
Health & Fitness
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User Reviews for Perifit

4.68 out of 5
1.3K Ratings
4 months ago, Fable28
Just wow!! 🤩
So I am 41 years old and I started noticing small signs of incontinence at first like maybe peeing a little when I sneezed or coughed but then it started getting worse and would happen when I laughed or moved too quickly or bent down and it started to get embarrassing and I realized I had started to smell like urine and I bought special underwear to wear when I left my house for a few hours or more so I wouldn’t leak everywhere and it was incredibly embarrassing and a bit scary! I also constantly felt an urgency but didn’t test positive for a UTI. So I started using Perifit and most of the symptoms were resolved after two weeks and by the end of the third week (before even completing 20 workouts) all my symptoms have been resolved to the point that I never have leaks anymore! I notice every time something happens that would have made me leak in the past and I’m consistently amazed at how easy it was to resolve the issue (maybe because I caught it early?). This product is AMAZING!! The workouts are about 3 minutes each and the max they recommend per day is 15 minutes and I never exceed that. They are fun enough games to keep me engaged especially when I get to play in competitive mode. I love that I never have to charge the product it’s so convenient! I would absolutely recommend this product to any woman struggling with any level of urinary incontinence!
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4 years ago, kindnsruls
Severe Pelvic Floor Dysfunction was the diagnosis. “Did they use forceps when your son (now 50) was delivered?” Don’t worry I’m not going to tell you the details, relax. I do have to have some reconstructive surgery and I really did try the Pelvic Floor Therapy but the therapist seemed really uncomfortable about doing the therapy which made me really uncomfortable. Basically, I had to get up at 5:00 am twice a week so she could hand me one of these only SHE was the one who got to watch the pretty butterfly and just shouted “squeeze” or “release” as though she were doing some professional science stuff and looking at complex data. Eventually I saw what was on the screen. It wasn’t Perefit exactly, but same principle. Anyway, I just started using mine and how much fun is this? I expected to do really badly when I started but apparently my muscles aren’t as bad as they made it sound. What a wonderful product! Excellent to be able to do this therapy relaxing in front of the TV rather than laying on a hard table at 6:00 am being shouted at by a woman who doesn’t seem to want to be there anymore than you do! I actually read about Perefit in a laugh out loud fun article written by a trans woman who used it to train her new vaginal muscles. She was really funny about doing the work of her transition by playing video games with the new muscle configuration. Ordered mine immediately. Yay! ☺️
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1 week ago, Mrs Chor
Best decision I’ve made
I had been suffering from overnight urgency for years that had gotten much worse and had begun to affect me during the day as well. This started when I was still quite young after having my children. I was encouraged to go on medication but was reluctant because I tend to react badly to meds. After changing doctors, my new primary suggested pelvic floor training exercises. She referred me to a urology physical therapist who recommended Perifit. I had never heard of such a device, or knew of its existence. I started using it and within a month I started seeing significant results. After six months, I would say it’s been LIFE CHANGING! I truly wish that I had known about this treatment option sooner. It would have saved me years of struggling. Highly recommend!!! Great job Perifit!! Adverse more. Get the word out. Educate women. Not enough information is available to us. This kind of solution should be mainstream information.
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5 years ago, PlaidJaguar
Great device, good app but a little clunky
I love this device! It’s very sensitive and it’s been extremely helpful in isolating the correct muscles for me. The games are fun and responsive, with increasing levels of difficulty and well calibrated hit boxes. My complaint is with the rest of the app. You can’t click on a game to play it, you have to manually select and then back out a screen to play. It doesn’t tell you how long you’ve been playing for in a given session, or notify you when you’ve met your daily goal. It has a random game function, but it only randomizes the first click, after which you’re stuck playing that same game repeatedly or backing out and starting a new session each time (which messes up the statistics). And lastly, there’s a stat that says “safe zone” on it, but no indicator anywhere as to what that means. Mine is well outside the marked safe range but I have no clue how I might change that or what the consequences are if I don’t. None of these are deal breakers by any means! I still love it, just wanted to leave notes for potential improvement.
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5 years ago, aliyacheyanne
Amazing product!
