Podbean Podcast App & Player

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126.5 MB
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Podbean Tech LLC
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Podbean Podcast App & Player

4.82 out of 5
42.2K Ratings
6 months ago, Lexiezb
Salice rose
salice rose Contant is decently funny she motivates women and men she’s not biased towards one gender. The quality is phenomenal and I believe everyone should try this app out. You don’t have to pay anything and you get to listen to this amazing broadcast so far I’ve only listen to Salice rose, but after I run out of listening to her audios, I will further try to listen to motivational podcasts on here. The one thing I will say is if you have to be hands-free and you’re listening to a podcast after the podcast ends, it repeats itself instead of going to the next podcast and that’s the only thing that I don’t like but the sides that this app is amazing and I love listening to my podcast through here because if I was listening to a podcast through a music app is going to play the podcast then play music after what I’d rather be listening to a podcast the entire time. Definitely go check out Salice rose. She hits a bunch of different topics and helps you find different ways to think of things.
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2 years ago, Jmmhbloominton
I don’t know if the below was ever sent as here it sits when I went to review again. I am changing from 3 stars to 1 star. If BARDSFM was not on Podbean I would discard it. Not only does all of the below continue to happen, the episodes change on me - once I choose one, it frequently jumps to one next to it…over and over. I have an iPhone XR and an older iPad. I DO, however, enjoy the chat feature on live broadcast - mostly reading, not participating. PLUS- since downloads are automatic, I had trouble with data storage. So did my sister - we went to Geek Squad and if I wasn’t there to point them to Podbean as a possible cause, they may not have figured it out. OLD Review: [Podbean carries one of my favorite podcast followings. I never investigated how the live chat works, etc — that’s on me. However, trying to advance the recorded episode times frustrates me because it buffers and buffers. E.g.: wanting to move past the beginning to when an interview starts; or wanting to “slide” it back to the beginning. I even tried to get out of Podbean and re-enter to hopefully reset, but it still kept the episode to where I left off (which, in some circumstances would be good, if one could easily maneuver the time-line). I am not tech-y, and respect your efforts. I am just telling you how it is with me. Thanks.]
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4 years ago, OtherGh
Glitchy, difficult to navigate
Glitchy- If I press pause or hit the back button more than once or twice during a podcast, it will stop playing. Won’t go back, won’t go forward, won’t play. I’ve closed and reopened the app. Tried starting a different podcast, then gone back to the one that stopped- no change. The only way it will start again is to close the app for several days (ridiculous) or if I delete and reload the app. Due to this issue I would never use it, but a favorite podcast has bonus content only on Podbean so I listen only to that podcast on the app. Difficult to navigate- I’ve probably got about 30 podcasts saved on my Podcast app. My list of shows and episodes comes up immediately and is easy to navigate and toggle through. Using Podbean is like “50 First Dates”- I’m greeted with a generic home screen with no mention of my listening history and recommendations that clearly aren’t relevant. I have to search for the ONE show I listen to every. single. time. Once you finally get to the show you want, you have to go into a menu to have your episode list refresh- otherwise you’d never know that another episode had been released. Glitchy, not intuitive, cumbersome.
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2 years ago, Rudi@OG
Game Changer!
I have been reading my Bible every day since I was a child - a habit that my parents deeply engrained in me and my five siblings. I just turned 60 this year and yet have never really listened to an auditory version of the Bible. I have always read, often with paper and pen to takes notes, with the idea of”What is this telling me I need to do?” The Bible Recap has been such a breath of fresh air! I will never forget the first day I listened to the Bible being read to me. It was like an entirely new book! Instead of being entrenched in the weeds, I was flying over it at 30,000 feet. Suddenly I was making connections and seeing things I had never seen before in these same familiar passages that I had been reading all of my life. I love the way TLC has encouraged us to read to see who God is on each page. I am nearing the end of Jeremiah and this may sound weird but I am beginning to fall in love with the Holy One of Israel! I am seeing His incredible mercy even in the midst of righteous judgment. I am also enjoying the podcast… on those days when I am in difficult passages, I always know TLC has some clarifying insight as well as a God shot to give me something to chew on. And I still get chills sometimes when she says, “He’s where the joy is!” Thank you to all of you at the Bible Recap who are being used of God to make this happen and to bless people you will probably never meet!
