Wellspent: Better Screen Time

Health & Fitness
3.6 (64)
75.9 MB
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Current version
Wellspent GmbH
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
16.0 or later
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User Reviews for Wellspent: Better Screen Time

3.64 out of 5
64 Ratings
9 months ago, bethisprettypositive
Works like a charm.
I have tried so many “app limit” apps, and almost all have them have failed me, except this app. This app is genuinely the most annoying thing while trying to scroll on tiktok, which is why it works so good! Every five minutes a notification pops up belittling me to get off, and I get so annoyed with it I actually get off! My screen time for tiktok went way down (embarrassingly it was super high). I don’t pay for premium and I only use it for one app, because that’s what works best for me!
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10 months ago, nicknameistaken1359
Instagram Account Restricted
Since I’ve been using this app for the past week or so, my Instagram account (the only app I use this for) has become restricted on and off. It’s currently restricted again, now for hours - and it’s not bc I’ve gone over my time limit I set for myself. I even hit the override button and it’s still restricted. I haven’t made any posts on instagram and have barely “liked” or commented anything. I did follow some people, but ofc it’s instagram, you follow and unfollow people. I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary nor anything against community guidelines. I’ve never had my account restricted before this past week when I started using this app. I just read about other people saying they used third party instagram apps for other things like “follow” and “unfollow” counters. It seems there is a problem with instagram and some third party apps like this one. Really hope I can get my account back. Would not have used this app had I known this. Too bad, bc it’s a great idea to help keep track of your time and keep yourself accountable.
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1 year ago, Mileydev
SO MANY PROBLEMS - don’t download it!
This app has a great idea behind; A real problem to fix but instead it creates more problems and stress. That are days that the app simply doesn’t work, no notifications and reminders coming out of it. Nothing. Even more frequently though you will have this app harassing you. It tells you “it has been 5min you’re in this app” and give you 2 buttons “snooze or close the app”. If you press the snooze because maybe you’re busy and in the middle of something it will keep popping up as soon as you snooze it. It doesn’t stop popping up. I tested it. Over 5 minutes. Opened a thousand times. Funny enough none of these “malfunctions” happened during the trial week. First day after paying for this piece of junk it started. You’ll get 1 functioning day followed by 2-3 malfunctioning days. That is what you are paying for. Instead you can hear someone who already paid to be harassed: don’t do this to yourself. STAY AWAY FROM THIS APP.
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6 months ago, Ellainy
My screen time has plummeted
According to my screen time summary, my phone use has gone down about 15% per week since I installed Wellspent. Really easy to set up and use. I don’t currently have the premium subscription as I just need gentle reminders to gtf off of Reddit. The mindfulness themed reminders are the only ones I’ve tried but I find them incredibly helpful and gentle in encouraging me to make better use of my time rather than attempting some sort of guilt trip (the contrarian in me does not respond to those positively). I have no immediate feedback for improvement nor major issues to complain about. This app is amazing and I recommend it for anyone interested in decreasing their screen time.
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6 days ago, Raykay723
So glitchy, and stopped working completely
This app worked great the first week or two, my screen time decreased considerably, then I noticed I was not getting notifications consistently. The type of notifications also changed and they became much easier to simply click and bypass (used to be you had to press and hold- which I found much more effective in making me pause and choose to log off). I wrote customer service and was told there was nothing they could do. Then I stopped getting regular notifications. They only popped every 30 minutes even though I set it to 5 minutes. The ap stopped logging how much time I spent on social media. Then it stopped working for days or weeks at a time. Now the app is down completely while they work through “technical difficulties.” Yikes. Customer service has been unhelpful and will not process a refund. Do not waste your money on this app!
