
4.8 (31.5K)
169.7 MB
Age rating
Current version
Maxi Mobility, Inc.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Cabify

4.77 out of 5
31.5K Ratings
7 years ago, H2thaG
I like the app, it’s got a great direction.. but Jesus Mexico City needs more cars or the coders need to fix this, the car I always get is 2 miles away... like why? And why is there a search for 20 min option? Like as if I got 20 min to wait for a car.. make the market to be a driver more available... the customers are there... ?? The drivers need to call less. There need to be a way to add pictures to Notes when I set up my reservations.. for badges, entrance key points, something to make it easy for the driver and not have to explain every morning. . And OMG why can’t I switch the address when the ride has started? the driver takes an extra 5 min plugging in the address every time I decide to change it... uber doesn’t do that.. it’s just safer. I Use Cabify for my work commutes, and occasionally night outings... drivers are good, profesional, and clean (unlike UBeR) I just wish there was: -More cars(Mexico City) -More Nice upscale cars (Mexico city) -Picture addition to notes for drivers on reservations. -Address Modification during trip -
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4 years ago, D15a99ed
App doesn't work and poor customer service
While traveling in Colombia, I downloaded this app and other taxi hailing apps since Uber just exited the country. I created an account and added my credit card for payment. The process was straight forward and simple. I proceeded to search and set destination to a popular tourist neighborhood and when I clicked button to order a ride the app gave error message something to the effect of "something when wrong" then closed. Think I saw a message about enabling notifications (couple of in between error messages flashed very quickly). I looked through all options in the app and settings on my phone to enable notifications but it's nowhere to be found. Strange that other apps can turn on and off notifications without issue. I contacted support via the app and got email response fairly promptly but quickly was disappointed. Support responded with generic message about suspicious activity with my account, disabled log in, and asked for copy of my passport and credit card as proof of identity!! Who in their right mind would give out this highly sensitive information. All this just because their app doesn't have option to turn on notifications?
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7 years ago, hkiwan
Bad service. Poor app. Beware!!!
The taxi i ordered kept driving away from my destination farther and farther. while he was supposed to show up from 1.8km away he drove away to 3.8km away and i could see him driving away. When i called him he kept saying i am coming while on the map he was moving away. It took him too long while i was waiting with kids so i cancelled the trip. Then i saw i was charged for the trip!! I tried to see on the app how i could report that and request a refund but there was no place i could do so. My 1st experience with cabify. Bad service and bad app. Pity. To make it even worse when i finally was able to write to their customer service they insisted on the charge and refused to refund. A bunch of thieves to say the least. You give them your credit card details and they abuse it! How can i not cancel the trip if the driver is not showing up? I am the one who should demand compensation for the inconvenience that i had to go through trying to find another taxi with two kids stranded on the street. Thieves!!! Will never use again!!! Beware!!!
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6 years ago, Seville Traveller
Decent app; watch out for overcharges.
This is a fine “me too” app, copying Lyft and Uber and applying it in Spain. The software works as advertised. Unfortunately, the company’s service standards are terrible. As an example, one day I reserved a car (as the app let’s you do) for 6:00 AM the next morning to go to the airport. I received a message soon after saying that a driver had been booked. But then at 5:00 AM I received a message saying “no cars are available.” What to do? I ran down to the street and luckily found a taxi. Ah, but the last-minute message from Cabify also said “go back into the app and cancel your booking” even though they told me I had no car. I ignored that part — no time to waste, as I had to find alternative transport thanks to their error — and so Cabify charged me the full fare I would have paid if I had taken their car. I contacted them to complain. Their response? “We told you you needed to cancel your booking; no refund.”
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7 years ago, Hobss
Great in Peru
Lima enjoys Uber, Beat, EasyTaxi and Cabify. My ranking for quality of service would be Cabify first, then Best and then Uber (I haven’t used EasyTaxi). The requirements that Cabify set to their drivers are much higher than for the other systems. Also cabify treats their drivers more fairly with an insurance for the driver AND customers. They have set the standard for others to follow. The app has an additional feature worth mentioning that is not present in the other apps: you can schedule a ride in advance. And it does it smartly. Cabify will notify nearby drivers with the right time in advance depending on traffic conditions so they are on time at the pick-up point at he requested time.
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6 years ago, IsthmusChristmas
We were in Barcelona for several days and our hotel suggested downloading this app. Each car that showed up was in great condition, very clean, and had very courteous drivers. The drivers also drove very smoothly, which makes my wife happy. Each time, they offer you a bottle of water as well. Finally, I don’t know if the rates are temporary as this is a relatively new service, but it was far less than a regular taxi would charge. Although the drivers seemed surprised each time, we tipped in cash because each time we were surprised at how nice of a ride it was.