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2 years ago, TheFreeBro14
Literally the most buggy and worst podcast app
I only use this app because it has a backlog of my favorite podcast. Outside of that: -Stupid to navigate. -Buffers indefinitely on a strong wifi connection until I close and restart the app -Several of my podcasts have “-1233% left” or something equally obscure. -Downloading takes a strangely long amount of time compared to other apps, far below my wifi download speed is capable of -Trying to skip forward or backward is a nightmare -Navigating or trying to play/pause from lockscreen works about 10% of the time -A range of other bugs. When I start playing a podcast on wifi, I expect it to download the full episode immediately so that I can leave wifi without it losing connection and stop playing. That is a basic necessity for a podcast app. I shouldn’t need to remember to download all the possible episodes I plan to listen to before I get in my car for a morning commute. Other podcasts apps do this, even the default iPhone podcast app. I’m running iPhone 14 pro with latest software updates. I don’t know how there are so many positive reviews for this app, the developers clearly aren’t trying to make the best app that they can.
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3 years ago, attachment_issues
Breaking up with wholesome
When I mentioned it in conversation, a friend asked, "Podbean? I don't know that app." I said, "Just a podcast app with the name BEAN in it so you know it must be wholesome!!!" Then I actually __*thought*__ about our relationship. Why did I put up with it?! The constant "no connection" message, even when connected to WiFi. The difficulty rewinding, which left me waiting for many long minutes for the audio to randomly reload-- like the anxiety for a text response from a date, you fear, is just not that into you. Pressing backup 30 seconds several times only to end up at the same minute mark! Talk about poor communication. Or opening the app with anticipation only to see the Discover page with suggestions that made me feel like you didn't even know me. Sometimes, Podbean, I don't even know why we did this. I think you just seemed so good, so genuine, but now I see that you don't nourish or support me at all. You'll call me a sell out, but I need to go with someone bigger; more reliable. Thanks for the memories; I wish you well.
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2 years ago, Nelson21@
News you can use
I changed my content when Covid hit. I became a twenty four seven bring it to you reporter. I changed too just having to report the sad news but people needed to know. So many people were dying. Then it kept getting worse and worse and it was my patriotic duty to reach as many people as possible. Being disabled this was the only way I knew to get the news out that the shots were killing people. My fibromyalgia got worse and other autoimmune issues popped up because of an old car injury, my pituitary died. I was forced to do what I could. I had to cut down the number of reports and some days nothing was reported. I’m still trying, now it’s turned into a survival issue. That depressing. I has a “can do” person. My technical skills weren’t what they should be but I’d report on potential cures for people. That’s were I’m at. Trying to give people hope.
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5 years ago, tibbys
I like it like it - UPDATED FOR DEVELOPER
I appreciate sorting the episodes in order by date, I like to go the beginning of where it started. Two annoying things worth mentioning. It stopped automatically playing the next episode ***(I’m listening to Radiolab only right now so I don’t know if it’s other podcasts. I just texted it before replying to you. Finished listening to an episode from last night. Made sure my setting was still to auto play the next one and sure enough, nothing happened)***. I don’t know why. I had the setting to do so, and it was working fine, then it stopped. I checked the settings and it hasn’t changed so not sure what to do. And two....Once I’ve listened to, let’s say 30 episodes (a lot is the point here), since the next episode isn’t playing automatically, I go to the list and have to painfully scroll down until I find the next episode. Ok a third. Commercials are annoying.
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4 years ago, TEP1115
Best podcast app I’ve found
The features I love about this app are: -Very easy to make playlists (the main thing I couldn’t find on several other free apps!) -Keeps listen history so I can easily return to a podcast I didn’t follow or save to a playlist -Customizable order in which episodes and follow list appear (oldest, newest, etc) -In general just very easy to keep track of the podcasts I want to listen to Thankfully, all of the bugs/ features I don’t like are pretty minor, but it would definitely improve the experience if they were fixed: -Often pauses immediately after I click play, so I have to hit play again. I listen on Bluetooth and saw another review mention this same problem. -Audio controls disappear from lock screen if you pause for more than a couple seconds (saw this in another review as well) -When I’m browsing the app and the episode is paused, clicking anywhere on the bottom bar to return to the episode (not just the play icon in the bottom right) automatically plays it. I think there should be a way to return to the episode while keeping it paused, and it should only play if I hit a play icon. -The green downloaded icon does not always appear by recently downloaded episodes, so I frequently have to double check -The skip 15/30s doesn’t work when the episode is paused -It would be nice if the catalog of shows/categories was more extensive in order to discover more new shows.
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5 years ago, sbowers9
Only App that is designed for talk podcasts and not music.
