Rising Card Magic Trick

4.8 (116)
38.9 MB
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Last update
6 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for Rising Card Magic Trick

4.84 out of 5
116 Ratings
5 years ago, Stupidassapp!!
The best phone trick out there!
I’ve purchased some phone tricks but none are quite like this. This is completely deceptive and it works every single time. The spectator has a completely free choice. The method involved is absolutely genius. If you’re going to purchase any kind of trick to do with your phone this is the only one you need. Don’t even think about it just get it. Best part is you always have something to show someone at anytime.
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6 years ago, Steve Chezaday
Magic at your Fingertips
I’ve had this on my iPhone since this was first released years ago ... it’s always with you! If I’m not working, I’m not one of those dorks that walks around with a deck of cards in the pocket ... but I always got my iPhone! No other app comes close with its impact and simplicity. Do yourself a favor and add this to your repertoire ... it can be VERY strong! Highly Recommended!
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5 years ago, Bob Perks
simple enough but you’ll look brilliant!
I hate anything complicated. But I hate when something looks too obvious. The average and above will love being dazzled by this. Those arrogant enough to think they know it all will love to dissect this. Don’t let them. It’s great.
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2 years ago, unapologetic
Still love this reveal so much
This has been a tried and true reveal for years, and still kills… would love if it were updated with some of the newer Theory11 decks!!
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7 years ago, richard z.
Still great even after all these years
I still completely fool people with this trick. It works even better than it ever has.
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6 years ago, DJshahwjaibe
Numbers for days
Without fail I get a girls number. “If my phone can guess what card you are thinking of, you give me your number. Deal?”
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5 years ago, Sturgeonz
Pretty cool
Better practice. Showed my fiancée and didn’t let the secret out. She thought it was voice activated so we wrote it down instead. Wide eyes. Lol.
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5 years ago, I'm Afton
Great with one downside
You cannot change the app icons, other than that it is a perfect app
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5 years ago, Greg DiBruno
Fun, Easy & Amazing
Rising Cards app is great mentalism trick that is easy to do, fun to perform and is always with you and ready to go. Great for the beginner or advanced magician.
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6 years ago, SpacePancake05
How do you use the magician guy instead of hand
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15 years ago, HeavyDee
A great app!
I was apprehensive about buying this due to some of the reviews but decided to give it a shot anyway. It's a very clever adaption of a cool trick, and I have yet to have a spectator that wasn't amazed! Like any magic trick, it takes practice to pull it off smoothly. If you have to fiddle with your phone or arouse suspicion, then you're not ready for a performance in front of someone. Memorize the key to the trick so that you can do it seamlessly, inconspicuously, and without raising suspicions. ANY trick takes LOTS of practice and if you memorize, practice, and devise your own little bit of misdirection, this trick will KILL. If you are truly willing to do this, and have some previous magic understanding and experience, ignore the negative reviews and buy this trick. It's worth every penny if YOU put the time into making YOUR part believable.
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15 years ago, MagicMacMan
Worthy effort, yet there are a couple things...
The secret for this isn't to groundbreaking. But it does work great. There are "security" features that ensure it doesn't get figured out. They can even reload the app themselves and it still the same card they chose. I like the fact you can have the iPhone off sitting in front of you and you turn it on, unlock it, AND open the app all with them watching. My main problem is the actual secret. The method is great, yet the way it was.. executed? i guess would be my problem. It's hard to really say much without revealing anything! The price I completely support! It would kill me as a magician if people could just get on here and buy it for 99 cents. People need to remember, the price is for the secret. I am glad they didn't resort to selling it at the lowest price just to get sales. I really like theory 11, and this is a great app. i wish I was able to explain the downsides, but I can't without a revalation.
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15 years ago, Mroy1975
One of the best
I don't write a lot of reviews but I had to write this one up. I've been in the magic business for about 17 years and have come across and created many magic tricks and illusions. This ranks up in the top for sure. Even putting the magic aside, the development behind this app is really a work of art. The fact that someone can name any card, no forcing, is why this is one of the most clever apps and all around magic tricks I've seen. I would pay $10 for this app. If there is any doubt in your mind about it, let me ease it for you. BUY IT. You won't regret it.
