3.6 (460)
65.6 MB
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Current version
Apparata AB
Last update
10 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for been

3.63 out of 5
460 Ratings
5 years ago, Ninjagamer25
Don't get me wrong, this app is great. I've been using it for quite a while now and it's a great way to keep track of your travels. It's also the best app out of the many options out there for checking countries/states off your list. Although, I think the app could be even better by adding the ability to check off territories, islands, Canadian provinces, Australian states, Hawaiian islands, etc. It’s too bad the developers haven’t been very active in updating things. Hopefully they make these improvements so we can start having even more fun with the app!
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2 years ago, gavin.reviews
v3 is awesome!
It’s been a while since I travelled, so I was excited to open this up again to add India to the list—I was surprised and delighted to find a brand new v3 overhaul! The new features are great—I’m a little obsessive about cataloging things, so the ability to now track cities/regions/airports and travel dates is music to my ears! And my favorite feature of all is the new timeline view, where you can animate your travels over the years 😍. Very excited to see this app getting some love—there’s a lot of potential here for some more awesome features. I think the things I’d like to see most are: - timeline view of regions/cities—maybe could recreate the airplane animatics of Indiana Jones??! - better visibility of US state map. It’s a bit hidden deep in the interface. - animated timeline view of US states, or ability to view them on the main timeline view - some UX improvements—mainly noticing it would be useful to edit visits wherever you see them (like press and hold or something). I had to keep hopping around to different views to edit things which got a bit laborsome. Overall though, this update was an early Christmas present and I’m excited to support future development!
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2 years ago, BlunderbussBetty
Used to be great…
I’ve used Been for years and have always loved it. Whenever I went to a new place I checked it off in my app as quick as I could. Being able to share maps and compare with my friends was one of my favorite things to do. This new update completely borked the functionality I loved. Viewing US States (the country I live in) now requires counting US territories (even down to districts on the same land dependent country). I went from something like 90% completion of US states to 54% because the number of regions went from 50 to 74. Furthermore, even viewing the US requires going through numerous sub-menus which are fairly hidden and not super logical. And when you’ve viewed a page that’s five menus deep, you can’t click the category icon on the bottom of the page to go back to the first page in that category-you have to click the “back” button at the top of the page. I now have to look all over the screen and move my hands to nearly every area there is just to navigate an app that used to be to easy to use. While the visuals are greatly improved, this severe decline in functionality is forcing me to find an alternative.
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4 years ago, Kwiley27
Please add airports!
I absolutely love this app and it has been an amazing asset in my travels over the years to keep track of where I’ve been both within the US and world wide. I only wish there was an airport checklist for when I don’t feel comfortable counting a visit as a state/country but want to mark which airports I’ve been able to experience. They’re all so unique, and it seems a shame to exclude them and count it as a country visit, Even if I have not actually left the country.
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7 years ago, mrowlinson
Missing and miscategorized locations
I just downloaded the Been app and it is missing some territories and miscategorizes some others. For instance, the US and British Virgin Islands are not listed at all. Not categorizing the BVI as a separate entity from the UK seems wrong. You have not visited the UK if you’ve only visited the BVI, and going to London isn’t the same thing as visiting the BVI. Same with the USVI. Also, Puerto Rico is listed as a separate country from the US, which is obviously not the case. Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States for 119 years. Washington DC is almost not listed anywhere. IMO all US states and territories should be included in the listing as “states” for the “United States” view. For other countries, that country’s territories should be listed as separate countries in the “World” view.
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2 years ago, SweetjesusMOS
Maybe the new update was a bit much…
I’ve had this app for years, and it’s simplicity was its drawing point. So I was skeptical at a large update. I actually quite like the *potential* it holds. Obviously I’m just going to list cons here…. -profile offers me to revert back to OG icon, which I toggled….it didn’t revert -airports is interesting, but the search process is devastatingly clunky. Also, in trying out a few airport codes/cities, it appears a lot are missing (GSP & greensboro, for example) If we’re bringing the app in this direction, might I recommend on the next iteration adding UNESCO sites visited.
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4 years ago, JKru
Has so much more potential
This is just a bare bones logging tool in the form of a map. What it does: You just enter the countries (or US States) you’ve been to. You view the map showing where you’ve been What it should do: Allow you to pan and zoom around the globe to explore the world. Keep notes on where you would like to go next. Keep a top 3, 5, or 10 list of where you want to go next along with goal setting to help you make it happen. Have links to Wikipedia for every country/city to make it quick and easier to explore. Add a note about what you did in each country/state that you visited. Give a weighting to the quality of the visit (I.e. vacationed = 10, three day business trip = 5, airport layover = 1) Break up British Virgin Islands separate from UK Probably a lot more you could do with this app. Heck, they should sell ads from airlines, cruise ships, travel agencies, etc for special deals that would help you get to more places!