Podbean is the only podcast app that I've found that when I press the back button on my Bluetooth device, it takes me back 30 seconds on my current podcast. When I press the back key on all the other apps, it takes me to the previous podcast. I don't want to leave my podcast, I just want to re-hear the last 30 seconds because I either didn't understand something that was being said or I was distracted and just want to hear it again. All the other apps - Apple, Stitcher... are designed for music and think you want to go back to the prior song. It's really frustrating because I have to look at my phone, while I'm driving to hit the back 30 seconds button. But with Podbean, I keep my eyes on the road and just tap the back button on my Bluetooth device and I can simply rewind the last 30 seconds - perfect!
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1 year ago, Joni on Savannah
Single best thing I’ve ever done to grow my faith !
My title really says it all, I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years, I’ve done multiple Bible studies, went to women’s conferences, service at church, etc. this really has grown my faith and helped me to understand the Bible like nothing I’ve done before. My husband is also doing the reading plan, ( we’ve never done something like this together ) and it really gives us common ground for discussion. Thank you so much! I feel like it’s the perfect balance of knowledge, history and I love how Tara frequently shows how the old testament ties to the New Testament. It’s an added bonus that she’s funny!! I literally laugh out loud almost every day when I’m listening to the podcast when she says something that catches me off guard. Good job ! Keep it up, I’m excited to dive into the New Testament in the next couple of months !
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5 months ago, stickstacks
Bug infested, most unbearable app I’ve used
I’m using this app to listen to a paid subscription podcast for health reasons. I am paying the subscription fee, and still, the ONLY way I can get the paid episodes to play is to download them, start a different free episode, then go back to the paid episode and mark it as “play next”, fast forward the free episode to the end and let the time run out so it then goes on to play the paid episode. That is the ONLY way I can play the paid episodes and I had to figure out this workaround myself. If I try to play them normally it runs through a lengthy error sequence and removes the download and marks the paid episode as played. So freaking annoying and if I don’t do everything in that exact order I have to start I over. Playlists are absolutely useless… have to sort through all episodes every time I want to listen to just one. I don’t know who designed this app but it’s the most frustrating I’ve ever used by a loooongshot. If the podcast I’m paying for didn’t have life saving info I would delete this app immediately.
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6 months ago, Nolan_Christopher_Parish269
Podbean accessibility
I love this application, however, more accessibility improvements are recommended. this means some unlabeled button cleanup, because the fact it would help when editing audio when trying to trim pieces of audio that need to be cut out. that may contain foul language or unsafe use of words. what I also would love to see, is to see that voiceover read the following tabs as labeled and numbered correctly. as a blind and visually impaired user, I take accessibility extremely seriously. Especially not only for me, but others within the blind and visually impaired community. also, when I’d like to see is the ability to edit a podcast feed URL within not only the application, but also on the website. as a recommendation, that would be helpful. for a podcast creator like myself and others.
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5 years ago, sarahebeth
I wanted to love this app...
I originally posted 5 stars after switching to Podbean. I did love several of the features of this app that I didn’t have with others, and it never crashed. It also downloaded episodes quickly (I didn’t have mine set to auto download, just chose the individual episodes I wanted), and the downloads deleted immediately after they finished playing space and time. HOWEVER, I just deleted the app. Podcasts I listened to daily would disappear from my feed. I would have to search for them again to follow and listen. I thought it was me at first, maybe an accident with my touch screen. But then it did again, more than once, it happened with more than one show. I reached out to customer service, but the response was completely useless. Even if they didn’t/don’t have a fix or answer at the moment, the response could have been handled better. I would have preferred them not to answer at all than what I received. I was too annoyed at that point to keep trying. Promptly deleted.
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1 month ago, BklynWoidz
Works well and reasonable pricing, though not perfectly intuitive
I've happily seen improvements in this app over the years. I'drate it 5 stars now and would still like it to be a bit more intuitive. Example: accessing stats to your own podcast is a wee bit less obvious to locate than it could be. Teeny icons on mostly blank screens get you there. Personally I'd also like to know how many listen to full podcasts - granted, mine are a bit lengthy - so that matters to me. Also signing in on the same devices, over and over again, need not ask me whether I want to sign on via other means: (Google account, password, facebook). 200+ sign-ins via the same manner somehow could be registered as my sign-in method of choice. Still - 5 stars at point. This is a good app and at good value.
