt while eating and after I ate. I was looking for an easy way to keep track of my meals and I found YouAte... it’s perfect for what I need right now.
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10 months ago, Exit52B
Used to be wonderful but disappointed by latest release
I used this app to track food consumption. The app’s simplicity was a significant contributor to my success; recoding what I ate and why in just a few taps. It promoted me to ask myself, “do you really want to write that down?” I believed in the app and purchased a subscription under the prior model to support the developers even though the unlocked features didn’t prove as usual to me; I cancelled after 3 months but still retained access to the simple features. Recently, I wanted to get back into using the app but very disappointed by the new, requires subscription model ($40 / yr or $8/mo). I previously recommended this app to numerous friends and family, but can no longer justify the expense. What’s more, all my prior history is now locked behind a paywall following the upgrade. Now seeking less costly alternatives.
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1 year ago, Myia Mona
Courtesy Refund
I didn’t get a chance to use the app during the free trial. I really wanted to purchase it but couldn’t remember what the share photos feature looked like and I’d there was a photo limit. I reached out and asked the developer about another free trial for a couple of days because you can’t even open the app after the trial period ends without paying to do so. The developer sent me a link with a coupon and essentially stated that I had to pay. I contemplated and tried investigate if there was a way to do this via Apple instead of paying using my card directly to the developer. Long story short, I ended up accidentally purchasing the app through Apple. I requested a refund when I discovered this and the developer denied it. I work with a dietician and just wanted to make sure this app would meet her requirements. Instead, this happened. I can’t, considering, recommend the app at this time. Profits should be the goal, but not like this. Please approve my refund.
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1 month ago, ewallac4
A food journal that works for me!
I’m just starting my intuitive eating journey but I can already notice some changes. First I’m actively noticing if I start wandering looking for a snack out of boredom-less nibbling already! Next I love the short and quick questions to thinking about what and why I was eating. I also love that drinking water and my daily movement also are logged on my path. Lastly, even if I have something that isn’t the greatest for me I love that it brings me back to the path. The meal I ate was “off path” not my life or my goals. The app doesn’t guilt you but instead encourages you to reflect. My only suggestion right now would be the option to log food groups. I’d like the ability to see how well rounded each of my meals was. 😊
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5 years ago, snailmaill
ate (8) out of five stars 😉
This is one of my all-time favorite apps. Instead of tracking calories, taking pictures has made it so much easier to think about why and how I am eating. It makes me more likely to eat because I’m hungry, than eat because I have calories left for the day. The creators of ate have obviously put so much thought into designing this app, and it shows! I love looking back at pictures of what I ate in previous days (and I like making my plates look pretty too!). The graphs of how you have been eating are so helpful, and they have every kind of graph that I could want to see. I talked my mother into doing it with me, and it’s been a blast to see what she’s eating from her point of view. Thank you so much for this app, developers! I would highly recommend it. 🍏
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2 years ago, medelamom
Medically important to me
This app is medically important for me. It’s helped so much. I’ve had issues losing weight for the past 6 months. I downloaded it to show my doctor what my meals are (as kind of proof that I’m not eating poorly to lead to my weight gain). But it’s also been super beneficial for my own use. I’ve used apps like loseit before and they were never helpful. They are calorie focused and I would solely focus on the number being added up as I eat, rather than the actual quality of my food. It’s much easier for me to see the actual food I had for the day or the week and use that to form my next food choice. I’m finding I’m not starving myself and then binging later on because I was literally starving myself
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5 years ago, unknown9.0
Useful, simple, insightful
It’s a simple app to use, which makes it so convenient to be consistent with. Snap a picture, enjoy your meal, and come back to reflect on what you’ve eaten. Do it enough times throughout the day and at the end of the day, you can look back at everything you've eaten. It really gives you a reality check (if you’re good about photographing everything you eat) on how you eat throughout the day. It’s a great tool to have at your disposal if you’re aiming to be a more conscious eater, without the mental stress that calorie counting apps might give you. It really has you focus more on the quality of foods you eat and if those align with your food goals, rather than simply eating anything (healthy or not) as long as it meets a calorie amount at the end of the day.
