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Signos, Inc.
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User Reviews for Signos

4.75 out of 5
206 Ratings
10 months ago, franceslehman
Best investment for your health
Good morning - this post I truly want it to be an inspiration to all of us . Let me start by saying this . Don't be too hard on yourself. There are plenty of people willing to do that for you. Love yourself and be proud of everything that you do. Even mistakes mean you're trying. 18 more lbs to go . I started my health journey Aug 15 this year and when I decided I want to be healthy I read so many books , watch pod cast. Incorporated clean healthy keto and intermittent fasting . From 177lbs Aug 14 and today I am 143 lbs . I have 18 lbs to go to achieve my weight goal . It was never easy . There are times I failed on my fasting , there are times I gained a little but I continued on and just forgave myself for any failure comes my way and started over again. I did power walk and running , Pilates and strength straining and here I am today . One thing I did constant is I celebrated all the little success I had every step of the way . The failed attempts I did not dwell on and just moved forward . I hope this can inspire you guys that with the power tools , positive thinking and determination we all can achieve our goals . Nothing is ever easy or fast - instead focus on small success each time and enjoy your journey. Having my CGM Signos help me plan my health that lead to success I used Signos to make better choices with my food , I made sure I was getting enough sleep and managed my stress which all affects our blood sugar
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8 months ago, Swimskirun21
Real time data to keep you motivated!!
If you have prediabetes like me and need something to help you understand your numbers in relation to what your eating and your activity level this is for you! My hemoglobin A1c was in normal range but I was exhausted all of the time, having difficulty feeling motivated, anxious and depressed. I was checking my sugars on a meter and noted that they were elevated after eating and my fasting glucose was starting to become elevated. I needed to change something and the CGM was incredibly helpful to change my eating habits and activity level. The activities on the app were very helpful with starting the journey and it predicts if you will have a spike and encourage activity. I lost 15 lbs after doing it for 3 months and got my BMI into the “normal” range in which it hasn’t been for 10 years. I took a break from the CGM and was able to keep the weight off with the things that I learned over 6 months. I am now using it again to keep the motivation rolling through the winter and have never felt better. My fasting glucoses are now in the 80’s and out of prediabetic range!! Buying this app and CGM is way cheaper than paying for the treatment of diabetes or a GLP-1 that you can never stop taking once you start it. Not to mention preventing the long term complications of diabetes!
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9 months ago, j2112morris
Great program but lacking one important feature
TLDR - Outstanding data and training but does NOT send information to Apple Heath. I’ve enjoyed the first few weeks of utilizing the product. It offers me exactly what I was looking for with insight into my glucose levels, how my activity impacts my health, and how my eating habits influence my levels. There’s a series of several training modules to introduce you to the app's features and how to utilize best the information provided. The information is provided clearly with an easy glance at the data you’re looking for. I recognize that there is good integration with the Apple Watch if you want to look at your levels without pulling out your phone. Overall, the data and training on the app are very good for someone who wants to know their glucose levels to improve their health. However, there is one glaring feature that I cannot understand why it was not implemented and designed into the original app, and that is the integration of sending the data to Apple Health for all your health information to be in one area. I can verify it does read information from Apple Health and bring it forward, such as height and weight and other various metrics to utilize and give you insight on your health as it impacts your glucose. Still, it does not send information to Apple Health. It is because of this lack of forethought in the app that I’ve only given it three stars: excellent product but poor execution, IMHO.
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2 years ago, Tiffani Davidson
Genuinely feel 10 years younger.
I found Signos after learning about CGMs through another company when I was looking for answers about why I felt like garbage all the time. I had a high BF%, erratic menstrual cycles, ocular migraines, nearly debilitating anxiety, and I was tired every moment of every day. The first week I spent most of my time terrified thinking something was wrong with the sensor, or me, because it showed my blood sugar constantly low even though I wasn't hungry. The second week I made it a goal to log everything I ate. By the third week, I started to see that certain foods created spikes. And after spikes come dips. And those dips coincided when I felt the worst. Now on my third month, workouts come easy about five times a week. I have more energy than I did ten years ago. I eat more, and somehow I’m still losing weight (which honestly wasn’t even the reason I signed up in the first place). My anxiety is what I would consider a healthy one and no longer debilitating. I don’t take naps anymore. And I’m genuinely happier. I didn’t know much about metabolic health before Signos. Just the same diet and sleep stuff everyone reads about. But this, this has changed the entire game for me.