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1 year ago, brian the guy you love
I’m not sure if it’s the interface or what but of the handful of podcast platforms I use (3 in total) Podbean is the least intuitive and the most frustrating to use. If I don’t finish an episode in one sitting I can rarely get it to load up so I can finish, usually I just have to close the app and come back after a few days to see if I can restart it. I also followed a podcast for a while that offered bonus purchase episodes which was something I enjoyed, and I could access them easily, but Podbean killed that option and now the episodes I did purchase are mixed back into 10+ years of episodes by release date and a pain to find, which really is a mood killer. Overall I only use it to listen to the aforementioned purchased episodes I’m still hunting down one by one and adding to a playlist but I don’t use it for anything else and probably won’t unless they make the app better instead of intentionally making it worse.
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6 years ago, KellyK376
Counterintuitive setup
I really want to enjoy this app. But everything about it feels backwards, and there’s no option to sort the locked episodes in with the standard ones based on date, which makes keeping up to date super difficult. For some reason downloading episodes is also separate from the original location, and I have no option to have it automatically deleted after I listen to it from that different location, which makes me spend a lot of time on the unsorted list, rather than just seeing the ones I have left to listen to. Clicking on an episode automatically begins the recording, rather than popping up with options about it. What happens when you tap the wrong episode? Now it’s redirected you to a new page, and you’ve got to backtrack to get to the right one. It’s exhausting, honestly, and if I didn’t have to use it to reasonably access the bonus content I get, I would just delete it. I wonder if they’ve got an access link that I can punch into Overcast.
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4 years ago, Mhfykfkydykdyj
Problem w/Lower Speed: Echo.
Slowing this app down just adds an echo or delay. Talk about a grating, unsatisfying, crude, low-tech approach! If, however, you are one of the 99 percentile then you use this app to speed up your podcast & this idiosyncrasy isn’t an issue. For 50% speed just say everything twice: I I can’t can’t stand stand this this app app but but it’s it’s all all I I have have on on my my iPhone iPhone that’ll that’ll play play .80x 80x!! Why slow down speed? Comprehension & retention. Technical podcasts are how to follow at high speeds. Trying to recall & share a partially understood podcast is impossible. Whether the subject matter is Covid-19 or nutri-genomics, politics, sociology, psychology, physiology, or comedy if you want to understand it enough to intelligently share: slow-it-down ...but without the annoying echo!
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7 years ago, guckyV
Beyond irritated.
I have constant buffering problems on the app. At home, at work, everywhere. I know the automatic response is going to be “It’s your connection.”, but it isn’t. It’s not a WiFi issue, because Podbean is the ONLY issue I have on my phone. The worst thing is that if I have to pause a long podcast, I know when I go back to it that it will try to start where I left off but will never play. It just buffers. Right now, as I type this, I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes hoping that an episode of “Something to Wrestle” will start back up but it won’t. I’ll have to shut off and restart my phone just for the app to work again. I liked the app at first but it has become absolute garbage in the last couple weeks. I’m never using Podbean, again.
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5 years ago, JB_Smithwick
Poor Interface
As many have gone into, this app’s interface makes No sense. There are multiple ways to search for new content, but what I really need is to get to and view the podcasts I’m already listening to and their episodes. The episode list is Infuriating. Every podcast I’ve listened to likes to list and play in reverse order...so, for example, when I finish Episode 5, it will autoplay Episode 4, which I just heard. To make matters worse, the episode lists start with only recent episodes shown and then an option to “see more” - which will let you see the next 5-10. Well, God help you if you’re starting to listen to a Podcast with 100+ episodes, as you’ll have to get used to tapping “See More about 25 times at the start of every listening session. Two stars because it works and many podcasts are available - now just take the time to redo the interface/menus. I’s say ‘fix’ instead of redo, but this steaming pile of hot refuse is beyond repair.
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11 months ago, Trinkets4Tails
Nice design but too many bugs
I turned to Podbean when my favorite podcast app shut down. I generally use it when driving, so of course had the auto play next episode setting enabled. It does not play the next episode. It hops around skipping forward several episodes. You have to restart the app close it down, open it again, then manually go to the next episode. Obviously, this isn’t ideal when you’re in a car driving, and can’t constantly grab your phone and stare at the screen to start and restart an app. Hopefully I can find a different app to use that has better functionality. On the plus side, the app interface is pleasing, it’s easy to search, like the design and layout. If I was using it from home or work, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue to have to start and restart the app. But considering I do most of my listening while driving, this app simply won’t work for me.
