Yahoo News: Breaking & Local

4.4 (45.9K)
108.9 MB
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Last update
4 months ago
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16.0 or later
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User Reviews for Yahoo News: Breaking & Local

4.37 out of 5
45.9K Ratings
2 months ago, Cromag2
It’s poor practice when developers make drastic changes to their app such that it causes users to struggle to use it as they have been doing for months or longer. This is the case with the July 2024 update. They should warn us with an email to briefly explain the changes🤨. It took me a long time to remove all the trash click bait magazines from my news feed. Seems to be working better now.
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3 months ago, BigDaddyKang
App went from hero to zero
The prior version of this app was my go to news app and had everything I wanted. It was laid out like a customizable newspaper with your main news section, world news, sports, local news, etc. that you could rearrange, add, or modify. You could also set up sections with specific news sources. I loved it because it was like a newspaper, but it also gave me a balanced version of what was happening from different sources, different perspectives, and allowed you to cover almost every categories of the news you could possibly imagine. It was glorious. The new version appears to be designed in order to eliminate your choices. Now there are FAR less categories to choose from, the layout is muddled (the sections all blend together), a lot of the categories are complete fluff, and there is no way to choose specific news sources. Instead of showing you news by sections, it appears to be pushing whatever the most popular clickbait story is. It also looks like it is trying to imitate a social media feed, just with all news stories picked by Yahoo. It also has tiny font and too much AI bullet points built in. The new update is just a dumbed down version of the Yahoo news app. I guess I’ll go back to my old news app sources until they fix this pile of hot garbage that is their new update (or give you the choice to use a traditional layout)…they completely ruined this one.
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3 months ago, Elauv
New Update ruined it…..
Im not sure why these large companies feel the need to take something simple/working and turn it into a jumble of nonsense. Most people just want the articles from the sources they choose. Why not leave it like that?? Now…articles from weeks ago are showing up, articles from sources that have nothing to do with what I want to see, the choosing of sources has become cumbersome because you have to block the ones you don’t want instead of what you do want and none of the setup on the page is logical. Oh….and stop with the stupid “get points by reading more articles” nonsense. It’s childish and overkill. The “For You” section is definitely not “For Me” Took something simple and loaded it with trash. Sad!
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1 week ago, MortenLJensen
Yahoo is 24/7 Propaganda
This site regularly blocks comments from conservative. It’s parent company is infiltrated by CCP State Infofmatuon police. They are tasked with removing pro western ideas from Yahoo. Indeed The same algorithmic programs to catch fact based and pro freedom writings censor and omit them run here on US Yahoo servers. The information distributed in Yahoo News is entirely authored for the purpose of protecting the corrupt totalitarian regime which now rules America. Federal Agencies deliver their political propaganda by co-opting Yahoos executives directives to employees . Yahoo is party to the 2020 election interference which led to installing a totalitarian “Democrat Party” gang of thugs which is currently consolidating its power by waging a campaign of media lies against its opponents. Boycot Yahoo: its is an enemy of free people accross the globe.
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1 year ago, iTat11S
Terrible app
Not sure if it’s the algorithm but the app pushes a lot of clickbait and one-sided/biased articles. Not too many objective articles which is terrible for the current state of the world where people just want straight fact and reporting without the biased opinion of the writer. Not to mention, the comments section is a rotten cesspool of people who seem to be on the extremes, in echo chamber, and only there for confirmation bias. I probably had the app for 5+ years and I thought it was pretty neat. I thought it was more of just objective news back then and I was hoping it would get better but it just kept getting worse so finally deleting it.
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7 years ago, NYJMM
Okay, too many video only articles.
The recent changes seem to throw a lot of video at readers in articles. Many times I like to just read article,then maybe watch associated video. Would be nice to be able to pause the video. Video uses a lot of data and even though many have unlimited plans the data is slowed down after a certain amount of data usage.
