Sword Health

Health & Fitness
4.8 (6.8K)
86.7 MB
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Sword Health, SA
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Sword Health

4.79 out of 5
6.8K Ratings
2 years ago, Debi Pratt
The future of physical therapy
I’m not sure where I would be without this program. I recently had surgery on my knee after an injury resulting in a meniscus tear and a fracture. I also travel for a living. Immediately following surgery I was able to go to physical therapy at the ortho clinic, but I also needed to return to work. That’s when Sword was recommended to me. What a game changer!! I would not be where I am in my recovery right now without this program. It is simple to use. It’s convenient and I can use it anywhere. I can communicate with my therapist both by text and video if I need help. The exercises are specifically tailored to my needs. The entire concept in genius. I have just finished my third week of therapy using the program and traveling. I can’t imagine where I would be physically if I would have had to return to work and travel without any therapy or having to try and figure it out on my own. I’m thankful that I don’t have to imagine that and I can’t spend time thinking about what I’ll be doing when I’m back to 100%!
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5 months ago, Crazy dog lady 229
Incompetence and garbage equipment
I spent a huge amount of time troubleshooting this equipment. I finally got it working, then I had to put it on. The amount of pain I’m in for my shoulder problem made it almost impossible to get the sensors on. I was offered a kit that did not need wearable sensors, but I agreed to try it. The sensors did not correctly detect my movement on half of the exercises. so I asked my PT if he could give me the kit that didn’t have sensors. He agreed to do that but then got a better job so he left. Meanwhile, I put my program on because I was going on an extended trip. The new guy sent me messages complaining that I wasn’t doing the program even though I had put my program on hold. Apparently, he never even bothered to read my program notes from the previous PT. Didn’t have my kit up and running at this point. I finally got it and charged it up, got ready to do a session, the device gave me an error message that said my unit wasn’t set up to work with my program. so I sent a message to my PT telling him the unit wasn’t set up to work with my program. I got no response. Two weeks later, I got a message saying my program has been closed because I’m not doing my exercises. This was an enormous waste of time. Utterly ineffective, super frustrating.
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7 months ago, MsLabRatLingo
Bring your PT home
The best thing about physical therapy is the therapist, who can create a safe and effective routine for you to practice at home. The worst thing about physical therapy is that you can’t take that therapist with you—and it can be hard to follow that routine correctly/safely without the PT there with you to guide and monitor you. The SWORD program allows you to practice your PT routine on your own turf and on your own schedule. Even better, the SWORD software corrects you in real time if your form is NOT as perfect as you think it is—which means there’s a lot more opportunity for adherence and a lot less opportunity for injury. You can flag any exercise which causes concerns—which can later be addressed by a human PT who follows your progress remotely. You are able to message this PT or even meet on phone. My PT is very responsive to any questions I may have and is very supportive of my journey.
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3 years ago, kofkkll#1
Awesome Progran
The program was just exactly what I needed. The Physical Therapist listened to me on our first chat and set up a program for my specific needs, low back. And because I had other physical issues she made it so I could do it. And she was available for any needs or changes I needed to make to the program. There were a few equipment issues but were resolved. I liked having PT constantly and not be given a few exercises and sent home to do them. Plus there was not a cap on the money I could use for PT. This was much better for me. I got stronger and my range of motion has improved during the period of time I’ve been doing this program. I continue to use the program on maintenance, and even now my PT is available to make changes to the program or for any needs I may have. Overall this program and my PT deserve five stars.
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3 years ago, Dia2981
I love this program
I was having extreme low back pain when I heard about this program. I was nervous at first but then I spoke to my Physical therapist and he made sure I was able to do the exercises. When I had a severe relapse in my treatment he backed the exercises down to where I could keep my back moving but wasn’t painful. When things got better he stayed in contact with me so we both could decide what exercises we should put back into our program. There were times we spoke 5 or 6 times via the app and he never made me feel like I was a bother to him. I’m excited to do my exercises because I know they are helping me move better and have a lot less pain. I’m so grateful for this program. It looks like I met my goal of no back surgery and I put a lot of the reason to this program.
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3 years ago, Treesee888
Great Program
My company is always adding new ways to help with healthy living. The was one of the newest programs they added. I was thrilled at the idea that I might be able to work some therapy around my schedule. I have been a bit overwhelmed lately with work and was not able to get to a regular appointment at this time. I received a call from my Physical Therapist, we talked about my issues and set up a plan. A few weeks later I received a Tablet and sensors. It was easy to start and with each session, the Therapist looks over how I did and adjusts the exercise. I’ve also been getting a lot of articles to read about my injury and ways to deal with pain. I really have loved it.