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2 years ago, nhadams10
Old Version Was Better-but appreciate the effort
While I admire the time and care that was clearly put into the redesign, it is a textbook example of an app becoming overly complex and less user friendly. These additional features might be loved by a subset of power users but even for a very avid traveller such as myself I find them more cumbersome than helpful. I switched classic mode back on but that map now seems grainy. I paid for the premium features and want to keep supporting you but I hope you trim some of this complexity.
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1 year ago, w1z^rd
No way to add timeline data plus miscounted countries
I really enjoy traveling and tracking where I’ve been so really like this app. But I would like to go back and add info about timing of my past trips and can’t find a way to do that. Also, for Oceania, it correctly shows that I’ve been to Australia and French Polynesia and on the bottom it lists 2 countries, but in the summary it just shows one. Also it just has a short list of cities and no way to add the various islands we visited. I’d there is a way to fix both, please let me know.
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2 years ago, Chelsea Estebanez
LOVE IT!! But…
I loveee this app. But I’m wondering if there can be some connection between Apple devices? I have to update the same info from my phone to my iPad every time and I think seamless syncing through maybe your iCloud account would go so far! Love it though. Especially the new update. Even paid for the upgrade and I check it out all the time. I’m a perpetual backpacker so this is super helpful!
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4 years ago, mmedrano17
Great concept, could use some improvement
I love the simple format of this app. It's very easy to use as a first timer. However, I would like to see the following implemented: For the United States map, I would like to include Puerto Rico and the other U.S. Territories. I also would like to include a separate color/function for places I would like to go to but have not gone yet; that would actually help people make notes for travel plans. Aside from these issues, I overall love this app.
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1 year ago, jcassillo
Great update
Love the new look and functionality of the app. Really embraces the travel log elements in a way that Foursquare once did many years ago. My one note would be to see if the Timeline view can be extended to states/territories as well. For people traveling more domestically (in whatever country that may be), it’s a helpful view that tells a cool story for you and/or friends.
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5 years ago, Type33
Thumbs up
This more of a request than a review. To Been, Could you kindly add the total number of listed countries and territories for each continent listed? Instead of just expressing the number of countries the person had been to in either percent or whole number, it should also display what that number is being compared to. For example, I have visited 34 countries in Europe which equates to 59% continental coverage. However, I want to see additional info. I would like to see without having to do additional math that I have visited 34 out of 57 listed European countries. For simplicity, have the app display 34/57. When I tap these numbers, it’ll convert to 59% (which you guys already have in the app). Of course, the same applies for the world count: add ###/252. Thank you! I love the app, by the way. Cheers!
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7 months ago, bstress1
Great app, suggestions
Love the app, however I’ve been to multiple countries in a single month and was hoping there will be an update to rearrange them in order of my travels Add Antarctica to the map Change the UI of the globe so we could zoom/ move the globe around via touch screen instead of the sliding bar Add chronology option to the iPad, it seems to be missing
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2 years ago, RZil
Great App With Room to Improve
As others have said, this is a great app. It functions well and is easy to use. However, it’s data is incomplete. For example, the Virgin Islands are not an available option. It’s strange because you can see them on the map however you cannot search for them. I wish the developers would update this app. With nations not being represented, it feels incomplete.
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2 years ago, sinany03
Visit dates are all messed up
It’s good that with the recent update we can add (multiple) dates for our visits to countries or regions, but the dates are all getting 1 or 2 months pushed back by itself and I couldn’t find my way around this issue. Also, it would be nice addition to have a “currently living” option in the “lived” section when we are picking dates.
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5 months ago, enderDanny, ROBLOX Fan
Great update; few issues
I liked the new update a lot. Although, I think there should be more country regions added. Plus, I think percentage of a country’s regions should count not on dependent territories, but actual regions (who plans on visiting Navassa Island anyways?). Also, the UK glitch should be fixed (the app kicks you out whenever you click on UK).
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8 years ago, 222rv
Could be better
It's cute and I like having a way to look back at all the countries and states I've been to or show people. But I don't like that it doesn't show the states in the 'world view'. Also I wish it had at least major cites so you could actually track where you have been in each country. I don't need it to do much more than that (which is why I picked this app) but not having those options is a real bummer and I'm looking for one that does now...
