I used this app frequently as a geoscience undergrad on field trips, and I know my soil science prof did as well because he encouraged everyone to download it. With iOS 11, unfortunately, it is no longer accessible, and I fear that students, researchers, farmers, and the curious public are now without a wonderful in-field utility and overall fantastic resource. Please update this, developers!
Incredible app! Go soil science. Future update should allow the “view map” feature as in the desktop version. This is essential to see nearby soil types rather than just those under your current location.
Have loved this app for years; so grateful to have it. Would like to see the soil series name in a font color other than white; very difficult to read outdoors.
The map has the correct gps coordinates, however the software gave us a physical location and soil data for an area 4 miles east of the gps location. Needs work.
Every natural resource scientist or civil engineer should have this app on their iPhone. All natural resources are dependent on the soil. This tool provides the soils information for where you are standing. The USA is the only country in the world with soils mapped border to border - with maps and a complete database. SoilWeb was developed by a brilliant PhD student that took advantage of that free database. Now, this tool puts the information about the ground below your feet into your hands. It is by far the easiest tool to use for accessing a very large and powerful database. One button search of the soils information is easy although finding the map is a puzzle. Download it and discover the amazing world beneath your feet.
This is a great app that our entire team is using to find soil types but the OSD link does not work. This is really discouraging as it costs us extra time to copy and paste the link and retrieve the information through extra steps. Could you please check this out and fix the link if possible. We are trying to get our entire agronomy group and sales reps to use this information and when it doesn't work properly they choose to skip the information or make a guess at it. Thanks
I work in natural resources developing ESD’s and used the websoil app all the time. It’s was an exceptionally useful tool. Unfortunately the last iso update on my iPhone is no longer compatible with websoil. When will it be updated to a compatible version. The loss of your app is very unfortunate. Who can I contact to urge continuing support for this soil app. Sincerely Rick Peterson.
Very useful app for field work. As mentioned, the OSD links do not always work, and if you don’t have good service (common in the field), you can’t use it at all. It also needs to be updated in order to work with iOS 11
I used this app almost daily. It was my go to until iOS 11 came out now unfortunately with the iPhone being updated it doesn’t even work😢 when you guys get around to it please update for iOS 11 I love your app and I need it back
Have not yet played with the app but am excited that it exists. Will update feedback once I experience the app. But if it's anything like the web version, it should be spectacular since I use it for my permaculture design business.
First it was going to a dusty room in the office for soil info, then it was going online for the desktop only version. Now everything I need is on my phone, instant with GPS! Thought it had a map but that may be another app.
Will not open for some reason. I’ve had this problem for about 2 weeks. Anyone know why? This app is extremely helpful and would love to continue using it!
I put off updating my iPhone because I heard this app didn’t work on iOS 11. I got drunk and accidentally upgraded my phone 🙃 and I can’t go back now. Please update as I use this app frequently.
Excellent teaching tool and great for anyone traversing the country and wanting to know what soils are underfoot. I took the train from Lincoln, Nebraska to Chicago and the whole journey soil web informed me on the soil series. Great! what is next: maps, block diagrams? Thanks Dylan for making this.
An excellent tool for investigating potential and existing vineyard soil types. Would like to see data export options in future updates. (or a mashup with Theodolite!) Great job!
I used this app daily for my work. Then suddenly one day it wouldn’t load then it wouldn’t even open. I deleted it. Downloaded it. Emailed the developer who didn’t know anything was wrong. So now for about 3 to 4 months it doesn’t work.
This is the premier soil inventory app! I use this regularly for my natural resources project work. Major thanks to the developers for creating such a useful and intuitive data delivery interface for USDA soil survey data.
Love this app as it helps me identify cutomer concerns for agricultural products. however I really need it for an iPad and be able to log data points, notes, and be able to print reports from this app on an ipad.
Currently crashing on opening, when it works it is a very nice little app that gives you soil data for where you are standing. The soilweb website is necessary if you want to look around thoug
This app has been extremely helpful to me when completing archeology site forms, but since updating my i-phone, it no longer works! Any planned solution?
Downloaded, wouldn’t open. Keeps crashing. Reading other comments seems like this has been happening for a while. Leads me to believe there’s no support. I’ll stick with other resources.
Please update this app! Found it through my local NRCS folks and loved it (5 star level) before I updated my iphone but now it is absolutely useless! I want my Soil Web app back, please!!!
Get this when I try to open Response Error. Technical description: 502 Bad Gateway - Response Error, a bad response was received from another proxy server or the destination origin server. Up and running !!!!
The SoilWeb for iOS application accesses soil survey information (the SSURGO dataset, published by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service) at your current location. This app was designed to be a lightweight version of the SoilWeb GMap web application. SoilWeb GMap features an interactive map for viewing and querying individual map units, while this app does not. However, SoilWeb for iOS conveniently provides a link to the SoilWeb GMap web app. SoilWeb GMap is available at https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/gmap/ More information about SSURGO is available at https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/survey/geo/?cid=nrcs142p2_053627 Features of SoilWeb for iOS include: - Soil profile sketches, estimated proportions, and geomorphic position of soil components associated with the SSURGO "map unit" identified at your current location. - Map unit aggregate data such as estimated water holding capacity. - Soil survey area scale and publication date. - Component details: soil taxonomy, soil property depth profiles, land classification ratings, hydraulic and erosion ratings, forest productivity, soil suitability ratings. - Links to Official Series Descriptions (OSDs) generated automatically. - Component links to related web apps: Series Extent Explorer (SEE) and Soil Data Explorer (SDE). - Link to the SoilWeb GMap web application at your current location. - Location accuracy setting allows you to select between standard accuracy (less accurate, uses less battery power) and high accuracy (more accurate, but may use more battery power). - Location auto-refresh feature allows you to continually look up soil data at a specified time interval.