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2 years ago, susannwnc
What happened
I’ve had Yahoo News for several years, recently I’ve had trouble. If there is a link on Google news for a story from Yahoo, I keep getting the same story over and over again about wild horses???? I went directly to the Yahoo news app I have on my iPad and unfortunately the same thing happens. As of today, I have deleted the app and have now reinstalled it. Crossing my fingers! Maybe I’ll be able to do an update on this review.
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3 months ago, Fed Up American Teachet
So biased an educated person can’t read it.
Yahoo news is so objective and full of liberal nonsense that facts are often hard to find. Can’t journalists just report the facts and let people make their own judgments. Take the “migrant” crisis for instance. The vast majority of Americans , liberal or conservative, want the borders closed to illegal entry, but Yahoo reporters must spend the rhetoric of far left liberals and try to slant the crime, the vast cost to the American taxpayer and the overcrowding of schools and resources in a positive light. There is talk of cutting social security benefits and we have to pay to feed and house non Americans? This country is messed up.
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8 months ago, Veryoldmusic
Crashing for MONTHS
This app has been crashing for months. Using a new iPhone 14 with up-to-date iOS. Try to open the app and it’s the white screen with the yahoo insignia in the center for maybe 10 seconds and it crashes and disappears leaving you with the home screen. Restarting the app for the second time works. But why must I have the app crash and then have to restart it again to get it to work? I thought I reviewed this before but my review was not there so I am trying again with this review. Maybe a developer or someone from the app will read this.
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7 years ago, Olliesgirl
Glitches to different story when clicked
The app often opens an entirely unrelated story when when I’m trying to follow a different headline. Then when I go back, I can’t find the story I was originally interested in reading. It also switches articles. Often, when I’m in the middle of reading a long story it will suddenly switch to a different article with no way to get back to the story I was reading. The only option is to spend 5-10 scrolling through the feed hoping to find the headline again. This is especially annoying when I’m 15 minutes or more deep into a long read article.
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3 months ago, C-Vo
New format is awful
1st you must allow to have the app to track you or it doesn’t work. 2. Clicking onto the article and reading it is the thing of the past. Now you have to click on the subject and than to whatever article you want to read. 3. The internet format you read the articles in is worse and I don’t understand why they changed it from the app format. 4. They took away the comment section even though it’s available on the website. 5. Just deleted the app and recommended you do the same.
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4 years ago, Un-origin
New version is annoying
There was nothing wrong with functionality of the old version. This update has made stories not load. It's also slow, choppy and unreliable. The main page doesn't seem to work very well. Update: the app continually freezes opening and closing articles to the point where I close and reopen it. Frustrating and annoying. I’ve almost stopped using it in favour of just going through safari. The web is more up to date and no issues with responsiveness.
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4 years ago, USA36
Yahoo use cheap tactics to get users
First they have comments under articles letting people express their views then what happened? You guess it! They don’t have enough moderation or moderators to watch all this and they have disable it. Of course they claimed is only temporary but is not! Only reason why they have comments in first place is to attract new users. Once they hit number they just disabled comments. Yahoo is a scam and garbage company! I’m still remembering my email leak with password. I would never trust them ever! Avoid them at al cost and you will have happier life!
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6 years ago, Heartland Soybean Joe
Negativity News
I personally feel that the entire News media including Yahoo has gone to feeding more and more negative news to the American public! There’s so much positive good news to report but not reported. The small percentage of negative things from all aspects of daily life are reported as if this is the way all Police officers are, its the way all airlines are, a particular car manufacturer has so unsafe cars, nothing in politics are done productivity ... I can go on and on. If your wandering I was a registered Democrat now switching parties. I’ll just go with what does get done, not sit with a party that obstructs and complains.
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6 years ago, Laura of oz
Keeps me up to date on news
I don’t have a lot of time to watch all the news so I really love getting the important things that come across my screen. That way I can tap on it and it takes me to to whole story. Even if it’s not all that important it does keep me in touch with what’s happening in our country and our world around us.
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7 years ago, Cybrarian-WI
Won’t go to landscape anymore!!!