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8 months ago, Ro Tyler
Software needs work
Food entry is cumbersome compared to other apps (weight watchers, loose it) . Nice to see glucose numbers but it isn’t sharing with Apple heath. The graphs with regard to fasting glucose don’t make sense and I get a summary email that doesn’t jive with the numbers in the graphs. I’d like to enter more food data but the entry is so annoying that I’m just doing it when I spike. No comment yet on whether there’s any changes in terms of physiology from glucose tracking…too soon to know. This did cause a headache at the airport because TSA insists that the body scanner won’t cause a problem but the instruction manual says no. Getting a pat down was an extra 10 minutes in security and annoyed everyone so it would be nice to know if TSA is correct. Overall the software needs work to make it more user friendly. I do not find the social thing useful at all- i am not really gamifying this with friends - that is weird- would be better to have a forum with strangers… I don’t know anyone else with CGM who isn’t a type I diabetic. More or less I feel I am paying to provide normal control data for a study but I feel it would be better data if you made it easier to log. It just takes too darn long and it’s annoying to scroll through time stamps . Would be nice if it integrated with other calorie counting apps that are better developed. (Weight watchers or loose it)
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10 months ago, Kevinwd
Sensor good, software meh.
I think watching my glucose curve and seeing how certain foods, order of eating and exercise impact me are SUPER valuable, but after you use it for a week, you kinda know what’s going to happen. Exercise and vegetables good, sugar and couch, bad. One thing I found super insightful is to help me monitor blood sugar during hard mtn bike rides. Helped me know when to fuel. I had to turn off the rise notifications as they were driving me mad. You feel more calm after the newness wears off and you kind of know what’s going to happen. The warm in period is a pretty big downside and effects ALL your weekly averages. For me the volatility the first 48 hours was big and then my curve started making way more sense. The software has a lot of bugs. For example, my overnight blood glucose was down considerably from the prior, but the average went up. Does that make sense? Also, I got a weekly recap email and it said my fasting glucose was a number that I’d never even close to reached and it’s nowhere near the apps value. The sleep logging feature often adds in the sleep twice or puts it in the wrong day. Food tracking works pretty well, but is tedious. Overall, I use it mostly just to watch my curve and 30 days will be more than enough. They’re trying to do a bunch of analytics and reporting, but the data and inputs are just not accurate enough to rely on.
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4 months ago, Mike Dunalewicz
Everything about this product is fantastic
I have had the sensor for six weeks. It would be nearly impossible to talk about every feature it has because I am still discovering new tools. There is an encyclopedia worth of educational materials with the app. In six weeks, I have been able to drive down my blood sugar by 60 points and have gone from being in optimal range less than 10% of the time to well over 90%. I have lost weight and some inflammation. It is a lot easier avoiding that banana split when you see what it does to your blood sugar! I really wish this thing was around 30 years ago when I was a serious weight lifter! Knowing what your body is doing is invaluable. Application of the sensor is easy and pain free. The instructions are idiot proof (Yay me!) and tech support is responsive when I did have questions. If you are on the fence about this product, jump on down from it now. It is worth every penny.
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9 months ago, RavensTTT
Game changer for your health
I love this app. It has been a great tool for getting my weight and health under control (I do not have diabetes but I’m sure it would be a game changer for that also). The food log is great with so many options including brand names, making it simple to log a meal by just “find” and add. The notification of spikes keeps me moving (becomes a competition to keep my numbers in range). Has great tips and for the 1st time users, the activity section is so helpful and informative. Simple changes thru these activities are a game changer. Signos customer support is fantastic, especially thru the Facebook support group. But many times the answers given can be found within the app or the app directing you to the correct website. My friends are getting tired of me going on and on. 😄 The sensors and transmitters can feel expensive but what is your health worth.
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1 month ago, fg9606
Pleasantly surprised!!
Having heard about Signos online and after having years of my annual bloodwork showing slowly rising levels of glucose i thought i would take the plunge. Although in not diabetic (or pre-diabetic), i wanted to take more active control of my health. What a blessing this app has been. The information is presented in an easy to follow dashboard/layout and gives you actionable things to improve your day to day glucose. The only thing I’ve noticed thus far is slight differences in the Dexcom G7 results between different patches. I bought an Abbott finger stick glucose monitor in order to calibrate each different patch to ensure better consistency. Other than that, it’s great!!!