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2 years ago, KEKJFT
Slightly better than nothing
Despite a lengthy intake conversation, the therapist who designs the program seems not to know specifics, so assigned exercises are generic. You have the opportunity to provide feedback after each session, but that feedback is either not reviewed or ignored. Five seconds to complete 20 reps? Impossible. Mentioned in 3-4 times in feedback, yet remains unchanged in the program. The sensors malfunction about every other time. Half the exercises are useless (forward/backward isn’t a problem) and the most intense is exercise that causes pain is repeated as a cool down. Again, mentioned in feedback but no change. I’ve spoken with a few colleagues at work who have tried this and their experiences are amazingly similar: generic programs that don’t address the specific issue, and unresponsiveness. Yesterday, I opened my app to preview the next session, saw the exact same combination of useless and painful exercises, and decided not to waste that eight minutes. If a PT was actually involved this might be a great model. I desperately needed a remote PT last year when I injured both ankles. Unfortunately, it’s turned out to be “assign it and forget it,” with some motivational quotes occasionally mass distributed via the app. I’m returning the kit without completing the process. Sword Health is, in my opinion, a poor implementation of an excellent idea. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it.
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11 months ago, naturalprocess
Not what I expected
This was available to me via my insurance. The first half of the concept - an app that provides one on one help and custom programs - is a great idea. The second part of it involves actually receiving a kit that you have to put on your body and a device to use with your workout list on it. So in order to do the program you have to use their equipment - not your phone. This was a deal breaker for me. I would rather incorporate a program into my workout than stop my workout, get out a kit, put stuff on my body, get out another device, do it for 4 minutes, take everything off and put it all away then continue my workout. It’s just a lot of hassle. Plus more devices to charge and keep track of and more stuff sitting around my apartment. Fortunately my insurance covers weekly pt and my pt have an app I can use so I will go that route.
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11 months ago, Abe11111467
I started off so happy with the app, but now not so much
Original review…The app and equipment all work great for me. Easy to set up and get started. The human PT is the most valuable part of course. I appreciate her support and guidance through messaging chats. The thing I wish were different is that you can only work on one complaint area at a time. The body is a system so while I get it that it’s operationally easier to have me do one thing at a time I’m not certain that’s actually the best treatment approach. For example my hip issue is getting better but my lower back is getting worse. What if treating me for both at the same time would have avoided that? Updates: Now, I’m having a lot of lower back pain and my PT has stopped responding to me entirely. There’s no customer service # provided or any other way to get to another human at Sword that I can find. I tried a Support chat on their corporate website to no avail. So frustrating!
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3 years ago, youngandknown
Love this program!
I tore my hamstring over a year ago and could not seem to get it to heal. Went to two different PT’s… one gave me 21 exercises and said do 3 sets of each twice a day and the other PT gave me 4 exercises and said do them when you feel you need it. Neither approach worked for me. I found SWORD through my husbands work and absolutely love the program. My PT, Tyler, listened to my concerns and designed and modified the program as needed. He checked in with me to see if I had concerns/issues or just to say hello. I liked the accountability. The tablet was easy to use and follow. This program got my hamstring feeling better and me back to lifting and running! I would definitely recommend it!!
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3 years ago, S,WL
Program working
I started this program after having spine surgery in July of 2021. My surgery was performed on L 3 4&5. I had to have rods and screws plus bone. Also L 1&2 we’re cleaned up. The program was through insurance company, so I thought I’d give it a try along with P T prescribed by Surgeon. The Sword Physical Therapist listened to how the low back problems had come about through the years and what eventually lead to surgery. A program was designed and I have been on almost 8 weeks I believe. This program along with walking and some exercise equipment has helped in my recovery and lessening of pain. I highly recommended this program and I hope I can continue with Sword. S, WL
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2 years ago, foose801
Back on the bike and I feel incredible
After a crazy crash on my mountain bike 3 years ago, and what I thought was a full recovery from a broken pelvis, I enrolled in SWORD and have never felt better. My dedicated therapist has worked alongside me to tailor my program to fit my needs, pain, progression, and led me towards recovery. I thought I was destined to just hurt, and deal with the pain after a ride since I’d “recovered” three years ago, but SWORD has helped me gain more strength, and better mobility and range of motion, to get me back out riding and feeling fantastic even after a long ride. I cannot thank SWORD enough for giving me my life and hobby back!
