The Boston Globe ePaper

2.1 (208)
147.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Globe Newspaper Company, Inc.
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
10.0 or later
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User Reviews for The Boston Globe ePaper

2.09 out of 5
208 Ratings
5 days ago, SarahEverson
I read the Globe on my iPad Air, and I really like being able to share articles. I don’t like being unable to comment on articles.
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3 weeks ago, Want no nickname
Improved but still needs work
It’s usable. I like the full page view, to remind myself that it’s a newspaper, though I mostly enlarge to read. However, while reading on an iPad Mini is much better than reading on a phone, it’s not great. I have discovered a workaround to get the current day’s paper, but that daily task should be easier. (BTW, I am a paid subscriber.)
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1 month ago, ThosParb
Font size stuck at largest
Updated to 6.1.4 but article text font size still stuck in largest size. I need to adjust font size in each article I read. Font size adjustment is not saved throughout the paper. The “Save” selection does not work. iPad Air Gen 3 iOS 17.6
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6 years ago, Rich Mur.
An embarrassment
“Words can't describe just how bad this app is. Downloads get hung up so that one can be waiting days for issues that never show up. The Globe should be embarrassed that it's name is associated with this piece of junk. Don't buy it.” I wrote the above review several years ago and have been assured by the Globe that the app will be improved. Now, two years later, nothing has changed, and it’s still a pig. More often than not, the paper’s already slow down-load never finishes, and I say the hell with it, and never get to read the paper. How the Globe allows this to happen is incomprehensible. Ok, it’s September, 2018, two years after I wrote the above reviews. The new app is out, and I find it much improved. In fact, I’m now reading the Globe again. The only downside is a somewhat inconsistent page turning when I swipe left, but that may be my technique. It took a while but the Globe May have mended its ways.
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4 weeks ago, Hometown news
Love reading the hometown paper
Keeps me up to date of my hometown
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9 years ago, auntie beans
Has its points, but a few things need tweaking
I got this updated version when I got a new iPad with iOS 8, and the old version wasn't supported. It took a ridiculously long time to get it to download, couldn't give it a pw, blank screen, etc., etc. the reviews really stunk and I was beginning to think that if I wanted the Globe on an iPad I'd need to keep the old one. Somehow, though, it did work, and then the fun began. At first I had the devil's own time getting the virtual newspaper, because I believe in seeing all of it and not just lists of articles and links. You get more serendipitous finds that way. But finally, there it was. Then I had to convince the app to give me the dang paper every day. That was a bit of an adventure, too. So I have my virtual paper, can swipe thru it with ease, and enlarge the view fine. The problem is that the ability to click on the link to the jump (and back) is gone. I finally figured out that you have to pull down the top of the window, select the page where the jump is, and then reverse the process to go back. Seamless jump-finding is gone. Why they would add an extra step to an "upgrade" is baffling. But you get used to it, I guess. The click-to-email-this still works. I haven't figured out how to remove past issues from the iPad yet, so perhaps some bright guy will give us a way to get online help for questions like these. So... Three stars and pending.
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9 years ago, Rks3512
Pleasantly surprised
Today I updated my Globe app with much trepidation. Based on the reviews, I assumed it would be more of the same disappointing performance. While there are flaws, my Sunday paper downloaded promptly. I am able to get both the magazine and Parade. Thank you! I am able to enlarge the print on my tablet, and read an article in full. I do prefer being able to scroll through the sections above the paper, while being able to look at snapshots of the page, but I will adjust. I recently got a new iPad, so I imagine that helps. For now, I hope the epaper will be reliable and as functional as it was today. I cautiously appreciate the improvements, Boston Globe and want to make sure you do not just receive negative feedback. I'm dismayed. I love the Boston Globe but struggle with the epaper version. Now we are told we have no choice but to update to version 5.0 even though the reviews are consistently poor. I have upgraded my iPad operating system and done everything that I had been advised to do. I changed tablets. My paper still doesn't automatically download and I have difficult opening the. Sunday paper version (after it has downloaded). Still no magazine! Is this a push to subscribe to the New York Times instead?? Please let us know when we can expect better service.
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9 years ago, Mmmmmagic3461
WAY more clicking, too much clicking, oh, the clicking!