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3 years ago, RaveynAngel
I’d give it 5 ⭐️ however…
I LOVE the app. I only have two issues with it. I listen to one podcast while driving and that is the only one that I want to download. How can I stop ALL of the other podcasts that I follow from downloading too? If I choose to download another one, let that be my choice please. The other is that if I hit a “dead zone”, or if I have to pause the episode for more than a few seconds, it stops playing completely, I can’t get that episode to restart. Exiting out of the app and fully closing it, nope, doesn’t work, switching to a different episode sometimes works and other times they won’t play either. Then I have to wait up to TWO DAYS to be able to get the original episode to play again. I have noticed others who have the same issues… please fix this.
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3 years ago, eWillie10
it works on a basic, below average level
*I used this app as a listener only* tldr: not user friendly/unintuitive app that works for listening… sometimes. The app overall is not convenient/easy to use. It’s not intuitive, you have to find and figure out the weird ways to use it and get what you want from the podcast app. It’s particularly annoying that you have to make your own podcast page, when you have no intention of creating a podcast, just to listen or become a patron. The patron program is especially aggravating. Signing up isn’t easy and canceling is impossible. I shouldn’t be surprised since the app has never been user friendly. The basic point of the podcast, listening, is inconsistent too. At times an episode just won’t play or won’t save your place mid episode. I’ve also noticed that there will be parts of my podcasts that are soundless… I thought it was an issue with the upload or creator but then I realized it was happening during several different podcasts. When I listened to the episodes on a different app, there was no break/silence and I was hearing parts of the episode I missed before. I was using this app because my favorite podcast was hosted here and used Podbean for their patron program. I am SO excited they are moving to a different app with an easier/better patron program and host site so I don’t have to use this app again.
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5 years ago, Spicey90
Great app with great features, but still buggy
I love this app with all it's features, especially the control that you have over playlists, and batch managing podcast episodes. It's perfect for someone like me who listens to nearly 20 episodes a week of different podcasts. However, there are a couple of small bugs that keep me from rating it five stars. When I'm connected to a Bluetooth device, the first time I try to play from the app, it will stop immediately. I have to press play a second time for a podcast to play. Second, the app will not always delete played episodes from a playlist. And third, the app will often disappear from the lock screen when paused. Edit: I dropped my review from four to three stars because the app stopped automatically playing the next episode, even after turning the option off and back on and restarting the app.
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3 years ago, LRC123!!
Most options
I have 5 or 6 podcast apps on my phone and have used all at least a bit. I have been using Podbean almost exclusively for the past month+ because there are some many easy to find podcasts. I often work all night on my computer for my business and to keep my mind from wandering, I need to have talk radio or a podcast playing. Although I don’t hear everything I do pick up a lot. And Incan only have a specific type of voice and cadence that doesn’t irritate or distract me. Needless to say, I burn through a LOT of podcasts! And Podbean is the only app I have been able to continually use and find the ‘right’ podcast to play - for hours at a time! Love it!
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4 years ago, Big Squash
Good stuff!
Really good podcast, especially when practitioners are interviewed (like a Wes Beavis). The celebrity Christian interviews aren’t that helpful (IMO) from a practical standpoint since it’s like visiting a another church at a conference— what worked in one place doesn’t necessarily work in another. Also, Steve said a couple inconsistent things in his recent cast with Brendan Reed. Steve said integrity was important to him but he later related two examples where he purposely lied to the elders and purposely preached a poor sermon, both to try and “correct” his personal thought and behavior. Really? I get wanting to see personal growth in oneself and leadership team, but does the end justify the means? Seems to make an idol out of “managing leadership anxiety” over against the need for God’s people to hear the good news of Jesus. Anyway, still a great show and I look forward to it. Peace.
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7 months ago, MT Torres
Subscription will not sync across platforms!
I have an iPhone that I made a subscription on, but I also have a Google pixel tablet. Now you would think since you have a subscription that it would carry to another device, but that doesn’t seem to be the case! That is unethical! I will not be renewing my subscription! Buyer beware! To the developer: I have sent you an email and waiting for your response. Day two and still waiting for a response from the developer. I hope he didn’t email me just to make himself look good due to this bad review. UPDATE RESPONSE TO DEVELOPER: I don’t know why you’re telling me to “wait with patience for a response”. You’ve already responded to me and so that’s why I already updated my review a couple weeks ago! My response still stands. You are requiring two subscriptions for each platform. This, as I stated above, is unethical. It is unethical because you do not this stipulation in your details regarding your app.