Great product! I use it for 5-10 minutes a few times a week. There was a period where I was having incontinence issues. My Perifit arrived recently and I’ve already noticed improvement within this short time!! Regular kegals are great for what I’ve learned is the “superficial” part of the pelvic floor, but unless you know how to activate your entire pelvic floor, they don’t help the “deeper” area where the tip of the Perifit reaches and helps you train, which is largely where the incontinence issue lies. I like that it tracks your progress and uses Bluetooth to connect to an app/game. The game is SUPER simple, but it’s cool to literally use your vagina to control it! There’s also a manual feature that helps you to focus on training your “deep” area. Worth the price! Didn’t talk to my gyno for an opinion or advice so I can’t speak for anyone who does that first. The battery is also guaranteed for a long while and their warranty/customer service is pretty good! I say go for it.
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4 months ago, LinLin57
Stay strong
The Perifit is helped my pelvic floor stay strong. It was very weak before to the point of having urinary accidents, which can be quite embarrassing. One time. I wet my pants because I laughed so hard and I was on a flight. I didn’t have any extra clothes so I had to wear my wet pants for the rest of the flight. And it was so embarrassing. I decided I needed to do some thing but wasn’t sure how to go about doing kegels, not even sure if I was doing them correctly. The Perifit gives you immediate feedback and monitors your contraction strength, So you could see when you are getting stronger. I am able to play the games five out of seven days each week for approximately 15 minutes, which is way more than I’ve ever done in the past and at least I know I’m doing the kegels correctly. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to keep their pelvic floor, strong, and avoid urinary accidents.
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2 months ago, JakeyL
Good Product and APP
I purchased the Per-fit Care+ Kegel exerciser at the suggestion of my gynecologist after reporting symptoms of urge incontinence. Within a month of using the Per-fit with the APP, I had less leakage. I am now 4 months into using it, and my pelvic strength and my confidence have come back to where I can now do activities without wearing an incontinence pad. Occasionally the APP will have a glitch, such as difficulty connecting to my Bluetooth, but it resolves quickly if I shut down my phone and restart it. Also, the APP support team is very active in resolving issues as they occur. The games are fun, even for a 65 year old. The Per-fit Care+ device is a bit pricey, but worth every penny to gain back improved pelvic health. The peace of mind I have gained from using the Peri-fit Kegel exerciser and APP is priceless.
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4 years ago, wayna69
“Ohps I did it again”
I am 50 years old. Two children natural birth. Complete hysterectomy. I have combo incontinence and ohps I pee my pants. I have peed twice out shopping and totally embarrassed myself an those with me. It seems to come in waves of bad then it gets better. I let my guard down not wear protection and boom “ I did it again”. My physical therapist for my neck said “we have a program here that we can do that would help that.” The idea of laying in a room with a man teaching me how to strengthen my pelvic floor didn’t sound at all comfortable! I saw Peri fit on FB app and thought this just might work. I just started the peri fit today. Comfortable, easy to use, I love that it gives feed back and the games make it interesting. I really pray this is my answer🙏 because diapers are for babies 🤣an the very elderly that was going to be my next step.
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3 months ago, eloc44
Game changer
They need to run a Super Bowl ad for this. I had no idea that my pelvic floor weakness was causing so many symptoms. A friend recommended this and in just a few workouts, I am already seeing results. Thank god! I was having tons of leaks & accidents and was becoming self conscious of my odor. My family kept asking why I had to go to the bathroom so often. After having a multitude of testing done, including a Transvaginal ultrasound my Dr referred me for pelvic floor physical therapy. After calling around and getting nowhere with finding a practice that would take my insurance, I decided this device was worth a try. More women need to know about this! Too many of us are suffering in silence!
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4 years ago, Evietronic
Finally Found A Good Fit!
I bought Elvie several months ago and it was a disaster from day one. Always slipping out, Bluetooth always disconnecting and the developers would not fix some annoying, but easily resolved bugs on the app that I reported. Perifit has been nothing but amazing since I unboxed it last week. Not only is the device all around better (no more slipping out and failing Bluetooth!), but the app is more user friendly and bug free (so far). I love the cute little games, and the app seems to register in perfect tandem with the device while doing exercises. The progress reports are also more comprehensive and easier to understand. Thanks guys!
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2 weeks ago, No more leaking.
Perifit is a great device.
PERIFIT is a wonderful product with a great app and good customer service. I would highly recommend it for anyone who would like to either maintain healthy, pelvic floor muscles or build back muscles that we had in our youth, but tend to diminish later in life after having children, it’s fun. It’s easy the app will remind you if you would like it too so that you don’t go months and months without using this important tool. I would highly recommend this, and I can almost guarantee you won’t be disappointed with your purchase! FYI i’m not affiliated with this company nor do I receive any benefits from writing this review.
