Patch - Everything Local

4.7 (19.5K)
55 MB
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Current version
Patch Media
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Patch - Everything Local

4.69 out of 5
19.5K Ratings
4 months ago, RadioStormNY
Much Improved
I have been using the Patch app for a number of years. In fact I even registered an account in order to share my thoughts to the articles that interested me. For a while it was fun. But that changed when there was a sharp rise in both political comments on articles that had no connection to politics. That and the increase in the comments by bigots. It started to remind of the nonsense I’ve viewed on social media which I’ve stepped away from. Now that this option has been removed I can now focus on the articles without worrying about the ignorant commentary being added to it. Hopefully it will stay this way.
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5 years ago, DHart9
Great.... wait never mind
I’ve really appreciated having this app. I come from a large family that’s spread out so it’s nice to know what’s going on in the communities where my siblings and parents live. I’ve also moved around a bunch and it’s been nice to keep tabs on the local news of where I used to live. The reason I gave it 4 stars is because a few weeks ago it started getting glitchy and wasn’t loading new articles and the few articles I booked marked disappeared. I had to uninstall and reinstall it to get it working. iOS recently did an update so that could have been why but I was still disappointed I lost the articles I had saved. Update: it’s glitchy again, not giving me updated local information and deleting my bookmarks. This is the second time in just a couple of months it’s doing this. If this is happening because of updates on my phone then I will have to delete and reinstall it every time.... that’s really frustrating. I love what this app provides but extremely disappointed in how its operating.
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4 years ago, Big Brother not Wanted
Your writer has outed, not by name, but by location, restaurants that still offer indoor dining. To what end? Is the Patch our savior to keep us all knowledgeable and safe from Covid? Does the Patch not believe those choosing to dine in understand their personal Covid risks more than the Patch does? Has the Patch looked at the constitutionality of the Governors Covid mandates? He has a time limit to act unilaterally but that expired months ago. Did the “journalist” writing the outing piece speak with the owners of the restaurants accused of the violations? No quotes were given, but he obviously spoke with the police in an effort to shut down the indoor dining. And he pointed county authorities to a small subset of county restaurants to target. The action of the “journalist” to tattle on restaurants trying to stay in business is despicable. Does the Patch advocate neighbors tattling on neighbors? Gee, where did that happen in Europe in the late 1930’s and how did that turn out? I’m turning off the Patch now. You have lost me as a reader. You’re unnecessary.
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1 year ago, Miss Viccki
Consistently Captivating and
I enjoy Patch because I can easily access news weather and entertainment relevant to my area. I can find interesting things to do right around the corner. There is also an area where neighbors can express their opinions about companies whether positive or negative based on their experience with the company or you can ask your neighbors if they know of a company who specializes in woodworking or cement work ect. Also, you can find a babysitter , find a job or sell your car or advertise a yard sale. The list is endless. I highly recommend using Patch as a tool you should have in your toolbox everyday!
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3 years ago, ccampbellhale
Incredibly useful and resourceful
I have been using this app for quite some time now and I find that it is quite amazing. It is great for reading local news that normally is quite important. I look at it every day to read local news and I prefer it more than ANY other news app. I also love how you can just search for a place that you want to read news about instead of scrolling all the way down just to read one story like you do on other apps. Patch is an incredibly useful and resourceful app. By Juliacat
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6 years ago, Overpushed
Hope you like setting an app up every day
I signed up for Patch emails for local news updates in the small town I live in. Those emails were clickbaity (open the email, read a teaser, click on “read more,” and get taken to a collection of articles where I have to click yet again on the one I want to read). Taking a reader through that many clicks made it seem like that’s all they were after. So I downloaded the app and went through the town selection, opted in for alerts, clicked “let’s get started,” etc. to finally read some local news. The next time I got an alert from the app, Patch made me go through the entire town selection/set up alerts/click click click process as if I had never set it up before. And this is after clicking on an alert *that the app sent me*. Next day it did the same thing. After a few days of this I deleted it.
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4 years ago, phukiu
Slightly less abysmal than their website?
