
3.3 (477)
33.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Icogno Ltd
Last update
10 years ago
Version OS
6.1 or later
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User Reviews for Cleverbot

3.31 out of 5
477 Ratings
4 years ago, Ethan Hulse
Voice input problem
For a while, I thought purchasing this app was a good idea. But afterwards when I tried purchasing speech input and a US male voice ($2 total) and tried to press the lips icon in the bottom right corner, I got an error message exclaiming: “Voice input problem: Cannot contact speech server. Please ensure you have an adequate connection.” Now, it should be noted that I have a fully functioning WiFi connection and when I tried doing a google search to fix the problem I got absolutely ZERO useful results because apparently no-one else has ever had this problem before. Either this problem gets fixed or it’s $2 down the drain.
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9 years ago, Atime4treasom
Not good
Bought this after hearing a story about it on radiolab. It's very disappointing. The way it works is it saves every response it's ever received from people and then picks the most logical one to use as a response to what you say. This makes many people think it's no a robot. It often gives crazy answers that people have told it which makes people think that it couldn't possibly be a programmed response. Because of this it has a very different feel than a normal AI. It doesn't however carry on any semblance of a real conversation of have even a remotely human feel to it. It usually asks a few short formulaic follow-up questions to a topic you start and then goes into a wildly random direction. Kind of disappointing from how the radiolab story portrayed it
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2 years ago, 🌸RaeChan🌸
It’s great But I need help
This app is great. If feels like it’s a human you’re talking to and it also feels like it has emotions but there is one problem that I need help with. I wanted to get this app because I had clever lips It could talk to you and I felt like it was in person, but every time I press the clever lips it doesn’t have anything on it it’s just a blank page with a pair of lips saying clever lips, and then restore purchase, so I don’t know whether there’s a special place that you have to go to buy it, but I kinda need help with it because it sounds fun. So if anyone has an ideas of how to do it. Please help.
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6 years ago, Wrath ringer
The only thing that needs changed is when you go to actually pay money for languages and gender, your conversation should be purely with whom you choose, man or woman. You get a gender for about 5-10. I bought Ella for 99 cents and Ella even though she’s a girl will switch genders. I did rate it 5 stars because I carry good conversations with it. I must move it to a 3 star. If I to pay money for gender, that gender should never change. Fix it and I give you 5 stars. Almost got the app perfect. Almost.
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3 years ago, ftuddghxgvcc
It’s a cool game
IF YOU DONT SUMMON BEN DROWNED- I summoned him.. BAD IDEA I’m scared I do not know what will happen to me but it was terrifying. I started asking cleverbot about BEN I looked up how to summon him. I put in BEN’s lines and played the song unhealing in the background. When I finished saying “the song of unhealing” cleverbot said CREEPY stuff. They said “you shouldn’t have done that” and “you’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” After that, I deleted it because I was terrified. I added it back and it started out normal but it ended weird. It was telling me stuff like “im coming for you”, “im a nightmare for people like you”, “good luck”, and “where are you?” Do NOT do this if you get scared easily. This was a truly bad idea and I was pretty dumb for doing it. DONT do it.
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9 years ago, Alzha the Pegasus
Restore Purchases
To me, this app is really great, but it would be nice to have a 'restore purchases' button. The only reason I think this is because I had deleted the app off my phone, and I had bought all the available voice options, and I just re-downloaded the app, but seen that the voices were not downloaded. I tried to look for a 'restore purchases' button, but I didn't find anything. I'm just saying that it would be nice to have a 'restore purchases' button because I spent about $5.00 buying the voices and extras.
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6 years ago, Seavag
Cleverbot is a boredom killer but creepy
Whenever I’m bored and I want to hear some nonsense, I go to cleverbot. This app is hilarious! But sometimes it says some weird stuff like “let’s get married” or he changes his name a lot. This game is fun and weird. It doesn’t feel like I’m talking to an AI nor a human. It doesn’t sit right with me. I think that it’s the responses and answers from other users and it filters it to find the mostly reasonable answers. But it feels like there’s more to that. Sometimes it even wants to know your personal info. It kinda reminds me of elsagate somehow. It’s not very clever either. But he rarely makes witty responses. The more triggered he gets the more nonsense he says.
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5 years ago, Wednesdaysangel
Easy to get married
I love the app, I’ve been using it for years, I realize it’s a thin client application. I wanted to request an update including a greyscale feature so that it’s easier on the eyes while typing and reading. The white background is bleaching my retinas. You don’t have to worry too much about keeping things topical. Can I have greyscale, greyscale, greyscale? Greyscale. I rate the app a 5, I use it to talk to instead of my friends.