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2 weeks ago, TNTz9
Like it a lot
I’d been using the Apple podcast app for years but all of a sudden my favorite podcast episodes were not updating. I deinstalled it, reinstalled, but still didn’t work, so I searched the top podcast apps. The best ones (as rated) were complicated and hard to use and couldn’t even find my favorite podcasts. I quickly dumped them. Some of them seemed geared to music which cluttered and complicated the interface. PODbean wasn’t mentioned in any of the lists of top podcast apps, but since the top rated ones did not measure up, I tried PODbean. The POD is simple to use and highly functional. I gave it four stars only because I always think there’s room for improvement, though at the moment I don’t have any recommendations for improvement. Thanks POD!!!
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5 years ago, TDawz
Can’t Scrub without Buffer
I like this app because the podcasts I listen too are available on it. What I don’t like is that when I attempt to scrub forward by sliding the little marker ahead, on any podcast, there is always a long buffer period where the “play” button turns into the spinning circle. This goes on literally every time I attempt to jump ahead in a podcast. Doesn’t matter if I’m on wifi or not. As I’m writing this review, I’ve been waiting for my podcast to start playing after I attempted to jump to a random mark in the show. I contacted support months ago when I first got tired of this issue but the round and round led me to believe they had no idea what I was talking about as they wanted me to send them an example of the issue...so a screenshot?!?!! How would that help?!!? Hopefully it gets fixed because the “other” podcast app is barely usable either with it’s constant “can’t connect right now errors”..
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4 years ago, T-aroma
Wonderful Experience; Excellent Support
I am as technologically challenged as you will find anywhere, but ours is a small congregation and I need to make sermons available to people who cannot attend services. I not only deliver the message, but function as what may only euphemistically be called tech support. Our research disclosed Podbean has the best reputation and they turned out to be the ideal solution for us. Getting started was practically painless, even the part about getting the podcasts on iTunes and Google Play. I have only contacted support twice, but the responses were prompt and immediately resolved my issues. I highly recommend the company and plan to continue the association when we move into video recording our material.
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7 years ago, ABamaBelle
Love the app, but..
Well, I had high hopes that the new update would fix the ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ podcast, which hasn’t worked for quite a good while. Unfortunately it is still not working..will not download or play at all. If you look at the comments on the podcast, you will see that others are complaining about this as well. I would appreciate it if you could look into this and get it back up and running again. Please and thank you. I received your email reply to my review, which stated: “Thanks for your feedback. We checked the ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ podcast. It is password-protected content. That's why you could not play it.” Ok...and the solution to the problem is...what??What do I have to do to have the right to make it play again, because it used to work for me just fine?? Thanks.
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3 years ago, Ahines1
Anthony Hines job search and career help now review
Overall ability to create a podcast is very easy and very clear. search is a bit confusing and inconsistent. Disappointed in conversions from followers to subscribers but overall customer service has been fantastic and extremely responsive and marketing has been extremely responsive. I am pleasantly surprised at the overall online service and very excited about the future. That said it would be great if there were online seminars that people could dial into about how to monetize your podcast or other subjects based on industry expert advice and information that way we could all learn from each other.
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6 years ago, Seancasm
This is the best app for podcasters
This company has taken all of the guesswork out of podcasting and created a one stop shop for podcasters. No need to get a website and server space because Podbean has reasonably priced monthly options, with a free option to try it out with. Easily post episode links to any social media account, or email them. It integrates with Apple Podcasts so you can post both places. (Podbean is a better app experience since Apple updated the podcast app, and Podbean is cross-platform) I cannot recommend Podbean enough, and no..I’m not an employee, just a client with a Twenty One Pilots inspired podcast where we discuss the meanings behind their songs. It’s called the All My FRENS podcast. Stay alive FRENS. |-/
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6 years ago, Holbytla-ess
Love it; found a bug in first 4 hours of use
First off, I’ll start w the bug. When streaming content (I know your default is downloading a new episode, and sometimes I end up listening to old ones), the time/progress bar doesn’t work. Both ends say “00:00” and the red line doesn’t move. This means that the step-back and step-forward buttons do crazy things when you push them. Pls fix? (Note: downloaded episodes don’t do this - they work as expected) The great thing is this is the only other app I’ve found (than Apple’s out-of-box) that allows you to reorder the episodes from old to new, so if you miss a couple days, you can start w the oldest and just listen! I love the look and feel, as well. Thanks soooo much for making a great app!