I don’t know what happened, what update did this, but all of a sudden when Newsroom opens it switches from landscape (which I keep my iPad locked in) to portrait and then that mucks everything up. Can’t see parts of the sty and have difficulty scrolling. And I’m still not a fan of Yahoo not just taking us to a browser - I preferred that. At least it seems like it consistently is taking us always to the app rather than half the time to a browser, half the time to the app. I’m not a fan though. The app opens up much more slowly than my browser did.
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7 years ago, 61Espo
Got worse with last update!
Yahoo updated the app last week and now my I phone shows 75 notifications that used to disappear when you opened the app and read the stories! Fix this please! I don't need to be looking at this little red for all if the time showing 75 notifications when there aren't any there!
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7 years ago, DnLRArk61
I Love Yahoo! I especially luv that you keep me up to date on all the latest Science news. In as much as I am a gluten for all types. I went to college to study Forensic Science but was bitten by the Sociology bug. Soci allow me to combine many favorite disciplines including Data Management, which I had work history in. Thanks Yahoo! For keeping me in the loop morning to night old friends.
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6 years ago, SOGQ
Forum for the misinformed.
I’m so glad to be able to read a story that may or may not be entirely worthwhile and then endure the comments of the legions of lemmings whose ability to read, and think is limited by the amount of FOX CABLE NEWS they watch. The only thing good that comes out of these comments is the knowledge that the USA has so many frightened and gullible people in it.
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7 years ago, TheTruthPrevails
Good work in keeping free thought alive!
It's good that you provide an open forum for voicing opinions! But some stories seem too tabloid! America has no concept of reality left! To decipher reality from fiction! Can you better screen your stories? Otherwise people do complain about Yahoo! But they still use it like an addiction! Keep up the good work in keeping free thought alive!
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3 years ago, drM3zzanin3
Going downhill
This app used to have useful news. Now each article is choked with a summary section that is usually exactly the same as the first 3 paragraphs afterwards, an exact copy. Then there are only a couple more paragraphs before the article ends and does not contain the full article most of the time before auto- loading the next article. There are also many duplicate articles on the main feed. The feed is twice as long as it needs to be. It’s just too much work to try and dig through and get useful information from this app anymore.
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7 years ago, Jmarie660
This review is my last hope before I delete app
As a libertarian I truly HATE only finding severely biased articles. But the comment sections on here make it somehow bearable as I’m not expecting groundbreaking objective news only from yahoo. HOWEVER, yahoos Poor attention to details and fact checking their disgustingly biased progressive left side of literally EVERY article is such a let down because THEIR base won’t leave them, but after all they’ve recently been through as a company, why aren’t they listening to customers exactly like myself who they should be trying to scope for?
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5 years ago, Beto4dogcatcher
Less than professional and highly left leaning
Can’t seem to hire actual professional journalists so most of their stories come from other websites, then they filter those for mostly nonsense. Very little news, but I like to read the comments. Lots of seriously mental people commenting on stuff they are clueless about. Gets entertaining.
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3 years ago, jlinx2000
User interface is stupid
This news app would close the news article I’m reading whenever I swipe the page down a bit too much or if I’m already near or at the same Top of the page. Instead of just scrolling to the top of the page, the app closes the article I’m reading. The app already uses swipe from left to close an article or return to main page so why hijack the swipe down gesture for the same purpose ?
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7 years ago, Sherri876
Great Information
This is great, I am able to get up to date news on what is going on. I do appreciate that the articles are consistent and I don’t have to keep pressing an arrow to continue on with the story. This opens quickly, the format is easy to read and select what may interest me for reading or viewing next.
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7 years ago, The job seekers coach
There are all different news apps out there that are very bias when it comes to politics. Yours doesn’t. It just tells you the facts as to what has happened. When it comes to to anything else out there, it’s always the facts. It’s also very helpful if you want information for yourself. It’s very good and informative.
