It’s far better than the original iteration but it still has a long way to go. The fact they make you change your password every quarter negates the Face ID login because you can’t change the password that pops up when you use it.
Nice app and does as advertised. It really needs the ability to validate tickets as ticket holders come into the venue if scanners are not available. Access to this would be a 5 star upgrade.
It tracks ticket sales...but the numbers are nowhere near accurate. For that matter, ticket sales are inaccurate on the etix website too, so what would you expect? Never using etix again. Eventbright from now on.
Please make an app that allows you to edit the backend of events and see price code breakdowns/details audits. It would be great to be able to make quick edits on my phone while traveling.
** NOT A CONSUMER TICKET PURCHASE APP ** ** ONLY FOR ETIX CLIENT VENUES AND PROMOTERS ** ** REQUIRES AN EXISTING ETIX CLIENT LOGIN ** The fastest way for Etix client Venues, Box Office Managers and Promoters to stay on top of current ticket sales across each of their venues. Etix Manager provides instant, real time access to “Ticket Snapshot” information at a performance level. FEATURES: * View upcoming performances by venue * Access real-time ticket sale information including Revenue, Orders and Tickets Sold * Free for Etix client use * Compatible with all devices running iOS10+ * For Etix clients only, not a ticket purchase app for the general public CONNECT WITH ETIX: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @EtixWorld