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11 months ago, Magnolia in Texas
I saw this was used by a travel blogger so thought I’d give it a try. Premium Access was offered for $2.99 so made the purchase. Opened the downloaded app to the Been tab typed in several cities I have been to, then several countries Ive traveled to. Each time I tap on search nothing happens. The screen simply says I have no saved countries. I Went to see if there was a video available with instructions. There is one but its in German. I just wasted $2.99 and most importantly 30 minutes of time. By the way Mexico is not in North America.
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6 years ago, Disgruntled aunt
Love it, needs social aspect
I looove this app and checking off new countries and states. I love that I can download and share my maps and switch between numbers and percentages. Has always worked well for me. I wish there was a social aspect to it where I could be friends with people. “Has Janie been to New Zealand? I forget.” Or if I can look up all my friends that have checked off South Africa and get advice. Thanks!
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2 years ago, RareAngelEyez
Update Needs Revision
Loved this app and have been using it for years, have even recommended it on my travel website. Now since the update (paid for the premium) I’ve noticed that my country count is incorrect. United Kingdom and England are counted as 2 different countries (which technically is correct) but there’s no way Turks and Caicos is in Europe. This update needs a lot of update. Sometimes less is more and the original was great the way it was. Now just a lot of noise and no music.
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2 years ago, Soundhound awesome
Great potential, but unusable with bugs
Update: Fixed the bugs. But should be able to edit dates and details of visits from screens like timeline or chronology. Not just the add screen which is a bit cumbersome to have to go to when you know from other views what you want to add.
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2 years ago, SmagsMcq
Can’t access premium feature.
The new features look like they’d be fun. My partner paid for the premium, only 99 cents. When I tried to do the same, it says I don’t need to pay for it since my partner did (we have one Apple subscription). But it also won’t let me use premium. It gets stuck in a loop between asking me to pay for premium, telling me I don’t need to, but then not giving me access without asking me to pay. I’d gladly pay another 99 cents!
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5 years ago, DMan99999
Shading by number of cities visited
I really like this app. Thanks for offering. As others have suggested it would be helpful to allow finer detail in certain countries like by province in Canada or islands of Hawaii. Would really be cool if the shading would be darker/lighter if you could select which cities or areas you visited (e.g. if only visited London then England would be lighter, but if visited multiple cities of locations it would be darker shading.
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5 years ago, xXBabyCribXx
Amazing app but
This app is amazing and I haven’t ran through any problem while using this but if not difficult can you add a setting in which you can pick a color to color a country. So say I want Japan blue and Russia green I can do that both at the same time on the same map. Anyways this app is amazing and keep up the good work 👍👍👍
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11 months ago, acboyz2
Develop ability to add friends
Great app! However i paid for premium thinking my friend and i could both keep track together. Instead the “comparison” feature is a one-time comparison that you have to do ad hoc. Please integrate the ability to add friends and continuously keep track of friends’ progress
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2 months ago, rafaelvieiragreco73$
Limited ability to view Lived and Wish
This app is really fun and i love it other than my one complaint, you are only able to view Wish and Lived in the main map and in the explore section, you cannot view it on a globe or with a simple list of the countries.
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2 years ago, Yo soy Jaime
Super cool new update!!
I’ve used this app for years to keep track of the countries I’ve been to, and it’s always simply done the job. I just noticed the most recent update, and it seems SO cool. It adds the ability to check off territories, cities, and even airports. Love it. Great work!
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2 years ago, ccavana9
Verizon 3
I have had this app for years and loved it. Verizon 3 looked cool at first, but I really appreciated the previous version because it was so easy to toggle between countries and US states. Not I can’t even get my state count easily because it combined the US region with territories, DC, and other sub-districts. Now I can’t tell my state count since the US total is out of 74. If I could revert it to the previous version… I would.
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1 year ago, dshillis
Way better!
Been has gotten way better in recent updates. I love it and with the upgrades bought the upgrade. One ask is to show a view of my airport locations on a map, and at some point my cities.
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2 years ago, Susabracadabra33
Love! But
I love the app so much that I want to create an account for my daughter on my phone as well (she’s still infant). Unfortunately there can only be one account on a phone at a time, I wish they can allow to switch between different accounts.
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9 months ago, emma7654
Decent but lots of room for improvement
A couple issues: the globe isn’t zoomable (there’s a Mercator projection that is) and the timeline feature is very frustrating. If I went to more than one country in a month it chooses the order for them with no way that I can figure out to manually order (so it will often show up not chronologically)
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2 years ago, Gman$@;(
Masterclass on app updating
This app is a masterclass on how to update an app. Don’t like the changes? You can revert everything and keep it simple. Want cool new premium features? One time purchase, and not expensive. Still runs great, and I love the new functionality.
