KSL.com News Utah

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Deseret Digital Media, Inc
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4 months ago
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User Reviews for KSL.com News Utah

4.67 out of 5
51.6K Ratings
4 years ago, Rymidaho
Too much click bait
Your coverage of the recent protests has really turned me negative on KSL reporting. I get it that you feel the need to give “voice to the underserved” but enough is enough. The folks paying the freight in this country are being pilloried constantly. The underserved deserve help if they are working to better themselves and their community, not just play the victim role. How about you tell the whole story not just the sensational. By the way we are all victims (even white guys), but most of us move on. Journalists have become “herders” to a particular point of view not reporters. The covid 19 reporting has been over the top in instilling fear. Had a couple mask shame me the other day while I was walking my dog on a remote forest service road early in the morning with no one around for miles. (They were in their car wearing masks). You and your kind (the herders)have contributed to unprecedented economic harm to millions of the same underserved people you claim to care about. Ps I am over 65 and feel it is my responsibility to isolate not the public’s responsibility to isolate from me. How about you show some courage and put some perspective on this whole Covid thing and take some of the fear mongering out. KSL is better than that,I thought.
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2 years ago, Lsnarr
Reasons I love KSL Radio ( after all these years - still SO relevant )
I appreciate the news and information from KSL RADIO station for the following reasons: 1) current traffic and weather conditions( you're the best) 2) current up-to date LOCAL and topical interests & happenings Dave and Dejenicic, Boyd Matheson ( ie. current Capitol Hill Legislative session) super! 3)also hearing from Local authorities, great 4) and last & the best hearing from your audience of listeners. 5) sports now - love them( almost forgot) However, you’re not the only team on the field, other fabulous ones ( in my opinion) - radio stations KNRS Rod Arquette hits a home run almost every day, Salem AM 12:30 radio- with varied & excellent broad casters, BYU radio, myriads of podcasters, from various teachers especially GREAT religious teachers, music, Hillsdale College courses, & BYU religious courses, we hardly watch TV anymore, only for a little entertainment- sports games. We have Hale theater! The competition is great and I’m happy to say KSL is still very relevant! Yes, there is Relevant Radio- that’s good. Hey, thanks for asking for my insignificant opinion.
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5 years ago, Mahoney Muncie
Fantastic news app - not only local
I lived in SLC for many years, which is when I downloaded the KSL app as it was great with local news. Than I moved back to my home state. Now abroad to Europe. Still I keep the KSL app. Why? Not only to keep up to date with local news, from SLC where I have many friends. But most importantly for the “US news” and “world news” parts. I mean they cover EVERYTHING in both categories. Every news item worth of covering. National/World news apps have fewer news items than the KSL app in those categories, which are ignored by most local apps. Not sure how they do it, but this is the ultimate local/national/world news app, if you browse around. Highly recommended.
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4 years ago, adog123
Fix notifications please!
For years KSL has been my absolute favorite news app and news organization. I don’t even live in Utah any longer and still use this app daily. Then COVID came and 6 months in they are still sending COVID number notifications every signal day! These numbers are NOT breaking news and should not be disturbing app users every afternoon. It’s ridiculous, just have a news story we can click on to look at the numbers if we want to get those like every other news app out there. So I reluctantly turned off notifications. However, with notifications off these daily COVID number notifications are still coming through. All the breaking news notifications have stopped but not these. This needs fixed, please! I really don’t want to have to delete the app. What I would prefer to see is the ability to keep on breaking news notifications and turn off daily COVID number notifications. I really still want to receive breaking news notifications but want to turn off these pesky Covid number notifications.
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4 years ago, AntiCNNNBC
KSL has swung so far left over the past few years promoting and subtlety focusing positive photos and stories on leftist views and negative stories on conservative politicians or candidates. It used to be subtle and now it’s brazen. I guess that’s what happens when so much of your news staff hold liberal views and you get your news stories from NBC, CNN and AP which represent liberal values and views. I used to think of KSL representing conservative values...not anymore. What happened? You love stories of Mitt Romney attacking Trump, Ben McAdams is our hero of standing up to Trump and on and on you go. You’ve become more of the DNC election megaphone. I’m not a radical far right person, but I’m not blind and it not just me. So many people I know are complaining about the very noticeable shift in political reporting on both KSL TV and your website. Hope you make it back at least to the middle some day. We used to watch KSL news every night at 10 pm...not anymore. It’s a conservative bash show.
