Bearable - Symptom Tracker

Health & Fitness
4.7 (1.6K)
64 MB
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Current version
Bearable Ltd
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
12.4 or later
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User Reviews for Bearable - Symptom Tracker

4.75 out of 5
1.6K Ratings
3 years ago, dm10032
Amazing app for tracking health
I’ve been using Bearable for about a month (after trying out some other trackers). I felt compelled to leave a review as I typically fall off the wagon with these kinds of things, but I’m consistently using this app after a month. I I can’t speak to what Bearable does or doesn’t do in comparison with others, because I never made it past the initial steps with the other apps and got frustrated with too many options and the general inflexibility (made me feel like I had to figure out exactly what I wanted to track right then and there when life just isn’t like that). Bearable has a ton of ways to customize that can seem overwhelming, but you can also initially hide those categories and track the most important stuff first and add in other factors and symptoms as time goes on. I really like that it integrates with apple health and I really love that the developer is very open to feedback and sharing about features that are in the works. Integration with Fitbit would be great, but for now syncing my Fitbit info to apple health with FitSync is working absolutely fine. Bearable automatically grabs the info. The trial period was SO helpful. Other apps have trial periods as well, but I cancelled them only days in after I’d had enough. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop but it’s yet to happen with this. Highly recommended.
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6 months ago, amissie77e
Literally changed my life.
To start off with, this is the first app review that I have ever written - and I stopped using Bearable consistently probably a year ago, but occasionally it weighs on my heart to let others know my success story with Bearable. I had struggled with severe major depression, generalized anxiety, PTSD, and OCD (and still do, to a lesser extent) for close to a decade. I decided to invest in Bearable because anxiety had begun leaving me completely unable to function every single day — like literally spent a week in bed just incessantly panicking. Cue setting up Bearable, painstakingly inputting every detail I could think of. I found after several months of use that many of the things that I thought were “right” were actually leaving me in absolute wreckage, while my partner and his family were consistently bring my mood up SUBSTANTIALLY. Seeing the numbers laid out encouraged me to make the difficult decision of leaving what I now identify was a cult. It helped me cut ties with abusive situations that had trapped my family for generations. It helped me learn what joy was after years of hospital visits, SH episodes, panic attacks, and starvation. I am now living my best life and will look to Bearable again occasionally for answers to menial health concerns. This app changed my life and I would almost definitely not be here without it.
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4 months ago, RiversideRunner
THE BEST Symptom Tracker for chronic illness
I take a whole laundry list of meds that change frequently, and I just found out I'm autistic, and I have been battling major depression, PTSD, and anxiety for years. I also have chronic migraines from a severe head injury. Because of my autism, it's been difficult to communicate how I'm doing to my therapists and psychiatrists and doctors, and often I was not believed about the severity of my symptoms, or accused of not taking my medication, or told that my sleep or energy is better than I think it is. Now I have EMPIRICAL DATA all gathered in one place that provides an accurate assessment of my moods, symptoms both mental and physical, everything all in one place. My only complaint is that I wish you could time stamp EVERYTHING, not just medication times and mood and energy but also factors and symptoms instead of being limited to 4 time ranges because I'd like to see if a short-term intervention works and right now I can only see that I listen to relaxing music when I get anxious, but not whether I feel less anxious after listening to relaxing music. But this is the best app out there right now.
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9 months ago, HdsAlli
Love it, wish there were two additional features
I have been looking for an app like this for AGES and imagine my surprise when an Instagram add pointed me towards one that actually works. This is what data should be for. It takes away so much stress for me that I don’t have to be the one trying to unpack what is leading to chronic pain flare ups, I can just be diligent about logging everything in and it would give me metrics. This is such a helpful app I’d like to hope that maybe the creators would take some suggestions from people who have benefited from using it and add two features: a food log and the ability to enter periods of disrupted sleep. I’d like to see if there’s an association between WHAT I eat and how I feel and it would be really useful to be able to keep that in the same app. I’d also like to be able to indicate in the app if I was awake between 4am-5am, rather than only be able to list the total time from when I initially went to sleep to when I started my day, as I think that makes a huge difference in how I feel the next day. Thank you for making an app that people with chronic pain actually need, for making it integrated with apple health, and for not forgetting about us menstruating folk out there.