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4 years ago, Ry E🍀🌷🌸
It’s the coolest IMPROVEMENT game!
It takes some days to get use to, but this is a pretty fun game/learning tool. I would say, I would love for a bit more detailed instruction WHILE playing the game, on which muscles you should be using. I can only see if I am in manual mode what I am doing. But, sometimes I can’t seem to get the bird or butterfly to do what I need while playing. And that is something I need help on. I do not have bladder issues or anything. I got this purely because I’ve had children (5) and was curious. I’m not particularly sexually active, so I’m not sure if/how it has improved sexual life. But I enjoy this! It’s fun and....just all out kinda cool!
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5 years ago, Veronicajune2
Cool and useful
I’ve only had it a couple of days - it is fun to play the games. Hoping it works for light bladder leaks. A few improvements in the app would make this a 5-star... 1 - somewhere before game starts I would like to see notes on what position to be in while using. 2 - give daily time used, in addition to weekly. 3 - choose workout and have start button on the same screen rather than having to select then go back to previous screen. 4 - Turn off music while leaving game sounds on. 5 - Provide a reusable bag or box to store it in for hygiene purposes. Overall, so far I am happy with my purchase. I look forward to improvement in stress and urge incontinence.
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4 years ago, kait89marg
Needs some tweaks
The device has been very helpful for intimacy health and helping me stay in control and aware of my body. That being said the app does need some tweaks here and there. The explanation of my statistics are confusing to me because a standard or goal isn’t set... so it says, “you’re doing ok” when my stat is 10% and in my mind I’m feeling like 10% isn’t good enough in reality but no where says it’s good or bad. The games profile doesn’t allow smooth toggling between game settings and choices. Just some app tweaks. I’m a generation that is usually very streamlined with technology and this app hasn’t been the easiest for me at moments— key word is moments, I’ve been able to navigate it after all.
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4 years ago, faith2rn
Loving the convenience of at home “therapy”
Was seeing a pelvic floor PT that I loved but was frustrated with cost and time involved. This is so easy and I can do it at home. I’ve only had it a few days and so far feel like it’s going to be a great tool to strengthen my muscles. I love the feedback which lets me know if I’m actually doing it correct. The game aspect plays on my competitive side well and keeps me coming back for more. I just wish the app had an option to select whether you’re lying down, sitting or standing. My PT wants me work in the different positions but my strength is very different based on my position which doesn’t necessarily show accurate stats in terms of progress.
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2 years ago, mollyporcupine
Great app with minor issues
I’ve been using this app for maybe a year now for stress and urge incontinence and I’m up to level 10, the highest. Overall, I think it’s a great app. The customer service is excellent. The games are fun and I’ve definitely seen an improvement in my pelvic floor strength. The main issues I have are that sometimes the Bluetooth connection is lost and it keeps turning off. T he other issue is that sometimes I have to hold it in place so it doesn’t pop out. For the calibration I recommend not squeezing as hard as you can, and that seems to provide the best match up with the games as you play them.
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1 week ago, Stella’s Daughter
Taking control
Many postmenopausal women with urinary incontinence give in to the leakage and resign themselves to pads or diapers for the rest of their lives. Increasingly they give up going out or participating in an active lifestyle because of fear of embarrassing accidents. This isolation leads to depression and increases vulnerability to dementia. Ladies, we can take control and do something to help ourselves. Not only has Daily training with Perifit given me back control of my pelvic floor, it has given back my self-confidence. The exercises are fun and the progress toward total control effects one’s whole outlook on life.
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3 years ago, Whippet slave
Excellent device
I have been using the Perifit regularly for a year now to address urge incontinence, which has been a lifetime issue for me. While I still have some symptoms, they have improved substantially from using Perifit. The Perifit team continues to enhance the app, which increases motivation and interest. They are extremely responsive to user questions, and they are building a community of Perifit users sharing questions, advice, encouragement and support. Perifit has been an excellent investment for me, both in the purchase cost and the time commitment to consistently use it.
