The Colorado Springs Gazette

4.3 (3.7K)
74.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Colorado Springs Gazette
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for The Colorado Springs Gazette

4.31 out of 5
3.7K Ratings
8 years ago, Hms5775
Convenient but a Bit Clumsy
If you expect the app to look like the print edition you will be disappointed. As other apps do, this one pushes stories it wants you to read rather than you deciding what you want to read first. It is all there, but may take a little effort to find it. I recommend it.
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5 months ago, Terry & Sara
Worst News App but the Gazette Obviously Doesn’t Care
I don’t see how this app gets 4.3 stars unless most reviewers are bots. This app needs a lot of work, but it only seems to get worse. Today, the links and comments in the E-Edition don’t work; taps just zoom in or out. It repeats stories in the feed, and rarely is the day’s top story near the top of the front page or the Top Stories page. Instead, Top Stories lists stories from days ago. Heck, most stories in today’s print edition are difficult or impossible to find in the app. How about giving extra weight to recent stories instead of keeping 2 week old stories near the top only because they were popular for a day or two? Why does the app reset and lose my current reading location if I let my iPad sleep for a few minutes?!! The website is bad, but this app is worse and seems to get worse with each update. And don’t get me started on the poor editing and the takeover by the Washington Examiner. We only subscribe to the digital edition, but I’m not sure for how much longer before we switch to the Denver Post. Are the Gazette and Washington Examiner so poor that you can’t afford decent developers for your app? How do you expect to get more views, and thus more ad revenue, when you have one of the worst apps in the world? Do you even know what it takes to have a quality news app? Maybe your executive leadership should be replaced along with your software developers.
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7 years ago, Dv6403
Credit where credit is due
E- edition - After many months of struggling with this app it appears to have finally been repaired. It is running smoothly and doesn't seem to crash every three minutes. Credit where credit is due. Finally - thank you. My original review still stands. After contacts with the Gazette IT staff to complain about crashes and malfunctions they have still done nothing. Has anyone at the Gazette read that digital is replacing print? You might want to consider investing in digital media. This app is so bush league that it points to complete incompetence. Out of all of my many Apps this is clearly the worst. I have contacted the Gazette and even threatened to end a decades long subscription. They obviously don't care and pay no attention to reader reviews. I don't need to reiterate what others have already written. It's all true. The incompetence of the people who have built this app is unparalleled.
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9 months ago, Alan-0n-a-Bike
Wish you’d Improve the Software and the Copy Editing
The e-edition (really just a facsimile of the print edition) is constantly closing after a few minutes of inaction by the reader. Each time this happens it forces me to reopen the e-edition and find my place again - not what would happen with a print edition. On the other hand, if I try to read by clicking on individual stories, the formatting is really distracting, with missing and repeated lines and poor copy editing. Since the copy editing is already pretty bad in the print/e-edition, the level of distraction from poor grammar/spelling/usage becomes just too high for pleasurable reading.
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6 years ago, Prs174
Lousy functionality
Frustrating to use, for many years. No way to communicate through the IPad app to give feedback. Every time I close the app and reopen it, I have to re enter my login credentials to read an article. I’m not calling their call center to provide feedback. I’d rather have a link on the app to email them feedback but, lacking that, here you go. I’m am using a current iPad with the latest available IOS upgrades installed. I already cancelled the home delivery of my paper due to lousy service. Likely to cancel my online subscription when it expires (gazette does not give a pro rata refund for cancellation within the subscription year or I’d cancel now)
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6 years ago, mnmt reader
Why can’t they remember me
Since the last update I get the notice that I have ‘reached the limit of my free news stories’ and must log in almost every time I want to read a story in the alerts section. Why can’t it seem to remember that I have a subscription and just let me in? I’m almost to the point of not using that feature in the app because it is so annoying.
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1 year ago, Meganne139
Usually great but sometimes not
I’m using the app to read the e-edition. I still like the layout/presentation in the traditional newspaper format, but want to be conscientious about the impact actual paper production makes on the environment. The problem is that many times when I click on the blue highlighted headline to read the entire article when it does not appear entirely on one page, it simply spins (I use an iPad) and forces me to leave the e-edition and reopen it to read the paper.