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7 months ago, LM patient
Process Needs improvement
Although I liked the idea of not having to schedule physical therapy appointments and having to leave work for them, I felt the therapy lacked communication. It was hard for me to text my progress clearly and the first few weeks seemed to be a waste of time due to disconnected communication. I did the therapy as described, answered all questions after workout for feedback, but not having face time with the therapist seemed to hinder my treatment and progress. I have gone to PT in the past and had good results. The Physical Therapist was very nice and, again, the one face time interview with first person before PT wasn’t enough for me. I feel there should be face time with PT each week to really make this work and understand patient needs and progress.
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1 month ago, Tennis elbow going away
Tennis Elbow pain
I had a pain in my elbow and forearm. I decided to try out Sword. The company I work for has it for us with our insurance benefits. I am glad I did. The Therapist was very knowledgeable and was patient with me when I didn’t understand. My arm is not completely healed. But I am heading in the right direction. The exercises they had for me to do was very helpful and easy. Once my wife explained one of them to me. I really liked the part about having a Tablet and sensors when I did the exercises. Very good explanations. It was very motivational to have that. And my Therapist was very motivational. I would recommend them to anybody.
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4 months ago, Braeens
Comfort and Peace
I have found the Sword application and process to be very well adapted to me and how easy has been to take part and benefit from at home physical therapy. The tablet and sensors provide immediate feedback and ensure the form of each exercise is done correctly. The whole process and interaction with your Physical Therapist is very thorough and loses no value in doing this process virtually vs in-person/onsite at a dedicated facility. I think that many health fields and their patients would greatly benefit from the model Sword has set. And basically it works, I am seeing tremendous improvement after 9 (under 10 minute sessions)
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7 months ago, D_Edwards16
Fantastic program to assist people in healing injuries or pain. One of the biggest problems with physical therapy is access to care. Most people struggle being able to make 3 or more PT visits in a week. This program allows you to do it at home which I believe will significantly increase compliance. The motion sensors you wear seem very accurate and correct your form of your messing up. An actual PT reviews the data and adjusts your therapy daily if needed. This is truly amazing and hope more people discover sword and avoid potential surgery. Also the PT I worked with always responded promptly to questions or concerns.
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3 years ago, 66Stangnew
Thanks to Sword therapy 👍
I have been doing my elbow therapy for about 7 weeks and feel like my progress has been no less than 50% better so far. I have been in constant pain for over a year and was completely convinced I would be hampered by pain for years. As Troy has guided me through my program I feel this program is well worth it’s weight in gold. I don’t have to take off of work for traditional therapy but instead I do my therapy at lunch or a 20 minute break. I would suggest this program as an A + alternative suggestion to rid yourself of daily frustrations of pain. Thank you Sword😄
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3 years ago, 43Badge
Injured and I’ll but they worked with me & my schedule
I am not the most patient patient… Plus it didn’t help that I was out with the flu for one week of my physical therapy and traveling on another week but they understood and continue to give me positive encouragement even though I was not the most positive person at a point in time. It is a slow process going through physical therapy but having the person on the other side of the phone to give you encouragement is important and I was very thankful for that. Looking forward to how they can help me when I have my rotator cuff surgery also
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11 months ago, GailandGary
Need a way to extract PT chat onto PC or have it emailed/mailed
Excellent program, therapists and video training! I have had 6 months of great support and help. My therapist has been great to chat with. However, I would like a copy of this ongoing chat and was told it’s impossible. I don’t want 20 screenshots. Ideally, we should be able to login on Windows and access/copy our therapist chat with all the dates and suggestions. Or have it emailed, or downloaded or even snail-mailed. And seriously we should have the same kind of access for our session data. The app is great for “doing” the program but limits our ability to keep and re-use the data.
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2 years ago, LanderosDGK
What A Great Way To Help Stay In Shape!
This is genius! Sword and it’s team are the prefect invention to help those who may suffer from physical pain. Reinventing the way people stay in shape and bringing it up to modern day. I’m glad I signed up, I truly enjoy this program and I appreciate having the support I need at my fingertips. I signed up for it through my job, they provide this program to help me keep track of my health since my job is truly physically demanding. I am extremely grateful for the convenience of having my own digital personal trainer from the comfort of home. I’m and will never regret joining!