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2 months ago, Saruh2swag
This is good
For a mood tracker I really like this app. It hard to get a habit out of it but that’s a me thing lol!! I like that it tracks your mood out of 1 - 10 scale because for me it’s easier to be honest with myself by picking a number than saying good or okay or bad (cause we are all normalized to saying “hi I’m good” even if your not) I like that it tracks medication and when you take it I would use this but instead I text myself that I took my meds because that’s more automatic to me. Also the symptoms are a big thing!!! I enjoy that you can add different things to track, though I wish I gave you ideas because sometimes I want to track things similar to energy for example but I don’t know what I could put. They put an update it recently and I like it!! I looks more new and modern. The one thing I wish they had a better grip on is the design because I know I would be more encouraged to use it, it feels kinda bland if that makes sense :) that’s not a big deal whatsoever just a suggestion to make it even better! This is the best app I found for mood tracking the is compatible with how my brain works!!
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2 years ago, PunchedHercules
A chronic illness fighter’s best friend
I have been using this app on and off for about a year, but with the worsening of my symptoms, I am back on the wagon and I’m not coming off. I forgot how incredibly helpful it is. To give a bit of a background, I am a college student with classical EDS (diagnosed when I was very little, so it’s not new to me) and POTS, amongst other issues. I focus on my productivity and achievements so much that I neglect my health sometimes, and I want to fix that. My favorite thing about this app is logging my symptoms every day as well as what I eat and other factors such as sleep and weather, and every week it will show a report of correlations and I can adjust accordingly. It is nice to be able to have this data to show my doctors as well. I also love that on their subreddit they always ask how new features would work and they listen so well to their app users. Please give this app a try, the developers clearly work so hard and put out a great tool for us. Thank you so much!! ✨
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6 months ago, Pepsico_15
Islands of data impair effectiveness
What you are looking for in a tracker of any kind is for it to be as effortless as possible, meaning taking data from various sources and making sense of it without you having to add data manually. That’s what we like about the Apple Watch for instance it is capturing so much data just being on your wrist. The problem is when applications capture the same set of data, do it manually, and don’t collaborate. So as an IOS user I have updated my mood status (sporadically, because there are things happening in your life distracting you from updating an app) and now this application is asking me to do the same, on different metrics… why can’t bearable use Apple health data or the other way around. Given this is one of the core value of the app, correlating events to moods you end up having scattered data which is not exploited. I also have an app Welltory that captures biometrically my energy level but I have to enter it manually here. So not a problem of the app per say but just lack of data integration. All these apps should work together to better collaborate!
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3 years ago, Apostate_Mage
Works amazing but needs easier food tracking
This app works really good and I wanted to love it especially with having paid for premium, but unfortunately a large amount of the symptoms I face are related to food. While I can customize the app for things like ‘high sugar’ etc, in my case this doesn’t help because I can’t discern any pattern in the foods that make me ill and being able to look at all the ingredients as patterns is essential. There just isn’t an easy way to do this and manually entering each ingredient is too time consuming to realistically do every meal. This is a huge factor and if I need to use another app like lifesum or myfitnesspal to track food it largely defeats the purpose of this app since I have to manually compare anyways-I’ll for now just stick to sticky notes :/ Which is a bummer because I really really want an app that is all in one for symptoms or food-all the apps I’ve found seem to be only one or the other. For now I’ve stopped using it for those reasons. Overall though I can say I’d recommend it to anyone who is struggling with health issues unrelated to food. It works amazing for that.
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4 years ago, Janet Straper (from the US)
I’m only a few days into this tracker but I have used others in the past. This tracker lets you get super granular—important if you are trying to sort out nebulous symptoms a variety of maladies. The interface was overwhelming at first, but once it was set up it is very intuitive. Other apps have been hard to get in the habit of using but capturing my day in these bite sized chunks has become a *fun* thing. Plus I’m motivated to log so my data doesn’t look junky! I love that I can add notes to basically every input and that the search feature calls up all the instances of that word. After appointments I write a few words to recap/reflect and I foresee this being an exceptionally useful feature for follow up appointment. The team seems to have a lot of features coming down the pipeline and I would love to see this app grow. With the small team, I suspect that updates may lag but the app is fully functional now. The privacy policy is good—great would be a complete local (server or other backup optional) like Daylio.
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5 months ago, catsandolives
Changed my life, everything I've always wanted!
I've never written an app review before because I'm never consistent enough when using apps. It's been over 6 months of using Bearable and it's everything I've always wanted in a health tracking app. I've used several health tracking, todo, mood tracking apps and this has by far exceeded all my expectations. I love how customizable and flexible it is! Many apps don't even allow you to add your own tags. I also love how simple the app is, no frills. Design wise – it's so easy to grok and read. The colors are just right and not overwhelming. Even though there's a ton of things going on in this app, it's easy to navigate. Love that it syncs to Apple health. I'm able to also connect other data (e.g. Oura data) from Apple Health to Bearable so I have all my health metrics in one place. I use this mainly to track factors/medication affecting my anxiety/depression but it's also become a habit tracker! I love that I can use the calendar view to see how many days I've done a certain "factor" or action. Doing this daily also just helps me be present and reflect on my day in a quick and accesible way! The insights are not as helpful for me but I'd say that about any health tracking app – the obvious things are always true (exercise, eat well, get sun, sleep well, etc) but it's nice to see the trends over time in case you're going through some big life changes. Thank you so much for creating this app. Seriously!!!