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5 years ago, MrBungle74
Mormon Centric Biased News
Like the title says. Comments are silenced if anything against the Mormon church is mentioned. Seeing how this app and entire station is ultimately owned by the Mormon church I’m really not surprised. Everything has to have a tie into the Mormon church, mormon church news and Mormon church comments. Just because the Mormon church says something doesn’t mean it has to be front page. However, it does when the Mormon church owns KSL. News stories are biased. Free thought is discouraged in comments. They have their favorite Mormon commenters and their comments stay. Others like mine aren’t. Even if it’s not a Mormon related story. KSL needs to remember not everyone in Utah is Mormon. In fact, church numbers are falling like flies yet KSL still can’t be inclusive for everyone. If you don’t follow the sheep, KSL will ignore you. KSL is extremely corny and some of their stories are flat out unnecessarily written with terrible fact checking and fact gathering, however I know people have to justify their jobs The app itself is excellent. Easy to use and well thought out unlike their actual news stories. Absolutely any way they can tie the Mormon church into a news story, they will. It’s quite sad really. I’m switching to 2News as their app has gotten way better than it used to be and I’ll be uninstalling this biased, Mormon centric app today. Too bad, I’ve been using it for years but I can’t take mormon news anymore. I really don’t care.
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4 months ago, Coach moody
Good job
You are doing a great job. I keep learning news about our state, counties, and cities. You pass on the nation’s news developments to keeps me informed. However, when one passes on to others a news story, the heavy responsibility of checking the facts about the original story for reporting is even a greater burden . No one should ever pass on a report that reads… undisclosed sources. They are usually invented news. I hope KSL is not passing on to me, any news reports that are not true or news bias. Please keep my reading trust in your hands, your ears, your eyes and your soul.
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5 days ago, MSG1962
Can’t change things
This has more to do with KSL than the actual app. You can’t change your email, you can’t change your screen name. The only options you have under profile/account management is Change Password Forgot my password Request Account Deletion Why do I have to request an account I voluntarily created I have to ask permission to delete. If you’re part of a club or have a subscription service I just click unsubscribe or delete my account and it’s done. No threats at all but KSL threatens you with the market place as well not just the news app. People know if you delete an account that is a forum you can’t post anymore. I stopped watching KSL over there constant battles with rebroadcast of their programs on satellite and cable. I cut that cord too I don’t have cable or satellite this was my last KSL item I look at So good by KSL good riddance.
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4 years ago, Clever6347
Horrible Moderators
KSL has developed an app that has created a horrible comment section that is a train wreck. I try not to read the comments, but I sometimes just have to see. The moderators almost never post my comments but allow some truly horrible stuff to get through. The current moderator roles or format needs to change. I am almost ready to end it with KSL and the biased, LDS centric view. Not a good news feed with poorly written stories. The weather is good. The rest, C- at best.
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12 months ago, Stuey021
KSL news is garbage.
Where do I even begin? Whether you’re religious or not the moderators are biased. The whole article comment section is just a cesspool of people who either don’t know what they’re talking about (everybody’s an expert these days...) or they are over emotional on any topic, it’s just utterly toxic. It’s interesting when you try to call people out on stuff to which they have no knowledge of and then get your comments blocked or removed by the moderators. My comments aren’t even as bad as most that I’ve seen and they won’t allow them...KSL has been definitely started to lean more liberal these days from the topic of their news articles to even the wording they use. I’m about to just completely boycott KSL and urge anyone with half a brain to do the same.
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4 months ago, Sw1435
Too politically motivated
I use to love KSL as a good news provider always reporting fairly for all readers and listeners. But for a while there has become an abundance of political narratives on the table rather than just reporting the local and national news, along with that KSL is definitely appeasing to the more liberal views. I’m surprised being owned by a conservative based church it’s that way. It’s hard when we the readers feel more of a political agenda is on the table rather than fair reporting of good news. Trashing the Republican Party and praising the Democratic administration as our country continues to plummet is hard to read. Conservatives would like to be considered as fairly as the liberals as we all need good unbiased reporting rather than pushing an agenda.