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7 months ago, Nurse ucla
Great but lacking
I’ve been using my CGM now for a few days and I just would love this one thing to be fixed. The app highly recommends food logging, which is a great way to loose weight and learn how food affects our blood sugar… then why oh why do they have the worst food logging portion I have ever used. Why do you not integrate data from far superior apps like “My Fitness Pal”. Almost every food is un-scannable, yet they have a barcode scanning feature. Most foods can not be found in the app. The way you input portion size is confusing and designed poorly. Putting in edits from a food log takes multiple clicks, it’s cumbersome. My suggestion, just integrate my data from other far superior food log apps and focus on what you do best- glucose monitoring. I’m far more likely to continue to use your app/ device if you make it easy for me. Easy meaning, I can log my food the fast way possible. Please oh please consider my suggestions.
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1 year ago, Notso12
Does not work if traveling time zones and IMF
This app has No capability when traveling time zones. If you are a frequent traveler for any reason the data gets skewed. I have spoke multiple times with support and they have no solutions. I travel daily to weekly across time zones and can not see get data. According to support I would have to turn my phone auto clock off which DOES NOT WORK. The other huge limitation is for people that do intermittent fasting. I often do one meal a day. So after a week I would like to review my spikes and meals. The problem is you have to pick day by day and can not just see your glucose on a consistent graph. There is an excellent graph on the app that would work but it only goes back about 48 hours. You then have to go to a calendar to review day by day. Ultimately this app limitation quickly makes this product useless. After multiple emails (there are no phone calls or phone numbers for help) I would argue for many this app is definitely not worth the money.
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3 months ago, Diaralynn
I Love This App but have one major complaint
Overall I would love to give this app/program 5 stars. Everything is so insightful. I love the transparency it provides to seeing how your body responds to food and exercise and I am obsessed with staying in the optimal range. With that said, changing the sensor ruins all of my numbers! Even though I know the readings aren’t accurate it’s crushing seeing my GV shoot through the roof or my TIR hit the 70s when every other day I’m in the 90s and higher! I really wish there was a way to suppress these days so they don’t affect your averages. Other than this, I one everything about this app.
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7 months ago, 2inOH
Look at other options this one isn’t ready for prime time.
I purchased a six month subscription. I’ve had it for a week. I’ve tried to reach customer support at least twice twice with no response whatsoever. It seems that when spending $1000 for some thing that you could at least get someone to answer a few questions., That doesn’t seem to be the case with Signos. I really want to like this product. I still have several months left on my subscription and I may change my mind at some point but based on my perception during my first week of using this product, I would say I wish I would’ve looked elsewhere. The biggest issue is I’m new to the CGM and I have questions and when you can’t get answers to your questions, it’s not great. Also the app has had errors and lost connection to the G7 6 times during my first week which raises reliability concerns.
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3 months ago, Red~Rock~Rider
It really works!
I have always lived a very active lifestyle but struggle with losing 15 pounds in the past 6 years. Using the app is very simple and has great features! Logging meals and watching your blood sugar is a real eye-opener to see how food can work against your dieting efforts. I found that eating an apple will create a spike but eating half an apple with a piece of cheese will not. Seeing me weight reduce in the first week convinced me this program works for me.
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2 years ago, kittode
Thank you for access. Otherwise … just fell off turnip truck.
* Just pushed a major (v x.0.0) upgrade. On a week-end!! (Way to demoralize your engineering and support trams!) * It’s required: it blocked your screen until upgrade. * Microsoft trained me to NEVER do a major upgrade until other people do. But I figured damned if I do, damned if I don’t. (Hint: taking away my agency is terrible UX.) App is now showing data AND ALSO showing it’s not connected to the Dexcom sensor. Bug. A particularly confusing bug, what am I supposed to do? (Ans: look at the Dexcom app until the engineers who have to deal with this push a patch.) * Their onboarding was frustratingly directive, also. You could never skip. And you couldn’t see ahead. Turns out, I can figure out my own experimentation; it was not worth the changes to my eating plan to do theirs. In short, as an app, 2 stars. Embarrassingly authoritarian. (It gets the extra because it’s pretty stable.) As a concept? 5 stars. * If you’re trying to control your metabolic health you really want a CGM. * Traumatized by the scale? Figure out what works for you and dump the scale - monitor your cgm.
