4.6 (202.3K)
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AT&T Services, Inc.
Last update
1 year ago
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14.0 or later
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User Reviews for DIRECTV

4.56 out of 5
202.3K Ratings
5 years ago, Liljmia
Who expected AT&T to honor their promise?
AT&T knows nothing about honoring their promises, they just know milking their customers. Greed is how they operate. I hope everyone cancels over this short sighted nickel and dime tactic they’re doing every few months now. When I signed up it said we wouldn’t have prices raised at all, you were locked in with your phone plan. Now every few months they keep changing the terms and bumping up the price. It’s time to cancel this garbage. Unchecked Greed is how you lose everything. Now instead of quietly making the money I was paying monthly for the service, a service I wasn’t even using more than 2-5 days a month, now you guys will make NOTHING. Congratulations ATT! I hope the numbers hurt your bottom line. Might go ahead and end my relationship with ATT altogether, find a new provider that operates with integrity and respect for their customers. Without customers your company is nothing. $0 coming in from this account once the new price hits. Hope regulators get involved and break this monopoly up. This is why they’re needed, to keep greedy companies like this from taking advantage of customers.
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5 years ago, Bradkw89
AT&T wrecks everything
This app WAS amazing when it was direct tv. However since the switch to at&t, I cannot get more than 2 minutes, if I’m lucky, through my recordings or live shows without an error message. Extremely frustrating. All of the things posted by at&t about deleting the app and restarting your device then redownloading said app and the like are crap. I guess they want to sound like they have a solution. Well, no. Just no. Yes my computer is turned on. Thanks tech support. Although the app was amazing for my use, there were some bugs anyway. Like if u pause live tv then come back 5 minutes later and play, it will restart live. What’s the point of pausing again? Oh yeah: so u don’t miss anything. A couple of months ago I would’ve rated high but now, I’m upset that I can’t rate lower than 1 star. I hope u read this at&t. I really hope u do. Aren’t you like the biggest telecommunications company on the planet? Had your internet once. Had being the keyword. Never had the advertised speed and if a door was shut between the modem and the chosen device in use, the signal dropped like a lead balloon. Do u just have so much money that u don’t care about the consumer anymore? I’ve been paying for your cel service for 15 years (from before u took away unlimited data like greedy pigs) and paid the exorbitant amount for your internet and cable for 6 years so the least u could do is make your only free thing work again before u had to throw your logo all over it.
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4 years ago, Suzyq1226
Works most of the time, could be better
I feel like there should be more improvements to this app, and out of all the reviews I bet people have made the suggestions already. But one huge and main complaint is that this app crashes far too often and when I go back to the middle of the show I was watching it starts over! So frustrating. I also don’t know why after I’ve watched a show from a series it doesn’t indicate anywhere that it’s already been viewed like most other media apps like Netflix, it shows the bar at the bottom showing you watched it until the end. This app only shows it when you’re in the middle of a show, but then you have to hold it doesn’t crash or it just starts over anyway. Also when you minimize the screen it keeps playing which is an awesome upgrade with the iPhone software too but if you go back and forth a few times from maximum to minimum the app crashes. So some definite things need to be fixed! Now a couple positives- it is nice that you can favorite channel, much better looking home screen than other apps, and pretty user friendly, except for the things mentioned above. It does record all my shows without any hiccups, knock on wood, but again even after I watch them they stay in my recorded shows and no indication whether they’ve been watched by a status bar or check mark.
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2 years ago, Tims opinion
One America news
I enjoy Direct TV but when it censored One America news it was wrong and disappointed me. What makes Direct tv think it’s customers can’t view and judge news in a free and open market place. We are adults and censorship is the death of a free democratic society. It’s difficult to believe in this age news would be censored merely because Direct tv did not like or agree with the reports of One America news. As it turned out, one American news was correct in its reporting. Censored news and opinions stifle a free marketplace of thought and ideas and are dangerous to culture and free thinking persons. I ask that Direct tv reconsider its decision and provide a free and open platform for news and entertainment purveyors and allow its viewers to decide what they like, how they may disagree with news or opinions and not interfere with such thought process. None of us can always agree on every aspect of others opinions and thoughts nor should we expect such monotonous thinking. Variety keeps life interesting and promotes healthy discussion of a multitude of opinions. Thank you
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5 years ago, I'm THE GingerBradMan
TV App
The change from DirecTV Now to AT&T TV Now brought with it several annoying bugs. The most annoying is the “Keep Watching” message. Chances are, if I changed the channel just 2 minutes ago, I am probably “Still Here”. So, checking the guide or changing channels or really any activity at all should reset the timer for this warning. Also, if I put my device to sleep (especially TV), please feel free to end my stream then. I can’t see any advantage for the app to stay connected if the device has been put to sleep or turned off. Also, the same loop of super-annoying commercials (some of them at speaker and ear bursting volume is really annoying). I get that you have ad space, but the repetition of a single (or even two) 30 second ads for 3 minutes is ridiculous. I shouldn’t see the same ad more than a single time each ad break. If you can fix these few small things, which I think are where most people’s dissatisfaction comes from, you should have a winner. The only thing I can think of for real improvement to content is true a la carte packages. I don’t watch a single Viacom channel, but pay for them all. I would, however, like my local PBS station (OETA) and would gladly trade 10 channels for 1. These are the things of cord-cutters dreams!