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7 months ago, sunnibebe
I have tried a lot of different methods for tracking symptoms. But this one takes the cake. Before hand, sitting down and writing it every day wasn’t easy especially on heavy fatigue/drowsiness days. This app has quickly become a favorite of mine. It took a little bit to explore all the features but I’ve finally got the hang of it. I’ve tried apps, planners, and the like for so long. None of them were up to par with my needs except this one. I got the premium version and I can say it is actually worth it. Being able to visually see my symptoms fluctuate and understand how they’re affected by certain things is such a big plus. The nutrition tracking ability is also great because it’s simple & not calorie based. I can tag it as a heavy fruit veggie day Vs not. As someone with interest in app development, UI/UX design, etc : good job! The app is fairly easy to navigate, things are clear, and the layout works. Whoever is behind building this app deserves every dollar they make. I know how difficult these features and the like can be to put together. So kudos. Onto things I could see being added / enjoy : - urination tracker ; some of us pee a whole lot and it could be useful for doctor appointments. That’s all the feedback I have for now. Honestly I have major gratitude for the people that put this together. I wanted to build something similar but never managed to due to getting sick on and off.
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8 months ago, gilruin
Mixed bag
Cute mascot. Despite a lengthy privacy policy assuring you they aren't doing anything shady, at the very bottom it tells you that they're giving your email address to Facebook and Google to "find more customers like you", so be sure to sign up with Apple and use the "hide email" feature. The onboarding is well-intentioned but annoying (far too long due to an unnecessary, unskippable "customization" questionnaire). It can supposedly import data like heart rate from Health but it's not in there by default, does not ask during onboarding, and how to sync it is unclear. The UI is visually attractive but not intuitive, and it needs a lot of work on the usability front-- for example, you cannot close the 'choose the main symptoms you want to track' window without closing the entire app. It's also one of those """free""" apps that are actually unusable after the subscription trial period, because the entire insights tab is paywalled. All of that said, it's the only app I could find that's trying to do what it's doing, and it deserves credit for that and the cute visual design.
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3 years ago, rowanrooks
Super Customizable All-In-One Health Tracking
This app is great because it is so customizable. It did require some setup time to go through each widget and create factors to track my specific health concerns, but the initial time investment was well worth it. I have the ability to remove stuff that doesn’t matter to me, and create some oddly specific categories that I doubt I could find anywhere else. It also helps to have everything in one place. I have memory problems, but I need to track a few different symptoms, medications taken, medication side effects, sleep logging, digestive health, and a food journal. It is hard to keep up with all of that, but this app has widgets to log all of these things and more. There are sections to track daily factors, stress, energy levels, mood, mental health, weather, menstruation, extra notes, and more. It can be as simple or as detailed as you want to make it. Bearable is also synced with my iOS health app, so it automatically logs sleep, heart rate, and step count measurements from my Apple watch. Most importantly, I can see that the developers are listening to user feedback and constantly working on improving this app. I have suggested and voted on others’ suggestions for new features that I would like to see implemented. It is awesome that they are really involved with the community, and I’m interested to see what they come up with next.
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10 months ago, Rayla495
Grateful for 30 Days on Bearable!
I've struggled with a variety of illness' and symptoms since I was a child. Before Bearable trying to keep track of everything was always difficult and I found myself getting lost in symptoms. I've tried other symptom logging apps but they were either too open ended or too rigid on what the symptoms and intensity should be and neither matched up to what I needed. Normally I have trouble sticking with things but I got the email today that i'm 30 days on bearable, right after logging my symptoms into the app! Im very grateful for bearable because now all of that chaos is behind me. I can easily log my symptoms, nutrition, water, sleep and more with a few pushes of buttons. I love how customizable the app is, you can add or take away common symptoms and rate the severity of discomfort. I also appreciate how the data is organized that's collected, I can easily see what my symptoms have been for each category organized by date. This has greatly helped with doctors appointments and remembering exactly when symptoms began or were difficult, intensity, and other factors from that time.
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3 years ago, ScottieBoiJoe
By far the best tracker I’ve used!