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1 year ago, EmmaVCM
Want to love it but I can’t
I so want to love this app. I love the idea and the concept, and I think with some work it can help a lot of people, but it’s so glitchy, it doesn’t even serve its purpose. The time counter doesn’t reset day to day and the time budgets don’t often work. The first budget I set didn’t work at all; it completely failed to record any time I spent on the apps I’d chosen. I built new budgets and some of them work, but some of them don’t. I’m really disappointed. I was ready to actually pay the subscription after my trial ended but I’m about to cancel my trial early. I’ve never actually written a review for an app before but I felt it was necessary for this one; the developers need to know that their app needs a lot of work
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7 months ago, Fstfingers
Worked well at first
It started off so well, and I noticed my screen time really decreased. Then it would randomly lock up my apps and I’d have to go in and remove Wellspent from accessing screen time. Well, guess I did that too many times because now it doesn’t notify me every 15 minutes and even after spending over an hour on social media, it says I’ve been on just a few minutes. I really thought I’d discovered *the* thing! ETA: every few days I need to go into settings and disallow Wellspent from accessing Screen Time and then allow it again and it will start working. Seems inconsistent, but is good when it works.
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2 months ago, strphanie.d
App worked last year but has gone downhill
I’m not sure what’s going on—I just got a notification saying they are “working on it” but the app hasn’t worked reliably in months. It was helpful at first but not anymore. I regret paying for the year subscription tbh so I turned off the renewal. It’s just confusing… some days it won’t notify at all (despite the app being open for sure and no other blocking apps conflicting with it) and other days it is relentless and annoying and I want to delete the app. I’ll keep trying it in an attempt to not feel like I’ve wasted my money completely but I don’t have much hope. 🫤
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1 year ago, CrayNayATL
I really love this app but…
I really love this app and what it’s supposed to do. But, I’m having a lot of problems and glitches. I got a new phone and thought it would just transfer everything over, it didn’t. There’s no way to login and I almost signed up for the subscription twice. I started a second free trial, then promptly cancelled when I realized I had already paid. I need to be able to restore my purchase because I really need to use this app. HELP!
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11 months ago, dhgddfggdfg
Works well when it works
Stops giving notifications randomly. Like one day it’ll work and then it just. Won’t. And then it’ll randomly decide to start giving notifications again. Set the notification reminder to three minutes just to see if maybe I didn’t have my screen open long enough. Nothing. Tried turning on and off screen time allowances for the app, fiddling with the notification settings. Nothing. It works decently for me when it works otherwise. Also the app freezes and crashes frequently.
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11 months ago, clxxdy-days
Cute but not at all helpful
It’s basically just a more aesthetic version of the normal time limit screen. It’s makes it easier to keep scrolling honestly because you don’t even have to put in a password, you can just click one button and keep going. I thought I was going to not allow you to stay on whatever app you are on (that’s what the ads show) but it’s just the same. Plus I asked it to roast me bc that’s what works best for me normally but the roasts didn’t even make sense and stopped after 2 days. I wouldn’t recommend this personally unless you want to pay for premium.
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8 months ago, OrigJennyline
When it works it’s great
I chose to pay for this app over another because when it’s working, it’s great. Unfortunately, I have these problems daily that I never had in the free trial: - the nudges stopped working for one of my budget categories all together, and that was one of the best tools for my habits - if a nudge works, I click extend when I have plenty of time left and it locks me out of the app, so I have to go into my screen time settings to turn it on and off to gain access again I am getting annoyed with the errors I need to fix - I shouldn’t be doing “fixes” every day to get the app to work. It is a GREAT APP when it works, but it looks like from other reviews that others have the same issues and have for months, so they don’t seem to be making any progress on fixing them. Complete waste of money if they don’t have the resources to handle the development.
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1 year ago, ZoltanKodály
Love the concept, a little glitchy
The first few days were good. Now a screen pops up every few seconds to interrupt me, even though I click on “remind me in five minutes.” Since installing it, I can sometimes not open the apps that have a budget—the icon disappears from my screen and doesn’t pop up when I search (note, I have not gone over budget when this happens). I hope these issues can be fixed, because I’ll have to uninstall soon if this keeps happening, and I really WANT the app to work!
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1 year ago, BFBoston
Known bug with essential “budget” feature
I’ve been using Wellspent for a few weeks. At first, it seemed good. But soon I noticed chosen apps would be completely restricted, even though there is time remaining in my chosen daily budget. When I went to FAQ section within the app with this question, Wellspent replied it’s a known issue. Incredulously, they suggest changing the phone’s date in phone setting to reset budget in Wellspent—which creates a nightmare scenario of all phone apps & features. I’m now deinstalling, as Wellspent’s bug is getting in the way of my actually being productive on my phone.