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2 years ago, Mom lady123
Great insight but too restrictive on tools
Love the premise. It’s been helping me to lose weight. The tools/activities and information release about one per day which can be frustrating. You may not be able to “exercise within 15 minutes of eating” for several days so until you complete that, nothing new is unlocked. It would be great to see more activities at once in order to plan meals/times better for scientific learning ie: planning to have the same exact meal a few days in a row. Also, to allow people to speed through if they can and wish to.
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5 months ago, Marlena at the beach
Please add modifiable alarms
It would be incredibly helpful to add modifiable alarms. By modifiable I mean that we can set the blood sugar low and high numbers to alarm when the meter meets those parameters. I have found that changing my diet to a low carb type is throwing my blood sugars low down into the 20-30 range in my sleep, enacting the Symogi syndrome. But I only realize this in the morning when I wake up. I also would love to be able to know when my blood sugar jumps, some foods that I think are “good” are not healthy for my blood sugars. I only realize this later, if I am looking.
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1 year ago, Marquinho1p
Have loved this so much. Wish I had this starting in my 20s decades ago.
Would’ve learned so much about myself. Having the immediate feedback about which foods negatively affect my health has been a game changer. Not only because I can clearly see how the negative food affects me, but it has proven a powerful way to actually change my behavior towards that food!
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1 year ago, Jhlover86
For people debating between this and nutrisense, the freestyle libre that nurtisense uses is much better than the dexcom. Dexcom requires a change in sensor every 10 days versus 14 with the freestyle libre. And the most annoying part is dexcom requires a 2 hour ‘warm up’ time every time you change the sensor where it won’t read your glucose levels. Also I have experienced malfunction during changing the sensor with the app and the signos teams said I was at fault even thought I’ve change sensors a bunch of time and there was not issue on my part. Another downside is that you need to have the dexcom app AND signos app and the dexcom app has to be open at all times. If you walk 20 feet away from your phone data may go missing. The nurtisense and freestyle libre does not do that and if it loses connectivity, once you regain it even if its a few hours later the data will still download. Signos is cheaper, but there’s a reason why.
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6 months ago, StevePDX
Disappointed - horrible customer service.
I ordered a six-month plan from Signos using the Dexcom seven CGM. Had a lot of issues with the first sensor. Ended up replacing it early. Had a lot of difficulty getting a hold of customer service. When you pay $1000 for a product you expect them to be a little more responsive. Plus, it’s a healthcare issue. Absolutely not acceptable! They did say they’re sending me a replacement sensor. But, I haven’t been able to get my other questions answered. I’m starting to look into other options and I’ll be asking for a refund. I would recommend you look at other options too.
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7 months ago, beckywalshcrazylife
Works well but doesn’t sync with Apple health
Pros: I have no complaints about the Dexcom G7 cgm itself. It works great. I love that you don’t have to scan it. It transmits to your phone all by itself every 5 mins. It’s great. The Signos app and AI works well too. Cons: I just have one huge con that I dislike. The Signos app does NOT sync your glucose readings to Apple Health. This is a huge negative in my opinion. After paying a sizeable amount of money out of my own pocket for this service I did expect to be able to capture the data to Apple Heath.
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6 months ago, Hvail
Loved this until the update to G7 sensors
Signos was great for my first few months when they were using the Nexcom G6, very reliable, readings were within a decent range to be able to make changes in my diet and exercise and see the results. However, since switching to the G7 sensors, the readings are all over the place, the sensors lose connection to the app, and the sensors fall off easy (not Signos’ fault but still an issue). It’s no longer a reliable system that I can use to track my blood glucose.
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1 year ago, Kesmom
Could use better food tracking features for weight loss
Wish it had better food tracking features, like showing my calories logged and macros. Quite a few foods are not in the system which is inconvenient. Love the glucose tracking & insights! . Update: thank you for the reply from the developer! I see that I can see my calories for individual meals, but it would be nice to see my total calories accumulated for the day on the home page with my graph.