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3 years ago, JNK0502
Excellent platform for physical therapy
I have been really pleased with how smooth and seamless the process of signing up, receiving the he tablet and sensors and speaking with my therapist went. After the initial meeting the sessions have been easy to follow and the tablet will correct you if you are not doing the exercises quite right. My therapist had checked in a couple times and is always available if I am having an issue with any of the exercises or the time commitment. I’ve started to notice more mobility and decreased headaches which is my goal. I couldn’t be more pleased!
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3 months ago, Oldschoolgnu
A work in progress
I’m not sure who is behind these “Physical Therapy” sessions, they feel like they were designed for an 80 year old person in a wheelchair. The app/tablet is super glitchy and you end up doing exercises over and over without it picking them up. Doesn’t seem to be made for someone over six foot tall as it continues to tell me to step back-can’t get any further back when it’s on a table. I started PT to reduce my back pain and all I’ve done is increase my knee pain. Reached out to sword health and they were very receptive and took more of the things there are working on improving! Very hopeful for this company!!
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3 years ago, Elbs 123
Great results
I have been going to a chiropractor for a year until I found this program. I’ve had lower back pain for years and I was never completely healed from pain. Having scoliosis doesn’t help, but this program has been soo successful. I’m 67 years old and I have never been able to do a plank. Well I can now and my back doesn’t hurt anymore thanks to my PT along with this program. I don’t even have to leave my home. I do it in the privacy of my home and I’ve never felt better. I’m only on the 6th week, but it’s definitely working..
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2 years ago, johnet
Makes it easy to get real help
With my full schedule it was going to be a major disruption to go to physical therapy several times a week. Virtual therapy combined with the expertise and availability of actual physical therapists to walk through it with me has resulted in unexpected great results in just two weeks. My sciatica was so painful I could not stand for more than 60 seconds. Within two weeks I am able to do a light jog for up to a mile! If you think you are too busy or simply cannot figure out how to carve out the time, ask to use Sword Health!
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7 months ago, Akumar2357
Physical Therapy on demand and At my Convenience
This is a breakthrough technology. You can do physical therapy with the supervision of a trained therapist watching guiding and providing live feedback? Amazing. I am very much impressed with this and I have become an addiction! I do look forward to doing this everyday instead of the conventional therapy sessions at a facility where you are restricted with one or two visits per week only. Great support team behind this that is constantly watching providing feedback and helpful suggestions while strengthening the body. Thank you Sword Health team!
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3 years ago, Sitesurvey
No More Stabbing Back Pain Thanks SWORD!
I was suffering from stabbing lower back pain until slicing it half with SWORD! I tried an actual Physical Therapy Clinic for a full month @ $100 / visit and got no help at all, the technology with SWORD make you do the exercises properly and you can’t cheat . In less than 2 weeks my back pain was cut in half My personal PT Jenn is great, really staying in touch and adjusting my workouts as needed. She even has me doing planks, I couldn’t do those before my back problems! Thanks Jenn and the SWORD Team. I’d give y’all a 10 star rating if I could 👍🏼
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2 months ago, Serencorgi<3
Overall a good plan
Overall, this was a good experience. It really got me kicked started in a daily exercise routine. The one downside for me was that I was given the impression that the program was tailored for me. When it comes to floor exercises, I can’t do them due to a back injury and yet I was sent floor exercises every other session even though I repeatedly asked not to have them. It was frustrating to be reminded of what I couldn’t do as well as get ready for a session only to not be able to complete it. A “skip” button or the ability to move to a different set of exercises would have been great so as not to waste a days session.
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3 years ago, slestes
I love this program!!
I signed up for this program though my job and I really didn’t know what to expect. Starting out after receiving my kit I had a virtual meeting with my therapist and he was very nice and listened to all of my concerns and he was able to set me up a session for my back issues. I’m pleased to say I’ve only been doing this for 2 weeks but I can tell a big difference in the way I can move and my pain has lessened a lot. I’m very happy with this program! After 12 weeks I might be pain free!!
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5 days ago, Owlie17
App no longer tracks correctly
There are all kinds of things I love about this program but several weeks in and the app stopped tracking correctly - every time I complete an activity it’s marked complete one day, removed from the total to complete that day, then it shows up to complete the next day and added to the next day’s total activity count. It makes it impossible to track and all weekly and monthly progress is a mess. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and have reported the issue to my therapist with screenshots and I’m told something is being done but it’s been over a month. I can’t recommend this to others when it doesn’t work.
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3 years ago, Shrinking Travis
This program is exactly what I need!
