Affinity Photo 2 for iPad

Photo & Video
4.3 (523)
1701.8 MB
Age rating
Current version
Serif Labs
Last update
3 weeks ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Affinity Photo 2 for iPad

4.25 out of 5
523 Ratings
4 months ago, Rodd1991
Wishes for further updates
Thank you Seriff for providing such amazing tool for photo editing! I never doubt it d be that great specially for its price. But I’m glad I bought it. Now id like to see some Ai improving for masking,selecting subjects. Since I’m using this app, I drop photoshop for good! Keep on the good work!
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1 year ago, Ahlbus
Powerful and the right price
I got my new iPad and went to download v1 and found it missing. That wasn’t the promise when I purchased, but it has been like 7 years, I’m not heartbroken over it, it’s downright inexpensive for what it does. Initial experience. Step one, import raw = crash. Step 2, import same raw, works. So that’s the second unimpressive experience, but that’s not missing capability, that’s just an incoming update. I can verify that Lightroom modern apps on pc have been a crashy mess in the past year, this is not uncommon in my experience. One thing I will point out is that Lightroom recovered to my last editing step when I reopened, while affinity acted like it never heard of me or my image…something for the devs to think about in crash handling. The nondestructive raw editing is the most exciting feature for me. All I really do is cropping and Lightroom-like tasks, and this enables me to accomplish that, on iPad, quickly, while mobile, effectively, for little money, with added bonuses of photoshop capabilities, but without the very very sketchy Adobe subscription practices. Try cancelling an Adobe subscription and you’ll see what I mean, you might even have to pay to cancel…low class, won’t participate in that. Thanks Affinity.
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1 year ago, arthands
Absolutely powerful and intuitive
I love Affinity and now version 2 (with noticeably improved items such as displacement map). I notice some persons giving it low scores because they are comparing the interface to photoshop and saying it is too different; they had gotten used to using Adobe for quite some time. If taken on it’s own, Affinity is actually quite intuitive. It isn’t necessarily fair to compare the two. Just as if someone had gotten used to another interface and switched to Adobe they would find it quite a bit of a learning curve. I see persons taking off stars because they had to pay for v2. For years Affinity v1 has given free updates and changes. Now that they have revamped significantly, it isn’t unreasonable to pay for that (an amount that still works out to less than a third of a year’s subscription of Adobe). Keep in mind that v1 still exists. What I find most impressive is have a fully functional and exceptionally powerful photo editing tool for iPad, not a pared/stripped down version. Great job Affinity!
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2 months ago, Axabazz
Doesn’t work on my Windows 11 computer but works like a charm on IPad Pro
I got Affinity Photo because I wanted to edit my photos with better effects and less destructive processes than was available to me using the free program G.I.M.P.. I like the quality of life updates and the work flow that in some areas is not just comparable to Adobe Photoshop but excels beyond the more limited interface of photoshop. I think that Affinity Photo is very competitive and listens to its user base. I think that Affinity is in some ways better and is going to continue to bring quality updates especially because it is a smaller company with something to prove. I really wish the program would work on my windows 11 computer. I was very happy when the license I bought for windows also allowed me to download and use the program on IPad Pro. I think this is a very quality program and a very conscious and progressive company that I hope continues to support and listen to their users.
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1 year ago, artysan
Unbelievably bad UI, unusable help system.
Lots of power in this program that I may never be able to make regular use of for two reasons: 1. A crazy-quilt UI! Contextual control sliders scattered all over the screen with second functions you can’t even know until you click on the fader’s first function. A mouse-over with no click should reveal all functions of that control. I should never have to go hunting and pecking to find out. That holds me back every single time I open the app. These scattered giant sliders are not good UI design as there’s no ‘eye memory’. Once a tool is chosen, all controls should display as a unified layout lurking just offscreen with a tab at the edge that shows the whole layout, much like the options for a studio. 2. The help system. The online help in the app cannot be bookmarked, and it is required to fully close it to return to work. Reopening for further help, you find your time-consuming search has been lost. Back and forth you go…. This is just plain nonsense. Sorry so negative, but the fact is, AP has designed a high level of frustration into the UI. It’s really bad.