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7 years ago, Lucky79706
Featured articles freeze when scrolling
This app always has a few bugs but the latest has been SUPER frustrating! When you try to scroll through the featured articles, the app starts stalling or not responding at all. Only way around it is to force shut down the app and reopen, hoping that the featured article you were trying to click on is still there when you go back in. Please fix!!!!
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7 years ago, StephenReedy
Dangerous garbage
I have read Yahoo news since the late 1990’s. I have seen it decline in quality up to this current point- Yahoo news is often false, poorly researched and littered with errors. Worse, the links are often clickbait that make you click several other links just to get to the article. In several cases, a headline may read “See the photo everyone is talking about”... only to find the article has no photo. Thousands of comments on such scam-articles share the frustration. I believe Yahoo News is a greedy con. They hate you, treat you as a product and their information is dangerous to minds that are easily Influenced. I am not liberal nor conservative. I value balanced common sense as much as it is possible to find balanced common sense. I wish the best for humanity in a non-dogmatic way and believe everyone deserves happiness. Yahoo News does not.
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2 years ago, CrapApplication
Too many ads annoying ads that keeps brings the page back up
This app is useless, I can’t finish a longer article because the greedy developers makes the article to jump back up to the beginning of the page to get you again through the ads. I will delete it. Or also the gready hungry for clicks you put an article on 50 pages hoping that we will click 50 times on your crappy Next page. Not anymore, deleted you
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7 years ago, Kentac
Mccs employee
I'm a news alert person, like an owl... This app is quicker, very highly conveinaint about topics. You should incorporate a viospeak adaptation to direct to certain topics but not having to look... Also a home that goes to your last entry. I'm a very pleased of this app. I just have some ideas to give... Your yahoo fan and for life...
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5 years ago, SirNoid42
Replies to comments are no longer chronological
Recently the replies to comments changed from being listed chronologically to being based on “relevance”. I can understand ordering the initial comments by “relevance” but using relevance for the replies makes it impossible to follow the thread of a conversation. I have not found an option to view the replies to a comment in chronological order. A reply to this by a developer did not address my question. Reading through the comments that are not chronological renders the comment section nearly useless.
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6 years ago, Ganderland
The best for brief update of news and events
I really love this app because I am always a click away from current and credible news and information while I am away from home or a TV. Moreover it provides a variety of platforms and I appreciate having this app. I am happy to give a rating of 5
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6 years ago, Gondolson
Catch around the world news in just few minutes
I stopped reading newspaper, now stopped watching CNN and other news channel as I get all my news from Yahoo newsroom in my palm on my iPhone. I get the headlines and I can zoom in for details on any news of my interest. I love yahoo news on my iPhone.
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7 years ago, Alternativebest
Updated interface horrible
Used this app regularly to get access to basic news. Recently updated the layout that was poorly made. The top trending articles gives you almost no information with some pictures. The normal articles itself you must “continue reading” to read the full article which then changes the format of the article and makes you lose your place. Updates made no improvements.
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3 months ago, nsnnsjxux
I don’t want a “personalized” newsfeed that just keeps me in the same bubble. I want to see what’s out there and figure out what I’m interested in reading in the moment. I used Yahoo news because it didn’t do that and Apple did. As soon as my Yahoo news app updated and demanded that I pick topics I liked before it would even let me browse the news I knew I was going to delete it and have to find something else. I could not regret updating the app more. So disappointing.
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2 years ago, jchc88
I love this app. You can tell they really put a lot of money into the UI and building a solid product in native swift. I have been looking for a news app with the look and feel of this one for a long time. Absolutely love it, and if anyone at Yahoo reads this, keep up the great work!!!
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6 years ago, goRAYZ
Terribly Biased
I downloaded the app a few days ago. I finally decided to open it after hearing some outlandish and racist questions from a Yahoo Reporter during the White House Press Conference today. Upon opening the app the headlines are somehow more hyperbolically exaggerated than CNN’s website. Not to mention there were endless ads. I had hopes of a “fresh” and fairly balanced reporting of the news in today’s fake news scene. And what I got was the most biased media source to date. Do not waste your time in downloading this. I’ve since deleted it.