I know that it takes a lot of work to update an app, and I appreciate all that hard work. Also, I know that people "just want it the way it was before"… And I guess I am one of those people in this instance. If you could do two things that would make this Globe reader instantly better, it would be these: 1) give me an option of having a page automatically be properly sized to my device, all of this widening and shrinking of the article/page is driving me crazy. If this option is already available somewhere, and I just haven't found it yet, can you please put up some kind of tutorial to help me? 2) the most important one is to have a link at the end of an article that I can click on to bring me to where it continues in the paper; in other words, at the end of an article on page 1 there used to be a link to click on so that I could continue reading in a streamlined fashion; but in the new version, there is no link and I have to go back into the menu and scroll through to find that article. Please, please help! I think you need to think about who your audience is, we are are not 16-year-old digital natives who intuitively understand scrolling, tapping, etc. This new app makes me feel old and cranky, and I know that that is not what you guys are going for. Thanks for your help!
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9 years ago, Beir Family
Promising, but frustrating release
Have to wonder whether the developers put this app in front of any users before releasing. There are several problems that cause outright pain and frustration: - No more links to follow a story and return. Makes reading the paper very frustrating as you have to manually navigate to the continuing page, find the article, zoom in - and then do it all over again to get back. BRING BACK LINKS! - Pressing for too long brings up Page View. What a HORRIBLE user experience. I rest my finger on the article to zoom/move as I read and continually get shifted to Page view. WORSE YET, returning sets the zoom back to all the way zoomed out, forcing me to zoom/find my place in the article. - Page change always zooms out again. WHY???? Why not maintain zoom level as I read the paper. You make me zoom back in every single page change (and multiple times per page, per above). - Auto-delete old editions. What happened to ‘only keep the 7 most recent issues’? You make me go in and delete them. And good luck figuring out how to do that. You can only do it in Library - Editions, not under My purchases, nor in the catalog? And why do I need this distinction - Why isn’t just the catalog good enuf - to open, download, delete download?
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9 years ago, mibsphil
Getting worse all the time
I have been using the e-paper since it was first introduced. Because the print paper was never delivered to me in time for me to take it to work, I switched to the electronic. I like it because it is a replica of the real paper, showing layout, ads, etc. I depend on it for my commute. Ever since they switched to the new version I have had nothing but trouble. Most days it won't download; the download button isn't active. Nearly every day I have to either log out and back in again or delete the app altogether and reinstall it, and even then I don't always get my paper. I have contacted support countless times and have never gotten a response. I just want to read my paper in the morning, and the website is just not an option. It's not the actual paper, just a few articles picked out and it's very hard to navigate. You can't actually see what's in the paper and you don't get the contents of every section. I wish the Globe would put some serious work into the e-paper because it's an excellent idea and they have pretty much made it the only option if you need your paper first thing in the morning. But this new version is a mess.
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12 years ago, chriserendipity
NYT, take note
This is how all newspaper reading should be on an iPad, period. It's basically a Globe-specific app that uses Newspaperdirect/PressReader under the hood as far as I can tell. Perfect blend of traditional layout with modern implementation (SmartFlow). Allows you to store past complete editions right on the device, so you can go back and catch-up later or jump between daily editions (much like catching up on a stack of real papers) rather than watch all the stories from the previous day vanish before your eyes when you open the app (ahem, NYTimes). I also feel like I am getting more value for the money since I'm getting a product that actually resembles a newspaper, rather than paying for an iPad optimized newspaper which is little more than a re-hashed view of a webpage. Retina display looks superb. Since NYT owns The Globe, I can only hope that they have similar plans in the works for the parent paper in the near future. In the mean time, I'll stick with reading The Globe.
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9 years ago, David in BOS
Marginally better but still far from where we want it to be
I can't agree that the latest version is worse than it was. It works better, but not as well as I'd hoped. There continue to be technical issues with my admittedly old iPad2 but mostly I am dissatisfied with the layout, navigation and timeliness. I also read NYT on the iPad and the experience is much smoother. I no longer care to see what the print paper looks like and wish the Globe would go to a more timely, up to date model. Many days the Globe is not ready when I want to read it in the morning and sometimes when I does show up it is old news. Saturday was a good example when the Globe was not able to report the final score to Friday's (admittedly long) game with the Yankees but the times had a story about the remarkable game at the top of the screen.