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3 months ago, Norris Lurker
Like I said, I’m in
It’s taken me a long time to decide how I feel about Photo 2 after using the first version. The giant change between the two is that it is now a near-exact replica of the desktop app; they replaced dialog boxes with a UI system that suits the iPad better (it would have been a travesty if they hadn’t), and you still have to think a bit laterally to figure out where to find features. But that’s not new. What held me up for a long time was the Command Controller. That’s the thing that substitutes for the keyboard: command, control, option, shift keys. The desktop version can’t work without them, and neither can this. That means my habit of holding the iPad in one hand and drawing with the other keeps tripping and falling down. It’s most annoying when it _almost_ works, then hits a snag. So I regret the loss of some workarounds that they’ve removed, like the ability to select multiple layers by tapping one then sliding on the others. Constant annoyance: to get to Help, you have to exit the current document, find it on the main menu, then close it and go back to the document. Despite complaints, one huge accolade: this is an iPad app that does almost everything its desktop cousin does, and its cousin is first rate. This is a copy-and-paste of what I just said about Designer 2, since all of it—including, or especially the accolade—apply equally.
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12 months ago, RySkream
Not bad, but not great…
Overall it’s a moderately decent knockoff photoshop. Major bonus is no monthly subscription fee. Most of the content you’ll see online is for the v1 iPad app, so it will take some time finding where all necessary tools are. My biggest complaint, above all else… you cannot see the outline of the brush when you’re using a brush or eraser. This makes everything kind of a gamble if you’ll erase too much or too little. That is a VERY basic feature that appears in every other raster or vector editor I’ve ever seen. Without this, workflow is severely hindered. I’ve searched everywhere for a solution, but there isn’t one. They just left it out for some reason. People have been asking for this feature on the forums for over two years, even for the original affinity photo. Why this wouldn’t be added makes zero sense to me. As a result, I find myself having to rely on photoshop and procreate for important projects much more than Affinity Photo.
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3 weeks ago, novalex1016
The solution!
I’ve honestly loved using this app. It’s coming in handy so many times over the obvious competition. The UI might be something to get used to but with an open mind, it’s refreshing and offers us so much more to utilize. I’m switching over on PC as well over and I’m canceling those subscriptions. I trust the people at Affinity keep their users in mind. Runs perfectly too well on the iPad Pro M1. After going back-and-forth, I think I have discovered what could possibly be, the cherry on top; A more seamless way to add Multiple photos into New Projects. Without diving into the cloud stuff, Like LumaFusion, you can create a link to (supported formats) or folder external Drive. If the drive is not plugged in, it shows as missing. Just a thought. Great work!! Can’t wait to see what’s to come.
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1 year ago, mhamadhaifa
2.0.4 Improvements on the surface, More problems below the curtains
Even after the 2.0.4 update, the app still does not recognize automatic lens profile for my tamron 24-70 f2.8 from the develop module. Non destructive raw which is the most enticing feature crashes a lot, and i wish to return to work on the file the app stops working. When i compare working on both versions, the 1st version does not crash compared to the 2nd version. Filters on the 2nd version sometimes are reset for a reason i m still trying to figure. I cancelled all of the apple pencil shortcut for that. Panorama stitching work less on the 2nd version than on the 1sr as if the latter is smarter. The 2nd version also crashes more often when working on hdr and when wishing to return to develop module. I really wish these problems would be fixed soon because i really love this app and the changes are welcomed in my opinion. However, with that much of crashes and bugs, this version is unproductive
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9 months ago, Luke GPhoto
The main reason I got an iPad
I’ve been using affinity photo since the original version years ago. It is a fantastic photoshop alternative, especially without a subscription plan. I’ve used it on windows tablets, but the interface was always made for a mouse, and not set up for a stylus. I tried a friends iPad, and even though he didn’t have a pencil, editing with fingers alone on the iPad is such a smoother experience on the iPad than on windows. It won me over. Even though I was never an Apple fan by any means, I edit enough to make the switch worth it. Only problem I’ve encountered is the sharpening creates strong black lines and artifacts in the iPad version that never show up in the windows version.