At least it doesn’t make all of the content disappear completely from the page whenever I scroll down “below the fold”, like the website does. Still, it’s a bit frustrating when there’s a link to an external document and the only thing the app lets me do with the link is to open it in their built-in browser, which does NOT display the URL or make it accessible in any manner that I can identify. The result is that whatever third party source (document, web page, article, whatever), that I am looking at cannot be saved or shared or even located outside of the app, without Googling it from scratch.
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1 year ago, senior shopper 67
Patch doesn’t function any more
I used to rely on the Patch for my local news. For the past few weeks, although I get notifications about stories in my area on my iPhone, when I click on the app it loads for a few seconds then closes. I’ve tried every fix I could find online and none have worked. I’m disappointed and need to find another source of local news.
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1 year ago, MDK1705
Select what news stories I want
I like getting local news about my community but I wish I could tell Patch which stores I am interested in and which I am not. I would like to be able to turn off notifications about real estate since I am not in the market as well as pets and school sports. I just want to know about local government, local crime, and what changes are happening or being proposed within my community. Please provide a way to select what types of stories to be notified about in the next update like so many other news apps offer. Then you will get 5 stars.
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7 years ago, icngacsn
Keeps me up date.
Keeps me locally informed, yet I feel that it’s a bit behind in user friendlyness. The app feels a bit difficult to maneuver, but I do believe it is great, but young for online/iPhone information. It shows I have 2 messages, and I can not clear 2 even though I went through, all all articles. I believe it is technical thing that will be fixed as the Patch grows. 4 stars because it’s the only online local news, that I feel gives true fast local news. I would give it 5 if better technically advised. Today’s user’s need the simple, fast, and easy.
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4 years ago, Bugsizzy
Good content but many articles will not open
This app does a solid job of providing local news content you might not find a more common news app. However, something has went drastically wrong with the latest version of the app, as several of the stories will not open when you tap on the link, and the app freezes at that point. The problem seems to crop up most often with articles providing links to multiple news stories. I can get into the capsule summary but if I try to click on any of the links to read more specific details about a specific story, the article will not open and the app freezes.
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7 years ago, LifetSavert9111
What happened?!
This app was great before this update. Now it looks amazing but I can’t sign in. There is no sign in section like before and when I open the app after enough time, it makes me pick my patch/s like a new user. I also tried to get help from the feedback and it got sent back to melt email because it can’t receive messages. If I can sign in again I will gladly change my review to 5 stars. The reason I went as low as 1 is because when you break main functions of an app, it’s worthless. It’s like having a kindle app that all of a sudden can’t open ebooks. Saving my settings and bookmarks is a major part of Patch. Please fix so I can rate it what it deserves when it functions properly! Thank you.
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5 years ago, computerdan
Great, if Patch covers your area
Easy and intuitive interface. Does NOT spam with too many alerts - only ‘high-interest’ news events/stories pop-up with an alert (of you enable alerts). Patch, strangely enough, is not available for my town/county. However every other town/county surrounding mine is covered - so I still get worth-while info. 5 stars, because I suspect my town/county is just not worthy of Patch - not holding this against an app. Where can I go to rate government now?
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6 years ago, Adrine
I was getting the emails and then decided to try out the app. I’ve been using it for quite some time now. I love the ease of use, that I can get events, news, updates on news, entertainment and other goings on in my community all in one place. I’m also impressed with how fast important alerts are received and the follow ups. This app is fantastic at keeping me informed in every way. It runs great and I am very happy with it. Kudos to the team who keep this app running top notch!
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3 years ago, Cherylmaria
Current and timely information
Patch is very current with daily information. I was attempting to get my Covid 19 shot and things were kind of crazy. Each day there was new information on Patch that helped you to maneuver what was actually happening. It gave me great confidence and direction to make plans. It also allows me to be updated to other areas in which family members live. Because it is so current, I am able to inform and share this app with others.
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4 years ago, cybersherrif
Just like our hometown used to be
Newspapers today are not what they used to. One minute you’re reading a local article, the next an article about something that happened in Timbuktu. It’s more of a one size fits all. Seems the only thing that changes is the masthead. Local newspapers don’t exist. They’ve been consolidated under giant publishers. Patch brings back the look an feel of the paper that used to be waiting at your front door.