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1 year ago, Tonya860
App did not initially work, after update works well.
Initially, the App did not work at all which was frustrating. After an update, the app works as advertised. The prompts are helpful for cutting down screen time and have started to change the way I think about spending time on certain apps. The variety of prompts are very helpful.
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8 months ago, JGriz111
This is it! This is the one!
Never written an app review in my life. Had to get on here to say this is the exact combination of stopping the scroll with a full screen and emotional/intellectual appeals/reminders I needed! I only wish I could set it to lock the screen for 10 seconds for a few deep breaths. My screen time is down from an EMBARRASSING percentage of my day to 30 mins a day in just 4 days of using it. BLESS you.
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7 months ago, Adwoa2d
Malfunctions Frequently
The app will randomly lock me out of my apps, even if I have hardly spent any time on it. It gives no option to unlock either, the only thing you can do is to completely limit the app’s access. It also will randomly stop working, stop recording time or not give reminders. Not sure what is going on, but it should be criminal to not refund people with subscriptions given how defective the app is. It is a very great concept though, and for the one day that it worked properly, i did appreciate it
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9 months ago, Polskasister
Works sometimes
When this app is working as it should, it’s awesome. However, at least half the time it just stops sending the notifications. Other times, it just randomly locks all your apps even though I haven’t even come close to my limit. It’s frustrating enough that I will cancel when my free trial ends. It’s really unfortunate, because the concept is wonderful. It just needs to work the majority of the time if they want to charge a subscription fee.
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7 months ago, Haam9
Allow access to screen time
I cannot figure out how to give access to the app. It prompts me to allow, I click continue and then it says “allow with passcode” and I click that then I just get a page that says you cannot use the app without allowing access to screen time. And the link given to show how to allow the access for the app does not actually show you how to allow the app access to your screen time. I really want to try the app but I am unable to link screen time access
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11 months ago, Jondace
Options for the whole family!
My whole family, including teens and younger kids, were very open to using the app, and we all had fun choosing what type of reminder we wanted, from educational (me 😄) to roasting. 😁 So far, it’s helping me at least take breaks from scrolling, and to hopefully reduce my overall time on my phone! 🙃
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8 months ago, VFields
Wish I could love this …
I love the idea of this app, and I love it when it is working. But most of the time, I just doesn’t work. I got the paid version for a full year thinking that would be well worth it to finally have assistance in kicking my social media addiction, but I’m a few months in and I’m lucky if the app works for a full day at a time. It either crashes in the background and stops working completely (this is the most frequent issue), or glitches and totally locks me out of everything with no option to bypass and I have to go turn it off and back on again through phone settings. I hope they can work out the bugs - I did reach out by message in the app support and was told they were working on the glitches. That was a month or so ago though and so far no improvement.
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10 months ago, Testaberger
Can’t even get through setup
It asks you to “allow screen time” so the app can read your data. OK, no problem. Then it asks you to “allow with passcode.” OK, no problem. And then it says the app can’t work without access to screen time data and … now we have a problem. Because it just sends you through the loop I just described over and over again. I tried setting a passcode in Settings Screen Time - nope, that didn’t do the trick. So frustrating. Looks like there are other apps that do the same thing so I’m looking elsewhere. You should too.
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5 months ago, RaeRae8705
Does not work as advertised
Experienced a lot of bugs both with free and paid version. It didn’t accurately track my social media usage and I had only linked it to 3 apps; eventually I linked it only to Facebook. It would say I’d spent zero minutes of my time budget when I’d already been on social for a couple hours. Many days it didn’t send me notifications/nudges at all. (I did appreciate/enjoy the mindfulness nudges when they actually worked). I wasn’t able to get answers from tech support either. Hoping I can get a refund.
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2 years ago, Ayodeji Komolafe
User friendly and very helpful
From the launch screen you are blown away by the UI, the app is very user friendly and easy to use and I was able to set up a budget within seconds..I really recommend this app if you are trying ti cut off time spent on app especially social media apps
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11 months ago, Spock2468
Too Limited to be Worth It
You can only track activity on one app, and I tend to just bounce around I realize there’s subscriptions etc and these developers need to make money but honestly there’s other apps and even the built in stuff for Apple I think this could be super helpful but it’s just so not worth it to me to have to pay money to not use my phone especially with the glitch unless of the Home Screen and settings for me. Wishing this company the best
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1 year ago, Aacegikmoqsuwy
Best way to reduce time on my phone!!