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1 year ago, HisWorkmanship
Lost functionality with upgrade
it is virtually impossible to open an existing image from another application. Whether you’re sharing a file from the Safari browser, or from another app exporting to a PSD file. It shows I can open it in Publisher 2, but not in Photo 2. Which makes no sense. It’s forcing you to go into the application and go to the open section which is taking a lot of time, especially if you save the image to a photo because you have to select that you want a photo before you can even open it. They’ve made this app totally frustrating for compatibility between other applications. Maybe drag and drop works I don’t know I have over 250 applications and so they’re in different folders and it’s not very convenient to do that. I’m posting this review here because I could not find any way to contact support from within the app.
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1 week ago, Blue bloods watcher
On par with PS for me
I’ve been using PS a long time for work & personal use, and I know my way around the interface. I needed an image manipulation program for my iPad, and work wasn’t footing the bill. VERY PLEASED with Affinity. In many ways, it’s MORE intuitive than PS - not nearly the initial learning curve. Most users would get all the features they need in Affinity for a fraction of the cost. And - equally as important - you don’t have to deal with the constant irritation of signing into your online subscription account. Purchase. Create (online or offline). Print or export. Done. Easy-peasy, how software should be.
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1 year ago, Sendeky
Latest Version FIXED
I bought this app around November 2022 and at first really enjoyed it. However, when I started doing more things on it (more specifically, editing RAW photos from my iPhone) it turned out that it was very unstable and would oftentimes crash when doing the most basic things like adjusting color temperature. I stopped using the app because of the issues and waited for an update. IT FINALLY CAME! The latest version of the app has fixed all of the issues I was having and I can happily say that it continues to be my favorite photo editing app on iPad!!
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4 months ago, Mabryan777
I Really Wanted This to Work
I own the original Affinity photo for iPad. I loved the program until it recently started crashing when using the clone tool. I would spend a lot of time cloning out blank borders, created from a panorama, only to have the program crash about two dozen times before I was able to save my work. I am using an iPad Pro 12.9 sixth generation. Today I began the trial for version two of Affinity photo for iPad. It crashes the same way that version one does. Before I’m able to save my work, the program crashes, and all of the work, including hours worth are lost. I should not lose the ability to use version 1 for iPad, but I was willing to pay again, if version 2 would work. Sadly, it does not, so I may not continue the seven day trial.
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1 year ago, justinrain
M1 Ipad App crashes when selecting "merge down"
I’m using Photo to draw my vector graphics; I think the app is fantastic the way i use it for drawing high DPI clip art. I noticed today that i couldn’t merge a layer down to the one below. As soon as i tried to the app would crash freezing the whole interface. Happened on an M1 12.9 in AP2. Thanks for a great app and for fixing this issue. I can’t wait til you create a bitmap trace tool inside of Designer so i can make my vectors in one place. I won’t have to head over to Inkscape. Keep crushing it over there at Serif! I love the Affinity2 suite
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1 year ago, branheck
Update on my previous review
After my last review, Affinity reached out to me and asked me to contact their support team. I provided five videos documenting my problems. Affinity’s team suggested, dispassionately, that I make two settings adjustments and otherwise not touch the glass at all with my hand. I did those things. For a day, everything seemed a little better, but now it’s worse than ever. I’ve been working for a couple of days, and Affinity Photo is littering my canvas with garbage marks I can’t be the culprit of causing because my gloved hand is not touching the glass. I am utterly disappointed with this software. It cost me $100 for the year and I have not been able to generate a single finished image with this ridiculously buggy software. I am over it.
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1 year ago, nicholas042893
Most features in an iOS image manipulation app
Serif is the first to introduce the power of their software on mobile and offer an experience that feels mobile-friendly when I need, and desktop-workflow capable when I want. Procreate is great for working with drawing and painting tools but for precision graphic, illustration and image-manipulation work, Affinity Photo gives me what I need but on my iPad. Bitmap work in Photo and vector work in Designer is a beautiful friendship. Publisher on my iPad has been great for making catalogs without switching to my laptop.
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8 months ago, anonymouse293018
Great — don't listen to the other reviews
I noticed this app had only 3 stars at honestly, I don't know how. This is a professional grade image editing software, and while it has quite a bit of a learning curve in many regions, that's not necessarily a bad thing. For all of my time using Affinity Photo 1 and 2, I've loved every second of it. All of my best logos and designs have all been made using Affinity Photo, so if you need an alternative to whatever Adobe thinks they at, I highly recommend Affinity Photo, and Affinity's other apps. - PF
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1 year ago, Ironscribe
So now I have to pay for it again?