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13 years ago, musicrdog
Great, but change the in-app screen...spoils the trick sometimes
This is a great trick. I'd give it 5 stars, except the in-app screen displays the Ace of Spades at the front of the deck from which the magical card rises. The problem is when you ask someone to pick any card from the deck in their mind...I keep running into people choosing the Ace of Spades. Then, when you show them the app to shake the phone, they are ALREADY looking at the Ace of Spades and then ANOTHER one is supposed to rise from it? Major oversight on developer's part. It's the most commonly thought of card in the deck and I have had to tell people to come up with any other card too many times now. Otherwise, it's totally suspicious to people. Please update this app and why not just use a generic card design????
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15 years ago, Huntermariano
I've done this trick to many people. I've had countless people fooled numerous times. I read reviews saying that the trick can only be done once to every person. That is simply not true. I have my own method to doing the trick and ever since I've used this method- no one has ever figured it out. It takes more than just being able to "do the trick." It involves MUCH showmanship. Everyone who does this trick needs to OWN THE MOMENT, and the trick cannot be guessed or figured out. Best 'magic trick' app by far. Worth the money. 
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15 years ago, Ebery
Decent app, far from perfect however
While definitely an entertaining application to mess around with, I found this trick incredibly difficult to pull off in the majority of situations. It may just be that all my friends are very tech savvy, but it seems the trick is fairly transparent in terms of it's ability to stand up to astute observation. I am tempted to toss a one or two star rating out because the only person I ever duped was an eight year old, but I am giving the application three stars because it is overall of decent quality and I am not ruling out the possibility that my ineptitude spoiled the trick, not the actual system.
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15 years ago, Heli Animal
  
Chris Kenner has one of the most brilliant, creative minds in magic period. Tom Isaacson told me about this beautiful app I had to purchase it instantly. The method is perfectly logical and simple to perform. Works with ANY card instantlyDeserves nothing less than  and is cheaper than than 99% of any magic trick you can buy. To gnigh.. You and some others obviously didn't read the instructions or can't read. This works with ANY card &  not JUST the Queen. You need to properly read the instructions or have someone help you & change your invalid rating. This trick is so simple I'm surprised you can use an iPhone To Biox.. The setup takes 2.38 seconds what more "configuration" do u want. You set it up quickly, lock it and put it in your pocket.. then you're ready to approach anyone. Thank you C.K. and all the Theory11 guys. (& no I'm not affiliated with Theory11)
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15 years ago, closerlookbooks
Best magic app I own
I have downloaded two other tricks, the premise of which is great, and if I could get it to work and not freeze up, no doubt they would be great effects, but they freeze up half of the time and unexpectedly quit. Rising Card not only works, the means by which the effect is foisted on the spectator is very clever, very subtle. It even fooled my family and I've been doing sleight of hand on them for decades, which is to say they are not an unsuspecting audience.
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15 years ago, Voice Acting Drifter
This is a lot of fun!
I downloaded David Blaine's iPhone card trick a few weeks ago. I liked it but found that it had too great a chance of failure...with very little the performer could do about it. This trick gives the performer much greater confidence for a successful ending, and the method for doing the trick is attainable with a short amount of practice. The video tutorial by Chris Kenner explains the trick thoroughly (video tutorials aren't always a slam dunk, but this one definitely is) , and I look forward to this company releasing some more iPhone apps. Well done, and recommended.
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15 years ago, G.Kerns
Great Trick, but...
This trick is a very clever use of the iPhone. So long as you practice making it look natural, nobody should suspect a thing. My only concern is the fact that the card that shows is the ace of spades, as this is the card that most people choose. It is pretty anti climactic to have them choose again. Perhaps a fix could be made so that the program can use the fact that it "knows" the card chosen to make the card showing anything other than the card chosen by the person you are fooling.
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15 years ago, FALCOSMIRK
Simple, effective
I have been waiting for this app for an extremely long time; and I can easily say that this is my favorite magic app on the app store. The method is simple, fool-proof and extremely easy. My only concern is that I have an iTouch, and there is a slight problem that very observant spectators might notice. However, if you keep moving, no-one should notice it. I've already performed this dozens of times, and no-one has come close to guessing how it's done. If you're a magician (or even if you're not), this is a must have.
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15 years ago, Magicnate
Right off the bat I was really impressed with the quality of this app; I think it's quite a steal at the intro price for what you get. The interface (method) is extrememly intuitive, and the instructions make it almost impossible to mess up the trick. Really, all you have to do is swipe and present... it IS that easy. My only recommendation for a possible update is to have configuration options to select iPod or iPhone interfaces.