Almost immediately signed up for premium when I got it because of how much I love this tracker (and it was much more affordable then other trackers). I like the app because it’s so customizable and gives me solid data about what is effecting my mood the day of, day after, week after, etc. of behaviors. You also might learn how some meds might effect your mood (but sometimes this is coincidental so always check with a doc first!) that you didn’t know even effected you before. Sometimes when I get bored and have nothing to do I go in and do a little mood check in (I try to do it at least twice a day but usually end up doing like five+ a day). Compared to other trackers this one sets the bar super high imo and I would highly recommend it. Bear in mind (pun intended) that insights won’t be as accurate but it’ll even out about a month in.
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4 years ago, ohitsmandi
Finally a good symptom tracker for a unique patient
I am in love with this app. I have tried so many other ones and prior to this was using a handful at once to try and gather all the data I wanted. I have a severe unique case of bipolar disorder and although I am new to the app I already know I will be able to gain some useful information and find some patterns so I will better be able to relay them to my doctors. I am grateful for the interface being so user friendly and easy so that even on my bad days I am still able to track the bare minimum and not be overwhelmed. I feel like this app is an answer to my prayers. I know this app is on the newer side so I am very excited to see what new features and such are added. Thank you so so much for providing this app and thank you for making it at such an affordable price for the premium. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone at my clinics. 🙏🏼
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3 years ago, Booberrox392
Great app, Please Add More Data Syncing!!
This app is a great way to keep track of my moods. It’s a person who struggles with ADHD, depression and anxiety, I often have mood fluctuations and have no idea how to gain perspective on the issue. This app allows me to stay in touch with the bigger picture which helps me feel grounded. I really love how many different points of data that you are able to add to this app. It is so convenient and satisfying to sync my sleep tracking app with this app so I can see how my sleep relates to my mood. Seeing how seamless this integration is makes me really really want to have more of my Apple health data sync with this app. I have an Apple Watch and constantly am curious of how things like my steps and exercise minutes factor into my mood. I feel that this integration would be so simple to include and would make this app a lot more robust. I also want to encourage the developers of this app to make an Apple Watch version so I can quickly input my mood on my watch. I have wanted to do this on countless different occasions because it would be such an easy way to input the data, but have to wait until I can pull my phone out instead. Overall, excellent app that simply tracks so many different things, but it’s only limited by the number of automatically synced integrations. If this app could sync with my Apple health data with more detail, I would give this five stars.
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3 months ago, SilverSparrow888
Helps with health anxiety
I’m new to Bearable and have used it for one week. While I love bio-hacking as a concept, I have had difficulty tracking symptoms due to increasing health anxiety as I age. The older I get, the worse I feel physically, which in turn impacts my emotional wellbeing. It’s been difficult to face these challenges alone and I was pretty resistant to using Bearable when I first began because it has SO many metrics to keep track of. While this is a plus of the app, I was concerned it would be too overwhelming for me to learn. Fortunately that wasn’t the case. So far I’ve found it very easy to use and I truly appreciate the levels of tracking (low detail, medium detail, and high detail). This “low bar" to entry and the helpful tips built into the app helped me overcome anxiety and avoidance as I endeavor to improve my overall health. Easy, not stressful to use, and I can start slow and build up to tracking more details at my own pace. 👍 I also liked the well written privacy policy. It is difficult to know which apps to trust with my private health information, but after reading through their privacy policies I feel reassured that Bearable is trustworthy. I feel more empowered to take care of my health each time I check in with the app. Thank you Bearable team!
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8 months ago, Weedelwoo
A must-have for someone with a chronic illness
I’ve NEVER been a person to continue using health apps after a few days but this one is just so good. I had been only really using my notes app continuously to track symptoms, but this app makes it so much easier and allows me to be much more thorough. It’s completely customizable which is awesome, especially as someone with multiple health issues/ figuring out health issues and needs to track things for doctors. It also helps me to acknowledge how prevalent each of my symptoms actually are which can be important when you’ve dealt with issues for a long time and start to brush things off because you’re so used to them. I do wish the extra notes part were included in the free version, but not a big deal. Would 100% recommend!!