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4 years ago, Real American
I suppose it’s ok to have bugs in an app from such a tiny company like AT&T
I get it, you’re short staffed. Small companies like this typically have a tiny staff, the CEO is also the Marketing Director. The IT director is also the janitor. I get it. But, when this tiny team of people finally get around to addressing the ability for your customers to enjoy your service, can you possibly look into why this app is such a horrible disaster of a product? It’s pretty much about a coin flip of a chance for this app to show a blank screen when I turn on Apple TV. It starts with a “Keep Watching?” Question, then when you select “Yes”, the screen goes blank and you cannot move forward. Huh? This is crazy how you all with your 243,350 employees, NOT ONE of them can figure out how to address and fix this. This is your business, delivering television and communication services. How is that possible when one of your primary mechanisms for doing so is so whacked out that I can’t use it? Believe me, if you all weren’t the only company offering streaming services for Fox Sports regional channels, you’d be dropped faster than a cracked out ex-girlfriend. Unfortunately, the only crackhouse available is AT&T, so here I am, looking for another hit. Moral of the story: Do Better. Sincerely, one of your 75 million customers who is simply asking for you to fix your mess.
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2 years ago, Randall-64
The Old App Worked Just Fine
I don’t have a problem with upgrading or even trying something new. I would have mirrored all the options on the old app, then add the enhancements to make it better. I think this new app needed more time in the lab for testing before it was pushed out to the public. One of the issues was a network or a password problem. I had to reset, and resubmit my password five times or more before it was excepted just to login to the app. When it comes up, it goes directly into landscape mode when it starts playing. It would be nice if an option was provided in the settings where we can select if we want it to go directly to landscape mode. Me personally, I don’t want it to do that. And, it would be nice for us who don’t like to watch it in landscape mode, if a dark mode option was available on the Home Screen so that bright white background wouldn’t be so distracting. Plus, the old app had a volume control when your touch the screen. This one only let you mute it, could you change this please.
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4 years ago, cosmic1energy
Overall, I’m Pleased with the AT&T TV Now Service & App
I got in on the “ground floor”—Grandfathered in Go Big Plan—back when the service was DIRECTV NOW. There continue to be some glitches with the AT&T TV Now Service & the App. For example, with my Apple TV 4K sometimes when I put it to sleep with the App still streaming Live TV, after waking it back up & switching to the already open App, the channel loading bar will show motion/activity against the light blue background. Yet, the channel never resumes streaming. I simply have to close the App & reopen it—Live TV streaming begins almost immediately. Is it annoying? A little bit. There are other issues that come & go but none so severe that would cause me to walk away from the Amazing Deal I have. Overall, I’m Pleased with Both the Service & the App. By staying with the Grandfathered in Go Big Plan, I get More channels now than when I first signed up, in 1080p/60Hz & with many in Surround Sound! Easily I rate it 4 out of 5 stars.
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1 year ago, jjjjmmmmmmmm
Personal information sign in demands are egregious
I understand that the old DIRECTV app is going away after May 31, 2023. I have avoided using the new app because of the egregious agreements we have to sign concerning personal information, viewing habits, advertising, and all the other stuff that we have to agree to before the new app will work. I absolutely refuse to agree to many of these things, as they are terribly too invasive. For a reference point, if anybody has bought a new LG smart TV recently, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. They force you to do the same thing. I’ve also refused to agree to those. And they will force us to suffer from advertising not just from AT&T and DIRECTV, but from all their third-party vendors as well. Give me an app that does not require such an egregious agreement to sign, and I will use it. If you refuse to do that, I will absolutely end my DIRECTV account. AT&T, if you respond by telling me that advertising from my use of this app is one way that you stay in business, I respectfully dis agree. I already pay you lots of money every month not just her DIRECTV but for other things. If you can’t make a profit from me from that, and you’re gonna force me to suffer from advertising everywhere else, that’s just one more reason to quit AT&T and DIRECTV.
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1 year ago, MacChickCalifornia
Reliably Unreliable & Frustrating
Now you have no choice… old app won’t work at all, so you’re forced into this app, and it’s terrible! It crashes, drops signal, drops audio, design layout requires more scrolling and more steps to do basic things, everything about this is a cumbersome, clunky, shadow of the previous DTV app… even the guide is a cumbersome space-wasting, frustratingly primitive echo of the previous app. Fewer things you can do, more steps and buffering for the few things you can still do. This used to be an instant plug-and-play app. Not anymore. And after you jump through all the hoops, more annoying built-ins require attention just to do the basics… even playing the audio track with the video requires extra steps now! Whoever heard of turning ON the TV and having the default position for every little thing be “off” and “silent,” so you have to tend to a flight list of nit-picky tasks just to simply watch the news?! It’s just one final push out the door… the old app crashed too often, but this one can’t even get through all the start-up steps without locking up. And in the end, more times than not, you’ll go thru all that only to be stuck watching the screen buffer and then revert to its favorite mode: no audio.
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4 years ago, Pinktequilaa
Hire A New Dev/Pilot Team! TOO Expensive Too!