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9 years ago, Rclinnh
Worst Newspaper App on the market
The Globe format is a huge step backwards in usability and reader friendly format. The vertical-only presentation is difficult to maneuver, tries to present 2 pages at a time, presents in a font size so small that the only way to read is by zooming in so that full perspective of the page is lost and, as a result, one is reduced to constantly moving back and forth, zooming in and out. Further, I am unable to update the website itself in-place, and I have had regular difficulty even getting the Sunday Globe to appear so I can download it. I continue to have the same problem that many others have experienced in that I often have to delete the app from my library & download again to get it to work. I generally only get to read the paper on the weekends, so this forces me to go to other sources, including the NY Times (which has an easily manageable and effective App) to try to get some of the national & international news that would be in the Globe. Shame on you.....this App was clearly misguided, poorly constructed and implemented without the reader's perspective in mind.
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7 years ago, HoytAxtonTrio
It just doesn't work
I really don't care about features. I just want to read the paper in a straightforward manner. I could with the old app. I can't with the new app. It freezes and crashes constantly. When it does work, it's user unfriendly. I can deal with extra steps to get to reading it, but when I'm reading it please don't make me do anything more than swipe to get to the next page. In the previous version I could resize the viewing area and move around the entire page without having to resize it again. Now it resizes to only what's viewable and then I have to shrink it again then move around the page then resize it. And you guys thought that was an improvement????? Also have to do the same thing when I want to swipe to the next page. In the previous version even if I'd resized it I could swipe to the next page no problem. Now I have to shrink it before I can swipe to the next page. You may have added fancy features, but the basic ability to read the paper seamlessly has been severely compromised. Please fix. Thanks.
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9 years ago, NickIceCream
Much worse than the previous version
Did they seriously test this on actual users of the previous app? The previous version was mediocre. this one is an abomination. Nothing in tabular form (league standings, box scores) is presented in an understandable manner. the article names are truncated if they are too long. the previous version allowed you to tap an article name when you were in Page View and that would take you to the article. very convenient compared to the current presentation. If you want to be in Article View, you lose all sense of where you are in the paper. navigating around the app is still a mystery to me after a week. There is nothing obvious or intuitive about navigation. In the previous version, I could actually read the articles in Full Page View, and I was willing to scroll a bit to do so. In this version the Full Page view squeezes the whole page onto the screen, making it unreadable without manipulation. and this final complaint applies to the previous version as well: why can't artwork and photographs be included when you are in Article View? one of the nice things about a newspaper is that you can take in visual and textual information. with this crap app, you have to look at the Full Page context of the article AND the article view. horrible design. And they wonder why the traditional media outlets are going down the tubes? because they are totally disconnected from what their customers want. duh!
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9 years ago, lsnelkd
Both better and worse
I was initially excited by the new release. It loaded faster, and it had a better full-page appearance. But certain former features have been removed: auto delete of past issues, the ability to jump to an inside page to continue an article started elsewhere, the ability to tap to zoom in but to double tap to zoom back out. I initially thought that tapping and holding to read articles in text view - and then being able to scroll from article to article (as with USA Today) - was better than in the old version, but it appears that not every article will allow you to do that, which is a real flaw. Also, Parade is gone. Finally, and perhaps most annoying, for the past two weeks the Sunday Globe is not available until afternoon. It's a morning paper! Please fix these bugs and you will be way ahead.
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11 years ago, maiken2051
Great when it works
I really enjoy the Globe, we buy both the printed and the electronic editions just to support what journalism is left in the world ;). I genuinely reading the paper on the iPad -- when I can. Overall I'd say the Globe ePaper app is generally getting better over time, but each new release seems to break something. This release broke the automatic downloads, which now stick at 99% every day. The only way to read the paper is to delete the issue and download it manually, which kind of defeats the purpose of automatic downloads. I like the app, I just wish it was less erratic. It really needs systematic testing and more responsive support.
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9 years ago, GP--Boston
Incredibly Frustrating
The latest Boston Globe App is worst than the last one. The best app was the one available a few years ago. This latest app can take minutes to load (stating "loading" for the wheel of death) and then it is a guess as to whether it will actually load. Sometimes, while failing to load, it may also tell you that there is no internet connection, when there is one. If you are fortunate enough to get the application to load, then you have to spend additional time waiting "patiently" for the latest version of the paper to download. It you are fortunate enough to get the paper to download, you will also find that the app freezes very often, when you are in the middle of reading the paper. At that point, you stretch and you have to reload the app and begin the process all over again. By that time, I have finished my breakfast. I am not sure why the developers did not vet these issues. This app is really not even worth one star.