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6 years ago, Bootsf15
This App Is getting worse!
The app, when logged in, routinely limits me to one article then asks me to subscribe or log in.. so I log out and close the app.. log in again and get the same message and again I am limited to one article..I have tried deleting and reinstalling and still have the same issue..I’m getting ready to cancel my subscription to the gazette
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3 years ago, Local Reader Vero
Best in town !
Always informed through well information through our local Gazette! Good stories and articles, community, weather, cooking recipes, horoscopes, real estate markets, matters of opinion, doctor’s advices through public questions and the comics, coupons and what is best is that I can always read the e-edition on the go!
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4 years ago, TookieLOrange
Local News in the Time of Social Media
First, the app works fine, no trouble, no surprises with usability. The big surprise: I love getting a wide range of local and national, interesting and heartbreaking stories. No algorithms here to tailor my content to my interests. Honestly, I didn’t care for the Gazette in the past, but compared to the echo-chamber of social media, it’s become my go to for news.
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5 years ago, Kattrina4862
This app hasn’t worked in months
If I try to read a Gazette article, I receive a “you have reached your limit” message. So I log in to continue. Then I receive the same message, only this time I have a welcome back “user” at the top. I still can’t read the article though. It is just a cycle- message, log in, welcome, back to message. It doesn’t matter which device I’m on. As a result, I get almost no news from the Gazette unless I happen to run across a print copy, which I’m only subscribed to on Sundays. I’d like to support the local paper but this is pointless.
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2 years ago, Will1947
Local News Source
Been at Colorado Springs eight years. Became aware over this time that I knew very little about our home community. At Kings, shopping, one day,and, A Gazette representative presented a deal I couldn’t resist. So begins the journey of connecting locally. My wife likes hard copy. I enjoy digital sourcing. Formerly, Sleepless in Colorado Springs !
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4 weeks ago, bijou June
Long time subscriber
A morning without the Gazette is like a morning without tea. Even though it has gotten more liberal and expensive lately I still think it’s important to keep our daily local paper. We have had the same carrier for years and greatly appreciate him. He’s as reliable as the sun. June Heimsoth.
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7 months ago, Rousch98
need more National and world news
I think the Gazette needs to expand the National and world news sections with everything going on these days, including the bad news. The United States as a whole is on a declining trajectory on the world stage and the citizens need to hear more about that so they can be warned.
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2 years ago, News Deficient
App not working properly
What’s the deal with the Gazette App? Normally it works great. For the past five days all I can read is the first page and then all the other pages are locked? I re-logged into the App and had the same problem.
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5 years ago, dVid H
Why I subscribe to the Gazette
We each have a responsibility to be informed citizens. Only informed citizens understand the world around us. Only informed citizens can make an intelligent choice about our personal stance on any topic. Only informed citizens know how their tax dollars are being spent. I want to be an informed citizen. Therefore I subscribe to and read the Gazette. David Horwitz
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6 years ago, BillW23
Very Poor
Very slow and crashes before I can get through a single article. [Running on an older iPad 2 but with up-to-date ios release -- maybe they only test on newer models?] Update: Bought a brand new iPad and the app is fast and useable but still crashes at least once per use. It also requires me to log in over and over to read articles during a session (sometimes a dozen or more times) even though I always have the “remember me” check box checked.
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5 years ago, dannyt2
New app is amateurish and terrible!
This new app is a giant waste of space, it has pictures on each story that literally take up over 1/2 the screen. Basically only one story per screen when scrolling the headlines. It needs to be much more condensed, a small pic to the left of the story headline so you can see multiple stories per screen when scrolling. Save the big pics for the story and not used in scrolling. I’m reverting to the web version until you fix this terrible UI!