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3 years ago, Neso65
Can’t comment on the article
Only question i want to ask is why i can’t comment on the article that was written because of that I am giving 2 stars and one more thing that i don’t like is that patch is giving me 2 same emails for example i got 2 emails for 19 year old who died for his funeral. I actually wanted to comment on 14 year old girl who was found in New York safe about her mom being charged but every time i want to comment on something it’s not giving me please i want to comment on articles please fix that and i am giving you 5 stars rating and please just send me one email not 2
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2 months ago, highjinxxx
Very limited app - online website is better
Patch app is Limited compared to the Patch website. There is no Neighborly post option for sharing nature posts or uplift posts with others or reading neighbors posts like a social network. You can share articles and classified but no commentaries. All you can see is a few repetitive posts from these categories: weather, events, local businesses. All of which number in single digits. Uninstalled it because the website version offers more navigation freedom and information on local communities including crime news tab which is absolute missing from the app.
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4 years ago, karenquish
I don’t understand why all the apps can’t allow what the patch does. I have family and children all over the USA and this is the only one that will let me subscribe to all of those areas. I use to have to make 4 different users and be verified while actually visiting the are by location finding software or wasn’t allowed to see. I think it’s wonderful this APP it gives me much more than I could of asked for! Thumbs up 👍
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5 years ago, wendy Barbour Barrett
Great local reference/info app.
I use this app daily, I fact..more than once, daily. I’m not the”review type”. I’m more the Talk to my friends, family. Like I’m telling them about something that will enhance their life, save time, or at least reference, the LOCAL 411!!!! The rapid delivery Of local newsworthy information, directly relevant to my life! And my comfort. Not to mention more times than NOT, MY safety, as well as my loved ones Way to go with this local info app
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4 years ago, Sharin17
I love this app! It keeps me up to date on the latest headlines for my area. I get more news about my area through the Patch than I do on our local news on tv. So I thank you all for that! Keep up the great work!! The only thing I’d like to see is more cities in New Hampshire added. Like, Berlin, North Conway, Hampton, Manchester. That’s the only thing I have to add. Thanks again for all of your hard work everyone!
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6 years ago, Jude-d
Voiceover accessibility problems
After town is selected and notifications enabled tabs at bottom of screen do not speak when navigated (minor problem). Headlines speak but articles under them do not speak. If articles are pixilated pictures there’s nthing patch developers can do to improve this situation though. Please test this app with VoiceOver turned on and both look and listen as you go for mismatches between what you see and what you hear. Those mismatches will be the VoiceOver accessibility problems and yu may even find more than I found.
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6 months ago, 123?$&@0'xzsah
No more reader comments?
Patch claims to have removed reader comments while they improve the app. This seems very disingenuous because they could’ve left reader comments on while they made their improvements. So it seems Patch has become just another news aggregate site. The reader comments were a very important reason, most readers went on the Patch. Removing reader comments has made the patch, a shell of its former self. Local news with local comments is now gone. I am sure readership is way down and will continue to go down until they remedy this situation, by turning reader comments back on .
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6 years ago, Lxsinmarin
I STILL give up on this App
I gave it another look after the Developer urged me to give it another try. Still useless. Absolutely nothing here I haven't already seen reading my local papers. Why bother wasting my time to click on links to articles I have already read? I'm done! ------------------ The navigation with the upgrade is a pain in the rear. But more important, at least for my 'hood, the stories are boring and useless. Poor subsets of what I can read in the paper. And that assumes I can even get stories to load. Most of the time the App says there is a connection error with the server. It is June 29 and the stories displaying are mostly from mid-May. Useless!!!
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4 years ago, drichrx
Best for Local News
The is the best app I have found for local news and events - including restaurant openings/closings and inspections; local politics, and local events. Regular weather, transit changes and real estate features. However, we have two homes so I have noticed some articles are duplicates among cities. Also some article are local and some are statewide (like events), which I wish were more local. Overall, a great app.