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2 years ago, murd-7501
Change US Back To States!
This was a fun and simple way to keep track of countries and where you’ve been. The new update however has made the app very difficult to use. You know have to go through 5 submenus to reach states, where before it was one. Also, they added territories that most people will never go to since they are essentially military bases in the middle of nowhere pacific. Please revert for 5 stars!!
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8 years ago, Smack30
Great way to track countries/states
Nice little app to keep track of your travels. Easy format and gives you percentage of total travel. My one wish would be for the amount of countries or states to be present as well as the percentage. I wish it would just say you've been to 30 countries instead of counting all the names.
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2 years ago, Dfree614
Erased my marked locations
This app has been very useful as for my job I traveled around the world a bunch! However after a recent update I went to check/verify a place I had been to and found all of my locations have been erased… unsure what the root cause is but very disappointed seeing how I used this as my source for the few niche places I couldn’t remember.
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4 years ago, _Christeve_
Love it!
I love this app! I’ve got a big travel bug and I’m constantly looking at it seeing what I can check off next 😊 I love the simplicity as well! The only thing I would wish for is labels on the states and countries. That would be an awesome update, but other than that I have nothing to add.
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2 years ago, Kingu85
I pointed out and they responded!
Great! Paying user since day 1 of the new version. Noticed some inconsistency and pointed out in the developer insta account. They answered back and now less than two weeks later… I see them applied. Love their team! Great job!
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8 years ago, Pauli5077
Convenient App
Convenient way to store (and remember) the countries you have visited however I echo other comments which suggest App designers should upgrade app to also show the number of countries you have visited in each region (and in total) as opposed to just percentages. For example not particularly useful to mention you have visited 17% of Africa.
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2 years ago, Slim Shadovich
Reach out !
Just noticed the update and i love it! Have been a user of Been for years and a big advocate for it. Please reach out to me at my email, I would like to spread the word on it through my large social media following. Thanks!
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1 year ago, Wildertrent
Great Update!
The new update with the paid version is a huge improvement. I highly recommend getting it for anyone interested in more detail to their tracking of countries, airports, cities, and so on and so forth.
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2 years ago, Ruwebby
Nice try! But I lost the places I’ve ‘Been’
Just updated app. The map seemed to show most but not all the places I had saved. Then it saved almost nothing I had but it before this app update. There are bigger things to worry about in life than a data problem on this app but it is a bit of a hassle. Just saying.
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2 years ago, Madi Spector
Best of its kind, but…
This is the best app of its kind. However, I wish all countries other than just the US can be expanded to cities visited so users could see where exactly they were in each country in case they want to go back to explore different parts.
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4 months ago, Zxasqw.,-/12
In-app purchases for a where-I’ve-been-tracker? Dumb
So I have to pay for premium just to say I travelled to the UAE? No thanks, I’ll just use one of those scratch off maps. You have to buy those too but at least you get something you didn’t have before. With this, you’re just paying to use your phone.
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2 years ago, Zxml
Love this app
I’m not much of a world traveler, but I’ve done some and plant to again. This app lets me easily see where I’ve been and where is like to go. I’ve used it since it’s early days and the latest update is awesome. Kudos to the developer!
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5 years ago, telamin
Overall good but USA needs work
I think this App is great. Some improvements I would suggest is to include independently governed districts and territories. The United States’ territories include the islands in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the District Of Columbia. But they are not represented in this app as part of the United States or as independent places in North America like Puerto Rico is or as other US territories in Asia are.
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4 years ago, CherAVI
Add abbreviations for places
Great app but could be better if upon closer selection (or selection of the region), it displays the abbreviations of the places. For example, would be helpful to add the abbreviations of the 50 US states. That way, I wouldn’t have to go back and forth between maps to figure out what is where.
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3 years ago, stem1212
Really cool but…
I love this app - it’s super fun to be able to keep track and satisfying to see the percentages! I would just like to be able to add friends on it and share our maps with each other! I think that would be a great feature :) (pls add)
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7 years ago, kcarlson2021
The app is pretty good, but it definitely needs an update and it would definitely be a 5 star game. It needs to have all the countries, cities, and provinces. It seems like the creator of the game is not doing ANYTHING to fix it. People are leaving reviews, but he/she is doing nothing. Just wish it would get updated, now. It should separate the United States Virgin Islands from the USA. Update the map and make it nice or I will delete.
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1 year ago, mookmaak
I can't purchase premium version
I love this app so much, but lately I opened the app i saw a premium version that i can add cities where i have been. I push button 'unlock premium' many times and nothing happen. Please fix it. Thank you
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