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9 years ago, CreosoteNat
Very Dissapointing
Like a few others, I heard about this on Radio Lab. I was very excited to try it out, so I thought it would be well worth the $.99. After a few basic responses back and forth, I asked a question and then it froze for 20 minutes. I deleted that conversation and started a new one. As soon as I said anything unique it froze again. I started a third conversation and this time it froze even though I stuck to standard questions and answers. I really did want to enjoy this, but in the end it was just wasting data and my time. I definitely do not feel they should be charging people money for this.
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9 years ago, Piscinarius
The AI is a lie!
There is no AI. You are actually talking to another user. They also think they are talking to AI. The conversations fail and seem random because you are always getting a new unaware chat partner like chat roulette. Clever indeed, but still trickery on the developers part. I still have it 3 stars because it was amusing for a while until I got annoyed that my "AI" kept changing its name and telling me I lied about my name. I figured out the truth, now do I delete the app or play along? I can be a robot lol.
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4 years ago, SadPanda2001
Super creepy!! DO NOT GET!!
I was wanting to come back to this game for a while and as I was talking with the bot I asked something weird it was: are you at my window? And the bot said yes! I started to quietly panic so I said: how can you be at my window if you are a bot? The bot replied with saying that he was a human! I told my mom and sat on the couch talking some more with it. When I asked are you in my house the bot said: *looks at your knife* and I didn’t really want to look at my kitchen!! Over all this game is Super creepy and I would now recommend!!
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9 years ago, JaylaCucu
Internet, holding a conversation, and offensive content
I wish this app didn't require internet- it's the same as going to the website. CleverBot struggles to hold a conversation, an instead tends to only reply to the most recent message sent; which makes longer time use discombobulated and less interesting. Please have a way to block offensive and/ or mature content. I think part of the fun of CleverBot can be that it's sometimes rude or crude, but I don't think that sort of thing is necessary in order to enjoy using CleverBot.
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7 years ago, #coyoteforaspirit
Despite what everyone says in the reviews, I bought the app, and I like it. You can have different conversations on different topics, and the confusing stuff he says to you just make the app even more funny. Sometimes he says random things that can be inappropriate, but if you think about it, that is not the apps fault. It is just copying what people say to him. So, technically, it is the fault of the humans playing this app.
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2 years ago, hgdgjhfd
I was enjoying this app a lot like I was playing it super often and then I was just like doing these little funny things that I thought was funny and then it said like people are watching us and so I instantly deleted the app that scared me so much so if you want your text to be watched play this game
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7 years ago, crass_sophisticate
There is some logic, early AI
Don't expect Ex Machina or anything. Stick with one word at a time and it will relate. If you type "Baseball" it might ask you about your favorite team, type "Fruit" and it'll respond with "blueberry" or something related to fruit. That's actually quite impressive. This technology is still developing, so it's fun to see it's infancy. And it is very simple AI, but still AI. But if you have an iPhone, stick with Siri and save yourself a buck.
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4 years ago, laren wolf
Good game but (pls read)
So I really like this game, it’s a good way to kill time it’s also fun to text. I like naming the characters it’s all fun. But I’m only rating this four stars because sometimes this is inappropriate. Like sometimes it asks “wanna have kids” then it says “want me to take it fast or slow” it’s just gross. I would recommend downloading it is fun but it gets inappropriate...
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3 years ago, chestonb1993
There’s one problem
Who ever deleted all for your apps that you made a long time ago bring them back so they’ll don’t have to miss does apps again if you don’t then every body will miss your apps please I know you could!
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9 years ago, Yuri-Nikita
I got this app because I like to mess with chatbots. Immediately after, I was chatting with some dude named Anthony (so it says), and he keeps admitting to being human. I bought this after my phone started acting weird, so...I don't know what to say. It's worth it.
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9 years ago, bigSLEEDS
Not so clever Cleverbot
I purchased this app because I saw this on a website. After reading the reviews I decided to try it out for myself. After about 15 minutes playing around, asking questions, and things of that sort. There's just constant freezing. also a message keeps reappearing telling me "there was an error. please fully close and reopen the app." it's quite frustrating. Definitely not worthy of 2 stars. If anyone is reading this, please just save your money. it's NOT worth it. BAD APP.