I don’t usually write reviews unless I’m extremely pleased with an app, but THIS app needs WORK. FIRST, why is there no option to REMOVE the feature that PAUSES the movie after 4 hours?? Every single time I’m watching a movie, the BEST part comes and the screen goes blank with the message, “We’ve paused your program” every freaking 4 hours!!! Have you thought about the fact that maybe we are enjoying a channel so much, that we don’t channel surf every few minutes or hours?? This is SO annoying! Which brings me to my main complaint...I don’t even have the top package and I’m paying $124 a MONTH for a STREAMING app that I can’t even control??? You also don’t have the ability to restart a show because the option doesn’t work! You also can’t rewind or pause! If you do pause, when you press play, you lose everything that showed during the pause! They didn’t test any of this when developing this app??? I had to switch to a CONTRACT just to get financial relief. The purpose of steaming is supposed to be flexible and cheaper options. Not the case here. Please get it together. Lastly, AT&T vowed to let people keep their service during the COVID crisis. I guess that doesn’t apply to the app. Smh
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4 years ago, mrbrucebutkis
doesnt work
the only thing I ever get from this app is a message saying sorry we are having trouble try again later Im still waiting for 88 days now for later to come. Then again this is to be expected from att abd why affer coming back to att this time Im leaving for good! Congratulations att this time it only took you 88 days to drive me away. In the world of mobile phone carries Ive learned not to expect much but att has managed to set the bar even lower than they ever have. Just a thought on the rare chance that anyone at att actually cares or is even listening How about putting as much effort into simplifing your products so theybare easy to use and maybe even actually work as well or better than att falsely claimsand while your at it all that effort att spends trying to woo customers who have moved on back would be better spent on putting out a quality product and treating the customers you already have like they matter . the second I leave I will get more attention in one day from att than I have the entire time I have actually been a customer. That says alot about what is imporrant to att . yes this is suppose to be a review so to be clear Id give it a 0 if it were possible its hard to give a more detailed opinion Ive never gotten it to work
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2 years ago, kidmjf
Please for the love of mud, update this app from the ground up!!
Why can’t we get an app that actually works. Every update does nothing. Can we please get profiles like every other service so that we can separate bookmarks and dvr’d stuff…etc….?? Can we please get dark mode on the iPhone and iPad app?? Every other service uses the Apple TV remote to its fullest for little shortcuts, not DIRECTV STREAM…can you please fix that (so much potential). If I have dark mode enabled on the Apple TV, can you please change the drop down menu that tells you what’s on and so on to be dark instead of bright (this used to be like that and then was taken away..WHY)?? Can you please fix the freaking guide…it skips down two or more when trying to scroll, it need to just start from the beginning when you get to the end instead of having to go back to the top and fix the times at the top so that as I go down it still doesn’t have a show that not on so I need to move to the right a little bit…I mean come on?? This service and app have been out long enough that these things should already be addressed, every other app including free Tv apps have long passed this app with features…SAD UPDATE: Nothing above has changed…UNREAL
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9 months ago, BEWARE !!!!!!!!!!!
On TV, iOS, & computer the following problems. Will continually crash watching live tv & recorded shows. While watching live programs volume unexpectedly go to mute. Sometimes screen freeze & need to exit app then open again. All these problems worse on app for computer. All apps are always updated. No virus. I would expect this from new companies or third parties apps. (Free app) Pluto tv app works perfectly. Never any issues. All apps should have to pass every functions 1000 of times before being available. Then when any app doesn’t function correctly, app makers must pay the user for inconvenient. That would solve these issues. Guaranteed. !!! Beware, iOS app downloaded in different state and let me watch my home location service for 2 months & now app will not let me watch home location anymore. App forced to turn on location and only shows programs for state you are located. Direct tv support says that Apple forced you to watch different location and direct tv can’t do anything to fix it. I had deleted app and reinstalled but still doesn’t work. This shows apple lies and keeps your data app history even if you deleted it. This is fraud. An apple should be sued for this.
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2 years ago, Woodyxo
Same issues as others
I use the app mainly on AppleTV, so my complaints relate specifically to that. The very little I have used the app on my iPhone I can’t recall having any issues. The most annoying issue it that the app times out if there is no activity after an unknown amount of time that seems to vary. I like to keep the tv on in the background while I am working, studying, cleaning, or pretty much anything else. Also I like to leave the TV on to create noise for my dogs when I am not home. The app won’t let me do this—disappointingly it times out when I am in the middle of something and can’t get to the remote to hit the button when the app asks if I am still there. I have not been able to find anywhere in the app where you can toggle this “feature” on and off. Recommend adding the ability to toggle on and off this feature. The other issue I have with this app is that it crashes more than it should. This happens almost daily. When I start the app and select a channel the content begins normally, but within a few minutes the app crashes and drops me back on the AppleTV Home Screen and I have to restart the app.