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5 months ago, bmoore46
Wish I’d done it sooner
They use the “best” CGM (Dexcom G7) and were the cheapest option for a non-diabetic, making them simultaneously the cheapest and highest quality option. (They are only the cheapest if you do a 6 month run) No complaints with the app, hope that they stick around because they provide a lot of value
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6 months ago, LorMicKel
Waste of money
I’ve been doing this for about 3 months now. Every time I change the monitor, it goes wildly up or wildly down and pretty much stays there the whole 10 days and they adjust my “normal” based on that reading. So then some 10 days, I’m spot on looking good, and the next 10 days, I’m wildly out of range for most days regardless of what I eat. Not only that, but I eat whole foods like they tell me to. Oats for breakfast and all that. But my glucose hates the vegan lifestyle, so I guess this is an advert for keto. Or alcoholism. My best days are those where I drink! This device is useless for weight loss.
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7 months ago, Hiptortuga
what a horrible experience
the app looks nice but that is where it all stops. did not find any research that supports their claims. the glucose meter can be very unstable and customer support is non responsive. Their pricing makes it seems that you are signing up for a fixed period, but later they auto-renew without sending an advance notice. Probably because the product is not good and most people would not renew. Literally had to press “Yes, Cancel” like 5 times before I got the “Ok, sorry to see you go” — i wished i never even tried the product.
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1 month ago, Marie R24
So much information about me!
I really appreciate Signos and the ability to see what foods spike my glucose and what foods keep me in a healthy range. It is amazing the technology now available to help us lead a longer healthy life! I have already changed my eating patterns to try to keep my glucose in range at all times. Thank you Signos!!
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2 years ago, Hannalei
Best way to understand how what I eat affects my body
Wow! I’ve been using Signos for a while now, and I had no idea how sensitive I am to simple carbs. One cup of white rice made my glucose spike as high as 50 g of sugar. I have learned to make small adjustments, and I can now keep my energy constant throughout the day. I’ve slowly but surely lost 8 lbs. Really great tool and experience.
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1 year ago, Temesos
Works well for me
I have been using the Signos app for two weeks now and it has help me understand my physiology better. It has brought greater insight into my diet patterns, the effects of exercise and stress on my body. I can highly recommend this service to anyone interested in improving their health and fitness. 🙏♥️🙏
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5 days ago, stripeylizard
The Happy Scientist
What a great way to learn about how metabolism works. And learn how it works in your own body. And put that learning to work to improve the glucose situation in your own body. Test some things out using the CGM to see my body response. And loose some weight too. I am my own little happy guinea pig.
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11 months ago, Felicij2
Horrible customer service
I bought the product and immediately faced issues. Despite reaching out to support via email and the app, and even posting on Twitter, Signos asked for my info but provided no resolution for over a month. Frustrated, I canceled the service, only to be charged another $400 three months later. Though Signos responded when I contacted my credit card company, they cited my agreement to the terms of service during purchase, leaving me with an $800+ expense for a problematic product and poor customer service.
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4 months ago, Signos CGM
Signos is AWESOME
Signos is awesome. It gives me real time data and helps me understand when I’m spiking so I can correlate what’s happening as it happens. And although I am mostly aware of how to manage my glucose spikes, the push notifications that tell me I need to MOVE are really helpful. Great user interface. Thank you!
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8 months ago, CiscoRam
Needs better reporting features
I started using the service about two weeks ago. I find the information it provides to be very informative. However, the ability to share my information/data with my healthcare provider is not robust. It would be awesome to have the ability to either print or share the weekly reports.
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7 months ago, pelekat
Great app with a ton of features and information that has helped me get control of my blood glucose and lose weight during the holiday season!! If you want to take a deep dive into what’s up with your diet and blood sugar this is it!! Also a really good support team to help you along the way!
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5 months ago, bubb_ley
Fantastic App/Health Monitor
So far this app has been a part of my daily routine and Signos itself has been wonderful. I have kept my goals, watched how food affects my glucose and overall health, and just in general kept track of me! I love it. I couldn’t recommend it enough!
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2 years ago, euphly
Great navigating tool
Love learning which foods we eat are helping us improve our health and longevity, and which are sabotaging our efforts. Really helpful to see that most processed foods are bad, and that most whole foods are better. Happy to know how to bring back some fruits and veggies into our keto-carnivorish lifestyle.