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8 months ago, Foxxy V
This is amazing. Over the last couple years I’ve been leaking more and more. I’ve felt so gross and bad about myself thinking this was my life. I wear panty liners daily, well I can say after 2 consistent weeks with my Perifit I’m mostly panty liner free and mostly leak free. I even worked out at the gym today without a panty liner. Sneezing, coughing.. mostly no issues. I’m looking forward to seeing how much better get as time goes on! I even showed my Dr the app and told her about this device. She was super stoked and is looking forward to sharing with other patients ☺️
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4 years ago, KisuJenna
Great device with small imperfections
It’s a great idea and works really well. My problem is that the device keeps pushing out after a while no matter what I do so it messes up the games. The readings don’t seem to be that accurate if I have to adjust it in the middle of a game or if it pushes out so it kind of ruins the stats and the fun of it. The app offers advise saying you might use your abs or do something incorrectly but I’m working with a pelvic floor therapist so I know I’m working the right muscles. The statistics are nice but I wish it would offer a little deeper insight. I have no idea what the safe zone means and the explanations to the other areas are superficial too. At the end of the day I still like it and I think it’s a great device!
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3 months ago, G2nc
Very happy
When I got my Perifit, I was at the point of leaking some every day during any type of stress – coughing, moving too fast, etc. In fact, I was about to go to my doctor and see what she would recommend. I found Perifit and decided to try it before going to the doctor and have been mostly consistent with weekly training, and now four months later, almost never leak, even with a cough. The change hasn’t happened overnight, but it’s real, and is continuing to improve. I am very happy to recommend Perifit to anyone.
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2 years ago, Molly CH
Current App Update *FIXED*
Update 8/8: This issue has been fixed! The most recent app update has made it so in certain games my screen orientation is forced to go one way, and for me it’s the incorrect way because I constantly accidentally push my phone lock button, and it also makes it so the top of the iPhone screen with the divot in it on the wrong end for good viewing. When I’m finished playing a game the orientation is stuck and I have to force close the app and restart it so I can look at the parts of the app that belong in portrait mode. Everything was fine before last week.
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3 months ago, M Barone
I had a herniated disc on my L5 which resulted in nerve damage and lack of sensation in the saddle area. To help strengthen my kegal muscle, after 6 months, 3x a week with a pelvic therapist, my therapy was complete. To continue seeing the benefits of strengthening my kegal muscle, my therapist recommended I continue my exercises and biofeedback exercise using Perifit from home. The machine tailors exercises based on your needs and gives you instant feedback. It’s a quick 10 minutes, 3x a week for me. The games are fun and interactive. I am happy with the product.
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3 years ago, BJB SRN
Please update statistics info!
I love this thing and I’ve had it a few years and used it on and off. Started using it again when it was recommended by a pelvic floor specialist that I follow on Instagram. I wish that the statistics and progressions pages actually provided more information on what it all means. The pages come back as not found when clicked on. That’s my only complaint. Updated to 5 stars after feedback from Perifit. Deleting my app and reinstalling fixed everything.
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2 months ago, Amazing healthcare app 🙌🏼
From a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
I am a WHNP and Certified Nurse Midwife. I have also had urinary leakage since I was 16, way before any pregnancies or childbearing years. I’ve done pelvic floor therapy and used Innovo (electrical stimulation of levels). I’ve had 2 surgical procedures (Bulkamid) and still leak with intense physical activity. I won’t stop doing this, I’m a fitness trainer and I know the value of the intense exercise outweighs the drawbacks of the urinary leakage. But this device is fantastic at helping me get better control, and making it fun to do so!
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3 years ago, easytravel224
A medical device that’s like video games for your vagina
I’m really enjoying this so far. After giving birth two times, I needed a little help with my pelvic floor area. I had several pricey visits with a pelvic PT and then I decided to invest in Perifit. The games are fun and the levels and stats keep me motivated to keep training. I do wish there were more games to play or that I could pick my favorites and know what areas they focus on, but overall, it’s great. I did a lot of research on competing bands before choosing Perifit and am very happy with my choice. Definitely a worthwhile investment!
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4 years ago, Blu_JayHart
The best thing since sliced bread
I love my Perifit! I’ve been using it less than a week and I’ve already made improvements. The games are so much fun and various ones allows you to do various exercises and remained entertained. I’m happy I invested in this device for myself and I will definitely recommend to other women. After having 3 kids I wasn’t doing my kegels as much as I should have and now I look forward to doing them. Please keep the games coming as I’m excited to try some more different kegel training techniques.
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7 months ago, mel5200
Entertaining and functional
Not just a toy like some others I have tried. Does what it should, showing some improvement after two weeks of use. As a PT, have been delaying doing what I know I should do it help stress incontinence after kids. Better late than never. Will recommend to others who are experiencing symptoms. Worth the investment. Would recommend careful attention to learning how to avoid compensatory contractions to “win” games. Otherwise great idea.