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7 years ago, rbamford523
Up to the minute news.
It's ok. Does keep you informed on the top news stories. I'm not crazy about the layout. I really liked the other yahoo news format better. Wish they'd give you a choice. Changing things does not always mean change for the better.
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5 years ago, Logging me out
Video Problems
I use this app to watch the news and normally do not have problems , however this time I wanted to watch a video that is part of an article and it tells me: “due to license restrictions, this video cannot be play on a tablet. To view the video, use a mobile phone instead “. I am using a mobile phone, not a table...I am using using the app that installed on my iphone.
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6 years ago, 🇹🇯Chief747
News updates
I like the news updates and timely notifications. Usually don’t have time to look for “what is happening”, but the updates as they happen gives me the alert to look further for the “rest of the story”.
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3 months ago, Lachdanani
Beyond bad! One star is too high.
Resets your chosen categories to what yahoo and "sponsors" want you to see. Constantly removes REAL news, such as "World News" and replaces it with another "Celebrity ""News"" category. Ads and scam sites pop up in the middle of articles and often have no way to close. Many story's are only poor videos and loads of fake stories. Crashed a lot and loads of misleading buttons that rather than scroll redirect you to buy an app or scam site item. Pathetic app for REAL news.
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6 years ago, Eh bob
Response to inquirie
Very good and informative. It appears you tried to report the news correctly. Keep up the good work and keep the news real and not fake news. Enough of that type of news comes from the other news source especially CNN.
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6 years ago, Samir & me
the news collection from all over the US Media, give me and my family a daily update on worldwide economy and the president activities all articles and comment are highly appreciated to save time and publicity ... wish you and all the contributors best of luck for the range and wide diversity of informations
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7 years ago, CLBluewater
This app is easy to navigate and has up to date news and Breaking news. Easy to read and view videos. The content is good and doesn’t come across as biased when reported. Yahoo news should partner with FOX NEWS and it would be even better.
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6 years ago, Tiffthemonster
Great app, more balanced since adding 360
I’ve had this app for years, along with CNN and Fox. I like getting different viewpoints if news. My favorite thing, though, is the addition of the “360” reports. They present an issue/situation, and show multiple viewpoints. More of a one stop shop for my news!
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6 years ago, TenementFunster
Very good
To have the news updates is priceless, and just what you need. Facts, checked by independent standards of journalism and why we have a first amendment. For those who can’t handle the sh#¥show in their news every day about dumpsterfire, they knew what they wanted when they signed up for this administration.
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7 years ago, @SongDuck
Great app for the news
Newsroom by Yahoo is a terrific app to keep current on news. I found myself using Newsroom throughout the day. And it has since become how I start my day, Newsroom with a cup of coffee. I also like reading comments by others, as well as the ability to add my comments.
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7 years ago, wangb3
Wonderful for getting a peak of the current events!
Refreshes constantly so you’re always getting the latest news! Most stories are the large headlines so you might not get some of the smaller stories, but it’s great if you just want to see what’s going on in the world.
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4 years ago, Mikeyz3
Bring back the comments, or lose me forever.
So tired of the constant tweaks to the app, where in the process of making something supposedly better, they wreck something indispensable that persists until the next update. If you’re lucky. This time it’s the loss of ability to review your own comments. Tapping on your, or anyone else’s, circular icon fails to bring up the post history like it did previously. You get one star until it’s fixed.
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7 years ago, Ehong33234
Has Potential With Some Much Needed Updates
Needs to add these features to upcoming (hopefully soon) updates: 1. Videos need to be either transcribed in the article or offer closed captioning. Just throwing a video up with no reading option is isolating half of your app users who are reading in bed or can’t have the volume on. 2. When a user is reviewing their own comments (posts), there’s no way to Re-read the article you commented on. See notifications should allow a swipe left to view article or swipe right to see comment(s). 3. Search function is a joke 4. Give option to bookmark or favorite an article 5. Allow reputation points for posts
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