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9 years ago, Disnified
Used to be great. Now it's useless
This was a phenomenal app when it first came out, but since it hasn't seen an update in almost two years it's basically useless. The interface looks like an old iPhone interface so you'll have a hard time fooling anybody. An update is WAY overdue. Until that happens, it's a waste of money. It's very surprising to see a lack of support from a company like Theory11. They make some of the best effects in the industry.
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15 years ago, Jason Wethington
Best magic app yet
I had heard about this app from a friend and hoped it wouldn't be crap. Chris has done a fantastic job with this! The lone reviewer that couldn't make it work, obviously didn't watch or read the instructions when they opened the app. So easy and great as a way to do a magic trick without carrying a deck of cards around. Definately worth 5 stars. Let's hope theory 11 keeps this up!
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15 years ago, Magic1whiz
Absolute Genius!
Forget magic trick, this is such a highly polished app that many developers should be taking notes on. Couple that with the creativity of the trick...and this is probably going to be one of the best tricks for the iPhone that you can do. I hope this inspires everyone else to stop making these children toy apps and actually create something...well...magical :)
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15 years ago, freezezero0
Pros and cons
Pros- it's a pretty cool trick. You can perform it anywhere anytime to anyone. It's pretty full proof too. Cons- requires showmanship as with any magic trick. Bit over priced. It's only good for one performance per person or group. If performed on someone who knows an iPhone or someone you know Its a little harder to fool them. It needs a method to where you can perform it over and over to the same person undetected. If you got the extra $3 and are a good showman buy. If not don't buy or wait till price drops to .99.
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13 years ago, Left Angle
Don't change the Ace
You don't have to worry about your audience choosing the Ace of Spades. If that's the card they thought of, hand them the phone and tell them to open the app. Bingo. The Ace of Spades. IF they notice the name of the app and complain that its supposed to be a rising card, roll your eyes and tell them to shake the phone... Poof. You're a god. Don't change a thing. 5 Stars.
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15 years ago, Dawn Christiansen
This app delivers exactly what it says... I even managed to trick my dad who also has an iPhone so the screen worked perfectly... As long as you can keep a secret and a straight face this app is extremely easy to use, learned and performed the trick successfully in under two minutes of downloading app, great as a gag for friends and coworkers, o have it 5 stars
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15 years ago, geraldrflores
This is an amazing app! Well done! I can really appreciate having an effect to perform anywhere anytime. ***For all those having issues, please read AND watch instructions fully and contact developer If issues continue. The app does not require any crazy configurations so don't worry. It works perfectly as described. AWESOME!
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15 years ago, conciergek
From a magician
Actually cpming from a magician who has worked on and with many tricks from theory 11 and chris kenner, as well as other pronouced magicians, i have two things to say. Easy. This is an amazing app and totally worth all the money its really easy, a great break from the knuckle buclking slieghts im used to. Ingenious. Chris, two thumbs up, i love all your tricks and cant wait for more ( i recently bought and perfected all your coin stuff from t11). Guys this truely is not only great for anyone, but is also very easy, and your spectators wont suspect a thing. About the same price of a candy bar, and leaves u with that taste in your mouth every performance ;-)
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15 years ago, jonraiker
Incredible App
Those rating this app at one star are clearly not reading (or better yet - 'watching') the instructions. I urge you to take a second look at the instructional video before clicking 'Rate this application'. A brilliant app from one of the most respected minds in the magic industry. Enough said.
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15 years ago, Azadnia
Cool app, not worth 3 bucks
This is the first review I've written so here it goes. As with any magic trick it's up to you to make it worth money an after you know how something works, in your eyes it shoul be free. This app would be a steal for .99 but at 3 it's still an ok trick to play. You need to pay attention and present the trick right, so the people that say it doesn't wok they are wrong...
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15 years ago, minpinmax
Very clever trick. Lots of fun to perform.
I have seen David Copperfield perform over 10 times and enjoyed watching Chris on stage with him perform the slo-mo duck trick. Thanks for a great trick that I can carry in my pocket. Special thanks to Phil at Apple for approving the app. Extra special thanks to Apple for initially rejecting the app; otherwise I never would have heard about it!
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15 years ago, GRIFFSTER37
Great app! I've fooled all my friends with it and they are COMPLETELY amazed! They could probably lower the price but I think it is well worth the money. (One thing though, it would be cool if you could choose any theory 11 deck not just the bicycle guardians) Also you should definently make more apps!!!
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15 years ago, Ashaga
Better on an iPhone
This is a great application, very well put together. It works smoothly, and the method behind it is near perfect. I hope in the future there will be a fix so that this works better with the iPod Touch. It was made for the iPhone, and will work on an iPod, just not as well. I really would like to see that fixed.