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2 years ago, chronicallycraftin
A game changer for chronic illness sufferers
For years I have tried to track various of my chronic health issues using day planners or apps basically developed for healthy people to track exercise and diet, in order to better relay what I was experiencing to my numerous doctors and therapists, but they all fell short in giving a full picture of my daily struggles. Not only is this app already so helpful, the developer is still tweaking it and regularly updating it to be even more in depth and able to suit all the various kinds of health conditions! If you happen to use Reddit, you can even join the group he created JUST FOR FEEDBACK FROM USERS! So that you can speak directly to him about ANY issues youre facing and he will personally walk you through any tech support (in his app) 100% recommend to anyone with chronic health concerns
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1 year ago, Rishabh9508
Must have for tracking overall health
This app is a must. It has all the features and customizations needed to track every aspect of your health from mental to physical to emotional. It can give you insights on how ever small decision of your day can affect even the smallest aspect of your life. And the best part is that it is all free. Yes you can pay extra for them to do all the cross data analysis but you can figure it out on your own. The main thing is tracking and that is all free. Cannot go wrong with this app and I love the overall thought put into the design and feels like the people who built this app genuinely care that people are able to discover hidden things about their health and not just forcing an app out to make money. Can’t say enough good things about it. I wish everyone uses it.
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4 years ago, nikkay27
This tracker is amazing
I have ADHD, Anxiety, and two different chronic illnesses and this tracker is so helpful in tracking all the different types of symptoms I experience. My favorite feature is the mood tracker which lets you track your mood throughout the day and then averages it. You also can write a little explanation about your mood - which if you’re like me with not the best memory it’s so nice to be able to go back and see those entries. It also helps me realize that setbacks I face throughout my day (and would ordinarily obsess about) are just little blips. I can see that despite my panic attack the day is still good, it hasn’t been completely ruined. It’s been very helpful for me to have something visualizes that so well. I definitely recommend this app for anyone with chronic pain or any kind of mental illness or mood disorder.
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9 months ago, elikqitie
An app that can finally track all my health challenges
I’ve tried a couple of apps that tracked symptoms but only the ones that came with the app and the list of symptoms wasn’t as comprehensive. Other apps also don’t have lifestyle tracking, events, and a way to customize your tracking in six hour time intervals which is great for making health correlations. I like the customization, and especially the ability to choose which metrics to compare so you can make relevant assumptions about what activities you’re doing that are impacting your health the most. I’ve had some new symptoms come up lately and I’m hoping that tracking these symptoms and giving the report to my doctors will be very useful in getting an accurate diagnosis.
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3 years ago, claraj0rdan
Spoon Saver & Complex Illness Savior
I’ve used a lot of different health trackers in an attempt to get a better grip on my complex chronic illness. The problem with most apps and methods is they either lack the ability to customize the app to my specific needs or they require way too many spoons to use. Bearable is not like any other health tracker. I have 14 doses of meds per day and a litany of symptoms, triggers, and environmental factors that I need to track everyday. Bearable let’s me do that! Not only can I totally customize what I actually track but it takes less than 5 minutes to record everything I need to. Now when my doctors or medical practitioners ask about my medication adherence or symptom/trigger management I’m able to answer definitively. It’s also very helpful to be able to add major events and daily notes because brain fog will often make me completely forget when something impactful happened or what weird symptom I wanted to ask my doc about. Overall, I cannot recommend Bearable enough. Especially if you have complex chronic illness and/or are disabled. EDS, POTS, MCAS, and etcetera are extremely difficult conditions to manage but Bearable makes it so much easier.
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4 months ago, shoujoglitter
we love a dev who listens
this app is super helpful for tracking symptom levels as well as energy and mood, as well as figuring out things that improve or worsen those things. this on its own would already be five stars, but i’m also in the bearable discord server and the staff there is incredibly responsive when it comes to user questions and ideas. they put a lot of effort into understanding what their users want and need, which can’t be said for a lot of apps. i actually pay for the premium membership and i am typically very hesitant to spend ANY money on apps, so hopefully that’s a glowing enough review for it. the app handles the basics just fine without premium, but the paid insights are both useful and super interesting to look at.
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2 years ago, ElleBlue3
Customizing moods crashes app
I was excited to find an app where I can customize my psychological and physical symptoms so I tried it today. I go into Mood, select my happiness level, go to the screen with mood descriptions, scroll to the bottom, select Edit, I can turn on and off different descriptions. However, when I edit either a new “custom” description OR a pre-existing one, approve the change and return to the description on/off screen, if I select a second description to change, I get the “add mood” full screen and I cannot edit. If I try to add a description from that full screen “add,” I get a completely white screen that crashes. So to edit more than one mood description, I have to change one, quit the app, restart it, and do a second one. It’s a highly frustrating bug especially for a paid app! Also I should be able to delete descriptions (not just turn them off) to make the edit screen easier to navigate. Lastly, you need an iPad app!