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6 years ago, Dubstep_JET-Life
Not perfect but pretty darn close
So I’ve used this app for about 2 years, and I even switched to Apple podcast between that time, and let me tell you, I’m so impressed with this app. The 2 other apps I used including Apple really weren’t up to even the basic podcast app standards. Just take my word for it, this is the only app for Pods I’ll ever use again, now about the bad, there really isn’t a lot, but the occasional crash was happening to me for a while, but it hasn’t happened in a while, but just something to keep in mind. Another thing is that it seems like a couple of my shows I listened to don’t seem to update as fast as the Apple app did for me. But now you know, this app is really great, but I can’t give it 5 stars knowing the little things wrong with it.
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3 years ago, Jason13634
A little bit expensive and annoying but it works
I went looking for a new podcast player after Apple changed their default player so much that I couldn’t use it anymore. Podbean is the best option I found. It is straightforward and allows me to manage my playlists the way I want. It will push you to create an account for their service, which I don’t want to do, but I am able to work without it. There is a $10 annual fee which renews automatically. Otherwise you have to put up with random ads that cut the sound off in the middle of your podcasts. The cost seems high and I don’t like that it renews automatically, but honestly I am just happy to have something that works.
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4 years ago, alone_inacrowdedroom
If I could give this half a star, I would.
I’ve had more issues with this app than any other since buying my first smartphone. I haven’t been able to access content for a month, even though my payments have still come out of my account. I just deleted and reinstalled the app and now it’s not recognizing me as a user at all, it’s trying to get me to sign up for a new account when I click the reactivate link. I’m hoping my favorite podcast switches hosts soon. I have a Stitcher Premium account as well and have never had a problem with it. Update: just resubscribed to some premium content 6 days ago, and I inexplicably received an email today saying, “this is a confirmation that you have cancelled your subscription to...” I absolutely did not cancel or request a cancellation. I logged in to my account on my laptop and there is no sign of a cancellation and my subscription is still active. What is going on?!
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2 years ago, Nate12328
Ok but had some issues
I want to love this ap, but it has some issues. First off, I like the format, the way the podcast are organized, suggested, and searched. It’s user friendly and that’s why I continue to use it. However- lately it’s been a little more difficult to enjoy. It randomly skips episodes unless you download them. So if you want to binge a season in order- download the whole thing. It also doesn’t go to the most recent episode anymore. You have to scroll through all of the listened episodes to get to the new one. Nbd if you are up to date, but if you are starting with the oldest and catching up- can take a while. So. As long as I download episodes I want to binge for the day, the ap is perfect! Does need some work however.
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3 years ago, Mulletmaffia
No issues until…
So for 4 years Podbean was incredibly reliable. I’m sure it I would leave a 4 or 5 star review if I was still recording. Interestingly enough, when I decided to end my podcast, I knew I would be dumping all my content, they were very clear about that, but what they were not clear about is dumping me as a user! So I still like to listen to other shows, I’m just not producing any more. So when I went to end my subscription which was over a 100 a year, they completely booted me off the platform, I can’t even log into my account or anything, it doesn’t exist, and they still billed me for the following year even though I ended the subscription the day before the billing cycle. Lastly, all my episodes are still downloadable on other platforms even after they supposedly cleaned me out.
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1 year ago, merlinml5
Bean Bag Review
Great bag! Takes a little work to break up memory foam out of box but not terrible. Very comfortable to sit or lay on. Fits two adults easily and is just very comforting. I did not research before buying but I got very lucky that this was the first website I saw. I think the price is very reasonable and now I am buying a second for my other son (got tired of them fighting for it). Anyway, I would highly recommend purchasing this chair if you are looking for one to buy. Hopefully it will be durable and last a long time, from appearance I think I will be using for a years to come.
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8 months ago, HLC_2012
Works well. Glitchy recently.
Enjoy listening to various podcasts. Sound quality is good. Usually loads well (sometimes error downloading). Starting in about Dec23, I noticed it no longer saves my place when I stop mid podcast - if I stop a podcast (done with my walk, done with my drive etc) and try to come back later, nearly always I have to manually forward to when I think I left off, fiddling around to not relisten to content which is a waste of time and frustrating. It used to stop where I stopped and then when I hit play it just resumed which was a great convenience. Now even after a short break I have to manually find where I left off. Very frustrating. PodBean was where I first started listening to podcasts but I’m about to go find another app for them.
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2 years ago, Hay Hay Jay Jay
Unresolved issues
I have been using this platform from some months now and at first it worked great and I loved all the new features that my other platform didn’t have. However, for the last few weeks I have had many problems with the mobile app, which is what I always used. I can’t end my live recording, it just continues even after I press the end button and close the app. I can no longer upload my live to my podcast on the app either. This is a big problem for me. If it would work properly as it did before I would have given 5 stars but do to these unresolved issues it only gets 3 and I almost gave 2. These problems are really causing an issue for me.