I bought this app in 2021 and hadn't used it for awhile in iPad. Just got a new iPad Pro and decided to install it again, and it's asking for a license key. I'm like, uhh I thought I just bought it through the app store. Found the original email proving I did, but evidently at some point they decided they want you to register through their app on purchase and since that wasn't the case when I bought it, I apparently need to buy it again on Affinity's new system to actually own the app. So much for their promise of a "one time" purchase, especially on an app with a subpar UI for iPad vs. the desktop version. No thanks. I'll find something else.
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1 year ago, poilice
The fact you have to pay to get the new app for a simple ui rebrand and some little small features that aren’t worth repurchasing is a big dis-attraction. I got to pay again for the app? What if affinity photo for iPad 3 comes out? Am I going to have to pay for it again? This is basically a update but for some reason it’s shown as a entirely new app that you have to repurchase… and I had to go into downloads to redownload the old versions so I could actually use what I payed for since it won’t show up on the App Store anymore… if this isn’t a update and its a new app why isn’t the old version still up? And if its not some big new version that throws away the old one why must I pay for it again? Please fix this
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1 year ago, Kojin no Kaizen
So sick of misdirection and owning nothing
The entire enticement of the first version was a one time payment. At this point, we need laws preventing companies from using legal jargon and 2 hours worth of reading/researching ToS agreements for everything on our lives, so they’re legally able to take advantage of customers. It’s physically impossible to do that when you’re living your own life with other responsibilities. You may as well go ahead and subscribe to a more advanced option like Photoshop, or use something free, like Gimp/Apple editors. How long until we don’t outright own anything we’ve already paid for? You don’t own the first version because it’s removed. Blizzard did the same with Overreach.
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1 year ago, barnettart
𝑰❜𝒎 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 Adobe 𝒕𝒐 Affinity users 𝒘𝒉𝒐❜𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒏❜𝒕 had 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝐟 𝐚 good 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 converting 𝐦𝐲 workflows at all. I’ve 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 the criticisms about the UI 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆! The help files especially are wildly, poorly designed for 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 use, 𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 happens 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 blessed 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 an eidetic memory. Are we peons supposed 𝒕𝒐 quickly scratch down notes on 𝒐𝒖𝒓 shopping lists‽ lol - link 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝐲 tool 𝒂𝒏𝒅 option 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒆 proud❢ Masks are unintelligible messes compared 𝒕𝒐 𝑷𝑺, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 yes 𝑰 know how 𝒕𝒐 ❝Solo❞ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝑩𝑼𝑻 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒔 𝐚 𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 alternative 𝒕𝒐 how well Adobe developed masking… 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 go on but 𝐦𝐲 wife’s calling 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 dinner, 𝐚 far better way 𝒕𝒐 spend 𝐦𝐲 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.
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1 year ago, Jean DeJardon
1st Picture In AppStore Is A Dude lol Don’t Be Fooled
That is what this app is trying to do. Pull the wool over your eyes. They claim with the 1st and promised to be only Affinity Photo that they were not like PhotoShop and they weren’t going to be subscription based software. Now here we are with their trans AffinityPhoto2 and there not even going to offer support for Affinty Photo anymore. Hence the reason it was taken down from the App Store. All our money in the trash becuase we belived in this company that was selling a almost better than PhotoShop App for $15 and sometimes $10 I think. Now you want me to buy another app with a guy posing as a girl with a wig over his face to hide that he is a dude and fall for the trap again? No way.
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9 months ago, J <3 K
Affinity 1 broken afte iPad os17 update!
Since the original affinity photo for iPad is no longer in the App Store I figured I’d leave this message here. Since the update, all brushes are broken, brush strokes are a bunch of boxy jagged lines. When editing, all the former brush strokes are popping up all over the photo. It’s very distracting! I’m not sure if there will ever be a fix for this product that we paid for but a warning to everyone else, don’t update to iPad OS17!