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6 months ago, Lovanmusiq
I rarely write reviews for apps, but felt like I needed to knowing this app could help someone feel more empowered in their health journey. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and I used this app to begin tracking my symptoms I was experiencing to help communicate to my doctors how serious of a problem this was for me. Now after getting the diagnosis, I’ve been using it to help my brain see my health as a priority. The data and insights I get from it also helps me to stop living in autopilot and be more intentional about the decisions I’m making for my health. I wish I could say more, but at this point just get the app and try it for yourself. Even without the premium account, it was VERY helpful. Wishing you all the best on your health journey. 🙏🏽
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8 months ago, Stella J M.
Great for Doctor Appointments
After a visit to ER I was asked by my Neurologist to keep track of my symptoms. I found Bearable from an AD on social media- and thought I’d try it. It hasn’t ever been this easy to keep track of symptoms/pains, daily activities, nutrition, and moods ALL IN ONE PLACE. I’m able to track when I see what doctor, when I get tests done, when I take what med and how much. As well as what symptoms/pains come up and what I was doing around that time. It helps me keep track so when I see my specialist, I am able to reflect and give them an accurate timeline. Able to answer their questions confidently and in depth. I only have access to the free version- and honestly it’s all I need. Absolutely thrilled to have this app!!!
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1 year ago, galefacekillah
Mind blown by this app
I NEVER review apps, ever. But I downloaded this app last week and have been LOVING it. So far it has met all of my needs and I have yet to identify a feature it is lacking. I am incredibly ADHD and horrible at creating new habits, but there is such a dopamine hit in logging my daily symptoms / factors that it hasn’t been hard for me to keep up with it at all. Also, they make logging things SO easy. I love that there is a Reddit community where the product developers appear to actively be engaging with users, addressing concerns and sharing new features. This is an example of technology being used for good. I am really excited to keep using this app and very happy I found it. I’d give it 10 stars if I could.
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6 months ago, Beckanator90
Almost TOO detailed!
This app really is amazing. The ability to track EVERYTHING down to the smallest detail, and see INSTANT reporting to make sense of trends? I mean, it’s the dream of someone with chronic illness. I’m a cancer patient and I have been looking for something like this app for a long time. This has really helped me and my doctors to make critical decisions about my care. I love that it also includes non-medical tracking as well (e.g mood, habits, major life events, meditation and sleep). I can track my daily meds, mood, sleep, and symptoms all in the same app! The only negative would be that it is SO detailed, and there’s SO much you can do, it can sometimes be overwhelming, which can deter you from following the regime.
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3 years ago, leahenoch1
User friendly
I’ve been using this app for a couple weeks now to try to get a grip on my chronic symptoms and what factors could be causing them. Originally, I was thinking of trying to find an app that could do everything for free, but because of how well this one works I actually am considering paying for a year subscription(which is saying something). It’s very quick to enter all of your data and it covers so many different metrics in a really user-friendly way that doesn’t take up too much of my time or stress me out. It gives you some analysis for free, but it seems reasonable to me considering everything that they track to pay for those extra insights long-term.
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10 months ago, Nicca_90
Most comprehensive symptom tracker and affordable
You can customize it and it was a affordable price for the year what I’ve seen some symptom trackers charge for a month. The customization and affordability and having everything in one place and it connects to your health apps. This app was beautifully designed and I hope they keep the price the same or lower to make it more accessible for more people who could benefit from it. Also being able to use on my computer as well would be nice! I love that you offer a week trial before getting charged. I kept it after the week I love it so much. Highly recommend. It can help you notice trends so you can help yourself
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4 years ago, grA.V
Careful when switching devices
This is a near-perfect user interface & customizability. They have a few things they can improve but still the best out there. One trick though if you’re using two devices, which I learned the hard way. If you started on your phone and try switching to an iPad/tablet, you’ll get a warning message to logout on the other device. YOU MUST LOG OUT OF THE OTHER DEVICE WHEN THAT ERROR MESSAGE IS SHOWING. Don’t click OK and logout later; and weirdly, don’t log out EARLY before trying to log in on the new device. Somehow, that error message makes the data sync possible. If you log out of the first device before or after the error screen shows, you’ll lose your work. Great app though!
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1 year ago, CaliRya
Full-featured, super useful app
I’ve been using this app a few months now and it’s amazing. The comprehensive list of handy features makes me not need to look any further for symptom tracking. It works really well too. I have yet to encounter a bug or app crashing. As far as privacy goes, I appreciate the promise not to sell users’ personal information, because data in this app is especially sensitive. So that’s reassuring. I do see room for improvement with privacy and security, though. First, I don’t see any mention of end-to-end encryption, which I’d prefer. Second, I’d like zero user tracking/profiling using device ID or email address. Thankfully, at least there seems like a way to opt out of device ID tracking.