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5 years ago, Dottie16
Work in progress
I have had my Perifit about a 6 weeks and initially it seemed to be working well and I was making progress, but the last two weeks no matter how relaxed I get the butterfly won’t come down and no matter how hard I squeeze it won’t stay up, which has led me to use the wrong muscles trying to make it work. I am not sure if it has helped with incontinence issues yet as most of my issues are related to stress incontinence and i don’t sneeze often enough or jump up and down to see if it’s helped. I would like to continue to use it but if I can’t get it to work like it did the first few weeks I may quit.
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2 months ago, TFrony_6914
Quick Results
I’ve only had my Perilfit for a few days but I already see and feel a difference in my pelvic muscles and the way they support my bladder when I sneeze. I’m not leaking as much and I squeeze throughout the day even when my device is not inserted. The interactive games makes it fun and motivating to use everyday. I haven’t had sex as of yet but Im practicing daily. However when I am intimate I’m sure sex will be a pleasurable experience for both he and I.
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4 months ago, Photoellie
It works!
I have stage 2 prolapse. I started using Perifit and experienced a significant improvement in badder leak incidents. Some days I forget to wear protection and haven’t had a problem! It works! I wish they would switch to a paid subscription so they could offer new games though. For the one time price, what you get is totally worth it. The program even starts you off slow and increases in difficulty as your strength increases. Love love love this product!
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4 years ago, comedyMuse
Nurse Bladder
I bought this the day I had a small leak in the nurses station....the first time ever I completely had no control over my bladder!! I felt it was too early for me to be incontinent and though I’ve tried Kegel balls I’ve had no success. The biofeedback is immediate and very helpful. I didn’t realize how difficult it could be to fully relax while doing the exercises. In just over a weeks time I have noticeable improvement. Definitely worth the investment!!!
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3 months ago, S Patten
Intimate competitive fun
So far I used the product twice. I am really enjoying it as it feels like a work out … controlled workout and at the same time it challenges me to get better. It’s quantifiable progress. I encourage other women who are looking to improve their pelvic floor muscles to try. This device also does incorporate limits, which is good for people who are very competitive. otherwise, you would continue to play the game next line.
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4 years ago, teachingdragon
Helps Improve Pelvic Floor Pressure Quickly
This ‘trainer’ really works. It helped me to relieve pelvic floor pressure within days. I can sneeze and cough without leakage with only doing the program for 10 minutes two times a day. I highly recommend this. One suggestion to the developers would be to provide suggestions for how to best use the app to improve different ratings. For example, if I want to increase endurance, is it best to work at lower levels for longer periods of time? This is a ‘genius’ app!
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2 years ago,
Incredible Experience for Feminine Sexual Health
I have been using Perifit for a few years since my daughter was born. And it’s been incredible how much I continue to enjoy sex, how quickly I regained my pelvic floor strength, and how fun and easy it is to use! Their customer support is so friendly and helpful, and the games are really enjoyable. I find when I’m training regularly I feel more sexy, toned, and connected to my body. I think every woman should use Perifit!
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2 months ago, Bruins4Eva
Keeps you entertained!
As someone who loses interest in workouts very fast, I find this little gadget ingenious! You can try different games, you can unlock achievements, and difficulty also changes as you complete more levels. I have both trainers too and even though I loved the standard Perifit Care, the + is even comfier and easier to use. It seems like a lot of money but it is 100% worth it!! Get it!
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4 months ago, buytghhn
Helps so much!
This little device is freaking AWESOME!! I had incontinence issues that were really annoying and I searched online and found this. It’s easy and kind of fun. I put on music or a podcast while I play. I don’t have incontinence issues anymore and bonus: it’s improved my sex life exponentially!! Highly recommend to women who have had kids and especially us 40+ crowd. Remember the vagina is a muscle you gotta work it girl!😂🤣😘
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6 months ago, GrantmamaC
Happy with My Purchase!
I have been using for a couple of months now. The product is easy to use, and gives results. The games are fun and engaging enough to keep my interest for multiple days a week usage. My favorite games are the competitions! I have noticed increased strength in my pelvic floor muscles, no more stress leaks, and better control of my pelvic muscles. So glad I purchased this. I use it 4 days a week, 15 minutes at a time.
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7 months ago, Ms.Mcmoody
Just bought my perifit and it is AMAZING. It’s challenging and I love the different games with different exercises. I also love that they show you your progress because that gelps you stay motivated to keep going. Also it is exciting to get to know your muscles down there more so you can be more in touch with your own body. Excited to see th results as I have done the exercises for longer. This has most certainly made kegel excersises SO much fun!