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6 years ago, NMessina
Love this visual food diary app!
This app is a fantastic way for you to keep track of what you’re eating in the most non-judgmental way possible. No calorie counting, no need to give excessive amount of information concerning the ingredients of what you’re eating, just a simple picture and you’re done. The on/off path feature is a great way to hold yourself accountable without shame. Once you take a picture you can click on it and fill out information of where you’re eating and how you’re feeling, among other questions. Only thing I would ask for is that you can add more words in this section. Sometimes I eat when I’m anxious but it doesn’t mean I’m stressed. But it’s a minor thing. I truly love this app and I really appreciate how mindful it’s made me when it comes to my meals.
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4 years ago, brightaide
Great for binge eaters
I love this app! I had fitness pal and other calorie counting apps but I will always forget to record what I ate. Taking the pic before each meal it’s so much easier to remember. Not only that it helps me to see how much I’ve been eating I love that I can scroll and see if I had sugar that week and it gets you to the root of your problem. So every time you snap a pic you can add tags of how that meal made you feel and the app creates pie graph of why you eat. I also like that it gives you the time in between each meal perfect if this is important for your type of diet like a fasting diet. So there is no way to track calories and I don’t mind bucease for me now portion control is what i need so this works great I want to upgrade but i don’t know if is it worth it. But i love it so far
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1 year ago, Ronicerz
Great app, but my subscription was a glitch?
Loved this app when I used it years ago, and it was free. I stopped logging food late 2020 for many reasons. Decided to get right with my diet again and explore old food entries. Well apparently somewhere in my hiatus, this app became paid, and my curiosity last week apparently triggered the system to boot me and require me to pay to see my history or use it again. It would be pretty awesome to have a free version available that puts some of those fancy new features behind a paywall. Ya know, give us the 2020 version. I’ll even deal with in app ads. Or even a one time fee where it’s like, 9.99 for lifetime basic, with options to upgrade to subscription premium (knock a few bucks off the first year for paying the fee). I’m just not sure that I can justify the fees, as small as they may seem, as everyone wants their due now and they all add up. All that said, if you have the disposable income, it is a great app. Not knocking the product, just the unexpected paywall when restarting my journey. (For real though, what gives? I’ve used it on and off for 3+ years and only discovered there were subscription fees? How does that work?)
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3 years ago, kccricket
Subscription required
A few others have mentioned that Ate requires a monthly subscription. One of the developer responses says that this is “clearly stated in the app description.” It is stated at the bottom of the app description and isn’t reflected in any of the screenshots. In addition, the subscription requirement only comes up in-app *after* you create an account, and they have your email address for marketing. This isn’t the most misleading behavior, but it did give me an icky feeling. Lastly, the app description says it’s a 7-day free trial, but when it prompted me in-app to choose a subscription model, it said “0-day free trial.” I’m sure this is simply a bug, but I’d rather not be on the public QA team. Two stars for now, as opposed to one star, because the enrollment process was quite friendly and the app seems to be setting you up for success. I may come back later and try a free trial once I’ve shopped around.
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6 years ago, rose m w
Healing my relationship with foid
This app is a fantastic way to set healthy food goals and have accountability without counting calories or becoming obsessive with weight. Ive had some emotional and mental issues surrounding weight and eating and this app is allowing me to track my food for my nutritionist without negatively impacting my sense of self worth. It also really has helped me stop judging when I go “off path”. It takes away a lot if the shame about eating unhealthy food bc I can see it as being “off path” instead of “I am bad for eating this”. All in all this app has really helped me to change the way I view healthy eating and to support my mental and emotional wellbeing while doing it. I really recommend it to anyone who is wanting to be healthy while not counting calories!