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15 years ago, Tex Lewin
A very cool piece of iMagic
This is probably the best magic app on the iTunes store. I had a little trouble getting it started and up and running but you just need to follow the written instructions and click on the final page to set it up for the first time. A really great piece of instant magic. Way cool.
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15 years ago, fap123
A miracle!
So much better than any other magic app I've seen. Using it to reveal a forced card truly freaks people out. The interface is also much better than the other apps I've tried. Don't get it. I want to be the only one using it!
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13 years ago, Larry Fong
Great App!
I've been using this app since it came out and I still love it. I'm never caught empty-handed with Rising Card in my iPhone. No one has ever figured it out, and I've come up with my own way for dealing with the ace of spades, and for the many who say 'it's voice-activated'!
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15 years ago, AndyAndino
Finally a magic trick in which the secret is actually more facinating then the trick itself! This is the first time I have purchased a magic trick and have not been even slightly dissapointed by the method. Absolutlly genious. I would give it ten stars if I could.
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15 years ago, JimmyPlaysDrums
Great magic app. Only one thing I would change.
probably the best magic app in the App store. Its works great and is made very well. The only thing I think should be different is the price. This is definitely a .99 worthy app.
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14 years ago, magicalpete
Greatest App ever!
This app will not disappoint, it is great! (unless you fail to fully read and comprehend the instructions) Once you understand how the App works, you've got a very powerful effect you can perform at any time, anywhere! I love it!
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9 years ago, DRS123456789
Excellent Magic App
I have been hesitant to combine tech with magic. A pro friend recommended this app and it's one of best investments I have made. Very reliable, easy to use and looks great. Using stack or glimpse, the card does not need to be named until it rises. Highly recommended!
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15 years ago, Nosmeister
Good idea, lackluster presentation
This is certainly a brilliant idea, but a bit more subtlety would be appreciated, the method by which the illusion is achieved is far too obvious. (Oh that's your card? Let me quicky flick my iPhone around for a brief moment and then hand it to you to shake! Er.. no sorry you cant read the screen. *gasp* It's MAGIC!) Just a tad bit more customization (perhaps like iforce) and this app will get more s from me.
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14 years ago, brandon2222
This app is awesome, anyone saying the method is easily recognizable has obviously never tried the trick out. It works and it's awesome. Everyone always thinks it's the microphone that catches the card name! Good job theory 11, I really like what you have done.
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15 years ago, Ynohtnaosas
Amazing! Beautifully done
Hi their, I am a magician who always buys from theory 11 and ellusionist, and I am always satisfied. When I saw Chris Kenner produced rising card for the iPhone, I got it immediatley. This... Is.. AMAZING! It's perfect if I don't have a deck of cards with me and somebody asks me to perform! I love it! The method is awesome! It's invisible and nobody will suspect a thing. It's as easy and simple as swiping your finger! This trick is amazing, with proper presentation, and it's gone into one of my routines! For 2.99 you can't go wrong. Any MAGAICAN needs this on their phone!
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14 years ago, JacobCM11
Theory 11 advertises this as a completely new method to work with OS4 All it is is the same method with the ability to change backgrounds. 3 stars for the fact that it still works but it could have been better for the time that it took them to release this.
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15 years ago, SarinArt
This works perfectly. This is easily worth $20 or more. My mind is racing with thoughts on how to incorporate this into other effects, as most magicians do...this effect doesn't need to stop at the "Risen card." Very exciting...Thanks Chris!
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15 years ago, GoodMusicWillReturn
Flawless since update
This really deserves 5stars or at Least a lot more then it has now. Really the only two things that were wrong with it that people complained about were that A. Due to the nature of the app it was harder to pass off with an iPod touch or B. People didn't understand how to do it Well let me just say that they included an update which fixes the first problem 100% and if you don't understand the app just READ the instructions
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15 years ago, Mike_2k1
Wow i now nothing of magic yet this trick has trund me many times in real life decks its so simple to us read the inst. and watch the video dont just fly and try to figure it out well spent $3!! Ima get people at work. P.S. Practice Practice Practice
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15 years ago, Strike25
Great, but...
Awesome idea... Will fool most. But should allow more customizations, considering us iPod users don't have a camera or SMS (etc.)... Maybe an iPod version? And maybe an option to remove the hints (in other words memorize A-4 is on line one, etc... Just thoughts - thanks for a great app!!!
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