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12 years ago, Muesic
Version 1.01 has several bugs...
I tried my first issue today (the Sunday paper). People have already pointed out that the comics and the flyers are missing :-(. Navigation is mostly OK, but several times I was thrown back to the beginning for no good reason. When I tapped on the headings of about 3 articles I actually got taken to the wrong article, and sometimes when I did get taken to the right article it started in the middle somewhere and there was no way to get to the beginning of that article other than reverting to the full page view. The only 100% reliable viewing was the page view, the rest is about 95% OK. Navigation by tapping was a bit quirky, although swiping seemed to work fine. It's a good start, but there are still many areas for improvement. I look forward to version 1.1 or version 2 etc.
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8 years ago, harpyhb
worst newspaper app
This is completely unnavigable. A really, really awful newspaper app. 1. Freezes frequently so I can't open articles or move to the next article. 2. While I can change the text size so I can actually read it, when I go to another article, it defaults back to the small text size, so I have to adjust the size of each and every article I read. 3. Scrolling through articles (as opposed to pages) doesn't show every page. For example, you can't see the comics this way. 4. Navigation between sections is hard because the menu is not labelled in a way that you know what is in each section. 5. Back to comics: almost impossible to find. There is no index. All you can do is scroll through pages until you happen upon them. Only the app freezes pages all the time so you can't actually swipe through. 6. The thumbnails on the bottom appear when you open the edition. When you close them--so that you can actually see the page--there appears to be no way to get them back except by going back to the homescreen and starting over again. I am sure there are many, many other problems here. I don't know why smaller town papers have much better e-readers. The Union Leader, for example, which is a terrible paper, has a great e-reader. Very, very, very disappointed and we will probably not renew our subscription because of this unreadable app.
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9 years ago, Jackzone
Gutenberg had better technology
The app crashes for no reason several times a week. Almost daily. You have to download the newspaper all over again after it crashes. If you are away from wifi when it crashes, you are out of luck. No paper that day! I have been a life long Globe subscriber. I have been an iPad subscriber since it was made available. I have always been able to use the jump link from the end of the section of story on the beginning page to the page where the end of the story is, to continue reading, and then jump back to the start page to peruse the remaining stories on that page. You can no longer jump to the end section of the story. You have to scroll through the pages to find the end and then scroll back to the beginning. This is actually clunkier than the physical newspaper and not a user friendly experience. You have to really want to get the news to go through this level of inconvenience.
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7 years ago, David6670
This app is crap
Please, Mr. Henry, just give up and buy rights to use the WaPo or NYT app. They're very different from each other, but both are perfectly acceptable. By contrast, this app is crap. I don't mind most of the things that seem to bother other reviewers, but the number of times it freezes, or won't download the newest edition, or doesn't respond to attempts to proceed to the next page and then decides to respond to all of the attempts at once by skipping ahead many pages, or responds to an attempt to enlarge the current page by sort of going back a page and then returning to the current page, or..., is infuriating. The features are acceptable but the bugs are intolerable. Update: I'm not sure what it means, but since writing the above, I found that simply powering my iPad off and back on makes the app behave much better, so I'm raising my rating accordingly.
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9 years ago, CannotEditRoster
Very pleased with the current clean 'old school' version
I have used every version of Globe electronic edition over the past 10 years or so, with mixed results. I have to say I am very pleased with the current version! It's look and feel has gone 'back to basics' with the old school page layout that simply looks exactly like the print version. Instead of alternate views of articles and adjusting fonts, I simply tap to zoom and drag to pan, just like with the real paper. To continue with an article on another page, I just read what it says and use the navigation at the top to get there. (I almost wish it linked to the continuation page, but I appreciate the simplicity and cleanliness of not having the embedded link.) The paper downloads smoothly, and reading is fine on my somewhat old first-gen iPad Mini. I'm as happy as I've been with my Globe subscription in a while. I get home delivery on Sunday only for the coupons/circulars and Globe Magazine, and read the paper any day I want on my iPad. I think you got it right this time Globe. Retain your best columnists and reporters and I will remain a subscriber for a long while.
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12 years ago, yogie-girl
I'm a convert!