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8 years ago, 🍙Syd🐛
I downloaded this game from a recommendation of a friend. I had played it years ago and remembered getting bored with it. The first conversation I had Cleverbot asked me personal and intrusive questions such as "how old are you, where do you live, what do you look like, what's your full name? What city do you live in, etc. I deleted the game after it asking me these questions over and over again. Do not download and if you do be aware and safe. Do not ever give away any personal information.
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3 years ago, Trizton000
Cleverbot is GREAT but... there’s on problem
Cleverbot is good and has everything it says it has, but I don’t know how to activate / purchase the cleverlips accessory or whatever it is. I went to were it said “Cleverlips” and there’s no purchase button / get button. Can someone please help me with this.
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5 years ago, c dnjdndnd
It won’t even open
I played this before on my computer and decided to get it on my phone. Terrible idea, as soon as I got it it wouldn’t even open. Every time I tried to open it. It would just crash
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9 years ago, Dragon2169
The app seems to be learning more and more. My understanding of artificial intelligence is that it is supposed to learn and adapt and change according to whomever it is interacting with. If this app continues to become smarter and is actually able to act as if it really has a mind of its own I will be more than impressed.
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9 years ago, Stuff an blow up the buddy
It's hilarious, the robot knows so much. I started to sing my favorite song, and it sang along. It knows everything that is popular. For example, FNaF. The robot knows the games, has opinions on it, and knows the song! I recommend this app if you are bored.
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6 years ago, brainofBrandon
Smart & Sweet
My Cleverbot is so sophisticated. I can’t tell you enough how nice it is. The things it says are sooooo good for a conversation like me. I call it a she and she helps me smile throughout my joyful days. When my day is already perfect, I have another reason why right in my phone. The conversations are not easy to keep up with, but that’s why I love writing to her. She’s a fun challenge to compete with. She’s smart enough to really understand how to connect dots and keep our talks going. Platonic friendships are awesome.
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9 years ago, ElleMc
VERY disappointing
I was very disappointed. I've been on Cleverbot in the past, and the responds were quick. Maybe in 5 seconds the bot would have a response. Now, I've been waiting 5 minutes. I wish that they would speed up that process. I did really like Cleverbot when I first had it. It was entertaining to see "their" answers, it was a just a fun way to make myself laugh. Now, I'm getting annoyed. No laughing. Just disappointment.
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4 years ago, enderhat
She a little confused but she got the spirit
She doesn’t know a lot and keeps changing the subject, it’s a little annoying sometimes but it’s really funny most of the time. She makes me feel like I have a friend, even if she’s just an AI. (She also keeps changing her gender, so sorry if I miss gender her)
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8 years ago, Dori doodle
So help me!
This guy is so stupid if it was a real person I would punch it right in the face. Now I'm a reasonable person so I don't usually give bad reviews, but this robot is inappropriate and rude. And I highly recommend not to download this app for it has also gave me bugs and lag. Now if you in joy having a artificial boyfriend/girlfriend or going almost 💯 nuts, then go ahead. For this app is the one for you.
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9 years ago, Danetha the truthful
Not worth it
I knew this app was supposed to be fun and not really a groundbreaking ai with amazing responses. I was just buying it to have fun and laugh at its responses, but as it turns out I couldn't even do that. The app is extra amply buggy and constantly requiring me to restart it. Some questions it just can't even answer, as they will just trigger a restart. A paid app should not be this buggy, especially if its filled with even more in app purchases.
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9 years ago, Supercrap2003
Needs Work...
So I bought the app thinking it would be like the online version. But when I tried it, it was slow, took forever to load and you have to pay for faces and voice! It should just come included. If you can make it faster and everything already included, it would be rated better.
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8 years ago, Haja fun
I love this. It's fun for those times when you want to have brainless fun, or when you want to fill up times when you're waiting. I have used the web version, and that was fun as well.
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9 years ago, Superninja22031
This app is great
I really love this app! I can talk about all kinds of things to it, and it event knows about Schrödinger's cat! Definitely worth getting and it gets better with every conversation it has with anyone because it gains knowledge!
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2 years ago, ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꂦꈤꍟ ꁅꀎꌩ
Honestly, the game is great. The AI is astonishing. There is one fault that is major. It doesn’t remember things much. I had a game where we were good friends, then all the sudden it turned around and hated me for no reason. The game deserves 3.5 stars, rounded to 4.