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7 years ago, Frenchfrai
Painless (and fun!) awareness
I downloaded this app instead of going to calorie counting or a fad diet (both of which I was considering). It’s been wonderful! I can easily snap a photo of my meals and there’s a fun and encouraging component to getting to capture my choices. It makes me want to make BETTER choices. You get to retroactively log why you ate, where you ate and how you felt which has given me an overall better awareness of my eating habits and I’ve since been able to cut back eating when I’m bored and not hungry. It’s helps promote self compassion because you can always get back on path if you choose an off path meal or snack. Lastly, I get to see my stats week to week, like how “on path” I’ve been towards the goals I got to set and how much time I usually go between meals.
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1 year ago, beaubarebones
An awesome food journal
Ate is such an awesome app. I can customize it however I want and it doesn’t prompt me with any calorie or macro counting (which I guess you could set it up for macros if that’s what you are trying to do). As some people have mentioned it’s a paid app. But it has been so beneficial for me it’s worth it! It’s such a simple food journal but it helps me stay consistent and focused on what I’m trying to do. An unexpected benefit for me is that I figured out foods that flare skin issues and give me digestion problems, which is not the reason I started to use it. I couldn’t even believe it! I recommend Ate to all my friends and family I think it would be beneficial for. Highly recommend it!!
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1 month ago, Just me too.
Almost perfect
I have revised my review a few times this week and the rating has increased because as the days go by, I either figure out or find features I need. I really like that it tracks fasting for intermittent fasting. I like that it doesn’t focus on calories or macros, plenty of aps for that and in real life, one has to learn what is good and not. I like this helps track for accountability and to see how Im doing. I like the helpful articles, I like how it allows tracking of things like emotions, locations, what is happening around me and tendencies. I like that Im able to add a note based on what is meaningful to me at the moment. I can note nutritional info or how Im feeling or an explanation or all. I like the recaps, I like the “on path” “off path” as it allows for reflection of what Im eating.
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4 years ago, gcinfern
Loving this App!
After trying out a few apps where you have to laboriously enter every item you eat, I found that to be to time consuming & realized I didn’t care about calories & pie charts that didn’t really seem on target. What I really wanted was an online food journal to track what I ate daily. Although I’ve only been using the app for a couple of weeks I’m really enjoying the ease of just snapping a pic & moving on with my day. You can go back in & rate your meals with a Q&A section, if you choose. If I do think about eating something unhealthy I’ve asked myself if I really want that pic in my daily recap. It’s a small thing, but it does make you stop & think. All in all,I’m enjoying the app &definitely plan on continuing to use it.
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6 years ago, katherinemal
Love this easy to use app
This is app is wonderful! It’s so easy to use, all you do is take a picture or type in what you ate, say if its on path or not, then say how it made you feel! I like that i can see how my day went and that I don’t have to count calories. I’ve tried a lot of different food tracking apps and most are complicated to keep track of everything. This makes me feel like I’m in control and I don’t let a silly number of calories I’m allowed a day control me. Seeing that I ate something good for me makes me want to eat something healthy again, if i ate something not so good then i know at my next meal to step it up and make it a good choice! I would like to see more options under how did it make you feel.
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5 years ago, Groundhog67
It’s just right!
I love the flexibility of this app! As a person who struggles with disordered eating but has other health issues that require I “watch what I eat,” this app is a perfect way to see what I’m eating and then make adjustments according to how I feel. I don’t want to count calories or measure things. I don’t need any kind of guilt layered on how much I already beat myself up. I just want to be able to look back and know what I ate. I want to collect data. I set up my goal to be “see my food” so that I’m 100% on the path all the time. Every now and then I forget the photo before I eat the food, but I’m able to just enter the text. The app is neither overly cute nor clinical. Ate passes the Goldilocks test: “it’s just right.” Thank you, Piqniq!
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