Works better than “one sec” at keeping me off instagram. Bc sometimes I want to scroll! And then it’ll remind me after a little bit that I shouldn’t spend too much time on it. One sec only tells me when I try to open instagram. So this works much better
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1 year ago, Brendansmommy:)
I get my time back. Wellspent disrupts my unfocused scrolling sessions.
It keeps my time on Social Media in check so im not mindlessly watching Reels when I have better things to do. I highly recommend for parents, friends, siblings, cousins, coworkers, or anyone in any kind of relationship with any other living creature.
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11 months ago, AntoinePa
This app is a great idea, but..
The core idea behind the app is commendable, however, its execution falls short. The app fails to track the minutes of usage. Additionally, the inability to modify or remove the initially set goal is quite limiting. Furthermore, the requirement to purchase a subscription to access the feature of adding a second goal feels premature, especially when the basic functionalities are yet to prove reliable.
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1 year ago, YogaBuz
An app that helps with accountability
I was just lucky to come across this app and have been giving it a try to reduce my phone usage…. It is too easy for me to fall into mindless scrolling. I find the personalized and varied reminders very helpful to make me more aware of the moment.
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5 months ago, So mad 194727
The app doesn’t work
I downloaded this app a few days ago and am in my free trial week. It does not work. I got one push nudge and then never got another one again. Checked all of the app settings, restarted app and phone. It also does not track screen time effectively. This morning I was scrolling Instagram and realized I had been on it for 15 minutes. I check the Wellspent app and it says my screen time has been 1 minute. It’s a great idea for an app but if it doesn’t work, what’s the point?
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1 year ago, LauraHennings
I’ve gained so much of my LIFE BACK!
This app has helped me stay PRODUCTIVE & remain more PRESENT in my life. Especially as a business owner and someone who is constantly on social media for work, this keeps me focused rather than do mindless scrolling. I couldn’t recommend this app more!!! It’s amazing!!!
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2 months ago, Pizzasdonenotimefornicknames
Locks me out of apps
Ok so I was only using it for a week after I started paying for it and it was locking me out of the apps that I told it to restrict and I wasn’t on them for very long and I had no indication when I could access them again. Also time spent on the apps isn’t well calculated and I cannot go back and see the times from previous days. Just feel like $60 is not a justifiable price, just wish I would have fully realized that before the week was up.
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2 years ago, cmhoward12
I love the idea, but it’s buggy.
The free version of the app has a lag in tracking my screen time. I’ve noticed, though I set it to interrupt me every 5m, at the beginning of the day it will let me scroll 20m or more without sending an interruption. When I’m past the limit and want 5 more mins, I press the 5 more mins button and another interruption comes up 15s later. This is definitely not selling me on upgrading to the paid version.
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6 months ago, klw515
Great idea, poor execution
So many parts of this are great in theory but in practice: - no reminder on day 5 about the free trial ending soon, despite what was advertised at sign up - the last day of my free trial, every app I put on my list was suddenly and inexplicably restricted without the option to unrestrict it! I had to call someone to help me access information I needed from an app - today, I got notice from Apple that my free trial had ended. Coincidentally, there have been zero reminders about any app usage. I just zoned out on social media and realized it had been at least 30 min… I checked Wellspent and it says 11 min total across all monitored apps today In short- it’s a glitchy mess and I want my money back. I gave it 2 stars and now I’m so mad I want one of those stars back too.
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1 year ago, lukkieseven
When it works…
Super helpful…when it works. Which is virtually never these days. Paid for PRO, maybe had a week or two where it worked great, now nothing for weeks. Restarted and all that. iOS 17 and all of that. I can see in the app there are troubleshoot FAQs even about iOS 17 but the app doesn’t even work enough to load them and instead throws an error 😩 what a mess. How do I get a refund??? Or at bare minimum a working app!
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9 months ago, Just some girl66
The reminders can be a bit to frequent.