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5 years ago, tushshev
My feedback
No matter how many times we have chatted with a directv agent, the problems are not resolved or they take almost 8 to 12 months to fix. Trying to record a series, so you don’t have to look up your favorite show every week, is impossible. This feature DOES NOT WORK!!! Can’t get any of the “ now” program from ABC, only have the “TV Show” option & can’t record any of that AT ALL!! Have to wait till the next day to see any of your favorites & even then, sometimes had to wait 2 to 3 days before I can see any of the shows. They also don’t have all the shows showing on that channel. When you delete a program that you have watched, the food luck because you will have to delete it at least 5 more times before it actually is removed. Another problem, you get shows recording that YOU DID NOT CHOOSE!! Go figure.... another one is where you have shows set up to record & THEY DON’T RECORD..... they just DISAPPEAR!!!!......MAGIC..... I think not!! If these things can be fixed that would be greatly appreciated other wise please please STOP SAYING/ADVERTISING THAT IT IS JUST LIKE WATCHING REGULAR TV SHOWS....IT IS NOT! Thank you, RYH
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2 years ago, TheVampireLeMont
Staying Relevent
I love Directstream. I didn't think your company would, not only go belly up but, thrive after the advent of internet tv. Great Job. However, I just hate that I have to press so many buttons to get finally to the full details page of a movie or TV show. Hunting for the details is so frustrating it makes me not want to watch the movie. But I have no choice because the writers of the program didn't put that into their computations. Tsk tsk programmers. Who wants to search and search and search for the details of a program? Let's see if you guys really read these reviews and, fix that glitch/unforseen function. An irritating inconvenience it is. I shouldn't have go through that many pages just to gradually reach the full movie detail screen. This paying customer would like you to confirm if you have fixed that glitch because, I want you guys to win, Find the glitch and fix it please. It's so irritating at times, I just turn on my Roku😶.
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3 years ago, floorsac
Worse by the day
I have had this app and service for at least 3 years. When it works it is great...but that is few and far between the last few months. It buffers about every 5 minutes during prime time evenings and gives me notice the network is congested. It is not the service. The app skips and buffers no matter if I am using cellular data or internet. It is ATT TV that admits it is a “congested time” I have att on my phone and it disconnects and then ask me to sign in again two or three times a day. I have the app on my TV and the same thing. I think they own the word “ oops” or “ Humm”. So tired of seeing that with the spinning circle. I understand reception and area for service, but same area, same home for 3 years and same phone for almost a year. If your system can’t handle the volume, stop selling subscriptions!! Service what you promised and/or pay for better engineers!!!!!
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3 years ago, JonathanWheeler2
This app is awful! Don’t waste your money.
This app shuts down constantly. It’s absolutely horrible when casting to your tv. (The app does not work with all devices therefore I have to “cast” to my tv) The app is completely incapable of lasting 20 minutes on cast without restarting or shutting off. It doesn’t start your shows where you left off whether it’s paused, channel is changed, or it restarts. It always starts over or rewinds about 15 minutes or so. It’s random! It pops up 7 ads and 5 minutes later it shows 7 more ads (same exact ads) then if you pause and go do something, you have to restart the app and it shows 7 more ads again (same ads again). It’s a repetitive annoying problem. I can’t even watch a show without numerous ads and restarts. It just restarted 3 times and made me watch 28 ads for a 30 minute show. Just a waste of time and money. Just don’t bother with it. I’m switching to xfinity this month. My friends and where I work have it and have all the same features and they have never had this type of issue and they don't have 30 ads for a 30 minute episode. That’s absolutely ridiculous. My 30 minute show turns into an hour or stress.
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3 years ago, Bmelc
Just ok for now
We just got the service and have had a few hiccups here and there but it seems to mostly be working for now. Other reviewers are saying they are having log-in issues which I have not experienced from my side. Calling AT&T / Direct TV might help with password resets. As far as buffering issues those have been present on occasion and I have noticed the audio mismatching at times, but normally changing the channel will help with this. We are using this service with 4K Firesticks at this time which were a good option for us. Setup was fairly easy, however what I would like to see changed is the guide option to default to a certain key on the remote. Also, Fire TV’s have an integrated “guide” for all TV apps but Direct TV is not on this side at this time. Hopefully they will be in the future. Also, it would be nice if Alexa was compatible with the app and finding channels, but she is not. Overall I would rate this three stars and if you are looking for a regular cable experience to go elsewhere for now. It does not compete with it at this particular time.
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1 year ago, Angree birds rock
New DirecTV app….bring back the old one
The new app is very disappointing. It does not connect as easily to the receivers. It also is constantly showing something streaming on your phone whether or not you want to watch that and you’re just trying to search for the guide, for example. It appears to have less functionality, and the user interface is not as intuitive has the prior version. I highly recommend that the development team go look at the prior app and incorporate some of the ease of use features found in it. Example the remote control and the guide. ****update**** I Inc Change to turn off live TV that was suggested in the reply. It does not work actually power down the phone and even though setting kept the live streaming TV continued. Also, regarding connecting receivers: my receivers are connected to the Internet. They are powered on, but the app won’t connect to them. Issue with the prior app that was replaced. Again, I would recommend that development team go back and look at the prior app and incorporate some of the ease of connectivity features that existed before. This is not about Angry Birds.
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2 years ago, SoCalLeeLee
Okay… service…they raise the prices too often!
Too many of the same commercials repeating during the commercials… it’s redundant and frustrating. Also, we don’t like you can only stream 2 devices at a time. We have been a customer from the beginning of this services start when they got bought out from DIRECTV. Every year we have been a customer they keep raising prices and if they raise them again we might leave this streaming service all together. Do your homework when it comes to to the better streaming services out there. When we joined this platform, there was only about 2-3 streaming services and ir was still new. We have been a customer for about 7 years now… and I get upset every time they up their prices. If they are going to do that… they should offer more/better commercials. I’m sick of seeing prescription meds for commercials. There is nothing ever local to the community that is broadcasted during commercials. I get it’s a streaming service and they’re limited but, they could offer a better variety.