I've been a Boston Globe subscriber for years and years and...well, you get the idea. I NEVER thought I would be satisfied reading my morning newspaper online (and I hated the previous online version), but the Boston Globe ePaper is nothing short of fantastic. I am one of those people who cannot have my breakfast without The Globe in front of me. Now I don't have to wait for the delivery guy to toss the paper on my front steps (sorry, delivery guy), and I don't have to share sections of the paper with my spouse! I can read it as soon as I want - I read it on my iPad or on my laptop; it is way too small for me on my iPod. The only things I miss are the Sunday comics and doing the Sunday crossword in pencil...small things that are not deal-breakers. Count me as a convert. The other plus is that we can keep up with our favorite newspaper and columnists and sports teams when we're away from home. Nicely done, Boston Globe!
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6 years ago, Meleetyme
Design decisions make this app lag behind other papers
I get that some people like this faux paper layout of this app but really it is cumbersome for most users and lags in comparison to the NYT, WSJ and the WashPo. Having to decide whether to download an edition or not as the first pop up when coming to the app is annoying and wastes time. Clicking into a story causes it to go in a non mobile friendly layout where the pictures do not flow well with the story. It is also difficult to scroll from story to story, rather one has to flip through each page of the paper like it is a physical paper. I am going to go out on a limb and guess that most mobile readers do not need to replicate the flow of a physical paper in order to appreciate the stories. I am going to unsubscribe to the Globe because I primarily read my news on mobile and the experience is just disappointing and frustrating. Please modernize this app and ditch the physical paper replication.
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2 years ago, Phoibos
Not a joy to use
It is nice to be able to browse a full replica edition as a digital subscriber. The app is allowing that, but continues to be buggy. On the iPad Pro, it will not show the images of current and older issues, only blanks. After opening, it will frequently show a previous issue as current, requiring a pull-down refresh. In article view, the order of articles isn’t obvious so you have to constantly move back and forth between page view and article view to find what you’re looking for. In the comics, the image quality is frequently really bad so that enlarging the page only leads to a pixelated view that’s not helpful to my decreasing eyesight. Page navigation is difficult as you have to first have to reduce page size to a minimum before you can swipe to the next page. Alternatively, tap on a blank spot to bring up the navigation menu, and move to the next page from there. If you accidentally tap in the wrong space, you’ll end up in article view instead. And to add insult to injury, when you send a help request via the built in support email function, it is undeliverable. Some TLC for this app would be welcome
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8 years ago, DEW003
Not a very good app
I typically read the Globe on an iPhone. To read articles, you can tap on them to enlarge them. The zoom feature results in insufficient text size for comfortable reading. I have commented back to the Globe many times that multiple articles don't expand. After multiple responses, all of which restated their rote: 'reload the app' or 'clear data storage', I listed for them 8 articles in the front section that would not expand. After another response to clear data storage, I finally received the following: 'I think I understand the issue, unfortunately the Globe does not link every article in the edition. It does do a good 80 - 90% of the publication but not all of it.' And there you have it - for whatever reason they only make 80% of the content easily readable. Any plans to do the other 20% (and I am talking about articles, not the comics)? Why Globe do you not try to get it right every day?
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2 years ago, BJ - 27
Cumbersome APP
I find the new version of this App worse than the last and it doesn’t do some of the things (e.g., automatically download) that it is supposed to - or at least the automatic download is not evident in the settings menu). The new version is a pain to use - I used to be able to read the newspaper and simply swipe left to advance. No more! Now I have to shrink the page fully, to reveal the next button on the bottom right and touch that - this is cumbersome. The new App has also had trouble downloading and frozen once, requiring me to delete and reinstall- this never happens with the old app. Navigation between sections is slightly easier now though, but certainly not worth all the other irritating drawbacks. Too bad…..I route for the Globe!
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8 years ago, JCVandegrift
All Articles are Missing (used to work 80% of the time, now 0%)
The update in the application in the first half of 2016 would have been nice if it worked reliably, but it never did. I have spent hours deleting and re-downloading the ePaper in an attempt to get the articles and this used to have some chance of working. In the last two weeks of May 2016 I could only get the whole page view on my iphone screen (browsable but not readable) and none of the articles. To add insult to injury, after requesting a refund through my credit card's bank and Apple, now that card cannot be used for any purchases in the iTunes store. Someone at Apple confused asking for a charge to be removed with fraudulent use of a card... they are not necessarily the same (and in this case, not the same). It makes no sense for Apple to refuse my money just because Boston Globe couldn't deliver.