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6 years ago, Sunflower618
EXcellent NEWS from all over the Pgh area
I’m new to the Pittsburgh Patch and live in Jefferson Hills area. I tried a few from the South Hills area and deleted the Apps, not living in those areas, the information wasn’t relevant to me. I’m a member of the Carnegie Museum and I do go into Pittsburgh frequently and I like news of Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Patch seems to cover a wide range of information....very satisfied with the content. As far as I’m concerned it’s an excellent hidden news source.
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6 years ago, 10/4
Has become my go to
I don’t usually go past the stars rating but I feel strongly about this app. I’m very impressed by the amount of “local” information I can access using Patch. I have access to news, activities and all things that influence my area. It’s precise to my location in one click and easy to read. Im spreading the word and hope more find and use this worthy app. Keep up the good work Patch staff!
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3 years ago, Jason Laikam
A lot better
The scrolling is better and I was able to do a post about a neighborhood crime. Im not getting much feedback on it, so I’m not sure if I’m helping out Back at 1 star. It is only app I have that opens stories instead of scrolling down Back to 5 stars. Scrolling is fixed again. Hopefully for the last time. It is a useful app when it works
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2 years ago, ReadingDecibels
Lacks purpose
Due to the inability to curate local news from the city you’re in, this is a useless app. Who wants to read a hyperlocal news feed of somewhere they don’t live? And the place it defaults me to is just an unremarkable nearby suburb nobody gives a crap about which is nowhere near me, it’s almost 30 miles away. I have written the Patch team a few times about this and they don’t reply. So I guess if you want a newsfeed you have no control over and one that doesn’t show you any actually local news, this app is for you.
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2 years ago, sister glo glow
The Patch
I just recently started receiving the Patch. I find it to be very informative and timely with news in our area. Thankful to everyone who takes the time to text to make sure we are aware of what’s happening, and it keeps us up to date so that we don’t miss important or fun events happening right here in the south suburbs! Blessing to all! ~Gloria
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3 years ago, Hyperlocaler
The new Patch app is a major upgrade - it’s super fast and makes following news from multiple towns super easy. I follow where I live, where I work, where I get up and where I vacation. Love the ability to customize the notifications by town too. I highly recommend enabling notifications as well - the local alerts are amazing.
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6 years ago, J344
Real News
There is one email I don’t mind seeing in my inbox all the time and that’s the Patch. The news they report is genuine and you can tell right away whomever wrote it took the time to check facts, etc. Feels like a real journalism throwback. Just found out they have an app (I am probably super late to the party) but excited none the less. Solid local news.
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5 years ago, weliveinthegreatestcityonearth
Love the local news
Great local news! It’s nice to see local/neighborhood news on the Internet. I hate watching it on TV — terrible. The only criticism I have is the “neighbors” who post the same thing over and over (e.g., photography of aging in NYC). However, the benefit with the app is that they are identified as “neighbors,” distinguished from the reg folk. Overall, the app is very helpful. I’ve received notifications about gas line maintenance when my super has not.
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4 years ago, Melissaocnj
Could be a lot better.
Most news apps we can edit what we want information on. I am not interested in houses up for sale and find it irritating that I’m forced to get alerts on homes for sale. I also get stressed out seeing people not social distancing. You need to set an example during these difficult times. Other then that it’s an okay app.
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5 years ago, creswelltiffany
Local News It’s Amazing
This app is very good for updating local news! It actually pops up on the app before it does on any other news feed app! I love the fact that you can check other areas that offer the patch to see what’s going on. Over all it’s just an amazing app for breaking news and updated extremely fast.
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6 years ago, sandimascharvel
Too much click-bait
1. I get way too many alerts every day that are nowhere near my selected town. I want local events and news, not extra incidents that end up being far from me. You never know where the event or incident was until you’ve clicked several times and then find out you wasted your time about an incident at a mall two hours away. 2. Even when you finally get past the headline, the name of the location is buried deep in the article. I’m told that all of this must be bait so they register more clicks on their website. 3. Updates to news lag behind other news outlets.