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2 years ago, wont take any
E edition
I continue to get the paper via all access for the local news and to know what events are going on around town. The cost goes up up up. And the paper has shrunk down to a few pages. I pay much more than the much more comprehensive Denver Post costs. I’d love more extensive coverage of state, National and world news. I’ve been a subscriber for 50 years but may cancel and only get the issue with Go section in it from the newsstand.
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4 years ago, Afrdoijuy
Worked fine for a couple of weeks. Then started requiring calls to office to reset password due to system problems. Disappointing
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8 months ago, Ghost Writer II
I feel like I have a subscription to the afternoon edition of the Gazette. I occasionally get morning delivery, but late morning or early afternoon delivery has become the norm. Please understand that late delivery is not an acceptable. Please work to fix this issue.
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3 years ago, Buckskinpass
Don’t like the new format
The E edition used to be closer to the printed version than now. Now as you look at pages the look starts as a small scaled down version, once you tap the page it will enlarge but always far too much. You have to manually shrink the page for it to be useable. Then accidental taps ruin the whole experience. Whoever thought they were improving the app were wrong. Go back to the way it used to function
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5 years ago, ablyi
Totally screwed up this app
I log in using different devices and now I cant. You have totally screwed up up and I’m going to drop my subscription unless you correct these problems.
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2 months ago, No Civility
Unable to open print edition
I am frequently unable to open the print edition on the app…. three calls to the technical help center and they have been absolutely no help. I still must open the print edition through Chrome and it is a bit circuitous to get the newspaper open. The only reason I struggle on is that I like reading my hometown newspaper when I am at work, which takes me many time zones away.
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7 years ago, GirlyGoddess
Nicely done!
The Gazette app has a lot more features than I expected. I love the customizable alert settings. The app is easy to navigate and use and I like the option of using the app layout or viewing the print edition layout.
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4 years ago, Mama bear 2015
The app can’t seem to remember my password. In addition, there is no auto password reset- an actual person has to read your email and reset it. Also- it seems to direct me to the top 5 articles of the day and it’s cumbersome to get to additional articles. Overall, an overpriced and disappointing experience.
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2 years ago, Billie N
Late Paper
I love the Gazette - but it is chronically late. I know there is a shortage of carriers. However, not receiving our paper until after 9:30 - 10am, it’s beyond the time where we can actually read it. I’m going to be very happy when we have a carrier that can get our paper to us by 7:30.
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2 years ago, JzWins
Don’t buy the paper
Their customer service is terrible to deal with. They charged me for papers I didn’t want even after I closed my account. They told me my account was up to date when I canceled but proceeded to send papers and charge me for them and they refuse to take the amount off my bill. They can’t explain why they continued to charge me and they just told me to go read the terms and conditions.
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6 years ago, mjr4510
App No Longer Works Correctly Again!
I wrote that the app appears to work correctly recently and gave it 4 stars, because it finally signed me in automatically on both iPad and iPhone, without typing in the password. Well... it no longer works! Again! It won’t log me in anymore at all. Even when I type in the password. When are you guys going to hire IT people who can do things correctly? This is ridiculous!
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6 years ago, Zushi2013
Have to login to read every article
The main screen recognizes that I’m logged in, but when I click on an article to read it, I’m required to login on each one to read it in its entirety.
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4 years ago, GraceRector
Advertising Gimic
Can’t even start an article before pop up ads totally derail you from the page you want to read and send you back to start all over....I have the newest and fastest edition iPad but their is so much downloading of ads and gimmicks it makes the page shutter and jump...and of course there is no way to cancel your account...the Gazette is a racketeering operation. Not to mention their election night coverage was pathetic.
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6 years ago, GolfingJim9
Continuous log ins
App requires continuous logins even though we have been subscribers for some time. We have reported this issue to Gazette staff several times - always they treat us like kids and tell us to reinstall the app or change our password. Several other commenters here report the same issue. The app is broken - unbelievable that a large city newspaper owned by Mr. Anschutz can’t build or fix a simple app. We are dropping our subscription.
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3 years ago, Wish you would go back
Terrible new view, worse app
The Gazette has gone backwards in delivering its online content to subscribers who routinely use the e-edition. The views are clumsy and clunky and difficult to navigate. Terrible update!