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1 year ago, Zoftigone1
I would like to be an ambassador!
I love this so much that I am interested in becoming an ambassador! What an amazing app… this works with Dexcom! There are daily activities that help change your habits and help you identify areas of improvement without being too complex. Thank you Signos!
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2 years ago, SLa1989
Flawed Update
Overall it’s been a great experience. The only issue with the most recent update is that it has been requiring me to open the Dexcom app to gather all the data instead of doing it on its own in the background.
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5 months ago, Mssharerun
Best investment for lasting results
This is the best investment I have ever made concerning my health. You get to see in real time the opportunities to assist in making positive changes and how your body responds. It’s like having my own personal trainer I carry around on my arm. It is a fantastic product.
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6 months ago, Macetal
Weight loss and lowering glucose
I have used the app and patch now for 6 weeks. It makes me be responsible by logging my meals and workouts. I have seen both weight loss 10# and lowered my average glucose by 15 basis points. Could have not done it with out the live data.
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1 year ago, Charles416
Watch Complications
**updated May 1st** Complications work great now. Thanks for listening! Would be great if you gave an option to see your current blood glucose reading without having to open the app. Currently the options are only TIR and Variance.
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1 year ago, Mike Plays Guitar
A whole New Perspective
Managing my blood glucose level has been the key to managing my health. I’ve lost weight and feel so much more in control. They make it easy to use and understand what the CHM is telling you. I recommend it highly.
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2 years ago, Noveleffect
Feedback, feedback, feedback!!!!
There is no guess work in how your body responds when you eat something. Signos also gives you recommendations and guides you along the way to try to help control glucose spikes. It’s been AMAZING, and literally luge changing.
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6 months ago, Marcus Aurelius 1
Great way to get glucose info
Even though I sometimes get nervous when I spike I know what to eat to bring it down. I can look in history and quickly find out what lowers it. Great tool for someone who wants to lower their a1c .
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2 years ago, Mike Lindstrom
Incorrect readings to be expected
Because it’s not actually measuring your blood sugar, every time you put a new receptor in, that’s every 10 days, you get a whole new baseline for blood sugar readings. If you read the fine print from them, they considered anything +/- 20 units to be perfectly good. That makes this pretty frustrating. However, the unit gives you real good tracking of your peaks and valleys.
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2 weeks ago, Sandi Cather
SIGNOS is Great!
I have been very happy wearing the DexCom 7 continuous glucose monitor with SIGNOS teaching us how to eat and live. I have learned so much! SIGNOS has all kind of educational info available. And they make learning fun! I am obsessed with all the info SIGNOS gives us. The app is great!
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8 months ago, dockmb
Do NOT waste your money with Signos
If you have an issue, Support takes days or weeks to get back with you if they get back with you at all, I have had multiple sensors that are bad. I can’t get them replaced which means I’m just out the money and there is no human to talk to. You can chat or email them and they may or may not ever respond to you. Do not waste your money. The Dexcom’s are a great product. Signos, however, is very different story.
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2 years ago, SammyTBull
App does not synch with Dexcom since update.
The first few days the app was working good. After a Dexcom update last week the app does not update with real time glucose numbers. It takes anywhere between 10 minutes and 4 1/2 hours. All users are experiencing the same issue since last week. I would not suggest anyone sign ip for this product until they fix their issues. I’m not getting what I paid for.
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5 months ago, Jenn.............
Massive Battery Drain
This app burns through about 40% of my phone’s battery in a day, which ends up meaning I have to charge it partway through the day. As far as I can tell, it’s from Bluetooth needing to be on and connected at all times, but I’ve use Bluetooth headphones for many hours and not killed my phone this fast. I would expect the app to provide better control over how you view your data, for how expensive it is, like toggles for timeframe and smoothing, adding lines at levels you want to be alerted for, etc. Also I find the food database quite limited. I’ve given up trying to enter my macros accurately because I end up having to create every item manually.
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2 years ago, NikonAddict
Extremely Unreliable
The app is supposed to be used in conjunction with a Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitor. The Dexcom unit is laughably inaccurate, and since I purchased it through Signos I can’t get customer support. The CGM is always 20 to 40 points above my actual blood glucose readings (based on both my home glucose monitor and lab-based blood work). I hope they pull this app off the market before they end up killing someone who takes their readings seriously.
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