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4 years ago, Hig'o
The local news that I receive is great. It’s current news not 3 days old in my local Newspaper. This app has not only current news but a heck of a lot more well written stories, words are spelled correctly but in many cases I understand that spell check will not like a word. That’s why you proof read your work. Well done all keep on rolling.
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4 years ago, taykt
Best local news app!
This app is great for all your local news. You can add more then one town, which is great. From local business and activities that are in your neighborhood , to the weather and housing that is available if you are looking in a certain place. This app is just wonderful and I highly recommend you to download.
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5 years ago, TheREALHeyMah
Love the Patch app!
I use it for local news in my hometown as well as other cities around the country that I have family ties to or visit often. I can be in Southern California and get current, in-the-moment news from Massachusetts! The stories are great, the notifications keep me informed and up to date, I feel in the loop with local happenings, I love it!
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3 years ago, Lcm2789
Local news and info at your fingertips
The Patch app is the easiest way to stay in the loop on all things happening in your town. The push notifications are useful and the app is easy to navigate. If you want to keep up with news and updates in town, download today.
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6 years ago, Evvolfer
Great local news app!
It is stupid how difficult it is to get local news updates without having a GD twitter account... (even with having one there so so much spam and so many adds you can’t even find the correct information). This app is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thank you Patch!!! You are wonderful!
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3 years ago, Kim Bongard
Helpful local news
It’s hard to find the news Patch puts out in any other newspaper or website. It’s hyper local and lets you know what’s happening in your town every day—traffic alerts, school news and lost pets in my neighborhood. Reading every morning is part of my routine.
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5 years ago, Jstnbtlr1022
Great local paper
I have been reading this babe since I was about nine years old this paper is very very very wonderful if you are from the town of Tewksbury or Wilmington I highly suggest that you get this app and pay cheaper for the subscription to be on your phone then it would be for them to deliver to your house
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5 years ago, college_boy
Offline interruption
It appears that while reading an article, this app suddenly gives you a green screen with “No Connection” while reading an article and quickly reverts back when connection is established again. As a developer myself, I’d NEVER allow this to happen on any of my apps. This should have been cached locally and only shown to the user if the user toggled back to the tableview of data while then, trying to access another article that is yet to be fetched. Terrible development team at Patch. Disappointed!
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6 years ago, blmiller1846
Patch for Local News
Patch is the perfect app for a quick update on news in your neighborhood and local area - Patch covers topics that have long since disappeared from the daily metro papers and online apps. I check Patch daily and follow on Twitter - quick and easy way to stay informed - highly recommend.
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5 years ago, Onfus
App too slow - web better
I installed the app looking for more convenient access. It does not deliver. The page opens blank and takes a long time to load content. For this I might as well look at the page on the web. The integrations with the home screen are terrible. The content cuts can’t make anything that says. Definitively not os13 ready. Lastly, and this has nothing to do with the app - content is lacking. Not much local things listed - just general news available everywhere else.
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6 years ago, veruca25
Not current or in date order
Ive had this app for a few years and never really use it, maybe im using this app wrong. But i have 4 local towns added as favorites. And theres no sections or organization. Its also in no date order. Nothing current. Just inundated with local houses for sale, pet adoption and shops. I want to see important things like the attempted armed breakin that happened early this morning a few blocks away that i heard about from my doorbell app. I wanted more details, ANY details, and nothing. Id like actual news, not a new house.
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4 years ago, KathyJSD
First email I check every morning.
I check Patch daily for updates. I developed this habit before this pandemic I liked updates on what’s happened overnight and early that morning. Car thefts, break-ins, accidents, porch pirates, etc — even occasional good news and lovely photography — the best way to start my day. Thank you!
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6 years ago, STATUS TAGGING
I like the Patch app for giving me news about my area I do wish Patch would use you location and give you news on the area you’re in. I live in Alexandria and work in Chantilly so it would be neat if it would update on my route to tell me things that were going on on the parkway, or if I travelled to Atlanta to let me know when I’m there what’s going on.
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7 years ago, ibamINV
Why no comments?
I like the app and getting notifications of local news, but miss the comments section that appears on the website. Often comments provide more details or insights into the matter at hand and I'd like to see them in the app.
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