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6 years ago, RSVBob
This has to get fixed
Over the past month (since Gazette changed platforms) I have rarely been able to log on without an issue. At this point I can’t get on at all. Beyond frustrated! Not seeing Gazette taking proactive steps to assist subscribers. If there was an alternative I’d drop my subscription.
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4 years ago, jimspecu
Unable to access my paid account
Despite multiple times trying to access my full subscription Im still unable.
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6 years ago, Fred18280
Wrong News Alert Indications
On my iPhone the app in the upper right corner does not show the correct number of news alerts. Have passed this along to Gazettte personnel, but not fixed yet. Sometimes it shows a number but when the app is opened, there are no new news alerts showing.
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6 years ago, tsktsk42
Fix it!!
It wasn’t broken, but... now I have a double banner on top. One banner stays logged in, the other doesn’t. Every time I finish an article it wants me to log in AGAIN for the next one. Please fix it!!!!
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7 years ago, Jim C in Colorado
Much better than expected
I was pleasantly surprised by how elegant this app is to use. The user interface and intuitiveness of the app make it a pleasure to read the news. Highly recommended for an iPhone 6+.
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3 years ago, ItsPaidFor
Enjoy the local news
The paper has good information about the region. I enjoy the events, things to do and see, and the ads. The paper should stop using Associated Press articles which are horribly biased. I would stop my subscription to the paper if/when a replacement is available. Objective, well-researched, current news is my expectation.
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2 years ago, Frank in CS
Links in the article never work
I do like getting in depth local and state news that’s hard to find in other places. They do need to fix the issues of all the links posted in the articles don’t work.
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3 years ago, jonganderson
Almost unusable
I get that local papers need ad revenue, but as a subscriber, the level of spammy ads that take over the experience and don’t recognize that I’m signed in make me likely to cancel my subscription. It’s almost unusable on mobile if you want to read more than an article or two.
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5 years ago, Doubleblk
Nice try.
This ap is not setup very well. When you first open the Ap the different sections of the paper do not show up on either screen. It is only after opening it a few times that the section option somehow pops up. Ther should be a menu function, or the sections should be accessible at the top. Look at how USA Today and the Detroit Free Press Aps are set up, these are both very user friendly.
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5 years ago, RockyMtnBill
Crashes Immediately Upon Opening
Tried eliminating all open applications and rebooting my iPad Pro. Still crashes immediately upon opening.
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1 year ago, DRSinCS
Couldn’t be worse
The layout and functionality of this app on an iPhone or iPad are so frustrating that I’m going to cancel my subscription. Furthermore, the comments function of the digital replica of the print version has become nothing more then a forum for partisan shills to offer their screeds. I abandoned Twitter and Facebook ten years ago because of that.
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6 years ago, Sr. Wii
Still waiting for fixes to bell items
Two problems: First the bell shows 32 items. When I hit the bell there is only 3. Second after I read an article and hit done, it shows a blank screen with a turning thing. I hit the bell or menu to exit the blank page. Why? Have exited the app and rebooted 3 times now. Call me frustrated!
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7 years ago, Bugman318
You got it right
It's just like reading the newspaper. With the improvements in this app, not only do I have my paper ready to read at anytime, but I save the environment. Well done.
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4 years ago, alancavin
Have to log in constantly
I have a paid subscription for weekly paper and full online. I’m still Limited to 3 articles a week without logging in again. It’s very annoying. Once I’m subscribed I should have to constantly log on.
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4 months ago, CrashALot63
Crashes when loading new news stories
This app is a joke. It crashes whenever it loads new news stories. Developers, please take a look at the Apple News app which manages to gracefully load new stories, with them just appearing at the top of the Today page, without crashing the app.
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5 years ago, LC MD
New app not helpful
The new app makes accessing articles on iPhone much more difficult and time consuming. Not a step forward!
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8 years ago, Stephsapps
Read it later feature
Good photos and article saving to read a story later.
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