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3 years ago, redgreentoad
Still frustrated
This comment has to do with the streaming news. There are continuing problems. We get a black screen, and no picture of news or no sound. Then other times we get picture and see the news but no sound of what's being said. Now it jumps in the middle of a story and goes straight into another story that already started. Been doing that several days. Even after updating for bug fixes it still does it. There have been different issues in the past. I know problems can happen and do happen but good grief it just seems it shouldn't happen so many times continually. I don't know if it's an issue from inside the studio. Or if it's the app. But it gets old and frustrating.
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2 years ago, Boom-Boom Sparky
KSL and trust In Their reporting
I used to admire and look forward to listening and hearing the news on KSL. That was before they pulled really far to the Left. You might argue that point, which is your right. With KSL turning to their being “ just another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party - and the Socialist and Communists and Marxists and every other divisive, reprehensible and perverted viewpoint that the Democrats seem to embrace” any truth that might accidentally fall from their mouths, so to speak, even anything good about the Mormon Church at this point, is met with a overwhelming urge to cast it away as being so biased and off center, that even considering it is a waste of time. This is how far KSL has fallen! It’s to a point that KSL has almost no credibility. Such is the state of modern Journalism in Utah.
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7 years ago, Unscarredcfh
Biased moderators
The app itself is ok, however don't try to have a debate with anyone on the comment boards if your views aren't in line with the LDS church. The moderators are extremely biased and will not post your comments even if they conform to all the rules. But if your comments are pro LDS you can just toss the rules aside. I thought news outlets were supposed to be unbiased and against censorship. Edit- pretty sure there's at least 1 mod who just deletes my comments without even reading them because it happened twice today. They basically said that congress collecting a paycheck during a shutdown is a slap in the face of every American and both got deleted. I think one mod took offense to me saying Joseph Smith was a convicted con artist with some magic rocks. Anyone wanna wager that I'll get no developer response? Lol
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6 years ago, Flyinrt
Very biased ‘news’ organization
The app is fine. The news on the other hand is bery biased on most stories regarding Trump. I usually skip those stories because I know it’ll just be a bash Trump session. Information is always left out that would show the actual truth. The titles of many of your stories (not just regarding Trump) are meant only to draw people in. They are sensationalized and don’t represent what you will actually read. The truth is, I only go to ksl news because it’s already on my phone. I try to stick to the local stories only although if you’re willing to lie (by omission) for some stories, they all probably lack the full truth.
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2 years ago, Whoa-Now
Tired of Comments
Scanning through angry, know-it-all, people hating, smart-alec commenters who have all but taken over this platform (notwithstanding the recent controls placed upon the commenters) to find comments worth reading has become beyond tiresome. I wish KSL would lead out in the media industry and CANCEL their comment section. Honestly I have no idea what they, as a news organization glean from it. It has no redeeming qualities. A failed experiment in my estimation. Sorry KSL.
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6 years ago, Maximus_Prime007
Not real journalism
This app uses probably 90-95% of its articles from the Associated Press, not KSL news itself. Sadly the Associated Press claims to be unbiased in politics but it’s proving more and more to be leaning towards the liberal side. With that I don’t feel like I’m getting the full truth. I did not vote for Trump but I feel like the AP has a massive grudge against him. They left out a lot of his speech to the UN yesterday to make it look like America is the “bad guy” and that we don’t care about others. The other problem too is that the AP fees more like “opinion news” than real news. I know KSL has capable writers, do your own job instead of using other news agencies and pass it off as your own!
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1 year ago, TH3SHUR1F
Comments Section Nonsense
User comments each need moderator approval, which is fine…unless they deem something as “too spicy” to post, irrespective of factual accuracy. I write this because I put together an objective, concise comment that was relevant to the article and was well within the community guidelines; but it was “flagged for abuse” and removed, clearly because someone couldn’t handle an opposing viewpoint and had their feelings hurt. Meanwhile, other comments are allowed with egregiously incorrect statements, usually bordering on ad hominem commentary rather than actually contributing to the overall discussion (P47). It’s a joke, and KSL should be the last place you look for journalistic integrity if this is how they operate.
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4 years ago, Jimoray
Regurgitation of fake news
After almost 4 years of regurgitation of CNN, AP, Washington Post, NYTimes and Huffing Post, I consider KSL with lazy or complicit to the Russian Conspiracy and the Trump Campaign. You lied yes KSL lied and you have zero credibility and continue to lie. Zero retraction on the topic nor will we hear anything on the liberal lies and attempted treasonous acts. You yes KSL is treasonous. For 4 years I wrote your editor and zero ownership. What scum and to be associated with the church makes it even more damning. KSL Scum is as nice to a 1 star I can get. Liberal scum fits better.