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10 months ago, ereneyh1125
Best Symptom Tracker around!
This is by far the best symptom tracker I have ever found, and I have been using it for several years. I originally was looking for a way to track chronic pain/headaches, but could only find migraine apps and I didn’t have common triggers. I love that this app is customizable to each user, and you can track specifically for you! I also love the calendar feature that shows how many days out of the month you experience specific symptoms, and the notes section available under each symptom. Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend this app, especially if you have less common or undiagnosed issues.
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1 year ago, caringiscoool
Exactly what I was hoping for and more!
I’m fairly new to a complicated chronic illness and learning how to manage it has been really confusing and hard. It’s so hard to know what unexpected factors might be exacerbating problems, and the stakes feel really high for drawing connections as fast as possible to avoid further damage. I really wanted a way to track EVERYTHING, like every small bit of data I could, to see if sense could be made of it, and was thinking it would be nice if there was an app for it but didn’t feel hopeful about finding something as comprehensive as I was dreaming of. So I have been delighted over and over again with how comprehensively Bearable has already solved this problem! The fact that it was made by someone with a chronic illness really shows, because this is so thorough and so easy to modify. I’m just using the free version and it’s blowing my mind, I can’t even imagine how much MORE comprehensive it gets with the premium upgrade! Highly recommended. It’s really great and exactly what I wanted and more.
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3 years ago, Clinketty
This app is simply fabulous
I have been struggling to keep track of my complicated and evolving health issues for over a year. Then I found Bearable and my tracking headaches have been eliminated completely! This app is very detailed, which helps me because my health issues can sometimes be very subtle. They also have been evolving over time, and Bearable is able to keep up with all of that. It also allows for customization, which helps me make the app fit *me,* as opposed to me having to fit the app. The free version of this app offers A LOT, as well. Very generous of them. I’m glad I finally upgraded to Premium, but if you are unsure or on a tight budget, you can still track a ton of things with the free version. I am not a tech-minded person, so I appreciate how well thought out the design of this app is. I was able to get going quickly. Everything is very user-friendly. Also, I recently hit a glitch that turned out to stem from Apple, but when I first reached out to Bearable, they answered quickly. This app is simply fabulous.
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3 years ago, DomesticGoddess27
Very versatile
The customization of this app is exactly what I wanted. I can track weight loss, medication, my period, and chronic health problems all together. Took a while to set up how I like. Then as I used it a tweaked it here and there. Being able to use the insights graph to see how all the different things I track affect each other has been better insight than I thought. I was able to see that days I fold laundry my tennis elbow was more painful. Switch a chore with hubby and way less elbow pain for me. The free trial gave me a good test drive and I decided to keep the app. The price is good considering there is a subreddit that the developer is active on.
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9 months ago, Cassuhdeeee
It’s great but sync issues are a bummer
I downloaded this earlier this week and really thought it was a great idea, and figured the annual membership was affordable compared to other apps. But sadly the app won’t sync to Apple health, and I really wished it synced with a nutrition app like my fitness pal, especially because I’m in the process of trying to figure out food sensitivities. I’ve tried all the tricks like disconnecting and resynching and uninstalling. I’ve had a lot of issues with how Apple health is designed and what it does and doesn’t include. Was hoping bearable could bridge that gap, but seems like I’m out of luck. I still plan on using it, since it’s still the best option out there, and it’s good at what it does do! I love how customizable the symptom trackers are!
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2 years ago, dkpants
Really loving this app so far!
I had been looking for a way to track my health in detail but also have it feel manageable. Another reviewer said eloquently that they liked how you could start simple and then add more detail & customization as you go, and that’s exactly what I did. It allowed me to start small and get to know the app before expanding. I really love the format, it feels user friendly and also has been easy to remember to follow through with tracking data every day since i started. I don’t usually stick with things consistently but so far this one has me creating better routines, so I’m thrilled. 🌟
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10 months ago, Little Mochi39
Genuine Review
Bearable is one of the few apps I deem worthy of a subscription. The app is genuinely amazing. The health data is stored privately, It’s very customizable, and they’re transparent with what features they’re working on adding, considering adding, and aren’t adding. I use it to keep track of the medications I take, it makes it so much easier to remember when I’ve taken what, and at the exact time I’ve taken it. It’s super easy to log symptoms too if you want to keep track of your symptom’s severity, and can add custom symptoms too. Does it do absolutely everything? No. But does it do amazingly at the other things? YES! I love the app.
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4 years ago, A young Chesterton fan
Fantastic, super customizable!