I have been having issues with my right leg for years and I didn’t know what to do about it and then I discovered the SWORD program. My therapist is setting me up with an exercise program to help me and it is really working. I’m getting more mobility with the leg and with the therapist keeping in touch with me it is keeping me accountable. I would recommend this program to anyone dealing with any health issues. My therapist, Leif Baumbach, has been great and communicates with me daily!
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2 months ago, TheLadyAmalthia
Great app, love the company
Amazing company. The tablet software has a few glitches that need to be worked out but the overall program is awesome. I havent had any issues with the app. My PT is very responsive and has communicated with me every day since I started a couple weeks back. She designed a custom program for me and checks in with me after each session to see how it went. I’m so grateful my employer offers this as a benefit, it’s really helping me feel better!
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2 years ago, Flower-childHope
Therapist is great
Only one thing bad but not terrible. if you want to go through twice have to take sensors off and start from beginning. And one day it kept wanting me to begin again over and over. But restarted and it’s been fine since. Honest this is better than going to pt. The sensors let you know if doing exercises wrong. I can do any time of day. The therapist checks on me all the time. Love it. I’m not 100 percent but it’s working slow. But Rome wasn’t built in a day
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3 years ago, BuzzedNotBald
Just what I needed
Pain wasn’t my issue, I had numbness in my hands for several weeks. I sought other treatment and was given many diagnosis but nothing was helping. When I signed up for sword, my video call with my physical therapist was a huge help. He ran me through some general tests that gave him a good idea as to what my problem was and tailored my workout and treatment accordingly. Just a few weeks in and feeling started to return to my hands. This program has been amazing.
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1 month ago, JayBlueJay
Almost amazing
The concept of this at-home physical therapy system is great, the phone app works well, and I’ve had a good experience with the PT person assigned to me. My only complaints are about the hardware they lend you: 1. The tablet doesn’t support connecting Bluetooth earbuds to it. This sounds petty, but if you want to do your exercises without waking someone up nearby, it matters. It’s difficult to keep up with each exercise without using audio. 2. The motion trackers can be cantankerous. They will occasionally register that you’ve moved more than you have, or that you haven’t moved enough/at all, causing the tablet to say that you aren’t completing the exercise correctly. 3. On some (not all) of the exercises, the tablet doesn’t allow enough time for rep completion- even sometimes talking over itself: “left, wrong si-right.” Tablet/motion tracker issues aside though, I’m a fan!
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1 year ago, Dash's Mom
This is AMAZING!
Having a customized plan created with licensed PT and my goals in mind is wonderful. The ability to do the care at home with immediate feedback from the sensors is life changing. My therapist communicates frequently, responds to questions or flags/ pain or changes in my ability to do the program rapidly. I wish this was available for my elderly mother or as a few for service program. It is life altering. Thank you so very much for this innovative platform for PT and technology.
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2 years ago, R A Kunar
Physical Therapy at my convenience
Oh my God! This is truly amazing. I am able to do Physical Therapy at home at my own pace and still guided by professionals and periodically reevaluated and adjusted to my ability! I love this service. Everyday I look forward to doing my exercises for the day, get to talk to professionals on how I’m doing and strengthen the areas where I need. Thank you sword health. This is such a time saver. And big relief. Definitely will recommend to all my friends and family.
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1 year ago, TD hen
Love this way of PT
I have been working with Lindsay for a little more than seven weeks and my back problems have really gotten under control. I don’t have the constant aching. We can drive without having to shift and stop. I’ve talk with my PT Lindsey, and we agree that I will continue after my vacation to two days a week just to maintain the exercise and continue with the lack of back problems. Thank you all for this program.
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3 years ago, Pandie1224
On my way…
My company offered SWORD as part of our Wellness Program and I decided to give it a try. My therapist Berkeley has been great to work with. She’s very responsive and makes adjustments to my program daily as needed. The SWORD kit containing a tablet, sensors and straps/brackets to hold sensors is working very well too! I’m encouraged by the program and am looking forward to continuing all the way through…might even develop a few new exercise and stretching habits along the way.
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1 month ago, Joe America 61
Sword health works
I have been using sword health Covid. My back and knee issues are much less intrusive in my day to day activities. I have worked within the program’s guidelines and the hard work has paid dividends. If I miss a few sessions I have a setback, but within a few sessions I’m back to normal and the pain and stiffness are significantly reduced. I recommend this for anyone needing PT and who has the discipline to do the work.