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6 years ago, Spelling Bee Champyun
Videos auto launching is beyond annoying
You need to stop allowing videos to automatically begin playing. Even when you turn the videos off multiple times they will continue to play without being user launched. Extremely annoying, especially when audio starts blaring from your device in a quiet environment! (Like church) Please stop this asinine feature. I swear on the life of my dog I will never buy products from any of your advertisers who bully their way into my newsfeeds. It’s a joke KSL. Stop it!
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6 years ago, Bravo_2_clear
This AP...oops KSL app is trash
If your looking for AP or CNN news just go there instead, cause 90% of this app is from them anyway, you’ll get occasional local stories but that’s it. The comment boards are a complete joke and the moderators censor you even if your comment is within the guidelines that ksl has issued, unless your name is pioneer47 and your comment is completely liberal it won’t get posted. They post stories from liberal news sources which get a rise from people only to go on the comment boards to become armchair captains and express their opinions to get censored, very infuriating..IMHO the comment boards should be taken off if all wont get posted none should be. You’re creating a dangerous environment.
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6 years ago, Alpenander
Far From the USA But Never Far From Utah Thanks To KSL!
As a retired “Senior Young Married Couple,” my wife (of 47 years) and are serving our second overseas mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Why would parents of four adult children and 16 precious grandchildren (ranging from 2-21 years old) ever due such a crazy thing? Because “the world is flat!” With KSL, Face Time, Skype and Magic Jack, we are in Utah even though we residing in Brazil, the Caribbean, New Zealand or Timbuktu. Thank you KSL for keeping us connected with our Intermountain place of safety and refuge from the storm of the modern day world. With your link to our Utah community, it is easy to physically be helping others in faraway assignments. We love living in the “flat world” as long as KSL keeps us linked to our Utah roots! Ray & Marilyn Anderson Humanitarian Service Specialists São Paulo, Brazil 😁😇👍🏻🌴
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6 years ago, ZE-phi
Good content, fresh and easy mechanics! Hence giving the app two stars. However, I honestly can not give it the remaining three stars. The frustration comes with the streaming of any video. The video works perfectly for the 30 second of the sponsored commercials. But, I can not stream the actual video I wanted to watch, high school football games (or any other streaming videos) are the same! And yes, I have tried different WiFi locations and using my LTE data. I would hope that with the new technology advances we could actually get the consumer what they want to watch, not just the sponsors. Look forward to your solutions.
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7 years ago, BigBri62
Great News Source
I really like that this news site is up to date with the latest news as I live in an area of Saratoga Springs that I'm not able to get the free T. V. so this is my source for news. Always accurate and to the point. Thanks KSL for being there for those of us on fixed incomes and can't afford cable or satellite T. V. This is the next best thing without adding waste to the land fill by not having a paper copy. I can view it on my terms and time.
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1 year ago, Intervector
Chinese Propaganda
I am a Liberal Democrat. I have always respected KSL for their even-handed approach to news and politics. However, they have recently taken a different stance. I understand that they are an NBC affiliate, and therefore must carry some of their headlines. This is no excuse for carrying demonstrably false stories. This is no excuse for being anti-American, anti-police, and against anyone who doesn’t not agree with their politics. KSL is no longer my source for news as I can no longer abide the ridiculous stories they publish as news. Being a liberal has nothing to do with pushing lies or destroying people who disagree. We have seriously lost our way if KSL represents us.
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1 year ago, Duane Bryan
Religious Reader!
I love the KSL news app! I check the news all throughout the day! It keeps me updated on everything Utah and major news! I’m so thankful to be able to feel a part of the awesome work that’s going on in this state and around the world! I love reading about Utah and our amazing leaders! Thank you to all the reporters that make sense of this world for us and share what’s happening! Much love! Brother Bryan!
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2 years ago, JefferyT51
Breaking News?
I only want to receive alerts for actual “Breaking News”. No interest pieces or pop culture nonsense. Luckily KSL knows how important that distinction is and abuses the “Breaking News” category and notifications for any time someone sneezes, is in a minor traffic accident, or remembers a celebrity exists. I do not care. “What? Will Smith is banned from the Oscars temporarily for breaking rules? Well, I’ll seek shelter and turn on the radio to wait for further instructions.” Truly, a good use of “Breaking News”. Now if you excuse me, I need to go attend to some Breaking News. There’s an incredibly urgent matter in my kitchen of a piece of bread needing to be toasted! More at 6:00.
