The Hill

2.5 (250)
86.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
Nexstar Broadcasting
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for The Hill

2.51 out of 5
250 Ratings
2 years ago, tpcar98
Fine, but March 2022 update is a step back
The app has always been somewhat buggy, would crash somewhat often, but it was what it was - a good collection of news articles. The new update takes a step back and does away with chronological article sorting like the old version. Where before I would check the app throughout the day to see new articles, now I find myself going on it and staying on far less because I can’t go down a list of articles and get caught up to where I was. Not sure if the update improves on crashing. The new design is fine, not that I really care about that one way or the other on a news app. Overall, meh.
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4 years ago, nflenfmdlskkejfke
Works great, but needs notifications!
I like the app. A lot of the issues other reviews complain about have been fixed. The reporting is good, with (roughly) an equal amount of bias in either side. A BIG issue, though, is that it does not have breaking news notifications. This is a major downside. If it weren’t for this issue, this app would be one of my primary news sources. Honestly, it’s kind of worthless to me without breaking news updates. I strongly encourage the all developers: add notifications!!
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4 years ago, Cdellamura
Don’t Is Too Small
I use reading glasses but my eyes are not bad enough to need a prescription. Most apps I can read without my readers but this app pretty much mandates that I use them. Other news apps will allow me to zoom in on the words where The Hill won’t. The font is already very small and not allowing a person to physically zoom the font in any way turns me off completely. It can’t be that difficult to permit some type of zoom to allow us to make the font bigger. I had to give this app 2 stars because it’s so inconvenient to actually use. Very unfortunate that the developers won’t make an accommodation. I’ve asked before but they seem to just not care.
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3 years ago, Incognègro
Great News Organization
The Hill as a news outlet is, most of the time, awesome. So much less biased than other options out there and a lot of fact based reporting which is what we all really need. The app itself isn’t the best out there. Don’t let that stop you from getting your news from the Hill. I don’t have as many issues with the app as others have but I do wish it had notifications.
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4 years ago, Bearcat Chris Mitchell
Easy to Use, Informative
I don’t normally rate apps, but as someone learning about and focusing on current federal events, I find The Hill app to be a reliable news source, lacking in bias, while boasting an excellent interface and relatively unbiased writing. It’s really something when a news source can not only get you articles quickly, but also provide a thorough argument and all of the facts. Great job!
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3 years ago, Bbdjxidkdnndhzv
Recently added obnoxious ads
I’ve been using this app for years and like the content but recently there have been obnoxious ads especially along the bottom. Like spinning slot machines and otherwise distracting garbage. I get an app like this has to pay the bills but it shouldn’t be at the cost of user attention. I’ll come back when this is fixed. I’m looking for somewhere else to get similar content for now.
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12 months ago, CC d CD sch
The hill I thought was supposed to be different from other news networks and just report the facts. It’s very clear the direction the company leans. Time after time they take a side and you can see it in their reporting. They are not reporting the news they are reporting a narrative. Being disappointed I came here to write a review and what does the thumb nail picture have, a article portraying republican in a negative light. If you want a echo chamber for liberal Democrat talking points this is the site for you. But if you want fair, just the facts news I would suggest echo times. Do better The Hill!!
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2 years ago, Peacevik
New Update Not Good
This used to be my go-to app for news. Both the content and the user interface were fantastic! The March 2022 completely changed the look and feel. Most of the articles seem to be videos, which I don’t particularly care for, and even worse, often I can’t back out of a video without quitting the app and bringing it back up. I have no idea if the content is still good because it works so terribly I haven’t been using it much anymore. What happened to good informative articles that you could click on and READ?
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4 years ago, NG1010
Reliable content. No notifications.
The content is exactly what I’ve come to expect from the Hill, but the lack of notifications makes it hard to stay up-to-date on the information I need. It would be my primary news source if it weren’t for this issue.
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3 years ago, Zach Clauss
Worse and worse
The biggest issues I have with the app are 1) it constantly pauses my music to autoplay videos/apps in the app and there is no way to disable this and it’s making rethink using this app at all and 2) articles crash in the middle of reading them so you have to reopen the app and find the article and scroll to the spot you left off at. These problems have only gotten worse over time.
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4 years ago, WJD3264
The Hill is good but the app is the worst
I just really want to listen to Rising on my commute but it freezes or crashes so often I can never get to the end or even a segment or two in. I don’t care if you put in a bunch of commercials on, I just want to put the show on and listen straight thru. It would also be nice if I could do other things on my phone while I listening. You could have a great app because of content, but the tech part distracts. I don’t bother so much trying any more.