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5 months ago, Jan on the Cape
What was the Globe thinking?
I used to enjoy reading the Globe epaper because it was formatted just like its regular newspaper, Not like its regular website version. This “new” version of the epaper is impossible to read. It is formatted in such a way that no matter which way I attempt to read it on my IPad, vertical or horizontal, the print is soooo SMALL that you would need a magnifying glass to do so. Also, I have noticed that in scrolling from one page to the next, one page may be connected half of another, so you are looking at 1 1/2 pages at once. Also, there didn’t seem to be any way to enlarge the print manually. Redo this app for the epaper ! It should be formatted to present the paper as a regular newspaper- showing one page at a time, and with the print large enough to read it. Disgusting! I’m going to delete this app.
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12 years ago, Juliet Whiskey Hotel
Too slow, too incosistent
Dealing directly with the Boston Globe difficult enough without "Reader's" problems: Auto download? non-existent on Ipad2; Smart-flow? takes away from editor's layout and easy back-and-forth from article to page format--a couple of months back, the page display allowed one to tap the blue headline, read the entire story in an "in-set" which was easily negotiated and then tap the page view (which had remained in the backround) to return to the source page; Down-load speed? Maybe it's my Ipad or ComCast but if Kindle can download the Sunday Globe in 30 seconds, what is up with +/- 45 minutes from your equipment??? Finally, the Globe has had, shall we say, an uneven experience with its on-line effort. Is it, maybe, time for a meeting of the techies to iron this out? Yet, with-all, the E-editiion beats the printed version for convenience and economy. Keep trying!
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9 years ago, Rembrandt4
Is it just me? ...
I used to really like this app. I'm sure I'll get used to the new version for iPad, but it needs some work. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the buttons for Editions and My Purchases are backwards? If I tap Editions I get my downloads. If I tap My Purchases I see 4 copies of every paper. I presume those are editions, though they are identically labeled and look identical. Also, on the Settings screen, why not stick to the standard iOS color scheme for slider buttons: no color for off, green for on? Using no color for on and red for off is pointless and confusing. Like everyone else, I miss being able to tap to a story jump. I don't like reading in Article mode -- there are no pictures and box scores and other agate items are unreadable.
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7 years ago, BostonConrad
Horrible app that we must accept
As everyone else has pointed out, this app has many problems and is embarrassingly awkward to use to read the newspaper, which is its only purpose! And I’ve been using it for a couple years, over a few upgrades and iOS versions. My biggest complaint is that after you have downloaded today’s paper (which means it is cached on the phone), if you start to read it but then stop for a couple hours, when you go back to continue reading, the app shows you the page you were on for 1 second, then goes back to the main screen. Why? It’s not like there is a new version of the paper that I might want to read—this is in the middle of the day, and the app should easily be able to know if there even is a new newspaper edition or not. It is utterly annoying and wastes my time. Fit it!!
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1 year ago, Rhdcibhe
App continues to break down
The app continues to break down in new ways and when notified, the developer doesn’t even acknowledge it, let alone fix it. The most recent breakdowns are the the previews of the newspaper which normally appear on the home screen no longer appear and issues arrive with pages from 3 years ago. The navigation has always been horrible - I have to click in just the right place at the top of the screen to go back to the home page and if I click in the wrong place, I go back to Page 1 with no other option than to page through the entire paper to get back to where I was. This despite the very high subscription price. I am trying to be environmentally conscious and avoid getting and having to dispose of the paper version.
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9 years ago, Jmbrkjr
Bad app
While I want to get the paper this way, this app has always been a disaster. It has never once, not once, ever automatically downloaded. I have to do it manually every single day. That might be a tolerable task, except most days it won't even do that as the download button is almost always non-responsive. Constantly needing to log in and out, and often re-installing the app altogether. Forget about the idea of reading the paper in the morning, having for the commuter train, or enjoying a leisurely weekend morning catching up on things. Many days I can't get it to download until I get home in the evening. Every inquiry to the app team ends up with nothing more than the usual suggestion of logging back in or reinstalling. The Globe has never seemed to feel the need to actually make the app function correctly for all users.