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5 days ago, S1mplesoul
I’ve been using Perifit consistently (5x week at least) for about 4 weeks now and I’m getting better and better at the games, which are actually relaxing and fun to play! Its become part of my bedtime routine. I feel so much more strength and control of my muscles down there, and sex is better too! No leakin when sneezing! I have 5 children and really wanted to improve my pelvic muscle health and this is a 10/10!
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2 years ago, 982737399197/$2$2992
5 stars hands down!!
Friend recommended this device. I previously had JOYon and it was awful! This was the same price, so I was skeptical. I’m amazed at how accurate the sensors are!! Games are fun! I am sore after these workouts and it’s showing great improvement. One thing I do wish is it tells you where you are compared to other perifit users. I know I’m doing “good” but where should really good be, or how am I compared to other people??
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2 days ago, tackylynn
Fun way to stop the leaks
I’ve had issues with leaking urine when I cough, laugh, jump, sneeze, for decades. I’ve tried doing levels on my own, and even tried a different type of pressure-sensitive exerciser. It was very basic and boring and never got updated. The Perifit is fun, has lots of different games and levels, and is fully supported/continuously updated. And it works. I highly recommend it.
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12 months ago, denisemcf7
Love this app
Normally I’d give this app a 5 star, but the past 3 days it’s told me I’ve already trained for the day when I haven’t. I have to go in the explore tab and just pick random games to play and I don’t even know if it’s using my training program when I do that. Please fix! UPDATE: excited that the bug is being fixed! Back to 5 stars. This has really helped my pelvic floor and the games are fun to play.
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4 weeks ago, Bri399
So far so good!
I purchased Perifit after a whole bunch of other pelvic floor strengthening devices. So far I love the product and the app! I haven’t run into any issues with the app, I see there are updates to address bugs but no effect on my usage yet. The app is easy to use, fun, and a great way to get your pelvic floor workouts in every week! I would absolutely recommend this method to a friend.
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4 years ago, Vox Woman
Please add an off switch for the music!
I would give this a 5-star review EXCEPT for the fact that you don’t have a setting for music on/off/volume and effects volume like EVERY OTHER GAME ON THE PLANET. The music gets really annoying after about 5 minutes. It adds nothing to the user experience. The pings when you hit the target are an important audio cue that goes away when I turn the phone volume down. Please fix this in the next update and I will come back and revise my review. The controller is good, but I wonder how I will recharge/replace the battery when it dies.
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7 months ago, Sax, Savi, Mj, Jackson
Worth every dollar!
I have had my device for two days and it’s amazing! I wish I had this device sooner I would recommend this to any woman that’s looking for improvements no matter the improvement your looking for I would highly recommend purchasing. I feel great after the exercises and the games are so much fun I give this device a 10/10!
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3 years ago, Amazon is the bomb
Incontinence so much better
My daughter found the product and I got it right away. I was doing e-stim at the doctors office which was helping but with COVID the nurse didn’t come in office anymore. The Perifit has helped me control my bladder so I can now get to the toilet and my pelvic floor is much stronger too. I’ve been using it for about 3 months, every other day I do 3 games. I highly recommend it, games are fun! Thank you Perifit!
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1 week ago, Meinmeim
Personal Training
Many years ago I tore my pelvic floor muscles. I was incredibly lucky to meet a therapist that used biofeedback to teach me how to do a proper contraction. Fast forward 20 years and hysterectomy surgery. Things are not the same as they were. I was just walking along and had a tiny leak🥺 I saw the same therapist and saw a Perifit in her office. I got curious and decided to buy one. I’m so happy I did. Exhale and contract!
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5 years ago, katrinaelise
So innovative!
I just played a video game with my vagina! Amazing! Quite an expensive dildo but for my health and wellness, I guess it’s worth it! Doing kegels on your own can be boring and you don’t have a way of knowing if you’re actually strengthening the muscles so the app is perfect. I find myself yelling at the bird and punching my bed as I try to capture lotuses 🤣 I’ve only done one session so I haven’t experienced any of the technical difficulties others have mentioned.
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3 months ago, kaykaymaeb
Great tool for learning about your pelvic floor muscles and keeping them healthy and active!
I got this to learn more about my pelvic floor muscle to ensure I keep them healthy as I age and inevitably get ready to have kids. It has helped me understand how my muscles work how to isolate them and my strengths and weaknesses. It is also great for you sexual health as you learn to enjoy and feel more with this mind muscle connection.
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