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1 year ago, EnoraVFX
Most annoying Eyedropper
This is the painting app with one of the most unresponsive and clunky eyedropper that makes color picking a nightmare. Suggestion: Allow users to set a shortcut modifier like alt to temporarily use eyedropper while the button is pressed. Otherwise you have to really improve the speed of the eyedropper gesture. Long tap is just too slow, and often times it draws on the canvas instead of color picking, even if "touch for gestures only" is turned on. Everything else is great but as digital painter this slow eyedropper is the biggest bottleneck in my work speed.
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8 months ago, Hopkinsfive
Outstanding App
I use the Affinity apps every day on my Mac and iPad. They are truly fantastic. Powerful and reasonably priced. It literally does 98-99% of what Adobe can do. It’s baffling to me why people would leave anything but glowing reviews. I switched from Adobe and outrageous subscription costs in 2020, and I remember wondering if I was making a mistake, but I have only been happy with Affinity. Kudos to the creators. Thank you for a flipping awesome app!
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1 year ago, GC111111
To Different from Photoshop, fails to export
If you use photoshop the user interface on this app is totally confusing. I can’t get anything done with this application without investing too much time. Having said that, Photoshop for the iPad is a complete insult and abomination. I tried to export an affinity 2 file on the iPad in Photoshop and jpg formats and the files don’t get saved. Lots of settings, but there is no SAVE button, just an OK button but nothing gets saved. If I try sharing then it has no permissions. Thats is probably apple’s ridiculous file system.
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5 months ago, brian485
Shockingly good tech support
I had to reinstall this app and had a problem which was resolved in just a few minutes by "Steven S" on their support desk. In this day and age of nonexistent tech support Serif and Steven should be commended on a job well done. As a user of both Affinity Photo for Mac and iPad I have no problem recommending their products.
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12 months ago, Alig8260
This is the most stable & the most complete version of affinity photo
In the last version you made some minor fixes that really really help affinity photo on iPad shine more than ever. I use this app more than 6 or 8 hours per day for more than 3 years; this version is the best photo editor app on the world for iPad.
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1 week ago, shewhu
Amazing product and Great value
In these times when everyone and his dog is trying to return us to slavery and the indentureship system under the guise of the subscription model, this company is proving a free system can still work. This company is proving that greed and holding people hostage is not the only option as we move into the new age of Aquarius. The product is now raveling any established high priced competition on the market. As a matter of fact it has surpassed some of their comparative features. I love this product and highly recommend it for the beginner as well as the professional at heart.
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8 months ago, Lady GooGoo LaLa
Version 1 much better UI than version 2
I regret buying version 2, and hate the UI, so I only use version 1, and my version 2 files had to be exported in Adobe format because v1 cant open v2 files, or copy and paste from one app to the other. V2 maybe has some useful features over V1, but cant stand the UI make. Next time Affinity redesign a UI try talking with real users, that use the product for hours, not simply users doing a quick fix on a photo.
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1 year ago, rkoradioman
Apple App Store Purchase But App Does Not See it
I had just checked out the trial version of this on my iPad, looks great, lots of different options, and though I would purchase it. Bought it on the Apple App Store, created an account through the website, shows my purchase there, but when I sign into the account on the app and use the same info, and hit the continue button, it doesn’t go to the next screen. How do I connect the info from the website that shows the purchase to the app? Please advise.
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1 month ago, Swipe69
Lack of AI features which is disappointing
I bought the universal license over a year ago. I really do like and truly enjoy Affinity Photo2. However, the lack of AI features to enhance my workflow has truly hindered this extremely well-made app. I worry that they may fall behind in this new merging of digital and ai inspired art. Without things like “AI replace” or “generative fill” Serif may have difficulty staying competitive.
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1 month ago, Manu_8a
Awesome Photoshop Alternative
I’ve been using Affinity Photo for editing photos in my iPad and it works great with the Apple Pencil. My previous workflow was Procreate + Photoshop (desktop) when working on illustrations, but with this app I can do everything straight from my iPad now. It’s just great!
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1 year ago, yoichi10
Horrible Interface
The interface on this app is just awful. I’ve used several apps, this one came recommended, but trying to use it is just too difficult. And one minor adjustment applied to a photo for color correction made the image so burned out I scrapped the app. I’ve been editing photos for years. I know how these things should work. Oh yeah, and it crashed twice trying to open an image.