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4 years ago, Mcarpint
Don’t trust the scheduling
I needed a ride to the airport in Buenos Aires and Uber is ilegal in Argentina. So I gave Cabify a chance by scheduling a pick up early in the morning on the day of my departure. Needless to say this app disappointed me and I was close to loose my flight. It all started 10’ before the scheduled time. I was ready to take my cab so I open the app and it started to search for the closest available car. The problem was there were none!!! What! How? I was centrally located and I never had an issue finding a cab around. For another 20 minutes the app kept spinning around without being able to secure a service and it kept asking me if I wanted to wait. I finnally gave up, cancelled the request, walked down the street and took a cab that charged me 20% less than what Cabify quoted me for the ride. Thanks Cabify! Never again!
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6 years ago, Eduardo9Sanchez
Complete Rip Off
After using the app for months with no problem at all, as soon as I change my credit card my account is blocked. The worst part? Customer service always kept me hanging, no response, no feedback. I had to create another account, after two rides, blocked again. Same abandonment from customer service. I opened a third account and still, nothing. Again, customer service is not there. No phone, no reply on Twitter, really nothing! I strongly recommend not to download this app.
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7 years ago, J D P S
Malfunctioning app, absolutely horrible customer service
The app looks nice at first sight. Then you try to get a cab. It asks for payment information. You enter it. The app tells you your payment method has been rejected (for no good reason) and prompts you to contact the company’s customer service. You do that. They respond with generic emails with instructions for entering a new payment method. You try again, this time with a different card. Same error message. You write again. You get the same generic email as before. You never hear back from a human. You realize you probably don’t want to be dealing with these people if anything ever goes wrong with a ride. (You recall that news story of the woman who got killed by a Cabify driver in Mexico.) You delete the app, let out a sigh of relief, and go back to Uber.
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5 years ago, KDLao
App with bud and Supoort only justifies, doesnt dilve
I had installed Cabify for the first time and after registering my credit card data, I got message that something was wrong with data and asked me to try again... I did it 3 or 4 times and alway got the same error message. I opened a support ticket and after some answers kind “copy and paste”, I insisted that they analyze the case, since I use the same credit card in Uber and Lifty with jo problems. Finally they told me that as I entered the card data more than 3 times, the system “banned” my credit card number and it’s no longer possible to use it in Cabify App. Despite that, I keep getting daily emails and notifications to use the App... please Cabify, less marketing and more quality technology and support.
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7 years ago, Rikki Fox
Lousy app
I have tried and tried to record my home address on the app and it seems to be impossible. Everytime I write it the app erases it. So I have to send a message with my home address and house characteristics to the driver everytime I request a service. Additionally, my wife left her prescription eyeglasses in a car in another city and it seems to be impossible to contact somebody at Cabify to check if they are available somewhere.
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2 years ago, MikeRussellTX
Garbage. Charged me €10 for a no show even though the app showed me at the exact pickup spot
Tried using this service at the Barcelona Airport. Waited several minutes at the designated spot in the app. The driver didn’t show up. Double checked with airport personnel that I was in the right spot. Still there was no car in sight. The driver never tried to contact me. He then said that I wasn’t there. Cabify charged me a €10 no-show charge. I contacted customer service about this, was offered a 15% coupon on a future fare and was basically told to pound sand. I’ve taken a few dozen Uber and Lyft rides in different cities and this has never happened… once. I have deleted the app and will not attempt to use it again.
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1 month ago, figueredoc
Do not register your card as a payment method in the app because then they begin and end trips without you even having gotten in the car, they charge your card and then support does not make the slightest effort to help. It is best to stay away from this company that STEALS YOUR MONEY! Additionally, don’t be fooled by their responses saying they want the user to contact them so they can set things right, they don’t do anything to set things right. I’ve been contacting them for more than a week on the case and they just answer the same generic response over and over without really looking into what the problem is. They don’t help solve the case at all. STAY AWAY
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6 years ago, HowOriginal!
Financial Fraud
FYI, you WILL get charged the minimum trip fee ($4USD) for simply logging in to the app no matter what every single time, even if you don’t order a trip. You are better off finding a real taxi on the street than using Cabify. This app is greedy for your money and will always take more than they tell you, and they will disappear right after the transaction is processed. Financial fraud is extremely high with this app. There is no customer support that assists or processes refunds. Everything, especially customer service, is automated; there are no real individuals working on the other side. I highly recommend staying away from this app if you value financial security and want to avoid fraud.