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6 years ago, hannemann316
Quick and Thorough
I love the KSL app. I like to get a brief review of all the news articles and things related to the Salt Lake and Utah County. One of my favorite features is the travel times which helps me gauge traffic when traveling up and down the I 15. I also have the Deseret News app which allows me to read more in depth articles. But KSL can sum up the daily news and less than 5 to 10 minutes of reading. A great resource!
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6 years ago, LSEcon
KSL app has taken a nose dive in terms of quality and professionalism. If I could give 10 negative stars, I would. It feels as if the editor of the site comes to work late in the mornings and then parrots stories from other sites. Case in point, from several to choose from, snow storm earlier in the week that closed several schools. Other apps/websites had the story about schools closing up and “running” several HOURS before KSL felt it necessary to post the information. Quality, informative, timely, professional....all of these descriptors CANNOT be used in describing KSL’s app/website. Suggestion - possibly hire people that know what they are doing?
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4 years ago, towelsnapper74
Love KSL News App, but latest build is buggy
I've noticed the last week or so the app is closing unexpectedly every few minutes when navigating. Timing for me seems to be correlated with ios 14 update, but may be unrelated. I'm sure you are working on it, thank you for the great news service KSL provides. Will update to 5 stars again once the bugs are ironed out.
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6 years ago, Spambassador
Please fix for iPhone X users!!
I’m giving 3 stars now and will update to 5 based on developer response. I have been using the KSL app for many years as my go-to source for local news coverage. Has been working great until now with my iPhone XS Max it is very difficult to access any of the top bar content i.e. next to the notch. This needs to be fixed.
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5 years ago, News this
Content quality quickly slipping
I’ve been wanting to share this for a while and since the request just came up on my phone I decided I would make a brief comment. I have noticed that the content in most articles are becoming less and less about quality and more and more about popularity. The substance of the articles is also been slipping rather than cover things accurately a trend of sensationalism has entered into Ksl noticeably. And I would also say that so many articles that come from the Associated Press that are printed by Ksl are so far from accurate that it’s disappointing that Ksl republishes them.
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6 years ago, peacockmaster
Love this app
Five stars all the way. The only thing I dislike is that when an article is updated with new info, especially when it’s enough to change the headline, it doesn’t transfer over to Facebook as an updated article. It shows the original article and headline, but when you click the link it pulls up the updated information.
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3 years ago, jayteehawaii
Helpful & Awesome
KSL news always keeps me up to date on just Utah news alone but also National news as well which is great. The mobile app runs smoothly and is quite easy to navigate. Wether on the road, at work, or at home I know that KSL news will keep me up to date along the way.. get the app to stay up to date on everything in Utah.
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2 years ago, Block false ads
The app is great. The ads are awful.
I answered an ad today and within 10 minutes got eight phone calls. I think it would be wise. If they check their ads a little more clearly the ad was totally false. The news on the app is terrific and very diversified. Thanks for the great news. Please look at your adds more carefully.
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2 years ago, even-keeled and watchful
Where’s the KSL I used to know?
Seems biased. Wondering why there are several articles on Mitt Romney (all on how wonderful he is) to one for Mike Lee (that may or may not be positive). Mike Lee is the senior senator, but is always listed second if at all with Romney. Hmmmm…… Local news seems pretty good, some human interest is good, some just fluff and ads. Very little national and international news, as if it doesn’t exist. Of the four news’ I regularly check, it’s at the bottom of my list. I feel KSL used to be more balanced. I am disappointed.
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12 months ago, Moondogg Matt
More ads than articles
My rating isn’t reflective of the actual reporting of KSL. It has to do with the number of ads in this app. The app is littered with ads. When scrolling the stories, an ad appears every 4-5 articles. And there are so many phantom clicks on ads when trying to click a news article. It’s invasive and makes browsing the news stories a pain. I understand the need for ad revenue, but at least try to keep the app somewhat clean by limiting the amount of ads.
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3 years ago, GaryLangton
Updated version
This most updated version is the best so far but I use my iPad as my source for news at night and wish I could watch more KSL news than see Deseret news articles. Why do The live broadcasts need a 15 second add when I'll be watching the live news with commercials?