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2 years ago, CentralMA
Latest Update A Fail
The positive is that the format of the Globe’s e-paper remains. It’s the one reason we subscribe. And it took a few years for the Globe to provide a stable, easy to use and read digital version on an iPad. And they RUIN it with the latest update that adds ANNOYING pop up bars that you need to tap somewhere on your tablet to remove EXCEPT that tapping on an iPad brings up any article that you’re not remotely interested in…so you tap on the expanded article to get rid of that which brings back the stupid bars! ALL I WISH TO DO IS READ THE NEWSPAPER…I assume this update is a less expensive digital product for the Globe…well, if they lose customers because of it, may be better if they just bring back the former digital product.
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10 years ago, Essential HP
Inconsistent performance
The experience of having the full appear right in front of you is great. You can read the paper in the format and layout of the actual newspaper or you can click on a link to a new window with the feel of a web page. But many times this second option does not work smoothly, with the page either not opening or leaving me unable to view the entire article. For the last two days I have been unable to download any paper. And this app is a beast. It can take up more than a gigabyte of storage, even if you only have only 2-3 newspapers store. This as potential to be a great app, but the programmers have their homework cut out for them. And given that it costs about $4/week to get the paper, they are not doing us any favors.
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8 years ago, Drjay60
Lots of probkems
When it works its great. Two big problems and lots of little ones. When download to read later, like on a plane, 80% of time will later not load unless connected to internet. If keep open while still connected usually works, but if close and open anew in air, out of luck. New problem just discovered. When you delete a paper it is not removed from memory. Checking storage found I had almost 5 gigs of memory use and all papers had been deleted. Trued restarting phone. Still there. Had to remove app and reload to free memory. Little things are inability to link to other pages as in first version, bottom page index shows for 5 seconds and disappears and cannot be brought back, and about 20% of time all pages don't load. Have to remove and download again.
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12 years ago, stevedave420
I've been waiting for this app since day 1
At fest glance of the app I thought I was disappointed to see a simple PDF scan that I could zoom in on... Upon closer look I found the most intuitive navigation platform on a digital paper yet. Instead of just transferring their HTML5 site into an app they made something completely new from the ground up that has the classic feel of reading the regular paper with the additional option of stream line view that's easier on the eyes and takes advantage of the iPad real estate and technology. I'm excited to see updates to come!
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11 years ago, Bmadig
Great on an iPad
I would rather be reading a print edition - same for The New Yorker - but I have to say that I like the Globe ePaper. I think that it is well thought out. We do not have problems downloading it from a wi-fi connection; text is very sharp on iPad 3. I do not usually use the smart reader function. My complaint is more with the iPad for reading - too heavy / cumbersome compared to a printed mag or paper, too reflective to read outdoors. If I leave my paper or mag on a train no great loss. We primarily use the iPad when on vacation - really like getting The Globe when away from home. BTW I am not a Globe employee.
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9 years ago, Frustrated Lifer
Takes too long to load
How is it possible that a major newspaper like the Globe can have such an awful app? Once you're in the thing, it's fine. I mean, honestly, it's not great with the newspaper layout that hides the time at the top of the page but whatever, you tap the story and it comes up and you can adjust the font, etc. Fine. But, YOU CAN'T EVER GET TO THE PAPER!! This thing never loads properly, it takes forever, you can't start reading until it loads. I mean, just copy the NY Times app or the Wall St Journal app. Why are we recreating the wheel? Especially for an awful experience. I get the Globe home delivered so I only need the app when traveling but it is always a hassle. Especially on the iPad. Please, just copy the NY Times - weird that when the Times actually owned the Globe they didn't roll out the same app.
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9 years ago, Lenborkut
A terrible update
I used to enjoy reading the Globe on my iPad. Now it's a chore. My biggest complaint is that the links don't work. If I notice the second half of an article, let's say on page 11, for instance, and I want to read the entire article, I can click on the article view. In this view, I can only make one adjustment to the text size instead of infinite adjustments. Then, when I'm finished reading the article and click back to the newspaper mode, it brings me back to the first half of the article, on page one. But I was I was on page 11! So annoying! And why can't I get the Sunday Globe Magazine with this new app? I could read it on the old app! This was a REALLY bad move on the globe's part and I hope someone there wakes up and fixes this messy app.