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2 years ago, lnb618
It’s a scam. Highway Robbery.
I first opened this account about 5 years ago maybe even longer. When I first purchased it was about $75 per month with little add-ons and access to most channels. When the company went from AT&T to DIRECTV stream, I was told my price would be grandfathered in due to my loyalty as a customer. In the past, if my card declined I had plenty of time to fix the issue and still had access. In this case, I deactivated my lost card and did not update it on the website (this was after company change) . After just a couple days (3 or 4), the company immediately shut down my entire account . When I reached out , they couldn’t explain this but I was fully aware that they no longer wanted to give me the grandfathered price. So after I complained, they reopened my account BUT at the current price which was over $100. About every 6 months since the account goes up $10. So now I’m paying $136 which is the same price of more as me having a house phone, wifi and cable on the same plan. In addition, that cable plan would have wayyyy more to offer. It’s absolute robbery.
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5 years ago, Cheer1078
Never plays the Regional Sports Market
I have been using this app since Direct TV came out and I’m forced to keep because no other apps have MSG in their packages. That being said I cannot access the MSG channel on the app. It is supposed to be playing my regional market which would mean I should be able to watch the Sabres games just like I did when I had Satellite. Nope it gives me the Rangers and New Jersey Devils games, not everyone that lives in NY lives in the city, but when you go to watch them it says these games aren’t available. So I have to open the MSG Go app on my iPad and stream it to my TV which can only be done if you have Apple TV. I have tried to talk to the live chat because that’s the only customer support they offer which is totally BS because these people are not even in this country so they have no idea what your talking about. You will be losing another customer if this doesn’t get fixed.
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3 years ago, Laurie1142
This D Stream is a terrible app
You should never have changed it. As DirectvNow, it was working fine. Then comes AT&T Now, still okay, but now it’s really bad. I try to delete the shows that I have DVR’d & they are still there. Then if I finish watching the show that I have DVR’d, it offered to delete it but it you choose delete now, it does not delete it. Then, if you wait for what is supposed to come up in 6 seconds, it never comes up. You are just stuck there. You can’t go back or anything do you have to exit the app just to start watching again. The fast-forward is not the same & you cannot tell how far you have gone. There are lots of other issues with this app. I pay a lot of this & I sure hope the developers can fix it the work properly.
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3 years ago, ☯Alexis☯
Needs A LOT of work
I can’t even play this on my smart tv without it buffering every 3 seconds. i looked it up and it said it was an issue with my wifi, but none of my other streaming services have ever had this issue on my tv. i don’t know if there’s something that you guys can fix with that, but please do. the app also crashes quite a bit which starts my episode over again which i then have to try to remember what place i was at. with that being said, i really enjoy the selection of tv shows and movies. more things that could be fixed: -maybe have it so one account can have multiple different profiles on there? that way our shows don’t overlap with each other if we’re sharing with other people. -with some tv shows like love island, a lot of episodes are missing. i don’t understand the point of having a series/season available if there major key episodes missing. i had to go to CBS to watch the missing ones. i suggest trying to include all the episodes of a season if able to.
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4 years ago, Kahoot
Choose at your own risk.
I used to love my Direct TVNow/AT&T TV but it has seriously gone down hill. My issues: 1) the audio is out of sync with the picture. Sometimes you have to reload the channel but sometimes you have to re-install the app. Sometimes that doesn’t work and you either change the channel or suffer through. 2) several times a week, after looking at the specific show information, the directional buttons on the remote don’t work in the app. I know this because they do work in other apps just not this one. You have to delete then reinstall to fix the problem 3) errors in uploading channel you select- you get an error about the content not available but if you go to a different channel, let it load, the re-try the channel it works. I have checked the battery level and my connection speed and neither of them are an issue. They have one more month before I give up the fight and go elsewhere, which is a shame because I love the lineup of channels I have here. I’m just getting too frustrated in trying to watch it.
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4 years ago, ChipV_05
Still plenty of bugs
I’ve been using At&t TV app for couple of years and hoped that this app could be as good as the other streaming apps from big players. But after several years after release the app is buggy and UX is still needs improvement. Why the app is always goes to the full screen when I launch a show? Why can’t it stay as is and let me choose if I need full screen? Another huge issue is how it works with AirPlay. I’ve got new LG OLED TV and was so disappointed that there was no native At&t TV app. It was very bad business decision not to support LG webOS. Every competitor has their app for webOS. At&t just killing customer base by not doing that. But I thought that there is a good workaround. New LG TVs support AirPlay and I can stream At&t TV from my phone, right!? Yes, but only until first ad. The app just gets frozen as soon as ad starts. You can turn AirPlay off and on. It will help until next ad. And you have a lot of advertising:( So, the At&t TV is not usable with LG TV. Probably it’s time to give up on this service and find another service that works on my TV.
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5 years ago, ChrisDeeShields
Good Lineup
I do enjoy watching this service, but it does have some issues. Often lately I have had to change the channel and change it back due to sound and video getting out of sync. Also, I get the buffer a lot on some days and rarely on other days but I do see the buffer every day and I lasts anywhere from 5 seconds to a minute. From time to time I get the oops, something went wrong and have to change channels to get it back. My internet is a top tier unlimited cable service so download speed is not the issue. The same issue happens with wifi and Local Area Network alike. I never have trouble getting the channel back, it is just irritating having to flip channels. I enjoy the lineup and think it is a great value compared to other services I have used. Picture quality is very good, and sound quality is good. I love the fact that I can watch this app on any device I own. Overall I am satisfied with the service, just needs to stop buffering and getting out of sync.