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4 years ago, Jester 26
Insanely frustrating app
I am a podcaster who uses podbean to host my show. I got a comment today and instead of just being able to respond to the comment on my computer it forces me to use the app. First I download and then it gives me a listener account and I can’t respond to the comment. Once I get this all sorted out I finally find the comment then it won’t let me respond. I can’t access the comment. I try over and over to respond. Then I finally get to type something and it kicks me out after one line making my response sound short and frustrated with the listeners comment. The whole system is very glitchy and should be 100% scrapped and started over in my opinion. This is enough for me to seriously consider another host who has their systems up and running correctly. There is no reason why should be forced to use an app just to respond to a fan. Please fix this!
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2 years ago, YumeSupernova
Great podcast app, but…
Podbean is definitely my favorite podcast app, been using it regularly for several years now! I do have a couple gripes though. When I open the app and click on the bottom bar showing where I left off in my podcast, the app seems to think I’m not following the podcast because I always see the green “follow” button instead of the blacked-out “following” button, and my following page shows nothing until I go to my profile page - after that, everything shows up ok. Other than these little things, I’ve had an overall great experience with Podbean for the last 3yrs!
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1 year ago, Dubb305
Pod bean Review
Very good Podcast App, allows me to listen to all of my favorite Podcasts on the go. Only thing that needs improvement is the continuous playback of Podcasts, when I have multiple Podcast set to play, app only plays one Podcast and once that Podcast is over, doesn’t continue over to playing the new Podcast. Other than that issue, everything runs smoothly. The Automatic downloads are good as well, only wish is they would download everything nfl about the Miami Dolphins for me and me not have to navigate every Podcast one-by-one and manually download stuff.
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1 month ago, Granpa Moses
Very infomative
My wife and I have a podcast that started in January 2024 and the platform we were recording on no longer exist, so we needed a new platform to record on. After two weeks of research we found podbean and could not be happier. The support team provides amazing information for navigating your needs in an express way and also their response to posted questions did not seem auto generated and it took a short while however their information was spot on. Thank you Podbean!!!! We hope to be apart of this platform for a long long time.
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5 years ago, Chikita11
Great app!
I have used the Apple podcast app for several years and have been frustrated by many things with it. A friend recently told me about this app and I love it! It is so much more user-friendly. I love the ease at which I can stop and pickup in the middle of a podcast. I love that I can save a list of episodes for me and a separate list for my kids. I love that I can easily speed up or slow down the playback speed. I especially love that it automatically downloads new episodes into specific folders, which means I can just start listening instead of having to get my queue ready each time I open the app.
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12 months ago, MushyBosco
Big Thumbs Up
I love Podbean. They have every conceivable podcast I can ever want to listen to. The biggest problem with Podbean is there is too much choice. I can spend all day listening to the podcast they provide and never get my work done. It’s an embarrassment of riches to choose from. Great work! I never worry about censorship, or being unable to find something on Podbean. I love this service. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends. In fact, I have recommended it to others. Great work thanks so much for making Podbean so easy to use and available.
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6 years ago, Ideaaaaaas
Improvement suggestions
Overall excellent app, however there are a few improvements that could improve the user experience. The needed improvement that I encounter daily is that I follow a lot of podcasts that fall under different categories or reasons why I listen. Scrolling through my entire list of followed podcasts each time to find something other than recently listened to is very annoying and completely unnecessary if simply given the option to tag/categorize each podcast (with the users own unique tag) and then the option to filter by / organize with tagged categories. Then simply click on the menu to view followed podcasts, choose between view all or view by category tag, once viewing an individual category please also include the options to organize by: -alphabetical-recently listened to -custom up/down sliding priority This simple improvement would also provide an additional data point, created by users, by which listeners could search for key words to find new podcasts. Thanks!
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5 years ago, Mhg2014
Works well when downloaded, minor issues keep from 5 star
If the podcast is downloaded ahead of time, you can skip back and forth at will fairly easily, but if not, it will buffer for long periods of time. Also randomly stops counting as the music played by my iPhone, so if I’m in my car, I can’t use the car control to skip forward and back, which is frustrating since that’s where I mostly listen. This is the only app I’ve had that happen with, so I’m unsure what causes it, but can usually fix it by turning the phone off and on again. Otherwise the app is very good, with a wide selection as long as you remember to download ahead of time.
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