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6 months ago, Jonnyb098
Full of bugs and usability issues
Version 2 is a confusing mess not only from a usability perspective but also just full of bugs. Too many to list. Things just don’t function as you’d expect especially simple things like layer styles or brushes. Not sure why the developers chose this route but it’s just a mess. There was no reason to blow everything up and start from scratch like this. Shame
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5 months ago, Sengoku_us
Will there be iOS 17 support for version 1 of Affinity Photo?
I own both version 1 and version 2 of Affinity Photo for iPad, but -refer using version 1. As it stands I am stuck on iOS 16 until an update comes out for version 1 of Affinity Photo. Please let there be an update! Thanks
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2 months ago, DPnit
Astrophotography stacking?
Just purchased and found that it does not include the Astro stacking persona as in the Mac version. The company literature indicates that the iPad version has the same functionality as the Mac version. So, is this to be added in upcoming updates? It is the main reason I purchased and disappointed that it was missing from the app.
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1 year ago, Thi-cot
Awful UI for iPad
I cannot believe this app is so completely unintuitive and unnecessary complicated to use. I just wanted to adjust colors and contrast on a tiff picture and I could not achieve anything, where is the undo? Everything was going « fine » until I hit an option on the right, touched a setting and my picture turned green with no visible way to undo this. I gave up and did my things with Lightroom 3 minutes top.
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7 days ago, Ray96m
What Affinity used to be, for the record
Affinity used to be a $29 one-time purchase. You could download it and use it without having to sign in to anything. It was $29 for Affinity Photo and $29 for Affinity Designer. Now, for version 2 as they say (because version one is no longer available or supported) you have to log in. As a note, Canva also owns it now so I suspect subscriptions will come at some point. Basically all the charges are cash grabs.
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9 months ago, NintendoModderz
Better option than Photoshop (You hear that Adobe??)
Already loving this as it even allows you to do a one time purchase to keep the software as is. Super convenient. Way more robust than photoshop lol
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1 year ago, why nick name just send review
Nothing makes sense
Was looking for a photo editor and this just isn’t it. Way way way to difficult to learn and use. Nothing seems to work for me and I have no idea what I’m doing inside this app. There doesn’t seem to be any help tools or tutorial, that I can find, good luck learning. Only things worth while might be stacking and one of the heal brushes. Other than that really disappointing and not worth the money.
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8 months ago, @abelahlou
Awesome Application!
After latest update, I am no longer able to see “DPI” controls during image resize. It only shows vertical and horizontal measurements; dpi is gone. How do I show that one again? iPad Pro 12.9 ~ iPadOS 17
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7 months ago, Rambo8649
Great but not perfect
Great app. Full featured and great to have on my iPad in addition to my Mac. Does what I need so far. Don’t really have any major complaints. I just hope the app continues to evolve in the right direction.
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11 months ago, LeonardoPolodaVinci
I don’t understand the low ratings, might be Adobe bot$
This app offers everything PS has to offer without the headache of a subscription
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9 months ago, BenCha86
I get it
So you are going to charge for each jump in number which is why it’s “2.2” instead of “2.1” or something of that nature. Then your company will probably delete the level 2 apps like you did the level 1 apps. Apple needs to put the kibosh on your dirty practices pronto.
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1 year ago, Digital Interface
I’m not happy at all!!!
I just not that long ago bought the first affinity photo app and now is obsolete with no more updates cause affinity photo 2 is out…. So now I gotta pay again for 2?? There is no free upgrade for paying costumers of the first version?? Only a matter of time before you stop selling full version and only subscription monthly and scalp us more...I’m done with the greed.
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6 months ago, Photoshop-better support
Is there any options for 0 stars?
I bought app and can not login, need it urgent to edit some files. Not able to reset password not able to get email for resetting password. JOKE- 0 stars if they not gonna bring good reason for making my life terrible these days. Hopefully you guys open on Monday so I can reset password, again. JOKE
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1 year ago, thisisnotmyfirsthandle
Outstanding alternative
Powerful and awesomely fully featured at an amazingly affordable price. I really appreciate also the effort Affinity puts into producing video tutorials for teaching and inspiration. A fantastic piece of software!
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1 year ago, Erik Mylastname
Most recent update saved the day
Thank you to the dev team for your updates. App is working exactly as expected and I’m loving it.
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