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2 years ago, Lumpypuddin
Love the concept, not a fan of a few items…
We switched from another provider to save some money but we feel the apps could use some polishing. We mainly use the app on our Apple TV but my husband uses it a lot on his phone as well. The biggest issues we have noticed are: 1) if my husband watches something on his phone, it always changes the channel on the Apple TV when it’s off. So we turn on the Apple TV after he’s watched his phone and it’s the last channel he watched on his phone. We really feel since you can have up to 20 simultaneous streams, the app should offer profiles to keep content separate. This would be a HUGE win. 2) the Apple TV app occasionally gets out of sync with the video and sound. The longer we watch something on the same station without intervention, the video backslides as the audio continues forward. The only way to fix this is to change the channel and then go back. This is more annoying than anything else but seems like it shouldn’t happen as much as it does. 3) getting to the guide after turning the tv on takes way too long, especially since the last channel is always changed with my husband’s phone. I feel like since this is the easiest way to get to the channel you want, it should work better. We haven’t had the service long enough to try all of the features yet but we feel these are the biggest issues that should be corrected to make the platform more user friendly.
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10 months ago, Phantomrox822
Only one complaint
For the last 14 years I’ve been a Direct Tv user and have grown with them. I’ve been trying to get the app to work while I winter down south and this year it has been great. It’s like being home. I’m able to record and extend a live recordings and even record a series but God Forbid I’m able to delete any of the shows that I’ve recorded over the last month. Well that is why I only gave it 4 stars. My hard drive at home is filling up with Christmas movies and thank God for the writers and Actors strike as all the fall shows now start in Feb. So if you don’t mind filling up your hard drive then you can love this app. But maybe just maybe the developers will figure out how to make this a 5 star app sometime in the future. And yes I called tech support and even though they did their best to help me they couldn’t figure out how to delete movies remotely
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2 years ago, luckyclover26
The new steam
I have a feeling this will be the best value for money in the streaming world for me and my family to have the same amount in the next year to pay for the service and then the service and all the value that I have for the services that I need to be able to use the app for my own personal use and for the children to use the app for their own use and for my family so that we can have more time for each other to enjoy the things we love to enjoy! So if you have a chance please give it a try and see what you have for your own and I will be glad that we are able to get a better experience for the kids and you guys will have a better understanding of what you have and what is the best value for your family!
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1 year ago, A1 "Like the Sauce"
Please add…
Please add a way to delete shows or movies from the continued watching section. Currently, I started watching one episode of a 10-episode series, which it will not allow any fast forwarding. After watching the first two episodes I decided that I am not going to finish the series. But I am unable to delete it so now I have to let it play through each entire episode of all 10 episodes before it will disappear. So I have my phone just continuously playing it next to me while I watch on my actual television a different show. I know HBO max gives you the capability of deleting in this manner, and also Netflix as well. Please add this feature to make the DIRECTV stream experience even better. Thank you.
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2 years ago, qwfsbtuenfbfnesh
New app is awful - zero stars if allowed
UPDATE App is still awful. Local sports play on NSBA (channel 696 here) and although the warriors game shows up, there is no option to record it. PLEASE FIX THE APP OR LET ME GO BACK TO THE OLD ONE. Terrible app!!!!!!!!! The old directv app was very useful. The new one is awful and un-useable. I wanted to tape a series on our local PBS station but that channel wasn’t even on the available list. When I tried to tape the series (searching on the name of the series), the app allowed only one channel for the show and it’s one we don’t even get in our area! Also, when you use the guide, there is no vertical bar along the side allowing the user to choose the channel number range or channel name range (for example, there is no alphabetical listing so I can choose the letter H). You have to scroll through ALL the numbers from number 1 to, say, channel 502. Stupid update. I now tape things using my tv remote. That’s fine when I’m at home but I can no longer tape when I am away for certain stations.
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1 year ago, Rosegarten
Performance update
First of all, let me begin by saying I love Direct tv streaming. My favorite channels are listed and no problems when watching on my Apple devices. However, I am having connectivity issues on the tv. I can’t even access the app to begin watching tv. Other than this issue, I love Direct tv streaming way better from the other service I was using. If you can help me with connection issues on the tv, I am all good. I gave a four star rating because my issue. Keep up the good work. UPDATE: I am happy to say I can now give a 5 star rating to my previous review with the 4 star rating. It was suggested to me that I may need a new fire stick because they do need replacement every so often. I did replace it and now connectivity is instant now. I’m in love with the performance now and hands down five stars.
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5 years ago, Scuba den
Good alternative, but not perfect
Having used this service for the last 12 months, there’s been good and bad. The good is that for the most part, it works well 90% of the time. The package offers me the channels I want at a reasonable price. But in the last year my service has increased by $20/month. If it keeps on increasing, I will look elsewhere. I like I can access the service on-line where I travel. The HD quality is good most of the time. But there are frequent times it switches from SD to HD...very irritating! I’ve also experienced way to much buffering when I may lose a picture for a couple of seconds or up to minutes where I have to exit the application and re-enter it for it to work. In the end, I wanted to cut the cable and this provided a viable option. However, with more like services available, DirectNow needs to up their game and improve their service and not continue to raise prices.