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1 year ago, 88362994
buggy app, wouldn’t trust their credit card system
if the driver cancels, the app doesn’t notify you. so you’re just placed back into the waiting queue, so you could be waiting quite a bit with no idea that there is no ride on the way. and the drivers are usually quite far away because there aren’t enough of them. update : the app stopped being able to charge my card. all of my cards, actually, despite deleting them and re-adding them. their “support” blamed it on my bank. all of my banks, i suppose. if you want to compete with Uber you have to be on the same level and these guys absolutely are not
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7 years ago, LostInBuenosAires
scam potential too high
You get charged if you cancel a trip after more than 5 minutes since assigned a driver. Drivers can basically just not show up and when you cancel the trip after a 30 min wait, they charge you the cancelation fee. Now you are late and you have to take a regular cab to make sure you get to your destination at all.
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2 years ago, serdadurico
Customer service is sad, driver threatened me
I took a ride (in Argentina) but when I got to my destination driver asked for payment in dollars since he somehow knew I was tourist. He got extremely intrusive and he reached for his waist. He said that there was going to be trouble. I got scared and gave him a couple of dollars that I had in my wallet and quickly got off, police was not readily available. Customer support said that help is not available since it was paid in cash. I’m switching to Uber and paying by card which is more expensive but gives you the opportunity to charge back in case something like this happens.
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2 years ago, Theworkoutgeek
Do NOT use this app!
Do yourself a favor and avoid using this application!! The ETA keeps changing and it fills out the space between the route and you with MORE rides so it’s never accurate. Not only that, but it will also add time over and over again so you can wait for the ride for over an hour just due to how often it reroutes the driver and how often the ETA changes. Terrible UX! You can’t connect to the driver at all, can’t call, they never pick up the phone or reply to the messages so you’re there wondering if the cab is even on its way for an hour or more. Seriously, just don’t.
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7 years ago, Tandreve
Third time using the service
No complains at the beginning but at the third time call for service and got charged extra when looking at the bill later on. Try to contact Cabify was told I was going to be contacted back but no one has, is been over a week now. I will definitely use another service. Beware
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6 years ago, BU-M390
Like a Spanish Uber, but worse
Terrible GPS tracking and customer service. Turns out the driver got my wrong coordinates so I waited half an hour extra and was charged more despite never moving my location. When asked for help they stated I must make sure that I have the right location. Additionally you need a paypal account if you are outside of Spain. The prices being reasonable along with being able to not get ripped off is a significant help. However always be extra careful since heh never seem to help when you need it.
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2 years ago, heyyannie
Just hail a taxi instead
Was told this was a great alternative to uber in Spain. You’re better off hailing a taxi instead. Tried multiple times to order a car and every time they couldn’t find a driver or they were 30-40 min out. Mind you I’m in the heart of Barcelona. Scheduled a cab for a flight at 5am and when I got the notification the cab is 40 minutes away and now I’ve got to rush at the airport. Easier to just get a taxi at that point instead of trying with cabify.
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5 years ago, pablitoyatusabe
Terrible payment processing system
I am unable to use any U.S. issued Mastercard or Visa cards for any trips in Spain. Cabify’s crappy system will simply reject them outright. In other countries, such as Argentina, I am only able to request cash trips with Cabify, as all four credit cards I tried (Visa, MC and AmEx) were rejected by their system and I couldn’t even use my American PayPal account. I tried helping the Cabify reps with troubleshooting but they cluelessly kept blaming me (rather than attempting to figure out what was wrong) and saying their system works alright. Took 30+ Uber trips in Argentina that week without a single issue.
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2 years ago, jkKingwood
Good customer service
Shout out to Brayan in customer service. Landed in Barcelona and got a ride via Cabify. Told the driver I just arrived from US but he decides to go to departures to wait for me. I said ok and took my kids and wife and all our luggage 4 floors up but by that time the dude is gone and I get charged. Brayan in customer service made it right. Thanks amigo.
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2 years ago, MarioBewegt
Colombia: suspecting fraudulent behavior
We had two taxis arriving with differing license plate. One driver of another one did not end the trip after we left causing an extended bill, which also does not appear in the app but only on the credit card bill. So these are two problems. Fraudulent behavior of drivers (as passenger there is jo way to stop the trip) and faulty book keeping in the app. Waiting on the processing my ticket.