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5 years ago, bob the hill fan
iPhone X needs update
I have an iPhone X. For whatever reason if you hold the phone in landscape mode and try and open a story none of the text for the story shows up. You have to open the story in portrait mode and then turn the phone and then you can read the story in landscape mode. Next, in landscape mode with the phone notch on the left, the text is sometimes cut off by the notch. I do love reading the hill. A lot of great reporting. Just annoyed that the app doesn’t work better.
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5 years ago, Fionnros
Biased Reporting
While the app works fine, it’s the choice of reporting I have issues with. I thought based on the description of what they focus on I would get more unbiased accurate news. Instead I get a list of articles focused on making the Democratic Party look noble/good and the Republican Party look like a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum. News reporting is supposed to be just giving facts and letting the readers make up their own opinion.
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4 years ago, Im53773
Constantly crashes
I like the reporting but the app articles are very often unreadable on my iPhone (iOS 14), in the middle of reading and scrolling through an article the app crashes and closes. I can’t help but wonder if the cause is the competition from ads, especially videos. Maybe there’s a paid version that would eliminate the insidious advertising so heavy and prevalent in this otherwise worthy news ap.
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2 years ago, Andy from Delaware
New update lousy
New update is more clunky and not as smooth. When looking at articles you have to constantly click the “more” option and the authors of each article are not listed. The authors should be listed especially in the opinion section. Needs work to make the app more smooth and easy to use.
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2 years ago, Marissa in PA
Prefer the Old Design
The old design was easier on the eyes. Also, it always listed articles chronologically. I searched for a writer than I enjoy reading to see recent articles, and the list was articles 4-7 years old. The old version listed the newest articles on top. The dark screen and smaller front isn’t as visually appealing. Not a good redesign.
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4 years ago, Jrkalo
Go elsewhere
Great content but the software used to present it needs to be upgraded. The best way I can explain, it seems like an app that isn’t mobile friendly. Yeah, that almost doesn’t make sense. *New Post* In addition, after further use; they’re very click baitey. Gotta get those clicks up for their advertisers. They use unfair ways to get you to click and open ads. I would advise staying away from this application completely.
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2 years ago, Mike120571
TOO Many adds
It has decent news but is completely over polluted by google adds which are more annoying than the content is worth reading
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2 years ago, wingba
New app is horrible
Wow, just upgraded to new app and I won’t be using it. I want to read the news not watch videos, especially with commercials in the videos. Beside that the new layout is all white space and the organization is worthless. Stories from months ago are everywhere. Looks like I’ll have to search for a different news app.
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3 years ago, kafkaOnFire
Used to be my favorite
Used to love this app, but as time has gone by, I have begun to notice the quality of reporting starting to degrade. Clickbait article summaries are starting to appear. While I can say that the bias is equally applied, I think that some of the reporting is lacking depth (the recent UFO articles seem to be one source with no counter explanation ).
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3 years ago, Ad Annoyance2
Deleted the app
I really have enjoyed the news from The Hill. My problem is that it’s difficult to scroll through the articles. Every ad that passed would end up opening. It just became annoying. I’ll just read it a little less on the website.
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4 years ago, George Orr
Lots of ads now
This used to be a pretty good middle of the road news web site. And that part is still true. It’s news is middle of the road and interesting. But those moving game ads at bottom the screen distract from their web site. And the ads are almost exclusively about playing games.
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2 years ago, grandste
App is Working Now
This app had some brief (now solved) problems. I wrote to the developers, and they quickly patched the problem. Works very well. I’m impressed with the response from the tech group.
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5 years ago, 333MEL333
Auto play videos ...
They’re extremely annoying. I’ll try to pause them and instead get kicked back to a blank article page. Not a bad app and coverage of the Hill but the videos have got to stop!
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4 years ago, BSchmaltzy
Great news, distracting ads
I like the reporting and the writing, and the centrist balance. Everything about it is great except for constant interruptions from distracting ads, many of them pop-ups. I would gladly pay a reasonable subscription fee for an ad-free version, but can’t find that option. If it’s available, please let me know!
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3 years ago, nintendo fanatic
Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball
If I inadvertently touch the article while I’m reading it, it crashes. If I scroll too quickly it crashes. If my finger lingers too long when scrolling it crashes. I hear the great Phil Hartman’s voice in my head every time I open the app. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. Do not look directly at Happy Fun Ball. Do not touch Happy Fun Ball.
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1 year ago, Diedooh
The app contains relevant and well written articles which are, unfortunately, nearly impossible to read due to jumping ads and pop ups. It would be well worth the investment of the price of an ad free option but that is not available.
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5 years ago, AF1965
Crashes on a regular basis
This app is very temperamental. For some stories it is fine and then most of the time it will crash after opening up an article. If you reopen the article, odds are it will crash again so you should just give up on trying to read that item.