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4 years ago, att tv now review
Love the entertainment
I love the att tv now service. It’s been really good to me their is a couple things I would like to see happen is making the on demand content always free to use within the subscription like if you wanted to watch a certain movie on demand you should be able to watch it depending on your package you have like for instants I have showtime and starz and I went to pick out a certain movie and it was available on stars but could not watch it I only were to be able to record it for whatever day it falls on in order to start watching it. I Think the pricing should be alittle cheaper because it is quite expensive for all the packages but overall it’s good I just think the pricing needs to drop a few bucks and the on demand contain should be to where you can watch anything and is able to watch anything working your subscription other then that it’s good
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5 years ago, rere045
Poor Customer Service
1st time they said it was too many trees around my apartment so that couldn’t get a satellite. But I could get the internet. I said no I wanted cable if not internet. That didn’t work went off n the at&t store n HOMEWOOD, Alabama an got Direct Now only for me nice they get to my home again now he cannot do the installation when they had got permission the 1st time . So I called them an talk to someone about my money an I have not got any money back an no service. An. Couldn’t get the internet so u couldn’t watch tv but they keep going in my account getting 70$ out for nothing I finally got in touch with someone but they want refund my money back I’m paying for something I’m not watching. I wouldn’t recommend anybody to AT&T I wish I could rate them a -5 stars taking customer money like this don’t make no sense and the agent act just like she understood but she couldn’t an AT&T is a big company why take my money and im file a complaint with the BBB of Alabama 2 months they got money out my account so sad....
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1 year ago, No nickname, all used
Directv helps
I have read 1 persons very negative review and I’m sorry he had a bad experience with AT&T/ Directv. I have been with them for several years and they have always worked with me on pricing knowing some people have difficulty paying some monthly bills, although TV isn’t a major necessity and we could literally go without it but they helped me by lowering my bill for a year. Every little bit helps. I have always had good service, phone calls with their employees and have had nothing but good things with them, I have no interest in paying for streaming channels that’ll end up being more a month depending on what streaming channels you get. I have nothing but good things to say about AT&T/ Directv.
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4 years ago, wngsofhope
Needs much improvement
I have so many issues with this app. While watching on demand shows the app randomly gives an error message stating “something went wrong” and I have to completely reset the app. At times I try to look at the guide it states information cannot be loaded. While fast forwarding there are no thumbnails so you don’t know where you are in the show, you just have to guess when to play. On demand shows at times don’t keep track of where you are in the show, so if you turn it off and come back later it will restart the whole episode, with ads and all that you cannot fast forward through. And if you leave the on demand on pause too long it will start the ads all over again, even if you already watched the required time of ads for that slot. Not to mention there is no app for my LG smart tv, because they don’t support LG for whatever reason, so to watch cable on that tv I have to purchase a third party device to stream cable. Just much aggravation.
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3 years ago, galbert
Are you saving money by not hiring testers?
tvOS app is a mess. Latest update 4.0.23 and the guide is unusable. When watching one channel and open guide to move to another a different channel and time slot is highlighted. Huh? What is that about, the app should know exactly where I am. Moving thru the guide or anywhere else and the cursor jumps 2 or 3 slots up, down, right, or left. Does not matter, it just skips around. Seriously is there ANY regression testing to make sure when fixing one thing 23 other things aren’t broken? First rule of programming on any platform is to make sure you do not break something. Given how complex this app is 1-2 hours of regression testing and you would have all use cases covered. I get your main product is your stock and the service you provide to paying customers is something that just gets in the way of shareholder value, but even in economics 101: no product = no customers = no company = no stock = $0 for shareholders.
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3 years ago, cygnusdrache
Multiple problems with functionality
2 main issues - the Apple remote response on the app is pitiful. It is slow, often unresponsive, and the 15 second function is non-existent. The Apple remote is generally about g, but much worse on this app. Second - why does this app think I want to switch to a live TV show I have zero desire to watch, and change it automatically? I can’t tell you how often I am watching something I have “recorded” and is in my library, and then a little message pops up asking me if I want to delete the show? It’s not over! No I don’t want to delete what I’m literally in the middle of watching. Then another message pops up telling me I have 10 seconds and it’s going to switch to live TV - to a channel I never watch and a show I have no interest in. If I can’t grab the remote quick enough the app shuts off my show and suddenly I’m watching a soccer game. Wth?!?
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1 year ago, J.Heardicane
Nice app overall.
I’ve been with DIRECTV since 1996 (yes, that long). I moved from the satellite to the streaming service 2 years ago. Overall, the app provides similar functionality to the original DTV channel guide on the satellites (one of the best reasons to have this app is the channel guide UI). I have observed all of the positive updates DTV has made to the app over the past couple of years to improve the customer experience and bring the app closer to the original DTV channel guide. I have 2 suggestions that I would like to be considered: 1. The channel guide should allow for ongoing scrolling when reaching the top and bottom thresholds (currently there is a hard stop). I know this is a minor gripe, but it would be nice. 2. I periodically get a “network congestion” error when watching a program. It is entirely the DTV Streaming app and not my Internet service (I’m on 1 gig fiber). Other streaming apps work fine whenever I get these errors that disrupt programming. This is the only streaming app with which I have experienced this issue. I would recommend this service, but I also understand that it works for my situation. Mileage will always vary for everyone.