I allow myself an hour per day to peruse social media. This app will pop up every 10 minutes when I’m using it. Sometimes it’s nice to have the reminder but gosh dang it sometimes I just want my 1 hour of social media to be uninterrupted!! Let me know once I’ve hit the limit then start pestering me!
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11 months ago, fmhtchtct
Do not get if you do not want to spend money
So I learned about this app on Instagram so I downloaded it to help with my daily screen time and I was wondering why I wasn’t giving me notifications and I had them on and I looked in the App and he was tracking my time for one app And I was trying to turn on more apps, but it won’t let me because I need to pay for it to track more than just one app would not recommend you do not want to spend money.
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12 months ago, Stormgirl4
Actually gets me off my phone!
The prompts are way more helpful than the default Apple ones, I’ve already had so much more success in reclaiming my free time since downloading!!
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9 months ago, aftermyownbelly
Not allowed with IG, can lose your acct.
I got this app to help me lower my IG usage. It works pretty well for that. However, shortly after using this and paying the year subscription…IG started restricting my content on my super small private account. I can no longer use the app properly. I looked it up and found out that IG will flag your account because they do NOT ALLOW third party apps. This app directly interferes with IG and if detected they will restrict and possibly shut down your account.
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5 months ago, Emmitabanks
Good concept but buggy
This app appears well designed but often doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. It blocks apps not on my list, often fails to correctly count my time on apps, and doesn’t allow me to unblock apps without turning the app on and off again. Not worth the money for me.
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8 months ago, Emolie27
Awesome app!
This app has been so helpful for me! I love that I can customize the time I want to spend and the tone of the prompts. It really does help me spend less time on social media and be more productive.
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1 year ago, Megamuphen
I love this app!
Just a few days use and this app has already helped me so much. Customer service is great, I got a personal helpful response when I messaged about some glitching.
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9 months ago, >>>dano&k<<<
Has helped me realize and manage time
This app has helped me enjoy my time more by helping me realize how much time I’ve been wasting. So far I have loved it!
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11 months ago, It rocks socks
This app is seriously so helpful. I use social media for work so I am on it way more than I should be. The gentle reminders help me limit my screen time!
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11 months ago, Ian G3
Most Motivating prompts!!!
Best prompts to get off app of any screen time app I’ve tried! It gets me into the habit of getting off my phone since I’m in the mindless habit of getting on it.
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1 year ago, Kandiipeaches
Nothing without Pro
As all apps nowadays, there’s a free version and a paid, subscription version. I knew i wouldn’t get much with the free version, but it literally only lets you track your time on one app. That really doesn’t help me whatsoever. And, as much as i like the idea behind this app, I’m not gonna pay for something that is supposed to just tell me to stay off my phone.
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1 year ago, leopuca
Nice idea
The app has a good outline, but is buggy and lacks two basic customizations: 1) I don’t see a way to add a website to a budget’s list. 2) I couldn’t find a way to add a custom suggestion for what to do instead. One specific bug I noticed today: - Open the profile menu - Close it by swiping down - Now I can’t open the profile menu again, until I restart the app. I hope this app continues to improve, but as it is now, I’m not sure it’s worth subscribing for.
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1 year ago, sarawileyxo
I found a different app and this app can’t be removed from my iPhone, it only has the option to remove it from my homescreen. I also can’t clear data in the app and when I hover on it in the search screen it only allows me to share it! This app does not make me feel like my information is secure at all. I want it removed please.
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1 year ago, sleepyjess91
Overpriced subscription
$7.99 a month or $30 bucks a year…. Ummm no….. Saw an ad for this while on a doom scroll on Instagram and thought what a wonderful idea. Started setting it up and at the end of the set up it asks for what I think is an astronomical subscription price. I would of rather paid for the app and then had subscription pro version for more features. To use the free version you only can choose one app… how stupid is that. 1 star for the stellar idea 1 more star for the great marketing -3 for execution, pricing and lack of customer feedback implementation.
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1 year ago, 👌👌!!
Can’t use
I installed and it won’t even get past the “allow access to screen time” start window. I hit “allow access” and then it tells me I’m sorry you can’t use this without access to screen time. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, turning phone off and back on, changing screen time settings. Too bad.
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