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2 years ago, Mac10242
Hard to read
New layout has gotten rid of some useless categories. But is extremely hard to navigate and read. The old app was much easier on the eyes. Scrolling right was much easier to go through categories making the print much easier to read.
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3 years ago, SuperBigDaddy07
Not a moderate source of news
I downloaded this app to see news stories by supposedly neutral viewpoints. Not so much. The liberal slant shows through every bit of it. Stick with Fox News. It’s still more accurate and you don’t have to cringe reading the news.
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7 months ago, WolfDJX
No longer works
This used to be a good news app. But, as of a few days ago it doesnt work. I get a prompt about weather notifications then it freezes. Have tried reinstalling a couple of times, but no use. Will just have to look at the web version
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4 years ago, Dp0110
Print too small
The text size within articles is far too small. There’s no ability to increase the size. This would be a great addition for an upgrade.
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2 years ago, LDRoadie
Not impressed
First, can't add the app to a folder container with other news apps. Second, seems to never be able to finish loading news items. And when it does, it seems to eat up the cpu and battery.
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3 years ago, Yesenia G. Arias
Thank you
Great app. Breaking news notifications would be a plus so looking forward to that. Keep up the good work
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4 years ago, Skyla1
I enjoy reading the hill, but recently it has become extremely glitchy, closing when I’m trying to read articles. I deleted it and reinstalled it, but the glitching remains. I’ve turned to reading other news apps until this is fixed.
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1 year ago, 3GS iPhone user
App won’t load
App says my device isn’t connected to internet, but that’s not true. It works fine on all other apps and works for me to post this. I couldn’t even load app support. Stop blaming others for your app problems.
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2 years ago, Ottocontrol
2022 Update unusable
This was my go-to app for news every morning until the update earlier this year. In addition to being even more glitchy, the new aesthetic is gaudy and unprofessional. I feel like I’m reading some dime store tabloid. I uninstalled the app.
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2 years ago, ndlaokc
Glitchy App
This app use to be a simple, easy to read place to get your fix for political junkies. Now it’s simply junk. Glitchy, buggy and not that easy to find an article you want to read. I stopped using it.
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2 years ago, allusernameshavebeentaken2022
Drowning in ads
This app has become unusable. Ads take up a large amount t of screen real estate. The layout is blocky and the presentation of content is a regression relative to the previous version. I would happily pay a subscription fee but not for this user experience. Uninstalling.
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2 years ago, Stmoxon
Deleted because of video ads
The Hill’s new app tries to force me to watch a video ad before I can read a story. Forget it. The previous app didn’t do that, and although I used to read the Hill somewhat regularly, I don’t want to read it badly enough to put up with that annoyance.
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2 weeks ago, BeccaBits
Stop Hijacking My Audio
This is the only news app that consistently hijacks my audio when launching it, making it impossible to listen to music while reading the morning news.
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5 years ago, TAIrons
Great option for unbiased reporting
Some functionality issues, but a great alternative to the two extremes reporting biased news.
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2 years ago, MyAppleAppStoreNickname
New design is terrible
Great content but i hate the new design - some article didn’t even appear correctly. Priority is obviously given to SO MANY ads. A big step backward; wish I could reinstall the old version. Have switched to reading it in a browser: much better!
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3 years ago, MrRyleePeak
Awesome News Source
I love how The Hill provides non bias information about political based news.
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4 years ago, Kamins11
Lies after lies after lies!!
Glad to see the side your on. Makes is so much easier to cancel your obviously radical left platform. Hope your happy with what your doing to free thought in the country. When more and more physical confrontations occur in the time to come. We know who to blame and cancel. You!!! Later to your race bating identity drivin politics.
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3 years ago, cro0kz
Ads make this unbearable
I’m okay if the ads weren’t intrusive, or obnoxious. However, the ads they have here are awful. The banner ads are distracting, and the ads implemented between articles are a mess visually.
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2 years ago, sb10001923
Used to be my go to news app
Unfortunately, this new version of the app is very clunky and filled with ads. Most importantly though, I’m unable to scroll through a list of articles and have to navigate back to the Home Screen. Sad
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2 years ago, CpCdKona
Horrible Update - Stop the Videos
I was addicted to the Hill app prior to the April 2022 update. The forced videos, when I want to just read the article is driving me insane and keeping me off the app. If they don’t fix this quickly, I’m going to remove it from my iPad and iPhone.
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2 years ago, Loyal Reader for years
The Hill - revert back to your old version
The old version was easy to navigate, easy to get information and easy on the eyes. New version….awful. If you can’t revert back, I will have to delete this app and find another source of information.
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4 years ago, bubbawubb
Constant crashes
Good news and content, but the app regularly crashes, ads cover text, and at times portions of the article are cut off by the suggested articles on the bottom, making the app difficult and incredibly frustrating to use.
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