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4 years ago, pchris16
A buggy mess
This app has always been an unstable, buggy experience on iOS and is even worse on AppleTV. While I have seen some features get better, they are always just getting parity with other streaming services like YouTubeTV and not making the user experience stand apart in any way. For example, I cannot pause a live feed. If I press pause, the screen freezes and when I unpause, the feed skips ahead to the live broadcast. It’s no more than a mute button that pauses the picture. More than that, I regularly need to force quit the app due to being in a bad state with a blank screen not able to bring up the guide or live TV. And on AppleTV, there are times I just need to restart the device to get the AT&T TV app out of a bad state. That is really drastic measures for whatever exception has been thrown. About the only good feature is that streaming does not count against data limits when not on wifi, but that has nothing to do with the app itself or the user experience.
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1 year ago, CapeandIslander
Seems to be a huge loss of functionality
I’m a long time Direct customer and app user. I don’t stream movies on my phone because it is TINY. I did however REALLY appreciate the feature of the older version of this app where I could simply search for my favorite channels and easily scroll through a list of shows/movies for a couple of weeks in advance and select programs to record. It took me a while, but I finally figured out I can go to Guide->sort alphabetically then scroll until I find each channel and then scroll roll through a list of shows (with a lot of extra white space lines and no ⭐️ratings) to see what I might want to record. Thanks for making the app so much more cumbersome (and I really don’t appreciate that tiny video window that follows me to my Home Screen when I exit the app.)
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2 years ago, Mike Weasner
Version 4 feedback
Since version 4 of this app does not have a way to provide feedback to the DirecTV app developer, I'm providing feedback on two things that are flawed in the current version. Maybe the developers will see my comments. 1. There is no preference to set the Guide filter to "non-streaming channels". Since my AT&T Wireless Internet 4G/LTE home service has a limited monthly data allocation and there is no unlimited data plan, I do not want to see Streaming Channels in the Guide. The Guide should default to non-streaming or All Channels. 2. The Guide opens with channels showing in the 200s. Tapping at the top of the screen does not scroll the list to Channel 1 but should. In fact, the Guide should open with Channel 1 at the top. 3. The app keeps asking me to enable Streaming with Mobile Data. The app preference has this setting turned off. The app must honor the user preference setting and stop bugging me.
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2 years ago, GirlMom314
The worst
Do you know how frustrating it is when you were in the last 10 minutes of a show and the app crashes and then you have to go back to the beginning and start over? AND EVEN WORSE, there is no way to skip forward to the part where you left off because “fast forwarding is not allowed”? If you actually want to see that last 10 minutes you have to let the app play all the way through it again. Every time I get a phone call or I have to pause for some reason, it’s 50-50 on whether it picks back up where it left off or starts back at the beginning. Took 3 tries to get through the last show I watched, turning my 50 minute show into an hour and a half! By the way other apps, even when they don’t allow you to fast forward, you can still skip forward. This app won’t let you skip forward. So sorry sucker start at the beginning and let it play all the way through again
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3 years ago, GatorboyUF
Weird and frustrating
Recorded the Yellowstone series. The entire season was recorded. Went to my Library and watched season 1 E1. The. A day later went to watch S1, E2. But Wpisode 2,3,4 were no longer their. So, I went to on demand to watched those episodes, then the plan was I would start in my library again and watch episode 5, so I could fast forward (which you can’t when I’m ‘On Demand’. Weird thing is, now episodes 5,6,7 were no longer there. This was a revolving issue, I could never watch my recorded episodes, they just kept deleting when I would be forced to watch it in my demand. Another note, same as other reviewers. The ‘On Demand’ feature for watching TV shows aloes for no mercy if you pause for later in the middle of a show. You will need to start the entire show all over again and start from the beginning. This is why I want so bad for my recorded shows to work, because of the ‘On Demand Glitches’
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5 months ago, DanielHeckford79
Should of kept older DIRECTV app
Nothing wrong with older DIRECTV app . Was thought out perfectly , had all details and functions needed , info on movies before you select them , perfect . This new app took a lot of these functions away . You go to watch tv programs on demand and it cuts out the last 45 seconds of the show missing the ending entirely because it thinks the show is over before it actually is . Selecting a program on guide no longer gives any info to the plot of the show or movie so you go into it completely blind . I even put this in for feedback and future updates fails to get these things resolved . The tv white guide is also a downgrade to the black version and should revert back to it or alter the colouring like how it shows on your tv satellite guide would be an improvement. Not impressed .
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2 years ago, CallieFS
Could be better
Been using this app for a while now and my complaints are related to the entire universe of DirecTV and not just the app. In no particular order 1)Not easy to use closed captioning especially if on live tv. Too many steps to get too and from preferences 2)If I switch TVs which I do every day, I sometimes have completely reboot my Fire TV or my stick because DirecTV won’t load. 3)My regional sports channels don’t load properly and there’s no way to fix even though only one is in my favorites guide list. If I use the Sports tab both channels are shown. The one with the plus sign and is the one I need but the shortcut opens then one without the plus sign. I’m sure there is more but that’s all I can think of for now. 4)Customer service is inconsistent. One agent actually told me I only had 3 HBO channels even though I pay for HBOMax. Developers, are you reading this??
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