I am trying to track a variety of symptoms for a couple health issues, including some very idiosyncratic symptoms you don’t find on apps tailored for specific health issues. This app is EXACTLY what I was looking for—customizable, with usable data for my doctors to see. AND you can track severity, time, custom notes (if you get the subscription), mood, medication (seriously, app in one app!) and so much more. I love that it has so much functionality but also seems to be continuing to grow. They just released symptom grouping which is an awesome feature that makes sorting between, say, allergy symptoms and migraine symptoms, even easier to navigate. Great app!
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5 months ago, katie3479
I’ve had this app and been paying for it since 2021 and it’s been increasingly one of the best things i pay for (and it helps they aren’t greedy and have options to help you pay if you need it!!). It’s really a game changer, they have options to view insights and log habits of literally everything you can think of including sleep, mood, activity, screen time, socialization, energy levels, and so much more. It’s been so important as someone who struggles with fatigue and sleep to try to see if any factors might play in or if any particular days or times are worse. You will love this app
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8 months ago, love<3!
Helpful for anyone
I’ve been using bearable for about 3 months and it’s helped a lot, the notification help remind me to take my meds, the symptoms charts help me keep accurate information for my doctors, and the section to put in my blood pressure helped a ton to help prove to my doctor that my hypertension was still not well managed and get me the proper meds I needed. On top of this my fiancé who doesn’t haven’t any physical disabilities uses it as well and finds it helpful to keep track of her mood, eating disorder recovery, and just overall general health. Definitely recommend for anyone looking to keep track of health habits
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1 year ago, MomOfOneAndDone
Invisible Illness helper!
For starters I rarely if ever review apps - but this one is a life saver for me! I just downloaded this app. Paid for the premium subscription. I’ve been advocating for my health for the past 5 years and FINALLY getting the answers. I love how this is tracking everything for me. And that I can edit and add additional tracking needs! I can stop with the multipliable apps and just use one. I’m only on day 2 and I’m already in love! Thank you for coming up with an awesome app for those of us who are suffering with invisible illnesses! It’s a battle and a fight and having trackers help with advocating for the care we need!
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2 years ago, howmuchmorethen
Been using this for depression since 2020
I have been using this app since 2020 and I feel that it has helped me to become more self-aware about my feelings and symptoms. I track my depression symptoms and I can also note the weather, my monthly cycle, nutrition factors, and anything else that may be relevant. I looked at other tracker apps and this one is definitely the complete package as far as being able to do track a wide range of different symptoms. This app is totally customizable and I recommend it for anyone that has a mental health issue or complex physical health issue that they need to manage. Thank you!
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2 weeks ago, CorvetteTaylor
I have had the honor of using this app since they first launched it, before the paid subscription. It has been worth every penny and so much more. The developers are always listening and making it better and better. I honestly can’t think of any negative issues I have ever had with the app. I have chronic conditions and it helped my doctors finally diagnose an autoimmune disease. I have been able to manage symptoms and navigate away from certain conditions that makes it worse. This has changed my life. It is awesome. This app is a lifesaver. Everyone should use it.
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2 years ago, Zoejth
Total game changer for those of us with multiple diagnoses!
I have been looking for a good app to track my mental health and/or physical health for years. I never for a second thought there would be an app like Bearable, where I can literally track it all. I like that you can also enter your symptoms and mood more than once a day, as I—someone with both chronic pain/illness and chronic mental health issues—definitely get fluctuating symptoms. I like the correlations it offers (I’m a data nerd, what can I say?) and it’s helped me be more mindful of certain triggers. Overall? Best app I’ve used for tracking my symptoms EVER!
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2 years ago, Il'ragazza
Bear symptom/mood tracker!
I had been looking for a simple app to track several things, including health symptoms and factor, mood changes, and variations of mental health symptoms on a daily basis. This was the simplest one I found that didn’t complicate anything AND it’s free. I want to try the premium but haven’t done so yet. It even gives you a place to write a journal entry or comments on each thing and the entire thing is highly customizable for your own personal preferences. Highly beneficial for self-awareness practices and those that have chronic illnesses or in need of sharing information with doctors and healthcare teams.
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10 months ago, KittyKate1994
Where has this app been all my life!
So I have used just about every tracking app you can imagine and this is hands down the the first that was worth the trouble of getting it set up. I’m a nurse and use the FAM so I have a lot of experience tracking health data and this is the best symptom tracker I’ve ever tried. The only thing I would suggest adding is basic basically body temperature tracking features. It should be easy to add since you already have a way to track temperature (and Apple Watch and Ora integration which is a must for getting meaningful temperature data).
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