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7 years ago, Mjnatale
Very very pleased
My wife and I used Cabify in Madrid to and from the airport. Both trips were easy to schedule, drivers were extremely polite, cars very clean and rates were way better than cab or Uber. I highly recommend them. My drivers were Jaime and Azucena. Thank you both!
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5 years ago, diego-diego
The worst app ever
It is the worst app ever. I tried to ride two times and in both of them I had problem. In one of them the driver practically obliged me to cancel, since it was taking so much time to arrive at the pick up point and was taking routes opposite to the direction I was. Moreover, they had offer me a discount and it was not applied to the ride I tried to take. In case you can stay with Uber and in countries where is available use also Lyft. In both apps I never had to cancel a ride and every time I needed to contact the customer service it was extremely easy:
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3 years ago, MGVilkin
Terrible customer service
It took threats and a one star rating and asking for a manager but after about 30 back and forth rabbit hole questions over 6 weeks they finally resolved the hacking of my account. Sad that that is the only way to get support from them. I would not have worked so hard at it if they weren’t the biggest game in town for getting cabs. I’m raising my rating from 1 to 3.
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11 months ago, Duceo
Can't trust them
The worst app in Spain. Had so many bad experiences so you can't make this up. The latest is that the driver simply just drives away from your location even you waiting 20min already for him. It seems the app allows the driver to take the next best drive but they let you cancel as they don't care even if you write them. This app allows really bad bad practices so you are not protected as a customer. Just stay with Uber even though I am Not a fan of Uber at all. At least you know what you will get.
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2 years ago, laingpanda782
They need to change their cancellation policy.
After you book a ride, it is impossible to cancel without paying a fee. Drivers in Madrid are probably completely aware of this, and abuse this policy. Drivers will intentionally waste your time, driving in circles and away from the pickup point in hopes of forcing you to cancel and making quick pocket change. If the driver takes an obscene amount of time to pick you up, you should be able to cancel the ride without a fee.
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2 years ago, Joesgirljeri
Works pretty well in Spain, pickup location sometimes off
Overall it was easy to use and the availability of cabs in Spain was good. The pickup location it shows on the map and the place the driver goes is often different, sometimes by a lot, and this is further complicated if there are language barriers.
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5 years ago, this nick name is takkkken
Card error
After signing up just two days ago and the first journey using the one card I have with me goes without hitch, and was impressed. 2 days later and at 1:00AM in the morning they decide my card has an error and will not authorize. Glad it wasn’t my 18 year old daughter. There is no help apart from check your back account make sure their are funds! I deleted the card and te entered it, spoke to my bank and no blocks had been made. Disappointed is not the word. Then it takes you a life time to enter a nickname to moan!!!!
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5 years ago, JmmillerCR
Car never came in Spain
We reserved a car in advance through the app, in Valencia. We didn’t get an updates through the app. When I opened the app five minutes before our scheduled departure I got a pop up that there wasn’t a driver yet. I could select a delay or could cancel. I selected a ten minute delay. After ten minutes I got the same pop up. Fifteen minutes after the scheduled departure we gave up, cancelled and called a taxi. Also, I had credit card errors like other users. Seems that should be fixed.
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4 years ago, J. J. S. Campbell
Will Not Let Me Delete Account!
I would be fine with this app except for the fact that it won’t let me delete my account! I used it in Barcelona and no longer have a need for it, but in order to delete an account you have to submit a complaint which is not being answered so I am just stuck with this account that I don’t need. You should not have to submit a claim or anything to delete an account, that option should be readily available. Trapping customers is so pitiful and annoying.
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11 months ago, KidShad
Cannot create account in Spain US cel
I’m visiting Spain and tried this in Colombia too… cannot create account using my mobile number from the US. I do get certain text messages on my mobile while abroad, but I’m not sure what service Cabify uses that does not allow the message to reach me. Would be ideal if you could validate using an email.
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4 years ago, Yoda Travels
Was good now bad
There used to be a standard of who they hire. Seems the standards have been laced. I’ve now have drivers request cash payments at the end of the ride when I’ve already paid using a credit, another person picking me up who isnt authorized driver, drivers requesting me to pay tolls, drivers stating the fare is too cheap and that they take me to my destination if I pay more in cash. It’s ridiculous. Please go back to the standard of drivers you had before. I’ll even pay more for it.
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2 years ago, Pierce88364
Good, BUT…
The app is relatively simple to use and it worked very well except for one vital function. THE MAP! There was no accuracy with the map and at one point we had to guide our driver step-by-step via chat. Not the biggest deal in the world, but considering this is a location based ride service, you should fix the map.