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6 months ago, freeand ez
Propaganda and censorship
KSL and its partner entities under the bonneville communications umbrella have become mouthpieces for the government and an authoritarian agenda. News is dead at KSL. No independent investigations, no information on policy in government or bills that affect liberty. If you want to comment, count on it being censored to reflect the agenda. It’s a tragic dynamic now that one must seek the truth from completely independent sources, which do not have the resources nor the reach of a traditional news organization. I recommend not using KSL, KSL tv, nor Deseret News for true journalism unless you are only seeking sports scores, celebrity gossip or Mitt Romney’s opinions.
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4 years ago, Expurience
Not as good as it once was
In the past, the app was well-formatted for the phone and was a good way to read stories. Now, top stories open in browser type window and take multiple steps and page loads to access content. The reporting tool has never worked well, and periodically, the app just becomes unresponsive and needs to be forced closed.
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3 years ago, CarpeDiemer
Solid App - needs one fix
Solid app and easy to use. However, I wish a second step was required when “flagging for abuse” a comment...like a “please confirm you want to report this comment” step. I’ve hit that on accident a few times when really trying to “like” the comment.
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2 years ago, Pick6Coug
Laggy, Biased Censors
The app works okay, until you start scrolling through the comments. It seems to get real laggy and slow once scrolling past a certain number of comments. Also, like most media, KSL has shifted to the left over the past few years in its news coverage. There is a constant drum-beat of identity-politics relate articles clearly pushing an agenda. The moderators of their comment board are the most sensitive of censors and even the most benign of comments doesn’t seem to get past their sensibilities.
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2 years ago, Aunt shed
Review my KSL app
I enjoy getting the news updates on my iPhone , I am not much for watching TV these days , I don’t take the paper, so this is even better than waiting for the news to break in the morning or evening!! Thank you KSL for letting me be up front and center when it is reported..
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4 years ago, TreshaKr
Reliable News When I Want It
I like news on my own terms, with minimal interaction from the app. I love that KSL News does visual updates so I can check new content when I have time to catch up. I enjoy the variety of stories, not to heavy one way or another. Timely, informative and enjoyable.
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7 months ago, vikodlak
The app is fine. A very simple design and basic news app. Nothing fancy. But don’t bother trying to comment on any stories. They have a hand full of favorite users they like to approve. Anyone else, unless you comment aligns 100% with a specific political ideology (and it’s not the ideology you would expect coming from a “red” state) they won’t approve it. They limit you to one top comment and one chance to reply to someone else’s, rarely approving either. And even if they don’t approve it, they still count it as your comment.
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5 years ago, nanaeskimo
Program change
I do enjoy watching the KSL app in the mornings for traffic, weather, and top stories. It is irritating that I have to go out of the app, then back in again at 6:00 am to continue watching the same programming with commercials, which causes me to miss that traffic and weather report.
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7 years ago, TechDad-GCS
No longer good
This KSL news app used to be terrific but I no longer use it much. KSL pushes their sponsors so aggressively that it is almost impossible to avoid an add. And when one pops up there is no way to terminate the add early. You must watch the entire add. Read four (4) news stories and you will see the same stupid add three times. I became so sick of it that I now use a different app as my news source.
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6 years ago, hanzinator
One sided
This app works ok. The controls to navigate are at the very top of my phone and sometimes they don’t work to navigate. They provide some decent local news; however they screen every comment you submit on a story and if it doesn’t fit into their conservative view of the world it doesn’t get posted. It’s very frustrating when you are trying to have input on an article only to have it censored. I would give them some stars if KSL would get some stones and allow free comments on stories. Right now it’s pretty white bread.
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3 years ago, 7@home
What am I missing?
The browser experience is so much better than the app on my iPhone 13 mini, especially commenting, liking and linking to partner content. I kept the app for a while because live streaming is a little easier, but when I’m reading in the browser the app randomly opens the article and closes my browser. Just me, I guess, based on the 4.5 stars.
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1 year ago, sullivanre-ut
Liberal bias
All comments get submitted to moderators. Go into the comment section under any story and you will see extremely left leaning bias. How could this be the case when Utah is such a red state? KSL has removed multiple of my comments with zero explanation almost anytime it represents a right leaning opinion. They are trying to suppress a certain party just like the majority of the rest of the news. Extremely disappointing from such a well run news app and website in most other regards.
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