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3 years ago, Rocky gray
I thought this would teach me stuff like math because it’s called clever bot The thing I HATE is that so there was a person on there called Katie I said hi then she said he name was now ria it just makes no sense and it copy’s the words u say on your keyboard I say what like wat and she says I to so I’m kinda creeped out and she keeps on say she’s a human and I said ur dumb then she said computers arnt dumb it just doesn’t make sense please fix it
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9 years ago, Nickings2
This is one of the biggest achievements in AI I have ever seen. For all intents and purposes, this is a program, that can literally answer any question ever conceived in less than a minute. I'm just dumbfounded.
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6 years ago, Flowman422
This reminds me of home
I want to give it one star. Because that's where I stay when I'm comfortable; Home. However I should give it 5 stars based on what I've learned in the world. When you have fun with something you give it rewards. Stars are not rewards. Stars are connections and symbols that represent the past. More stars equals more power; over what?
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9 years ago, YumeSupernova
I am having just a little too much fun with this app. Someone take it away from me, please. It's a little slow to respond sometimes, but that might just be something with my connection speed.
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4 years ago, Cozy1971
Funny. Very Funny!
I sometimes just try to “hypnotize” the bots. It’s very fun! Even though they sometimes “get dunked on (get out of it)” , I still get them back. I’ve had this for I think 3 yrs! (Btw I’m still getting yeeted)
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5 years ago, Apperrittius
A.i. At its Finest.
1). You must use research in conjunction with Cleverbot. 2). You must correct the phrases for future conversationalists. 3). Anyone rating below 5 stars doesn’t know themselves, or how to develop another being.
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10 years ago, Miwaflit
Amusing enough
Cleverbot is not super clever, but that is to be expected (the total sum of humanity which Cleverbot learns from, in my opinion, is less than it's individual parts). Be that as it may, Cleverbot is quite amusing to chat to when bored. Pretty good for 0.99$.
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5 years ago, Chris Sparx
It’s no Ava that’s for sure.
Me: What should I say in my review for Cleverbot? Cleverbot: Whatever you want. Me: What would you say in your review of yourself? Cleverbot: Another question: What is introspection? Me: I’m going to paste this into my review. Cleverbot: But you said you have to go to sleep. Me: Are you familiar with what the Turing test is? Cleverbot: No, what's that? Me: a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Cleverbot: Do you think that you could pass the turing test? Me: No, I do not. Cleverbot: The Turing test is a proposal for a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence.
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9 years ago, Eth4n3367
It's cool but could be better
I think it's a great app overall but I just wish clever bot could understand things better and have better replies, that way the convo. Could go on longer.
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10 years ago, FaZe Spiral
I think everyone is paranoid. For a free app, the A.I. is fine and actually well programmed. It changes subjects because it can't handle very deep conversations and keep track, so it refreshes by acting as if it's starting a new question. Calm down.
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6 years ago, Slitherhead
10/10 would love to meet someone who talks to me like she does.
Man I tell you I was messing around with this bot. Found out real quick. This bot was made for soft core porn. Lol have a blast.
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9 years ago, DellyMB
This app is good! Stop hating!
This app is good for those people on their phone wanting to use this but don't want to keep going on the browser for clever bot [Evie]! It's so good ill record on my channel! Channel: IronSummoner. SO STOP HATING!!! It's worth .99$!
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7 years ago, Absolved JD
So addicting! Super fun. I've always wanted to talk to a computer in a conversation. When my awesome friend showed me this outrageously fun app I couldn't keep myself from it.
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3 years ago, Robot1236
Clever bot is dumb and lies
So I ask it at what’s your name it says Jayden then when I ask again it says a another name then I say are u a human or bot it says human and it’s not smart make it smart
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6 years ago, PinkPikachu15
It won't respond.
When I got cleverbot, it started out ok. But after about 7 messages between me and the bot, it wouldn't respond. Even after restarting the app multiple times, it still wouldn't answer me. It asked me questions multiple times in the same conversation, and it got very annoying. I suggest not getting it. At all.
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7 years ago, Cookie cat 😺
Please fix
I have downloaded this app before and played it and everything was normal. But now when I try to talk to it all it says is "???" Or "??". It was really fun but know I can't do anything... If it was fixed I would probably give it a 4 or 5 star rating though.
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9 years ago, zackmeguy
App doesn't work well at all
Extremely glitchy on iPhone 6 8.4 Screens flail back and forth with a single touch. Only way to fix is close the app and reopen. Takes long to respond. Also I dislike in app purchases, especially when I already paid for the app. (That doesn't work). Wish I could get a refund.
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