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3 years ago, pmichaud
Limited range of exercises. Didn’t work for me.
I came to SWORD to treat lower back pain. I have suffered from sciatica for many years, on and off. The system is easy to set up and the performance is okay. Unfortunately, the set of exercises are designed for the sensors to detect movement along the spine rather than being designed to treat the patient’s condition. For example, exercises such as stretching the hamstrings and periformis, which are essential for this condition, prior to start a session, are not included. I am guessing it is because there is not a way to track the movement. Core exercises were okay. My prescription also included rotation movements which are a no-no for sciatica. Soreness did not go away.
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3 years ago, Katie M 0123
Intuitive and easy to use
I began using SWORD for lower back pain and was at first unsure of whether I could stick to the program and use the app (I frequently have tech issues), however found both the app and tablet/motion sensors incredibly easy to use. The technology is easy to use and intuitive. I love that I can use the app on my phone to easily/directly communicate with my physical therapist.
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1 year ago, Lordy spaghetti
If you’re fit and active you won’t see a lot of results
It’s very basic. It’s very slow. Two months in and I’m struggling to stay motivated because for the same 15 minutes I could do so much more. Every move completed is followed by a tally and confirmation that you’re set up for the next move. Lots of waiting around. If you aren’t moving and don’t know where or how to start it may be 5 star for you. The adhesive for the Velcro is terrible. My sensors have literally gone flying across the room. I’m going to give it a few more weeks but it’s a challenge.
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3 years ago, CKW2019
Virtual Physical Therapy at its best!
I have chronic back pains and I have tried several other programs (including in-person PT), but SWORD has been the easiest to use and far more effective than the others. The program I have signed up for can be adjusted by my Physical Therapist based on the inputs from the sensors and our sessions/communications, which is great given my lifestyle. Awesome program and would recommend this to others.
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3 weeks ago, Sword-up
I have really enjoyed this app. and the way my PT keeps in touch with me and motivates me to keep going without the guilt of skipping some days. I also really like how the IPAD helps one position oneself to get the best of the workout. I’ve been working on being consistent which is hard, but I’m trying. Once I start I feel better about myself and my body thanks me. Thank you, Lola
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3 years ago, ERP357
Great program
Needed physical therapy for my lower back pain for years but never did I’d because of the inconvenience of having to go somewhere. Started Sword 2 weeks ago and I love it! I wake up 1/2 hour early every morning and do the exercises. My back already feels better! I consulted with Troy at the beginning and he was very informative. Their customer service is great if you have any questions.
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3 years ago, christianbell20
Incredible technology
I have been using the sword program for my back and it’s amazing. I have had two surgeries and done tons of in person PT and this works so much better for me. Easy to do on my schedule from home, and the tech tells me how to do my exercises and corrects me when I do some movement wrong. Also love that my PT gets all that data which helps her continue to personalize my program.
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12 months ago, realgolf
At home PT is the best!
Being able to get into an exercise program in the privacy of your home is a great service provided by my health insurance. The “Sword” program makes it easy and convenient. The therapist’s are professional and available conveniently. My wife and myself have been doing this for a month now and definitely see incorporating it into our daily routine. Thanks
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9 months ago, D3dm0n3y
Not bad for an app
Sword was useful for me while I was experiencing back pain. The sessions are quick and not very physically demanding, which is good in my opinion. I did have some issues with the camera detecting and counting repetitions, this could usually be resolved by changing body positions. There was daily feedback from your virtual physical therapist and encouragement to start and keep up with your sessions.
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3 years ago, coquigirl
This is about the app not the service
The app is a glorified text app. It has some resources that are helpful. My suggestion is that they change the videos so they don’t start playing when you open the app. It is truly annoying. They can change the order of the menu so the academy is not the first thing that opens. I was looking on their website to leave feedback but I didn’t find a place. That’s why I’m writing it here. As of the service, I just started using it, so not able to have a strong opinion about it. So far so good.
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4 months ago, jasoninpalmsprings
While the app is a good way to do physical and occupational therapy without the drive to a clinic, it really, and I mean REALLY, needs different user level settings. I’m an educated 59 year old man accomplished in my career. I do not need a “Tickle Me Elmo” experience. I want the exercises with direct instructions without the canned encouragement, “let’s make it a great week rah-rah, or endless messages from the app. Separately, I’m also confused as to why we need to strap on sensors when there are several workout apps that read your body movements through a phone or tablet camera. Is this old tech or for some reason better tech?
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