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12 years ago, Clownface3
Great when it isn't buggy
Love the ability to switch between page views, love being able to skip sections using the Table of Contents. Hate that I've enabled "automatically download new issues" but it never works. (It really stinks when I forget to do the manual download at home, and then I have no paper to read on my commute b/c my iPad isn't 3G enabled.) Not psyched about the bugs - at least once a week the thing freezes and I can't read anything (e.g. when I'm trying to use social share function). I have a limited amount of time in the morning to read the paper - when it freezes I routinely get frustrated enough to want to cancel my subscription. (I AM paying for this after all!)
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12 years ago, AppleJack1963
All the joys of thumbing through pages with none of the ink stains!
Having downloaded the ePaper app yesterday, I'm thoroughly enjoying thumbing through the "paper" without having to wash my hands afterwards. Having chosen to not download the day's issue automatically, I had a couple of false starts this morning not knowing where to find today's Globe - not realizing the full functionality of the Store, and mistakenly expecting to find it in My Library. I'm up to speed now, however, and I'm very impressed by what I've seen - kudos to the developers.
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9 years ago, SoftwareEngr
Needs Work
The new app from miLibris shows some potential. It's fewer options should help avoid the bugs of the previous ereader. There are two serious problems with the new app, however. On a number of occasions since the Globe switched to using miLibris, it has been difficult to download the day's epaper. I attribute the problem to insufficient server capacity at miLibris. A serious app limitation is the inability to select one page per screen in landscape mode. I was using the previous app to read the Globe on an iPad mini. It worked quite comfortably. When the new app came out, I had to buy a full-sized iPad so I could use portrait mode to read one page per screen. I would still prefer to use landscape mode, but only one page per screen. There is no option to select that mode, however.
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7 years ago, Nimbusjack
Great newspaper, great app.
When people complain it takes a minute or two to download and the New York Times takes seconds, they don't understand I guess that the entire Globe newspaper downloads and every story it then instantly available. With the a Times, each time you click on a story, that story then has to download. I've been reading the e-Globe since it first became available. I lived in Maine now in the White Mountains and I download the entire Globe on my iPad before 5:00 am everyday, it's a great service. I can't believe anyone could honestly criticize the Globe or the app.
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2 years ago, GRS in 508
Another step back
The Globe had finally gotten things right with their previous iteration of the app but the latest release is another step back. On the positive side, it has been available on time and I have had no problems downloading. But I have to close the app and reopen for the new issue to appear. Worst thing is the navigation. I get one chance to jump to a section using the bottom scroll bar - if I try and jump again, the app crashes. Even worse, when I restart the app I am in the same place as when it crashed, and I still can’t jump to another section without crashing, so I have to swipe through page-by-page. Please get this fixed!
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9 years ago, ErikaInMa
Nice having paper on iPad
I love having my Globe available on my iPad. I wake up in the morning and download my paper. I often read it right there in bed! Every so often the app doesn't see my subscription, and I'll have to re-open the app. Otherwise I quite enjoy the app. Additionally I love the Globe, especially the investigative journalism. So many of their investigations have resulted in real change. In an age where we see less and less of that kind of high quality journalism, Ifind myself happy to support the Globe so they can continue their watchdog and informative efforts.
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9 years ago, ePaperJoe
Not quite there yet
I still would like to click on the page view and read the article as it was in the older version. Looking at the page view entices you to read articles if accompanied by a picture. You then have to click on the articles and find the article in the list. Also, you can't get the list of obituaries by city/town unless you go to the page view and zoom out. One other issue I keep coming across is on Sunday. The last 3 weeks the paper was not downloadable unless I deleted and reinstalled the app. Why is there no advanced warning of this if this is going to be an issue moving forward? You'll get it right and I do enjoy getting the Globe no matter where I am in the world.
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9 years ago, Libs2
I hate the new update. 1. First time using it I was required multiple times to log in. Half of those were unsuccessful though the log in credentials were correct. 2. Please automatically download. Please. 3. It is so hard to read. In the prior version, it was hard to read in portrait but just fine when turned to landscape. In the new version, turning it to landscape doesn't help. It's still too small to read without using finger gestures to increase the display. The problem with doing that is that you only get a small portion of the page and you need to slide around with your finger to read the rest. To add insult to injury, the resizing isn't even remembered from one page to the next. 4. Jumping forward and back for articles that extend beyond a page. Bring it back!
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