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2 years ago, lguerra50
Does the job without useless bells and whistles.
Straight forward application that does the job fast and easy at a time when you need to move from point A to point B and have no time to loose.
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2 months ago, Mark127
Can’t even try to use it
I tried for the last 30 mins to create an account… apparently they can’t send SMS in the United States. I can recommend a global SMS provider if they need one. Reliable operations is important to usage. If I can’t depend on the company to work well under good conditions what happens when I’m trying to use it?
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5 years ago, Giubers
Amazing Service
I just had my first ride with this service and I have no complaints .. the rider was very polite .. the car model and arrangements inside makes the customers feel welcome and very valuable. Thanks I will use the service tomorrow and will promote the same with my colleagues
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6 years ago, Smileylizzy
Friendly and reliable
I have been using cabify for about a year and never have problems! Extremely friendly and reliable drivers! Always ensure I am comfortable and lend a hand with suitcases and bags! I don't use any other driver or taxi service, only Cabify.
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4 years ago, john_girl
Wait time, location, and pricing off
Every time I have to wait through two or three 5 minute waits. Could have walked to some places in that time. Both times driver has been at wrong location (across street, at other corner) and had to basically chase them down. I get one price and when I refresh because it’s taking so long, mysteriously the price has now doubled because of demand. Is me requesting twice because of wait time creating artificial demand?
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7 years ago, gfrizza
Excellent service
Juan Carlos provided us an excellent service, he made sure we were comfortable and even provided water and offered to change the temperature inside the car. I highly recommend Cabify, fair price, fast and accurate, and excellent drivers and cars.
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6 years ago, Racsoaromaz
Careful with your data base
I have been charged of a taxi service in London! I’ve never been in England in my life and it was charged to my credit card. I am cash only with Cabify, dirt but I had to block my credit card and order a new plastic just because somebody probably Hacked your account or you have somebody that is not being honest with you guys. Thanks!
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6 years ago, Kytri
Wonderful first impression
I’ve had numerous complaints with Uber that they will not resolve (fraudulent charges from hackers as well as by drivers). This was my first time using the app. It was a perfect transaction! The driver was very friendly and professional. I will be using loyally from now on.
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3 years ago, Eduardo Sanchez!
Worst customer service ever
Had a ride from Cabify in Barcelona, the car broke down and we had to push it between all the passengers in it, in the middle of a super busy roundabout. When we requested for a refund they said that they didn’t mind refunding me because I ended up arriving to my destination. Obviously the reason I arrived was because me and my friends had to literally push the car whilst avoiding traffic passing by. Really terrible.
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7 years ago, ClamVodka
Good Service.
I've used them twice in Marbella. Easy to use App, new vehicles, friendly driver (both times - Calixto). The App has the possibility of advance scheduling rides, which is perfect on the days we can't pick up the kids from school or activities.
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5 years ago, Adrts
“Glitch” app and/or drivers
Downloaded the app. used it 10 times or so. Twice the app navigation system didn’t work and drivers were lost. Once I used my phone applications to help a driver out. 3rd time the driver picked up a wrong person and charged me for a trip while I was texting him I’m not in the car. 4th time the driver was driving around making me cancel a trip and I was getting massively late on a business meeting. I made a complaint to customers service and got a reply stating “it wasn’t a driver’s fault.” without any further explanation. And lastly, my account got blocked saying my password and/or email is incorrect and i’ve never logged out the app. I’ve never experienced these types of issues with uber for example.
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4 years ago, TNTJD
Will not close my account!!!
This firm took all of my information including credit card details. After that the told me they don’t service my are. I asked that the close my account and delete my private information from their server. Despite repeated requests, they have not complied! Their responses are always nonsensical! Apple needs to delete this application!!! Do not sign up for this service!
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5 years ago, generalgoo
Update destroyed the app
I’ve used this app for years and it has worked great. However, with the latest update the app is buggy and unusable. I request a ride and it begins searching, finds a driver but then begins searching again. So I am left wondering if a taxi is coming or not. Any attempt to try and cancel the ride produces an error message. I even uninstalled and then reinstalled the app and now it will not even open. Sad because this used to be a great app.
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11 months ago, Tchaye
Doesn’t work at all, can’t sign in
You cannot sign into the app from an American phone number. Tried on two different phones with 2 different phone providers, the text with the confirmation number is never received. Since a text is the only way to confirm before signing in, the app is totally unusable. Total waste of time (and data to download it while on the go).
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